Ejemplo n.º 1
 def helper(f, result):
     if is_predicate(f) and len(f.args) == 0:
         for x in f.args:
             helper(x, result)
     return result
Ejemplo n.º 2
def evaluate_prop(f, assignment):
    """Evaluate a propositional formula with respect to the given assignment.
#    The assignment should be a dict with 2 keys: 'True' and 'False'. The values
#    for those keys should be a collection of strings corresponding to
#    the operator names - predicates with 0 arity (acting as propositions).
    The assignment maps propositions (0-ary predicates) to True or False.

    if f.op == OP_TRUE:
        return True
    elif f.op == OP_FALSE:
        return False
    elif f.op == OP_NOT:
        return not evaluate_prop(f.args[0], assignment)
    elif f.op == OP_AND:
        return all(evaluate_prop(x, assignment) == True for x in f.args)
    elif f.op == OP_OR:
        return any(evaluate_prop(x, assignment) == True for x in f.args)
    elif f.op == OP_IMPLIES:
        args = [evaluate_prop(x, assignment) for x in f.args]
        return not (args[0] == True and args[1] == False)
    elif f.op == OP_IMPLIED_BY:
        args = [evaluate_prop(x, assignment) for x in f.args]
        return not (args[0] == False and args[1] == True)
    elif f.op == OP_EQUIVALENT:
        args = [evaluate_prop(x, assignment) for x in f.args]
        return (args[0] == args[1])
    elif is_predicate(f) and len(f.args) == 0:
            return assignment[f]
        except KeyError:
            raise EvaluationError('Predicate "{0}" is not in the assignment.'.
        msg = ('The Quine-McCluskey algorithm is defined only for '
               'propositional logic. The operator "{0}" is not defined '
               'in propositional logic.'.format(f))
        raise EvaluationError(msg)
Ejemplo n.º 3
def formula_to_rst(f):
    """ Convert a FOL formula to an RST tree. """
    if f.op == OP_AND:
        msgs = [formula_to_rst(x) for x in f.args]
        m = Message("Conjunction", None, *msgs)
        #        test = lambda x: (x.op == '&' or x.op == '|')
        #        if any(map(test, f.args)):
        #            m.marker = ', and'
        #        else:
        m.marker = "and"
        return m
    if f.op == OP_OR:
        msgs = [formula_to_rst(x) for x in f.args]
        m = Message("Disjunction", None, *msgs)
        #        test = lambda x: (x.op != 'forall' and
        #                          x.op != 'exists')
        #        if any(map(test, f.args)):
        #            m.marker = ', or'
        #        else:
        m.marker = "or"
        return m
    if f.op == OP_IMPLIES:
        msgs = [formula_to_rst(x) for x in f.args]
        m = Message("Imply", msgs[0], msgs[1])
        return m
    if f.op == OP_IMPLIED_BY:
        msgs = [formula_to_rst(x) for x in f.args]
        m = Message("Imply", msgs[1], msgs[0])
        return m
    if f.op == OP_EQUIVALENT:
        msgs = [formula_to_rst(x) for x in f.args]
        m = Message("Equivalent", msgs[0], msgs[1])
        return m
    if f.op == OP_EQUALS:
        msgs = [formula_to_rst(x) for x in f.args]
        m = Message("Equality", msgs[0], *msgs[1:])
        return m
    if f.op == OP_NOTEQUALS:
        msgs = [formula_to_rst(x) for x in f.args]
        m = Message("Inequality", msgs[0], *msgs[1:])
        return m
    if f.op == OP_FORALL:
        vars = [formula_to_rst(x) for x in f.vars]
        msgs = [formula_to_rst(x) for x in f.args]
        m = Message("Quantifier", vars, *msgs)
        m.marker = "for all"
        return m
    if f.op == OP_EXISTS:
        vars = [formula_to_rst(x) for x in f.vars]
        msgs = [formula_to_rst(x) for x in f.args]
        m = Message("Quantifier", vars, *msgs)
        if len(f.vars) == 1:
            m.marker = "there exists"
            m.marker = "there exist"
        return m
    if f.op == OP_NOT and is_predicate(f.args[0]):
        get_log().debug("negated predicate: " + str(f))
        arg = f.args[0]
        m = PredicateMsg(arg, *[formula_to_rst(x) for x in arg.args])
        m._features = {"NEGATED": "true"}
        return m
    if f.op == OP_NOT and is_variable(f.args[0]):
        get_log().debug("negated variable: " + str(f))
        arg = f.args[0]
        m = NounPhrase(PlaceHolder(arg.op), Word("not", "DETERMINER"))
        return m
    if f.op == OP_NOT:
        get_log().debug("negated formula: " + str(f))
        msgs = [formula_to_rst(x) for x in f.args]
        m = Message("Negation", msgs[0], *msgs[1:])
        m.marker = "it is not the case that"
        return m
    if is_predicate(f):
        get_log().debug("predicate: " + str(f))
        return PredicateMsg(f, *[formula_to_rst(x) for x in f.args])
    if is_function(f):
        get_log().debug("function: " + str(f))
        return PlaceHolder(f.op, PredicateMsg(f, *[formula_to_rst(x) for x in f.args]))
        get_log().debug("None: " + repr(f))
        return PredicateMsg(f)