def __init__(self, action, name='Pipeline', aug_min=1, aug_p=1, flow=None, verbose=0): Augmenter.__init__(self, name=name, method=Method.FLOW, action=action, aug_min=aug_min, verbose=verbose) self.aug_p = aug_p if flow is None: list.__init__(self, []) elif isinstance(flow, (Augmenter, CharAugmenter)): list.__init__(self, [flow]) elif isinstance(flow, list): for subflow in flow: if not isinstance(subflow, Augmenter): raise ValueError( 'At least one of the flow does not belongs to Augmenter' ) list.__init__(self, flow) else: raise Exception( 'Expected None, Augmenter or list of Augmenter while {} is passed' .format(type(flow)))
def setUpClass(cls): env_config_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.join( os.path.dirname(__file__), '..', '..', '.env')) load_dotenv(env_config_path) cls.aug = Augmenter(name='base', method='flow', action='insert', aug_min=1, aug_max=10, aug_p=0.5)
def store_augments(origin_path: Path, augmenter: Augmenter, num_augments: int, ident_generator: Iterator, output_dir: Path) -> List[Path]: """ Stores augmented versions of a WAV file in the filesystem :param origin_path: the path to the original WAV file :param augmenter: An augmenter object :param num_augments: The number of augmented files to create :param ident_generator: A generator object that creates unique identifiers for the file name :param output_dir: The directory to store the augmented files :return: A list of file paths for the augments that were created :raise ParameterError: `MAX_ATTEMPTS` ParameterErrors are raised in a row while attempting to augment """'Loading %s for augmentation', origin_path) audio_data, _ = librosa.load(origin_path)'Augmenting %s', origin_path) attempts = 0 augments = None while augments is None: try: attempts += 1 augments = augmenter.augment(audio_data, n=num_augments) except ParameterError: 'Error encountered while augmenting "%s"; trying again.', origin_path) if attempts >= MAX_ATTEMPTS: raise if num_augments == 1: # nlpaug.Augmenter doesn't return a list if n=1 augments = [augments] _, label = origin_path.stem.split('__') output_paths = [] for augment in augments: identifier = next(ident_generator) output_path = output_dir / f'{identifier}__{label}.wav' output_paths.append(output_path) sf.write(output_path, augment, SAMPLING_RATE)'"%s" written to disk', output_path) return output_paths
def augment_dataset( augmenter: Augmenter, data: List[Dict], text_key: str, out_file: Path, batch_size: int, is_original_key: str = 'original') -> Generator[Dict, None, None]: with find_free_file(out_file).open("x") as ostream: for i in tqdm(range(0, len(data), batch_size)): batch = data[i:i + batch_size] examples = [e[text_key] for e in batch] variants = augmenter.augment(examples) for entry, var in zip(batch, variants): new_entry = copy(entry) new_entry.update({text_key: var, is_original_key: False}) ostream.write(f"{json.dumps(new_entry)}\n")
def augment_dataset(augmenter: Augmenter, data: List[Dict], text_key: str, out_file: Path, aug_config: Dict, original_key: str = 'original'): with find_free_file(out_file).open("x") as ostream: # Dump config so it will be easy to know how data was augmented ostream.write(f"{json.dumps(aug_config)}\n") for entry in tqdm(data): # Save original example: ostream.write(f"{json.dumps(entry)}\n") example = entry[text_key] variants = augmenter.augment(example) if isinstance(variants, str): variants = [variants] for var in variants: new_entry = copy(entry) new_entry.update({text_key: var, original_key: False}) ostream.write(f"{json.dumps(new_entry)}\n")