Ejemplo n.º 1
 def push(self, data):
     node = SLLNode(data)
     if self.top is None:
         self.top = node
         node.next = self.top
         self.top = node
     self.size += 1
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def prepend(self, item):
        if self._count == 0:
            # If list is empty, create a new node a point _first and _last to it
            self._first = Node(item)
            self._last = self._first
            # Add new node to front of the chain
            self._first = Node(item, self._first)

        # Increment node count
        self._count += 1
Ejemplo n.º 3
 def append(self, data):
     node = SLLNode(data)
     if self.head is None:
         self.head = self.tail = node
         self.head.next = node
         self.head = node
     self.size += 1
Ejemplo n.º 4
 def enqueue(self, data):
     node = SLLNode(data)
     if self.head is None:
         self.head = self.tail = node
         self.tail.next = node
         self.tail = node
     self.size += 1
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def append(self, item):
        if self._count == 0:
            # If list is empty, create a new node a point _first and _last to it
            self._first = Node(item)
            self._last = self._first
            # Make current last node's 'other' point to a new node and point _last to it
            self._last = self._last.getOther()

        # Increment node count
        self._count += 1
Ejemplo n.º 6
class SinglyLinkedList(object):
    """CzarTypes: Pure Python Singly Linked List Implementation"""

    ## Constructor ##
    def __init__(self):
        super(SinglyLinkedList, self).__init__()
        self._first = None
        self._last = None
        self._count = 0

    def prepend(self, item):
        if self._count == 0:
            # If list is empty, create a new node a point _first and _last to it
            self._first = Node(item)
            self._last = self._first
            # Add new node to front of the chain
            self._first = Node(item, self._first)

        # Increment node count
        self._count += 1

    def append(self, item):
        if self._count == 0:
            # If list is empty, create a new node a point _first and _last to it
            self._first = Node(item)
            self._last = self._first
            # Make current last node's 'other' point to a new node and point _last to it
            self._last = self._last.getOther()

        # Increment node count
        self._count += 1

    def insert(self, item, index):
        if index > self._count:
            # Raise expection if trying to insert past contiguous block of nodes
            raise IndexError("Discontiguous Index!")
        elif index < 0:
            # Raise expection if index is negative
            raise IndexError("List Index Out of Bounds!")
        elif index == 0:
            # Use prepend function for inserting at index 0
        elif index == self._count:
            # Use append fucntion for inserting at the end

        # Loop through all nodes up to two nodes before the index, grabbing the next node
        selected_node = self._first
        for i in range(index - 1):
            selected_node = selected_node.getOther()

        # Alias node before the index as previous_node
        previous_node = selected_node
        # Grab node/other currently at index and store as next_node
        next_node = previous_node.getOther()
        # Have previous node point to a new node which in turn points to the next_node
        previous_node.setOther(Node(item, next_node))

        # Increment node count
        self._count += 1

    def remove(self, index):
        if index > self._count - 1 or index < 0:
            # Raise expection if index is beyond bounds
            raise IndexError("List Index Out of Bounds!")
        elif index == 0:
            # Make _first point to its 'other'
            self._first == self._first.getOther()
            # Decrement node count
            self._count -= 1

        # Loop through all nodes up to two nodes before the index, grabbing the next node
        selected_node = self._first
        for i in range(index - 1):
            selected_node = selected_node.getOther()

        # Alias node before the index as previous_node
        previous_node = selected_node
        # Grab node/other beyond the index and store as next_node
        next_node = previous_node.getOther().getOther()
        # Have previous node point to next_node

        # Decrement node count
        self._count -= 1

    def _get_node(self, index):
        if index > self._count - 1 or index < 0:
            # Raise expection if index is beyond bounds
            raise IndexError("List Index Out of Bounds!")

        selected_node = self._first
        for i in range(index):
            selected_node = selected_node.getOther()

        # Return currently selected node
        return selected_node

    def replace(self, index, item):

    def get(self, index):
        return self._get_node(index).getItem()

    def count(self):
        return self._count

    def __repr__(self):
        # Initialize repr_string with the list's opening bracket
        repr_string = "["

        # Loop through all nodes
        selected_node = self._first
        while selected_node:
            # Tack on each item's representation to the repr_string
            repr_string += selected_node.getItem().__repr__()
            # Select next node
            selected_node = selected_node.getOther()
            # If there's still another node to print, add coma to repr_string
            if selected_node:
                repr_string += ", "
        # Punctuate repr_string with the list's closing bracket
        repr_string += "]"
        # Return the built repr_string
        return repr_string

    def __str__(self):
        return self.__repr__()