Ejemplo n.º 1
 def _got_msgs (ms):
   # opening db per message batch since it takes some time to download each one
   with notmuch.Database (mode = notmuch.Database.MODE.READ_WRITE) as db:
     for m in ms:
       self.bar_update (1)
       self.local.store (m, db)
Ejemplo n.º 2
  def full_pull (self):
    total = 1

    self.bar_create (leave = True, total = total, desc = 'fetching messages')

    # NOTE:
    # this list might grow gigantic for large quantities of e-mail, not really sure
    # about how much memory this will take. this is just a list of some
    # simple metadata like message ids.
    message_gids = []
    last_id      = self.remote.get_current_history_id (self.local.state.last_historyId)

    for mset in self.remote.all_messages ():
      (total, gids) = mset

      self.bar.total = total
      self.bar_update (len(gids))

      for m in gids:
        message_gids.append (m['id'])

      if self.limit is not None and len(message_gids) >= self.limit:

    self.bar_close ()

    if self.local.config.remove_local_messages:
      if self.limit and not self.dry_run:
        raise ValueError('--limit with "remove_local_messages" will cause lots of messages to be deleted')

      # removing files that have been deleted remotely
      all_remote = set (message_gids)
      all_local  = set (self.local.gids.keys ())
      remove     = list(all_local - all_remote)
      self.bar_create (leave = True, total = len(remove), desc = 'removing deleted')
      with notmuch.Database (mode = notmuch.Database.MODE.READ_WRITE) as db:
        for m in remove:
          self.local.remove (m, db)
          self.bar_update (1)

      self.bar_close ()

    if len(message_gids) > 0:
      # get content for new messages
      updated = self.get_content (message_gids)

      # get updated labels for the rest
      needs_update = list(set(message_gids) - set(updated))
      self.get_meta (needs_update)
      self.vprint ("pull: no messages.")

    # set notmuch lastmod time, since we have now synced everything from remote
    # to local
    with notmuch.Database () as db:
      (rev, uuid) = db.get_revision ()

    if not self.dry_run:
      self.local.state.set_lastmod (rev)
      self.local.state.set_last_history_id (last_id)

    self.vprint ('current historyId: %d, current revision: %d' % (last_id, rev))
Ejemplo n.º 3
 def _got_msgs (ms):
   with notmuch.Database (mode = notmuch.Database.MODE.READ_WRITE) as db:
     for m in ms:
       self.bar_update (1)
       self.local.update_tags (m, None, db)
Ejemplo n.º 4
  def partial_pull (self):
    # get history
    bar         = None
    history     = []
    last_id     = self.remote.get_current_history_id (self.local.state.last_historyId)

      for hist in self.remote.get_history_since (self.local.state.last_historyId):
        history.extend (hist)

        if bar is None:
          self.bar_create (leave = True, desc = 'fetching changes')

        self.bar_update (len(hist))

        if self.limit is not None and len(history) >= self.limit:

    except googleapiclient.errors.HttpError as excep:
      if excep.resp.status == 404:
        print ("pull: historyId is too old, full sync required.")
        self.full_pull ()

    except Remote.NoHistoryException as excep:
      print ("pull: failed, re-try in a bit.")

      if bar is not None: self.bar_close ()

    # figure out which changes need to be applied
    added_messages   = [] # added messages, if they are later deleted they will be
                          # removed from this list

    deleted_messages = [] # deleted messages, if they are later added they will be
                          # removed from this list

    labels_changed   = [] # list of messages which have had their label changed
                          # the entry will be the last and most recent one in case
                          # of multiple changes. if the message is either deleted
                          # or added after the label change it will be removed from
                          # this list.

    def remove_from_all (m):
      nonlocal added_messages, deleted_messages, labels_changed
      remove_from_list (deleted_messages, m)
      remove_from_list (labels_changed, m)
      remove_from_list (added_messages, m)

    def remove_from_list (lst, m):
      e = next ((e for e in lst if e['id'] ==  m['id']), None)
      if e is not None:
        lst.remove (e)
        return True
      return False

    if len(history) > 0:
      self.bar_create (total = len(history), leave = True, desc = 'resolving changes')
      bar = None

    for h in history:
      if 'messagesAdded' in h:
        for m in h['messagesAdded']:
          mm = m['message']
          if not (set(mm.get('labelIds', [])) & self.remote.not_sync):
            remove_from_all (mm)
            added_messages.append (mm)

      if 'messagesDeleted' in h:
        for m in h['messagesDeleted']:
          mm = m['message']
          # might silently fail to delete this
          remove_from_all (mm)
          if self.local.has (mm['id']):
            deleted_messages.append (mm)

      # messages that are subsequently deleted by a later action will be removed
      # from either labels_changed or added_messages.
      if 'labelsAdded' in h:
        for m in h['labelsAdded']:
          mm = m['message']
          if not (set(mm.get('labelIds', [])) & self.remote.not_sync):
            new = remove_from_list (added_messages, mm) or not self.local.has (mm['id'])
            remove_from_list (labels_changed, mm)
            if new:
              added_messages.append (mm) # needs to fetched
              labels_changed.append (mm)
            # in case a not_sync tag has been added to a scheduled message
            remove_from_list (added_messages, mm)
            remove_from_list (labels_changed, mm)

            if self.local.has (mm['id']):
              remove_from_list (deleted_messages, mm)
              deleted_messages.append (mm)

      if 'labelsRemoved' in h:
        for m in h['labelsRemoved']:
          mm = m['message']
          if not (set(mm.get('labelIds', [])) & self.remote.not_sync):
            new = remove_from_list (added_messages, mm) or not self.local.has (mm['id'])
            remove_from_list (labels_changed, mm)
            if new:
              added_messages.append (mm) # needs to fetched
              labels_changed.append (mm)
            # in case a not_sync tag has been added
            remove_from_list (added_messages, mm)
            remove_from_list (labels_changed, mm)

            if self.local.has (mm['id']):
              remove_from_list (deleted_messages, mm)
              deleted_messages.append (mm)

      self.bar_update (1)

    if bar: self.bar_close ()

    changed = False
    # fetching new messages
    if len (added_messages) > 0:
      message_gids = [m['id'] for m in added_messages]
      updated     = self.get_content (message_gids)

      # updated labels for the messages that already existed
      needs_update_gid = list(set(message_gids) - set(updated))
      needs_update = [m for m in added_messages if m['id'] in needs_update_gid]
      labels_changed.extend (needs_update)

      changed = True

    if self.local.config.remove_local_messages and len(deleted_messages) > 0:
      with notmuch.Database (mode = notmuch.Database.MODE.READ_WRITE) as db:
        for m in tqdm (deleted_messages, leave = True, desc = 'removing messages'):
          self.local.remove (m['id'], db)

      changed = True

    if len (labels_changed) > 0:
      lchanged = 0
      with notmuch.Database (mode = notmuch.Database.MODE.READ_WRITE) as db:
        self.bar_create (total = len(labels_changed), leave = True, desc = 'updating tags (0)')
        for m in labels_changed:
          r = self.local.update_tags (m, None, db)
          if r:
            lchanged += 1
            if not self.args.quiet and self.bar:
              self.bar.set_description ('updating tags (%d)' % lchanged)

          self.bar_update (1)
        self.bar_close ()

      changed = True

    if not changed:
      self.vprint ("pull: everything is up-to-date.")

    if not self.dry_run:
      self.local.state.set_last_history_id (last_id)

    if (last_id > 0):
      self.vprint ('current historyId: %d' % last_id)
Ejemplo n.º 5
  def push (self, args, setup = False):
    if not setup:
      self.setup (args, args.dry_run, True)

      self.force            = args.force
      self.limit            = args.limit

      self.remote.get_labels ()

    # loading local changes
    with notmuch.Database () as db:
      (rev, uuid) = db.get_revision ()

      if rev == self.local.state.lastmod:
        self.vprint ("push: everything is up-to-date.")

      qry = "path:%s/** and lastmod:%d..%d" % (self.local.nm_relative, self.local.state.lastmod, rev)

      # print ("collecting changes..: %s" % qry)
      query = notmuch.Query (db, qry)
      total = query.count_messages () # probably destructive here as well
      query = notmuch.Query (db, qry)

      messages = list(query.search_messages ())
      if self.limit is not None and len(messages) > self.limit:
        messages = messages[:self.limit]

      # get gids and filter out messages outside this repository
      messages, gids = self.local.messages_to_gids (messages)

      # get meta-data on changed messages from remote
      remote_messages = []
      self.bar_create (leave = True, total = len(gids), desc = 'receiving metadata')

      def _got_msgs (ms):
        for m in ms:
          self.bar_update (1)
          remote_messages.append (m)

      self.remote.get_messages (gids, _got_msgs, 'minimal')
      self.bar_close ()

      # resolve changes
      self.bar_create (leave = True, total = len(gids), desc = 'resolving changes')
      actions = []
      for rm, nm in zip(remote_messages, messages):
        actions.append (self.remote.update (rm, nm, self.local.state.last_historyId, self.force))
        self.bar_update (1)

      self.bar_close ()

      # remove no-ops
      actions = [ a for a in actions if a ]

      # limit
      if self.limit is not None and len(actions) >= self.limit:
        actions = actions[:self.limit]

      # push changes
      if len(actions) > 0:
        self.bar_create (leave = True, total = len(actions), desc = 'pushing, 0 changed')
        changed = 0

        def cb (resp):
          nonlocal changed
          self.bar_update (1)
          changed += 1
          if not self.args.quiet and self.bar:
            self.bar.set_description ('pushing, %d changed' % changed)

        self.remote.push_changes (actions, cb)

        self.bar_close ()
        self.vprint ('push: nothing to push')

    if not self.remote.all_updated:
      # will not set last_mod, this forces messages to be pushed again at next push
      print ("push: not all changes could be pushed, will re-try at next push.")
      # TODO: Once we get more confident we might set the last history Id here to
      # avoid pulling back in the changes we just pushed. Currently there's a race
      # if something is modified remotely (new email, changed tags), so this might
      # not really be possible.

    if not self.dry_run and self.remote.all_updated:
      self.local.state.set_lastmod (rev)

    self.vprint ("remote historyId: %d" % self.remote.get_current_history_id (self.local.state.last_historyId))
Ejemplo n.º 6
import os
from subprocess import call

import notmuch

with open(os.devnull, "w") as devnull:
    call(["emacsclient", "-e", "(run-hooks 'notmuch-presync-hook)"],

db = notmuch.Database()
maildir_path = os.path.realpath(os.path.expanduser("~/Maildir"))

def move_messages(query_string, destination):
    query = db.create_query(query_string)
    for message in query.search_messages():
        old_filename = message.get_filename()
        path, filename = os.path.split(old_filename)
        cur_new = path.split(os.sep)[-1]
        new_filename = os.path.join(maildir_path, destination, cur_new,
        os.rename(old_filename, new_filename)

# Archive any messages under INBOX*/ which no longer have the inbox tag
inbox_folders = " OR ".join([
    "folder:" + path for path in os.listdir(maildir_path)
    if path.startswith("INBOX")
move_messages("NOT tag:inbox AND (" + inbox_folders + ")", "Archive")
Ejemplo n.º 7
 def _got_msg (m):
   bar.update (1)
   # opening db per message since it takes some time to download each one
   with notmuch.Database (mode = notmuch.Database.MODE.READ_WRITE) as db:
     self.local.store (m, db)
Ejemplo n.º 8
    def load_repository(self):
    Loads the current local repository

        if not os.path.exists(self.state_f):
            raise Local.RepositoryException(
                'local repository not initialized: could not find state file')

        if not os.path.exists(self.md):
            raise Local.RepositoryException(
                'local repository not initialized: could not find mail dir')

        self.state = Local.State(self.state_f)

        ## Check if we are in the notmuch db
        with notmuch.Database() as db:
                self.nm_dir = db.get_directory(os.path.abspath(self.md))
                if self.nm_dir is not None:
                    self.nm_dir = self.nm_dir.path
                    # probably empty dir
                    self.nm_dir = os.path.abspath(self.md)

                self.nm_relative = self.nm_dir[len(db.get_path()) + 1:]

            except notmuch.errors.FileError:
                raise Local.RepositoryException(
                    "local mail repository not in notmuch db")

        ## The Cache:
        ## this cache is used to know which messages we have a physical copy of.
        ## hopefully this won't grow too gigantic with lots of messages.
        self.files = []
        for (dp, dirnames, fnames) in os.walk(os.path.join(self.md, 'cur')):
            _fnames = ('cur/' + f for f in fnames)

        for (dp, dirnames, fnames) in os.walk(os.path.join(self.md, 'new')):
            _fnames = ('new/' + f for f in fnames)

        # exclude files that are unlikely to be real message files
        self.files = [f for f in self.files if os.path.basename(f)[0] != '.']

        self.gids = {}
        for f in self.files:
            m = os.path.basename(f).split(':')[0]
            self.gids[m] = f

        # load notmuch config
        cfg = os.environ.get('NOTMUCH_CONFIG',
        if not os.path.exists(cfg):
            raise Local.RepositoryException(
                "could not find notmuch-config: %s" % cfg)

        self.nmconfig = configparser.ConfigParser()
        self.new_tags = self.nmconfig['new']['tags'].split(';')
        self.new_tags = [
            t.strip() for t in self.new_tags if len(t.strip()) > 0

        self.loaded = True