Ejemplo n.º 1
class BaseLoader(object):
    name = None

    def __init__(self):
        self.logger = PrefixLoggerAdapter(logger, self.name)

    def find_class(self, module_name, base_cls, name):
        Load subclass of *base_cls* from module

        :param module_name: String containing module name
        :param base_cls: Base class
        :param name: object name
        :return: class reference or None
            sm = __import__(module_name, {}, {}, "*")
            for n in dir(sm):
                o = getattr(sm, n)
                if (
                    inspect.isclass(o) and
                    issubclass(o, base_cls) and
                    o.__module__ == sm.__name__
                    return o
        except ImportError as e:
            self.logger.error("Failed to load %s %s: %s", self.name, name, e)
        return None
Ejemplo n.º 2
class Engine(object):
    ILOCK = threading.Lock()

    def __init__(self, object):
        self.object = object
        self.logger = PrefixLoggerAdapter(logger, self.object.name)
        self.env = None
        self.templates = {}  # fact class -> template
        self.fcls = {}  # template -> Fact class
        self.facts = {}  # Index -> Fact
        self.rn = 0  # Rule number
        self.config = None  # Cached config
        self.interface_ranges = None
        with self.ILOCK:
            self.AC_POLICY_VIOLATION = AlarmClass.objects.filter(
                name="Config | Policy Violation").first()
            if not self.AC_POLICY_VIOLATION:
                    "Alarm class 'Config | Policy Violation' is not found. Alarms cannot be raised"

    def get_template(self, fact):
        if fact.cls not in self.templates:
            self.logger.debug("Creating template %s", fact.cls)
            self.templates[fact.cls] = self.env.BuildTemplate(
                fact.cls, fact.get_template())
            self.fcls[fact.cls] = fact.__class__
            self.logger.debug("Define template %s",
        return self.templates[fact.cls]

    def get_rule_number(self):
        return self.rn

    def assert_fact(self, fact):
        f = self.get_template(fact).BuildFact()
        for k, v in fact.iter_factitems():
            if v is None or v == [] or v == tuple():
            if isinstance(v, six.string_types):
                v = v.replace("\n", "\\n")
            f.Slots[k] = v
        except clips.ClipsError as e:
            self.logger.error("Could not assert: %s", f.PPForm())
            self.logger.error("CLIPS Error: %s\n%s", e,
        self.facts[f.Index] = fact
        self.logger.debug("Assert %s", f.PPForm())

    def learn(self, gen):
        Learn sequence of facts
        n = 0
        for f in gen:
            if hasattr(f, "managed_object") and f.managed_object is not None:
                # @todo: Custom bindings from solutions
            n += 1

    def iter_errors(self):
        Generator yielding known errors
            e = self.templates["error"].InitialFact()
        except TypeError:
            raise StopIteration
        while e:
            if "obj" in e.Slots.keys():
                obj = e.Slots["obj"]
                if hasattr(obj, "Index"):
                    # obj is a fact
                    if obj.Index in self.facts:
                        obj = self.facts[obj.Index]
                obj = None
            error = Error(e.Slots["type"], obj=obj, msg=e.Slots["msg"])
            if e.Index not in self.facts:
                self.facts[e.Index] = error
            yield error
            e = e.Next()

    def iter_roles(self):
        Generator yielding role fact
            e = self.templates["role"].InitialFact()
        except TypeError:
            raise StopIteration
        while e:
            role = Error(e.Slots["name"])
            if e.Index not in self.facts:
                self.facts[e.Index] = role
            yield role
            e = e.Next()

    def run(self):
        Run engine round
        :returns: Number of matched rules
        return self.env.Run()

    def add_rule(self, expr):
        self.rn += 1

    def check(self):
        with CLIPSEnv() as env:

    def _check(self):
        Perform object configuration check
        self.logger.info("Checking %s", self.object)
        parser = self.object.get_parser()
        self.config = self.object.config.read()
        if not self.config:
            self.logger.error("No config for %s. Giving up", self.object)
        # Parse facts
        self.logger.debug("Parsing facts")
        facts = list(parser.parse(self.config))
        self.logger.debug("%d facts are extracted", len(facts))
        self.interface_ranges = parser.interface_ranges
        self.logger.debug("%d interface sections detected",
        # Define default templates
        # Learn facts
        self.logger.debug("Learning facts")
        self.logger.debug("Learning complete")
        # Install rules
        rules = []
        for r in self.get_rules():
            if r.is_applicable():
                self.logger.debug("Using validation rule: %s", r.rule.name)
                    cfg = r.get_config()
                except clips.ClipsError as e:
                    self.logger.error("CLIPS Error: %s\n%s", e,
                except Exception:
                rules += [(r, cfg)]
        # Run python validators
        for r, cfg in rules:
        # Run CLIPS engine
        while True:
            self.logger.debug("Running engine")
            n = self.run()
            self.logger.debug("%d rules matched", n)
            break  # @todo: Check for commands
        # Extract errors
        for e in self.iter_errors():
            self.logger.info("Error found: %s", e)
        # Store object's facts
        # Manage related alarms
        if self.AC_POLICY_VIOLATION:

    def _get_rule_settings(self, ps, scope):
        Process PolicySettings object and returns a list of
        (validator class, config)
        r = []
        for pi in ps.policies:
            policy = pi.policy
            if not pi.is_active or not policy.is_active:
            for ri in policy.rules:
                if not ri.is_active:
                rule = ri.rule
                if rule.is_active and rule.is_applicable_for(self.object):
                    vc = get_handler(rule.handler)
                    if vc and bool(vc.SCOPE & scope):
                        r += [(vc, rule)]
        return r

    def _get_rules(self, model, id, scope, obj=None):
        ps = ValidationPolicySettings.objects.filter(
            model_id=model, object_id=str(id)).first()
        if not ps or not ps.policies:
            return []
        return [
            vc(self, obj, rule.config, scope, rule)
            for vc, rule in self._get_rule_settings(ps, scope)

    def get_rules(self):
        r = []
        # Object profile rules
        if self.object.object_profile:
            r += self._get_rules(
        # Object rules
        r += self._get_rules("sa.ManagedObject", self.object.id,
                             BaseValidator.OBJECT, self.object)
        # Interface rules
        profile_interfaces = defaultdict(list)
        for i in InvInterface.objects.filter(managed_object=self.object.id):
            if i.profile:
                profile_interfaces[i.profile] += [i]
            r += self._get_rules("inv.Interface", i.id,
                                 BaseValidator.INTERFACE, i)
        # Interface profile rules
        for p in profile_interfaces:
            ps = ValidationPolicySettings.objects.filter(
                model_id="inv.InterfaceProfile", object_id=str(p.id)).first()
            if not ps or not ps.policies:
            rs = self._get_rule_settings(ps, BaseValidator.INTERFACE)
            if rs:
                for iface in profile_interfaces[p]:
                    r += [
                        vc(self, iface, rule.config, BaseValidator.INTERFACE,
                           rule) for vc, rule in rs
        # Subinterface profile rules
        profile_subinterfaces = defaultdict(list)
        for si in InvSubInterface.objects.filter(
            p = si.get_profile()
            if p:
                profile_subinterfaces[p] += [si]
        for p in profile_subinterfaces:
            ps = ValidationPolicySettings.objects.filter(
                model_id="inv.InterfaceProfile", object_id=str(p.id)).first()
            if not ps or not ps.policies:
            rs = self._get_rule_settings(ps, BaseValidator.SUBINTERFACE)
            if rs:
                for si in profile_subinterfaces[p]:
                    r += [
                        vc(self, si, rule.config, BaseValidator.SUBINTERFACE,
                           rule) for vc, rule in rs
        return r

    def get_fact_uuid(self, fact):
        r = [str(self.object.id), fact.cls
             ] + [str(getattr(fact, n)) for n in fact.ID]
        return uuid.uuid5(uuid.NAMESPACE_URL, "-".join(r))

    def get_fact_attrs(self, fact):
        return dict(fact.iter_factitems())

    def sync_facts(self):
        Retrieve known facts and synchronize with database
        self.logger.debug("Synchronizing facts")
        # Get facts from CLIPS
        self.logger.debug("Extracting facts")
        e_facts = {}  # uuid -> fact
            f = self.env.InitialFact()
        except clips.ClipsError:
            return  # No facts
        while f:
            if f.Template and f.Template.Name in self.templates:
                self.facts[f.Index] = f
                args = {}
                for k in f.Slots.keys():
                    v = f.Slots[k]
                    if v == clips.Nil:
                        v = None
                    args[str(k)] = v
                fi = self.fcls[f.Template.Name](**args)
                e_facts[self.get_fact_uuid(fi)] = fi
            f = f.Next()
        # Get facts from database
        now = datetime.datetime.now()
        collection = ObjectFact._get_collection()
        bulk = []
        new_facts = set(e_facts)
        for f in collection.find({"object": self.object.id}):
            if f["_id"] in e_facts:
                fact = e_facts[f["_id"]]
                f_attrs = self.get_fact_attrs(fact)
                if f_attrs != f["attrs"]:
                    # Changed facts
                    self.logger.debug("Fact %s has been changed: %s -> %s",
                                      f["_id"], f["attrs"], f_attrs)
                    bulk += [
                            {"_id": f["_id"]},
                                "$set": {
                                    "attrs": f_attrs,
                                    "changed": now,
                                    "label": smart_text(fact)
                # Removed fact
                self.logger.debug("Fact %s has been removed", f["_id"])
                bulk += [DeleteOne({"_id": f["_id"]})]
        # New facts
        for f in new_facts:
            fact = e_facts[f]
            f_attrs = self.get_fact_attrs(fact)
            self.logger.debug("Creating fact %s: %s", f, f_attrs)
            bulk += [
                    "_id": f,
                    "object": self.object.id,
                    "cls": fact.cls,
                    "label": smart_text(fact),
                    "attrs": f_attrs,
                    "introduced": now,
                    "changed": now,
        if bulk:
            self.logger.debug("Commiting changes to database")
                self.logger.debug("Database has been synced")
            except BulkWriteError as e:
                self.logger.error("Bulk write error: '%s'", e.details)
                self.logger.error("Stopping check")
            self.logger.debug("Nothing changed")

    def compile_query(self, **kwargs):
        def wrap(x):
            for k in kwargs:
                if getattr(x, k, None) != kwargs[k]:
                    return False
            return True

        return wrap

    def find(self, **kwargs):
        Search facts for match. Returns a list of matching facts
        q = self.compile_query(**kwargs)
        return [f for f in six.itervalues(self.facts) if q(f)]

    def find_one(self, **kwargs):
        Search for first matching fact. Returns fact or None
        q = self.compile_query(**kwargs)
        for f in six.itervalues(self.facts):
            if q(f):
                return f
        return None

    def sync_alarms(self):
        Raise/close related alarms
        # Check errors are exists
        n_errors = sum(1 for e in self.iter_errors())
        alarm = ActiveAlarm.objects.filter(
        if n_errors:
            if not alarm:
                self.logger.info("Raise alarm")
                # Raise alarm
                alarm = ActiveAlarm(
                    severity=2000,  # WARNING
            # Alarm is already exists
            alarm.log_message("%d errors has been found" % n_errors)
        elif alarm:
            # Clear alarm
            self.logger.info("Clear alarm")
            alarm.clear_alarm("No errors has been registered")

    def setup_env(self, env):
        Install additional CLIPS functions
        logger.debug("Setting up CLIPS environment")
        self.env = env
        # Create wrappers
        logger.debug("Install function: match-re")
        env.BuildFunction("match-re", "?rx ?s",
                          "(return (python-call py-match-re ?rx ?s))")
Ejemplo n.º 3
class ProfileChecker(object):
    base_logger = logging.getLogger("profilechecker")
    _rules_cache = cachetools.TTLCache(10, ttl=60)
    _re_cache = {}

    def __init__(
        self.address = address
        self.pool = pool
        self.logger = PrefixLoggerAdapter(
            logger or self.base_logger, "%s][%s" % (self.pool or "", self.address or "")
        self.result_cache = {}  # (method, param) -> result
        self.error = None
        self.snmp_community = snmp_community
        self.calling_service = calling_service
        self.snmp_version = snmp_version or [SNMP_v2c]
        self.ignoring_snmp = False
        if self.snmp_version is None:
            self.logger.error("SNMP is not supported. Ignoring")
            self.ignoring_snmp = True
        if not self.snmp_community:
            self.logger.error("No SNMP credentials. Ignoring")
            self.ignoring_snmp = True

    def find_profile(self, method, param, result):
        Find profile by method
        :param method: Fingerprint getting method
        :param param: Method params
        :param result: Getting params result
        r = defaultdict(list)
        d = self.get_rules()
        for k, value in sorted(six.iteritems(d), key=lambda x: x[0]):
            for v in value:
                r[v] += value[v]
        if (method, param) not in r:
            self.logger.warning("Not find rule for method: %s %s", method, param)
        for match_method, value, action, profile, rname in r[(method, param)]:
            if self.is_match(result, match_method, value):
                self.logger.info("Matched profile: %s (%s)", profile, rname)
                # @todo: process MAYBE rule
                return profile

    def get_profile(self):
        Returns profile for object, or None when not known
        snmp_result = ""
        http_result = ""
        for ruleset in self.iter_rules():
            for (method, param), actions in ruleset:
                    result = self.do_check(method, param)
                    if not result:
                    if "snmp" in method:
                        snmp_result = result
                    if "http" in method:
                        http_result = result
                    for match_method, value, action, profile, rname in actions:
                        if self.is_match(result, match_method, value):
                            self.logger.info("Matched profile: %s (%s)", profile, rname)
                            # @todo: process MAYBE rule
                            return profile
                except NOCError as e:
                    self.error = str(e.message)
                    return None
        if snmp_result or http_result:
            self.error = "Not find profile for OID: %s or HTTP string: %s" % (
        elif not snmp_result:
            self.error = "Cannot fetch snmp data, check device for SNMP access"
        elif not http_result:
            self.error = "Cannot fetch HTTP data, check device for HTTP access"
        self.logger.info("Cannot detect profile: %s", self.error)
        return None

    def get_error(self):
        Get error message
        return self.error

    @cachetools.cachedmethod(operator.attrgetter("_rules_cache"), lock=lambda _: rules_lock)
    def get_profile_check_rules(cls):
        return list(ProfileCheckRule.objects.all().order_by("preference"))

    def get_rules(self):
        Load ProfileCheckRules and return a list, grouped by preferences
            (method, param) -> [(
                ), ...]

        self.logger.info('Compiling "Profile Check rules"')
        d = {}  # preference -> (method, param) -> [rule, ..]
        for r in self.get_profile_check_rules():
            if "snmp" in r.method and self.ignoring_snmp:
            if r.preference not in d:
                d[r.preference] = {}
            k = (r.method, r.param)
            if k not in d[r.preference]:
                d[r.preference][k] = []
            d[r.preference][k] += [(r.match_method, r.value, r.action, r.profile, r.name)]
        return d

    def iter_rules(self):
        d = self.get_rules()
        for p in sorted(d):
            yield list(six.iteritems(d[p]))

    def get_re(cls, regexp):
        return re.compile(regexp)

    def do_check(self, method, param):
        Perform check
        self.logger.debug("do_check(%s, %s)", method, param)
        if (method, param) in self.result_cache:
            self.logger.debug("Using cached value")
            return self.result_cache[method, param]
        h = getattr(self, "check_%s" % method, None)
        if not h:
            self.logger.error("Invalid check method '%s'. Ignoring", method)
            return None
        result = h(param)
        self.result_cache[method, param] = result
        return result

    def check_snmp_v2c_get(self, param):
        Perform SNMP v2c GET. Param is OID or symbolic name
            param = mib[param]
        except KeyError:
            self.logger.error("Cannot resolve OID '%s'. Ignoring", param)
            return None
        for v in self.snmp_version:
            if v == SNMP_v1:
                r = self.snmp_v1_get(param)
            elif v == SNMP_v2c:
                r = self.snmp_v2c_get(param)
                raise NOCError(msg="Unsupported SNMP version")
            if r:
                return r

    def check_http_get(self, param):
        Perform HTTP GET check. Param can be URL path or :<port>/<path>
        url = "http://%s%s" % (self.address, param)
        return self.http_get(url)

    def check_https_get(self, param):
        Perform HTTPS GET check. Param can be URL path or :<port>/<path>
        url = "https://%s%s" % (self.address, param)
        return self.https_get(url)

    def is_match(self, result, method, value):
        Returns True when result matches value
        if method == "eq":
            return result == value
        elif method == "contains":
            return value in result
        elif method == "re":
            return bool(self.get_re(value).search(result))
            self.logger.error("Invalid match method '%s'. Ignoring", method)
            return False

    def snmp_v1_get(self, param):
        Perform SNMP v1 request. May be overridden for testing
        :param param:
        self.logger.info("SNMP v1 GET: %s", param)
            return open_sync_rpc(
                "activator", pool=self.pool, calling_service=self.calling_service
            ).snmp_v1_get(self.address, self.snmp_community, param)
        except RPCError as e:
            self.logger.error("RPC Error: %s", e)
            return None

    def snmp_v2c_get(self, param):
        Perform SNMP v2c request. May be overridden for testing
        :param param:
        self.logger.info("SNMP v2c GET: %s", param)
            return open_sync_rpc(
                "activator", pool=self.pool, calling_service=self.calling_service
            ).snmp_v2c_get(self.address, self.snmp_community, param)
        except RPCError as e:
            self.logger.error("RPC Error: %s", e)
            return None

    def http_get(self, url):
        Perform HTTP request. May be overridden for testing
        :param url: Request URL
        self.logger.info("HTTP Request: %s", url)
            return open_sync_rpc(
                "activator", pool=self.pool, calling_service=self.calling_service
            ).http_get(url, True)
        except RPCError as e:
            self.logger.error("RPC Error: %s", e)
            return None

    def https_get(self, url):
        Perform HTTP request. May be overridden for testing
        :param url: Request URL
        return self.http_get(url)
Ejemplo n.º 4
Archivo: base.py Proyecto: nbashev/noc
class BaseScript(object, metaclass=BaseScriptMetaclass):
    Service Activation script base class

    # Script name in form of <vendor>.<system>.<name>
    name = None
    # Default script timeout
    TIMEOUT = config.script.timeout
    # Default session timeout
    SESSION_IDLE_TIMEOUT = config.script.session_idle_timeout
    # Default access preferene
    # Enable call cache
    # If True, script result will be cached and reused
    # during lifetime of parent script
    cache = False
    # Implemented interface
    interface = None
    # Scripts required by generic script.
    # For common scripts - empty list
    # For generics - list of pairs (script_name, interface)
    requires = []
    base_logger = logging.getLogger(name or "script")
    _x_seq = itertools.count()
    # Sessions
    cli_session_store = SessionStore()
    mml_session_store = SessionStore()
    rtsp_session_store = SessionStore()
    # In session mode when active CLI session exists
    # * True -- reuse session
    # * False -- close session and run new without session context
    reuse_cli_session = True
    # In session mode:
    # Should we keep CLI session for reuse by next script
    # * True - keep CLI session for next script
    # * False - close CLI session
    keep_cli_session = True
    # Script-level matchers.
    # Override profile one
    matchers = {}

    # Error classes shortcuts
    ScriptError = ScriptError
    CLISyntaxError = CLISyntaxError
    CLIOperationError = CLIOperationError
    NotSupportedError = NotSupportedError
    UnexpectedResultError = UnexpectedResultError

    hexbin = {
        "0": "0000",
        "1": "0001",
        "2": "0010",
        "3": "0011",
        "4": "0100",
        "5": "0101",
        "6": "0110",
        "7": "0111",
        "8": "1000",
        "9": "1001",
        "a": "1010",
        "b": "1011",
        "c": "1100",
        "d": "1101",
        "e": "1110",
        "f": "1111",

    cli_protocols = {
        "telnet": "noc.core.script.cli.telnet.TelnetCLI",
        "ssh": "noc.core.script.cli.ssh.SSHCLI",
        "beef": "noc.core.script.cli.beef.BeefCLI",

    mml_protocols = {"telnet": "noc.core.script.mml.telnet.TelnetMML"}

    rtsp_protocols = {"tcp": "noc.core.script.rtsp.base.RTSPBase"}
    # Override access preferences for script
    # S - always try SNMP first
    # C - always try CLI first
    # None - use default preferences
    always_prefer = None

    def __init__(
        self.service = service
        self.tos = config.activator.tos
        self.pool = config.pool
        self.parent = parent
        self._motd = None
        name = name or self.name
        self.logger = PrefixLoggerAdapter(
            "%s] [%s" % (self.name, credentials.get("address", "-")))
        if self.parent:
            self.profile = self.parent.profile
            self.profile = profile_loader.get_profile(".".join(
        self.credentials = credentials or {}
        if self.is_beefed:
            self.credentials["snmp_ro"] = "public"  # For core.snmp.base check
        self.version = version or {}
        self.capabilities = capabilities or {}
        self.timeout = timeout or self.get_timeout()
        self.start_time = None
        self._interface = self.interface()
        self.args = self.clean_input(args) if args else {}
        self.cli_stream = None
        self.mml_stream = None
        self.rtsp_stream = None
        self._snmp: Optional[SNMP] = None
        self._http: Optional[HTTP] = None
        self.to_disable_pager = not self.parent and self.profile.command_disable_pager
        self.scripts = ScriptsHub(self)
        # Store session id
        self.session = session
        self.session_idle_timeout = session_idle_timeout or self.SESSION_IDLE_TIMEOUT
        # Cache CLI and SNMP calls, if set
        self.is_cached = False
        # Suitable only when self.parent is None.
        # Cached results for scripts marked with "cache"
        self.call_cache = {}
        # Suitable only when self.parent is None
        # Cached results of self.cli calls
        self.cli_cache = {}
        self.http_cache = {}
        self.partial_result = None
        # @todo: Get native encoding from ManagedObject
        self.native_encoding = "utf8"
        # Tracking
        self.to_track = False
        self.cli_tracked_data = {}  # command -> [packets]
        self.cli_tracked_command = None
        # state -> [..]
        self.cli_fsm_tracked_data = {}
        if not parent and version and not name.endswith(".get_version"):
            self.logger.debug("Filling get_version cache with %s", version)
            s = name.split(".")
            self.set_cache("%s.%s.get_version" % (s[0], s[1]), {}, version)
        if (self.is_beefed and not parent
                and not name.endswith(".get_capabilities")
                and not name.endswith(".get_version")):
            self.capabilities = self.scripts.get_capabilities()
            self.logger.info("Filling capabilities with %s", self.capabilities)
        # Fill matchers
        if not self.name.endswith(".get_version"):
        if self.profile.setup_script:

    def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        self.args = kwargs
        return self.run()

    def snmp(self) -> SNMP:
        if not self._snmp:
            if self.parent:
                self._snmp = self.root.snmp
            elif self.is_beefed:
                self._snmp = BeefSNMP(self)
                snmp_rate_limit = self.credentials.get("snmp_rate_limit",
                                                       None) or None
                if snmp_rate_limit is None:
                    snmp_rate_limit = self.profile.get_snmp_rate_limit(self)
                self._snmp = SNMP(self, rate=snmp_rate_limit)
        return self._snmp

    def http(self) -> HTTP:
        if not self._http:
            if self.parent:
                self._http = self.root.http
                self._http = HTTP(self)
        return self._http

    def apply_matchers(self):
        Process matchers and apply is_XXX properties
        def get_matchers(c, matchers):
            return {m: match(c, matchers[m]) for m in matchers}

        # Match context
        # @todo: Add capabilities
        ctx = self.version or {}
        if self.capabilities:
            ctx["caps"] = self.capabilities
        # Calculate matches
        v = get_matchers(ctx, self.profile.matchers)
        v.update(get_matchers(ctx, self.matchers))
        for k in v:
            self.logger.debug("%s = %s", k, v[k])
            setattr(self, k, v[k])

    def clean_input(self, args):
        Cleanup input parameters against interface
        return self._interface.script_clean_input(self.profile, **args)

    def clean_output(self, result):
        Clean script result against interface
        return self._interface.script_clean_result(self.profile, result)

    def run(self):
        Run script
        with Span(server="activator",
            self.start_time = perf_counter()
            self.logger.debug("Running. Input arguments: %s, timeout %s",
                              self.args, self.timeout)
            # Use cached result when available
            cache_hit = False
            if self.cache and self.parent:
                    result = self.get_cache(self.name, self.args)
                    self.logger.info("Using cached result")
                    cache_hit = True
                except KeyError:
            # Execute script
            if not cache_hit:
                    result = self.execute(**self.args)
                    if self.cache and self.parent and result:
                        self.logger.info("Caching result")
                        self.set_cache(self.name, self.args, result)
                    if not self.parent:
                        # Close SNMP socket when necessary
                        # Close CLI socket when necessary
                        # Close MML socket when necessary
                        # Close RTSP socket when necessary
                        # Close HTTP Client
            # Clean result
            result = self.clean_output(result)
            self.logger.debug("Result: %s", result)
            runtime = perf_counter() - self.start_time
            self.logger.info("Complete (%.2fms)", runtime * 1000)
        return result

    def compile_match_filter(cls, *args, **kwargs):
        # pylint: disable=undefined-variable
        Compile arguments into version check function
        Returns callable accepting self and version hash arguments
        c = [lambda self, x, g=f: g(x) for f in args]
        for k, v in kwargs.items():
            # Split to field name and lookup operator
            if "__" in k:
                f, o = k.split("__")
                f = k
                o = "exact"
                # Check field name
            if f not in ("vendor", "platform", "version", "image"):
                raise Exception("Invalid field '%s'" % f)
                # Compile lookup functions
            if o == "exact":
                c += [lambda self, x, f=f, v=v: x[f] == v]
            elif o == "iexact":
                c += [lambda self, x, f=f, v=v: x[f].lower() == v.lower()]
            elif o == "startswith":
                c += [lambda self, x, f=f, v=v: x[f].startswith(v)]
            elif o == "istartswith":
                c += [
                    lambda self, x, f=f, v=v: x[f].lower().startswith(v.lower(
            elif o == "endswith":
                c += [lambda self, x, f=f, v=v: x[f].endswith(v)]
            elif o == "iendswith":
                c += [
                    lambda self, x, f=f, v=v: x[f].lower().endswith(v.lower())
            elif o == "contains":
                c += [lambda self, x, f=f, v=v: v in x[f]]
            elif o == "icontains":
                c += [lambda self, x, f=f, v=v: v.lower() in x[f].lower()]
            elif o == "in":
                c += [lambda self, x, f=f, v=v: x[f] in v]
            elif o == "regex":
                c += [
                    lambda self, x, f=f, v=re.compile(v): v.search(x[f]) is
                    not None
            elif o == "iregex":
                c += [
                    lambda self, x, f=f, v=re.compile(v, re.IGNORECASE): v.
                    search(x[f]) is not None
            elif o == "isempty":  # Empty string or null
                c += [lambda self, x, f=f, v=v: not x[f] if v else x[f]]
            elif f == "version":
                if o == "lt":  # <
                    c += [
                        lambda self, x, v=v: self.profile.cmp_version(
                            x["version"], v) < 0
                elif o == "lte":  # <=
                    c += [
                        lambda self, x, v=v: self.profile.cmp_version(
                            x["version"], v) <= 0
                elif o == "gt":  # >
                    c += [
                        lambda self, x, v=v: self.profile.cmp_version(
                            x["version"], v) > 0
                elif o == "gte":  # >=
                    c += [
                        lambda self, x, v=v: self.profile.cmp_version(
                            x["version"], v) >= 0
                    raise Exception("Invalid lookup operation: %s" % o)
                raise Exception("Invalid lookup operation: %s" % o)
        # Combine expressions into single lambda
        return reduce(
            lambda x, y: lambda self, v, x=x, y=y: (x(self, v) and y(self, v)),  # pylint: disable=undefined-variable
            lambda self, x: True,

    def match(cls, *args, **kwargs):
        execute method decorator
        def wrap(f):
            # Append to the execute chain
            if hasattr(f, "_match"):
                old_filter = f._match
                # pylint: disable=undefined-variable
                f._match = lambda self, v, old_filter=old_filter, new_filter=new_filter: new_filter(
                    self, v) or old_filter(self, v)
                f._match = new_filter
            f._seq = next(cls._x_seq)
            return f

        # Compile check function
        new_filter = cls.compile_match_filter(*args, **kwargs)
        # Return decorated function
        return wrap

    def match_version(self, *args, **kwargs):
        inline version for BaseScript.match
        if not self.version:
            self.version = self.scripts.get_version()
        return self.compile_match_filter(*args, **kwargs)(self, self.version)

    def execute(self, **kwargs):
        Default script behavior:
        Pass through _execute_chain and call appropriate handler
        if self._execute_chain and not self.name.endswith(".get_version"):
            # Deprecated @match chain
                "WARNING: Using deprecated @BaseScript.match() decorator. "
                "Consider porting to the new matcher API")
            # Get version information
            if not self.version:
                self.version = self.scripts.get_version()
            # Find and execute proper handler
            for f in self._execute_chain:
                if f._match(self, self.version):
                    return f(self, **kwargs)
                # Raise error
            raise self.NotSupportedError()
            # New SNMP/CLI API
            return self.call_method(cli_handler=self.execute_cli,

    def call_method(self,
        Call function depending on access_preference
        :param cli_handler: String or callable to call on CLI access method
        :param snmp_handler: String or callable to call on SNMP access method
        :param fallback_handler: String or callable to call if no access method matched
        :param kwargs:
        # Select proper handler
        access_preference = self.get_access_preference() + "*"
        for m in access_preference:
            # Select proper handler
            if m == "C":
                handler = cli_handler
            elif m == "S":
                if self.has_snmp() or self.name.endswith(".get_version"):
                    handler = snmp_handler
                        "SNMP is not enabled. Passing to next method")
            elif m == "*":
                handler = fallback_handler
                raise self.NotSupportedError("Invalid access method '%s'" % m)
            # Resolve handler when necessary
            if isinstance(handler, str):
                handler = getattr(self, handler, None)
            if handler is None:
                self.logger.debug("No '%s' handler. Passing to next method" %
            # Call handler
                r = handler(**kwargs)
                if isinstance(r, PartialResult):
                    if self.partial_result:
                        self.partial_result = r.result
                        "Partial result: %r. Passing to next method",
                    return r
            except self.snmp.TimeOutError:
                self.logger.info("SNMP timeout. Passing to next method")
                if access_preference == "S*":
                    self.logger.info("Last S method break by timeout.")
                    raise self.snmp.TimeOutError
            except NotImplementedError:
                    "Access method '%s' is not implemented. Passing to next method",
        raise self.NotSupportedError(
            "Access preference '%s' is not supported" % access_preference[:-1])

    def execute_cli(self, **kwargs):
        Process script using CLI
        :param kwargs:
        raise NotImplementedError("execute_cli() is not implemented")

    def execute_snmp(self, **kwargs):
        Process script using SNMP
        :param kwargs:
        raise NotImplementedError("execute_snmp() is not implemented")

    def cleaned_config(self, config):
        Clean up config from all unnecessary trash
        return self.profile.cleaned_config(config)

    def strip_first_lines(self, text, lines=1):
        Strip first *lines*
        t = text.split("\n")
        if len(t) <= lines:
            return ""
            return "\n".join(t[lines:])

    def expand_rangelist(self, s):
        Expand expressions like "1,2,5-7" to [1, 2, 5, 6, 7]
        result = {}
        for x in s.split(","):
            x = x.strip()
            if x == "":
            if "-" in x:
                left, right = [int(y) for y in x.split("-")]
                if left > right:
                    x = right
                    right = left
                    left = x
                for i in range(left, right + 1):
                    result[i] = None
                result[int(x)] = None
        return sorted(result.keys())

    rx_detect_sep = re.compile(r"^(.*?)\d+$")

    def expand_interface_range(self, s):
        Convert interface range expression to a list
        of interfaces
        "Gi 1/1-3,Gi 1/7" -> ["Gi 1/1", "Gi 1/2", "Gi 1/3", "Gi 1/7"]
        "1:1-3" -> ["1:1", "1:2", "1:3"]
        "1:1-1:3" -> ["1:1", "1:2", "1:3"]
        :param s: Comma-separated list
        r = set()
        for x in s.split(","):
            x = x.strip()
            if not x:
            if "-" in x:
                # Expand range
                f, t = [y.strip() for y in x.split("-")]
                # Detect common prefix
                match = self.rx_detect_sep.match(f)
                if not match:
                    raise ValueError(x)
                prefix = match.group(1)
                # Detect range boundaries
                start = int(f[len(prefix):])
                if is_int(t):
                    stop = int(t)  # Just integer
                    if not t.startswith(prefix):
                        raise ValueError(x)
                    stop = int(t[len(prefix):])  # Prefixed
                if start > stop:
                    raise ValueError(x)
                for i in range(start, stop + 1):
                    r.add(prefix + str(i))
        return sorted(r)

    def macs_to_ranges(self, macs):
        Converts list of macs to rangea
        :param macs: Iterable yielding mac addresses
        :returns: [(from, to), ..]
        r = []
        for m in sorted(MAC(x) for x in macs):
            if r:
                if r[-1][1].shift(1) == m:
                    # Expand last range
                    r[-1][1] = m
                    r += [[m, m]]
                r += [[m, m]]
        return [(str(x[0]), str(x[1])) for x in r]

    def hexstring_to_mac(self, s):
        """Convert a 6-octet string to MAC address"""
        return ":".join(["%02X" % ord(x) for x in s])

    def root(self):
        """Get root script"""
        if self.parent:
            return self.parent.root
            return self

    def get_cache(self, key1, key2):
        """Get cached result or raise KeyError"""
        s = self.root
        return s.call_cache[repr(key1)][repr(key2)]

    def set_cache(self, key1, key2, value):
        """Set cached result"""
        key1 = repr(key1)
        key2 = repr(key2)
        s = self.root
        if key1 not in s.call_cache:
            s.call_cache[key1] = {}
        s.call_cache[key1][key2] = value

    def configure(self):
        """Returns configuration context"""
        return ConfigurationContextManager(self)

    def cached(self):
        Return cached context managed. All nested CLI and SNMP GET/GETNEXT
        calls will be cached.


        with self.cached():
        return CacheContextManager(self)

    def enter_config(self):
        """Enter configuration mote"""
        if self.profile.command_enter_config:

    def leave_config(self):
        """Leave configuration mode"""
        if self.profile.command_leave_config:
            )  # Guardian empty command to wait until configuration is finally written

    def save_config(self, immediately=False):
        """Save current config"""
        if immediately:
            if self.profile.command_save_config:

    def schedule_to_save(self):
        self.need_to_save = True
        if self.parent:

    def set_motd(self, motd):
        self._motd = motd

    def motd(self):
        Return message of the day
        if self._motd:
            return self._motd
        return self.get_cli_stream().get_motd()

    def re_search(self, rx, s, flags=0):
        Match s against regular expression rx using re.search
        Raise UnexpectedResultError if regular expression is not matched.
        Returns match object.
        rx can be string or compiled regular expression
        if isinstance(rx, str):
            rx = re.compile(rx, flags)
        match = rx.search(s)
        if match is None:
            raise UnexpectedResultError()
        return match

    def re_match(self, rx, s, flags=0):
        Match s against regular expression rx using re.match
        Raise UnexpectedResultError if regular expression is not matched.
        Returns match object.
        rx can be string or compiled regular expression
        if isinstance(rx, str):
            rx = re.compile(rx, flags)
        match = rx.match(s)
        if match is None:
            raise UnexpectedResultError()
        return match

    _match_lines_cache = {}

    def match_lines(cls, rx, s):
        k = id(rx)
        if k not in cls._match_lines_cache:
            _rx = [re.compile(line, re.IGNORECASE) for line in rx]
            cls._match_lines_cache[k] = _rx
            _rx = cls._match_lines_cache[k]
        ctx = {}
        idx = 0
        r = _rx[0]
        for line in s.splitlines():
            line = line.strip()
            match = r.search(line)
            if match:
                idx += 1
                if idx == len(_rx):
                    return ctx
                r = _rx[idx]
        return None

    def find_re(self, iter, s):
        Find first matching regular expression
        or raise Unexpected result error
        for r in iter:
            if r.search(s):
                return r
        raise UnexpectedResultError()

    def hex_to_bin(self, s):
        Convert hexadecimal string to boolean string.
        All non-hexadecimal characters are ignored
        :param s: Input string
        :return: Boolean string
        :rtype: str
        return "".join(self.hexbin[c]
                       for c in "".join("%02x" % ord(d) for d in s))

    def push_prompt_pattern(self, pattern):

    def pop_prompt_pattern(self):

    def has_oid(self, oid):
        Check object responses to oid
            return bool(self.snmp.get(oid))
        except self.snmp.TimeOutError:
            return False

    def get_timeout(self):
        return self.TIMEOUT

    def cli(
        cmd: str,
        command_submit: Optional[bytes] = None,
        bulk_lines: Any = None,
        list_re: Any = None,
        cached: bool = False,
        file: Optional[str] = None,
        ignore_errors: Any = False,
        allow_empty_response: Any = True,
        nowait: Any = False,
        obj_parser: Any = None,
        cmd_next: Any = None,
        cmd_stop: Any = None,
    ) -> str:
        Execute CLI command and return result. Initiate cli session
        when necessary.

        if list_re is None, return a string
        if list_re is regular expression object, return a list of dicts (group name -> value),
            one dict per matched line

        :param cmd: CLI command to execute
        :param command_submit: Optional suffix to submit command. Profile's one used by default
        :param bulk_lines:
        :param list_re:
        :param cached: True if result of execution may be cached
        :param file: Path to the file containing debugging result
        :param ignore_errors:
        :param allow_empty_response: Allow empty output. If False - ignore prompt and wait output
        :param nowait:
        def format_result(result):
            if list_re:
                x = []
                for line in result.splitlines():
                    match = list_re.match(line.strip())
                    if match:
                        x += [match.groupdict()]
                return x
                return result

        if file:
            # Read from file
            with open(file) as f:
                return format_result(f.read())
        if cached:
            # Cached result
            r = self.root.cli_cache.get(cmd)
            if r is not None:
                self.logger.debug("Use cached result")
                return format_result(r)
        # Effective command submit suffix
        if command_submit is None:
            command_submit = self.profile.command_submit
        # Encode submitted command
        submitted_cmd = smart_bytes(
            cmd, encoding=self.native_encoding) + command_submit
        # Run command
        stream = self.get_cli_stream()
        if self.to_track:
            self.cli_tracked_command = cmd
        r = stream.execute(
        if isinstance(r, bytes):
            r = smart_text(r, errors="ignore", encoding=self.native_encoding)
        if isinstance(r, str):
            # Check for syntax errors
            if not ignore_errors:
                # Then check for operation error
                if (self.profile.rx_pattern_operation_error and
                    raise self.CLIOperationError(r)
            # Echo cancelation
            r = self.echo_cancelation(r, cmd)
            # Store cli cache when necessary
            if cached:
                self.root.cli_cache[cmd] = r
        return format_result(r)

    def echo_cancelation(self, r: str, cmd: str) -> str:
        Adaptive echo cancelation

        :param r:
        :param cmd:
        if r[:4096].lstrip().startswith(cmd):
            r = r.lstrip()
            if r.startswith(cmd + "\n"):
                # Remove first line
                r = self.strip_first_lines(r.lstrip())
                # Some switches, like ProCurve do not send \n after the echo
                r = r[len(cmd):]
        return r

    def get_cli_stream(self):
        if self.parent:
            return self.root.get_cli_stream()
        if not self.cli_stream and self.session:
            # Try to get cached session's CLI
            self.cli_stream = self.cli_session_store.get(self.session)
            if self.cli_stream:
                if self.to_reuse_cli_session():
                    self.logger.debug("Using cached session's CLI")
                        "Script cannot reuse existing CLI session, starting new one"
        if not self.cli_stream:
            protocol = self.credentials.get("cli_protocol", "telnet")
            self.logger.debug("Open %s CLI", protocol)
            self.cli_stream = get_handler(self.cli_protocols[protocol])(
                self, tos=self.tos)
            # Store to the sessions
            if self.session:
                self.cli_session_store.put(self.session, self.cli_stream)
            # Disable pager when necessary
            # @todo: Move to CLI
            if self.to_disable_pager:
                self.logger.debug("Disable paging")
                self.to_disable_pager = False
                if isinstance(self.profile.command_disable_pager, str):
                elif isinstance(self.profile.command_disable_pager, list):
                    for cmd in self.profile.command_disable_pager:
                        self.cli(cmd, ignore_errors=True)
                    raise UnexpectedResultError
        return self.cli_stream

    def close_cli_stream(self):
        if self.parent:
        if self.cli_stream:
            if self.session and self.to_keep_cli_session():
                # Return cli stream to pool
                self.cli_session_store.put(self.session, self.cli_stream,
            self.cli_stream = None

    def close_snmp(self):
        if self.parent:
        if self._snmp:
            self._snmp = None

    def mml(self, cmd, **kwargs):
        Execute MML command and return result. Initiate MML session when necessary
        :param cmd:
        :param kwargs:
        stream = self.get_mml_stream()
        r = stream.execute(cmd, **kwargs)
        return r

    def get_mml_stream(self):
        if self.parent:
            return self.root.get_mml_stream()
        if not self.mml_stream and self.session:
            # Try to get cached session's CLI
            self.mml_stream = self.mml_session_store.get(self.session)
            if self.mml_stream:
                if self.to_reuse_cli_session():
                    self.logger.debug("Using cached session's MML")
                        "Script cannot reuse existing MML session, starting new one"
        if not self.mml_stream:
            protocol = self.credentials.get("cli_protocol", "telnet")
            self.logger.debug("Open %s MML", protocol)
            self.mml_stream = get_handler(self.mml_protocols[protocol])(
                self, tos=self.tos)
            # Store to the sessions
            if self.session:
                self.mml_session_store.put(self.session, self.mml_stream)
        return self.mml_stream

    def close_mml_stream(self):
        if self.parent:
        if self.mml_stream:
            if self.session and self.to_keep_cli_session():
                self.mml_session_store.put(self.session, self.mml_stream,
            self.cli_stream = None

    def rtsp(self, method, path, **kwargs):
        Execute RTSP command and return result. Initiate RTSP session when necessary
        :param method:
        :param path:
        :param kwargs:
        stream = self.get_rtsp_stream()
        r = stream.execute(path, method, **kwargs)
        return r

    def get_rtsp_stream(self):
        if self.parent:
            return self.root.get_rtsp_stream()
        if not self.rtsp_stream and self.session:
            # Try to get cached session's CLI
            self.rtsp_stream = self.rtsp_session_store.get(self.session)
            if self.rtsp_stream:
                if self.to_reuse_cli_session():
                    self.logger.debug("Using cached session's RTSP")
                        "Script cannot reuse existing RTSP session, starting new one"
        if not self.rtsp_stream:
            protocol = "tcp"
            self.logger.debug("Open %s RTSP", protocol)
            self.rtsp_stream = get_handler(self.rtsp_protocols[protocol])(
                self, tos=self.tos)
            # Store to the sessions
            if self.session:
                self.rtsp_session_store.put(self.session, self.rtsp_stream)
        return self.rtsp_stream

    def close_rtsp_stream(self):
        if self.parent:
        if self.rtsp_stream:
            if self.session and self.to_keep_cli_session():
                self.rtsp_session_store.put(self.session, self.rtsp_stream,
            self.cli_stream = None

    def close_current_session(self):
        if self.session:

    def close_session(cls, session_id):
        Explicit session closing
        cls.cli_session_store.remove(session_id, shutdown=True)
        cls.mml_session_store.remove(session_id, shutdown=True)
        cls.rtsp_session_store.remove(session_id, shutdown=True)

    def get_access_preference(self):
        preferred = self.get_always_preferred()
        r = self.credentials.get("access_preference",
        if preferred and preferred in r:
            return preferred + "".join(x for x in r if x != preferred)
        return r

    def get_always_preferred(self):
        Return always preferred access method
        return self.always_prefer

    def has_cli_access(self):
        return "C" in self.get_access_preference()

    def has_snmp_access(self):
        return "S" in self.get_access_preference() and self.has_snmp()

    def has_cli_only_access(self):
        return self.has_cli_access() and not self.has_snmp_access()

    def has_snmp_only_access(self):
        return not self.has_cli_access() and self.has_snmp_access()

    def has_snmp(self):
        Check whether equipment has SNMP enabled
        if self.has_capability("SNMP", allow_zero=True):
            # If having SNMP caps - check it and credential
            return bool(self.credentials.get(
                "snmp_ro")) and self.has_capability("SNMP")
            # if SNMP caps not exist check credential
            return bool(self.credentials.get("snmp_ro"))

    def has_snmp_v1(self):
        return self.has_capability("SNMP | v1")

    def has_snmp_v2c(self):
        return self.has_capability("SNMP | v2c")

    def has_snmp_v3(self):
        return self.has_capability("SNMP | v3")

    def has_snmp_bulk(self):
        Check whether equipment supports SNMP BULK
        return self.has_capability("SNMP | Bulk")

    def has_capability(self, capability, allow_zero=False):
        Check whether equipment supports capability
        if allow_zero:
            return self.capabilities.get(capability) is not None
            return bool(self.capabilities.get(capability))

    def ignored_exceptions(self, iterable):
        Context manager to silently ignore specified exceptions
        return IgnoredExceptionsContextManager(iterable)

    def iter_pairs(self, g, offset=0):
        Convert iterable g to a pairs
        [1, 2, 3, 4] -> [(1, 2), (3, 4)]
        :param g: Iterable
        :param offset: Skip first recirds
        g = iter(g)
        if offset:
            for _ in range(offset):
        return zip(g, g)

    def to_reuse_cli_session(self):
        return self.reuse_cli_session

    def to_keep_cli_session(self):
        return self.keep_cli_session

    def start_tracking(self):
        self.logger.debug("Start tracking")
        self.to_track = True

    def stop_tracking(self):
        self.logger.debug("Stop tracking")
        self.to_track = False
        self.cli_tracked_data = {}

    def push_cli_tracking(self, r, state):
        if state == "prompt":
            if self.cli_tracked_command in self.cli_tracked_data:
                self.cli_tracked_data[self.cli_tracked_command] += [r]
                self.cli_tracked_data[self.cli_tracked_command] = [r]
        elif state in self.cli_fsm_tracked_data:
            self.cli_fsm_tracked_data[state] += [r]
            self.cli_fsm_tracked_data[state] = [r]

    def push_snmp_tracking(self, oid, tlv):
        self.logger.debug("PUSH SNMP %s: %r", oid, tlv)

    def iter_cli_tracking(self):
        Yields command, packets for collected data
        for cmd in self.cli_tracked_data:
            self.logger.debug("Collecting %d tracked CLI items",
            yield cmd, self.cli_tracked_data[cmd]
        self.cli_tracked_data = {}

    def iter_cli_fsm_tracking(self):
        for state in self.cli_fsm_tracked_data:
            yield state, self.cli_fsm_tracked_data[state]

    def request_beef(self):
        Download and return beef
        if not hasattr(self, "_beef"):
            self.logger.debug("Requesting beef")
            beef_storage_url = self.credentials.get("beef_storage_url")
            beef_path = self.credentials.get("beef_path")
            if not beef_storage_url:
                self.logger.debug("No storage URL")
                self._beef = None
                return None
            if not beef_path:
                self.logger.debug("No beef path")
                self._beef = None
                return None
            from .beef import Beef

                beef = Beef.load(beef_storage_url, beef_path)
            except IOError as e:
                self.logger.error("Beef load error: %s", e)
                return None
            self._beef = beef
        return self._beef

    def is_beefed(self):
        return self.credentials.get("cli_protocol") == "beef"