Ejemplo n.º 1
class ArrayTests(ArrayTestsBase, unittest.TestCase):

    A = Array(Long, (2, 3, 2))
    B = Array(Long, (12, ))

    def test_repr(self):
        self.assertEqual(repr(self.A), "Array(Long, shape=(2, 3, 2))")
        self.assertEqual(repr(self.B), "Array(Long, shape=(12,))")

    def test_str(self):
        self.assertEqual(str(self.A), "<Array [2 x [3 x [2 x Long]]]>")
        self.assertEqual(str(self.B), "<Array [12 x Long]>")
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def test_and_eval(self):
        """Don't evaluate `and`ed expressions if not necessary."""
        from nitrous.types.array import Array

        Bool1 = Array(Bool, (1,))

        @function(Bool, b=Bool1)
        def side_effect(b):
            b[0] = True
            return True

        @function(Bool, a=Bool, b=Bool1)
        def and_(a, b):
            return a and side_effect(b)

        m = module([and_])

        # First value is true; b should evaluate as well
        x = (Bool.c_type * 1)(False)
        m.and_(True, x)

        # First value is false; should skip next term.
        x = (Bool.c_type * 1)(False)
        m.and_(False, x)
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def test_or_eval(self):
        """Don't evaluate `or`ed expressions if not necessary."""
        from nitrous.types.array import Array

        Bool1 = Array(Bool, (1,))

        @function(Bool, b=Bool1)
        def side_effect(b):
            b[0] = True
            return True

        @function(Bool, a=Bool, b=Bool1)
        def or_(a, b):
            return a or side_effect(b)

        m = module([or_])

        # First value is true; should skip b
        x = (Bool.c_type * 1)(False)
        m.or_(True, x)

        # First value is false; should evaluate b
        x = (Bool.c_type * 1)(False)
        m.or_(False, x)
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def test_for_range(self):
        """More advanced loop ranges."""
        import ctypes

        Long8 = Array(Long, (8, ))

        @function(Long, data=Long8, start=Long, end=Long)
        def loop_1(data, start, end):
            for i in range(start, end):
                data[i] = i

            return 0

        @function(Long, data=Long8, start=Long, end=Long, step=Long)
        def loop_2(data, start, end, step):
            for i in range(start, end, step):
                data[i] = i

            return 0

        m = module([loop_1, loop_2])

        data = (ctypes.c_long * 8)()
        m.loop_1(data, 2, 7)
        self.assertEqual(list(data), [0, 0, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 0])

        data = (ctypes.c_long * 8)()
        m.loop_2(data, 2, 7, 2)
        self.assertEqual(list(data), [0, 0, 2, 0, 4, 0, 6, 0])
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def test_assign_wrong_type(self):
        @function(x=Array(Long, shape=(1, )), y=Double)
        def f(x, y):
            x[0] = y

        message = ">>>     x\[0\] = y"
        with self.assertRaisesRegexp(TypeError, message):
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def test_aug(self):
        """Augmented assignment."""
        @function(Long, a=Long, b=Array(Long, (1, )))
        def f(a, b):
            a += 5
            b[0] += 7
            return a

        m = module([f])

        b = (Long.c_type * 1)(5)
        self.assertEqual(m.f(6, b), 11)
        self.assertEqual(b[0], 12)
Ejemplo n.º 7
    def test_unpack_subscript(self):
        """Unpacking tuples into array elements"""

        A, B, C = range(3)

        @function(Long, d=Array(Long, (3, )))
        def foo(d):
            d[C], d[A], d[B] = d[A], d[B], d[C]
            return d[B] * 10 + d[A] * 100 + d[C] * 1000

        m = module([foo])
        d = (Long.c_type * 3)(5, 6, 2)

        self.assertEqual(m.foo(d), 5000 + 600 + 20)
Ejemplo n.º 8
    def test_load_element(self):
        import ctypes

        @function(Long, data=Array(Long, (5, )), i=Long)
        def get_i(data, i):
            e = data[i]
            return e

        m = module([get_i])

        dtype = (ctypes.c_long * 5)
        data = dtype(0, 10, 20, 30, 40)

        for i in range(5):
            self.assertEqual(m.get_i(data, i), data[i])
Ejemplo n.º 9
    def test_nd_index(self):
        import ctypes

        @function(Long, y=Array(Long, shape=(2, 3, 2)), i=Long, j=Long, k=Long)
        def x(y, i, j, k):
            return y[i, j, k]

        m = module([x])

        dtype = (((ctypes.c_long * 2) * 3) * 2)
        data = dtype(((1, 2), (3, 4), (5, 6)), ((7, 8), (9, 10), (11, 12)))

        for i in range(2):
            for j in range(3):
                for k in range(2):
                    self.assertEqual(m.x(data, i, j, k), data[i][j][k])
Ejemplo n.º 10
    def test_init_2d(self):
        """Multi-dimensional array initialization."""
        from nitrous.types import Double

        Double2x2 = Array(Double, (2, 2))

        @function(Double2x2, x=Double, y=Double, z=Double, w=Double)
        def make_2x2(x, y, z, w):
            return Double2x2(((x, y), (z, w)))

        m = module([make_2x2])
        c = m.make_2x2(1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0)

        self.assertEqual(c[0][0], 1.0)
        self.assertEqual(c[0][1], 2.0)
        self.assertEqual(c[1][0], 3.0)
        self.assertEqual(c[1][1], 4.0)
Ejemplo n.º 11
    def test_for(self):
        """Simple for loop given range stop value."""
        import ctypes

        @function(Long, data=Array(Long, (6, )), n=Long)
        def loop_1(data, n):
            for i in range(n):
                data[i] = (i if i < 3 else 99)

            return 0

        m = module([loop_1])
        # 5 + 1 elements to check stop correctness
        data = (ctypes.c_long * 6)()

        m.loop_1(data, 5)
        self.assertEqual(list(data), [0, 1, 2, 99, 99, 0])
Ejemplo n.º 12
    def test_while(self):
        import ctypes

        @function(Long, data=Array(Long, (6, )), n=Long)
        def loop_1(data, n):
            i = 0
            while i < n:
                data[i] = (i if i < 3 else 99)
                i += 1
            return 0

        m = module([loop_1])

        # 5 + 1 elements to check stop correctness
        data = (ctypes.c_long * 6)()

        m.loop_1(data, 5)
        self.assertEqual(list(data), [0, 1, 2, 99, 99, 0])
Ejemplo n.º 13
    def test_alloc_return(self):
        """Allocate array and pass back through return value."""
        from nitrous.types import Double

        Coord = Array(Double, (3, ))

        @function(Coord, x=Double, y=Double, z=Double)
        def make_coord(x, y, z):
            return Coord((x, y, z))

        @function(Coord, x=Double, y=Double, z=Double)
        def make_coord_2(x, y, z):
            return make_coord(x, y, z)

        m = module([make_coord, make_coord_2])
        c = m.make_coord_2(1.0, 2.0, 3.0)

        self.assertEqual(tuple(c), (1.0, 2.0, 3.0))
Ejemplo n.º 14
    def test_double_while(self):
        import ctypes

        @function(data=Array(Long, (9, )), n=Long)
        def loop_1(data, n):
            i = 0
            while i < n:
                j = 0
                while j < n:
                    data[i * n + j] = i + j
                    j += 1
                i += 1

        m = module([loop_1])
        data = (ctypes.c_long * 9)()
        expected = [0, 1, 2, 1, 2, 3, 2, 3, 4]

        m.loop_1(data, 3)
        self.assertEqual(list(data), expected)
Ejemplo n.º 15
    def test_double_for(self):
        import ctypes

        @function(Long, data=Array(Long, (9, )), n=Long)
        def loop_1(data, n):
            j = 0
            for i in range(n):
                for j in range(n):
                    data[i * n + j] = i + j

            # Check availability and correctness of
            # loop variables outside the loop.
            return i * j

        m = module([loop_1])
        data = (ctypes.c_long * 9)()
        expected = [0, 1, 2, 1, 2, 3, 2, 3, 4]

        self.assertEqual(m.loop_1(data, 3), 4)
        self.assertEqual(list(data), expected)
Ejemplo n.º 16
    def test_store_element(self):
        import ctypes

        @function(Long, data=Array(Long, (5, )), i=Long, e=Long)
        def set_i(data, i, e):
            data[i] = e
            return 0

        m = module([set_i])

        dtype = (ctypes.c_long * 5)
        data = dtype(0, 0, 0, 0, 0)

        m.set_i(data, 1, 2)
        m.set_i(data, 2, 5)
        m.set_i(data, 4, 10)

        expected = (0, 2, 5, 0, 10)

        for i in range(5):
            self.assertEqual(data[i], expected[i])
Ejemplo n.º 17
import unittest
import numpy as np

from nitrous.function import function
from nitrous.types import Double, Index
from nitrous.types.array import Array, FastSlice, Slice, Any

DoubleNx3 = Slice(Double, shape=(Any, 3))
DoubleN = Slice(Double)
DoubleNArray = FastSlice(Double)

Double3 = Array(Double, (3, ))

X, Y, Z = range(3)

@function(d=DoubleNx3, out=DoubleNArray, n=Index, m=Index)
def sum_1(d, out, n, m):

    for k in range(m):
        for i in range(n):
            for j in range(i + 1, n):
                out[X] += d[i, X] * d[j, X]
                out[Y] += d[i, Y] * d[j, Y]
                out[Z] += d[i, Z] * d[j, Z]

@function(d=DoubleNx3, out=DoubleN, n=Index, m=Index)
def sum_2(d, out, n, m):

    for k in range(m):