Ejemplo n.º 1
def get_symbol(num_classes, version, **kwargs):
    """Get symbol of SqueezeNet

    num_classes: int
        The number of classification results

    version : str, optional
        "1.0" or "1.1" of SqueezeNet
    assert version == '1.1', ("Unsupported SqueezeNet version {version}:"
                              "1.1 expected".format(version=version))
    net = sym.Variable("data")

    net = sym.conv2d(net, channels=64, kernel_size=(3, 3), strides=(2, 2))
    net = sym.relu(net)
    net = sym.max_pool2d(net, pool_size=(3, 3), strides=(2, 2))
    net = _make_fire(net, 16, 64, 64)
    net = _make_fire(net, 16, 64, 64)
    net = sym.max_pool2d(net, pool_size=(3, 3), strides=(2, 2))
    net = _make_fire(net, 32, 128, 128)
    net = _make_fire(net, 32, 128, 128)
    net = sym.max_pool2d(net, pool_size=(3, 3), strides=(2, 2))
    net = _make_fire(net, 48, 192, 192)
    net = _make_fire(net, 48, 192, 192)
    net = _make_fire(net, 64, 256, 256)
    net = _make_fire(net, 64, 256, 256)

    net = sym.dropout(net, rate=0.5)
    net = sym.conv2d(net, channels=num_classes, kernel_size=(1, 1))
    net = sym.relu(net)
    net = sym.global_avg_pool2d(net)
    return sym.softmax(net, axis=1)
Ejemplo n.º 2
def get_sym(layout, kernel_layout, channels):
    data = sym.Variable(name="data")
    data = sym.conv2d(data=data, kernel_size=(3,3), channels=channels, padding=(1, 1),
                      layout=layout, kernel_layout=kernel_layout, use_bias=True)
    data = sym.max_pool2d(data=data, pool_size=(2, 2), strides=(2, 2), layout=layout)
    data = sym.upsampling(data=data, scale=2, layout=layout)
    softmax_axis = 1
    if layout == "NHWC":
        softmax_axis = 3
    data = sym.softmax(data=data, axis=softmax_axis)
    return data
Ejemplo n.º 3
def test_softmax():
    x = sym.Variable("x")
    y = sym.softmax(x)

    def forward(x):
        return topi.testing.softmax_python(x)

    dtype = "float32"
    dshape = (10, 1000)
    inputs = {'x': (dshape, x)}
    helper(y, inputs, dtype, forward)
Ejemplo n.º 4
def test_softmax():
    x = sym.Variable("x", shape=(10, 20, 10, 10))
    y = sym.softmax(x, name="y")
    g, ldict = correct_layout(y, "NCHW")
    assert(ldict["x"][0] == "NCHW")
    assert(ldict["y"][0] == "NCHW")
    # second pass will insert layout transform
    _, ldict = correct_layout(g, "NCHW16c")
    assert(ldict["x"][0] == "NCHW16c")
    assert(ldict["x_NCHW"][0] == "NCHW")
    assert(ldict["y"][0] == "NCHW")
Ejemplo n.º 5
def test_softmax():
    x = sym.Variable("x")
    y = sym.softmax(x)

    def forward(x):
        return topi.testing.softmax_python(x)

    def backward(head_grads, x):
        y = topi.testing.softmax_python(x)
        grad = y * (head_grads - np.sum(y * head_grads, axis=1, keepdims=True))
        return [grad]

    check_function(y, forward, backward,
                   shape={'x': (10, 1000)}, numerical_grads=False)
    check_function(y, forward, backward,
                   shape={'x': (2, 10)})
def get_sym(layout, kernel_layout, channels):
    data = sym.Variable(name="data")
    data = sym.conv2d(data=data,
                      kernel_size=(3, 3),
                      padding=(1, 1),
    data = sym.max_pool2d(data=data,
                          pool_size=(2, 2),
                          strides=(2, 2),
    data = sym.upsampling(data=data, scale=2, layout=layout)
    softmax_axis = 1
    if layout == "NHWC":
        softmax_axis = 3
    data = sym.softmax(data=data, axis=softmax_axis)
    return data
Ejemplo n.º 7
def test_alter_conv2d_layout():
    data = sym.Variable("data", shape=(1, 32, 512, 512))
    conv = sym.conv2d(data,
                      kernel_size=(3, 3),
                      padding=(1, 1),
    # split here
    convs = sym.split(conv, indices_or_sections=2)
    relus = [sym.relu(x, name="relu") for x in convs]
    relu = sym.concatenate(*relus)
    flatten = sym.flatten(relu, name="flatten")
    softmax = sym.softmax(flatten, name="softmax")
    g = graph.create(softmax)

    g = g.apply("CorrectLayout")
    g = graph_attr.set_dtype_inputs(g, "float32")
    g = g.apply(["InferShape", "InferType"])
    layouts_origin = get_layouts(g)

    @reg.register_alter_op_layout("conv2d", level=100)
    def alter_conv2d_layout(attrs, inputs, tinfos):
        new_attrs = {k: attrs[k] for k in attrs.keys()}
        new_attrs["layout"] = "NCHW16c"
        new_attrs["kernel_layout"] = "NCHW16c"
        new_attrs["name"] = "conv_alter"
        return sym.conv2d(inputs[0], inputs[1], **new_attrs)

    g = g.apply("AlterOpLayout")
    layouts = get_layouts(g)

    # check copy layouts
    for node in ["data", "relu", "flatten", "softmax", "conv_weight"]:
        assert layouts[node] == layouts_origin[node]
    assert layouts["conv_alter"] == layouts_origin["conv"]
Ejemplo n.º 8
def nn(m: Model):
    v_images = sym.Variable("images", shape=(BATCH_SIZE, 1, 28, 28), dtype=0)
    v_true_labels = sym.Variable("true_labels",
                                 shape=(BATCH_SIZE, 10),

    x = v_images
    x = sym.reshape(data=x, shape=(BATCH_SIZE, 28 * 28))
    x = sym.dense(data=x, units=10)
    logits = x

    x = -sym.elemwise_mul(v_true_labels, sym.log_softmax(x))
    loss = sym.sum(x) / BATCH_SIZE

    # This is not really accuracy, because we use softmax instead of hardmax
    accuracy = sym.sum(v_true_labels * sym.softmax(logits)) / BATCH_SIZE

    # We have to somehow list all weights (the corresponding variables are generated automatically)
    weight_vars = [
        v for v in loss.list_input_variables()
        if v.attr('name') not in ['images', 'true_labels']

    optimizer = SGD(learning_rate=1e-4)
    update_step = optimizer.minimize(loss, var=weight_vars)

    tgraph = nnvm.graph.create(sym.Group(
        [loss, update_step])).apply("InferShape").apply("InferType")
    fgraph = nnvm.graph.create(sym.Group(
        [loss, accuracy])).apply("InferShape").apply("InferType")

    m.tgraph = tgraph
    m.fgraph = fgraph
    m.optimizer = optimizer
    m.loss = loss
    return m
Ejemplo n.º 9
def test_dense():
    x = sym.Variable('x')
    x1 = sym.dense(x, units=3, name="dense")
    x2 = sym.flatten(x1)
    x3 = sym.softmax(x2)
    assert x3.list_input_names() == ['x', 'dense_weight', 'dense_bias']
Ejemplo n.º 10
    b = tvm.placeholder((1, 10), name="b")

    dense_weight = sym.Variable("dense_weight",
                                init=np.empty((900, 10), dtype=dtype))
    # define network
    data = sym.Variable("data")
    y1 = sym.conv2d(data=data,
                    kernel_size=(3, 3),
                    padding=(0, 0),
    y2 = sym.flatten(y1)
    #y3 = sym.dense(y2, units=10, use_bias=False)
    y3 = sym.dense(y2, weight=dense_weight, use_bias=False)
    y4 = sym.softmax(y3)
    out = y4  # This is some of the loss function

    # create workload
    net, params = create_workload(out, batch_size, image_shape, dtype)

    target = tvm.target.create('llvm')
    #target = tvm.target.create('opencl')
    with nnvm.compiler.build_config(opt_level=0):
        graph, lib, params = nnvm.compiler.build(net,
                                                 shape={"data": data_shape},

    # create random input
Ejemplo n.º 11
def test_dense():
    x = sym.Variable('x')
    x1 = sym.dense(x, units=3, name="dense")
    x2 = sym.flatten(x1)
    x3 = sym.softmax(x2)
    assert x3.list_input_names() == ['x', 'dense_weight', 'dense_bias']
def test_cnn_gradients():
    # input data
    h = 128
    w = 128
    data_shape = (1000, 3, h, w)
    data = sym.Variable('data', shape=data_shape, dtype=0)

    # conv2d
    num_channels = 64
    kernel_size = 32
    conv_w_shape = (num_channels, 3, kernel_size, kernel_size)
    conv_b_shape = (num_channels, )
    conv_w = sym.Variable('conv_w', shape=conv_w_shape)
    conv_b = sym.Variable('conv_b', shape=conv_b_shape)
    conv1 = sym.conv2d(data=data,
                       kernel_size=(kernel_size, kernel_size),
    # relu1
    relu1 = sym.relu(data=conv1, name='relu1')
    # max pooling
    max_pooling1 = sym.max_pool2d(data=relu1,
                                  pool_size=(2, 2),
    # flatten
    flatten1 = sym.flatten(data=max_pooling1)
    # shape after flatten
    flatten_out_shape = (h - kernel_size) * (w - kernel_size) * num_channels
    # dense1
    dense1_hidden_units = 100
    dense1 = sym.dense(data=flatten1, name='dense1', units=dense1_hidden_units)
    # relu2
    relu2 = sym.relu(data=dense1, name='relu2')
    # dense2
    dense2_hidden_units = 10
    dense2 = sym.dense(data=relu2, name='dense2', units=dense2_hidden_units)
    # softmax
    mlp = sym.softmax(data=dense2, name='softmax')
    # fake non-sparse label
    label = sym.full_like(mlp, fill_value=1)
    # cross entropy loss
    ce_loss = sym.sum(sym.elemwise_mul(sym.log_softmax(dense2), label),

    # input variables:
    # print grad_g.symbol.list_input_names()
    # >> ['data', 'conv_w', 'conv_b',
    #     'dense1_weight', 'dense1_bias',
    #     'dense2_weight', 'dense2_bias']

    # output gradient variables:
    # print grad_g.symbol.list_output_names()
    # >> ['conv1_grad_data', 'conv1_grad_weight', 'conv1_grad_bias',
    #     'dense1_grad_weight', 'dense1_grad_bias',
    #     'dense2_grad_weight', 'dense2_grad_bias']
    grad_g = graph_util.get_gradient_graph(ce_loss,

    # infer shape
    in_shapes, out_shapes = graph_util.infer_shape(grad_g)

    # forward graph shape
    assert in_shapes == [
        list(conv_b_shape), [dense1_hidden_units, flatten_out_shape],
        [dense1_hidden_units], [dense2_hidden_units, dense1_hidden_units],
    # input grads shape should be equal with input shape
    assert in_shapes == out_shapes

    # output grads w.r.t input variables
    grads = graph_util.gradients(ce_loss, ce_loss.list_input_variables())

    # gradients number should be equal with grad_input number
    assert len(grads) == len(ce_loss.list_input_variables())

    # infer type
    in_dtypes, out_dtypes = graph_util.infer_dtype(grad_g)
    assert out_dtypes == [
        'float32', 'float32', 'float32', 'float32', 'float32', 'float32',
Ejemplo n.º 13
def test_cnn_gradients():
    # input data
    h = 128
    w = 128
    data_shape = (1000, 3, h, w)
    data = sym.Variable('data', shape=data_shape, dtype=0)

    # conv2d
    num_channels = 64
    kernel_size = 32
    conv_w_shape = (num_channels, 3, kernel_size, kernel_size)
    conv_b_shape = (num_channels,)
    conv_w = sym.Variable('conv_w', shape=conv_w_shape)
    conv_b = sym.Variable('conv_b', shape=conv_b_shape)
    conv1 = sym.conv2d(data=data, weight=conv_w, bias=conv_b,
                      channels=num_channels, kernel_size=(kernel_size, kernel_size),
    # relu1
    relu1 = sym.relu(data=conv1, name='relu1')
    # max pooling
    max_pooling1 = sym.max_pool2d(data=relu1, pool_size=(2, 2), name='max_pooling1')
    # flatten
    flatten1 = sym.flatten(data=max_pooling1)
    # shape after flatten
    flatten_out_shape = (h - kernel_size) * (w - kernel_size) * num_channels
    # dense1
    dense1_hidden_units = 100
    dense1 = sym.dense(data=flatten1, name='dense1', units=dense1_hidden_units)
    # relu2
    relu2 = sym.relu(data=dense1, name='relu2')
    # dense2
    dense2_hidden_units = 10
    dense2 = sym.dense(data=relu2, name='dense2', units=dense2_hidden_units)
    # softmax
    mlp = sym.softmax(data=dense2, name='softmax')
    # fake non-sparse label
    label = sym.full_like(mlp, fill_value=1)
    # cross entropy loss
    ce_loss = sym.sum(
        sym.elemwise_mul(sym.log_softmax(dense2), label),

    # input variables:
    # print grad_g.symbol.list_input_names()
    # >> ['data', 'conv_w', 'conv_b',
    #     'dense1_weight', 'dense1_bias',
    #     'dense2_weight', 'dense2_bias']

    # output gradient variables:
    # print grad_g.symbol.list_output_names()
    # >> ['conv1_grad_data', 'conv1_grad_weight', 'conv1_grad_bias',
    #     'dense1_grad_weight', 'dense1_grad_bias',
    #     'dense2_grad_weight', 'dense2_grad_bias']
    grad_g = graph_util.get_gradient_graph(ce_loss, ce_loss.list_input_variables())

    # infer shape
    in_shapes, out_shapes = graph_util.infer_shape(grad_g)

    # forward graph shape
    assert in_shapes == [list(data_shape), list(conv_w_shape), list(conv_b_shape),
                          [dense1_hidden_units, flatten_out_shape], [dense1_hidden_units],
                          [dense2_hidden_units, dense1_hidden_units], [dense2_hidden_units]]
    # input grads shape should be equal with input shape
    assert in_shapes == out_shapes

    # output grads w.r.t input variables
    grads = graph_util.gradients(ce_loss, ce_loss.list_input_variables())

    # gradients number should be equal with grad_input number
    assert len(grads) == len(ce_loss.list_input_variables())

    # infer type
    in_dtypes, out_dtypes = graph_util.infer_dtype(grad_g)
    assert out_dtypes == ['float32', 'float32', 'float32', 'float32', 'float32', 'float32', 'float32']