Ejemplo n.º 1
 def str_w_t(rows_lst):
     res = {}
     for k, v in _zip_top_bot(_rem(rows_lst)):
         ct, _ = v.split('/') if '/' in v else ('0-0', '0')
         w, t = ct.split('-') if '-' in v else ('0', '0')
         res[k.lower()] = {'won': to_int(w, 0), 'total': to_int(t, 0)}
     return res
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def __get_by_per_summ(self, per_summ):
     summ = { }
     while True:
         cl = per_summ.get('class')
         if cl is not None and cl.strip() in ['oddColor', 'evenColor']:
             txt = ex_junk(per_summ.xpath('.//text()'), ['\r', '\n'], [''])
             if txt:
                 per = to_int(txt[0])
                 per = per if per > 0 else 4 if txt[0] == 'OT' else 0
                 ps = {
                     'shifts': to_int(txt[1]),
                     'avg': self.__get_time(txt[2]),
                     'toi': self.__get_time(txt[3]),
                     'ev_toi': self.__get_time(txt[4]),
                     'pp_toi': self.__get_time(txt[5]),
                     'sh_toi': self.__get_time(txt[6])
             summ[per] = ps
         per_summ = per_summ.xpath('following-sibling::tr')
         if per_summ:
             per_summ = per_summ[0]
     return summ, per_summ
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def __get_by_per_summ(self, per_summ):
        summ = {}
        while True:
            cl = per_summ.get('class')
            if cl is not None and cl.strip() in ['oddColor', 'evenColor']:
                txt = ex_junk(per_summ.xpath('.//text()'), ['\r', '\n'], [''])
                if txt:
                    per = to_int(txt[0])
                    per = per if per > 0 else 4 if txt[0] == 'OT' else 0
                    ps = {
                        'shifts': to_int(txt[1]),
                        'avg': self.__get_time(txt[2]),
                        'toi': self.__get_time(txt[3]),
                        'ev_toi': self.__get_time(txt[4]),
                        'pp_toi': self.__get_time(txt[5]),
                        'sh_toi': self.__get_time(txt[6])

                summ[per] = ps

            per_summ = per_summ.xpath('following-sibling::tr')
            if per_summ:
                per_summ = per_summ[0]

        return summ, per_summ
Ejemplo n.º 4
 def str_w_t(rows_lst):
     res = { }
     for k, v in _zip_top_bot(_rem(rows_lst)):
         ct, _ = v.split('/') if '/' in  v else ('0-0','0')
         w, t = ct.split('-') if '-' in v else ('0', '0')
         res[k.lower()] = { 'won': to_int(w, 0), 'total': to_int(t, 0) }
     return res
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def __read_team_doc(lx_doc):
        fo = {}
        re_opp = re_comp_num_pos_name()

        took_draw = lx_doc.xpath(".//td[contains(@class,'playerHeading')]/..")
        for cent in took_draw:
            # extract info of center taking the draw
            rec = ex_junk(cent.xpath('.//text()'), containing=['\n', '\r'])

            num, pos, name = to_int(rec[0]), rec[1], ' '.join(
                ri.strip() for ri in reversed(rec[2].split(',')))
            fo[num] = FaceOffRep.__player_fo_rec(name, pos, rec[3:7])
            fo[num]['opps'] = {}

            for vs in cent.xpath('following-sibling::tr'):
                if vs.xpath(".//td[contains(@class,'space')]"):
                    opp_rec = ex_junk(vs.xpath('.//text()'),
                                      containing=['\n', '\r'])
                    reg_res = re_opp.findall(opp_rec[2])
                    opp_num, opp_pos, opp_last, opp_first = reg_res[
                        0] if reg_res else ('-1', '', '', '')
                    opp_name = ' '.join(oi.strip()
                                        for oi in [opp_first, opp_last])
                        opp_num)] = FaceOffRep.__player_fo_rec(
                            opp_name, opp_pos, opp_rec[3:7])

        return fo
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def build_play(self, pbp_row):
        Parses table row from RTSS. These are the rows tagged with ``<tr class='evenColor' ... >``. Result set
        contains :py:class:`nhlscrapi.games.playbyplay.Strength` and :py:class:`nhlscrapi.games.events.EventType`
        objects. Returned play data is in the form

        .. code:: python

                'play_num': num_of_play
                'period': curr_period
                'strength': strength_enum
                'time': { 'min': min, 'sec': sec }
                'vis_on_ice': { 'player_num': player }
                'home_on_ice': { 'player_num': player }
                'event': event_object

        :param pbp_row: table row from RTSS
        :returns: play data
        :rtype: dict
        d = pbp_row.findall('./td')
        c = PlayParser.ColMap(self.season)

        p = {}
        to_dig = lambda t: int(t) if t.isdigit() else 0
        p['play_num'] = to_int(d[c["play_num"]].text, 0)
        p['period'] = to_int(d[c["per"]].text, 0)

        p['strength'] = self.__strength(d[c["str"]].text)
        #if d[4].text == "PENL":

        time = d[c["time"]].text.split(":")
        p['time'] = {"min": int(time[0]), "sec": int(time[1])}
        #print "period: " + str(p['period'])
        #print "strength: " + str(p['strength'])
        #print "period: " + str(p['time'])

        skater_tab = d[c["vis"]].xpath("./table")
        p['vis_on_ice'] = self.__skaters(
            skater_tab[0][0]) if len(skater_tab) else {}

        skater_tab = d[c["home"]].xpath("./table")
        p['home_on_ice'] = self.__skaters(
            skater_tab[0][0]) if len(skater_tab) else {}

        p['event'] = event_type_mapper(d[c["event"]].text,
                                       skater_ct=len(p['vis_on_ice']) +
        p['event'].desc = " ".join([
            str(t.encode('ascii', 'replace'))
            for t in d[c["desc"]].xpath("text()")
        parse_event_desc(p['event'], season=self.season)
        return p
Ejemplo n.º 7
    def build_play(self, pbp_row):
        Parses table row from RTSS. These are the rows tagged with ``<tr class='evenColor' ... >``. Result set
        contains :py:class:`nhlscrapi.games.playbyplay.Strength` and :py:class:`nhlscrapi.games.events.EventType`
        objects. Returned play data is in the form

        .. code:: python

                'play_num': num_of_play
                'period': curr_period
                'strength': strength_enum
                'time': { 'min': min, 'sec': sec }
                'vis_on_ice': { 'player_num': player }
                'home_on_ice': { 'player_num': player }
                'event': event_object

        :param pbp_row: table row from RTSS
        :returns: play data
        :rtype: dict
        d = pbp_row.findall('./td')
        c = PlayParser.ColMap(self.season)
        p = { }
        to_dig = lambda t: int(t) if t.isdigit() else 0
        p['play_num'] = to_int(d[c["play_num"]].text, 0)
        p['period'] = to_int(d[c["per"]].text, 0)

        p['strength'] = self.__strength(d[c["str"]].text)

        time = d[c["time"]].text.split(":")

        p['time'] = { "min": int(time[0]), "sec": int(time[1]) }

        skater_tab = d[c["vis"]].xpath("./table")
        p['vis_on_ice'] = self.__skaters(skater_tab[0][0]) if len(skater_tab) else { }

        skater_tab = d[c["home"]].xpath("./table")
        p['home_on_ice'] = self.__skaters(skater_tab[0][0]) if len(skater_tab) else { }

        p['event'] = event_type_mapper(
            skater_ct=len(p['vis_on_ice']) + len(p['home_on_ice']),
        p['event'].desc = " ".join([str(t.encode('ascii', 'replace')) for t in d[c["desc"]].xpath("text()")])
        parse_event_desc(p['event'], season=self.season)

        return p
Ejemplo n.º 8
    def __build_shift(self, shift):
        shift = [s.strip() for s in shift]

        ev = None
        if shift[-1] == 'G':
            ev = ET.Goal
        elif shift[-1] == 'P':
            ev = ET.Penalty

        return {
            'shift_num': to_int(shift[0]),
            'period': 4 if shift[1] == 'OT' else to_int(shift[1]),
            'start': self.__get_time(shift[2].split(' / ')[0]),
            'end': self.__get_time(shift[3].split(' / ')[0]),
            'dur': self.__get_time(shift[4]),
            'event': ev
Ejemplo n.º 9
 def __build_shift(self, shift):
     shift = [s.strip() for s in shift]
     ev = None
     if shift[-1] == 'G':
         ev = ET.Goal
     elif shift[-1] == 'P':
         ev = ET.Penalty
     return {
         'shift_num': to_int(shift[0]),
         'period': 4 if shift[1] == 'OT' else to_int(shift[1]),
         'start': self.__get_time(shift[2].split(' / ')[0]),
         'end': self.__get_time(shift[3].split(' / ')[0]),
         'dur': self.__get_time(shift[4]),
         'event': ev
Ejemplo n.º 10
    def __read_team_doc(lx_doc):
        fo = {}
        re_opp = re_comp_num_pos_name()

        took_draw = lx_doc.xpath(".//td[contains(@class,'playerHeading')]/..")
        for cent in took_draw:
            # extract info of center taking the draw
            rec = ex_junk(cent.xpath(".//text()"), containing=["\n", "\r"])

            num, pos, name = to_int(rec[0]), rec[1], " ".join(ri.strip() for ri in reversed(rec[2].split(",")))
            fo[num] = FaceOffRep.__player_fo_rec(name, pos, rec[3:7])
            fo[num]["opps"] = {}

            for vs in cent.xpath("following-sibling::tr"):
                if vs.xpath(".//td[contains(@class,'space')]"):
                    opp_rec = ex_junk(vs.xpath(".//text()"), containing=["\n", "\r"])
                    reg_res = re_opp.findall(opp_rec[2])
                    opp_num, opp_pos, opp_last, opp_first = reg_res[0] if reg_res else ("-1", "", "", "")
                    opp_name = " ".join(oi.strip() for oi in [opp_first, opp_last])
                    fo[num]["opps"][to_int(opp_num)] = FaceOffRep.__player_fo_rec(opp_name, opp_pos, opp_rec[3:7])

        return fo
Ejemplo n.º 11
    def __read_line(self, tr):
        rec = _rem(tr.xpath('.//text()'))
        if len(rec) == 25:
            # player info
            num = to_int(rec[0], 0)
            if not num:
                return {}

            dat = {}
            dat['pos'] = rec[1]

            last, first = rec[2].split(',')
            dat['name'] = {'first': first.strip(), 'last': last.strip()}

            dat['shifts'] = to_int(rec[10], 0)

            cols = chain(
                [(i + 3, v)
                 for i, v in enumerate(['g', 'a', 'p', 'pm', 'pn', 'pim'])],
                [(i + 15, v) for i, v in enumerate(
                    ['s', 'ab', 'ms', 'ht', 'gv', 'tk', 'bs'])])
            for i, col in cols:
                dat[col] = to_int(rec[i], 0)

            dat['toi'] = {}
            for k, v in [(9, 'tot'), (11, 'avg'), (12, 'pp'), (13, 'sh'),
                         (14, 'ev')]:
                if ':' in rec[k]:
                    mins, secs = rec[k].split(':')
                    dat['toi'][v] = {
                        'min': to_int(mins, 0),
                        'sec': to_int(secs, 0)
                    dat['toi'][v] = {'min': 0, 'sec': 0}

            w, l = to_int(rec[22], 0), to_int(rec[23], 0)
            dat['fo'] = {'won': w, 'total': w + l}

            return num, dat
            return -1, {}
Ejemplo n.º 12
 def __read_line(self, tr):
     rec = _rem(tr.xpath('.//text()'))
     if len(rec) == 25:
         # player info
         num = to_int(rec[0],0)
         if not num:
             return { }
         dat = { }
         dat['pos'] = rec[1]
         last, first = rec[2].split(',')
         dat['name'] = { 'first': first.strip(), 'last': last.strip() }
         dat['shifts'] = to_int(rec[10],0)
         cols = chain(
             [ (i+3,v) for i,v in enumerate(['g','a','p','pm','pn','pim']) ],
             [ (i+15,v) for i,v in enumerate(['s','ab','ms','ht','gv','tk','bs']) ]
         for i, col in cols:
             dat[col] = to_int(rec[i],0)
         dat['toi'] = { }
         for k, v in [ (9,'tot'), (11,'avg'), (12,'pp'), (13,'sh'), (14,'ev') ]:
             if ':' in rec[k]:
                 mins, secs = rec[k].split(':')
                 dat['toi'][v] = { 'min': to_int(mins,0), 'sec': to_int(secs,0) }
                 dat['toi'][v] = { 'min': 0, 'sec': 0 }
         w, l = to_int(rec[22],0), to_int(rec[23],0)
         dat['fo'] = { 'won': w, 'total': w+l }
         return num, dat
         return -1, { }
Ejemplo n.º 13
 def __get_time(self, time_str):
     if time_str and ':' in time_str:
         mins, secs = time_str.split(':')
         return {'min': to_int(mins), 'sec': to_int(secs)}
         return {'min': 0, 'sec': 0}
Ejemplo n.º 14
  def parse_scoring_summary(self):
    lx_doc = self.html_doc()
    main = lx_doc.xpath('//*[@id="MainTable"]')[0]
    scr_summ = main.xpath('child::tr[4]//tr')
    for r in scr_summ:
      #print r.get('class')
      if r.get('class') in ['oddColor','evenColor']:
        tds = r.xpath('./td')
        scr = [td.xpath('text()') for td in tds[:8]]
        # goal summry data
        goals = { }
        # goal num, game state, scoring team
        gn = to_int(scr[0][0]) if scr[0] else -1
        period = self.__period(scr[1])
        time = split_time(scr[2][0] if period < 4 else '0:00')
        strength = self.__strength(scr[3][0] if scr[3] else 'EV')
        team = team_abbr_parser(scr[4][0])
        # skaters on the ice
        sks = tds[8:]
        goals[gn] = {
          'per': period,
          'time': time,
          'strength': strength,
          'team': team,
          'home': self.__skaters(sks[0]),
          'away': self.__skaters(sks[1])
        scorer = self.__scorer(scr[5][0])
        if scorer['num'] in goals[gn][
        assists = []
        for s in scr[6:8]:
          if s and s[0] != u'\xa0':
            #print s[0], self.__scorer(s[0])
        print {
          'goal_num': gn,
          'scorer': scorer,
          'assists': assists

  def __period(self, scr):
    period = 0
    if scr:
      if scr[0] == 'SO':
        period = 5
      elif scr[0] == 'OT':
        period = 4
        period = to_int(scr[0])
    return period
  def __strength(self, sg_str):
    if 'PP' in sg_str:
      return Strength.PP
    elif 'SH' in sg_str:
      return Strength.PP
      return Strength.Even
  def __position(self, long_name):
    return ''.join(s[0] for s in long_name.split(' '))
  def __scorer(self, num_name_tot):
    nnt = num_name_tot.replace('(',' ').replace(')','')
    nnt_l = nnt.split(' ')
    return {
      'num': to_int(nnt_l[0]),
      'name': nnt_l[1].split('.')[1].strip(),
      'seas_tot': to_int(nnt_l[2]) if len(nnt_l) == 3 else -1
  def __skaters(td):
    sk_d = { }
    for sk in td.xpath('./font'):
      pos_pl = sk.get('title').split(' - ')
      num = to_int(sk.xpath('text()')[0])
      if num > 0:
        sk_d[num] = {
          'pos': self.__position(pos_pl[0]),
          'name': pos_pl[1]
    return sk_d
Ejemplo n.º 15
  def parse_scoring_summary(self):
    lx_doc = self.html_doc()
    main = lx_doc.xpath('//*[@id="MainTable"]')[0]
    scr_summ = main.xpath('child::tr[4]//tr')
    for r in scr_summ:
      print r.get('class')
      if r.get('class') in ['oddColor','evenColor']:
        tds = r.xpath('./td')
        scr = [td.xpath('text()') for td in tds[:8]]
        # goal summry data
        goals = { }
        # goal num, game state, scoring team
        gn = to_int(scr[0][0]) if scr[0] else -1
        period = self.__period(scr[1])
        time = split_time(scr[2][0] if period < 4 else '0:00')
        strength = self.__strength(scr[3][0] if scr[3] else 'EV')
        team = team_abbr_parser(scr[4][0])
        # skaters on the ice
        sks = tds[8:]
        goals[gn] = {
          'per': period,
          'time': time,
          'strength': strength,
          'team': team,
          'home': self.__skaters(sks[0]),
          'away': self.__skaters(sks[1])
        scorer = self.__scorer(scr[5][0])
        if scorer['num'] in goals[gn][
        assists = []
        for s in scr[6:8]:
          if s and s[0] != u'\xa0':
            print s[0], self.__scorer(s[0])
        print {
          'goal_num': gn,
          'scorer': scorer,
          'assists': assists

  def __period(self, scr):
    period = 0
    if scr:
      if scr[0] == 'SO':
        period = 5
      elif scr[0] == 'OT':
        period = 4
        period = to_int(scr[0])
    return period
  def __strength(self, sg_str):
    if 'PP' in sg_str:
      return Strength.PP
    elif 'SH' in sg_str:
      return Strength.PP
      return Strength.Even
  def __position(self, long_name):
    return ''.join(s[0] for s in long_name.split(' '))
  def __scorer(self, num_name_tot):
    nnt = num_name_tot.replace('(',' ').replace(')','')
    nnt_l = nnt.split(' ')
    return {
      'num': to_int(nnt_l[0]),
      'name': nnt_l[1].split('.')[1].strip(),
      'seas_tot': to_int(nnt_l[2]) if len(nnt_l) == 3 else -1
  def __skaters(td):
    sk_d = { }
    for sk in td.xpath('./font'):
      pos_pl = sk.get('title').split(' - ')
      num = to_int(sk.xpath('text()')[0])
      if num > 0:
        sk_d[num] = {
          'pos': self.__position(pos_pl[0]),
          'name': pos_pl[1]
    return sk_d
Ejemplo n.º 16
 def __tot_pct(res):
     ct = res.split("/")[0].strip()
     won, tot = tuple(to_int(i) for i in ct.split("-"))
     return {"won": won, "total": tot}
Ejemplo n.º 17
 def __tot_pct(res):
     ct = res.split('/')[0].strip()
     won, tot = tuple(to_int(i) for i in ct.split('-'))
     return {'won': won, 'total': tot}
Ejemplo n.º 18
 def __get_time(self, time_str):
     if time_str and ':' in time_str:
         mins, secs = time_str.split(':')
         return { 'min': to_int(mins), 'sec': to_int(secs) }
         return { 'min': 0, 'sec': 0 }
Ejemplo n.º 19
 def key_g_s(rows_lst):
     res = { }
     for k, v in _zip_top_bot(_rem(rows_lst)):
         g, s = v.split('-') if '-' in v else ('0', '0')
         res[k.lower()] = { 'g': to_int(g, 0), 's': to_int(s, 0) }
     return res
Ejemplo n.º 20
 def __get_time(self, time_str):
     mins, secs = time_str.split(':')
     return { 'min': to_int(mins), 'sec': to_int(secs) }
Ejemplo n.º 21
 def key_g_s(rows_lst):
     res = {}
     for k, v in _zip_top_bot(_rem(rows_lst)):
         g, s = v.split('-') if '-' in v else ('0', '0')
         res[k.lower()] = {'g': to_int(g, 0), 's': to_int(s, 0)}
     return res