Ejemplo n.º 1
def test_2d_eq_4d():
    arr4d = data['fmridata']
    shp = arr4d.shape
    arr2d = arr4d.reshape((np.prod(shp[:3]), shp[3]))
    arr3d = arr4d.reshape((shp[0], -1, shp[3]))
    res4d = pos1pca(arr4d, axis=-1, standardize=False)
    res3d = pos1pca(arr3d, axis=-1, standardize=False)
    res2d = pos1pca(arr2d, axis=-1, standardize=False)
    assert_array_almost_equal(res4d['basis_vectors'], res2d['basis_vectors'])
    assert_array_almost_equal(res4d['basis_vectors'], res3d['basis_vectors'])
Ejemplo n.º 2
def test_save1():
    # A test to ensure that when a file is saved, the affine and the
    # data agree. This image comes from a NIFTI file
    img = load_image(funcfile)
    with InTemporaryDirectory():
        save_image(img, TMP_FNAME)
        img2 = load_image(TMP_FNAME)
        assert_array_almost_equal(img.affine, img2.affine)
        assert_equal(img.shape, img2.shape)
        assert_array_almost_equal(img2.get_data(), img.get_data())
        del img2
Ejemplo n.º 3
def test_2d_eq_4d():
    arr4d = data['fmridata']
    shp = arr4d.shape
    arr2d =  arr4d.reshape((np.prod(shp[:3]), shp[3]))
    arr3d = arr4d.reshape((shp[0], -1, shp[3]))
    res4d = pca(arr4d, axis=-1, standardize=False)
    res3d = pca(arr3d, axis=-1, standardize=False)
    res2d = pca(arr2d, axis=-1, standardize=False)
Ejemplo n.º 4
def test_save2():
    # A test to ensure that when a file is saved, the affine and the
    # data agree. This image comes from a NIFTI file 
    shape = (13,5,7,3)
    step = np.array([3.45,2.3,4.5,6.93])
    cmap = api.AffineTransform.from_start_step('ijkt', 'xyzt', [1,3,5,0], step)
    data = np.random.standard_normal(shape)
    img = api.Image(data, cmap)
    with InTemporaryDirectory():
        save_image(img, TMP_FNAME)
        img2 = load_image(TMP_FNAME)
        assert_array_almost_equal(img.affine, img2.affine)
        assert_equal(img.shape, img2.shape)
        assert_array_almost_equal(img2.get_data(), img.get_data())
        del img2
Ejemplo n.º 5
def test_resid():
    # Data is projected onto k=10 dimensional subspace then has its mean
    # removed.  Should still have rank 10.
    k = 10
    ncomp = 5
    ntotal = k
    X = np.random.standard_normal((data['nimages'], k))
    p = pca(data['fmridata'], -1, ncomp=ncomp, design_resid=X)
    yield assert_equal(
        (data['nimages'], ntotal))
    yield assert_equal(
        data['mask'].shape + (ncomp,))
    yield assert_equal(p['pcnt_var'].shape, (ntotal,))
    yield assert_almost_equal(p['pcnt_var'].sum(), 100.)
    # if design_resid is None, we do not remove the mean, and we get
    # full rank from our data
    p = pca(data['fmridata'], -1, design_resid=None)
    rank = p['basis_vectors'].shape[1]
    yield assert_equal(rank, data['nimages'])
    rarr = reconstruct(p['basis_vectors'], p['basis_projections'], -1)
    # add back the sqrt MSE, because we standardized
    rmse = root_mse(data['fmridata'], axis=-1)[...,None]
    yield assert_array_almost_equal(rarr * rmse, data['fmridata'])
Ejemplo n.º 6
def test_header_roundtrip():
    img = load_image(anatfile)
    hdr = img.metadata['header']
    # Update some header values and make sure they're saved
    hdr['slice_duration'] = 0.200
    hdr['intent_p1'] = 2.0
    hdr['descrip'] = 'descrip for TestImage:test_header_roundtrip'
    hdr['slice_end'] = 12
    with InTemporaryDirectory():
        save_image(img, 'img.nii.gz')
        newimg = load_image('img.nii.gz')
    newhdr = newimg.metadata['header']
    assert_array_almost_equal(newhdr['slice_duration'], hdr['slice_duration'])
    assert_equal(newhdr['intent_p1'], hdr['intent_p1'])
    assert_equal(newhdr['descrip'], hdr['descrip'])
    assert_equal(newhdr['slice_end'], hdr['slice_end'])
Ejemplo n.º 7
def test_header_roundtrip():
    img = load_image(anatfile)
    hdr = img.metadata['header']
    # Update some header values and make sure they're saved
    hdr['slice_duration'] = 0.200
    hdr['intent_p1'] = 2.0
    hdr['descrip'] = 'descrip for TestImage:test_header_roundtrip'
    hdr['slice_end'] = 12
    with InTemporaryDirectory():
        save_image(img, 'img.nii.gz')
        newimg = load_image('img.nii.gz')
    newhdr = newimg.metadata['header']
    assert_equal(newhdr['intent_p1'], hdr['intent_p1'])
    assert_equal(newhdr['descrip'], hdr['descrip'])
    assert_equal(newhdr['slice_end'], hdr['slice_end'])
Ejemplo n.º 8
def test_2D():
    # check that a standard 2D PCA works too
    M = 100
    N = 20
    L = M-1 # rank after mean removal
    data = np.random.uniform(size=(M, N))
    p = pca(data)
    ts = p['basis_vectors']
    imgs = p['basis_projections']
    assert_equal(ts.shape, (M, L))
    assert_equal(imgs.shape, (L, N))
    rimgs = reconstruct(ts, imgs)
    # add back the sqrt MSE, because we standardized
    data_mean = data.mean(0)[None,...]
    demeaned = data - data_mean
    rmse = root_mse(demeaned, axis=0)[None,...]
    # also add back the mean
    assert_array_almost_equal((rimgs * rmse) + data_mean, data)
    # if standardize is set, or not, covariance is diagonal
    p = pca(data, standardize=False)
    imgs = p['basis_projections']
Ejemplo n.º 9
def test_save2b():
    # A test to ensure that when a file is saved, the affine and the
    # data agree. This image comes from a NIFTI file This example has
    # a non-diagonal affine matrix for the spatial part, but is
    # 'diagonal' for the space part.  this should raise a warnings
    # about 'non-diagonal' affine matrix

    # make a 5x5 transformation
    step = np.array([3.45,2.3,4.5,6.9])
    A = np.random.standard_normal((4,4))
    B = np.diag(list(step)+[1])
    B[:4,:4] = A
    shape = (13,5,7,3)
    cmap = api.AffineTransform.from_params('ijkt', 'xyzt', B)
    data = np.random.standard_normal(shape)
    img = api.Image(data, cmap)
    with InTemporaryDirectory():
        save_image(img, TMP_FNAME)
        img2 = load_image(TMP_FNAME)
        assert_false(np.allclose(img.affine, img2.affine))
        assert_array_almost_equal(img.affine[:3,:3], img2.affine[:3,:3])
        assert_equal(img.shape, img2.shape)
        assert_array_almost_equal(img2.get_data(), img.get_data())
        del img2