Ejemplo n.º 1
    def parse(self, tokens):
        except ValueError as v:
            # print('Words not Found', v)
            words = v.args[0].split(':')[1].replace('"', '').replace("'",
            for word in words.split(','):
                w = word.strip()
                if w in tokens:
                    idx = tokens.index(w)
                    tokens[idx] = self.unk

        parse_table = {}

        for index in range(len(tokens)):
            token = tokens[index]
            parse_table[index, index + 1, token] = token

        for length in range(1, len(tokens) + 1):
            for start in range(len(tokens) - length + 1):
                span = (start, start + length)

                changed = True
                while changed:
                    changed = False

                    span_coverage = []

                    for production in self.grammar.productions():
                        matching_rules = self.find_matching_rules(
                            production.rhs(), span, parse_table)

                        for matching_rule in matching_rules:
                            span_coverage.append((production, matching_rule))

                    for (production, children) in span_coverage:
                        subtrees = [c for c in children if isinstance(c, Tree)]
                        p = reduce(lambda pr, t: pr * t.prob(), subtrees,
                        node = production.lhs().symbol()
                        tree = ProbabilisticTree(node, children, prob=p)

                        c = parse_table.get(
                            (span[0], span[1], production.lhs()))

                        if c is None or c.prob() < tree.prob():
                            parse_table[span[0], span[1],
                                        production.lhs()] = tree
                            changed = True

        tree = parse_table.get((0, len(tokens), self.grammar.start()))

        # if tree is None:
        #     [print(p, parse_table[p]) for p in parse_table if p[0] == 0 and p[1] == len(tokens)]
        #     [print(p) for p in self.grammar.productions() if p.lhs() == Nonterminal('S')]

        return tree
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def _add_constituents_spanning(self, span, constituents, tokens):
        Find any constituents that might cover ``span``, and add them
        to the most likely constituents table.
        :rtype: None
        :type span: tuple(int, int)
        :param span: The section of the text for which we are
            trying to find possible constituents.  The span is
            specified as a pair of integers, where the first integer
            is the index of the first token that should be included in
            the constituent; and the second integer is the index of
            the first token that should not be included in the
            constituent.  I.e., the constituent should cover
            ``text[span[0]:span[1]]``, where ``text`` is the text
            that we are parsing.
        :type constituents: dict(tuple(int,int,Nonterminal) -> ProbabilisticToken or ProbabilisticTree)
        :param constituents: The most likely constituents table.  This
            table records the most probable tree representation for
            any given span and node value.  In particular,
            ``constituents(s,e,nv)`` is the most likely
            ``ProbabilisticTree`` that covers ``text[s:e]``
            and has a node value ``nv.symbol()``, where ``text``
            is the text that we are parsing.  When
            ``_add_constituents_spanning`` is called, ``constituents``
            should contain all possible constituents that are shorter
            than ``span``.
        :type tokens: list of tokens
        :param tokens: The text we are parsing.  This is only used for
            trace output.
        # Since some of the grammar productions may be unary, we need to
        # repeatedly try all of the productions until none of them add any
        # new constituents.
        changed = True
        while changed:
            changed = False

            # Find all ways instantiations of the grammar productions that
            # cover the span.
            instantiations = self._find_instantiations(span, constituents,

            # For each production instantiation, add a new
            # ProbabilisticTree whose probability is the product
            # of the childrens' probabilities and the production's
            # probability.
            for (production, children) in instantiations:
                subtrees = [c for c in children if isinstance(c, Tree)]
                p = reduce(lambda pr, t: pr * t.prob(), subtrees,
                node = production.lhs().symbol()
                tree = ProbabilisticTree(node, children, prob=p)

                # If it's new a constituent, then add it to the
                # constituents dictionary.
                c = constituents.get((span[0], span[1], production.lhs()))
                if self._trace > 1:
                    if c is None or c != tree:
                        if c is None or c.prob() < tree.prob():
                            print('   Insert:', end=' ')
                            print('  Discard:', end=' ')
                        self._trace_production(production, p, span,
                if c is None or c.prob() < tree.prob():
                    constituents[span[0], span[1], production.lhs()] = tree
                    changed = True
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def _add_constituents_spanning(self, span, constituents, tokens):
        Find any constituents that might cover C{span}, and add them
        to the most likely constituents table.

        @rtype: C{None}
        @type span: C{(int, int)}
        @param span: The section of the text for which we are
            trying to find possible constituents.  The span is
            specified as a pair of integers, where the first integer
            is the index of the first token that should be included in
            the constituent; and the second integer is the index of
            the first token that should not be included in the
            constituent.  I.e., the constituent should cover
            C{M{text}[span[0]:span[1]]}, where C{M{text}} is the text
            that we are parsing.

        @type constituents: C{dictionary} from
            C{(int,int,Nonterminal)} to (C{ProbabilisticToken} or
        @param constituents: The most likely constituents table.  This
            table records the most probable tree representation for
            any given span and node value.  In particular,
            C{constituents(M{s},M{e},M{nv})} is the most likely
            C{ProbabilisticTree} that covers C{M{text}[M{s}:M{e}]}
            and has a node value C{M{nv}.symbol()}, where C{M{text}}
            is the text that we are parsing.  When
            C{_add_constituents_spanning} is called, C{constituents}
            should contain all possible constituents that are shorter
            than C{span}.
        @type tokens: C{list} of tokens
        @param tokens: The text we are parsing.  This is only used for
            trace output.  
        # Since some of the grammar productions may be unary, we need to
        # repeatedly try all of the productions until none of them add any
        # new constituents.
        changed = True
        while changed:
            changed = False
            # Find all ways instantiations of the grammar productions that
            # cover the span.
            instantiations = self._find_instantiations(span, constituents)

            # For each production instantiation, add a new
            # ProbabilisticTree whose probability is the product
            # of the childrens' probabilities and the production's
            # probability.
            for (production, children) in instantiations:
                subtrees = [c for c in children if isinstance(c, Tree)]
                p = reduce(lambda pr,t:pr*t.prob(),
                           subtrees, production.prob())
                node = production.lhs().symbol()
                tree = ProbabilisticTree(node, children, prob=p)

                # If it's new a constituent, then add it to the
                # constituents dictionary.
                c = constituents.get((span[0], span[1], production.lhs()))
                if self._trace > 1:
                    if c is None or c != tree:
                        if c is None or c.prob() < tree.prob():
                            print '   Insert:',
                            print '  Discard:',
                        self._trace_production(production, p, span, len(tokens))
                if c is None or c.prob() < tree.prob():
                    constituents[span[0], span[1], production.lhs()] = tree
                    changed = True
    def _add_constituents_spanning(self, span, constituents, tokens):
        Find any constituents that might cover ``span``, and add them
        to the most likely constituents table.

        :rtype: None
        :type span: tuple(int, int)
        :param span: The section of the text for which we are
            trying to find possible constituents.  The span is
            specified as a pair of integers, where the first integer
            is the index of the first token that should be included in
            the constituent; and the second integer is the index of
            the first token that should not be included in the
            constituent.  I.e., the constituent should cover
            ``text[span[0]:span[1]]``, where ``text`` is the text
            that we are parsing.

        :type constituents: dict(tuple(int,int,Nonterminal) -> ProbabilisticToken or ProbabilisticTree)
        :param constituents: The most likely constituents table.  This
            table records the most probable tree representation for
            any given span and node value.  In particular,
            ``constituents(s,e,nv)`` is the most likely
            ``ProbabilisticTree`` that covers ``text[s:e]``
            and has a node value ``nv.symbol()``, where ``text``
            is the text that we are parsing.  When
            ``_add_constituents_spanning`` is called, ``constituents``
            should contain all possible constituents that are shorter
            than ``span``.

        :type tokens: list of tokens
        :param tokens: The text we are parsing.  This is only used for
            trace output.
        # Since some of the grammar productions may be unary, we need to
        # repeatedly try all of the productions until none of them add any
        # new constituents.
        changed = True
        while changed:
            changed = False

            # Find all ways instantiations of the grammar productions that
            # cover the span.
            instantiations = self._find_instantiations(span, constituents)

            # For each production instantiation, add a new
            # ProbabilisticTree whose probability is the product
            # of the childrens' probabilities and the production's
            # probability.
            for (production, children) in instantiations:
                subtrees = [c for c in children if isinstance(c, Tree)]
                p = reduce(lambda pr,t:pr*t.prob(),
                           subtrees, production.prob())
                node = production.lhs().symbol()
                tree = ProbabilisticTree(node, children, prob=p)

                # If it's new a constituent, then add it to the
                # constituents dictionary.
                c = constituents.get((span[0], span[1], production.lhs()))
                if self._trace > 1:
                    if c is None or c != tree:
                        if c is None or c.prob() < tree.prob():
                            print('   Insert:', end=' ')
                            print('  Discard:', end=' ')
                        self._trace_production(production, p, span, len(tokens))
                if c is None or c.prob() < tree.prob():
                    constituents[span[0], span[1], production.lhs()] = tree
                    changed = True
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def _add_constituents_spanning(self, span, constituents, tokens):
        Find any constituents that might cover C{span}, and add them
        to the most likely constituents table.

        @rtype: C{None}
        @type span: C{(int, int)}
        @param span: The section of the text for which we are
            trying to find possible constituents.  The span is
            specified as a pair of integers, where the first integer
            is the index of the first token that should be included in
            the constituent; and the second integer is the index of
            the first token that should not be included in the
            constituent.  I.e., the constituent should cover
            C{M{text}[span[0]:span[1]]}, where C{M{text}} is the text
            that we are parsing.

        @type constituents: C{dictionary} from
            C{(int,int,Nonterminal)} to (C{ProbabilisticToken} or
        @param constituents: The most likely constituents table.  This
            table records the most probable tree representation for
            any given span and node value.  In particular,
            C{constituents(M{s},M{e},M{nv})} is the most likely
            C{ProbabilisticTree} that covers C{M{text}[M{s}:M{e}]}
            and has a node value C{M{nv}.symbol()}, where C{M{text}}
            is the text that we are parsing.  When
            C{_add_constituents_spanning} is called, C{constituents}
            should contain all possible constituents that are shorter
            than C{span}.
        @type tokens: C{list} of tokens
        @param tokens: The text we are parsing.  This is only used for
            trace output.  
        # Since some of the grammar productions may be unary, we need to
        # repeatedly try all of the productions until none of them add any
        # new constituents.
        changed = True
        while changed:
            changed = False

            # Find all ways instantiations of the grammar productions that
            # cover the span.
            instantiations = self._find_instantiations(span, constituents)

            # For each production instantiation, add a new
            # ProbabilisticTree whose probability is the product
            # of the childrens' probabilities and the production's
            # probability.
            for (production, children) in instantiations:
                subtrees = [c for c in children if isinstance(c, Tree)]
                p = reduce(lambda pr, t: pr * t.prob(), subtrees,
                node = production.lhs().symbol()
                tree = ProbabilisticTree(node, children, prob=p)

                # If it's new a constituent, then add it to the
                # constituents dictionary.
                c = constituents.get((span[0], span[1], production.lhs()))
                if self._trace > 1:
                    if c is None or c != tree:
                        if c is None or c.prob() < tree.prob():
                            print '   Insert:',
                            print '  Discard:',
                        self._trace_production(production, p, span,
                if c is None or c.prob() < tree.prob():
                    constituents[span[0], span[1], production.lhs()] = tree
                    changed = True