Ejemplo n.º 1
def test_bookmarklet(mockConfig, apiServer, specialUsers, weirdo, recipePageHTML):
    Does api/bookmarklet fetch, save, and return a response for the recipe?
    pGet = patch.object(treq, 'get', return_value=defer.succeed(None), autospec=True)
    pTreqContent = patch.object(treq, 'content', return_value=defer.succeed(recipePageHTML), autospec=True)

    with pGet, pTreqContent:
        # normal bookmarkleting
        reqJS = requestJSON([], session_user=weirdo)
        reqJS.args['uri'] = ['http://www.foodandwine.com/recipes/poutine-style-twice-baked-potatoes']
        ret = yield apiServer.handler('bookmarklet', reqJS)
        assert len(recipe.Recipe.objects()) == 1
        expectedResults = server.ClipResponse(
                status=RS.ok, message='',
                recipes=[{"name": "Delicious Meatless Meatballs", "urlKey": "weirdo-gmail-com-delicious-meatless-meatballs-"}]
        assert ret == expectedResults

        # not signed in to noms; bookmarkleting should not be allowed
        reqJS = requestJSON([])
        reqJS.args['uri'] = ['http://www.foodandwine.com/recipes/poutine-style-twice-baked-potatoes']
        ret = yield apiServer.handler('bookmarklet', reqJS)
        expectedResults = server.ClipResponse(
                status=RS.error, message=server.ResponseMsg.notLoggedIn,
        assert ret == expectedResults
Ejemplo n.º 2
def test_sso(mockConfig, apiServer, req, weirdo):
    Does /api/sso create or return a good user?
    pPost = patch.object(treq, 'post',
    pGet = patch.object(treq, 'get',

    def negotiateSSO(req=req, **user):
        def auth0tokenizer():
            return defer.succeed({'access_token': 'IDK!@#BBQ'})

        def auth0userGetter():
            return defer.succeed(dict(**user))

        pContent = patch.object(treq, 'json_content',
                side_effect=[auth0tokenizer(), auth0userGetter()],

        with pPost as mPost, pGet as mGet, pContent:
            yield apiServer.handler('sso', req)
                json.dumps({'client_id': 'abc123',
                 'client_secret': 'ABC!@#',
                 'redirect_uri': 'https://' + CONFIG.public_hostname + '/api/sso',
                 'code': 'idk123bbq',
                 'grant_type': 'authorization_code',
                 }, sort_keys=True),
            mGet.assert_called_once_with(server.USER_URL + 'IDK!@#BBQ')

    # test once with an existing user
    reqJS = requestJSON([], args={'code': ['idk123bbq']})
    yield negotiateSSO(reqJS, email=weirdo.email)
    assert reqJS.getSession().user == weirdo
    assert reqJS.responseCode == 302
    assert reqJS.responseHeaders.getRawHeaders('location') == ['/']

    # test again with a new user
    reqJS = requestJSON([], args={'code': ['idk123bbq']})
    yield negotiateSSO(reqJS,
    assert reqJS.getSession().user.email == '*****@*****.**'
    assert reqJS.responseCode == 302
    assert reqJS.responseHeaders.getRawHeaders('location') == ['/']
Ejemplo n.º 3
def test_fromToken(mockDatabase, localapi):
    Can I construct an auth token from user that returns that same user?
    rq = requestJSON([], user=localapi)
    u = user.User.fromRequest(rq)
    assert u.id == localapi.id

    # Create a deliberately incorrect token and see if it fails to auth
    # (failure == anonymous user)
    rq2 = requestJSON([], requestHeaders=[('x-token', ['asdfasdf'])])
    u2 = user.User.fromRequest(rq2)
    assert u2 is user.USER().anonymous
Ejemplo n.º 4
def test_createRecipeSave(mockConfig, apiServer, weirdo, weirdSoupPOST):
    Do we save data from the create form successfully?
    reqJS = requestJSON([], content=weirdSoupPOST, session_user=weirdo)
    resp = yield apiServer.handler('createRecipeSave', reqJS)
    assert resp == OK(message='weirdo-gmail-com-weird-soup-')

    # the second time we should get an error because it exists
    reqJS = requestJSON([], content=weirdSoupPOST, session_user=weirdo)
    resp = yield apiServer.handler('createRecipeSave', reqJS)
    assert resp == ERROR(message=server.ResponseMsg.renameRecipe)

    anonJS = requestJSON([])
    with raises(Forbidden):
        yield apiServer.handler('createRecipeSave', anonJS)
Ejemplo n.º 5
def test_user(mockConfig, apiServer, weirdo):
    Does /api/user return the current user?
    req = requestJSON([], session_user=weirdo)
    r = yield apiServer.handler('user', req)
    assert r.email == '*****@*****.**'
Ejemplo n.º 6
def test_setHash(mockConfig, apiServer, localapi):
    Do I update the static hash setting via the API?

    Am I able to access the API with token-based auth?
    - using requestJSON(...user=)

    rq = requestJSON([], user=localapi)
    resp = yield apiServer.handler('setHash', rq, hash='orange-banana-peach')
    assert resp == OK(message="hash='orange-banana-peach'")
Ejemplo n.º 7
def test_saveRecipe(mockConfig, apiServer, weirdo, recipes):
    Does /api/recipe/urlKey/save ... save a specific recipe?
    content = dict(
            name='Weird soup',
            author='Weird Soup Man',
            ingredients=['weirdness', 'soup'],
            instructions=['mix together ingredients', 'heat through'],
    reqJS = requestJSON([], content=content)
    resp = yield apiServer.handler('saveRecipe', reqJS, urlKey='weird-sandwich-cory-')
    assert resp == OK()
Ejemplo n.º 8
def test_noRecipeToBookmark(mockConfig, weirdo, apiServer):
    Does the application still work if there are no recipes?
    pageSource = ''
    pGet = patch.object(treq, 'get', return_value=defer.succeed(None), autospec=True)
    pTreqContent = patch.object(treq, 'content', return_value=defer.succeed(pageSource), autospec=True)

    with pGet, pTreqContent:
        reqJS = requestJSON([], session_user=weirdo)
        reqJS.args['uri'] = ['http://www.foodandwine.com/recipes/poutine-style-twice-baked-potatoes']
        ret = yield apiServer.handler('bookmarklet', reqJS)
        expectedResults = server.ClipResponse(
                status=RS.error, message=server.ResponseMsg.noRecipe,
        assert ret == expectedResults
Ejemplo n.º 9
def reqJS():
    Basic empty request that uses JSON request wrapping/unwrapping
    return requestJSON([])