Ejemplo n.º 1
 def run(self, src, start, end, NDIR=4, steps=-1):
     src = ndarray
     start = point tuple (y,x) 
     end = point tuple (y,x)
     NDIR = 4/8, 8 includes diagonals
     steps = Limit number of steps
     iDir = [0] * NDIR
     jDir = [0] * NDIR
     four = 4
     eight = 8
     if(NDIR == four):
         yDir = [1, 0, -1, 0]
         xDir = [0, 1, 0, -1]
         for i in range(0, NDIR):
             iDir[i] = yDir[i]
             jDir[i] = xDir[i]
     if(NDIR == eight):
         yDir = [1, 1, 0, -1, -1, -1, 0, 1]
         xDir = [0, 1, 1, 1, 0, -1, -1, -1]
         for i in range(0, NDIR):
             iDir[i] = yDir[i]
             jDir[i] = xDir[i]
     openNodes = np.zeros(src.shape, np.int)
     closeNodes = np.zeros(src.shape, np.int)
     # map of directions (0: Right, 1: Up, 2: Left, 3: Down)
     dirMap = np.zeros(src.shape, np.int)
     pq1 = PriorityQueue()
     pq2 = PriorityQueue()
     q = [pq1, pq2]
     qi = 0
     row = col = 0
     results = cv2.cvtColor(src,cv2.COLOR_GRAY2BGR)
     results[start] = (0,0,255)
     results[end] = (255,0,0)
     self.pointVec = []
     self.pathFound = False
     # create the start node and push into list of open nodes
     pNode1 = Node(start, 0, 0)
     while not q[qi].empty():
         # get the current node w/ the lowest FValue
         # from the list of open nodes
         pNode1 = Node( q[qi].queue[0].getPos(), q[qi].queue[0].getGValue(), q[qi].queue[0].getFValue())
         row = pNode1.getPos()[0]
         col = pNode1.getPos()[1]
         #print "{}) {},{} - {},{} - {}, {}".format(i,col,row,jNext,iNext,pNode1.getGValue(),pNode1.getFValue())
             return results
         # mark the node on the open list
         openNodes[row][col] = 0
         # mark it on the closed nodes list
         closeNodes[row][col] = 1
         # stop searching when the goal state is reached
         if(row == end[0] and col == end[1]):
             # generate the path from finish to start from dirMap
             while( not (row == start[0] and col == start[1]) ):
                 j = dirMap[row][col]
                 row += iDir[j]
                 col += jDir[j]
                 if(row!=start[0] and col!=start[1]):
                     results[row,col] = (0,255,0)
             # empty the leftover nodes
             while not q[qi].empty():
             self.pathFound = True
             return results
         # generate moves in all possible directions
         for i in range(0, NDIR):
             iNext = row + iDir[i]
             jNext = col + jDir[i]
             # if not wall (obstacle) nor in the closed list
             if( not (iNext<0 or iNext>src.shape[0]-1 or jNext<0 or jNext>src.shape[1]-1 or
                     src[iNext,jNext]==0 or closeNodes[iNext][jNext] == 1) ):
                 # generate a child node
                 pNode2 = Node( (iNext, jNext), pNode1.getGValue(), pNode1.getFValue())
                 # if it is not in the open list then add into that
                 if(openNodes[iNext][jNext] == 0):
                     openNodes[iNext][jNext] = pNode2.getFValue()
                     # mark its parent node direction
                     dirMap[iNext][jNext] = (i + NDIR/2) % NDIR
                 # already in the open list
                 elif(openNodes[iNext][jNext] > pNode2.getFValue()):
                     # update the FValue info
                     openNodes[iNext][jNext] = pNode2.getFValue()
                     # update the parent direction info,  mark its parent node direction
                     dirMap[iNext][jNext] = (i + NDIR/2) % NDIR
                     # replace the node by emptying one q to the other one
                     # except the node to be replaced will be ignored
                     # and the new node will be pushed in instead
                     while( not (q[qi].queue[0].getPos()[0] == iNext and q[qi].queue[0].getPos()[1] == jNext)):
                     # remove the wanted node
                     # empty the larger size q to the smaller one
                     if(len(q[qi].queue) > len(q[1 - qi].queue)):
                         qi = 1 - qi
                     while not q[qi].empty():
                         q[1 - qi].put(q[qi].queue[0])
                     qi = 1 - qi
                     # add the better node instead
             # end if not obstacle or closed list
         # end for i < NDIR
     # end while not empty
     return results