Ejemplo n.º 1
def site_detail(request, handle_id):
    nh = get_object_or_404(NodeHandle, pk=handle_id)
    # Get node from neo4j-database
    site = nh.get_node()
    last_seen, expired = helpers.neo4j_data_age(site.data)
    relations = site.get_relations()

    # Direct equipment (aka not racked)
    equipment_relationships = _nodes_without(
        site.get_located_in().get('Located_in', []), 'operational_state',

    # Racked equipment
    q = """
    MATCH (site:Site {handle_id: {handle_id}})-[:Has]->(rack:Node)
    OPTIONAL MATCH (rack)<-[:Located_in]-(item:Node)
    WHERE NOT item.operational_state IN ['Decommissioned'] OR NOT exists(item.operational_state)
    RETURN rack, item order by toLower(rack.name), toLower(item.name)
    rack_list = nc.query_to_list(nc.graphdb.manager, q, handle_id=nh.handle_id)

    # Create racked equipment table
    racks_table = Table('Rack', 'Equipment')
    racks_table.rows = [
        TableRow(r.get('rack'), r.get('item')) for r in rack_list

    urls = helpers.get_node_urls(site, equipment_relationships, relations,
    return render(
        request, 'noclook/detail/site_detail.html', {
            'node_handle': nh,
            'node': site,
            'last_seen': last_seen,
            'expired': expired,
            'equipment_relationships': equipment_relationships,
            'relations': relations,
            'racks_table': racks_table,
            'history': True,
            'urls': urls,
Ejemplo n.º 2
def search_simple_port_typeahead(request):
    This view is a simplification of the above search_port_typeahead
    to be used by PortSearchConnection as a typeahead simple port name search
    response = HttpResponse(content_type='application/json')
    to_find = request.GET.get('query', None)
    result = []
    if to_find:
        # split for search
            q = """
                MATCH (port:Port)
                WHERE port.name CONTAINS $name
                RETURN port.name AS name, port.handle_id AS handle_id, null as parent_id
            result = nc.query_to_list(nc.graphdb.manager, q, name=to_find)
        except Exception as e:
            raise e
    json.dump(result, response)
    return response
Ejemplo n.º 3
def get_subtype_form_data(request, slug, key, value):
    Compiles a list of the nodes children and returns a list of
    node name, node id tuples. If node_type is set the function will only return
    nodes of that type.
    node_type = helpers.slug_to_node_type(slug).type.replace(' ', '_')
    q = """
        MATCH (n:{node_type})
        WHERE n.{key} = '{value}'
        RETURN n.handle_id as handle_id, n.name as name, n.description as description
        ORDER BY n.name
        """.format(node_type=node_type, key=key, value=value)
    subtype_list = []
    for subtype in nc.query_to_list(nc.graphdb.manager, q):
        name = subtype['name']
        if subtype.get('description', None):
            name = u'{} ({})'.format(name, subtype['description'])
        subtype_list.append((subtype['handle_id'], name))
        subtype_list = sorted(subtype_list, key=itemgetter(1))
    return JsonResponse(subtype_list, safe=False)
Ejemplo n.º 4
def list_ports(request):
    q = """
        MATCH (port:Port)
        OPTIONAL MATCH (port)<-[:Has]-(parent:Node)
        RETURN port, collect(parent) as parent order by toLower(port.name)
    port_list = nc.query_to_list(nc.graphdb.manager, q)
    port_list = _filter_expired(port_list,
                                select=lambda n: n.get('port'))
    urls = get_node_urls(port_list)

    table = Table('Name', 'Description', 'Equipment')
    table.rows = [_port_row(item) for item in port_list]
    _set_filters_expired(table, request)

    return render(request, 'noclook/list/list_generic.html', {
        'table': table,
        'name': 'Ports',
        'urls': urls
Ejemplo n.º 5
def get_host_backup(host):
    :param host: norduniclient model
    :return: String

    Return a string that expresses the current backup solution used for the host or 'No'.
    backup = host.data.get('backup', 'No')
    if backup == 'No':
        q = """
            MATCH (:Node {handle_id: {handle_id}})<-[r:Depends_on]-(:Node {name: "vnetd"})
            WHERE r.state IN ['open', 'open|filtered']
            RETURN r
        for hit in nc.query_to_list(nc.graphdb.manager,
            last_seen, expired = neo4j_data_age(hit)
            if not expired:
                backup = 'netbackup'
    return backup
Ejemplo n.º 6
def cable_detail(request, handle_id):
    nh = get_object_or_404(NodeHandle, pk=handle_id)
    cable = nh.get_node()
    last_seen, expired = helpers.neo4j_data_age(cable.data)

    # TODO: should be fixed in nc.get_connected_equipment
    q = """
                MATCH (n:Node {handle_id: {handle_id}})-[rel:Connected_to]->(port)
                OPTIONAL MATCH (port)<-[:Has*1..10]-(end)
                WITH  rel, port, last(collect(end)) as end
                OPTIONAL MATCH (end)-[:Located_in]->(location)
                OPTIONAL MATCH (location)<-[:Has*1..10]-(site:Site)
                RETURN id(rel) as rel_id, rel, port, end, location, site
                ORDER BY end.name, port.name
    connections = nc.query_to_list(nc.graphdb.manager,

    # connections = cable.get_connected_equipment()
    relations = cable.get_relations()
    dependent = cable.get_dependent_as_types()
    connection_path = cable.get_connection_path()
    urls = helpers.get_node_urls(cable, connections, relations, dependent)
    if not any(dependent.values()):
        dependent = None
    return render(
        request, 'noclook/detail/cable_detail.html', {
            'node': cable,
            'node_handle': nh,
            'last_seen': last_seen,
            'expired': expired,
            'connections': connections,
            'dependent': dependent,
            'connection_path': connection_path,
            'history': True,
            'relations': relations,
            'urls': urls
Ejemplo n.º 7
Archivo: list.py Proyecto: emjemj/ni
def list_external_equipment(request):
    q = """
        MATCH (equipment:External_Equipment)
        OPTIONAL MATCH (equipment)<-[:Owns]-(owner:Node)
        RETURN equipment, owner
        ORDER BY equipment.name
    equipment_list = nc.query_to_list(nc.graphdb.manager, q)

    urls = get_node_urls(equipment_list)

    table = Table('Name', 'Description', 'Owner')
    table.rows = [
        _external_equipment_table(item['equipment'], item['owner'])
        for item in equipment_list

    return render(request, 'noclook/list/list_generic.html', {
        'table': table,
        'name': 'External Equipment',
        'urls': urls
Ejemplo n.º 8
def list_routers(request):
    q = """
        MATCH (router:Router)
        RETURN router
        ORDER BY router.name

    router_list = nc.query_to_list(nc.graphdb.manager, q)
    router_list = _filter_expired(router_list,
                                  select=lambda n: n.get('router'))
    urls = get_node_urls(router_list)

    table = Table('Router', 'Model', 'JUNOS version', 'Operational state')
    table.rows = [_router_table(item['router']) for item in router_list]
    _set_filters_expired(table, request)

    return render(request, 'noclook/list/list_generic.html', {
        'table': table,
        'name': 'Routers',
        'urls': urls
Ejemplo n.º 9
def list_optical_nodes(request):
    q = """
        MATCH (node:Optical_Node)
        RETURN node
        ORDER BY node.name

    optical_node_list = nc.query_to_list(nc.graphdb.manager, q)
    optical_node_list = _filter_operational_state(
        optical_node_list, request, select=lambda n: n.get('node'))
    urls = get_node_urls(optical_node_list)

    table = Table('Name', 'Type', 'Link', 'OTS')
    table.rows = [
        _optical_nodes_table(item['node']) for item in optical_node_list
    _set_filters_operational_state(table, request)
    return render(request, 'noclook/list/list_generic.html', {
        'table': table,
        'name': 'Optical Nodes',
        'urls': urls
Ejemplo n.º 10
Archivo: list.py Proyecto: emjemj/ni
def list_sites(request):
    q = """
        MATCH (site:Site)
        OPTIONAL MATCH (site)<-[:Responsible_for]-(owner:Site_Owner)
        RETURN site, owner
        ORDER BY site.country_code, site.name

    site_list = nc.query_to_list(nc.graphdb.manager, q)
    urls = get_node_urls(site_list)

    table = Table('Country', 'Site name', 'Area', 'Responsible')
    table.rows = [
        _site_table(item['site'], item['owner']) for item in site_list
    table.no_badges = True

    return render(request, 'noclook/list/list_generic.html', {
        'table': table,
        'name': 'Sites',
        'urls': urls
Ejemplo n.º 11
def patch_panel_detail(request, handle_id):
    nh = get_object_or_404(NodeHandle, pk=handle_id)
    # Get node from neo4j-database
    patch_panel = nh.get_node()
    last_seen, expired = helpers.neo4j_data_age(patch_panel.data)
    # Get ports in Patch Panel
    # connections = patch_panel.get_connections()
    # TODO: should be fixed in nc.get_connections
    q = """
              MATCH (n:Node {handle_id: {handle_id}})-[:Has*1..10]->(porta:Port)
              OPTIONAL MATCH (porta)<-[r0:Connected_to]-(cable)
              OPTIONAL MATCH (cable)-[r1:Connected_to]->(portb:Port)
              WHERE ID(r1) <> ID(r0)
              OPTIONAL MATCH (portb)<-[:Has*1..10]-(end)
              WITH porta, r0, cable, portb, r1, last(collect(end)) as end
              OPTIONAL MATCH (end)-[:Located_in]->(location)
              OPTIONAL MATCH (location)<-[:Has*1..10]-(site:Site)
              RETURN porta, r0, cable, r1, portb, end, location, site
    connections = nc.query_to_list(nc.graphdb.manager,

    # Get location
    location_path = patch_panel.get_location_path()

    urls = helpers.get_node_urls(patch_panel, connections, location_path)
    return render(
        request, 'noclook/detail/patch_panel_detail.html', {
            'node': patch_panel,
            'node_handle': nh,
            'last_seen': last_seen,
            'expired': expired,
            'connections': connections,
            'location_path': location_path,
            'history': True,
            'urls': urls
Ejemplo n.º 12
    def obj_get(self, bundle, **kwargs):
        handle_id = int(kwargs.get('pk'))
        q = """
            MATCH (h:Host {handle_id: {handle_id}})<-[r:Depends_on]-(s:Host_Service)
            WHERE h.operational_state <> 'Decommissioned'
                AND r.state CONTAINS 'open'
                AND r.noclook_last_seen > {last_seen}
            RETURN h.handle_id as handle_id, h.ip_addresses as ip_addresses, collect(distinct r.protocol + r.port) as ports
        host_list = nc.query_to_list(nc.graphdb.manager,
        if len(host_list) == 0:
            raise NotFound(
                'HostScan object not found with handle_id: {}'.format(
        if len(host_list) > 1:
            raise HttpMultipleChoices(
                'Found {} HostScan objects with handle_id: {}'.format(
                    len(host_list), handle_id))

        return HostScan(host_list[0])
Ejemplo n.º 13
def search_location_typeahead(request):
    response = HttpResponse(content_type='application/json')
    to_find = request.GET.get('query', None)
    result = []
    if to_find:
        # split for search
        match_q = regex_escape(to_find.split())
            # find all has relations to the top
            q = """
                MATCH (l:Location) WHERE l.name =~ $name_re
                MATCH p = () - [:Has * 0..20]->(l)
                WITH COLLECT(nodes(p)) as paths, MAX(length(nodes(p))) AS maxLength, l.handle_id as handle_id
                WITH FILTER(path IN paths WHERE length(path) = maxLength) AS longestPaths, handle_id as handle_id
                UNWIND(longestPaths) AS location_path
                RETURN REDUCE(s = "", n IN location_path | s + n.name + " ") AS name, handle_id
            name_re = '(?i).*{}.*'.format('.*'.join(match_q))
            result = nc.query_to_list(nc.graphdb.manager, q, name_re=name_re)
        except Exception as e:
            raise e
    json.dump(result, response)
    return response
Ejemplo n.º 14
Archivo: list.py Proyecto: SUNET/ni
def list_organizations(request):
    q = """
        MATCH (org:Organization)
        OPTIONAL MATCH (parent_org)-[:Parent_of]->(org:Organization)
        RETURN org, parent_org
        ORDER BY org.name

    org_list = nc.query_to_list(nc.graphdb.manager, q)
    urls = get_node_urls(org_list)

    table = Table('Name', 'Parent Org.')
    table.rows = []
    orgs_dict = {}

    for item in org_list:
        org = item['org']
        parent_org = item['parent_org']
        org_handle_id = org.get('handle_id')

        if org_handle_id not in orgs_dict:
            orgs_dict[org_handle_id] = {'org': org, 'parent_orgs': []}

        if item['parent_org']:

    for org_dict in orgs_dict.values():
            _organization_table(org_dict['org'], org_dict['parent_orgs']))

    table.no_badges = True

    return render(request, 'noclook/list/list_generic.html', {
        'table': table,
        'name': 'Organizations',
        'urls': urls
Ejemplo n.º 15
def host_user_detail(request, handle_id):
    nh = get_object_or_404(NodeHandle, pk=handle_id)
    # Get node from neo4j-database
    host_user = nh.get_node()
    last_seen, expired = helpers.neo4j_data_age(host_user.data)
    result = host_user.with_same_name()
    same_name_relations = NodeHandle.objects.in_bulk(
    q = """
        MATCH (n:Node {handle_id: {handle_id}})-[r:Uses|:Owns]->(u)
        labels(u) as labels,
        u.handle_id as handle_id,
        u.name as name,
        u.noclook_last_seen as noclook_last_seen,
        u.noclook_auto_manage as noclook_auto_manage
    host_relationships = nc.query_to_list(nc.graphdb.manager,

    urls = helpers.get_node_urls(host_user, same_name_relations,
    return render(
            'node_handle': nh,
            'node': host_user,
            'last_seen': last_seen,
            'expired': expired,
            'same_name_relations': same_name_relations,
            'host_relationships': host_relationships,
            'history': True,
            'urls': urls
Ejemplo n.º 16
def list_services(request, service_class=None):
    where_statement = ''
    name = 'Services'
    if service_class:
        where_statement = 'WHERE service.service_class = "%s"' % service_class
        name = '{} Services'.format(service_class)
    q = """
        MATCH (service:Service)
        OPTIONAL MATCH (service)<-[:Uses]-(customer:Customer)
        WITH service, COLLECT(customer) as customers
        OPTIONAL MATCH (service)<-[:Uses]-(end_user:End_User)
        RETURN service, customers, COLLECT(end_user) as end_users
        ORDER BY service.name
        """ % where_statement

    service_list = nc.query_to_list(nc.graphdb.manager, q)
    service_list = _filter_operational_state(service_list,
                                             select=lambda n: n.get('service'))
    urls = get_node_urls(service_list)

    table = Table('Service', 'Service Class', 'Service Type', 'Description',
                  'Customers', 'End Users')
    table.rows = [
        _service_table(item['service'], item['customers'], item['end_users'])
        for item in service_list

    _set_filters_operational_state(table, request)

    return render(request, 'noclook/list/list_generic.html', {
        'table': table,
        'name': name,
        'urls': urls
Ejemplo n.º 17
def list_optical_paths(request):
    q = """
        MATCH (path:Optical_Path)
        RETURN path
        ORDER BY path.name

    optical_path_list = nc.query_to_list(nc.graphdb.manager, q)
    optical_path_list = _filter_operational_state(
        optical_path_list, request, select=lambda n: n.get('path'))
    urls = get_node_urls(optical_path_list)

    table = Table('Optical Path', 'Framing', 'Capacity', 'Wavelength',
                  'Description', 'ENRs')
    table.rows = [
        _optical_path_table(item['path']) for item in optical_path_list
    _set_filters_operational_state(table, request)

    return render(request, 'noclook/list/list_generic.html', {
        'table': table,
        'name': 'Optical Paths',
        'urls': urls
Ejemplo n.º 18
def list_odfs(request):
    q = """
        MATCH (odf:ODF)
        OPTIONAL MATCH (odf)-[:Located_in]->(location)
        OPTIONAL MATCH (location)<-[:Has]-(site)
        RETURN odf, location, site
        ORDER BY site.name, location.name, odf.name
    odf_list = nc.query_to_list(nc.graphdb.manager, q)
    odf_list = _filter_operational_state(odf_list,
                                         select=lambda n: n.get('odf'))
    urls = get_node_urls(odf_list)

    table = Table("Location", "Name")
    table.rows = [_odf_table(item) for item in odf_list]
    # Filter out
    _set_filters_operational_state(table, request)

    return render(request, 'noclook/list/list_generic.html', {
        'table': table,
        'name': 'ODFs',
        'urls': urls
Ejemplo n.º 19
    def get(self, request, slug, handle_id):
        nh = get_object_or_404(NodeHandle, handle_id=handle_id)
        q = """
            MATCH p=(n:Node {handle_id: {handle_id}})-[r:Has|:Located_in*1..3]-(x)
            WHERE (not exists(x.operational_state) or x.operational_state <> 'Decommissioned')
            RETURN tail(nodes(p)) as nodes, labels(x) as labels
        results = nc.query_to_list(nc.graphdb.manager,
        output = self.extract_results(results)

        # Sorting output...
        helpers.sort_nicely(output, "name")
        for item in output:
        json_result = json.dumps(output, indent=4)

        filename = u"{}.{}_export.json".format(nh.node_type, nh.node_name)

        resp = HttpResponse(json_result, content_type="application/json")
        resp['Content-Disposition'] = u'attachment; filename="{}"'.format(
        return resp
Ejemplo n.º 20
Archivo: other.py Proyecto: emjemj/ni
def typeahead_slugs(request, slug='Node'):
    response = HttpResponse(content_type='application/json')
    to_find = request.GET.get('query', None)
    result = []
    if to_find:
        # split for search
        match_q = regex_escape(to_find.split())
        labels = [helpers.slug_to_node_type(slug).get_label() for s in slug.split('+')]
            q = """
                MATCH (n:Node)
                WHERE any(label in labels(n) where label in $labels)
                OPTIONAL MATCH (n)<-[:Has]-(e:Node)
                WITH n.handle_id as handle_id,
                     coalesce(e.name, "") + " "+ n.name as name
                WHERE name =~ $name_re
                RETURN handle_id, trim(name) as name
            name_re = '(?i).*{}.*'.format('.*'.join(match_q))
            result = nc.query_to_list(nc.graphdb.manager, q, labels=labels, name_re=name_re)
        except Exception as e:
            raise e
    json.dump(result, response)
    return response
Ejemplo n.º 21
    def handle(self, *args, **options):
        for contract_number in options['contract_number']:
            utcnow = datetime.utcnow()
            last_month = utcnow - relativedelta(months=1)
            subject = 'NOCLook host report for %s' % contract_number
            to = getattr(django_settings, 'REPORTS_TO', [])
            cc = getattr(django_settings, 'REPORTS_CC', None)
            bcc = getattr(django_settings, 'REPORTS_BCC', None)
            extra_report = getattr(django_settings, 'EXTRA_REPORT_TO', {})
            extended_to = to + extra_report.get(contract_number, [])  # Avoid changing REPORTS_TO :)
            body = '''
                This is an auto generated report from NOCLook for contract number %s.

                This report was generated on %s UTC.
                    ''' % (contract_number, utcnow.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M'))
            price_per_host = 95
            header = [
                'Host user',
                'Host type',
                'IP address(es)',
                'Contract number',
                'Operational State',
                'Security Class',
                'Last seen',
                'Uptime (days)'
            result = []
            q = '''
                    MATCH (host_user:Host_User)-[r:Uses|Owns]->(host:Host)
                    WHERE host.contract_number = {contract_number}
                    RETURN host_user.name as host_user_name, host.name, host.handle_id as host_handle_id
                    ORDER BY host_user.name, host.name
            for item in nc.query_to_list(nc.graphdb.manager, q, contract_number=contract_number):
                host = nc.get_node_model(nc.graphdb.manager, item['host_handle_id'])
                age = helpers.neo4j_report_age(host.data, 15, 30)
                operational_state = host.data.get('operational_state', 'Not set')
                host_type = host.meta_type
                host_user = item['host_user_name']
                uptime = host.data.get('uptime', '')
                if uptime:
                    uptime = timestamp_to_td(uptime).days
                if host_type == 'Logical' and age != 'very_old' and operational_state != 'Decommissioned':
                    values = [
                        u', '.join([address for address in host.data['ip_addresses']]),
                        u'{}'.format(host.data.get('description', '')),
                        u'{}'.format(host.data.get('responsible_group', '')),
                        u'{}'.format(host.data.get('backup', 'Not set')),
                        u'{}'.format(yesno(host.data.get('syslog', None), 'Yes,No,Not set')),
                        u'{}'.format(yesno(host.data.get('nagios_checks', False), 'Yes,No,Not set')),
                        u'{}'.format(host.data.get('security_class', '')),
                        u'{}'.format(date(helpers.isots_to_dt(host.data), "Y-m-d")),
                    result.append(dict(zip(header, values)))
            num_hosts = len(result)
            filename = '%s hosts %s.xls' % (contract_number, last_month.strftime('%B %Y'))
            wb = helpers.dicts_to_xls(result, header, contract_number)
            # Calculate and write pricing info
            ws = wb.get_sheet(0)
            ws.write(num_hosts + 2, 1, 'Number of Virtual Servers')
            ws.write(num_hosts + 2, 4, '%d' % num_hosts)
            ws.write(num_hosts + 3, 1, 'Price')
            ws.write(num_hosts + 3, 4, '%d' % price_per_host)
            ws.write(num_hosts + 4, 1, 'Total Invoice amount ex. VAT')
            ws.write(num_hosts + 4, 4, '%d' % (num_hosts * price_per_host))
            with tempfile.TemporaryFile() as temp:
                msg = helpers.create_email(subject, body, extended_to, cc, bcc, temp.read(), filename, 'application/excel')
            self.stdout.write('Sent report for contract number {}'.format(contract_number))
Ejemplo n.º 22
def gmaps_optical_nodes(request):
    Return a json object with dicts of optical node and cables.
    nodes: [
        name: '',
        url: '',
        lng: 0.0,
        lat: 0.0
    edges: [
        name: '',
        url: '',
        end_points: [{lng: 0.0, lat: 0.0,},]
    # Cypher query to get all cables with cable type fiber that are connected
    # to two optical node.
    q = """
        MATCH (cable:Cable)
        WHERE cable.cable_type = "Dark Fiber"
        MATCH (cable)-[Connected_to]->(port)
        WITH cable, port
        MATCH (port)<-[:Has*0..]-(equipment)
        WHERE (equipment:Optical_Node) AND NOT equipment.type =~ "(?i).*tss.*"
        WITH cable, port, equipment
        MATCH p2=(equipment)-[:Located_in]->()<-[:Has*0..]-(loc)
        WHERE (loc:Site)
        RETURN cable, equipment, loc
    result = nc.query_to_list(nc.graphdb.manager, q)
    nodes = {}
    edges = {}
    for item in result:
        node = {
            'name': item['equipment']['name'],
            'url': helpers.get_node_url(item['equipment']['handle_id']),
            'lng': float(str(item['loc'].get('longitude', 0))),
            'lat': float(str(item['loc'].get('latitude', 0)))
        coords = {
            'lng': float(str(item['loc'].get('longitude', 0))),
            'lat': float(str(item['loc'].get('latitude', 0)))
        edge = {
            'name': item['cable']['name'],
            'url': helpers.get_node_url(item['cable']['handle_id']),
            'end_points': [coords]
        nodes[item['equipment']['name']] = node
        if item['cable']['name'] in edges:
            edges[item['cable']['name']] = edge
    response = HttpResponse(content_type='application/json')
        'nodes': list(nodes.values()),
        'edges': list(edges.values())
    }, response)
    return response
Ejemplo n.º 23
def create_generic_graph(root_node, graph_dict=None):
    Creates a data structure from the root node and adjacent nodes.
    This will be done in a special way for known node types else a
    generic way will be used.

    {"nodes": {
        id: {
            "color": "",
            "label": ""
    "edges": {
        id: {
            "other_id": {
                "directed": true,
                "label": ""
    if not graph_dict:
        graph_dict = {'nodes': defaultdict(dict), 'edges': defaultdict(dict)}
    # Generic graph dict
        root_node.handle_id: {
            '{} {}'.format(labels_to_node_type(root_node.labels),

    q = """
        MATCH (n:Node {handle_id: {handle_id}})-[r]->(end)
        WHERE NOT end.operational_state IN ['Decommissioned'] OR NOT exists(end.operational_state)
        RETURN type(r) as relation, collect(distinct end) as nodes
    relations = nc.query_to_list(nc.graphdb.manager,
    q = """
        MATCH (n:Node {handle_id: {handle_id}})<-[r]-(start)
        WHERE NOT start.operational_state IN ['Decommissioned'] OR NOT exists(start.operational_state)
        RETURN type(r) as relation, collect(distinct start) as nodes
    dependencies = nc.query_to_list(nc.graphdb.manager,
    for rel in relations:
        rel_type = rel['relation'].replace('_', ' ')
        for node in rel['nodes']:
            n['handle_id']: {
                "directed": True,
                "label": rel_type
            for n in rel['nodes']

    for dep in dependencies:
        rel_type = dep['relation'].replace('_', ' ')
        for node in dep['nodes']:
                {root_node.handle_id: {
                    "directed": True,
                    "label": rel_type
    urls = get_node_urls(root_node, relations, dependencies)
    for node in graph_dict['nodes']:
        graph_dict['nodes'][node]['url'] = urls.get(node)
    return graph_dict