def create_R2(in_vol, in_rh_surf, in_lh_surf):
  img = nib.load(in_vol)
  data = img.get_fdata()

  # set all visual areas 1 through 12 to 1.0  
  for i in range(data.shape[0]):
    for j in range(data.shape[1]):
      for k in range(data.shape[2]):
        if data[i,j,k] > 0.0:
          data[i,j,k] = 1.0
  out_vol = nib.Nifti1Image(data, img.affine), os.path.join(os.getcwd(),'prf','r2.nii.gz'))

  data = fsio.read_morph_data(in_rh_surf)
  for i in range(data.shape[0]):
    if data[i] > 0.0:
      data[i] = 1.0

  data = fsio.read_morph_data(in_lh_surf)
  for i in range(data.shape[0]):
    if data[i] > 0.0:
      data[i] = 1.0
def get_native_cortical_data(subject_dir, data_type):

    if FS_dir_structure:

        lh_cortical_data = read_morph_data(subject_dir + '/surf/lh.' +
        rh_cortical_data = read_morph_data(subject_dir + '/surf/rh.' +


        lh_cortical_data = read_morph_data(subject_dir + '/lh.' + data_type)
        rh_cortical_data = read_morph_data(subject_dir + '/rh.' + data_type)

    return lh_cortical_data, rh_cortical_data
Ejemplo n.º 3
def morph2dense(source_sphere,target_sphere,input_morph,path_output):
    This function maps a morphological file from a source surface to a target target surface.    
        *source_sphere: source surface.
        *target_sphere: target surface.
        *input_morph: morphological input file.
        *path_output: path where output is saved.
    created by Daniel Haenelt
    Date created: 13-07-2019
    Last modified: 13-07-2019
    import os
    from import read_morph_data, write_morph_data, read_geometry
    from scipy.interpolate import griddata    

    # make output folder
    if not os.path.exists(path_output):

    # transform morphological data to dense surfaces
    pts_sphere_dense, _ = read_geometry(target_sphere)
    pts_sphere, _ = read_geometry(source_sphere)
    # get morphological data
    morph = read_morph_data(input_morph)
    # do the transformation
    method = "nearest"
    morph_dense = griddata(pts_sphere, morph, pts_sphere_dense, method)
    # write dense morphological data
    write_morph_data(os.path.join(path_output,os.path.basename(input_morph)), morph_dense)
def _guess_surf_file(fl):
    # MGH/MGZ files
    try:    return fsmgh.load(fl).get_data().flatten()
    except: pass
    # FreeSurfer Curv files
    try:    return fsio.read_morph_data(fl)
    except: pass
    # Nifti files
    try:    return np.squeeze(nib.load(fl).get_data())
    except: raise ValueError('Could not determine filetype for: %s' % fl)
def fs_to_dae( args ):

  #load in FS mesh
  verts,faces = fsio.read_geometry( args.input )

  #dumb copypasta for mesh face normals
  norms = np.zeros( verts.shape, dtype=verts.dtype )
  tris = verts[faces]
  n = np.cross( tris[::,1 ] - tris[::,0]  , tris[::,2 ] - tris[::,0] )
  norm_sizes = np.sqrt(n[:,0]**2 + n[:,1]**2 + n[:,2]**2)

  for i in range(3):
    n[:,i] = n[:,i] / norm_sizes

  del norm_sizes

  #map back to vertices
  norms[ faces[:,0] ] += n
  norms[ faces[:,1] ] += n
  norms[ faces[:,2] ] += n

  del n

  norm_sizes = np.sqrt(norms[:,0]**2 + norms[:,1]**2 + norms[:,2]**2)

  for i in range(3):
    norms[:,i] = norms[:,i] / norm_sizes

  if not args.color:
    color = np.ones(norms.shape) * 0.4
    scalars = fsio.read_morph_data(args.color)
    color = color_func(scalars)

  #make trimesh
  mesh = trimesh.Trimesh(\

  mesh.export(file_obj=args.output, file_type="collada")
  #mesh.export(file_obj=args.output, file_type="obj")

Ejemplo n.º 6
def read_surface(filename):

    extension = filename.split('.')[-1]

    if extension == 'mha':
        img = sitk.ReadImage(filename)
        return sitk.GetArrayFromImage(img)
    elif extension == 'annot':
        raise ValueError('Reader for extensions \'annot\' not yet implemented')

    elif extension == 'label':
        raise ValueError('Reader for extensions \'label\' not yet implemented')

    elif extension in ['inflated', 'pial', 'white']:
        coords, faces = io.read_geometry(filename)
        return coords, faces
        return io.read_morph_data(filename)
Ejemplo n.º 7
# %%
import datasets

centers = datasets.load_centers_all()
features = []
for center in centers:
    persons = center.get_by_label(2)
    f = center.get_cortical_thickness(persons)

# %%
from import read_morph_data
from nilearn.surface import load_surf_data

p = r'E:\workspace\AD_meta\data\AD\ADNI\003\surf\rh.thickness.003_S_0907_NC_ADNI1_screening'
a = read_morph_data(p)

pg = r'E:\workspace\AD_meta\data\AD\EDSD\FRE\surf\lh.sphere.FRE_MCI001.gii'
b = load_surf_data(pg)
# %%
import datasets
import os

centers = datasets.load_centers_all()
for center in centers:
    surf_dir = center.file_dir + '\surf'
    files = os.listdir(surf_dir)
    for f in files:
        if 'lh.thickness' in f:
            a = read_morph_data(os.path.join(surf_dir, f))
Ejemplo n.º 8
def _guess_surf_file(fl):
    if len(fl) > 4 and (fl[-4:] == '.mgz' or fl[-4:] == '.mgh'):
        return np.squeeze(np.array(fsmgh.load(fl).dataobj))
        return fsio.read_morph_data(fl)
Ejemplo n.º 9
def load_freesurfer_morph(filename):
    load_freesurfer_morph(filename) yields the result of loading the given filename as FreeSurfer
      morph-data (e.g., lh.curv).
    return fsio.read_morph_data(filename)
Ejemplo n.º 10
 def _load_fn():
     p = fsio.read_morph_data(flnm)
     return p
Ejemplo n.º 11
class Subject(mri.Subject):
    A neuropythy.freesurfer.Subject is an instance of neuropythy.mri.Subject that depends only on
    the path of the subject represented; all other data are automatically derived from this.
    def __init__(self, path, meta_data=None, check_path=True):
        if check_path and not is_freesurfer_subject_path(path):
            raise ValueError('given path does not appear to hold a freesurfer subject')
        # get the name...
        path = os.path.abspath(path)
        name = os.path.split(path)[-1] = name
        self.path = path
        self.meta_data = meta_data
        self.hemis = Subject.load_hemis(name, path)
        self.images = Subject.load_images(name, path)
        # these are the only actually required data for the constructor; the rest is values

    # This [private] function and this variable set up automatic properties from the FS directory
    # in order to be auto-loaded, a property must appear in this dictionary:
    _auto_retino_names = pyr.pmap({
        (tag + sep + name): (ptag + pname) for
        (tag,ptag) in [('', ''),
                       ('rf',         'rf_'        ), ('prf',        'prf_'       ),
                       ('meas',       'measured_'  ), ('measured',   'measured_'  ),
                       ('emp',        'empirical_' ), ('empirical',  'empirical_' ),
                       ('trn',        'training_'  ), ('train',      'training_'  ),
                       ('training',   'training_'  ), ('val',        'validation_'),
                       ('valid',      'validation_'), ('validation', 'validation_'),
                       ('test',       'validation_'), ('gold',       'gold_'      ),
                       ('retinotopy', ''           ), ('retino',     ''           ),
                       ('predict',    'predicted_' ), ('pred',       'predicted_' ),
                       ('model',      'model_'     ), ('mdl',        'model_'     ),
                       ('inferred',   'inferred_'  ), ('bayes',      'inferred_'  ),
                       ('inf',        'inferred_'  ), ('benson14',   'benson14_'  ),
                       ('benson17',   'benson17_'  ), ('atlas',      'atlas_'     ),
                       ('template',   'template_'  )]
        for sep in (['_', '.', '-'] if len(tag) > 0 else [''])
        for (name, pname) in [
                ('eccen',  'eccentricity'      ),
                ('angle',  'polar_angle'       ),
                ('theta',  'theta'             ),
                ('rho',    'rho'               ),
                ('prfsz',  'size'              ),
                ('size',   'size'              ),
                ('radius', 'radius'            ),
                ('sigma',  'sigma'             ),
                ('varex',  'variance_explained'),
                ('vexpl',  'variance_explained'),
                ('varexp', 'variance_explained'),
                ('weight', 'weight'            ),
                ('varea',  'visual_area'       ),
                ('vsroi',  'visual_area'       ),
                ('vroi',   'visual_area'       ),
                ('vslab',  'visual_area'       )]})
    _auto_properties = pyr.pmap({k: (a, lambda f: fsio.read_morph_data(f))
                                 for d in [{'sulc':      'convexity',
                                            'thickness': 'thickness',
                                            'volume':    'volume',
                                            'area':      'white_surface_area',
                                            'area.mid':  'midgray_surface_area',
                                            'area.pial': 'pial_surface_area',
                                            'curv':      'curvature'},
                                 for (k,a) in six.iteritems(d)})
    def _cortex_from_path(subid, chirality, name, surf_path, data_path, data_prefix=Ellipsis):
        Subject._cortex_from_path(subid, chirality, name, spath, dpath) yields a Cortex object
          that has been loaded from the given path. The given spath should be the path from which
          to load the structural information (like lh.sphere and rh.white) while the dpath is the
          path from which to load the non-structural information (like lh.thickness or rh.curv).
        # data prefix is ellipsis when we use the same as the chirality; unless the name ends with
        # X, in which case, it's considered a reversed-hemisphere
        chirality = chirality.lower()
        if data_prefix is Ellipsis:
            if name.lower().endswith('x'): data_prefix = 'rh' if chirality == 'lh' else 'lh'
            else:                          data_prefix = chirality
            # we can start by making a lazy-map of the auto-properties
        def _make_prop_loader(flnm):
            def _load_fn():
                p = fsio.read_morph_data(flnm)
                return p
            return _load_fn
        def _make_mghprop_loader(flnm):
            def _load_fn():
                p = fsmgh.load(flnm).get_data().flatten()
                return p
            return _load_fn
        props = {}
        for (k,(a,_)) in six.iteritems(Subject._auto_properties):
            f = os.path.join(data_path, data_prefix + '.' + k)
            if os.path.isfile(f):
                props[a] = _make_prop_loader(f)
        # That takes care of the defauly properties; now look for auto-retino properties
        for flnm in os.listdir(data_path):
            if flnm[0] == '.' or not flnm.startswith(data_prefix + '.'): continue
            if flnm.endswith('.mgz') or flnm.endswith('.mgh'):
                mid = flnm[3:-4]
                loader = _make_mghprop_loader
                mid = flnm[3:]
                loader = _make_prop_loader
            if mid in Subject._auto_retino_names:
                tr = Subject._auto_retino_names[mid]
                props[tr] = loader(os.path.join(data_path, flnm))
        props = pimms.lazy_map(props)
        # we need a tesselation in order to make the surfaces or the cortex object
        white_surf_name = os.path.join(surf_path, chirality + '.white')
        # We need the tesselation at instantiation-time, so we can load it now
        tess = geo.Tesselation(fsio.read_geometry(white_surf_name)[1], properties=props)
        # start by creating the surface file names
        def _make_surf_loader(flnm):
            def _load_fn():
                x = fsio.read_geometry(flnm)[0].T
                return x
            return _load_fn
        surfs = {}
        for s in ['white', 'pial', 'inflated', 'sphere']:
            surfs[s] = _make_surf_loader(os.path.join(surf_path, chirality + '.' + s))
        surfs = pimms.lazy_map(surfs)
        # okay, now we can do the same for the relevant registrations; since the sphere registration
        # is the same as the sphere surface, we can just copy that one over:
        regs = {'native': lambda:surfs['sphere']}
        # see if our subject id has special neuropythy datafiles...
        surf_paths = [surf_path]
        extra_path = os.path.join(library_path(), 'data', subid, 'surf')
        if os.path.isdir(extra_path): surf_paths.insert(0, extra_path)
        for surf_path in surf_paths:
            for flnm in os.listdir(surf_path):
                if flnm.startswith(chirality + '.') and flnm.endswith('.sphere.reg'):
                    mid = flnm[(len(chirality)+1):-11]
                    if mid == '': mid = 'fsaverage'
                    regs[mid] = _make_surf_loader(os.path.join(surf_path, flnm))
        regs = pimms.lazy_map(regs)
        # great; now we can actually create the cortex object itself
        return mri.Cortex(chirality, tess, surfs, regs).persist()

    def load_hemis(name, path):
        Subject.load_hemis(name, path) yields a persistent map of hemisphere names ('lh', 'rh',
          possibly others) for the given freesurfer subject sub. Other hemispheres may include lhx
          and rhx (mirror-inverted hemisphere objects).
        surf_path = os.path.join(path, 'surf')
        # basically, we want to create a lh and rh hemisphere object with automatically-loaded
        # properties based on the above auto-property data
        ctcs = {}
        for h in ['lh', 'rh']:
            ctcs[h] = Subject._cortex_from_path(name, h, h, surf_path, surf_path)
        # we also want to check for the xhemi subject
        xpath = os.path.join(path, 'xhemi', 'surf')
        if os.path.isdir(xpath):
            for (h,xh) in zip(['lh', 'rh'], ['rhx', 'lhx']):
                ctcs[xh] = Subject._cortex_from_path(name, h, xh, xpath, surf_path)
        # that's all!
        return pimms.lazy_map(ctcs)
    def load_mgh_images(name, path):
        Subject.load_mgh_images(name, path) yields a persistent map of the MGHImage objects for all
          the valid mgz files in the relevant subject's FreeSurfer mri/ directory (where the subject
          directory is given by path).
        # These are just given their basic filenames; nothing fancy here
        path = os.path.join(path, 'mri')
        fls = [f
               for p in [path, os.path.join(path, 'orig')]
               if os.path.isdir(p)
               for fname in os.listdir(p) for f in [os.path.join(p, fname)]
               if f[0] != '.'
               if len(f) > 4 and f[-4:].lower() in ['.mgz', '.mgh']
               if os.path.isfile(f)]
        def _make_loader(fname):
            def _loader():
                return _load_imm_mgh(fname)
            return _loader
        return pimms.lazy_map({os.path.split(flnm)[-1][:-4]: _make_loader(flnm) for flnm in fls})
    def load_images(name, path):
        Subject.load_images(name, path) yields a persistent map of MRImages tracked by the given
          subject sub; in freesurfer subjects these are renamed and converted from their typical
          freesurfer filenames (such as 'ribbon') to forms that conform to the neuropythy naming
          conventions (such as 'gray_mask'). To access data by their original names, use the
          Subject.load_mgh_images() function.
        ims = {}
        mgh_images = Subject.load_mgh_images(name, path)
        def _make_imm_mask(arr, val, eq=True):
            arr = (arr == val) if eq else (arr != val)
            return fsmgh.MGHImage(arr, mgh_images['ribbon'].affine, mgh_images['ribbon'].header)
        # start with the ribbon:
        ims['lh_gray_mask']  = lambda:_make_imm_mask(mgh_images['ribbon'].get_data(), 3)
        ims['lh_white_mask'] = lambda:_make_imm_mask(mgh_images['ribbon'].get_data(), 2)
        ims['rh_gray_mask']  = lambda:_make_imm_mask(mgh_images['ribbon'].get_data(), 42)
        ims['rh_white_mask'] = lambda:_make_imm_mask(mgh_images['ribbon'].get_data(), 41)
        ims['brain_mask']    = lambda:_make_imm_mask(mgh_images['ribbon'].get_data(), 0, False)
        # next, do the standard ones:
        def _make_accessor(nm): return lambda:mgh_images[nm]
        for (tname, name) in zip(['original', 'normalized', 'segmentation', 'brain'],
                                 ['orig',     'norm',       'aseg',         'brain']):
            ims[tname] = _make_accessor(name)
        # last, check for auto-retino-properties:
        for k in six.iterkeys(mgh_images):
            if k in Subject._auto_retino_names:
                tr = Subject._auto_retino_names[k]
                ims[tr] = _make_accessor(k)
        return pimms.lazy_map(ims)
    def mgh_images(name, path):
        sub.mgh_images is a persistent map of MRImages, represented as MGHImage objects, tracked by
        the given FreeSurfer subject sub.
        return Subject.load_mgh_images(name, path)
    def voxel_to_vertex_matrix(mgh_images):
        See neuropythy.mri.Subject.voxel_to_vertex_matrix.
        return pimms.imm_array(mgh_images['ribbon'].header.get_vox2ras_tkr())
    def voxel_to_native_matrix(mgh_images):
        See neuropythy.mri.Subject.voxel_to_native_matrix.
        return pimms.imm_array(mgh_images['ribbon'].header.get_affine())
Ejemplo n.º 12
def fs_to_dae(args):

    #load in FS mesh
    verts, faces = fsio.read_geometry(args.input)

    #dumb copypasta for mesh face normals
    norms = np.zeros(verts.shape, dtype=verts.dtype)
    tris = verts[faces]
    n = np.cross(tris[::, 1] - tris[::, 0], tris[::, 2] - tris[::, 0])
    norm_sizes = np.sqrt(n[:, 0]**2 + n[:, 1]**2 + n[:, 2]**2)

    for i in range(3):
        n[:, i] = n[:, i] / norm_sizes

    del norm_sizes

    #map back to vertices
    norms[faces[:, 0]] += n
    norms[faces[:, 1]] += n
    norms[faces[:, 2]] += n

    del n

    norm_sizes = np.sqrt(norms[:, 0]**2 + norms[:, 1]**2 + norms[:, 2]**2)

    for i in range(3):
        norms[:, i] = norms[:, i] / norm_sizes

    # collada section

    if not args.color:
        #color = np.ones((norms.shape[0],4))
        color = np.random.uniform(size=norms.shape)
        scalars = fsio.read_morph_data(args.color)
        color = color_func(scalars)
        #color = np.ones((norms.shape[0],3)) *

    #create collada obj
    mesh = collada.Collada()

    #add shading
    effect = collada.material.Effect("effect0",\
      "phong", diffuse=(1,1,1), specular=(1,1,1),
    mat = collada.material.Material("material0", "mymaterial", effect)

    vert_src = collada.source.FloatSource("cubeverts-array", verts,
                                          ('X', 'Y', 'Z'))
    #norm_src = collada.source.FloatSource("cubenormals-array", np.array(norms), ('X', 'Y', 'Z'))
    color_src = collada.source.FloatSource("cubecolors-array", np.array(color),
                                           ('R', 'G', 'B'))

    geom = collada.geometry.Geometry(mesh, "geometry0", "fsave_test",\

    #creates list of inputs for collada DOM many decorators
    input_list = collada.source.InputList()

    input_list.addInput(0, 'VERTEX', "#cubeverts-array")
    input_list.addInput(1, 'COLOR', "#cubecolors-array")
    #input_list.addInput(2, 'NORMAL', "#cubenormals-array")

    #creates faces
    triset = geom.createTriangleSet(
      input_list, "materialref")



    #creates scene node, which causes display
    matnode = collada.scene.MaterialNode("materialref", mat, inputs=[])
    geomnode = collada.scene.GeometryNode(geom, [matnode])
    node = collada.scene.Node("node0", children=[geomnode])

    #create scene
    myscene = collada.scene.Scene("fs_base_scene", [node])
    mesh.scene = myscene


Ejemplo n.º 13
def map2grid(file_grid,
    This script allows you to sample indexed morphological data onto the regular grid. Optional, a 
    gaussian filter can be applied to the output image.
        *file_grid: filename of grid coordinate mapping.
        *file_input: filename of morphological data or *.mgh data.
        *sigma: standard deviation of Gaussian kernel.
        *path_output: path where output is saved.
        *basename_output: basename of written output file.
        *binary: threshold output grid (for curvature file).
        *overwrite: write output to file.
        *grid_array: file mapped onto array.
    created by Daniel Haenelt
    Date created: 01-11-2018             
    Last modified: 22-04-2020
    import os
    import numpy as np
    import nibabel as nb
    from import read_morph_data
    from scipy.ndimage.filters import gaussian_filter

    # load data
    grid_img = nb.load(file_grid)
    grid_array = grid_img.get_fdata()
    if os.path.splitext(file_input)[1] == ".mgh":
        morph = nb.load(file_input).get_fdata()
        morph = read_morph_data(file_input)

    # sample data onto grid
    for i in range(np.size(grid_array, 0)):
        for j in range(np.size(grid_array, 1)):
            if grid_array[i, j] != 0:
                grid_array[i, j] = morph[grid_array[i, j].astype(int)]

    # gaussian filter (opt)
    if sigma != 0:
        order = 0
        mode = "reflect"
        truncate = 4.0
        grid_array = gaussian_filter(grid_array,

    # binary mode (opt)
    if binary is True:
        grid_array[grid_array > 0] = 1
        grid_array[grid_array != 1] = -1

    # write output data
    if overwrite:

        # make output folder
        if not os.path.exists(path_output):

        if sigma == 0 and binary is True:
            filenameOUT = os.path.join(path_output,
                                       basename_output + "_grid_binary.nii")
        elif sigma == 0 and binary is False:
            filenameOUT = os.path.join(path_output,
                                       basename_output + "_grid.nii")
        elif sigma != 0 and binary is True:
            filenameOUT = os.path.join(
                basename_output + "_sigma" + str(sigma) + "_grid_binary.nii")
            filenameOUT = os.path.join(
                basename_output + "_sigma" + str(sigma) + "_grid.nii")

        output = nb.Nifti1Image(grid_array, grid_img.affine, grid_img.header), filenameOUT)

    return grid_array
Ejemplo n.º 14
      numverts_orig = fsio.read_geometry((Path(fsdir)/'surf'/f'{hemi}.inflated').str)[0].shape[0]

      # note the 0 inde problem here, here might not be correct
      validix = transfertodense(subjectid, np.arange(numverts_orig), hemi,'nearest','inflated')

    ######### transfer thickness, curvature, and sulc values from standard to dense

    for hemi in hemis:

        # load
        a1 = loadpkl((Path(dir0)/f'{hemi}midgray.pkl').str)
        a2 = loadpkl((Path(fsdir)/'surf'/f'{hemi}.DENSETRUNC{fstruncate}.pkl').str)
        # read sulc data
        a3 = fsio.read_morph_data((Path(fsdir)/'surf'/f'{hemi}.sulc').str)

        # transfer values
        thickness = transfertodense(subjectid, a1['thickness'], hemi,'nearest')
        curvature = transfertodense(subjectid, a1['curvature'],hemi,'nearest')
        sulc      = transfertodense(subjectid, a3,          hemi,'nearest')
      #  save(sprintf('%s/%smidgrayDENSE.pkl',dir0,hemi),'thickness','curvature')

        # write mgz
        writemgz(subjectid,'thicknessDENSE',thickness, hemi)
        writemgz(subjectid,'curvatureDENSE',curvature, hemi)
        writemgz(subjectid,'sulcDENSE',     sulc,      hemi)

        # write mgz for truncated
#!/usr/bin/env python

import numpy as np
import nibabel as nib
import as fsio
import as sio

rh_eccentricity = fsio.read_morph_data('./prf/prf_surfaces/rh.eccentricity')
rh_rfWidth = fsio.read_morph_data('./prf/prf_surfaces/rh.rfWidth')
rh_polarAngle = fsio.read_morph_data('./prf/prf_surfaces/rh.polarAngle')
rh_varea = fsio.read_morph_data('./prf/prf_surfaces/rh.varea')
rh_r2 = fsio.read_morph_data('./prf/prf_surfaces/rh.r2')
lh_eccentricity = fsio.read_morph_data('./prf/prf_surfaces/lh.eccentricity')
lh_rfWidth = fsio.read_morph_data('./prf/prf_surfaces/lh.rfWidth')
lh_polarAngle = fsio.read_morph_data('./prf/prf_surfaces/lh.polarAngle')
lh_varea = fsio.read_morph_data('./prf/prf_surfaces/lh.varea')
lh_r2 = fsio.read_morph_data('./prf/prf_surfaces/lh.r2')

prf_surfs = {
    'rh_eccentricity': rh_eccentricity,
    'rh_rfWidth': rh_rfWidth,
    'rh_polarAngle': rh_polarAngle,
    'rh_varea': rh_varea,
    'rh_r2': rh_r2,
    'lh_eccentricity': lh_eccentricity,
    'lh_rfWidth': lh_rfWidth,
    'lh_polarAngle': lh_polarAngle,
    'lh_varea': lh_varea,
    'lh_r2': lh_r2
Ejemplo n.º 16
corr_y_label = "t-score (session 4)"

# parameters
frac = 0.25
niter = 1000

""" do not edit below """

# load data
label = read_label(input_label).tolist()

# if input file extension is not *.mgh, interprete as morphological file
if os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(input_sess1))[1] == ".mgh":
    sess1 = np.squeeze(nb.load(input_sess1).get_fdata())
    sess1 = np.squeeze(read_morph_data(input_sess1))

# if input file extension is not *.mgh, interprete as morphological file
if os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(input_sess2))[1] == ".mgh":
    sess2 = np.squeeze(nb.load(input_sess2).get_fdata())
    sess2 = np.squeeze(read_morph_data(input_sess2))

# get the amount of data points
ndata = np.round(frac * len(label)).astype(int)

# randomly select ndata points in sess1 and sess2
label_shuffled = random.sample(label, len(label))
label_shuffled = label_shuffled[0:ndata]

# get correlation between sessions
Ejemplo n.º 17
def runfreesurfer2(subjectid,extraflags=''):
    def runfreesurfer2(subjectid,extraflags):

    <subjectid> is like 'C0001'
    <extraflags> (optional) is a string with extra flags to pass to recon-all.
     Default: ''

    This is part 2/2 for pushing anatomical data through FreeSurfer.
    see code for assumptions.
    from RZutilpy.cvnpy import cvnpath, writemgz, fstoint
    from RZutilpy.system import makedirs,Path
    from RZutilpy.rzio import savepkl, loadpkl
    import as fsio
    import nibabel as nib
    import re
    from numpy import stack
    from sklearn.neighbors import NearestNeighbors

    # calc
    dir0 = (Path(cvnpath('anatomicals')) / subjectid).str
    fsdir = (Path(cvnpath('freesurfer')) / subjectid).str

    # make subject anatomical directory

    # convert some miscellaneous files

    # convert .thickness files to ASCII
    # no need for python since nibabel can directly read the file
    # unix_wrapper('mris_convert -c {0}/surf/lh.thickness {0}/surf/lh.white {0}/surf/lh.thickness.asc'.format(str(fsdir)))
    # unix_wrapper('mris_convert -c {0}/surf/rh.thickness {0}/surf/rh.white {0}/surf/rh.thickness.asc'.format(str(fsdir)))

    # # convert .curv files to ASCII
    # unix_wrapper('mris_convert -c {0}/surf/lh.curv {0}/surf/lh.white {0}/surf/lh.curv.asc'.format(str(fsdir)))
    # unix_wrapper('mris_convert -c {0}/surf/rh.curv {0}/surf/rh.white {0}/surf/rh.curv.asc'.format(str(fsdir)))

    #### make mid-gray surface

    unix_wrapper('mris_expand -thickness {0}/surf/lh.white 0.5 {0}/surf/lh.graymid'.format(fsdir))
    unix_wrapper('mris_expand -thickness {0}/surf/rh.white 0.5 {0}/surf/rh.graymid'.format(fsdir))

    #### consolidate mid-gray surface stuff into a .mat file
    for hemi in ['lh' 'rh']:
        # read .graymid surface
        vertices,faces = fsio.read_geometry((Path(fsdir) / 'surf'/ f'{hemi}.graymid').str)

        # construct vertices (4 x V), becareful here, numpy and matlab index might be different!!!
        vertices = vertices.T + np.array([128, 129, 128]).reshape(-1,1)
        vertices = np.vstack((vertices, np.ones(vertices.shape[1]).reshape(1,-1)))

        # construct faces (F x 3)
        faces = faces[:,[0, 2, 1]]  # necessary to convert freesurfer to matlab

        # load auxiliary info (V x 1)
        thickness = fsio.read_morph_data((Path(fsdir) / 'surf' / f'{hemi}.thickness').str)
        curvature = fsio.read_morph_data((Path(fsdir) / 'surf' / f'{hemi}.curv').str)

        # get freesurfer labels (fslabels is V x 1)
        fslabels, _, _ = fsio.read_annot((Path(fsdir) / 'label' / f'{hemi}.aparc.annot').str)

        # save
        savepkl((Path(cvnpath('anatomicals')) / subjectid / f'{hemi}midgray.pkl'.format(hemi)).str,
          {'vertices':vertices, 'faces':faces, 'thickness':thickness, \
          'curvature':curvature, 'fslabels': fslabels})

    #### calculate gray-matter information

    if isempty(regexp(extraflags,'hires')):
        # load ribbon
        ribmgz = nib.load((Path(fsdir)/ 'mri' / 'ribbon.mgz').str)
        rib = fstoint(ribmgz.get_data())

        # load coordinates of surface vertices
        coord0 = stack(\
          (loadpkl(Path((cvnpath('anatomicals')) / subjectid / 'lhmidgray.mat').str)['vertices'],\
            loadpkl((Path(cvnpath('anatomicals')) / subjectid / 'rhmidgray.mat').str)['vertices']),\

        #### use nearestNeighour, need to double check this
        nbrs = NearestNeighbors(1, metric='l2')
        dist, mnix = nbrs.kneighbors(rib, 1) # do I need to reshape dist and mnix?

        # compute distances to vertices [i.e. create a volume where gray matter voxels have certain informative values]
        #[dist,mnix] = surfaceslice2(ismember(rib,[3 42]),coord0, 3, 4)  # NOTICE HARD-CODED VALUES HERE

        # save
          # 1-mm volume with, for each gray matter voxel, distance to closest vertex (of mid-gray surface), (Path(fsdir) / 'mri'/ 'ribbonsurfdist.mgz').str, ribmgz)
          # 1-mm volume with, for each gray matter voxel, index of closest vertex (of mid-gray surface),(Path(fsdir) / 'mri'/ 'ribbonsurfindex.mgz').str, ribmgz)

    #### calculate transfer functions

    # calc
    [tfunFSSSlh,tfunFSSSrh,tfunSSFSlh,tfunSSFSrh] = \
      calctransferfunctions((Path(cvnpath('freesurfer')).joinpath('fsaverage', 'surf','lh.sphere.reg')).str, \
                            (Path(cvnpath('freesurfer')).joinpath('fsaverage', 'surf','rh.sphere.reg')).str, \
                               (Path(cvnpath('freesurfer')).joinpath(subjectid, 'surf','lh.sphere.reg')).str, \
                               (Path(cvnpath('freesurfer')).joinpath(subjectid, 'surf','rh.sphere.reg')).str)

    # save
    savepkl((Path(cvnpath('anatomicals')) / subjectid /'tfun.mat').str,\
      {'tfunFSSSlh': tfunFSSSlh,\
      'tfunFSSSrh': tfunFSSSrh,\
      'tfunSSFSlh': tfunSSFSlh\
      'tfunSSFSrh': tfunSSFSrh})
Ejemplo n.º 18
def read_surf_file(flnm):
  if flnm.endswith(".mgh") or flnm.endswith(".mgz"):
    data = fsmgh.load(flnm).get_data().flatten()
    data = fsio.read_morph_data(flnm)
  return data
def _guess_surf_file(fl):
    if len(fl) > 4 and (fl[-4:] == '.mgz' or fl[-4:] == '.mgh'):
        return np.squeeze(np.array(fsmgh.load(fl).dataobj))
        return fsio.read_morph_data(fl)