def dashboard(u): """ Display an overview of all the user's projects with summary statistics. """ u = User.by_username(u) if not u: # No such user exists. return abort(404) is_owner = (g.user and == # Get all projects by decending creation date. projects = ( u.projects .order_by(False) .order_by(Project.created.desc()) ) if not is_owner: # If this isn't the users own page, only # display public projects. projects = projects.filter_by(public=True) return render_template('dashboard.html', user=u, is_owner=is_owner, projects=projects, page_title='Notifico! - {u.username}\'s Projects'.format( u=u ) )
def dashboard(u): """ Display an overview of all the user's projects with summary statistics. """ u = User.by_username(u) if not u: # No such user exists. return abort(404) is_owner = (g.user and == # Get all projects by decending creation date. projects = (u.projects.order_by(False).order_by(Project.created.desc())) if not is_owner: # If this isn't the users own page, only # display public projects. projects = projects.filter_by(public=True) return render_template( 'dashboard.html', user=u, is_owner=is_owner, projects=projects, page_title='Notifico! - {u.username}\'s Projects'.format(u=u))
def validate_username(form, field): from notifico.views.account import _reserved username = if username in _reserved or User.username_exists(username): raise wtf.ValidationError( 'Sorry, but that username is taken.' )
def validate_username(form, field): user = User.by_username( if not user: raise wtf.ValidationError('No such user exists.') if reset.count_tokens(user) >= 5: raise wtf.ValidationError( 'You may not reset your password more than 5 times' ' in one day.')
def validate_username(form, field): user = User.by_username( if not user: raise wtf.ValidationError('No such user exists.') if reset.count_tokens(user) >= 5: raise wtf.ValidationError( 'You may not reset your password more than 5 times' ' in one day.' )
def forgot_password(): """ If NOTIFICO_PASSWORD_RESET is enabled and Flask-Mail is configured, this view allows you to request a password reset email. It also handles accepting those tokens. """ # Because this functionality depends on Flask-Mail and # celery being properly configured, we default to disabled. if not current_app.config.get('NOTIFICO_PASSWORD_RESET'): flash( 'Password resets have been disabled by the administrator.', category='warning' ) return redirect('.login') # How long should reset tokens last? We default # to 24 hours. token_expiry = current_app.config.get( 'NOTIFICO_PASSWORD_RESET_EXPIRY', 60 * 60 * 24 ) form = UserForgotForm() if form.validate_on_submit(): user = User.by_username( new_token = reset.add_token(user, expire=token_expiry) # Send the email as a background job so we don't block # up the browser (and to use celery's built-in rate # limiting). background.send_mail.delay( 'Notifico - Password Reset for {username}'.format( username=user.username ), # We're already using Jinja2, so we might as well use # it to render our email templates as well. html=render_template( 'email_reset.html', user=user, reset_link=url_for( '.reset_password', token=new_token,, _external=True ), hours=token_expiry / 60 / 60 ), recipients=[], sender=current_app.config['NOTIFICO_MAIL_SENDER'] ) flash('A reset email has been sent.', category='success') return redirect(url_for('.login')) return render_template('forgot.html', form=form)
def admin_user(username): do = request.args.get('do', None) u = User.by_username(username) if u is None: return abort(404) password_form = UserPasswordForm() if do == 'p' and password_form.validate_on_submit(): u.set_password( db.session.commit() return redirect(url_for('.admin_user', username=username)) return render_template('admin_user.html', u=u, password_form=password_form)
def login(): """ Standard login form. """ if g.user: return redirect(url_for('public.landing')) form = UserLoginForm() if form.validate_on_submit(): u = User.by_username( session['_u'] = session['_uu'] = u.username return redirect(url_for('projects.dashboard', u=u.username)) return render_template('login.html', form=form)
def _wrapped(*args, **kwargs): u = User.by_username(kwargs.pop('u')) if not u: # No such user exists. return abort(404) p = Project.by_name_and_owner(kwargs.pop('p'), u) if not p: # Project doesn't exist (404 Not Found) return abort(404) kwargs['p'] = p kwargs['u'] = u return f(*args, **kwargs)
def overview(u): """ Display an overview of all the user's projects with summary statistics. """ u = User.by_username(u) if not u: # No such user exists. return abort(404) is_owner = (g.user and == return render_template('overview.html', user=u, is_owner=is_owner )
def login(): """ Standard login form. """ if g.user: flash('You must logout before logging in.', 'error') return redirect(url_for('public.landing')) form = UserLoginForm() if form.validate_on_submit(): u = User.by_username( session['_u'] = session['_uu'] = u.username flash('Welcome back!', 'success') return redirect(url_for('public.landing')) return render_template('login.html', form=form)
def admin_user(username): do = request.args.get('do', None) u = User.by_username(username) if u is None: return abort(404) password_form = UserPasswordForm() if do == 'p' and password_form.validate_on_submit(): u.set_password( g.db.session.commit() return redirect(url_for('.admin_user', username=username)) return render_template( 'admin_user.html', u=u, password_form=password_form )
def register(): """ If new user registrations are enabled, provides a registration form and validation. """ if g.user: return redirect(url_for('public.landing')) # Make sure this instance is allowing new users. if not current_app.config.get('NOTIFICO_NEW_USERS', True): return redirect(url_for('public.landing')) form = UserRegisterForm() if form.validate_on_submit(): # Checks out, go ahead and create our new user. u =,, db.session.add(u) db.session.commit() # ... and send them back to the login screen. return redirect(url_for('.login')) return render_template('register.html', form=form)
def register(): """ If new user registrations are enabled, provides a registration form and validation. """ if g.user: return redirect(url_for('public.landing')) # Make sure this instance is allowing new users. if not current_app.config.get('PUBLIC_NEW_USERS', True): return redirect(url_for('public.landing')) form = UserRegisterForm() if form.validate_on_submit(): # Checks out, go ahead and create our new user. u =,, g.db.session.add(u) g.db.session.commit() # ... and send them back to the login screen. return redirect(url_for('.login')) return render_template('register.html', form=form)
def validate_password(form, field): if not User.login(g.user.username, raise wtf.ValidationError('Password is incorrect.')
def validate_password(form, field): if not User.login(, raise wtf.ValidationError('Incorrect username and/or password.')
def validate_username(form, field): username = if username in _reserved or User.username_exists(username): raise wtf.ValidationError( 'Sorry, but that username is taken.' )
def validate_password(form, field): if not User.login(g.user.username, raise wtf.ValidationError('Your password is incorrect.')
def validate_username(form, field): from notifico.views.account import _reserved username = if username in _reserved or User.username_exists(username): raise wtf.ValidationError('Sorry, but that username is taken.')