Ejemplo n.º 1
def reorder_spatial_axes(tensor):
    Assumes we are getting a C, H, N, or C, H, W, N, or C, D, H, W, N
    spatial_axes = tensor.axes.spatial_axes()
    batch_axes = tensor.axes.batch_axes()

    if len(spatial_axes) == 0 or len(spatial_axes) > 3:
        raise ValueError(
            'spatial ops can only operate on tensors with 1, 2, or 3 spatial axes.'
            'Found {}'.format(spatial_axes))

    if not batch_axes:
        raise ValueError('spatial ops require a batch axis')

    if not tensor.axes.channel_axis():
        c = ng.make_axis(length=1, name='C')
        tensor = ng.expand_dims(tensor, c, 0)
    channel_axes = ng.make_axes(tensor.axes.channel_axis())

    if len(spatial_axes) == 1:
        w = ng.make_axis(length=1, name=_WIDTH)
        tensor = ng.expand_dims(tensor, w, 0)
        spatial_axes = spatial_axes + w

    if len(spatial_axes) == 2:
        d = ng.make_axis(length=1, name=_DEPTH)
        tensor = ng.expand_dims(tensor, d, 0)
        spatial_axes = ng.make_axes([d]) + spatial_axes

    new_axes = channel_axes + spatial_axes + batch_axes
    return ng.axes_with_order(tensor, new_axes)
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def _build_module(self, input_layer):
        # Dueling Network
        # state value tower - V
        output_axis = ng.make_axis(self.num_actions, name='q_values')

        state_value = neon.Sequential([

        # action advantage tower - A
        action_advantage_unnormalized = neon.Sequential([
        action_advantage = action_advantage_unnormalized - ng.mean(

        repeated_state_value = ng.expand_dims(
            ng.slice_along_axis(state_value, state_value.axes[0], 0),
            output_axis, 0)

        # merge to state-action value function Q
        self.output = repeated_state_value + action_advantage
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def _build_module(self, input_layer):
        # This is almost exactly the same as Dueling Network but we predict the future measurements for each action

        multistep_measurements_size = self.measurements_size[0] * self.num_predicted_steps_ahead

        # actions expectation tower (expectation stream) - E
        with name_scope("expectation_stream"):
            expectation_stream = neon.Sequential([
                neon.Affine(nout=256, activation=neon.Rectlin(),
                            weight_init=self.weights_init, bias_init=self.biases_init),
                            weight_init=self.weights_init, bias_init=self.biases_init)

        # action fine differences tower (action stream) - A
        with name_scope("action_stream"):
            action_stream_unnormalized = neon.Sequential([
                neon.Affine(nout=256, activation=neon.Rectlin(),
                            weight_init=self.weights_init, bias_init=self.biases_init),
                neon.Affine(nout=self.num_actions * multistep_measurements_size,
                            weight_init=self.weights_init, bias_init=self.biases_init),
                neon.Reshape((self.num_actions, multistep_measurements_size))
            action_stream = action_stream_unnormalized - ng.mean(action_stream_unnormalized)

        repeated_expectation_stream = ng.slice_along_axis(expectation_stream, expectation_stream.axes[0], 0)
        repeated_expectation_stream = ng.expand_dims(repeated_expectation_stream, output_axis, 0)

        # merge to future measurements predictions
        self.output = repeated_expectation_stream + action_stream
Ejemplo n.º 4
def test_conv_flatten_deriv(n4_hw12_c3_5x5):
    Test deriv of conv followed by flatten
    cf = ConvParams(**n4_hw12_c3_5x5)

    axes_rsck = ng.make_axes([cf.ax_f[2], cf.ax_f[3], cf.ax_f[0], cf.ax_f[-1]])
    axes_rsck_prime = ng.make_axes([ng.make_axis(name=ax.name + 'p', length=ax.length)
                                    for ax in axes_rsck])
    axes_nmpqk = ng.make_axes([cf.ax_o[-1], cf.ax_o[1], cf.ax_o[2], cf.ax_o[3], cf.ax_o[0]])

    # broadcast input / filter axes
    input_var = ng.variable(cf.ax_i).named('input')
    input_val = np.ones(input_var.axes.lengths)

    filter_rsck_prime = ng.variable(axes_rsck_prime).named('filter')
    filter_var = filter_rsck_prime
    filter_rsck = ng.cast_axes(filter_rsck_prime, axes_rsck).named('frsck')
    filter_trsck = ng.expand_dims(filter_rsck, cf.ax_f[1], 0).named('ftrsck')
    filter_ctrsk = ng.axes_with_order(filter_trsck, axes=cf.ax_f).named('ctrsk')

    # convolution
    output_kmpqn = ng.convolution(cf.conv_params, input_var, filter_ctrsk, axes=cf.ax_o)
    output_nmpqk = ng.axes_with_order(output_kmpqn, axes=axes_nmpqk)

    # slice away the oD
    out_slicing = [slice(None), 0, slice(None), slice(None), slice(None)]
    output_npqk = ng.tensor_slice(output_nmpqk, out_slicing)

    output = ng.flatten_at(output_npqk, idx=1)

    # cost and grad
    cost = ng.sum(output, out_axes=())

    filter_val = np.ones(filter_var.axes.lengths)

    with ExecutorFactory() as factory:

        conv_comp = factory.executor(output, filter_var, input_var)
        grad_filter_num_comp = factory.numeric_derivative(cost, filter_var, 1.0, input_var)
        grad_filter_sym_comp = factory.derivative(cost, filter_var, input_var)

        grad_input_num_comp = factory.numeric_derivative(cost, input_var, 1.0, filter_var)
        grad_input_sym_comp = factory.derivative(cost, input_var, filter_var)

        conv_val = conv_comp(filter_val, input_val)
        conv_val_num = np.empty_like(conv_val)
        ng.testing.assert_allclose(conv_val, conv_val_num)

        grad_filter_num_val = grad_filter_num_comp(filter_val, input_val)
        grad_filter_sym_val = grad_filter_sym_comp(filter_val, input_val)
        ng.testing.assert_allclose(grad_filter_num_val, grad_filter_sym_val)

        grad_input_num_val = grad_input_num_comp(input_val, filter_val)
        grad_input_sym_val = grad_input_sym_comp(input_val, filter_val)
        ng.testing.assert_allclose(grad_input_num_val, grad_input_sym_val)
Ejemplo n.º 5
def test_conv_flatten_deriv(transformer_factory):
    Test deriv of conv followed by flatten
    # set shape
    C, D, H, W, N = (3, 1, 28, 28, 8)
    C, T, R, S, K = (3, 1, 5, 5, 32)

    # i, f, o axes
    ax_i = ng.make_axes([ax.C, ax.D, ax.H, ax.W, ax.N])
    ax_f = ng.make_axes([ax.C, ax.T, ax.R, ax.S, ax.K])
    ax_o = ng.make_axes([
        ng.make_axis(32, roles=[ar.Channel]),
        ng.make_axis(1, roles=[ar.Depth]),
        ng.make_axis(24, roles=[ar.Height]),
        ng.make_axis(24, roles=[ar.Width]), ax.N
    ax_i.set_shape((C, D, H, W, N))
    ax_f.set_shape((C, T, R, S, K))
    params = dict(pad_d=0, pad_h=0, pad_w=0, str_d=1, str_h=1, str_w=1)
    axes_rsck = ng.make_axes([ax.R, ax.S, ax.C, ax.K])
    axes_rsck_prime = ng.make_axes(
        [ng.make_axis(l) for l in axes_rsck.lengths])

    # broadcast input / filter axes
    image = ng.constant(np.ones(ax_i.lengths), ax_i)
    filter = ng.variable(axes_rsck_prime, initial_value=np.ones((R, S, C, K)))
    filter_casted = ng.cast_axes(filter, axes_rsck)
    filter_casted = ng.expand_dims(filter_casted, ax.T, 0)
    filter_casted = ng.axes_with_order(filter_casted, axes=ax_f)

    # convolution
    output = ng.convolution(params, image, filter_casted, axes=ax_o)
    oC, oD, oH, oW, oN = output.axes
    output = ng.axes_with_order(output,
                                axes=ng.make_axes([oN, oD, oH, oW, oC]))

    # slice away the oD
    out_slicing = [slice(None), 0, slice(None), slice(None), slice(None)]
    conv = ng.Slice(output, out_slicing)
    flatten = ng.flatten_at(conv, idx=1)

    # cost and grad
    cost = ng.sum(flatten, reduction_axes=flatten.axes)
    grad = ng.deriv(cost, filter)

    # compute
    conv_grad_comp = executor([conv, grad])
    conv_val, grad_val = conv_grad_comp()

    assert np.allclose(conv_val, np.zeros_like(conv_val) + 75.)
    assert np.allclose(grad_val, np.zeros_like(grad_val) + 4608.)
Ejemplo n.º 6
 def expand_with_name(tensor, axis, index=0):
     if isinstance(axis, Axis):
         if axis in tensor.axes:
             return tensor, axis
         if (axis.length is not None) and (axis.length > 1):
             raise IncompatibleAxesError("Cannot expand tensor to an axis with length > 1: {}"
                                         ", length={}".format(axis.name, axis.length))
         axis.length = 1
         if axis in tensor.axes.names:
             return tensor, tensor.axes.find_by_name(axis)[0]
         axis = ng.make_axis(name=axis, length=1)
     return ng.expand_dims(tensor, axis, index), axis
Ejemplo n.º 7
def make_reduction_op(ng_op_type, onnx_node, ng_input):
    # type: (Callable, NodeWrapper, TensorOp) -> Op
    Create an ngraph Op node for a reduction operation (min, max, sum, etc.)

    :param ng_op_type: an ngraph reduction factory function such as ng.max, etc.
    :param onnx_node: wrapped ONNX node
    :param ng_input: ngraph Op to be used as input to the reduction node
    reduction_ng_axes = get_reduction_axes(onnx_node)
    op = ng_op_type(ng_input, reduction_axes=reduction_ng_axes)

    if onnx_node.get_attribute_value('keepdims', default=1):
        for axis in reduction_ng_axes:
            pos = ng_input.axes.index(axis)
            new_axis = ng.make_axis(length=1, name=axis.name)
            op = ng.expand_dims(op, new_axis, pos)

    return op
Ejemplo n.º 8
def test_shuffled_deriv(transformer_factory):
    # This gets the axes of a delta in a generate_add_delta in a different order than the
    # value being updated
    C = ng.make_axis(length=3)
    T = ng.make_axis(length=1)
    R = ng.make_axis(length=5)
    S = ng.make_axis(length=5)

    axes = [R, S, C]
    v = ng.variable([ng.make_axis(_.length) for _ in axes])
    rsc = ng.cast_axes(v, axes)
    trsc = ng.expand_dims(rsc, T, 0)
    ctrs = ng.axes_with_order(trsc, axes=[C, T, R, S])
    cost = ng.sum(ctrs, out_axes=None)
    grad = ng.deriv(cost, v)

    with ExecutorFactory() as ex:
        d_fun = ex.executor(grad)
Ejemplo n.º 9
def test_shuffled_deriv():
    # This gets the axes of a delta in a generate_add_delta in a different order than the
    # value being updated
    ax = ng.make_name_scope("ax")
    ax.C = ng.make_axis(3)
    ax.T = ng.make_axis(1)
    ax.R = ng.make_axis(5)
    ax.S = ng.make_axis(5)

    axes = [ax.R, ax.S, ax.C]
    v = ng.variable([ng.make_axis(_.length) for _ in axes])
    rsc = ng.cast_axes(v, axes)
    trsc = ng.expand_dims(rsc, ax.T, 0)
    ctrs = ng.axes_with_order(trsc, axes=[ax.C, ax.T, ax.R, ax.S])
    cost = ng.sum(ctrs, out_axes=None)
    grad = ng.deriv(cost, v)

    ex = ExecutorFactory()
    d_fun = ex.executor(grad)
Ejemplo n.º 10
    def MaxPool(self, tf_node, inputs):
        Performs the max pooling on the input.

            tf_node: NodeDef object, the tensorflow node to convert.
            inputs: List of ngraph Ops as inputs to this node.

            A ngraph Op corresponding to the tensorflow node.

        Inputs to tf_node:

        TODO: assume default tensorflow layout NHWC, RSCK,
              need to support NCHW as well
              need to clean up / merge with conv2d

                      Tensorflow          Ngraph
            in       (N, H, W, C)     (C, D, H, W, N)
            out      (N, P, Q, K)     (K, M, P, Q, N)

        Notes on output shape:
        image = inputs[0]

        # TODO: currently NHWC only
        assert tf_node.attr['data_format'].s.decode("ascii") == "NHWC"

        # new axes
        C, D, H, W, K, M, P, Q = [ng.make_axis() for _ in range(8)]
        N = ng.make_axis(name='N')
        D.length, M.length = 1, 1  # only supports 2D conv for now

        # tf's input axes
        ax_i_tf = ng.make_axes([N, H, W, C])

        # ksize params
        tf_ksize = [int(s) for s in list(tf_node.attr['ksize'].list.i)]
        if len(tf_ksize) != 4:
            raise ValueError("Length of ksize my be 4.")
        if tf_ksize[0] != 1:
            raise NotImplementedError('Ksize on batch axis (N) must be 1.')
        if tf_ksize[3] != 1:
            raise NotImplementedError('Ksize on channel axis (C) must be 1.'
                                      'Cross map pooling to be implemented.')
        R_length, S_length = tf_ksize[1:3]
        T_length = J_length = 1

        # strides params
        tf_strides = [int(s) for s in list(tf_node.attr['strides'].list.i)]
        if len(tf_strides) != 4:
            raise ValueError("Length of strides my be 4.")
        if tf_strides[0] != 1:
            raise NotImplementedError('Strides on batch axis (N) must be 1.')
        if tf_strides[3] != 1:
            raise NotImplementedError('Strides on channel axis (C) must be 1.')
        str_h, str_w = tf_strides[1], tf_strides[2]

        # padding params
        padding = tf_node.attr['padding'].s.decode("ascii")
        pad_t, pad_b, pad_l, pad_r = common_conv2d_pool_padding(
            image.axes.lengths, (R_length, S_length, C.length, C.length),
            tf_strides, padding)
        if pad_t != pad_b or pad_l != pad_r:
            raise NotImplementedError("Requires symmetric padding in ngraph:"
                                      "pad_t(%s) == pad_b(%s) and"
                                      "pad_l(%s) == pad_r(%s)" %
                                      (pad_t, pad_b, pad_l, pad_r))
        # pooling params
        params = dict(op='max',
                      pad_d=0, pad_h=pad_t, pad_w=pad_l, pad_c=0,
                      str_d=1, str_h=str_h, str_w=str_w, str_c=1,
                      J=J_length, T=T_length, R=R_length, S=S_length)

        # tf's output axes
        ax_o_tf = ng.make_axes([N, P, Q, K])
                                                          (R_length, S_length,
                                                           C.length, C.length),
                                                          tf_strides, padding))

        # ngraph's i, f, o axes
        ax_i = ng.make_axes([C, D, H, W, N])
        ax_o = ng.make_axes([K, M, P, Q, N])

        # image NHWC -> CDHWN
        image = ng.cast_axes(image, ng.make_axes([N, H, W, C]))
        image = ng.expand_dims(image, D, 1)  # NHWC -> NDHWC
        image = ng.axes_with_order(image, ax_i)  # NDHWC -> CDHWN

        # pooling
        output = ng.pooling(params, image, axes=ax_o)

        # output KMPQN -> NPQK
        # KMPQN -> NMPQK
        output = ng.axes_with_order(output, ng.make_axes(
            [N, M, P, Q, K]))
        # NMPQK -> NPQK
        output = ng.tensor_slice(output, [slice(None), 0, slice(None),
                                          slice(None), slice(None)])

        return output
Ejemplo n.º 11
    def Conv2D(self, tf_node, inputs):
        Computes a 2-D convolution given 4D input and filter tensors.

            tf_node: NodeDef object, the tensorflow node to convert.
            inputs: List of ngraph Ops as inputs to this node.

            A ngraph Op corresponding to the tensorflow node.

        Inputs to tf_node:
            input, filter

        TODO: assume default tensorflow layout NHWC, RSCK,
              need to support NCHW as well
              need to clean up / merge with maxpool

                      Tensorflow          Ngraph
            in       (N, H, W, C)     (C, D, H, W, N)
            filter   (R, S, C, K)     (C, T, R, S, K)
            out      (N, P, Q, K)     (K, M, P, Q, N)

        Notes on output shape:
        image, weight = inputs

        # TODO: currently NHWC only
        if tf_node.attr['data_format'].s.decode("ascii") != "NHWC":
            raise NotImplementedError("Only supports NHWC import for now.")

        # check in_C == f_C
        if image.axes.lengths[3] != weight.axes.lengths[2]:
            raise ValueError("Image's C dimension (%s) must be equal to "
                             "filter's C dimension (%s)."
                             % (image.axes.lengths[3], weight.axes.lengths[2]))

        # strides params
        tf_strides = [int(s) for s in list(tf_node.attr['strides'].list.i)]
        if len(tf_strides) != 4:
            raise ValueError("Length of strides my be 4.")
        if tf_strides[0] != 1:
            raise NotImplementedError('Strides on batch axis (N) must be 1.')
        if tf_strides[3] != 1:
            raise NotImplementedError('Strides on channel axis (C) must be 1.')
        str_h, str_w = tf_strides[1], tf_strides[2]

        # padding params
        padding = tf_node.attr['padding'].s.decode("ascii")
        pad_t, pad_b, pad_l, pad_r = common_conv2d_pool_padding(
            image.axes.lengths, weight.axes.lengths, tf_strides, padding)
        if pad_t != pad_b or pad_l != pad_r:
            raise NotImplementedError("Requires symmetric padding in ngraph:"
                                      "pad_t(%s) == pad_b(%s) and"
                                      "pad_l(%s) == pad_r(%s)" %
                                      (pad_t, pad_b, pad_l, pad_r))

        # conv params
        params = dict(pad_d=0, pad_h=pad_t, pad_w=pad_l,
                      str_d=1, str_h=str_h, str_w=str_w,
                      dil_d=1, dil_h=1, dil_w=1)

        # new axes
        C, D, H, W, T, R, S, K, M, P, Q = [ng.make_axis() for _ in range(11)]
        N = ng.make_axis(name='N')
        D.length, T.length, M.length = 1, 1, 1  # only supports 2D conv for now

        # tf's i, f, o axes
        ax_i_tf = ng.make_axes([N, H, W, C])
        ax_f_tf = ng.make_axes([R, S, C, K])
        ax_o_tf = ng.make_axes([N, P, Q, K])
                                                          tf_strides, padding))

        # ngraph's i, f, o axes
        ax_i = ng.make_axes([C, D, H, W, N])
        ax_f = ng.make_axes([C, T, R, S, K])
        ax_o = ng.make_axes([K, M, P, Q, N])

        # image NHWC -> CDHWN
        image = ng.cast_axes(image, ng.make_axes([N, H, W, C]))
        image = ng.expand_dims(image, D, 1)  # NHWC -> NDHWC
        image = ng.axes_with_order(image, ax_i)  # NDHWC -> CDHWN

        # weights RSCK -> CTRSK
        weight = ng.cast_axes(weight, ng.make_axes([R, S, C, K]))
        weight = ng.expand_dims(weight, T, 0)  # RSCK -> TRSCK
        weight = ng.axes_with_order(weight, ax_f)  # TRSCK -> CTRSK

        # convolution
        output = ng.convolution(params, image, weight, axes=ax_o)

        # output KMPQN -> NPQK
        # KMPQN -> NMPQK
        output = ng.axes_with_order(output, ng.make_axes([N, M, P, Q, K]))
        # NMPQK -> NPQK
        output = ng.tensor_slice(output, [slice(None), 0, slice(None),
                                          slice(None), slice(None)])

        return output
Ejemplo n.º 12
    def MaxPool(self, tf_node, inputs):
        Performs the max pooling on the input.

            tf_node: NodeDef object, the tensorflow node tso convert.
            inputs: List of ngraph Ops as inputs to this node.

            A ngraph Op corresponding to the tensorflow node.

        Inputs to tf_node:

        TODO: assume default tensorflow layout NHWC, RSCK,
              need to support NCHW as well
              need to clean up / merge with conv2d

        Notes on output shape:
        image = inputs[0]

        # TODO: currently NHWC only
        assert tf_node.attr['data_format'].s.decode("ascii") == "NHWC"

        # set axes shape
        ax_N = ng.make_axis(batch=True)
        ax_C = ng.make_axis(roles=[ar.Channel])
        ax_D = ng.make_axis(roles=[ar.Depth])
        ax_H = ng.make_axis(roles=[ar.Height])
        ax_W = ng.make_axis(roles=[ar.Width])
        ng.make_axes([ax_N, ax_H, ax_W, ax_C]).set_shape(image.axes.lengths)
        ax_D.length = 1

        # ksize params
        tf_ksize = [int(s) for s in list(tf_node.attr['ksize'].list.i)]
        if len(tf_ksize) != 4:
            raise ValueError("Length of ksize my be 4.")
        if tf_ksize[0] != 1:
            raise NotImplementedError('Ksize on batch axis (N) must be 1.')
        if tf_ksize[3] != 1:
            raise NotImplementedError('Ksize on channel axis (C) must be 1.'
                                      'Cross map pooling to be implemented.')
        R, S = tf_ksize[1:3]
        T = J = 1

        # strides params
        tf_strides = [int(s) for s in list(tf_node.attr['strides'].list.i)]
        if len(tf_strides) != 4:
            raise ValueError("Length of strides my be 4.")
        if tf_strides[0] != 1:
            raise NotImplementedError('Strides on batch axis (N) must be 1.')
        if tf_strides[3] != 1:
            raise NotImplementedError('Strides on channel axis (C) must be 1.')
        str_h, str_w = tf_strides[1], tf_strides[2]

        # padding params
        padding = tf_node.attr['padding'].s.decode("ascii")
        pad_t, pad_b, pad_l, pad_r = tf_conv2d_pool_padding(
            image.axes.lengths, (R, S, ax_C.length, ax_C.length), tf_strides,
        if pad_t != pad_b or pad_l != pad_r:
            raise NotImplementedError("Requires symmetric padding in ngraph:"
                                      "pad_t(%s) == pad_b(%s) and"
                                      "pad_l(%s) == pad_r(%s)" %
                                      (pad_t, pad_b, pad_l, pad_r))

        # pooling params
        params = dict(op='max',

        # i, f, o axes
        ax_i = ng.make_axes([ax_C, ax_D, ax_H, ax_W, ax_N])
        ax_o = ng.make_axes([
            spatial_axis(ax_i, J, params['pad_c'], params['str_c'],
            spatial_axis(ax_i, T, params['pad_d'], params['str_d'], ar.Depth),
            spatial_axis(ax_i, R, params['pad_h'], params['str_h'], ar.Height),
            spatial_axis(ax_i, S, params['pad_w'], params['str_w'], ar.Width),

        # broadcast input / filter axes
        image = ng.cast_axes(image, ng.make_axes([ax_N, ax_H, ax_W, ax_C]))
        image = ng.expand_dims(image, ax_D, 1)  # NHWC -> NDHWC
        image = ng.axes_with_order(image, axes=ax_i)  # NDHWC -> CDHWN

        # pooling
        output = ng.pooling(params, image, axes=ax_o)

        # cast back to NHWC
        oC, oD, oH, oW, oN = output.axes
        output = ng.broadcast(output, ng.make_axes([oN, oD, oH, oW, oC]))

        # slice away the oD
        out_slicing = [slice(None), 0, slice(None), slice(None), slice(None)]
        output = ng.Slice(output, out_slicing)

        return output
Ejemplo n.º 13
    def Conv2D(self, tf_node, inputs):
        Computes a 2-D convolution given 4D input and filter tensors.

            tf_node: NodeDef object, the tensorflow node to convert.
            inputs: List of ngraph Ops as inputs to this node.

            A ngraph Op corresponding to the tensorflow node.

        Inputs to tf_node:
            input, filter

        TODO: assume default tensorflow layout NHWC, RSCK,
              need to support NCHW as well
              need to clean up / merge with maxpool

        Notes on output shape:
        image, weight = inputs

        # TODO: currently NHWC only
        assert tf_node.attr['data_format'].s.decode("ascii") == "NHWC"

        # set axes shape
        ax_N = ng.make_axis(batch=True)
        ax_C = ng.make_axis(roles=[ar.Channel])
        ax_D = ng.make_axis(roles=[ar.Depth])
        ax_H = ng.make_axis(roles=[ar.Height])
        ax_W = ng.make_axis(roles=[ar.Width])

        ax_T = ng.make_axis(roles=[ar.Depth])
        ax_R = ng.make_axis(roles=[ar.Height])
        ax_S = ng.make_axis(roles=[ar.Width])
        ax_K = ng.make_axis(roles=[ar.Channelout])

        ng.make_axes([ax_N, ax_H, ax_W, ax_C]).set_shape(image.axes.lengths)
        ng.make_axes([ax_R, ax_S, ax_C, ax_K]).set_shape(weight.axes.lengths)
        ax_D.length = 1
        ax_T.length = 1

        # strides params
        tf_strides = [int(s) for s in list(tf_node.attr['strides'].list.i)]
        if len(tf_strides) != 4:
            raise ValueError("Length of strides my be 4.")
        if tf_strides[0] != 1:
            raise NotImplementedError('Strides on batch axis (N) must be 1.')
        if tf_strides[3] != 1:
            raise NotImplementedError('Strides on channel axis (C) must be 1.')
        str_h, str_w = tf_strides[1], tf_strides[2]

        # padding params
        padding = tf_node.attr['padding'].s.decode("ascii")
        pad_t, pad_b, pad_l, pad_r = tf_conv2d_pool_padding(
            image.axes.lengths, weight.axes.lengths, tf_strides, padding)
        if pad_t != pad_b or pad_l != pad_r:
            raise NotImplementedError("Requires symmetric padding in ngraph:"
                                      "pad_t(%s) == pad_b(%s) and"
                                      "pad_l(%s) == pad_r(%s)" %
                                      (pad_t, pad_b, pad_l, pad_r))

        # conv params
        params = dict(pad_d=0,

        # i, f, o axes
        ax_i = ng.make_axes([ax_C, ax_D, ax_H, ax_W, ax_N])
        ax_f = ng.make_axes([ax_C, ax_T, ax_R, ax_S, ax_K])
        ax_o = ng.make_axes([
            ng.make_axis(ax_K.length, name='C', roles=[ar.Channel]),
            spatial_axis(ax_i, ax_f, params['pad_d'], params['str_d'],
            spatial_axis(ax_i, ax_f, params['pad_h'], params['str_h'],
            spatial_axis(ax_i, ax_f, params['pad_w'], params['str_w'],
                         ar.Width), ax_N

        # broadcast input / filter axes
        image = ng.cast_axes(image, ng.make_axes([ax_N, ax_H, ax_W, ax_C]))
        image = ng.expand_dims(image, ax_D, 1)  # NHWC -> NDHWC
        image = ng.axes_with_order(image, axes=ax_i)  # NDHWC -> CDHWN
        weight = ng.cast_axes(weight, ng.make_axes([ax_R, ax_S, ax_C, ax_K]))
        weight = ng.expand_dims(weight, ax_T, 0)  # RSCK -> TRSCK
        weight = ng.axes_with_order(weight, axes=ax_f)  # TRSCK -> CTRSK

        # convolution
        output = ng.convolution(params, image, weight, axes=ax_o)

        # cast back to NHWC
        oC, oD, oH, oW, oN = output.axes
        output = ng.broadcast(output, ng.make_axes([oN, oD, oH, oW, oC]))

        # slice away the oD
        out_slicing = [slice(None), 0, slice(None), slice(None), slice(None)]
        output = ng.Slice(output, out_slicing)

        return output
Ejemplo n.º 14
    def Conv(self, c2_op, inputs):
        Computes a 2-D convolution given 4D input and filter tensors.

            c2_op: NodeDef object, the caffe2 node to convert.
            inputs: List of ngraph Ops as inputs to this node.

            A ngraph Op corresponding to the caffe2 node.

        Inputs to c2_op:
            input, wegiths, filter

        Supports caffe2's layout NHWC and NCHW as well.
        X, W, bias = inputs

        order = [val.s for val in c2_op.arg if val.name == "order"]
        if 1 != len(order):
            raise ValueError("Multiple order values in convolution")
        order = order[0]

        if order not in ("NHWC", "NCHW"):
            raise NotImplementedError("Unsupported order in convolution: {}",

        # set input axes shape
        ax_N = ng.make_axis(name='N')
        ax_C = ng.make_axis()
        ax_D = ng.make_axis(length=1)
        ax_H = ng.make_axis()
        ax_W = ng.make_axis()

        # set kernel axes shape
        ax_kernel_D = ng.make_axis(length=1)
        ax_kernel_H = ng.make_axis()
        ax_kernel_W = ng.make_axis()
        ax_kernel_ofm = ng.make_axis()

        # create placeholders for output axes
        oC = ng.make_axis(name='C')
        oD = ng.make_axis(name='D', length=1)
        oH = ng.make_axis(name='H')
        oW = ng.make_axis(name='W')

        axes_order = {
            'NCHW': {
                'X': [ax_N, ax_C, ax_H, ax_W],
                'W': [ax_kernel_ofm, ax_C, ax_kernel_H, ax_kernel_W]
            'NHWC': {
                'X': [ax_N, ax_H, ax_W, ax_C],
                'W': [ax_kernel_ofm, ax_kernel_H, ax_kernel_W, ax_C]


        if 1 != len(bias.axes):
            raise ValueError("Bias's must be 1D.")
        if ax_kernel_ofm.length != bias.axes.lengths[0]:
            raise ValueError(
                "Bias's length must equal to number of output feature maps.")

        # strides params
        stride_size = [int(val.i) for val in c2_op.arg if val.name == "stride"]
        if len(stride_size) != 1:
            raise ValueError("Stride size must be scalar value")
        str_h = str_w = stride_size[0]

        # padding params
        pad_t, pad_b, pad_l, pad_r = \
                        in_NHWC=[ax_N.length, ax_H.length, ax_W.length, ax_C.length],
                        kernel_HWIO=[ax_kernel_H.length, ax_kernel_W.length,
                                     ax_C.length, ax_kernel_ofm.length],
                        stride_NHWC=[1, str_h, str_w, 1])

        if pad_t != pad_b or pad_l != pad_r:
            raise NotImplementedError("Requires symmetric padding in ngraph:"
                                      "pad_t(%s) == pad_b(%s) and"
                                      "pad_l(%s) == pad_r(%s)" %
                                      (pad_t, pad_b, pad_l, pad_r))

        # conv params
        params = dict(pad_d=0,

        # input, weight, output axes
        internal_ax_dict = {
            ng.make_axes([ax_C, ax_D, ax_H, ax_W, ax_N]),
                [ax_C, ax_kernel_D, ax_kernel_H, ax_kernel_W, ax_kernel_ofm])

        oC.length = ax_kernel_ofm.length
        oH.length = output_dim(ax_H.length, ax_kernel_H.length,
                               params['pad_h'], params['str_h'])
        oW.length = output_dim(ax_W.length, ax_kernel_W.length,
                               params['pad_w'], params['str_w'])
        internal_ax_dict['Y'] = ng.make_axes([oC, oD, oH, oW, ax_N])

        # broadcast input / filter axes
        # flow for NHWC order:                   |  flow for NCHW order:
        # input:                                 |  input:
        #   expand dims: NHWC -> NDHWC           |    expand dims: NCHW -> NDCHW
        #   reorder:     NDHWC -> CDHWN          |    reorder:     NDCHW -> CDHWN
        # weights:                               |  weights:
        #   expand dims: (ofm)HWC -> D(ofm)HWC   |    expand dims: (ofm)CHWC -> D(ofm)CHW
        #   reorder:     D(ofm)HWC -> CDHW(ofm)  |    reorder:     D(ofm)CHW -> CDHW(ofm)

        X = ng.cast_axes(X, ng.make_axes(axes_order[order]['X']))
        X = ng.expand_dims(X, ax_D, 1)
        X = ng.axes_with_order(X, axes=internal_ax_dict['X'])
        W = ng.cast_axes(W, ng.make_axes(axes_order[order]['W']))
        W = ng.expand_dims(W, ax_kernel_D, 0)
        W = ng.axes_with_order(W, axes=internal_ax_dict['W'])

        # convolution
        Y = ng.convolution(params, X, W, axes=internal_ax_dict['Y'])

        # cast back to proper format
        Y = ng.broadcast(Y, ng.make_axes([ax_N, oD, oH, oW, oC])) if "NHWC" == order \
            else ng.broadcast(Y, ng.make_axes([ax_N, oD, oC, oH, oW]))  # NCHW

        # slice away the oD
        out_slicing = [slice(None), 0, slice(None), slice(None), slice(None)]
        Y = ng.tensor_slice(Y, out_slicing)

        def _conv_bias_add(c2_op, inputs):
            X, bias = inputs
            bias = ng.cast_axes(bias,
                                    [X.axes[1 if 'NCHW' == order else 3]]))
            Y = ng.Add(X, bias)
            return Y

        return _conv_bias_add(c2_op, [Y, bias])
Ejemplo n.º 15
def test_conv_flatten_deriv(transformer_factory):
    Test deriv of conv followed by flatten

    # set shape
    # NOTE: N must be >= 4 for GPU, but for CPU this could be decreased to
    # speed up the test
    N = 4
    C, D, H, W = (3, 1, 28, 28)
    T, R, S, K = (1, 5, 5, 8)

    params = dict(pad_d=0,

    # i, f, o axes
    ax_i = ng.make_axes([ax.C, ax.D, ax.H, ax.W, ax.N])
    ax_f = ng.make_axes([ax.C, ax.T, ax.R, ax.S, ax.K])
    ax_o = ng.make_axes([
        ng.make_axis(roles=[ar.features_2]).named('W'), ax.N

    ax_i.set_shape((C, D, H, W, N))
    ax_f.set_shape((C, T, R, S, K))
    ax_o.set_shape((K, D - T + 1, H - R + 1, W - S + 1, N))
    axes_rsck = ng.make_axes([ax.R, ax.S, ax.C, ax.K])
    axes_rsck_prime = ng.make_axes([
        ng.make_axis(axis.length).named(axis.name + 'p') for axis in axes_rsck
    axes_nmpqk = ng.make_axes([ax_o[-1], ax_o[1], ax_o[2], ax_o[3], ax_o[0]])

    # broadcast input / filter axes
    input_var = ng.variable(ax_i).named('input')
    input_var.input = True
    input_val = np.ones(input_var.axes.lengths)

    filter_rsck_prime = ng.variable(axes_rsck_prime)
    filter_var = filter_rsck_prime
    filter_rsck = ng.cast_axes(filter_rsck_prime, axes_rsck)
    filter_trsck = ng.expand_dims(filter_rsck, ax.T, 0)
    filter_ctrsk = ng.axes_with_order(filter_trsck, axes=ax_f)

    # convolution
    output_kmpqn = ng.convolution(params, input_var, filter_ctrsk, axes=ax_o)
    output_nmpqk = ng.axes_with_order(output_kmpqn, axes=axes_nmpqk)

    # slice away the oD
    out_slicing = [slice(None), 0, slice(None), slice(None), slice(None)]
    output_npqk = ng.tensor_slice(output_nmpqk, out_slicing)

    output = ng.flatten_at(output_npqk, idx=1)

    # cost and grad
    cost = ng.sum(output, out_axes=())

    filter_var.input = True
    filter_val = np.ones(filter_var.axes.lengths)

    with ExecutorFactory() as factory:

        conv_comp = factory.executor(output, filter_var, input_var)
        grad_filter_num_comp = factory.numeric_derivative(
            cost, filter_var, 1.0, input_var)
        grad_filter_sym_comp = factory.derivative(cost, filter_var, input_var)

        grad_input_num_comp = factory.numeric_derivative(
            cost, input_var, 1.0, filter_var)
        grad_input_sym_comp = factory.derivative(cost, input_var, filter_var)

        conv_val = conv_comp(filter_val, input_val)
        conv_val_num = np.empty_like(conv_val)
        conv_val_num.fill(C * T * R * S)
        assert ng.testing.allclose(conv_val, conv_val_num)

        grad_filter_num_val = grad_filter_num_comp(filter_val, input_val)
        grad_filter_sym_val = grad_filter_sym_comp(filter_val, input_val)
        assert ng.testing.allclose(grad_filter_num_val, grad_filter_sym_val)

        grad_input_num_val = grad_input_num_comp(input_val, filter_val)
        grad_input_sym_val = grad_input_sym_comp(input_val, filter_val)
        assert ng.testing.allclose(grad_input_num_val, grad_input_sym_val)
Ejemplo n.º 16
def cifar_mean_subtract(x):
    bgr_mean = ng.persistent_tensor(axes=x.axes[0],
                                    initial_value=np.array([[104., 119.,
    y = ng.expand_dims((x - bgr_mean) / 255., ax.D, 1)
    return y
Ejemplo n.º 17
    def Pool(self, c2_op, inputs):
        Performs max or average pooling on the input.

            c2_op: NodeDef object, the tensorflow node to convert.
            inputs: List of ngraph Ops as inputs to this node.

            A ngraph Op corresponding to the c2_op node.

        Inputs to c2_op:
        supported_pooling = {'MaxPool': 'max', 'AveragePool': 'avg'}

        image = inputs[0]

        # TODO: we assume NCHW, make some assert here?

        # set input axes shape
        ax_N = ng.make_axis(name='N')
        ax_C = ng.make_axis()
        ax_D = ng.make_axis(length=1)
        ax_H = ng.make_axis()
        ax_W = ng.make_axis()
        ng.make_axes([ax_N, ax_C, ax_H, ax_W]).set_shape(image.axes.lengths)

        # create placeholders for output axes
        oC = ng.make_axis(name='C')
        oD = ng.make_axis(length=1, name='D')
        oH = ng.make_axis(name='H')
        oW = ng.make_axis(name='W')

        # spatial kernel size
        kernel_size = [int(val.i) for val in c2_op.arg if val.name == "kernel"]
        if len(kernel_size) != 1:
            raise ValueError("Kernel size must be scalar value")
        # kernel is square
        kernel_h = kernel_w = kernel_size[0]
        kernel_d = kernel_c = 1

        # strides params
        stride_size = [int(val.i) for val in c2_op.arg if val.name == "stride"]
        if len(stride_size) != 1:
            raise ValueError("Stride size must be scalar value")
        stride_h = stride_w = stride_size[0]

        # padding params
        pad_t, pad_b, pad_l, pad_r = \
                        in_NHWC=[ax_N.length, ax_H.length, ax_W.length, ax_C.length],
                        kernel_HWIO=[kernel_h, kernel_w, ax_C.length, ax_C.length],
                        stride_NHWC=[1, stride_h, stride_w, 1])
        if pad_t != pad_b or pad_l != pad_r:
            raise NotImplementedError("Requires symmetric padding in ngraph:"
                                      "pad_t(%s) == pad_b(%s) and"
                                      "pad_l(%s) == pad_r(%s)" %
                                      (pad_t, pad_b, pad_l, pad_r))

        # pooling params
        params = dict(op=supported_pooling[c2_op.type],

        # i, o axes
        oC.length = output_dim(ax_C.length, kernel_c, params['pad_c'],
        oD.length = output_dim(ax_D.length, kernel_d, params['pad_d'],
        oH.length = output_dim(ax_H.length, kernel_h, params['pad_h'],
        oW.length = output_dim(ax_W.length, kernel_w, params['pad_w'],
        ax_i = ng.make_axes([ax_C, ax_D, ax_H, ax_W, ax_N])
        ax_o = ng.make_axes([oC, oD, oH, oW, ax_N])

        # broadcast input / filter axes
        image = ng.cast_axes(image, ng.make_axes([ax_N, ax_C, ax_H, ax_W]))
        image = ng.expand_dims(image, ax_D, 1)  # NCHW -> NDCHW
        image = ng.axes_with_order(image, axes=ax_i)  # NDCHW -> CDHWN

        # pooling
        output = ng.pooling(params, image, axes=ax_o)

        # cast back to NDCHW
        output = ng.broadcast(output, ng.make_axes([ax_N, oD, oC, oH, oW]))

        # slice away the oD
        out_slicing = [slice(None), 0, slice(None), slice(None), slice(None)]
        output = ng.tensor_slice(output, out_slicing)

        return output