Ejemplo n.º 1
def main(args, classify):
    init.argcheck(args, 4, 4, 'Identify errors in parser output',
                  '<gold> <test> <prefix_for_output_files>')

    # Output setup
    out_dict = {
        'out': sys.stdout,
        'err': sys.stderr,
        'gold_trees': sys.stdout,
        'test_trees': sys.stdout,
        'error_counts': sys.stdout
    prefix = args[3]
    out_dict['out'] = open(prefix + '.out', 'w')
    out_dict['err'] = open(prefix + '.log', 'w')
    out_dict['gold_trees'] = open(prefix + '.gold_trees', 'w')
    out_dict['test_trees'] = open(prefix + '.test_trees', 'w')
    out_dict['error_counts'] = open(prefix + '.error_counts', 'w')
    out_dict['init_errors'] = open(prefix + '.init_errors', 'w')
    init.header(args, out_dict.values())

    # Classification
    print >> out_dict['out'], "Printing tree transformations"
    print >> out_dict['err'], "Printing tree transformations"
    gold_in = open(args[1])
    test_in = sys.stdin if args[2] == '-' else open(args[2])
    sent_no = 0
    error_counts = defaultdict(lambda: [])
    while True:
        sent_no += 1
        gold_text = gold_in.readline()
        test_text = test_in.readline()
        if gold_text == '' and test_text == '':
            print >> out_dict['err'], "End of both input files"
        elif gold_text == '':
            print >> out_dict['err'], "End of gold input"
        elif test_text == '':
            print >> out_dict['err'], "End of test input"

        print >> out_dict['out'], "Sentence {}:".format(sent_no)
        print >> out_dict['err'], "Sentence {}:".format(sent_no)
        print >> out_dict['init_errors'], "Sentence {}:".format(sent_no)
        compare(gold_text.strip(), test_text.strip(), out_dict, error_counts,
        print >> out_dict['init_errors'], "\n"

    # Results
    counts_to_print = []
    for error in error_counts:
        if error == 'UNSET init':
            (len(error_counts[error]), sum(error_counts[error]), error))
    for error in counts_to_print:
        print >> out_dict['error_counts'], "{} {} {}".format(*error)
def main(args, classify):
	init.argcheck(args, 4, 4, 'Identify errors in parser output', '<gold> <test> <prefix_for_output_files>')

	# Output setup
	out_dict = {
		'out': sys.stdout,
		'err': sys.stderr,
		'gold_trees': sys.stdout,
		'test_trees': sys.stdout,
		'error_counts': sys.stdout
	prefix = args[3]
	out_dict['out'] = open(prefix + '.out', 'w')
	out_dict['err'] = open(prefix + '.log', 'w')
	out_dict['gold_trees'] = open(prefix + '.gold_trees', 'w')
	out_dict['test_trees'] = open(prefix + '.test_trees', 'w')
	out_dict['error_counts'] = open(prefix + '.error_counts', 'w')
	out_dict['init_errors'] = open(prefix + '.init_errors', 'w')
	init.header(args, out_dict.values())

	# Classification
	print >> out_dict['out'], "Printing tree transformations"
	print >> out_dict['err'], "Printing tree transformations"
	gold_in = open(args[1])
	test_in = sys.stdin if args[2] == '-' else open(args[2])
	sent_no = 0
	error_counts = defaultdict(lambda: [])
	while True:
		sent_no += 1
		gold_text = gold_in.readline()
		test_text = test_in.readline()
		if gold_text == '' and test_text == '':
			print >> out_dict['err'], "End of both input files"
		elif gold_text == '':
			print >> out_dict['err'], "End of gold input"
		elif test_text == '':
			print >> out_dict['err'], "End of test input"

		print >> out_dict['out'], "Sentence {}:".format(sent_no)
		print >> out_dict['err'], "Sentence {}:".format(sent_no)
		print >> out_dict['init_errors'], "Sentence {}:".format(sent_no)
		compare(gold_text.strip(), test_text.strip(), out_dict, error_counts, classify)
		print >> out_dict['init_errors'], "\n"

	# Results
	counts_to_print = []
	for error in error_counts:
		if error == 'UNSET init':
		counts_to_print.append((len(error_counts[error]), sum(error_counts[error]), error))
	for error in counts_to_print:
		print >> out_dict['error_counts'], "{} {} {}".format(*error)
Ejemplo n.º 3
def main():
    # TODO, shift to a uniform style of module documentation, then just skip all of this!
    desc = __doc__.split("\n")
    arg_info = desc[1]
    further_desc = "\n".join(desc[2:])
    desc = desc[0]
    init.argcheck(sys.argv, 3, 7, desc, arg_info, further_desc)

    out = open(sys.argv[1] + ".table", "w")
    log = open(sys.argv[1] + ".table.log", "w")
    init.header(sys.argv, log)

    data = get_data(sys.argv[2])
    mapping = {}
    if len(sys.argv) > 3:
        mapping = get_mapping(sys.argv[3])
    system_order_file = None
    if len(sys.argv) > 5:
        system_order_file = sys.argv[5]
    error_order_file = None
    if len(sys.argv) > 4:
        error_order_file = sys.argv[4]
    system_order, error_order, extra_info = get_order(data, system_order_file, error_order_file)

    print >> log, "System order:", system_order
    print >> log, "Error order:", error_order

    print_top(error_order, extra_info, out)
    print_data(system_order, error_order, data, mapping, extra_info, out)
    print_bottom(error_order, extra_info, out)

    if len(sys.argv) < 6:
        system_out = open(sys.argv[1] + ".table.system_order", "w")
        print_system_order(system_order, extra_info, system_out)
    if len(sys.argv) < 5:
        error_out = open(sys.argv[1] + ".table.error_order", "w")
        print_error_order(error_order, error_out)
    if len(sys.argv) < 4:
        mapping_out = open(sys.argv[1] + ".table.name_mapping", "w")
        print_mapping(mapping, data, mapping_out)

def main():
    formats = {
        'bart': read_bart,
        'cherrypicker': read_cherrypicker,
        'conll': read_conll,
        'ims': read_ims,
        # 'opennlp': read_opennlp,
        'reconcile': read_reconcile,
        # 'relaxcor': read_relaxcor,
        'stanford_xml': read_stanford_xml,
        'stanford': read_stanford,
        'uiuc': read_uiuc,
        _opts, args = getopt.gnu_getopt(sys.argv[1:], '', [])
        output_prefix, fmt, auto_src, gold_src = args
    except (getopt.GetoptError, ValueError):
        print('Translate a system output into the CoNLL format')
        print('./%s <prefix> <[%s]> <dir | file> <gold dir>' %
              (sys.argv[0], ','.join(formats)))
    if fmt not in formats:
        print("Invalid format.  Valid options are:")

    with open(output_prefix + '.out', 'w') as out:
        with open(output_prefix + '.log', 'w') as log:
            init.header(sys.argv, log)
            auto, gold = formats[fmt](auto_src, gold_src)
            for doc in auto:
                for part in auto[doc]:
                    for mention in auto[doc][part]['mentions']:
                        if mention[1] >= mention[2]:
                            info = "Invalid mention span {} from {} {}".format(
                                str(mention), doc, part)
                            info += '\n' + gold[doc][part]['text'][mention[0]]
                            raise Exception(info)
            coreference_rendering.print_conll_style(auto, gold, out)
		'bart': read_bart,
		'cherrypicker': read_cherrypicker,
		'conll': read_conll,
		'ims': read_ims,
###		'opennlp': read_opennlp,
		'reconcile': read_reconcile,
###		'relaxcor': read_relaxcor,
		'stanford_xml': read_stanford_xml,
		'stanford': read_stanford,
		'uiuc': read_uiuc
	init.argcheck(sys.argv, 5, 6, "Translate a system output into the CoNLL format", "<prefix> <[{}]> <dir | file> <gold dir>".format(','.join(formats.keys())))

	out = open(sys.argv[1] + '.out', 'w')
	log = open(sys.argv[1] + '.log', 'w')
	init.header(sys.argv, log)

	auto_src = sys.argv[3]
	gold_src = sys.argv[4]
	if sys.argv[2] not in formats:
		print "Invalid format.  Valid options are:"
		print '\n'.join(formats.keys())
	auto, gold = formats[sys.argv[2]](auto_src, gold_src)
	for doc in auto:
		for part in auto[doc]:
			for mention in auto[doc][part]['mentions']:
				if mention[1] >= mention[2]:
					info = "Invalid mention span %s from %s %s" % (str(mention), doc, part)
					info += '\n' + gold[doc][part]['text'][mention[0]]
	auto = coreference_reading.read_conll_coref_system_output(sys.argv[3])
	gold = coreference_reading.read_conll_matching_files(auto, sys.argv[2])

	out_cluster_errors = open(sys.argv[1] + '.cluster_errors', 'w')
	out_cluster_context = open(sys.argv[1] + '.cluster_context', 'w')
	out_cluster_missing = open(sys.argv[1] + '.cluster_missing', 'w')
	out_cluster_extra = open(sys.argv[1] + '.cluster_extra', 'w')
	out_mention_list = open(sys.argv[1] + '.mention_list', 'w')
	out_mention_text = open(sys.argv[1] + '.mention_text', 'w')
	out_files = [out_cluster_errors,
	init.header(sys.argv, out_files)

	for function, outfile in [
		(coreference_rendering.print_mention_text, out_mention_text),
		(coreference_rendering.print_mention_list, out_mention_list),
		(coreference_rendering.print_cluster_errors, out_cluster_errors),
		(coreference_rendering.print_cluster_errors, out_cluster_context),
		(coreference_rendering.print_cluster_extra, out_cluster_extra),
		(coreference_rendering.print_cluster_missing, out_cluster_missing)
		instructions = function.__doc__.split('\n')
		instructions = ['# ' + inst for inst in instructions]
		print >> outfile, '\n'.join(instructions)

	# Define an order
	order = []
		'error: span mismatch': open(sys.argv[1] + '.corrected.span_errors', 'w'),
		'error: split': open(sys.argv[1] + '.corrected.confused_entities', 'w'),
		'error: extra mention': open(sys.argv[1] + '.corrected.extra_mention', 'w'),
		'error: extra entity': open(sys.argv[1] + '.corrected.extra_entity', 'w'),
		'error: merge': open(sys.argv[1] + '.corrected.divided', 'w'),
		'error: missing mention': open(sys.argv[1] + '.corrected.missing_mention', 'w'),
		'error: missing entity': open(sys.argv[1] + '.corrected.missing_entity', 'w'),
		'error: extra mention prog': open(sys.argv[1] + '.corrected.extra_mention_prog', 'w'),
		'error: extra entity prog': open(sys.argv[1] + '.corrected.extra_entity_prog', 'w'),
		'error: merge prog': open(sys.argv[1] + '.corrected.divided_prog', 'w'),
		'error: missing mention prog': open(sys.argv[1] + '.corrected.missing_mention_prog', 'w'),
		'error: missing entity prog': open(sys.argv[1] + '.corrected.missing_entity_prog', 'w')

	# Header info
	init.header(sys.argv, out['out'])
	init.header(sys.argv, out['short out'])
	init.header(sys.argv, out['properties'])
	init.header(sys.argv, out['summary'])
	print >> out['properties'], '''# Each line below describes a single error.
# The fields included for the seven error types are:
# span mismatch
#   System span (sentence, start, end)
#   Gold span (sentence, start, end)
#   Is the gold span a node in the gold parse?
#   Extra text to left
#   Missing text to left
#   Extra text to right
#   Missing text to right
#   Nodes spanning extra text to left
#   Nodes spanning missing text to left
        'ims': read_ims,
        ###		'opennlp': read_opennlp,
        'reconcile': read_reconcile,
        ###		'relaxcor': read_relaxcor,
        'stanford_xml': read_stanford_xml,
        'stanford': read_stanford,
        'uiuc': read_uiuc
        sys.argv, 5, 5, "Translate a system output into the CoNLL format",
        "<prefix> <[{}]> <dir | file> <gold dir>".format(','.join(

    out = open(sys.argv[1] + '.out', 'w')
    log = open(sys.argv[1] + '.log', 'w')
    init.header(sys.argv, log)

    auto_src = sys.argv[3]
    gold_src = sys.argv[4]
    if sys.argv[2] not in formats:
        print "Invalid format.  Valid options are:"
        print '\n'.join(formats.keys())
    auto, gold = formats[sys.argv[2]](auto_src, gold_src)

    for doc in auto:
        for part in auto[doc]:
            for mention in auto[doc][part]['mentions']:
                if mention[1] >= mention[2]:
                    info = "Invalid mention span {} from {} {}".format(
                        str(mention), doc, part)
Ejemplo n.º 9
	"labels_to_remove": [[str],
		["TOP", "ROOT", "S1", "-NONE-", ",", ":", "``", "''", "."],
		"Remove nodes with the given labels, keep subtrees, but remove"
		"parents that now have a span of size 0"],
	"words_to_remove": [[str], [],
		"Remove nodes with the given words, and do as for labels"],
	"equivalent_labels": [[(str, str)], [("ADVP", "PRT")],
		"Labels to treat as equivalent"],
	"equivalent_words": [[(str, str)], [],
		"Words to treat as equivalent"],

# Provide current execution info
out = sys.stdout
init.header(sys.argv, out)

# Handle options
test_in = None
gold_in = None
if len(sys.argv) == 1:
elif len(sys.argv) == 2:
elif len(sys.argv) == 3:
	# Run with defaults, assume the two arguments are the gold and test files
	options['gold'][1] = sys.argv[1]
	options['test'][1] = sys.argv[2]
def main():
        opts, args = getopt.gnu_getopt(sys.argv[1:], '',
                                       ['resolvespanerrors', 'lang='])
        output_prefix, gold_dir, test_file = args
    except (getopt.GetoptError, ValueError):
        print('Print coreference resolution errors')
        print(('./%s <prefix> <gold_dir> <test_file> '
               '[--resolvespanerrors] [--lang=<en|nl>]' % sys.argv[0]))
    opts = dict(opts)
    lang = opts.get('--lang', 'en')
    auto = coreference_reading.read_conll_coref_system_output(test_file)
    gold = coreference_reading.read_conll_matching_files(auto, gold_dir, lang)

    out_cluster_errors = open(output_prefix + '.cluster_errors', 'w')
    out_cluster_context = open(output_prefix + '.cluster_context', 'w')
    out_cluster_missing = open(output_prefix + '.cluster_missing', 'w')
    out_cluster_extra = open(output_prefix + '.cluster_extra', 'w')
    out_mention_list = open(output_prefix + '.mention_list', 'w')
    out_mention_text = open(output_prefix + '.mention_text', 'w')
    out_files = [
        out_cluster_errors, out_cluster_context, out_cluster_missing,
        out_cluster_extra, out_mention_list, out_mention_text
    for out in out_files:
        init.header(sys.argv, out)

    for function, outfile in [
        (coreference_rendering.print_mention_text, out_mention_text),
        (coreference_rendering.print_mention_list, out_mention_list),
        (coreference_rendering.print_cluster_errors, out_cluster_errors),
        (coreference_rendering.print_cluster_errors, out_cluster_context),
        (coreference_rendering.print_cluster_extra, out_cluster_extra),
        (coreference_rendering.print_cluster_missing, out_cluster_missing)
        instructions = function.__doc__.split('\n')
        instructions = ['# ' + inst for inst in instructions]
        print('\n'.join(instructions), file=outfile)

    # Define an order
    order = []
    for doc in auto:
        for part in auto[doc]:
            order.append((doc, part))

    for doc, part in order:
        # Setup
        for out in out_files:
            print("\n# %s %s\n" % (doc, part), file=out)

        text = gold[doc][part]['text']

        gold_parses = gold[doc][part]['parses']
        gold_heads = gold[doc][part]['heads']
        gold_mentions = gold[doc][part]['mentions']
        gold_clusters = gold[doc][part]['clusters']

        auto_mentions = auto[doc][part]['mentions']
        auto_clusters = auto[doc][part]['clusters']

        gold_cluster_set = coreference.set_of_clusters(gold_clusters)
        auto_cluster_set = coreference.set_of_clusters(auto_clusters)
        gold_mention_set = coreference.set_of_mentions(gold_clusters)
        auto_mention_set = coreference.set_of_mentions(auto_clusters)

        if '--resolvespanerrors' in opts:
                gold_mention_set, auto_mention_set, auto_mentions,
                auto_clusters, auto_cluster_set, text, gold_parses, gold_heads)

        # Coloured mention output
                                                 auto_mention_set, gold_parses,
                                                 gold_heads, text)
                                                 auto_mention_set, gold_parses,
                                                 gold_heads, text)

        # Coloured cluster output, grouped
        groups = coreference.confusion_groups(gold_mentions, auto_mentions,
                                              gold_clusters, auto_clusters)

        covered = coreference_rendering.print_cluster_errors(
            groups, out_cluster_errors, out_cluster_context, text, gold_parses,
            gold_heads, auto_clusters, gold_clusters, gold_mentions)
        print("Entirely missing or extra\n", file=out_cluster_errors)
        print("Entirely missing or extra\n", file=out_cluster_context)
                                                    out_cluster_missing, text,
                                                    gold_cluster_set, covered,
                                                    gold_parses, gold_heads)
                                                  out_cluster_extra, text,
                                                  auto_cluster_set, covered,
                                                  gold_parses, gold_heads)
Ejemplo n.º 11
                    node.word.split('-')[0] +"_"+ ref.label.split('-')[0] +"_"+ node.parent.label.split("-")[0],

    return items

if __name__ == '__main__':
    # Provide current execution info
    out = sys.stdout
    init.header(sys.argv, out)

    # Handle Arguments
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Evaluate parser output on trace recovery performance')
    # Input
    parser.add_argument('gold', help='Gold standard correct data')
    parser.add_argument('test', help='System output')
    parser.add_argument("--gold_format", choices=['ptb', 'ontonotes'],
        default='ptb', help="Input format for the gold file: PTB (single or multiple lines per parse), OntoNotes (one file)")
    parser.add_argument("--test_format", choices=['ptb', 'ontonotes'],
        default='ptb', help="Input format for the test file: PTB (single or multiple lines per parse), OntoNotes (one file)")
    # Scoring modification
    parser.add_argument("--null_only", action='store_true',
        help="Whether to only score the null itself (not coindexation)")
    parser.add_argument("--unlabelled_score", action='store_true',
        help="NOT IMPLEMENTED, Labeled or unlabelled score")