Ejemplo n.º 1
    code = compile(f.read(), "def_constants.py", "exec")

# 2. SET UP VARIABLES ---------------------------------------------------------
GRAV = 'f'
SPECIAL_H_NORM_LIM = [1.41,1.89] #[1.41, 1.81] these are the special values

# 3. GET SPECTRAL NIR STANDARDS & TEMPLATES -----------------------------------
spTypes = []
spectra = {}.fromkeys(BANDS)
for band in BANDS:
    spectra[band] = []

for idxTp, spTp in enumerate(SPTYPES):
    # Fetch standard
    tmpStd = nocs.main(spTp, GRAV, plot=False, std=True, normalize=False)
    # Normalize standard
    for bdIdx, band in enumerate(BANDS):
        if idxTp in [1,2,3] and band == 'H':
            norm_lims = SPECIAL_H_NORM_LIM
            norm_lims = NORM_LIMS[band]['lim']
        stdToPlot = at.norm_spec(tmpStd[bdIdx], norm_lims)[0]
    # Fetch template from ascii files generated by make_templ.py in templates/ folder.
    for bdIdx, band in enumerate(BANDS):
        fileNm = spTp + band + '_' + GRAV + '.txt'
        templRaw = ad.read(FOLDER_OUT_TMPL + fileNm, delimiter='\t', \
Ejemplo n.º 2
''' This generates separate ascii files for all templates, by band (J, H, and K). The files contain five columns: wavelength, average flux, standard deviation, min flux, max flux.'''

import nir_opt_comp_strip as nocs
import astrotools as at

with open("def_constants.py") as f:
    code = compile(f.read(), "def_constants.py", "exec")
GRAVS = ['f','g','b']

for sptp in SPTYPES:
    for grav in GRAVS:
        templ = nocs.main(sptp, grav, templ=True, plot=False)
        if templ is None:
        print(' ' + grav)
        for bdidx, band in enumerate(templ):
            # Create template spectrum file
            # columns are: wavelength, mean flux, standard deviation, min flux, max flux
            at.create_ascii(band, FOLDER_OUT_TMPL + sptp + BANDS[bdidx] + '_' + grav)

Ejemplo n.º 3
''' This generates separate ascii files for all templates, by band (J, H, and K). The files contain five columns: wavelength, average flux, standard deviation, min flux, max flux.'''

import nir_opt_comp_strip as nocs
import astrotools as at

with open("def_constants.py") as f:
    code = compile(f.read(), "def_constants.py", "exec")
GRAVS = ['f', 'g', 'b']

for sptp in SPTYPES:
    for grav in GRAVS:
        templ = nocs.main(sptp, grav, templ=True, plot=False)
        if templ is None:

        print(' ' + grav)
        for bdidx, band in enumerate(templ):
            # Create template spectrum file
            # columns are: wavelength, mean flux, standard deviation, min flux, max flux
                            FOLDER_OUT_TMPL + sptp + BANDS[bdidx] + '_' + grav)
Ejemplo n.º 4
    code = compile(f.read(), "def_constants.py", "exec")

# 2. SET UP VARIABLES ---------------------------------------------------------
GRAV = "f"
SPECIAL_H_NORM_LIM = [1.41, 1.89]  # [1.41, 1.81] these are the special values

# 3. GET SPECTRAL NIR STANDARDS & TEMPLATES -----------------------------------
spTypes = []
spectra = {}.fromkeys(BANDS)
for band in BANDS:
    spectra[band] = []

for idxTp, spTp in enumerate(SPTYPES):
    # Fetch standard
    tmpStd = nocs.main(spTp, GRAV, plot=False, std=True, normalize=False)
    # Normalize standard
    for bdIdx, band in enumerate(BANDS):
        if idxTp in [1, 2, 3] and band == "H":
            norm_lims = SPECIAL_H_NORM_LIM
            norm_lims = NORM_LIMS[band]["lim"]
        stdToPlot = at.norm_spec(tmpStd[bdIdx], norm_lims)[0]
        # spectra[band].append(tmpStd[bdIdx])

    # Fetch template from ascii files generated by make_templ.py in templates/ folder.
    for bdIdx, band in enumerate(BANDS):
        fileNm = spTp + band + "_" + GRAV + ".txt"
        templRaw = ad.read(FOLDER_OUT_TMPL + fileNm, delimiter="\t", format="no_header")
        templRawToPlot = np.array([templRaw.columns[i] for i in range(5)])