Ejemplo n.º 1
def rd_analysis(): 
    """For scripting purposes this function should be reorganized.
    Demonstrates workflow replaced by IPython Notebooks. Runs as main.
    Happy scientists
    curve_files = ['L25K_6p3_rd_600_full_heights.txt',
    endpt_files = ['l25k_6p3_600_rd_l9=2.txt','l25k_6p3_600_rd_l9=32.txt',

    # Total R2 relaxation period (ms):
    CT_B1 = 38.4
    CT_B2 = 28.8
    # Load data; 2 field strengths, 2 data types (full curves, endpoints):
    # Full dispersion curve peak intensities:
    B1curve, B2curve = [nmrfn.parse_rd(f) for f in curve_files]
    B1curve['index']=B1curve.index # Eliminating triplicate measurement...
    B1curve = B1curve.drop_duplicates(cols='index') #...
    B1curve = B1curve.drop('index', axis=1) #...done.

    # Curve endpoints peak intensities:
    B1few, B1many, B2few, B2many = [nmrfn.parse_lt(f) for f in endpt_files]
    # Compute Rex estimates from endpoints data
    rexB1endpts = est_endpts(B1few, B1many, CT_B1)
    rexB2endpts = est_endpts(B2few, B2many, CT_B2)

    # Convert full dispersion curve peak intensities to R2 values
    B1curveR2 = calc_R2series(B1curve, CT_B1)
    B2curveR2 = calc_R2series(B2curve, CT_B2)
    # Using highest-frequency CPMG R2 as intrinsic R2:
    B1intR2 = B1curveR2.iloc[0,:]
    B2intR2 = B2curveR2.iloc[0,:]
    # Compute Rex estimates from fitting the full R2 curves:
    kex0 = 1e3
    Rex0 = 1.0
    rexB1fit = fit_curves(B1curveR2, B1intR2, kex0, Rex0)
    rexB2fit = fit_curves(B2curveR2, B2intR2, kex0, Rex0)

    rex_output(rexB1fit, rexB2fit, rexB1endpts, rexB2endpts)
    alpha_output(rexB1fit, rexB2fit, rexB1endpts, rexB2endpts)
    plot_r2_cpmg(B1curveR2, 'R2_series_600_MHz')
    plot_r2_cpmg(B2curveR2, 'R2_series_800_MHz')
    print('ADDDATA\n', file = f)

# Function to print curve information and normalized peak intensity vs freq
def guardd_height(s, f):
    text = \
    print(text.format(s.name, args.atom), file = f)
    norm = s.values[0]
    for o, t in enumerate(s.index.values, start=1):
        line = '{0}\t{1}\t{2}'
        print(line.format(o, round(t,2), round(s.iloc[o-1]/norm,3)), file = f)
    print('ADDDATA\n', file = f)

# Actual output procedure
out = open(args.fout, 'w')
heights = nmrfn.parse_rd(args.rh)

if args.outtype == 'r2':
    r2_vals = calc_R2series(heights, args.CT)
    for res in r2_vals:
        guardd_r2(r2_vals[res], out)
if args.outtype == 'height':
    for res in heights:
        guardd_height(heights[res], out)

print('SEQUENCEFILE\t{0}'.format(args.seqlist), file = out)