Ejemplo n.º 1
def detect_features(image):
	Computer Vision 600.461/661 Assignment 2
		image (numpy.ndarray): The input image to detect features on. Note: this is NOT the image name or image path.
		pixel_coords (list of tuples): A list of (row,col) tuples of detected feature locations in the image

	harris_threshold = 0.5

	sobel_vertical_kernel = [[-1, 0, 1],
                         [-2, 0, 2],
                         [-1, 0, 1]

	sobel_horizontal_kernel = np.rot90(sobel_vertical_kernel)

	I_x = convolve2d(image, sobel_vertical_kernel, mode='same', boundary='symm')
	I_y = convolve2d(image, sobel_horizontal_kernel, mode='same', boundary='symm')

	I_xx = I_x * I_x
	I_yy = I_y * I_y
	I_xy = I_x * I_y

	I_xx = gaussian_filter(I_xx, 3)
	I_yy = gaussian_filter(I_yy, 3)
	I_xy = gaussian_filter(I_xy, 3)

	R = (I_xx * I_yy - I_xy**2) - K*(I_xx + I_yy)**2

	corners = nonmaxsuppts(R, 5, harris_threshold)

	return corners
def detect_features(image,
    Computer Vision 600.461/661 Assignment 2
        image (numpy.ndarray): The input image to detect features on. Note: this is NOT the image name or image path.
        pixel_coords (list of tuples): A list of (row,col) tuples of detected feature locations in the image
    pixel_coords = list()


    gx, gy = gauss_derivative_kernels(kernel_size, sigma)
    I_x = signal.convolve2d(image, gx, mode='same')
    I_y = signal.convolve2d(image, gy, mode='same')

    I_x2 = I_x * I_x
    I_y2 = I_y * I_y
    I_xy = I_x * I_y

    window = np.array([[1, 1, 1, 1, 1], [1, 1, 1, 1, 1], [1, 1, 1, 1, 1],
                       [1, 1, 1, 1, 1], [1, 1, 1, 1, 1]])
    a = signal.convolve2d(I_x2, window, mode='same')
    b = signal.convolve2d(2.0 * I_xy, window, mode='same')
    c = signal.convolve2d(I_y2, window, mode='same')
    temp = np.sqrt(b * b + (a - c)**2)
    lambda1 = 0.5 * (a + c + temp)
    lambda2 = 0.5 * (a + c - temp)

    R = lambda1 * lambda2 - 0.04 * (lambda1 + lambda2)**2

    all_r = []
    for row in R.tolist():
        all_r.extend([x for x in row])

    result = heapq.nlargest(len(all_r) / nLimit, all_r)
    threshold = result[-1]

    pixel_coords = nonmaxsuppts(R, radius, threshold)

    if filename != None:
        img = image.copy()
        if color_image != None:
            img = color_image.copy()
        for pixel in pixel_coords:
            if color_image != None:
                cv2.circle(img, (pixel[1], pixel[0]), 3, (255, 0, 0), -1)
                cv2.circle(img, (pixel[1], pixel[0]), 3, (255, 255, 255))

        cv2.imwrite(filename, img)

    return pixel_coords
Ejemplo n.º 3
def detect_features(image, nonmax_radius, corner_thresh_ratio):
    nonmax_radius: radius of window for non-maximum suppression
    corner_thresh_ration: threshold of the normalized corner strength
    # define key parameters
    window_size = 9
    offset = (window_size - 1) / 2
    k = 0.05
    # create a list to store corner coordinates
    corner_list = []
    #create corner strength image
    height, width = image.shape[:2]
    corner_strength = np.zeros((height, width))
    # compute Gaussian gradients
    dy, dx = Gaussian_derivative(image)
    # compute second moments
    Iyy = dy**2
    Iyx = dy * dx
    Ixx = dx**2

    #compute corner strength image
    for y in range(offset, height - offset):
        for x in range(offset, width - offset):
            #compute second moments
            a_window = Iyy[y - offset:y + offset + 1,
                           x - offset:x + offset + 1]
            b_window = Ixx[y - offset:y + offset + 1,
                           x - offset:x + offset + 1]
            c_window = Iyx[y - offset:y + offset + 1,
                           x - offset:x + offset + 1]
            a = a_window.sum()
            b = b_window.sum()
            c = c_window.sum()
            # det equals multiplication of two eigenvalues
            det = (a * b) - c**2
            # trace equals sum of two eigenvalues
            trace = a + b
            # compute r
            r = det - k * (trace**2)
            # fill the corner strength image
            corner_strength[y][x] = r

    # normalize corner strength
    corner_strength = (corner_strength - np.min(corner_strength)) * 10.0 / (
        np.max(corner_strength - np.min(corner_strength)))

    # apply threshold to find corner points and highlight on the image
    corner_thresh = corner_thresh_ratio * np.mean(corner_strength)
    corner_list = nonmaxsuppts(corner_strength, nonmax_radius, corner_thresh)
    return corner_list
Ejemplo n.º 4
def detect_features(image):
    imgNew = image.copy()
    imgNew = cv2.cvtColor(imgNew, cv2.COLOR_RGB2GRAY)
    row, col = imgNew.shape
    imgNew = cv2.GaussianBlur(imgNew, (5, 5), 0)

    sobelCol = np.array([[1, 0, -1], [2, 0, -2], [1, 0, -1]])
    sobelRow = np.array([[-1, -2, -1], [0, 0, 0], [1, 2, 1]])

    gradMatCol = cv2.filter2D(src=imgNew, ddepth=cv2.CV_64F, kernel=sobelCol)
    gradMatRow = cv2.filter2D(src=imgNew, ddepth=cv2.CV_64F, kernel=sobelRow)

    Ixx = gradMatCol**2
    Iyy = gradMatRow**2
    Ixy = gradMatCol * gradMatRow

    cornernessMat = np.zeros((row, col), np.float64)
    for y in range(1, row - 1):
        for x in range(1, col - 1):
            windowIxx = Ixx[y - 1:y + 1 + 1, x - 1:x + 1 + 1]
            windowIxy = Ixy[y - 1:y + 1 + 1, x - 1:x + 1 + 1]
            windowIyy = Iyy[y - 1:y + 1 + 1, x - 1:x + 1 + 1]
            Sxx = windowIxx.sum()
            Sxy = windowIxy.sum()
            Syy = windowIyy.sum()
            det = (Sxx * Syy) - (Sxy**2)
            trace = Sxx + Syy
            cornernessMat[y, x] = det - 0.04 * (trace**2)

    temp = np.amax(cornernessMat)
    pixel_coords = nonmaxsuppts.nonmaxsuppts(cornernessMat, 10,
                                             temp * 0.1)  #0.06
    print len(pixel_coords)

    return pixel_coords

# pic = cv2.imread('bikes1.png')
# out = detect_features(pic)
# for ls in out:
#     cv2.circle(img=pic, center=(ls[1], ls[0]), radius=5, color=(0, 0, 255))
#     # image.itemset((ls[0], ls[1], 0), 0)
#     # image.itemset((ls[0], ls[1], 1), 0)
#     # image.itemset((ls[0], ls[1], 2), 255)
# cv2.imshow('image', pic)
# cv2.waitKey(0)
Ejemplo n.º 5
def detect_features(img, harris_threshold=0.5):

    I_x = convolve2d(img, sobel_vertical_kernel, mode='same', boundary='symm')
    I_y = convolve2d(img, sobel_horizontal_kernel, mode='same', boundary='symm')

    I_xx = I_x * I_x
    I_yy = I_y * I_y
    I_xy = I_x * I_y

    I_xx = gaussian_filter(I_xx, 3)
    I_yy = gaussian_filter(I_yy, 3)
    I_xy = gaussian_filter(I_xy, 3)

    R = (I_xx * I_yy - I_xy**2) - K*(I_xx + I_yy)**2

    corners = nonmaxsuppts(R, 5, harris_threshold)

    return corners
Ejemplo n.º 6
def detect_features(image,
    Computer Vision 600.461/661 Assignment 2
        image (numpy.ndarray): The input image to detect features on. Note: this is NOT the image name or image path.
        pixel_coords (list of tuples): A list of (row,col) tuples of detected feature locations in the image
    # if only one argument is given
    # default nonmaxsupptsRadius is 20
    # default nonmaxsupptsThreshold is 0.08
    if (nonmaxsupptsRadius == None) and (nonmaxsupptsThreshold == None):
        imgNew = image.copy()
        imgNew = cv2.cvtColor(imgNew, cv2.COLOR_RGB2GRAY)
        row, col = imgNew.shape
        imgNew = cv2.GaussianBlur(imgNew, (5, 5), 0)
        # self-implement np.gradient
        # gradMatRow = np.zeros((row, col), np.float64)
        # gradMatCol = np.zeros((row, col), np.float64)
        # cornernessMat = np.zeros((row, col), np.float64)
        # for i in range(1,row-1):
        #     for j in range(1,col-1):
        #         gradMatRow[i,j] = (imgNew[i + 1, j] - imgNew[i - 1, j])/2.0
        #         gradMatCol[i,j] = (imgNew[i,j+1]-imgNew[i,j-1])/2.0
        # for i in range(1,row-1):
        #     gradMatCol[i,0] = imgNew[i,1]-imgNew[i,0]
        #     gradMatCol[i, col-1] = imgNew[i, col-1] - imgNew[i, col-2]
        #     gradMatRow[i, 0] = (imgNew[i + 1, 0] - imgNew[i - 1, 0]) / 2.0
        # for j in range(1,col-1):
        #     gradMatRow[0, j] = imgNew[1, j]-imgNew[0, j]
        #     gradMatRow[row-1, j] = imgNew[row-1, j] - imgNew[row-2, j]
        #     gradMatCol[0, j] = (imgNew[0, j + 1] - imgNew[0, j - 1]) / 2.0
        # gradMatRow[0, 0] = imgNew[1, 0] - imgNew[0, 0]
        # gradMatRow[row - 1, 0] = imgNew[row - 1, 0] - imgNew[row - 2, 0]
        # gradMatRow[0, col - 1] = imgNew[1, col - 1] - imgNew[0, col - 1]
        # gradMatRow[row - 1, col - 1] = imgNew[row - 1, col - 1] - imgNew[row - 2, col - 1]
        # gradMatCol[0, 0] = imgNew[0, 1] - imgNew[0, 0]
        # gradMatCol[row - 1, 0] = imgNew[row - 1, 1] - imgNew[row - 1, 0]
        # gradMatCol[0, col - 1] = imgNew[0, col - 2] - imgNew[0, col - 1]
        # gradMatCol[row - 1, col - 1] = imgNew[row - 1, col - 1] - imgNew[row - 1, col - 2]
        # gradMatRow,gradMatCol = np.gradient(imgNew)
        sobelCol = np.array([[1, 0, -1], [2, 0, -2], [1, 0, -1]])
        sobelRow = np.array([[-1, -2, -1], [0, 0, 0], [1, 2, 1]])
        gradMatCol = cv2.filter2D(src=imgNew,
        gradMatRow = cv2.filter2D(src=imgNew,
        Ixx = gradMatCol**2
        Iyy = gradMatRow**2
        Ixy = gradMatCol * gradMatRow
        cornernessMat = np.zeros((row, col), np.float64)
        for y in range(1, row - 1):
            for x in range(1, col - 1):
                Sxx = Ixx[y - 1:y + 1 + 1, x - 1:x + 1 + 1].sum()
                Sxy = Ixy[y - 1:y + 1 + 1, x - 1:x + 1 + 1].sum()
                Syy = Iyy[y - 1:y + 1 + 1, x - 1:x + 1 + 1].sum()
                det = (Sxx * Syy) - (Sxy**2)
                cornernessMat[y, x] = det - 0.04 * ((Sxx + Syy)**2)

        maxVal = np.max(cornernessMat)
        pixel_coords = nonmaxsuppts.nonmaxsuppts(cornernessMat, 20,
                                                 0.08 * maxVal)

        imgNew = image.copy()
        imgNew = cv2.cvtColor(imgNew, cv2.COLOR_RGB2GRAY)
        row, col = imgNew.shape
        imgNew = cv2.GaussianBlur(imgNew, (5, 5), 0)
        # self-implement np.gradient
        # gradMatRow = np.zeros((row, col), np.float64)
        # gradMatCol = np.zeros((row, col), np.float64)
        # cornernessMat = np.zeros((row, col), np.float64)
        # for i in range(1,row-1):
        #     for j in range(1,col-1):
        #         gradMatRow[i,j] = (imgNew[i + 1, j] - imgNew[i - 1, j])/2.0
        #         gradMatCol[i,j] = (imgNew[i,j+1]-imgNew[i,j-1])/2.0
        # for i in range(1,row-1):
        #     gradMatCol[i,0] = imgNew[i,1]-imgNew[i,0]
        #     gradMatCol[i, col-1] = imgNew[i, col-1] - imgNew[i, col-2]
        #     gradMatRow[i, 0] = (imgNew[i + 1, 0] - imgNew[i - 1, 0]) / 2.0
        # for j in range(1,col-1):
        #     gradMatRow[0, j] = imgNew[1, j]-imgNew[0, j]
        #     gradMatRow[row-1, j] = imgNew[row-1, j] - imgNew[row-2, j]
        #     gradMatCol[0, j] = (imgNew[0, j + 1] - imgNew[0, j - 1]) / 2.0
        # gradMatRow[0, 0] = imgNew[1, 0] - imgNew[0, 0]
        # gradMatRow[row - 1, 0] = imgNew[row - 1, 0] - imgNew[row - 2, 0]
        # gradMatRow[0, col - 1] = imgNew[1, col - 1] - imgNew[0, col - 1]
        # gradMatRow[row - 1, col - 1] = imgNew[row - 1, col - 1] - imgNew[row - 2, col - 1]
        # gradMatCol[0, 0] = imgNew[0, 1] - imgNew[0, 0]
        # gradMatCol[row - 1, 0] = imgNew[row - 1, 1] - imgNew[row - 1, 0]
        # gradMatCol[0, col - 1] = imgNew[0, col - 2] - imgNew[0, col - 1]
        # gradMatCol[row - 1, col - 1] = imgNew[row - 1, col - 1] - imgNew[row - 1, col - 2]
        #gradMatRow,gradMatCol = np.gradient(imgNew)
        sobelCol = np.array([[1, 0, -1], [2, 0, -2], [1, 0, -1]])
        sobelRow = np.array([[-1, -2, -1], [0, 0, 0], [1, 2, 1]])
        gradMatCol = cv2.filter2D(src=imgNew,
        gradMatRow = cv2.filter2D(src=imgNew,
        Ixx = gradMatCol**2
        Iyy = gradMatRow**2
        Ixy = gradMatCol * gradMatRow
        cornernessMat = np.zeros((row, col), np.float64)
        for y in range(1, row - 1):
            for x in range(1, col - 1):
                Sxx = Ixx[y - 1:y + 1 + 1, x - 1:x + 1 + 1].sum()
                Sxy = Ixy[y - 1:y + 1 + 1, x - 1:x + 1 + 1].sum()
                Syy = Iyy[y - 1:y + 1 + 1, x - 1:x + 1 + 1].sum()
                det = (Sxx * Syy) - (Sxy**2)
                cornernessMat[y, x] = det - 0.04 * ((Sxx + Syy)**2)

        maxVal = np.max(cornernessMat)
        pixel_coords = nonmaxsuppts.nonmaxsuppts(
            cornernessMat, nonmaxsupptsRadius, nonmaxsupptsThreshold * maxVal)

    print len(pixel_coords)
    for ls in pixel_coords:
        image.itemset((ls[0], ls[1], 0), 0)
        image.itemset((ls[0], ls[1], 1), 0)
        image.itemset((ls[0], ls[1], 2), 255)
    return pixel_coords
def detect_features(image):
  Computer Vision 600.461/661 Assignment 2
    image (numpy.ndarray): The input image to detect features on. Note: this is NOT the image name or image path.
    pixel_coords (list of tuples): A list of (row,col) tuples of detected feature locations in the image

  #Determine Ix & Iy
  Ix = np.zeros((len(image), len(image[0])))
  filters.gaussian_filter(image, (5,5), (0,1), Ix)
  Iy = np.zeros((len(image), len(image[0])))
  filters.gaussian_filter(image, (5,5), (1,0), Iy)
  #sobel_x = np.matrix([[-1, -2, 0, 2, 1], [-2, -3, 0, 3, 2], [-3, -5, 0, 5, 3], [-2, -3, 0, 3, 2], [-1, -2, 0, 2, 1]])
  #sobel_y = np.matrix([[1, 2, 3, 2, 1], [2, 3, 5, 3, 2], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [-2, -3, -5, -3, -2], [-1, -2, -3, -2, -1]])
  #Ix = cv2.filter2D(image, -1, sobel_x)
  #Iy = cv2.filter2D(image, -1, sobel_y)

  Ix2 = Ix * Ix
  Ixy = Ix * Iy
  Iy2 = Iy * Iy

  a = {}
  b = {}
  c = {}
  lambda1 = {}
  lambda2 = {}
  R = np.zeros((len(image), len(image[0]))) 
  for x in range(0, len(image)):
    for y in range(0, len(image[0])):
      a[(x,y)] = 0
      b[(x,y)] = 0
      c[(x,y)] = 0
      if x > 2 and x < len(image) - 3 and y > 2 and y < len(image[0]) - 3:
        for i in range(-2,3):
          for j in range(-2,3):
            a[(x,y)] += Ix2[x+i][y+j]
            b[(x,y)] += (2 * Ixy[x+i][y+j])
            c[(x,y)] += Iy2[x+i][y+j]
            #a[(x,y)] += (Ix[x+i][y+j] ** 2)
            #b[(x,y)] += 2 * (Ix[x+i][y+j] * Iy[x+i][y+j])
            #c[(x,y)] += (Iy[x+i][y+j] ** 2)

      lambda1[(x,y)] = .5 * (a[(x,y)] + c[(x,y)] + math.sqrt((b[(x,y)] ** 2) + ((a[(x,y)] - c[(x,y)]) ** 2)))
      lambda2[(x,y)] = .5 * (a[(x,y)] + c[(x,y)] - math.sqrt((b[(x,y)] ** 2) + ((a[(x,y)] - c[(x,y)]) ** 2)))
      R[x,y] = (lambda1[(x,y)] * lambda2[(x,y)]) - .05 * ((lambda1[(x,y)] + lambda2[(x,y)]) ** 2)

  '''for x in range(0, len(image)):
    for y in range(0, len(image[0])):
      lambda1[(x,y)] = .5 * (a[(x,y)] + c[(x,y)] + math.sqrt((b[(x,y)] ** 2) + ((a[(x,y)] - c[(x,y)]) ** 2)))
      lambda2[(x,y)] = .5 * (a[(x,y)] + c[(x,y)] - math.sqrt((b[(x,y)] ** 2) + ((a[(x,y)] - c[(x,y)]) ** 2)))
      R[x][y] = (lambda1[(x,y)] * lambda2[(x,y)]) - .05 * ((lambda1[(x,y)] + lambda2[(x,y)]) ** 2)
  #create image of features found 
  cv2.imwrite("R.png", R)
  print "pre nonmax suppts: ", datetime.datetime.now().time()
  pixel_coords = nonmaxsuppts(R, 5, np.amax(R)*0.1)
  print "post nonmax suppts: ", datetime.datetime.now().time()
  #mark the features found on top of the gray-scale version of the original image
  for cord in pixel_coords:
    #image[cord[0]][cord[1]] = 255
    cv2.circle(image, (cord[1],cord[0]), 1, (0,255,0), -1)

  cv2.imwrite("over.png", image)
  return pixel_coords