Ejemplo n.º 1
def _restoreSubscriptionInfoFromDisk(srvObj):
    ngas_root_dir = srvObj.getCfg().getRootDirectory()
    myDir = ngas_root_dir + "/SubscriptionInfo"
    if (not os.path.exists(myDir)):
    saveFile = myDir + "/SubscriptionInfoObj"
    if (not os.path.exists(saveFile)):

    logger.debug('Restoring subscription info from disks ...')
    saveObj = None
        pkl_file = open(saveFile, 'rb')
        saveObj = pickle.load(pkl_file)
    except Exception:
        logger.exception('Fail to restore subscription info from disks')

    if (saveObj == None or len(saveObj) == 0):

        'Appending subscription info to info list kept internally ...')
        srvObj._subscriptionFileList += saveObj
        cmd = "rm " + saveFile
        ngamsPlugInApi.execCmd(cmd, -1)
    except Exception:
        logger.exception('Fail to append filelist to subscription info list')
Ejemplo n.º 2
def stageFiles(filenameList):
    Stage a list of files.
    The system will sort files in the order that they are archived on the tape volumes for better performance
    cmd1 = "stage -r"
    cmd2 = "stage -r -w"
    num_staged = 0
    for filename in filenameList:
        if (isFileOnTape(filename) == 1):
            cmd1 = cmd1 + " " + filename
            cmd2 = cmd2 + " " + filename
            num_staged = num_staged + 1

    t = ngamsPlugInApi.execCmd(cmd1, -1)
    exitCode = t[0]
    if (exitCode != 0):
        logger.error("Staging problem: %s, cmd: %s", str(exitCode), cmd1)
        return -1

    t = ngamsPlugInApi.execCmd(cmd2, -1)
    exitCode = t[0]
    if (exitCode != 0):
        logger.error("Staging problem: %s, cmd: %s", str(exitCode), cmd2)
        return -1

    return num_staged
Ejemplo n.º 3
def checkFitsChecksum(reqPropsObj, stgFile=None):
    Carry out a check of the DATASUM and CHECKSUM for each HDU in the file.

    reqPropsObj:    NG/AMS request properties object (ngamsReqProps).

    stgFile:        If specified this is taken rather than from the Request
                    Properties Object (ngamsReqProps).

    Returns:        Void.
    if (not stgFile): stgFile = reqPropsObj.getStagingFilename()
    cmd = "chksumVerFitsChksum %s" % stgFile
    stat, out = ngamsPlugInApi.execCmd(cmd)
    if (out.find("Status: OK") == -1):
        if (out.find("Status: NOT OK") != -1):
            errMsg = genLog(
                [stgFile, "checkFitsChecksum", "Illegal CHECKSUM/DATASUM"])
            errMsg = "Problem found while checking file: %s. " %\
                     out.replace("\n", "   ")

        # Backwards compatibility with old ESO FITS CHECKSUM scheme: If the
        # file pass the previous scheme, we consider it as OK and do not
        # return the failure.
        cmd = "chksumGenChecksum %s" % stgFile
        stat, out = ngamsPlugInApi.execCmd(cmd)
        if (out.strip().find("0/0000000000000000") == -1):
            raise Exception, errMsg
        chksumUtil = "chksumGenChecksum"
        chksumUtil = "chksumVerFitsChksum"
    logger.debug("File: %s checked with: %s. Result: OK", stgFile, chksumUtil)
def execCmd(cmd, failonerror=True, okErr=[]):
    re = ngamsPlugInApi.execCmd(cmd)
    if (re[0] != 0 and not (re[0] in okErr)):
        errMsg = 'Fail to execute command: "%s". Exception: %s' % (cmd, re[1])
        if (failonerror):
            raise Exception(errMsg)
    return re
Ejemplo n.º 5
def execCmd(cmd, timeout):
    logger.debug('Executing command: %s', cmd)
        ret = ngamsPlugInApi.execCmd(cmd, timeout)
    except Exception, ex:
        if (str(ex).find('timed out') != -1):
            return (-1, 'Timed out (%d seconds): %s' % (timeout, cmd))
            return (-1, str(ex))
Ejemplo n.º 6
def _saveSubscriptionInfoToDisk(srvObj):
    Before ngas server is shutdown, write files from to-be-delivered-list to disks
    otherwise, this information will be lost when server is restarted again
    # get the files currently being transferred but not yet completed
    # save them in the subscriptionInfo so that they can be resumed when server starts up
    li = []
    idx_fileId = ngamsSubscriptionThread.FILE_ID
    idx_filever = ngamsSubscriptionThread.FILE_VER
    for k, fileInfo in srvObj._subscrDeliveryFileDic.items():
        if (fileInfo == None):
        fileInfo = ngamsSubscriptionThread._convertFileInfo(fileInfo)
        li += [(fileInfo[idx_fileId], fileInfo[idx_filever])]
        logger.debug('%s is added to the subscriptionInfoList',

    # also add to files that have not yet been in the queue
    srvObj._subscriptionFileList += li
    if (len(srvObj._subscriptionFileList) == 0):
        logger.debug("**** subscription list is empty!!")

    logger.debug("Saving subscription info to disks ...")
    ngas_root_dir = srvObj.getCfg().getRootDirectory()
    myDir = ngas_root_dir + "/SubscriptionInfo"
    saveFile = myDir + "/SubscriptionInfoObj"

        if (os.path.exists(saveFile)):
            cmd = "rm " + saveFile
            ngamsPlugInApi.execCmd(cmd, -1)
        if (not os.path.exists(myDir)):
        output = open(saveFile, 'wb')
        pickle.dump(srvObj._subscriptionFileList, output)
    except Exception:
        logger.exception('Fail to save subscription info to disks')
def stopAsyncQService(srvObj, reqPropsObj):
    # when the server is shutdown, this is called to stop threads, and save uncompleted list back to database
    ngas_root_dir =  srvObj.getCfg().getRootDirectory()
    myDir = ngas_root_dir + "/AsyncQService"
    saveFile = myDir + "/AsyncRetrieveListObj"

    uuids = asyncReqDic.keys()
    if (len(uuids) == 0):
        if (os.path.exists(saveFile)):
            cmd = "rm " + saveFile
            ngamsPlugInApi.execCmd(cmd, -1)
        return "ok after deleting the file"

    for sessionId in uuids:
        suspendHandler(srvObj, reqPropsObj, sessionId)

    #info(3, "Stopping - root dir = %s" % ngas_root_dir)

    if (not os.path.exists(myDir)):

    asyncReqDic = {} #key - uuid, value - AsyncListRetrieveRequest (need to remember the original request in case of cancel/suspend/resume or server shutting down)
    statusResDic = {} #key - uuid, value - AsyncListRetrieveStatusResponse
    nextFileDic = {} #key - uuid, value - next file_id to be delivered
    threadDic = {} #key - uuid, value - the threadref
    threadRunDic = {} #key - uuid, value - 1/0, 1: run 0: stop
    saveObj = [asyncReqDic, statusResDic, nextFileDic]
        output = open(saveFile, 'wb')
        pickle.dump(saveObj, output)
    except Exception as e:
        ex = str(e)
        return ex

    return "ok"
Ejemplo n.º 8
def ngamsMWACortexStageDppi(srvObj,
    This plugin stages the file from Tape to the disk, works ONLY in the iVEC Cortex environment.

    srvObj:        Reference to instance of the NG/AMS Server
                   class (ngamsServer).

    reqPropsObj:   NG/AMS request properties object (ngamsReqProps).

    filename:      Name of file to process (string).

    Returns:       DPPI return status object (ngamsDppiStatus).
    #mimeType = ngamsPlugInApi.determineMimeType(srvObj.getCfg(), filename)
    mimeType = "application/octet-stream" #hardcode this since our file extension is actually ".fits"
    resultObj = ngamsDppiStatus.ngamsDppiResult(NGAMS_PROC_FILE, mimeType,
                                                    filename, filename)
    statusObj = ngamsDppiStatus.ngamsDppiStatus().addResult(resultObj)

    #procFilename, procDir = ngamsPlugInApi.prepProcFile(srvObj.getCfg(), filename)
    cmd = "sls -D " + filename
    t = ngamsPlugInApi.execCmd(cmd, -1)
    exitCode = t[0]
    if (exitCode != 0 or len(t) != 2):
        logger.error("Fail to query the online/offline status for file %s", filename)
        return statusObj #the sls -D command failed to execute, but retrieval might still go on, so just simply return empty result

    offline = t[1].find('offline;')

    if (offline != -1): # the file is offline, i.e. it is on tape
        logger.debug("File %s is currently on tapes, staging it for retrieval...", filename)
        cmd = "stage -w " + filename
        t = ngamsPlugInApi.execCmd(cmd, -1) #stage it back to disk cache
        logger.debug("File %s staging completed.", filename)

    return statusObj
def ngamsMWA_Compress_FilterPlugin(srvObj,
    srvObj:        Reference to NG/AMS Server Object (ngamsServer).

    plugInPars:    Parameters to take into account for the plug-in
                   execution (string).

    fileId:        File ID for file to test (string).

    filename:      Filename of (complete) (string).

    fileVersion:   Version of file to test (integer).

    reqPropsObj:   NG/AMS request properties object (ngamsReqProps).

    Returns:       0 if the file does not match, 1 if it matches the
                   conditions (integer/0|1).
    if (not isMWAVisFile(fileId)):
        return 0  # only add MWA Vis FITS file

    cmd = 'head -c %d %s' % (1024 * 3, filename)
        re = ngamsPlugInApi.execCmd(cmd)
    except Exception as ex:
        if (str(ex).find('timed out') != -1):
            logger.error('Timed out when checking FITS header %s', cmd)
            logger.error('Exception when checking FITS header %s: %s', cmd,
        return 0

    if (0 == re[0]):
        a = re[1].find("XTENSION= 'BINTABLE'")
        if (a > -1):
            return 0  # if the file is already compressed, do not add again
            logger.info("File %s added", filename)
            return 1
        logger.warning('Fail to check header for file %s: %s', filename, re[1])
        return 0
Ejemplo n.º 10
def isFileOnTape(filename):
    return 1 - on tape, 0 - not on tape, -1 - query error
    cmd = "sls -D " + filename
    t = ngamsPlugInApi.execCmd(cmd, -1)
    exitCode = t[0]
    if (exitCode != 0 or len(t) != 2):
        logger.error("Fail to query the online/offline status for file %s",
        #print errMsg
        return -1  #raise error

    offline = t[1].find(
    )  # Do not use "archdone" any more given this reason: http://www.mail-archive.com/[email protected]/msg00419.html

    if (offline != -1):  # the file is offline, i.e. it is on tape
        return 1
        return 0
Ejemplo n.º 11
def stageFile(filename):
    cmd = "stage -w " + filename
    print("File %s is on tape, staging it now..." % filename)
    ngamsPlugInApi.execCmd(cmd, -1)  #stage it back to disk cache
    print("File " + filename + " staging completed.")
Ejemplo n.º 12
def compressFile(srvObj, reqPropsObj, parDic):
    Compress the file if required.

    srvObj:       Reference to NG/AMS Server Object (ngamsServer).

    reqPropsObj:  NG/AMS request properties object (ngamsReqProps).

    parDic:       Dictionary with parameters for the DAPI. This is generated
                  with ngamsPlugInApi.parseDapiPlugInPars() (Dictionary).

    Returns:      Tupe containing uncompressed filesize, archived filesize
                  and the format (mime-type) of the resulting data file and
                  the compression method (NONE if the file is not compressed),
                  finally, the extension added by the compression if any
    stFn = reqPropsObj.getStagingFilename()

    # If a compression application is specified, apply this.
    uncomprSize = ngamsPlugInApi.getFileSize(stFn)
    comprExt = ""
    if (parDic[COMPRESSION]):
        logger.debug("Compressing file using: %s ...", parDic[COMPRESSION])
        compCmd = "%s %s" % (parDic[COMPRESSION], stFn)
        compress_start = time.time()
        logger.debug("Compressing file with command: %s", compCmd)
        exitCode, stdOut = ngamsPlugInApi.execCmd(compCmd)
        #if (exitCode != 0):
        #    msg ="Problems during archiving! Compressing the file failed. " +\
        #          "Error: %s" % str(stdOut).replace("/n", "   ")
        #    raise Exception, msg
        # If the compression fails, assume that it is because the file is not
        # compressible (although it could also be due to lack of disk space).
        if (exitCode == 0):
            if (parDic[COMPRESSION_EXT]):
                stFn = stFn + "." + parDic[COMPRESSION_EXT]
                comprExt = parDic[COMPRESSION_EXT]
            # Remember to update Staging Filename in the Request Properties
            # Object.

            # Handle mime-type
            if (parDic[TARG_MIME_TYPE]):
                format = parDic[TARG_MIME_TYPE]
                format = ngamsPlugInApi.determineMimeType(
                    srvObj.getCfg(), stFn)
            compression = parDic[COMPRESSION]

            logger.debug("File compressed. Time: %.3fs",
                         time.time() - compress_start)
            # Carry on with the original file. We take the original mime-type
            # as the target mime-type.
            format = reqPropsObj.getMimeType()
            compression = NO_COMPRESSION
        # Handle mime-type
        if (parDic[TARG_MIME_TYPE]):
            format = parDic[TARG_MIME_TYPE]
            format = reqPropsObj.getMimeType()
        compression = NO_COMPRESSION

    archFileSize = ngamsPlugInApi.getFileSize(reqPropsObj.getStagingFilename())
    return uncomprSize, archFileSize, format, compression, comprExt
def ngamsBrotherPT9200DxPlugIn(srvObj, label, reqPropsObj=None):
    Driver for printing labels on the label printer Brother PT-9200DX.

    srvObj:           Reference to instance of the NG/AMS Server
                      class (ngamsServer).

    label:            Label text to print (string).

    reqPropsObj:      NG/AMS request properties object (ngamsReqProps).

    Returns:          Void.
    plugInPars = srvObj.getCfg().getLabelPrinterPlugInPars()
    logger.info("Executing plug-in ngamsBrotherPT9200DxPlugIn with parameters: " + \
                "%s - Label: %s ...", plugInPars, label)
    parDic = ngamsPlugInApi.parseRawPlugInPars(plugInPars)

    # Get the font bit pattern dictionary.
    fontDic = genFontsDictionary(parDic["font_file"])

    # Generate the printer control code.
    printerCode = fontDic["Header"]
    for i in range(len(label)):
        if (not fontDic.has_key(label[i])):
            errMsg = "No font defintion for character: \"" + label[i] +\
                     "\" - in font definition file: " + parDic["font_file"] +\
                     " - cannot generate disk label: " + label
            ngamsPlugInApi.notify(srvObj, NGAMS_NOTIF_ERROR,
                                  "ngamsBrotherPT9200DxPlugIn: " +\
                                  "ILLEGAL CHARACTER REQ. FOR PRINTING",
            raise Exception(errMsg)

        printerCode = printerCode + fontDic[label[i]]
    printerCode = printerCode + fontDic["Trailer"]

    # Generate printer file, write the printer control code.
    tmpDir = ngamsPlugInApi.getTmpDir(srvObj.getCfg())
    ngasId = srvObj.getHostId()
    printerFilename = os.path.normpath(tmpDir + "/ngamsLabel_" + ngasId +
    fo = open(printerFilename, "w")

    # Write the printer code file to the device.
    stat, out = ngamsPlugInApi.execCmd("cat " + printerFilename + " > " +\

    # This was previously excluded during the "test mode"; a proper way is by
    # having a configurable parameter
    if not 'keep_printer_file' in parDic:
        os.system("rm -f " + printerFilename)

    if (stat != 0):
        errMsg = "Problem occurred printing label! Error: " + str(out)
        ngamsPlugInApi.notify(srvObj, NGAMS_NOTIF_ERROR,
                              "ngamsBrotherPT9200DxPlugIn: " +\
                              "PROBLEM PRINTING LABEL", errMsg)
        raise Exception(errMsg)
Ejemplo n.º 14
def ngamsFitsRegPlugIn(srvObj, reqPropsObj, parDic):
    Data Registration Plug-In to handle registration of FITS files.

    srvObj:       Reference to NG/AMS Server Object (ngamsServer).

    reqPropsObj:  NG/AMS request properties object (ngamsReqProps).

    Returns:      Standard NG/AMS Data Archiving Plug-In Status as generated
                  by: ngamsPlugInApi.genDapiSuccessStat() (ngamsDapiStatus).
    logger.info("Plug-In registering file with URI: %s", reqPropsObj.getFileUri())
    diskInfo = reqPropsObj.getTargDiskInfo()
    stageFile = reqPropsObj.getStagingFilename()

    # If the file is already compressed, we have to decompress it.
    procDir = ""
    if ((stageFile.find(".Z") != -1) or (stageFile.find(".gz") != -1)):
        workingFile, procDir = ngamsPlugInApi.prepProcFile(srvObj.getCfg(),
        ngamsPlugInApi.execCmd("gunzip " + workingFile)
        if (workingFile.find(".Z") != -1):
            workingFile = workingFile[:-2]
            workingFile = workingFile[:-3]
        workingFile = stageFile

    # Check file (size + checksum).
    #ngamsFitsPlugIn.c_heckChecksum(parDic, workingFile)
    if 'skip_checksum' not in parDic:
        ngamsFitsPlugIn.checkFitsChecksum(reqPropsObj, workingFile)

    # Get various information about the file being handled.
    arcFile, dpId, dateDirName = ngamsFitsPlugIn.getDpIdInfo(workingFile)
    fileVersion, relPath, relFilename,\
                 complFilename, fileExists =\
                 ngamsPlugInApi.genFileInfoReg(srvObj.getDb(), srvObj.getCfg(),
                                               reqPropsObj, diskInfo,
                                               stageFile, dpId)

    # Generate status.
    logger.debug("Generating status ...")
    fileSize = ngamsPlugInApi.getFileSize(stageFile)
    if (stageFile.find(".Z") != -1):
        format = "application/x-cfits"
        compresion = "compress"
    elif (stageFile.find(".gz") != -1):
        format = "application/x-gfits"
        compresion = "gzip"
        format = "image/x-fits"
        compresion = ""
    uncomprSize = ngamsPlugInApi.getFileSize(workingFile)

    # Delete the processing directory (would be done later by the
    # Janitor Thread, but it is better to clean up explicitly).
    if (procDir): rmFile(procDir)

    logger.debug("Register Plug-In finished processing of file")
    return ngamsPlugInApi.genRegPiSuccessStat(diskInfo.getDiskId(),relFilename,
                                              dpId, fileVersion, format,
                                              fileSize, uncomprSize,compresion,
                                              relPath, diskInfo.getSlotId(),
                                              fileExists, complFilename)
Ejemplo n.º 15
def ngamsNgLogPlugIn(srvObj, reqPropsObj):
    Data Archiving Plug-In to handle archiving of NG/AMS (OLAS style) log

    srvObj:       Reference to NG/AMS Server Object (ngamsServer).

    reqPropsObj:  NG/AMS request properties object (ngamsReqProps).

    Returns:      Standard NG/AMS Data Archiving Plug-In Status
                  as generated by: ngamsPlugInApi.genDapiSuccessStat()
    # For now the exception handling is pretty basic:
    # If something goes wrong during the handling it is tried to
    # move the temporary file to the Bad Files Area of the disk.
    logger.debug("Plug-In handling data for file: %s",
    diskInfo = reqPropsObj.getTargDiskInfo()
    stagingFilename = reqPropsObj.getStagingFilename()
    ext = os.path.splitext(stagingFilename)[1][1:]

    # Now, build final filename. We do that by taking the date of
    # the first log entry.
    #    2001-07-09T14:37:59.563 [INFO] Logging properties defined ...
    # Alternatively the first entry could be of the form, e.g.:
    #    2003-12-29T09:21:57.608 [INFO] LOG-ROTATE: 1072689717 - \
    #      SYSTEM-ID: ngamsArchiveClient@ngasdev2
    # In the former case the Log ID is equal to the NGAS ID. In the latter
    # case, the Log ID is equal to the System ID.
    # The final filename is built as follows: <Log ID>.<date>.<ext>
    # The file_id is: <Log ID>.<date>
    fo = open(stagingFilename, "r")
    firstLine = fo.readline()
        # Compress the log file.
        uncomprSize = ngamsPlugInApi.getFileSize(stagingFilename)
        compression = "gzip"
        logger.debug("Compressing file using: %s ...", compression)
        exitCode, stdOut = ngamsPlugInApi.execCmd("%s %s" %\
        if (exitCode != 0):
            errMsg = "ngamsNgLogPlugIn: Problems during archiving! " +\
                     "Compressing the file failed"
            raise Exception(errMsg)
        stagingFilename = stagingFilename + ".gz"
        # Remember to update the Temporary Filename in the Request
        # Properties Object.
        logger.debug("Log file compressed")

        # Parse first line of the log file.
        timeStamp = firstLine.split(" ")[0]
        date = timeStamp.split("T")[0]
        sysIdIdx = firstLine.find("SYSTEM-ID")
        if (sysIdIdx != -1):
            logId = firstLine[sysIdIdx + len("SYSTEM-ID:"):].strip().\
                    split(" ")[0]
            logId = srvObj.getHostId()
        fileId = logId + "." + timeStamp
        fileVersion, relPath, relFilename,\
                     complFilename, fileExists =\
                                                reqPropsObj, diskInfo,
                                                stagingFilename, fileId,
                                                fileId, [date])

        # Generate status.
        logger.debug("Generating status ...")
        fformat = ngamsPlugInApi.determineMimeType(srvObj.getCfg(),
        logger.debug("Determining file size ...")
        fileSize = ngamsPlugInApi.getFileSize(stagingFilename)
        return ngamsPlugInApi.genDapiSuccessStat(
            diskInfo.getDiskId(), relFilename, fileId, fileVersion,
            fformat, fileSize, uncomprSize, compression, relPath,
            diskInfo.getSlotId(), fileExists, complFilename)
    except Exception:
        raise Exception("ngamsNgLogPlugIn: Error handling log file: " +\
              stagingFilename + ". Rejecting.")
def execCmd(cmd, failonerror=True):
    re = ngamsPlugInApi.execCmd(cmd)
    if (failonerror and (not os.WIFEXITED(re[0]))):
        errMsg = 'Fail to execute command: "%s". Exception: %s' % (cmd, re[1])
        raise Exception(errMsg)
    return re