Ejemplo n.º 1
 def __init__(self, ins_num, mport, key, scale, octave=1, speed=1):
     super(DrumDeviator, self).__init__(ins_num, mport, key, scale, octave,
     self.type = "Drum Deviator"
     self.height = 8
     self.fire_chances = [0 for x in range(8)]
     self.transpose_chances = [0 for x in range(8)]
     self.temp_page = Note_Grid(
         self.bars, self.height)  # Temporary page used for upcoming notes
     self.pages = [Note_Grid(self.bars, self.height)]
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def load(self, saved):
     self.sustain = saved["sustain"]
     self.random_pages = saved["random_rpt"]
     self.pages = []
     for p in saved["pages"]:
         page = Note_Grid(self.bars, self.height)
Ejemplo n.º 3
 def add_page(self, pos=True):
     '''Add or insert a new blank page into the list of pages'''
     if len(self.pages) == 16:
         lcd.flash("Max pages reached")
         return False
     if pos:
         self.pages.insert(self.curr_page_num + 1,
                           Note_Grid(self.bars, self.height))
         self.pages.append(Note_Grid(self.bars, self.height))
     lcd.flash("Added page")
     return True
 def load(self, saved):
     self.sustain = saved["sustain"]
     self.random_pages = saved["random_rpt"]
     self.pages = []
     for p in saved["pages"]:
         page = Note_Grid(self.bars, self.height)
     self.densities = saved["densities"]
     self.offsets = saved["offsets"]
     self.lengths = saved["lengths"]
     self.curr_notes_pos = saved["curr_notes_pos"]
Ejemplo n.º 5
 def __init__(self, ins_num, mport, key, scale, octave=1, speed=1):
     super(Octopus, self).__init__(ins_num, mport, key, scale, octave,
     self.type = "Octopus"
     self.bars = 4
     self.pages = [Note_Grid(self.bars, self.height)]
     self.densities = [0 for x in range(8)]
Ejemplo n.º 6
 def __init__(self, ins_num, mport, key, scale, octave=1, speed=1):
     super(Sequencer, self).__init__(ins_num, mport, key, scale, octave,
     self.type = "Sequencer"
     self.bars = 4  # min(bars, W/4)  # Option to reduce number of bars < 4
     self.curr_page_num = 0
     self.curr_rept_num = 0
     self.prev_loc_beat = 0
     self.local_beat_position = 0
     self.random_pages = False  # Pick page at random
     self.sustain = True  # Don't retrigger notes if this is True
     self.pages = [Note_Grid(self.bars, self.height)]
     OLED_Screens = proxy_registry('OLED_Screens')
Ejemplo n.º 7
 def __init__(self, ins_num, mport, key, scale, octave=1, speed=1):
     super(DrumMachine, self).__init__(ins_num, mport, key, scale, octave,
     self.type = "Drum Machine"
     self.is_drum = True
     self.bars = 4
     self.curr_page_num = 0
     self.curr_rept_num = 0
     self.prev_loc_beat = 0
     self.local_beat_position = 0
     self.random_pages = False  # Pick page at random
     self.sustain = False  # Don't retrigger notes if this is True
     self.pages = [Note_Grid(self.bars, self.height)]
     self.key = 'c'  # TODO find which starting note corresponds to pad 0
     self.scale = 'chromatic'
     self.octave = 1  # Starting octave
     self.old_notes = [
     ]  # Keep track of currently playing notes so we can off them next step
     self.note_converter = create_cell_to_midi_note_lookup(
         self.scale, self.octave, self.key, self.height)
Ejemplo n.º 8
class DrumDeviator(DrumMachine):
    """Drum Deviator - Random Deviation Beat Sequencer
    - Draw a beat on a sequencer grid
    - Each drum-note/sample has a separate random chance of suppressing/firing or transposing
    - Show drum sequencer along bottom 16x8, with notes that are modified for this bar highlighted
    - (suppressed: slightly darker - triggered: slightly brighter - transposed: different color)
    - Use the top 16x8 for controls like randomness per note
    - Allow multiple pages per instrument
    - Transposition could/should be predictable, eg to +8 notes
    - Random notes for each bar determined at start of bar
    - Randomness/chaos amount should be per bar, not per note. eg: at low levels, only change a few notes occasionally
    - TODO randomness controls cover all pages - maybe they should be per-page?
    - TODO apply_randomness doesn't show effects on LED grid
    - TODO maybe fire chance shouldn't add notes randomly, only add where there are already other notes"""
    def __init__(self, ins_num, mport, key, scale, octave=1, speed=1):
        super(DrumDeviator, self).__init__(ins_num, mport, key, scale, octave,
        self.type = "Drum Deviator"
        self.height = 8
        self.fire_chances = [0 for x in range(8)]
        self.transpose_chances = [0 for x in range(8)]
        self.temp_page = Note_Grid(
            self.bars, self.height)  # Temporary page used for upcoming notes
        self.pages = [Note_Grid(self.bars, self.height)]

        # each time page changes/restarts, calculate random chance of _either_:
        #     suppressing active note
        #     firing quiet note
        #     transposing active note
        # calculated on a per note basis
        # Keep original beat pattern intact for next page
        # show changed notes in different colors
        # two highlighted sets of 8 sliders for fire/suppress and transpose (centre-out? zero lit)
        # Use regular note_grid to save originals, only 8 high
        # Each new page, generate a temp page of notes (16 high) based on calculations
        # But display 8x16 notes and mods

    def apply_control(self, x, y):
        if y >= 8:  # Control touch, but save it in the page, it's easier that way
            y -= 8
            if x < 8:  # Fire chances
                self.fire_chances[y] = 7 - x
            else:  # Transpose chances
                self.transpose_chances[y] = x - 8

    def touch_note(self, state, x, y):
        '''touch the x/y cell on the current page - either a control, or a note'''
        if state == 'play':
            # Is touch control or note?
            self.apply_control(x, y)
            # Apply touch to current temp page and source page
            self.get_curr_page().touch_note(x, y)
            self.temp_page.touch_note(x, y)
        elif state == 'ins_cfg':
            cb_text, _x, _y = get_cb_from_touch(self.cb_grid, x, y)
            if not cb_text:
            cb_func = self.__getattribute__(
                'cb_' + cb_text)  # Lookup the relevant conductor function
                _y)  # call it, passing it x/y args (which may not be needed)
        return True

    def get_led_grid(self, state):
        if state == 'play':
            led_grid = []
            grid = self.get_curr_page().note_grid
            for i, column in enumerate(grid):
                led_grid.append([self.get_led_status(x, i) for x in column])
            # Draw control sliders
            for y in range(8):
                # reset slider area (removes beat cursor)
                for x in range(16):
                    led_grid[x][y + 8] = c.LED_BLANK
                for a in range(self.fire_chances[y] + 1):
                    led_grid[7 - a][y + 8] = c.LED_ACTIVE
                led_grid[7 - self.fire_chances[y]][y + 8] = c.LED_SELECT
                led_grid[7][y + 8] = c.LED_CURSOR
                for a in range(self.transpose_chances[y]):
                    led_grid[8 + a][y + 8] = c.LED_ACTIVE
                led_grid[8 + self.transpose_chances[y]][y + 8] = c.LED_SELECT
                led_grid[8][y + 8] = c.LED_CURSOR
        elif state == 'ins_cfg':
            led_grid, cb_grid = generate_screen(
                dev_cfg_grid_defn, {
                    'speed': int(self.speed),
                    'octave': int(self.octave),
                    'pages': [x.repeats for x in self.pages],
                    'curr_p_r': (self.curr_page_num, self.curr_rept_num),
                    'curr_page': self.curr_page_num,
                    'next_page': self.get_next_page_num()
            self.cb_grid = cb_grid
            return led_grid
        return led_grid

    def advance_page(self):
        '''Go to next repeat or page'''
        if self.random_pages:
            # Create a distribution of the pages and their repeats, pick one at random
            dist = []
            for index, page in enumerate(self.pages):
                for r in range(page.repeats):
            next_page_num = choice(dist)
            self.curr_page_num = next_page_num
            self.curr_rept_num = 0  # Reset, for this page or next page
        self.curr_rept_num += 1  # inc repeat number
        if self.curr_rept_num >= self.get_curr_page().repeats:
            # If we're overfowing repeats, time to go to next available page
            self.curr_rept_num = 0  # Reset, for this page or next page
            self.curr_page_num = self.get_next_page_num()
            self.selected_next_page_num = None

        # Take control figures from new page, apply to controls
        notes = self.get_curr_page().note_grid
        for y in range(8, 16):
            for x in range(16):
                if notes[x][y] == c.NOTE_ON:
                    self.apply_control(x, y)

    def apply_randomness(self):
        '''Page has turned, apply randomness using source page onto temp page'''
        self.temp_page.note_grid = deepcopy(self.get_curr_page().note_grid)
        for x, beat in enumerate(self.temp_page.note_grid):  # For each beat
            for y, note in enumerate(beat[:8]):  # For each note in beat
                fire = self.calc_chance(self.fire_chances[y])
                if fire:
                    note = c.NOTE_ON if note == c.NOTE_OFF else c.NOTE_OFF
                    self.temp_page.note_grid[x][y] = note
                if note == c.NOTE_ON:
                    if self.calc_chance(self.transpose_chances[y]):
                        self.temp_page.note_grid[x][y + 8] = c.NOTE_ON
                        self.temp_page.note_grid[x][y] = c.NOTE_OFF

    def calc_chance(self, chance):
        '''chance is int between 0 and 8'''
        choices = [True] * chance + [False] * (20 - chance)
        c = choice(choices)
        return c

    def save(self):
        saved = {
            "pages": [p.save() for p in self.pages],
            "sustain": self.sustain,
            "random_rpt": self.random_pages,
            "fire_chances": self.fire_chances,
            "transpose_chances": self.transpose_chances,
        return saved

    def load(self, saved):
        self.sustain = saved["sustain"]
        self.random_pages = saved["random_rpt"]
        self.pages = []
        self.fire_chances = saved['fire_chances']
        self.transpose_chances = saved['transpose_chances']
        for p in saved["pages"]:
            page = Note_Grid(self.bars, self.height)