Ejemplo n.º 1
def test_distances():
    ''' Check that distances are properly generated for SpatialGraphs '''
    # simple graph
    # ~ num_nodes = 4

    # ~ pos = [(0, 0), (1, 0), (2, 0), (3, 0)]

    # ~ g = nngt.SpatialGraph(num_nodes, positions=pos)

    # ~ edges = [(0, 1), (0, 3), (1, 2), (2, 3)]

    # ~ g.new_edges(edges)

    # ~ dist = g.edge_attributes["distance"]

    # ~ expected = np.abs(np.diff(g.edges_array, axis=1)).ravel()

    # ~ assert np.array_equal(dist, expected)

    # ~ g.new_node(positions=[(4, 0)])
    # ~ g.new_edge(1, 4)

    # ~ assert g.get_edge_attributes((1, 4), "distance") == 3

    # ~ # distance rule
    # ~ g = ng.distance_rule(2.5, rule="lin", nodes=num_nodes, avg_deg=2,
    # ~ positions=pos)

    # ~ dist = g.edge_attributes["distance"]

    # ~ expected = np.abs(np.diff(g.edges_array, axis=1)).ravel()

    # ~ assert np.array_equal(dist, expected)
    # ~ assert np.all(dist < 3)

    # using the connector functions
    num_nodes = 20

    pop = nngt.NeuralPop.exc_and_inhib(num_nodes)
    pos = np.array([(i, 0) for i in range(num_nodes)])

    net = nngt.SpatialNetwork(pop, positions=pos)

    inh = pop["inhibitory"]
    exc = pop["excitatory"]

    ng.connect_groups(net, exc, pop, "erdos_renyi", avg_deg=5)

    dist = net.edge_attributes["distance"]

    expected = np.abs(np.diff(net.edges_array, axis=1)).ravel()

    assert np.array_equal(dist, expected)
Ejemplo n.º 2
def test_group_vs_type():
    ''' Gaussian degree with groups and types '''
    # first with groups

    pop = nngt.NeuralPop.exc_and_inhib(1000)

    igroup = pop["inhibitory"]
    egroup = pop["excitatory"]

    net1 = nngt.Network(population=pop)

    all_groups = list(pop.keys())  # necessary to have same order as types

    avg_e = 50
    std_e = 5
    ng.connect_groups(net1, egroup, all_groups, graph_model="gaussian_degree",
                      avg=avg_e, std=std_e, degree_type="out-degree")

    avg_i = 100
    std_i = 5
    ng.connect_groups(net1, igroup, all_groups, graph_model="gaussian_degree",
                      avg=avg_i, std=std_i, degree_type="out-degree")

    # then with types

    pop = nngt.NeuralPop.exc_and_inhib(1000)

    igroup = pop["inhibitory"]
    egroup = pop["excitatory"]

    net2 = nngt.Network(population=pop)

    avg_e = 50
    std_e = 5
    ng.connect_neural_types(net2, 1, [-1, 1], graph_model="gaussian_degree",
                            avg=avg_e, std=std_e, degree_type="out-degree")

    avg_i = 100
    std_i = 5
    ng.connect_neural_types(net2, -1, [-1, 1], graph_model="gaussian_degree",
                            avg=avg_i, std=std_i, degree_type="out-degree")

    # call only on root process (for mpi) unless using distributed backend
    if nngt.on_master_process() or nngt.get_config("backend") == "nngt":
        # check that both networks are equals
        assert np.all(net1.get_degrees() == net2.get_degrees())
Ejemplo n.º 3
def make_nest_net(size, w, deg):
    Create a network in NEST
    import nngt.simulation as ns

    net = nngt.Network.exc_and_inhib(size)

    pop = net.population


    gids = net.to_nest()

    return net, gids
Ejemplo n.º 4
# two groups
g1 = nngt.Group(500)  # nodes 0 to 499
g2 = nngt.Group(500)  # nodes 500 to 999

# make structure
struct = nngt.Structure.from_groups((g1, g2), ("left", "right"))

# create network from this population
net = nngt.Graph(structure=struct)
Connect the groups

# inter-groups (Erdos-Renyi)
prop_er1 = {"density": 0.005}
ng.connect_groups(net, "left", "right", "erdos_renyi", **prop_er1)

# intra-groups (Newman-Watts)
prop_nw = {"coord_nb": 20, "proba_shortcut": 0.1, "reciprocity_circular": 1.}

ng.connect_groups(net, "left", "left", "newman_watts", **prop_nw)
ng.connect_groups(net, "right", "right", "newman_watts", **prop_nw)
Plot the graph

if nngt.get_config("with_plot"):
    nngt.plot.library_draw(net, show=False)

    pop_graph = net.get_structure_graph()
Ejemplo n.º 5
def test_structure_graph():
    gclass = (nngt.Group, nngt.NeuralGroup)
    sclass = (nngt.Structure, nngt.NeuralPop)
    nclass = (nngt.Graph, nngt.Network)

    for gc, sc, nc in zip(gclass, sclass, nclass):
        room1 = gc(25, neuron_type=1)
        room2 = gc(50, neuron_type=1)
        room3 = gc(40, neuron_type=1)
        room4 = gc(35, neuron_type=1)

        names = ["R1", "R2", "R3", "R4"]

        kwargs = {"with_models": False} if sc == nngt.NeuralPop else {}
        struct = sc.from_groups((room1, room2, room3, room4), names, **kwargs)

        kwargs = ({
            "population": struct
        } if nc == nngt.Network else {
            "structure": struct

        g = nc(**kwargs)

        # connect groups
        for room in struct:
            ng.connect_groups(g, room, room, "all_to_all")

        d1 = 5
        ng.connect_groups(g, room1, room2, "erdos_renyi", avg_deg=d1)
        ng.connect_groups(g, room1, room3, "erdos_renyi", avg_deg=d1)
        ng.connect_groups(g, room1, room4, "erdos_renyi", avg_deg=d1)

        d2 = 5
        ng.connect_groups(g, room2, room3, "erdos_renyi", avg_deg=d2)

        d3 = 20
        ng.connect_groups(g, room3, room1, "erdos_renyi", avg_deg=d3)

        d4 = 10
        ng.connect_groups(g, room4, room3, "erdos_renyi", avg_deg=d4)

        # get structure graph
        sg = g.get_structure_graph()

        assert sg.node_nb() == len(struct)

        eset = set([tuple(e) for e in sg.edges_array])
        expected = [(0, 0), (0, 1), (0, 2), (0, 3), (1, 1), (1, 2), (1, 3),
                    (2, 0), (2, 2), (3, 2), (3, 3)]

        assert eset == set(expected)

        # check weights
        w1 = room1.size * d1
        w2 = room2.size * d2
        w3 = room3.size * d3
        w4 = room4.size * d4

        expected_weights = [
            room1.size * (room1.size - 1), w1, w1, w1,
            room2.size * (room2.size - 1), w2, w2 * 2, w3,
            room3.size * (room3.size - 1), w4, room4.size * (room4.size - 1)

        assert np.array_equal(sg.get_weights(edges=expected), expected_weights)
Ejemplo n.º 6
nu_th = (theta * CMem) / (J_ex * CE * np.e * tauMem * tauSyn)
nu_ex = eta * nu_th
p_rate = 400. * nu_ex * CE

Create the population and network

pop = nngt.NeuralPop.exc_and_inhib(
    N_neurons, en_model="iaf_psc_alpha", en_param=neuron_params,
    in_model="iaf_psc_alpha", in_param=neuron_params)

net = nngt.Network(population=pop)

ng.connect_groups(net, pop, "excitatory", "gaussian_degree", degree_type="in",
                  avg=CE, std=0.1*CE, weights=J_ex, delays=delay)

ng.connect_groups(net, pop, "inhibitory", "gaussian_degree", degree_type="in",
                  avg=CI, std=0.1*CI, weights=J_in, delays=delay)

Tools to analyze the activity

def coefficient_of_variation(spikes):
    from scipy.stats import variation
    times = np.array(spikes["times"])
    nrns  = np.array(spikes["senders"])

    return np.nanmean([variation(np.diff(times[nrns == i]))
Ejemplo n.º 7
def test_gaussian():
    ''' Gaussian degree with groups '''
    pop = nngt.NeuralPop.exc_and_inhib(1000)

    igroup = pop["inhibitory"]
    egroup = pop["excitatory"]

    net = nngt.Network(population=pop)

    avg_e = 50
    std_e = 5
    ng.connect_groups(net, egroup, [igroup, egroup],
                      graph_model="gaussian_degree", avg=avg_e, std=std_e,

    avg_i = 100
    std_i = 5
    ng.connect_groups(net, igroup, [igroup, egroup],
                      graph_model="gaussian_degree", avg=avg_i, std=std_i,

    edeg = net.get_degrees("out", nodes=egroup.ids)
    ideg = net.get_degrees("out", nodes=igroup.ids)

    # call only on root process (for mpi) and not if using distributed backend
    if nngt.on_master_process() and nngt.get_config("backend") != "nngt":
        assert avg_e - std_e < np.average(edeg) < avg_e + std_e
        assert avg_i - std_i < np.average(ideg) < avg_i + std_i
    elif nngt.get_config("mpi") and nngt.get_config("backend") == "nngt":
        from mpi4py import MPI
        comm = MPI.COMM_WORLD
        rank = comm.Get_rank()
        num_mpi = comm.Get_size()

        edeg = comm.gather(edeg[rank::num_mpi], root=0)
        ideg = comm.gather(ideg[rank::num_mpi], root=0)

        if nngt.on_master_process():
            assert avg_e - std_e < np.average(edeg) < avg_e + std_e
            assert avg_i - std_i < np.average(ideg) < avg_i + std_i

    edeg = net.get_degrees("in", nodes=egroup.ids)
    ideg = net.get_degrees("in", nodes=igroup.ids)

    avg_deg = (avg_e*egroup.size + avg_i*igroup.size) / pop.size
    std_deg = np.sqrt(avg_deg)

    # call only on root process (for mpi) unless using distributed backend
    if nngt.on_master_process() and nngt.get_config("backend") != "nngt":
        assert avg_deg - std_deg < np.average(edeg) < avg_deg + std_deg
        assert avg_deg - std_deg < np.average(ideg) < avg_deg + std_deg
    elif nngt.get_config("mpi") and nngt.get_config("backend") == "nngt":
        from mpi4py import MPI
        comm = MPI.COMM_WORLD
        rank = comm.Get_rank()
        num_mpi = comm.Get_size()

        edeg = comm.gather(edeg, root=0)
        ideg = comm.gather(ideg, root=0)

        if nngt.on_master_process():
            edeg = np.sum(edeg, axis=0)
            ideg = np.sum(ideg, axis=0)

            assert avg_deg - std_deg < np.average(edeg) < avg_deg + std_deg
            assert avg_deg - std_deg < np.average(ideg) < avg_deg + std_deg