Ejemplo n.º 1
def test_singlepoint_loopback(nixnet_in_interface, nixnet_out_interface):
    database_name = 'NIXNET_example'
    cluster_name = 'CAN_Cluster'
    signal_names = ['CANEventSignal1', 'CANEventSignal2']

    with nixnet.SignalInSinglePointSession(nixnet_in_interface, database_name,
                                           signal_names) as input_session:
        with nixnet.SignalOutSinglePointSession(
                nixnet_out_interface, database_name, cluster_name,
                signal_names) as output_session:
            # Start the input session manually to make sure that the first
            # frame value sent before the initial read will be received.

            expected_signals = [24.5343, 77.0129]

            # Wait 1 s and then read the received values.
            # They should be the same as the ones sent.

            actual_signals = list(input_session.signals.read())
            for expected, (_, actual) in zip(expected_signals, actual_signals):
                assert pytest.approx(expected, rel=1) == actual
Ejemplo n.º 2
def main():
    database_name = ':memory:'
    cluster_name = 'LIN_Cluster'
    ecu_1_name = 'LIN_ECU_1'
    ecu_2_name = 'LIN_ECU_2'
    schedule_name = 'LIN_Schedule_1'
    schedule_entry_name = 'LIN_Schedule_Entry'
    frame_name = 'LIN_Frame'
    signal_1_name = 'LIN_Signal_1'
    signal_2_name = 'LIN_Signal_2'
    signal_list = [signal_1_name, signal_2_name]
    output_interface = 'LIN1'
    input_interface = 'LIN2'

    # Open the default in-memory database.
    with database.Database(database_name) as db:

        # Add a LIN cluster, a frame, and two signals to the database.
        cluster = db.clusters.add(cluster_name)
        cluster.protocol = constants.Protocol.LIN
        cluster.baud_rate = 19200
        frame = cluster.frames.add(frame_name)
        frame.id = 1
        frame.payload_len = 2
        signal_1 = frame.mux_static_signals.add(signal_1_name)
        signal_1.byte_ordr = constants.SigByteOrdr.BIG_ENDIAN
        signal_1.data_type = constants.SigDataType.UNSIGNED
        signal_1.start_bit = 0
        signal_1.num_bits = 8
        signal_2 = frame.mux_static_signals.add(signal_2_name)
        signal_2.byte_ordr = constants.SigByteOrdr.BIG_ENDIAN
        signal_2.data_type = constants.SigDataType.UNSIGNED
        signal_2.start_bit = 8
        signal_2.num_bits = 8

        # Add a LIN ECU and LIN Schedule to the cluster.
        ecu_1 = cluster.ecus.add(ecu_1_name)
        ecu_1.lin_protocol_ver = constants.LinProtocolVer.VER_2_2
        ecu_1.lin_master = True
        ecu_2 = cluster.ecus.add(ecu_2_name)
        ecu_2.lin_protocol_ver = constants.LinProtocolVer.VER_2_2
        ecu_2.lin_master = False
        cluster.lin_tick = 0.01
        schedule = cluster.lin_schedules.add(schedule_name)
        schedule.priority = 0
        schedule.run_mode = constants.LinSchedRunMode.CONTINUOUS
        schedule_entry = schedule.entries.add(schedule_entry_name)
        schedule_entry.delay = 1000.0
        schedule_entry.type = constants.LinSchedEntryType.UNCONDITIONAL
        schedule_entry.frames = [frame]

        # Using the database we just created, write and then read a pair of signals.
        with nixnet.SignalOutSinglePointSession(output_interface,
                                                database_name, cluster_name,
                                                signal_list) as output_session:
            with nixnet.SignalInSinglePointSession(
                    input_interface, database_name, cluster_name,
                    signal_list) as input_session:
                terminated_cable = six.moves.input(
                    'Are you using a terminated cable (Y or N)? ')
                if terminated_cable.lower() == "y":
                    input_session.intf.lin_term = constants.LinTerm.ON
                    output_session.intf.lin_term = constants.LinTerm.OFF
                elif terminated_cable.lower() == "n":
                    input_session.intf.lin_term = constants.LinTerm.ON
                    output_session.intf.lin_term = constants.LinTerm.ON
                    print("Unrecognised input ({}), assuming 'n'".format(
                    input_session.intf.lin_term = constants.LinTerm.ON
                    output_session.intf.lin_term = constants.LinTerm.ON

                # Start the input session manually to make sure that the first
                # signal values sent before the initial read will be received.

                # Set the schedule. This will also automatically enable master mode.

                # Generate a pair of random values and send out the signals.
                output_values = [randint(0, 255), randint(0, 255)]
                print('Sent signal values: {}'.format(output_values))

                # Wait 1 s and then read the received values.
                # They should be the same as the ones sent.

                input_signals = input_session.signals.read()
                input_values = [
                    int(value) for timestamp, value in input_signals
                print('Received signal values: {}'.format(input_values))
Ejemplo n.º 3
def main():
    database_name = 'NIXNET_example'
    cluster_name = 'CAN_Cluster'
    input_signals = ['CANEventSignal1', 'CANEventSignal2']
    output_signals = ['CANEventSignal1', 'CANEventSignal2']
    interface1 = 'CAN1'
    interface2 = 'CAN2'

    with nixnet.SignalInSinglePointSession(
            input_signals) as input_session:
        with nixnet.SignalOutSinglePointSession(
                output_signals) as output_session:
            terminated_cable = six.moves.input('Are you using a terminated cable (Y or N)? ')
            if terminated_cable.lower() == "y":
                input_session.intf.can_term = constants.CanTerm.ON
                output_session.intf.can_term = constants.CanTerm.OFF
            elif terminated_cable.lower() == "n":
                input_session.intf.can_term = constants.CanTerm.ON
                output_session.intf.can_term = constants.CanTerm.ON
                print("Unrecognised input ({}), assuming 'n'".format(terminated_cable))
                input_session.intf.can_term = constants.CanTerm.ON
                output_session.intf.can_term = constants.CanTerm.ON

            # Start the input session manually to make sure that the first
            # signal value sent before the initial read will be received.

            user_value = six.moves.input('Enter {} signal values [float, float]: '.format(len(input_signals)))
                value_buffer = [float(x.strip()) for x in user_value.split(",")]
            except ValueError:
                value_buffer = [24.5343, 77.0129]
                print('Unrecognized input ({}). Setting data buffer to {}'.format(user_value, value_buffer))

            if len(value_buffer) != len(input_signals):
                value_buffer = [24.5343, 77.0129]
                print('Invalid number of signal values entered. Setting data buffer to {}'.format(value_buffer))

            print('The same values should be received. Press q to quit')
            i = 0
            while True:
                for index, value in enumerate(value_buffer):
                    value_buffer[index] = value + i
                print('Sent signal values: {}'.format(value_buffer))

                # Wait 1 s and then read the received values.
                # They should be the same as the ones sent.

                signals = input_session.signals.read()
                for timestamp, value in signals:
                    date = convert_timestamp(timestamp)
                    print('Received signal with timestamp {} and value {}'.format(date, value))

                i += 1
                if max(value_buffer) + i > sys.float_info.max:
                    i = 0

                inp = six.moves.input('Hit enter to continue (q to quit): ')
                if inp.lower() == 'q':

            print('Data acquisition stopped.')
Ejemplo n.º 4
def main():
    database_name = ':memory:'
    cluster_name = 'CAN_Cluster'
    frame_name = 'CAN_Event_Frame'
    signal_1_name = 'CAN_Event_Signal_1'
    signal_2_name = 'CAN_Event_Signal_2'
    signal_list = [signal_1_name, signal_2_name]
    output_interface = 'CAN1'
    input_interface = 'CAN2'

    # Open the default in-memory database.
    with database.Database(database_name) as db:

        # Add a CAN cluster, a frame, and two signals to the database.
        cluster = db.clusters.add(cluster_name)
        cluster.protocol = constants.Protocol.CAN
        cluster.baud_rate = 125000
        frame = cluster.frames.add(frame_name)
        frame.id = 1
        frame.payload_len = 2
        signal_1 = frame.mux_static_signals.add(signal_1_name)
        signal_1.byte_ordr = constants.SigByteOrdr.BIG_ENDIAN
        signal_1.data_type = constants.SigDataType.UNSIGNED
        signal_1.start_bit = 0
        signal_1.num_bits = 8
        signal_2 = frame.mux_static_signals.add(signal_2_name)
        signal_2.byte_ordr = constants.SigByteOrdr.BIG_ENDIAN
        signal_2.data_type = constants.SigDataType.UNSIGNED
        signal_2.start_bit = 8
        signal_2.num_bits = 8

        # Using the database we just created, write and then read a pair of signals.
        with nixnet.SignalOutSinglePointSession(output_interface,
                                                database_name, cluster_name,
                                                signal_list) as output_session:
            with nixnet.SignalInSinglePointSession(
                    input_interface, database_name, cluster_name,
                    signal_list) as input_session:
                terminated_cable = six.moves.input(
                    'Are you using a terminated cable (Y or N)? ')
                if terminated_cable.lower() == "y":
                    input_session.intf.can_term = constants.CanTerm.ON
                    output_session.intf.can_term = constants.CanTerm.OFF
                elif terminated_cable.lower() == "n":
                    input_session.intf.can_term = constants.CanTerm.ON
                    output_session.intf.can_term = constants.CanTerm.ON
                    print("Unrecognised input ({}), assuming 'n'".format(
                    input_session.intf.can_term = constants.CanTerm.ON
                    output_session.intf.can_term = constants.CanTerm.ON

                # Start the input session manually to make sure that the first
                # signal values sent before the initial read will be received.

                # Generate a pair of random values and send out the signals.
                output_values = [randint(0, 255), randint(0, 255)]
                print('Sent signal values: {}'.format(output_values))

                # Wait 1 s and then read the received values.
                # They should be the same as the ones sent.

                input_signals = input_session.signals.read()
                input_values = [
                    int(value) for timestamp, value in input_signals
                print('Received signal values: {}'.format(input_values))