def test_same_tone_different_name(self): """n2 has the same tone, but as an enharmonic of n1.""" n1 = note.Note('E#6', True) n2 = note.Note('F4', True) actual = n1.different_octave(n2) expected = True self.assertEqual(actual, expected)
def test_both_before_n1_before_n2(self): """Both notes come before C, n1 comes before n2.""" n1 = note.Note('A#6', True) n2 = note.Note('B4', True) actual = n1.different_octave(n2) expected = True self.assertEqual(actual, expected)
def test_both_before_n1_after_n2(self): """Both notes come before C, n1 comes after n2.""" n1 = note.Note('Cb210', True) n2 = note.Note('A4', True) actual = n1.different_octave(n2) expected = False self.assertEqual(actual, expected)
def test_both_after_n1_after_n2(self): """Both notes come after C, n1 comes after n2.""" n1 = note.Note('G8', True) n2 = note.Note('Fb5', True) actual = n1.different_octave(n2) expected = False self.assertEqual(actual, expected)
def test_after_C_to_before_C(self): """n1 has tone after C, n2 has tone before C.""" n1 = note.Note('F4', True) n2 = note.Note('Bb3', True) actual = n1.different_octave(n2) expected = True self.assertEqual(actual, expected)
def test_C(self): """n1 has tone C and n2 has tone != C.""" n1 = note.Note('C3', True) n2 = note.Note('A3', True) actual = n1.different_octave(n2) expected = True self.assertEqual(actual, expected)
def test_same_tone_same_name(self): """n2 has the same tone as n1.""" n1 = note.Note('F4', True) n2 = note.Note('F4', True) actual = n1.different_octave(n2) expected = True self.assertEqual(actual, expected)
def read_midi(filename): """ Returns a list of tracks. Each track is a list containing 128 lists of notes. """ midi_tracks = midi.read_midifile(filename) resolution = midi_tracks.resolution tempo_bpm = 120.0 # may be changed repeatedly in the loop note_tracks = [] for t_index, t in enumerate(midi_tracks): notes_pitchwise = [[] for i in range(128)] total_ticks = 0 for elem in t: total_ticks += elem.tick if in ["Note On", "Note Off"]: pitch =[0] if is_note_on(elem): n = note.Note([1], pitch=pitch, start_ticks=total_ticks, track=t_index) notes_pitchwise[pitch].append(n) else: for n in reversed(notes_pitchwise[pitch]): if not n.finished: n.end_ticks = total_ticks n.finished = True else: break elif == "Set Tempo": tempo_bpm = elem.get_bpm() note_tracks.append(notes_pitchwise) return note_tracks, tempo_bpm, resolution
def parseNote(fileName): tree = ET.parse(fileName) enExport = tree.getroot() noteTree = enExport[0] title = noteTree.findall('title')[0].text author = noteTree.findall('note-attributes')[0].findall('author')[0].text created = noteTree.findall('created')[0].text updated = noteTree.findall('updated')[0].text contentStr = noteTree.findall('content')[0].text contentStr = contentStr.replace( """<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>""", "") contentStr = contentStr.replace( """<!DOCTYPE en-note SYSTEM "">""", "") contentTree = ET.fromstring(contentStr) resourceListTree = noteTree.findall('resource') noteObj = note.Note() = author noteObj.title = title noteObj.created = created noteObj.updated = updated noteObj.contentTree = contentTree noteObj.resources = resourceListTree for tagNode in noteTree.findall('tag'): noteObj.addTag(tagNode.text) return noteObj
def select_all(self): self.cur.execute( "select noteid, notets, notetext from notes order by notets asc") notes = [] for row in self.cur.fetchall(): notes.append((row[0], note.Note(row[2], row[1]))) return notes
def create_note(self, button): if self.sidebar.add_item("New Note", self.editor.set_text("") note_item = note.Note("New Note", "", []) parent_id = self.sidebar.get_id(self.sidebar.get_selected()) self.db[parent_id]['notes'][] = note_item += 1
def new_note(self, memo: str, tags=''): """ Create a new note. """ tags = tags.split(', ') new_note = note.Note(memo, tags) self.notes.append(new_note)
def build_chord(self, mode: str, size: int = 3) -> None: """Modify self.notes to include size notes of a mode chord in the key of self.root_note.tone. Precondition: size > 0 >>> n = note.Note('G3', True) >>> c = Chord(n) >>> c.build_chord('major', 4) >>> str(c) 'G major: G3, B3, D4, G4' """ # Initialize a data_set to gain access to chord writing methods. data_set = data.Data() self.mode = mode self.size += size octave = self.root_note.octave # Append the first note to self.notes. self.notes.append(self.root_note) for i in range(1, size): # Get the tone of the next note. tone = eval( 'self.' + data_set.chord_to_method[self.mode].format('i', 'self.key')) n = note.Note(tone + str(octave), False) # If next tone appears in the next octave, increment octave by 1. if n.different_octave(self.notes[i - 1]): n.octave += 1 octave += 1 self.notes.append(n)
def test_neutral(self): """The Chord is neutral.""" n = note.Note('F#4', True) c = chord.Chord(n) c.remove_notes('major 7') self.assertEqual(c.notes, [])
def test_1_note_keep(self): """The Chord has 1 note that is NOT removed.""" n = note.Note('A#4', True) c = chord.Chord(n) c.build_chord('major', 1) c.remove_notes('perfect 5') self.assertEqual(c.notes, [n])
def test_1_note_remove(self): """The Chord has 1 note that is removed.""" n = note.Note('Bb2', True) c = chord.Chord(n) c.build_chord('minor', 1) c.remove_notes('perfect 1') self.assertEqual(c.notes, [])
def test_neutral(self): """The Chord is neutral.""" n = note.Note('G#4', True) c = chord.Chord(n) actual = c.is_crunchy() expected = False self.assertEqual(actual, expected)
def test_many_notes_no_crunch(self): """The Chord contains more than 1 note and none are dissonant with each other.""" n = note.Note('Gb3', True) c = chord.Chord(n) c.build_chord('minor', 7) actual = c.is_crunchy() expected = False self.assertEqual(actual, expected)
def test_one_note(self): """self.notes contains 1 note.""" n = note.Note('G3', True) c = chord.Chord(n) c.build_chord('minor', 1) actual = c.correct_location(0, 'C') expected = 1 self.assertEqual(actual, expected)
def test_2_notes_no_crunch(self): """The Chord contains 2 notes that are NOT dissonant.""" n = note.Note('Fx4', True) c = chord.Chord(n) c.build_chord('augmented', 2) actual = c.is_crunchy() expected = False self.assertEqual(actual, expected)
def test_many_notes_crunch(self): """The Chord contains more than 1 note and at least 2 are dissonant with each other.""" n = note.Note('C3', True) c = chord.Chord(n) c.build_chord('major suspended 4') actual = c.is_crunchy() expected = True self.assertEqual(actual, expected)
def test_one_note(self): """The Chord contains one note.""" n = note.Note('Ab3', True) c = chord.Chord(n) c.build_chord('major suspended 2', 1) actual = c.is_crunchy() expected = False self.assertEqual(actual, expected)
def test_2_notes_crunch(self): """The Chord contains 2 notes that are dissonant.""" n = note.Note('G3', True) c = chord.Chord(n) c.build_chord('major suspended 2', 2) actual = c.is_crunchy() expected = True self.assertEqual(actual, expected)
def test_fill_no_octave(self): """The Chord contains more than 1 non-root note, but only 1 root octave.""" n = note.Note('Bb3', True) c = chord.Chord(n) c.build_chord('augmented', 3) actual = c.is_rich() expected = False self.assertEqual(actual, expected)
def test_rich(self): """The Chord contains multiple octaves with 2 or more notes in between.""" n = note.Note('A#4', True) c = chord.Chord(n) c.build_chord('major suspended 24', 6) actual = c.is_rich() expected = True self.assertEqual(actual, expected)
def test_one_note(self): """The Chord has one note.""" n = note.Note('Fx4', True) c = chord.Chord(n) c.build_chord('major', 1) actual = c.is_rich() expected = False self.assertEqual(actual, expected)
def test_already_exists(self): """Notes with argument tone already exist in a Chord.""" n = note.Note('C3', True) c = chord.Chord(n) c.build_chord('major', 5) actual = c.correct_location(0, 'G') expected = 5 self.assertEqual(actual, expected)
def test_2_notes_middle(self): """self.notes has 2 notes and a Note with tone add_tone should be added in between the 2 notes.""" n = note.Note('B2', True) c = chord.Chord(n) c.build_chord('major', 2) actual = c.correct_location(0, 'C#') expected = 1 self.assertEqual(actual, expected)
def test_start_at_end(self): """Start searching from the last index in the Chord.""" n = note.Note('Ab3', True) c = chord.Chord(n) c.build_chord('minor', 6) actual = c.correct_location(5, 'G') expected = 6 self.assertEqual(actual, expected)
def test_many_notes_middle(self): """self.notes has more than 2 notes and a Note with tone add_tone should be added after the first pair.""" n = note.Note('C#3', True) c = chord.Chord(n) c.build_chord('diminished', 4) actual = c.correct_location(0, 'F#') expected = 2 self.assertEqual(actual, expected)