def func(pars, obs, obserr, order): """ Return minimization quantity """ scaled_labels = (np.array(pars) - NN_coeffs['x_min']) / ( NN_coeffs['x_max'] - NN_coeffs['x_min']) - 0.5 tmp =['w_array_0'], scaled_labels) + NN_coeffs['b_array_0'] nlayers = len(NN_coeffs['num_neurons']) for i in range(nlayers): spec =, NN_coeffs['w_array_{:d}'.format( i + 1)].T) + NN_coeffs['b_array_{:d}'.format(i + 1)] tmp = spec try: spec = spec[NN_coeffs['gdmodel']] except: pass if order > 0: cont = norm.cont(spec, obserr, poly=True, order=order, chips=True, apstar=False) spec /= cont return ((obs - spec)**2 / obserr**2).sum()
def normalize(pars): """ bundled normalize for multi-threading """ spec = pars[0] specerr = pars[1] pixels = pars[2] cont = norm.cont(spec, specerr, poly=False, chips=False, apstar=False, medfilt=400) nspec = spec / cont nspecerr = specerr / cont bd = np.where(np.isinf(nspec) | np.isnan(nspec))[0] nspec[bd] = 0. nspecerr[bd] = 1.e10 bd = np.where(np.isinf(nspecerr) | np.isnan(nspecerr))[0] nspec[bd] = 0. nspecerr[bd] = 1.e10 if pixels is not None: nspec = nspec[pixels[0]:pixels[1]] nspecerr = nspecerr[pixels[0]:pixels[1]] return nspec, nspecerr
def spectrum(x, *pars): """ Return full spectrum given input list of pixels, parameters """ scaled_labels = (np.array(pars) - NN_coeffs['x_min']) / ( NN_coeffs['x_max'] - NN_coeffs['x_min']) - 0.5 #pdb.set_trace() #inside = np.einsum('ij,j->i', NN_coeffs['w_array_0'], scaled_labels) + NN_coeffs['b_array_0'] #outside = np.einsum('ij,j->i', NN_coeffs['w_array_1'], sigmoid(inside)) + NN_coeffs['b_array_1'] #spec = np.einsum('ij,j->i', NN_coeffs['w_array_2'], sigmoid(outside)) + NN_coeffs['b_array_2'] tmp =['w_array_0'], scaled_labels) + NN_coeffs['b_array_0'] nlayers = len(NN_coeffs['num_neurons']) for i in range(nlayers): spec =, NN_coeffs['w_array_{:d}'.format( i + 1)].T) + NN_coeffs['b_array_{:d}'.format(i + 1)] tmp = spec try: spec = spec[NN_coeffs['gdmodel']] cont = norm.cont(spec, spec * 0. + 1., poly=True, order=4, chips=True, apstar=False) spec /= cont except: pass return spec
def plot(file='all_noelem', model='GKh_300_0', raw=True, plotspec=False, validation=True, normalize=False, pixels=None, teff=[0, 10000], logg=[-1, 6], mh=[-3, 1], am=[-1, 1], cm=[-2, 2], nm=[-2, 2], trim=True, ids=False): ''' plots to assess quality of a model ''' # load model and set up for use NN_coeffs = get_model(model) # read spectra and labels, and get indices for training and validation set if ids: true, labels, iden = read(file, raw=raw, label_names=NN_coeffs['label_names'], trim=trim, ids=ids) else: true, labels = read(file, raw=raw, label_names=NN_coeffs['label_names'], trim=trim) if normalize: print('normalizing...') gdspec = [] n = 0 for i in range(true.shape[0]): print(i, labels[i]) cont = norm.cont(true[i, :], true[i, :], poly=False, chips=False, medfilt=400) true[i, :] /= cont if pixels is None: gd = np.where(np.isfinite(true[i, :]))[0] ntot = len(true[i, :]) else: gd = np.where(np.isfinite(true[i, pixels[0]:pixels[1]]))[0] ntot = len(true[i, pixels[0]:pixels[1]]) if len(gd) == ntot: gdspec.append(i) n += 1 print(n, true.shape) if pixels is None: true = true[gdspec, :] else: true = true[gdspec, pixels[0]:pixels[1]] labels = labels[gdspec] if ids: iden = iden[gdspec] #gd=np.where((labels[:,0]>=teff[0]) & (labels[:,0]<=teff[1]) & # (labels[:,1]>=logg[0]) & (labels[:,1]<=logg[1]) & # (labels[:,2]>=mh[0]) & (labels[:,2]<=mh[1]) & # (labels[:,3]>=am[0]) & (labels[:,3]<=am[1]) & # (labels[:,4]>=cm[0]) & (labels[:,4]<=cm[1]) & # (labels[:,5]>=nm[0]) & (labels[:,5]<=nm[1]) # )[0] #pdb.set_trace() #true = true[gd] #labels = labels[gd] nfit = NN_coeffs['nfit'] ind_shuffle = NN_coeffs['ind_shuffle'] true = true[ind_shuffle] labels = labels[ind_shuffle] if ids: iden = iden[ind_shuffle] if validation: true = true[nfit:] labels = labels[nfit:] if ids: iden = iden[nfit:] else: true = true[:nfit] labels = labels[:nfit] if ids: iden = iden[:nfit] # loop over the spectra if plotspec: plt.figure() nn = [] diff2 = [] for i, lab in enumerate(labels): # calculate model spectrum and accumulate model array pix = np.arange(8575) spec = spectrum(pix, *lab) nn.append(spec) tmp = np.sum((spec - true[i, :])**2) print(i, tmp, lab) diff2.append(tmp) if plotspec and tmp > 100: plt.clf() plt.plot(true[i, :], color='g') plt.plot(spec, color='b') plt.plot(spec - true[i, :], color='r') pdb.set_trace() #n=len(np.where(np.abs(apstar[j]-true[i,j]) > 0.05)[0]) nn = np.array(nn) diff2 = np.array(diff2) #fig,ax=plots.multi(2,2,hspace=0.001,wspace=0.001,sharex=True,sharey=True) #plots.plotc(ax[0,0],labels[:,0],labels[:,1],labels[:,2],xr=[8000,3000],yr=[6,-1],zr=[-2.5,0.5]) #plots.plotc(ax[1,0],labels[:,0],labels[:,1],labels[:,3],xr=[8000,3000],yr=[6,-1],zr=[-0.25,0.5]) #plots.plotc(ax[1,1],labels[:,0],labels[:,1],diff2,xr=[8000,3000],yr=[6,-1],zr=[0,10]) #ax[1,1].text(0.,0.9,'diff**2',transform=ax[1,1].transAxes) fig, ax = plots.multi(1, 1, hspace=0.001, wspace=0.001, sharex=True, sharey=True) plots.plotc(ax, labels[:, 0], labels[:, 1], diff2, xr=[8000, 3000], yr=[6, -1], zr=[0, 10]) if ids: data = Table() data.add_column(Column(name='ID', data=iden)) data.add_column(Column(name='TEFF', data=labels[:, 0])) data.add_column(Column(name='LOGG', data=labels[:, 1])) data.add_column(Column(name='MH', data=labels[:, 2])) data.add_column(Column(name='AM', data=labels[:, 3])) plots._data = data plots._id_cols = ['ID', 'TEFF', 'LOGG', 'MH', 'AM'] plots.event(fig) plt.draw() key = ' ' sfig, sax = plots.multi(1, 2, hspace=0.001, sharex=True) pdb.set_trace() print('entering event loop....') while key != 'e' and key != 'E': x, y, key, index = plots.mark(fig) sax[0].cla() sax[0].plot(true[index, :], color='g') sax[0].plot(nn[index, :], color='b') sax[1].cla() sax[1].plot(nn[index, :] / true[index, :], color='g') plt.figure(sfig.number) plt.draw() fig.savefig(file + '_' + model + '.png') # histogram of ratio of nn to true print("making nn/raw comparison histogram ...") # pixels across sample fig, ax = plots.multi(2, 2, figsize=(12, 8)) # percentiles across wavelength fig2, ax2 = plots.multi(1, 3, hspace=0.001) # in parameter space fig3, ax3 = plots.multi(2, 3, hspace=0.001, wspace=0.001) for f in [fig, fig2, fig3]: if validation: f.suptitle('validation set') else: f.suptitle('training set') # consider full sample and several bins in Teff and [M/H] tbins = [[3000, 8000], [3000, 4000], [4000, 5000], [5000, 6000], [3000, 4000], [4000, 5000], [5000, 6000]] mhbins = [[-2.5, 1.0], [-0.5, 1.0], [-0.5, 1.0], [-0.5, 1.0], [-2.5, -0.5], [-2.5, -0.5], [-2.5, -0.5]] names = [ 'all', '3000<Te<4000, M/H>-0.5', '4000<Te<5000, M/H>-0.5', '5000<Te<6000, M/H>-0.5', '3000<Te<4000, M/H<-0.5', '4000<Te<5000, M/H<-0.5', '5000<Te<6000, M/H<-0.5' ] colors = ['k', 'r', 'g', 'b', 'c', 'm', 'y'] lws = [3, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1] for tbin, mhbin, name, color, lw in zip(tbins, mhbins, names, colors, lws): gd = np.where((labels[:, 0] >= tbin[0]) & (labels[:, 0] <= tbin[1]) & (labels[:, 2] >= mhbin[0]) & (labels[:, 2] <= mhbin[1]))[0] print(tbin, len(gd)) if len(gd) > 0: t1 = nn[gd, :] t2 = true[gd, :] # differential fractional error of all pixels err = (t1 - t2) / t2 hist, bins = np.histogram(err.flatten(), bins=np.linspace(-0.2, 0.2, 4001)) plots.plotl(ax[0, 0], np.linspace(-0.200 + 0.005, 0.2, 4000), hist / hist.sum(), semilogy=True, xt='(nn-true)/true', label=name, xr=[-0.1, 0.25], color=color, linewidth=lw) ax[0, 0].legend(fontsize='x-small') # cumulative fractional error of all pixels err = np.abs(err) hist, bins = np.histogram(err.flatten(), bins=np.logspace(-7, 3, 501)) plots.plotl(ax[0, 1], np.logspace(-7, 3, 500), np.cumsum(hist) / np.float(hist.sum()), xt='nn/true', label=name, color=color, linewidth=lw) ax[0, 1].set_ylabel('Cumulative fraction, all pixels') # get percentiles across models at each wavelength p = [50, 95, 99] perc = np.percentile(err, p, axis=0) npix = perc.shape[1] for i in range(3): plots.plotl(ax2[i], np.arange(npix), perc[i, :], color=color, linewidth=lw, xt='Pixel number') ax2[i].text(0.05, 0.9, 'error at {:d} percentile'.format(p[i]), transform=ax2[i].transAxes) # cumulative of 50 and 95 percentile across models hist, bins = np.histogram(perc[0, :], bins=np.logspace(-7, 3, 501)) plots.plotl(ax[1, 0], np.logspace(-7, 3, 500), np.cumsum(hist) / np.float(hist.sum()), color=color, ls=':', linewidth=lw) hist, bins = np.histogram(perc[1, :], bins=np.logspace(-7, 3, 501)) plots.plotl(ax[1, 0], np.logspace(-7, 3, 500), np.cumsum(hist) / np.float(hist.sum()), color=color, linewidth=lw, ls='--') hist, bins = np.histogram(perc[1, :], bins=np.logspace(-7, 3, 501)) plots.plotl(ax[1, 0], np.logspace(-7, 3, 500), np.cumsum(hist) / np.float(hist.sum()), color=color, linewidth=lw) ax[1, 0].set_ylabel('Cumulative, fraction of pixels') # cumulative of 50 and 95 percentile across wavelengths p = [50, 95, 99, 100] perc = np.percentile(err, p, axis=1) hist, bins = np.histogram(perc[0, :], bins=np.logspace(-7, 3, 501)) plots.plotl(ax[1, 1], np.logspace(-7, 3, 500), np.cumsum(hist) / np.float(hist.sum()), color=color, ls=':', linewidth=lw) hist, bins = np.histogram(perc[1, :], bins=np.logspace(-7, 3, 501)) plots.plotl(ax[1, 1], np.logspace(-7, 3, 500), np.cumsum(hist) / np.float(hist.sum()), color=color, linewidth=lw, ls='--') hist, bins = np.histogram(perc[1, :], bins=np.logspace(-7, 3, 501)) plots.plotl(ax[1, 1], np.logspace(-7, 3, 500), np.cumsum(hist) / np.float(hist.sum()), color=color, linewidth=lw) ax[1, 1].set_ylabel('Cumulative, fraction of models') for ix, iy in zip([1, 0, 1], [0, 1, 1]): ax[iy, ix].set_xlim(0., 0.01) ax[iy, ix].set_ylim(0., 1.0) ax[iy, ix].set_xlabel('|(nn-true)/true|') ax[iy, ix].set_xscale('log') ax[iy, ix].set_xlim(1.e-4, 0.01) # Kiel diagram plots color-coded if lw == 3: # color-code by value of 50, 95, and 99 percentile of wavelengths for each model p = [50, 95, 99] perc_mod = np.percentile(err, p, axis=1) dx = np.random.uniform(size=len(gd)) * 50 - 25 dy = np.random.uniform(size=len(gd)) * 0.2 - 0.1 for i in range(3): plots.plotc(ax3[i, 0], labels[gd, 0] + dx, labels[gd, 1] + dy, perc_mod[i, :], xr=[8000, 3000], yr=[6, -1], zr=[0, 0.1], xt='Teff', yt='log g') ax3[i, 0].text(0.1, 0.9, 'error at {:d} percentile'.format(p[i]), transform=ax3[i, 0].transAxes) # color-code by fraction of pixels worse than 0.01 for i, thresh in enumerate([0.01, 0.05, 0.1]): mask = copy.copy(err) mask[mask <= thresh] = 0 mask[mask > thresh] = 1 bdfrac = mask.sum(axis=1) / mask.shape[1] axim = plots.plotc(ax3[i, 1], labels[gd, 0] + dx, labels[gd, 1] + dy, bdfrac, xr=[8000, 3000], yr=[6, -1], zr=[0, 0.1], xt='Teff') ax3[i, 1].text(0.1, 0.9, 'Fraction of pixels> {:4.2f}'.format(thresh), transform=ax3[i, 1].transAxes) cax = plt.axes([0.05, 0.03, 0.9, 0.02]) fig3.colorbar(axim, cax=cax, orientation='horizontal') fig.tight_layout() plt.draw() fig.savefig(file + '_' + model + '_1.png') fig2.savefig(file + '_' + model + '_2.png') fig3.savefig(file + '_' + model + '_3.png') pdb.set_trace() plt.close() plt.close() plt.close() plt.close() return nn, true, labels
def train(file='all_noelem', name='test', plot=False, suffix='', fitfrac=0.5, steps=1e5, weight_decay=0., num_neurons=[300, 300], lr=0.001, ind_label=np.arange(9), pixels=None, teff=[0, 10000], logg=[-1, 6], mh=[-3, 1], am=[-1, 1], cm=[-2, 2], nm=[-2, 2], raw=True, rot=False, elem=False, normalize=False, elems=None, label_names=None, trim=True, seed=777): """ Train a neural net model on an input training set """ spectra, labels = read(file, raw=raw, label_names=label_names, trim=trim) if normalize: print('normalizing...') gdspec = [] for i in range(spectra.shape[0]): cont = norm.cont(spectra[i, :], spectra[i, :], poly=False, chips=False, medfilt=400) spectra[i, :] /= cont if pixels is None: gd = np.where(np.isfinite(spectra[i, :]))[0] ntot = len(spectra[i, :]) else: gd = np.where(np.isfinite(spectra[i, pixels[0]:pixels[1]]))[0] ntot = len(spectra[i, pixels[0]:pixels[1]]) if len(gd) == ntot: gdspec.append(i) if pixels is None: spectra = spectra[gdspec, :] else: spectra = spectra[gdspec, pixels[0]:pixels[1]] labels = labels[gdspec] # shuffle them and get fit and validation set print('shuffling...') shape = labels.shape np.random.seed(seed) ind_shuffle = np.random.permutation(shape[0]) #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # choose only a certain labels try: gd = np.where((labels[ind_shuffle, 0] >= teff[0]) & (labels[ind_shuffle, 0] <= teff[1]) & (labels[ind_shuffle, 1] >= logg[0]) & (labels[ind_shuffle, 1] <= logg[1]) & (labels[ind_shuffle, 2] >= mh[0]) & (labels[ind_shuffle, 2] <= mh[1]) & (labels[ind_shuffle, 3] >= am[0]) & (labels[ind_shuffle, 3] <= am[1]) & (labels[ind_shuffle, 4] >= cm[0]) & (labels[ind_shuffle, 4] <= cm[1]) & (labels[ind_shuffle, 5] >= nm[0]) & (labels[ind_shuffle, 5] <= nm[1]))[0] except: gd = np.where((labels[ind_shuffle, 0] >= teff[0]) & (labels[ind_shuffle, 0] <= teff[1]) & (labels[ind_shuffle, 1] >= logg[0]) & (labels[ind_shuffle, 1] <= logg[1]) & (labels[ind_shuffle, 2] >= mh[0]) & (labels[ind_shuffle, 2] <= mh[1]) & (labels[ind_shuffle, 3] >= am[0]) & (labels[ind_shuffle, 3] <= am[1]))[0] nfit = int(fitfrac * len(gd)) # separate into training and validation set training_spectra = spectra[ind_shuffle[gd], :][:nfit, :] training_labels = labels[ind_shuffle[gd], :][:nfit, :][:, ind_label] validation_spectra = spectra[ind_shuffle[gd], :][nfit:, :] validation_labels = labels[ind_shuffle[gd], :][nfit:, :][:, ind_label] model = training.neural_net(training_labels, training_spectra,\ validation_labels, validation_spectra,\ num_neurons = num_neurons, num_steps=steps, learning_rate=lr, weight_decay=weight_decay) model['label_names'] = label_names model['data_file'] = file model['nfit'] = nfit model['ind_shuffle'] = ind_shuffle[gd] model['teff_lim'] = teff model['logg_lim'] = logg model['mh_lim'] = mh model['am_lim'] = am model['cm_lim'] = cm model['nm_lim'] = nm model['learning_rate'] = lr model['weight_decay'] = weight_decay model['num_neurons'] = num_neurons model['steps'] = steps with open('{:s}.pkl'.format(name), 'wb') as f: pickle.dump(model, f, protocol=2)