Ejemplo n.º 1
def test_geometric_mean_couple():
    n_features = 7
    spd1 = np.ones((n_features, n_features))
    spd1 = spd1.dot(spd1) + n_features * np.eye(n_features)
    spd2 = np.tril(np.ones((n_features, n_features)))
    spd2 = spd2.dot(spd2.T)
    vals_spd2, vecs_spd2 = np.linalg.eigh(spd2)
    spd2_sqrt = _form_symmetric(np.sqrt, vals_spd2, vecs_spd2)
    spd2_inv_sqrt = _form_symmetric(np.sqrt, 1. / vals_spd2, vecs_spd2)
    geo = spd2_sqrt.dot(_map_eigenvalues(np.sqrt, spd2_inv_sqrt.dot(spd1).dot(
    assert_array_almost_equal(_geometric_mean([spd1, spd2]), geo)
Ejemplo n.º 2
def test_geometric_mean_couple():
    n_features = 7
    spd1 = np.ones((n_features, n_features))
    spd1 = spd1.dot(spd1) + n_features * np.eye(n_features)
    spd2 = np.tril(np.ones((n_features, n_features)))
    spd2 = spd2.dot(spd2.T)
    vals_spd2, vecs_spd2 = np.linalg.eigh(spd2)
    spd2_sqrt = _form_symmetric(np.sqrt, vals_spd2, vecs_spd2)
    spd2_inv_sqrt = _form_symmetric(np.sqrt, 1. / vals_spd2, vecs_spd2)
    geo = spd2_sqrt.dot(_map_eigenvalues(np.sqrt, spd2_inv_sqrt.dot(spd1).dot(
    assert_array_almost_equal(_geometric_mean([spd1, spd2]), geo)
def grad_geometric_mean(mats, init=None, max_iter=10, tol=1e-7):
    """Return the norm of the covariant derivative at each iteration step of
    geometric_mean. See its docstring for details.

    Norm is intrinsic norm on the tangent space of the manifold of symmetric
    positive definite matrices.

    grad_norm : list of float
        Norm of the covariant derivative in the tangent space at each step.
    mats = np.array(mats)

    # Initialization
    if init is None:
        gmean = np.mean(mats, axis=0)
        gmean = init
    norm_old = np.inf
    step = 1.
    grad_norm = []
    for n in range(max_iter):
        # Computation of the gradient
        vals_gmean, vecs_gmean = linalg.eigh(gmean)
        gmean_inv_sqrt = _form_symmetric(np.sqrt, 1. / vals_gmean, vecs_gmean)
        whitened_mats = [
            gmean_inv_sqrt.dot(mat).dot(gmean_inv_sqrt) for mat in mats
        logs = [_map_eigenvalues(np.log, w_mat) for w_mat in whitened_mats]
        logs_mean = np.mean(logs, axis=0)  # Covariant derivative is
        # - gmean.dot(logms_mean)
        norm = np.linalg.norm(logs_mean)  # Norm of the covariant derivative on
        # the tangent space at point gmean

        # Update of the minimizer
        vals_log, vecs_log = linalg.eigh(logs_mean)
        gmean_sqrt = _form_symmetric(np.sqrt, vals_gmean, vecs_gmean)
        gmean = gmean_sqrt.dot(
            _form_symmetric(np.exp, vals_log * step, vecs_log)).dot(gmean_sqrt)

        # Update the norm and the step size
        if norm < norm_old:
            norm_old = norm
        if norm > norm_old:
            step = step / 2.
            norm = norm_old

        grad_norm.append(norm / gmean.size)
        if tol is not None and norm / gmean.size < tol:

    return grad_norm
Ejemplo n.º 4
def grad_geometric_mean(mats, init=None, max_iter=10, tol=1e-7):
    """Return the norm of the covariant derivative at each iteration step of
    geometric_mean. See its docstring for details.

    Norm is intrinsic norm on the tangent space of the manifold of symmetric
    positive definite matrices.

    grad_norm : list of float
        Norm of the covariant derivative in the tangent space at each step.
    mats = np.array(mats)

    # Initialization
    if init is None:
        gmean = np.mean(mats, axis=0)
        gmean = init
    norm_old = np.inf
    step = 1.
    grad_norm = []
    for n in range(max_iter):
        # Computation of the gradient
        vals_gmean, vecs_gmean = linalg.eigh(gmean)
        gmean_inv_sqrt = _form_symmetric(np.sqrt, 1. / vals_gmean, vecs_gmean)
        whitened_mats = [gmean_inv_sqrt.dot(mat).dot(gmean_inv_sqrt)
                         for mat in mats]
        logs = [_map_eigenvalues(np.log, w_mat) for w_mat in whitened_mats]
        logs_mean = np.mean(logs, axis=0)  # Covariant derivative is
                                           # - gmean.dot(logms_mean)
        norm = np.linalg.norm(logs_mean)  # Norm of the covariant derivative on
                                          # the tangent space at point gmean

        # Update of the minimizer
        vals_log, vecs_log = linalg.eigh(logs_mean)
        gmean_sqrt = _form_symmetric(np.sqrt, vals_gmean, vecs_gmean)
        gmean = gmean_sqrt.dot(
            _form_symmetric(np.exp, vals_log * step, vecs_log)).dot(gmean_sqrt)

        # Update the norm and the step size
        if norm < norm_old:
            norm_old = norm
        if norm > norm_old:
            step = step / 2.
            norm = norm_old

        grad_norm.append(norm / gmean.size)
        if tol is not None and norm / gmean.size < tol:

    return grad_norm