def __init__(self, config, family='S', nTF=16, obj='L'): self.nTF = nTF self.config = config datadir = trim_dir('../../Data') file = 'salome_input' # config # +'_{}{}{}'.format(family,nTF,obj) self.filename = datadir + '/' + file + '.json' self.profile = Profile(config['TF'], family=family, load=True, part='TF', nTF=nTF, obj=obj, npoints=250) setup = Setup(config['eq']) self.sf = SF(setup.filename) = TF(self.profile, sf=self.sf) = PF(self.sf.eqdsk) self.PF_support() # calculate PF support seats self.CS_support() # calculate CS support seats self.Gravity_support() self.cage = coil_cage(nTF=nTF,, ny=3, plasma={'config': config['eq']},['cl']) self.eq = EQ(self.sf,, dCoil=0.5, sigma=0, boundary=self.sf.get_sep(expand=0.5), n=1e3) self.eq.plasma() self.ff = force_feild(,, self.eq.coil, self.eq.plasma_coil)
def __init__(self,profile,eqconf='unset',sep='unset',**kwargs): self.ny = kwargs.get('ny',3) # TF filament number (y-dir) self.alpha = kwargs.get('alpha',1-1e-4) self.color = cycle(sns.color_palette('Set2',10)) self.profile = profile self.loop = self.profile.loop self.bound = {} # initalise bounds self.bindex = {'internal':[0],'interior':[0],'external':[0]} # index for side in ['internal','interior','external']: self.bound[side] = {'r':[],'z':[]} if side in kwargs: self.add_bound(kwargs[side],side) if self.profile.nTF is not 'unset' and \ (eqconf is not 'unset' or sep is not 'unset'): if eqconf is not 'unset': plasma = {'config':eqconf} sf = SF(Setup(eqconf).filename) = TF(profile=self.profile,sf=sf) else: plasma = {'r':sep['r'],'z':sep['z']} = TF(profile=self.profile) self.cage = coil_cage(nTF=self.profile.nTF,, plasma=plasma,ny=self.ny,alpha=self.alpha) x = self.cage.set_TFcoil(x['cl'],smooth=False) else: if self.profile.obj is 'E': errtxt = 'nTF and SFconfig keywords not set\n' errtxt += 'unable to calculate stored energy\n' errtxt += 'initalise with \'nTF\' keyword' raise ValueError(errtxt)
#pl.plot(sf.rbdry,sf.zbdry,color=0.75*np.ones(3),lw=1.5) for conf in ['SN', 'X', 'SFm', 'SX', 'SXex']: # print(conf) setup = Setup(conf) sf = SF(setup.filename) pf = PF(sf.eqdsk) rb = RB(setup, sf) rb.firstwall(calc=False, plot=True, debug=False) rb.vessel() pf.plot(coils=pf.coil, label=True, plasma=False, current=False) tf = TF(nTF=18, shape={ 'vessel': rb.loop, 'pf': pf, 'fit': False, 'setup': setup, 'plot': True, 'config': conf, 'coil_type': 'A' }) tf.fill() pl.plot(tf.Rcl, tf.Zcl) coil = {'Rcl': tf.Rcl, 'Zcl': tf.Zcl, 'nTF': tf.nTF, 'Iturn': 1} rp = ripple(plasma={'config': 'SN'}, coil=coil) rp.plot_loops() print(conf, 'ripple', rp.get_ripple()) L = geom.length(tf.Rcl, tf.Zcl, norm=False)[-1] V = loop_vol(tf.Rcl, tf.Zcl) print('L {:1.2f}m, V {:1.0f}m3'.format(L, V))
nPF, nCS, nTF = 4, 3, 18 config = {'TF': 'dtt', 'eq': 'SN'} config['TF'] = '{}{}{:d}'.format(config['eq'], config['TF'], nTF) setup = Setup(config['eq']) sf = SF(setup.filename) rb = RB(setup, sf) pf = PF(sf.eqdsk) profile = Profile(config['TF'], family='S', part='TF', nTF=nTF, obj='L', load=True) tf = TF(profile, sf=sf) eq = EQ(sf, pf, dCoil=2.0, limit=[5.2, 13, -6.5, 6], n=5e3) # eq.get_plasma_coil() inv = INV(sf, eq, tf) Lpf = inv.grid_PF(nPF=nPF) Lcs = inv.grid_CS(nCS=nCS, Zbound=[-12, 8], gap=0.1) Lo = np.append(Lpf, Lcs) inv.update_coils() inv.fit_PF(offset=0.3) ''' inv.fix_boundary_psi(N=31,alpha=1-1e-4,factor=1) # add boundary points inv.fix_boundary_feild(N=31,alpha=1-1e-4,factor=1) # add boundary points inv.add_null(factor=3,point=sf.Xpoint) Rex,arg = 1.5,40
class Shape(object): def __init__(self,profile,eqconf='unset',sep='unset',**kwargs): self.ny = kwargs.get('ny',3) # TF filament number (y-dir) self.alpha = kwargs.get('alpha',1-1e-4) self.color = cycle(sns.color_palette('Set2',10)) self.profile = profile self.loop = self.profile.loop self.bound = {} # initalise bounds self.bindex = {'internal':[0],'interior':[0],'external':[0]} # index for side in ['internal','interior','external']: self.bound[side] = {'r':[],'z':[]} if side in kwargs: self.add_bound(kwargs[side],side) if self.profile.nTF is not 'unset' and \ (eqconf is not 'unset' or sep is not 'unset'): if eqconf is not 'unset': plasma = {'config':eqconf} sf = SF(Setup(eqconf).filename) = TF(profile=self.profile,sf=sf) else: plasma = {'r':sep['r'],'z':sep['z']} = TF(profile=self.profile) self.cage = coil_cage(nTF=self.profile.nTF,, plasma=plasma,ny=self.ny,alpha=self.alpha) x = self.cage.set_TFcoil(x['cl'],smooth=False) else: if self.profile.obj is 'E': errtxt = 'nTF and SFconfig keywords not set\n' errtxt += 'unable to calculate stored energy\n' errtxt += 'initalise with \'nTF\' keyword' raise ValueError(errtxt) def add_bound(self,x,side): for var in ['r','z']: self.bound[side][var] = np.append(self.bound[side][var],x[var]) self.bindex[side].append(len(self.bound[side]['r'])) def add_interior(self,r_gap=0.001): # offset minimum internal radius argmin = np.argmin(self.bound['internal']['r']) self.add_bound({'r':self.bound['internal']['r'][argmin]-r_gap, 'z':self.bound['internal']['z'][argmin]}, 'interior') def add_vessel(self,vessel,npoint=80,offset=[0.12,0.2]): rvv,zvv = geom.rzSLine(vessel['r'],vessel['z'],npoint) rvv,zvv = geom.offset(rvv,zvv,offset[1]) rmin = np.min(rvv) rvv[rvv<=rmin+offset[0]] = rmin+offset[0] self.add_bound({'r':rvv,'z':zvv},'internal') # vessel self.add_bound({'r':np.min(rvv)-5e-3,'z':0},'interior') # vessel def clear_bound(self): for side in self.bound: for var in ['r','z']: self.bound[side][var] = np.array([]) def plot_bounds(self): for side,marker in zip(['internal','interior','external'], ['.-','d','s']): index = self.bindex[side] for i in range(len(index)-1): pl.plot(self.bound[side]['r'][index[i]:index[i+1]], self.bound[side]['z'][index[i]:index[i+1]], marker,markersize=6,color=next(self.color)) def minimise(self,verbose=False,ripple_limit=0.6,ripple=False,acc=0.002): tic = time.time() xnorm,bnorm = set_oppvar(self.loop.xo,self.loop.oppvar) # normalize xnorm = fmin_slsqp(,xnorm,f_ieqcons=self.constraint_array, bounds=bnorm,acc=acc,iprint=-1, args=(False,ripple_limit)) if ripple: # re-solve with ripple constraint if self.profile.nTF == 'unset': raise ValueError('requre \'nTF\' to solve ripple constraint') print('with ripple') xnorm = fmin_slsqp(,xnorm,f_ieqcons=self.constraint_array, bounds=bnorm,acc=acc,iprint=-1, args=(True,ripple_limit)) xo = get_oppvar(self.loop.xo,self.loop.oppvar,xnorm) # de-normalize if hasattr(self,'tf'): x = # update tf self.cage.set_TFcoil(x['cl']) # update coil cage self.loop.set_input(x=xo) # inner loop self.profile.write() # store loop if verbose: self.toc(tic) def toc(self,tic): print('optimisation time {:1.1f}s'.format(time.time()-tic)) print('noppvar {:1.0f}'.format(len(self.loop.oppvar))) if self.profile.nTF is not 'unset': self.cage.output() def constraint_array(self,xnorm,*args): ripple,ripple_limit = args xo = get_oppvar(self.loop.xo,self.loop.oppvar,xnorm) # de-normalize if ripple: # constrain ripple contour x = #npoints dot = np.array([]) for side,key in zip(['internal','interior','external'], ['in','in','out']): dot = np.append(dot,self.dot_diffrence(x[key],side)) self.cage.set_TFcoil({'r':x['cl']['r'],'z':x['cl']['z']}) max_ripple = self.cage.get_ripple() edge_ripple = self.cage.edge_ripple(npoints=10) dot = np.append(dot,ripple_limit-edge_ripple) dot = np.append(dot,ripple_limit-max_ripple) else: # without tf object (no ripple or energy) x = self.loop.draw(x=xo) dot = self.dot_diffrence(x,'internal') dot = np.append(dot,self.dot_diffrence(x,'interior')) return dot def fit(self,xnorm,*args): xo = get_oppvar(self.loop.xo,self.loop.oppvar,xnorm) # de-normalize if hasattr(self,'xo'): self.xo = np.vstack([self.xo,xo]) else: self.xo = xo x = self.loop.draw(x=xo) if self.profile.obj is 'L': # coil length objF = geom.length(x['r'],x['z'],norm=False)[-1] elif self.obj is 'E': # stored energy x = self.cage.set_TFcoil(x['cl']) objF = 1e-9* else: # coil volume objF = geom.loop_vol(x['r'],x['z']) return objF def dot_diffrence(self,x,side): Rloop,Zloop = x['r'],x['z'] # inside coil loop switch = 1 if side is 'internal' else -1 nRloop,nZloop,Rloop,Zloop = geom.normal(Rloop,Zloop) R,Z = self.bound[side]['r'],self.bound[side]['z'] dot = np.zeros(len(R)) for j,(r,z) in enumerate(zip(R,Z)): i = np.argmin((r-Rloop)**2+(z-Zloop)**2) dr = [Rloop[i]-r,Zloop[i]-z] dn = [nRloop[i],nZloop[i]] dot[j] = switch*,dn) return dot def movie(self,filename): fig,ax = pl.subplots(1,2,figsize=(12,8)) demo = DEMO() moviename = '../Movies/{}'.format(filename) moviename += '.mp4' FFMpegWriter = manimation.writers['ffmpeg'] writer = FFMpegWriter(fps=20, bitrate=5000,codec='libx264', extra_args=['-pix_fmt','yuv420p']) with writer.saving(fig,moviename,100): nS = len(self.xo) to = time.time() width = 35 for i,xo in enumerate(self.xo): self.frame(ax,demo,xo) writer.grab_frame() if i%1 == 0 and i > 0: elapsed = time.time()-to remain = int((nS-i)/i*elapsed) prog_str = '\r{:1.0e}'.format(i) prog_str += ' elapsed {:0>8}s'.format(str(\ datetime.timedelta(seconds=int(elapsed)))) prog_str += ' remain {:0>8}s'.format(str(\ datetime.timedelta(seconds=remain))) prog_str += ' complete {:1.1f}%'.format(1e2*i/nS) nh = int(i/nS*width) prog_str += ' |'+nh*'#'+(width-nh)*'-'+'|' sys.stdout.write(prog_str) sys.stdout.flush() def frames(self,filename): fig,ax = pl.subplots(1,2,figsize=(12,8)) demo = DEMO() figname = '../Figs/{}'.format(filename) self.frame(ax,demo,xo=self.xo[0]) pl.savefig(figname+'_s.png') self.frame(ax,demo,xo=self.xo[-1]) pl.savefig(figname+'_e.png') def frame(self,ax,demo,**kwargs): xo = kwargs.get('xo',self.xo[-1])[0]) #pl.cla() pl.plot([3,18],[-10,10],'ko',alpha=0) demo.fill_part('Blanket') demo.fill_part('Vessel') self.loop.set_input(x=xo) #self.plot_bounds() self.update() geom.polyfill(self.cage.plasma_loop[:,0], self.cage.plasma_loop[:,2], alpha=0.3,color=sns.color_palette('Set2',5)[3]) #self.cage.plot_loops(sticks=False) if len(ax) > 1:[1]) pl.cla() plot_oppvar(shp.loop.xo,shp.loop.oppvar)
class SALOME(object): def __init__(self, config, family='S', nTF=16, obj='L'): self.nTF = nTF self.config = config datadir = trim_dir('../../Data') file = 'salome_input' # config # +'_{}{}{}'.format(family,nTF,obj) self.filename = datadir + '/' + file + '.json' self.profile = Profile(config['TF'], family=family, load=True, part='TF', nTF=nTF, obj=obj, npoints=250) setup = Setup(config['eq']) self.sf = SF(setup.filename) = TF(self.profile, sf=self.sf) = PF(self.sf.eqdsk) self.PF_support() # calculate PF support seats self.CS_support() # calculate CS support seats self.Gravity_support() self.cage = coil_cage(nTF=nTF,, ny=3, plasma={'config': config['eq']},['cl']) self.eq = EQ(self.sf,, dCoil=0.5, sigma=0, boundary=self.sf.get_sep(expand=0.5), n=1e3) self.eq.plasma() self.ff = force_feild(,, self.eq.coil, self.eq.plasma_coil) def write(self): print('writing', self.filename, self.nTF) color = sns.color_palette('Set2', 12) data = { 'p': self.profile.loop.p, 'section':, 'pf':, 'nTF': self.nTF, 'color': color, 'PFsupport': self.PFsupport, 'CSsupport': self.CSsupport, 'Gsupport': self.Gsupport, 'OISsupport': self.OISsupport } with open(self.filename, 'w') as f: json.dump(data, f, indent=4) def CS_support(self): depth =['winding_pack']['depth'] side =['case']['side'] width =['winding_pack']['width'] inboard =['case']['inboard'] nose =['case']['nose'] segment = self.profile.loop.p[0] ro, zo = segment['p0']['r'], segment['p0']['z'] theta = np.pi / self.nTF rsep = (depth / 2 + side) / np.tan(theta) rnose = ro - (width + inboard + nose) rwp = ro - (width + inboard) if rsep <= rnose: ynose = depth / 2 + side else: ynose = rnose * np.tan(theta) if rsep <= rwp: ywp = depth / 2 + side else: ywp = rwp * np.tan(theta) # construct TF interpolators TFloop =['out'] L = minimize_scalar(SALOME.cs_top, method='bounded', args=(rwp, TFloop), bounds=[0.5, 1]).x ztop = float(TFloop['z'](L)) self.CSsupport = { 'rnose': rnose, 'ynose': ynose, 'rwp': rwp, 'ywp': ywp, 'ztop': ztop, 'zo': zo, 'dt': side } def cs_top(L, rwp, TFloop): err = abs(TFloop['r'](L) - rwp) return err def support_arm(L, coil, TFloop): dl = np.sqrt((coil['r'] - TFloop['r'](L))**2 + (coil['z'] - TFloop['z'](L))**2) return dl def intersect(x, xc, nhat, TFloop): L, s = x # unpack rTF, zTF = TFloop['r'](L), TFloop['z'](L) rs, zs = s * nhat + xc err = np.sqrt((rTF - rs)**2 + (zTF - zs)**2) return err def connect(self, coil, loop, edge=0.15, hover=0.1, argmin=60): L = minimize_scalar(SALOME.support_arm, method='bounded', args=(coil, loop), bounds=[0, 1]).x rTF, zTF = loop['r'](L), loop['z'](L) nhat = np.array([rTF - coil['r'], zTF - coil['z']]) ndir = 180 / np.pi * np.arctan(abs(nhat[1] / nhat[0])) # angle, deg if ndir < argmin: # limit absolute support angle nhat = np.array([ np.sign(nhat[0]), np.tan(argmin * np.pi / 180) * np.sign(nhat[1]) ]) nhat /= np.linalg.norm(nhat) above = np.sign(, [0, 1])) zc = coil['z'] + above * (coil['dz'] / 2 + hover) nodes = [[] for _ in range(4)] for i, sign in enumerate([-1, 1]): # inboard / outboard rc = coil['r'] + sign * (coil['dr'] / 2 + edge) nodes[i] = [rc, zc] xc = np.array([rc, zc]) xo = np.array([L, 0.5]) res = minimize(SALOME.intersect, xo, method='L-BFGS-B', bounds=([0, 1], [0, 15]), args=(xc, nhat, loop)) rs, zs = res.x[1] * nhat + xc nodes[3 - i] = [rs, zs] return nodes def PF_support(self): # construct TF interpolators TFloop =['out'] self.PFsupport = {} for name in['PF']['name']: coil =[name] nodes = self.connect(coil, TFloop, edge=0.15, hover=0.1, argmin=60) self.PFsupport[name] = nodes def GS_placement(L, radius, TFloop): return abs(radius - TFloop['r'](L)) def Gravity_support(self, radius=13, width=0.75): # construct TF interpolators TFloop =['out'] Sloop =['out'] L = minimize_scalar(SALOME.GS_placement, method='bounded', args=(radius - width / 2, Sloop), bounds=[0, 0.5]).x coil = { 'r': Sloop['r'](L) + width / 2, 'z': Sloop['z'](L) - width / 2, 'dr': width, 'dz': width } nodes = self.connect(coil, TFloop, edge=0, hover=0, argmin=90) self.Gsupport = {'base': nodes} z = [[[name]['z'][name]['dz']/2]\ for name in] floor = np.min(z) - 1 self.Gsupport['zbase'] = float(Sloop['z'](L)) self.Gsupport['zfloor'] = floor self.Gsupport['radius'] = radius self.Gsupport['width'] = width def OIS_placment(L, TFloop, point): err = (point[0] - TFloop['r'](L))**2 + (point[1] - TFloop['z'](L))**2 return err def draw_OIS(self, L, width, thickness, TFloop): dl = width / TFloop['L'] rcl = np.array([TFloop['r'](L - dl / 2), TFloop['r'](L + dl / 2)]) zcl = np.array([TFloop['z'](L - dl / 2), TFloop['z'](L + dl / 2)]) ro, zo = np.mean(rcl), np.mean(zcl) L = minimize_scalar(SALOME.OIS_placment, method='bounded', args=(TFloop, (ro, zo)), bounds=[0, 1]).x dr, dz = TFloop['r'](L) - ro, TFloop['z'](L) - zo rcl += dr / 2 zcl += dz / 2 dt = np.array([rcl[1] - rcl[0], 0, zcl[1] - zcl[0]]) dt /= np.linalg.norm(dt) dn = np.cross(dt, np.array([0, 1, 0])) rcl = np.append(rcl + dn[0] * thickness / 2, rcl[::-1] - dn[0] * thickness / 2) zcl = np.append(zcl + dn[2] * thickness / 2, zcl[::-1] - dn[2] * thickness / 2) nodes = [[rcl[i], zcl[i]] for i in range(4)] return nodes def OIS(self, width=3.5, thickness=0.15, rmin=10): # construct TF interpolators TFloop =['cl'] self.OISsupport = {} for i, (L, width) in enumerate(zip([0.4, 0.64], [4.5, 2.5])): nodes = self.draw_OIS(L, width, thickness, TFloop) self.OISsupport['OIS{:d}'.format(i)] = nodes def plot(self):, label=True, current=True), plasma=True) for name in self.PFsupport: nodes = np.array(self.PFsupport[name]) geom.polyfill(nodes[:, 0], nodes[:, 1], color=0.4 * np.ones(3)) nodes = np.array(self.Gsupport['base']) geom.polyfill(nodes[:, 0], nodes[:, 1], color=0.4 * np.ones(3)) pl.plot(self.Gsupport['radius'] * np.ones(2), [self.Gsupport['zbase'], self.Gsupport['zfloor']], 'o-', color=0.4 * np.ones(3), lw=4) for name in self.OISsupport: nodes = np.array(self.OISsupport[name]) geom.polyfill(nodes[:, 0], nodes[:, 1], color=0.4 * np.ones(3)) rnose = self.CSsupport['rnose'] rwp = self.CSsupport['rwp'] zo = self.CSsupport['zo'] ztop = self.CSsupport['ztop'] rCS = [rnose, rwp, rwp, rnose] zCS = [zo, zo, ztop, ztop] geom.polyfill(rCS, zCS, color=0.4 * np.ones(3)) def ansys(self, plot=False, nl=250, nr=5, ny=5): filename = '../../Data/TFload_{:d}'.format(self.nTF) ans = table(filename) ans.f.write('! loading tables for {:d}TF coil concept\n'.format( self.nTF)) ans.f.write('! loop length parameterized from 0-1\n') ans.f.write('! loop starts at the inboard midplane\n') ans.f.write('! loop progresses in the anti-clockwise direction\n') ans.f.write('! tables defined with cylindrical coordinate system\n') ans.f.write( '! body applied to nodes of winding-pack in cartisean system x,y,z\n' ) ans.f.write( '! winding-pack must be labled as named-selection \'wp\'\n') ans.f.write('\nlocal,11,1,{:1.9f},0,{:1.9f},0,90,0'\ .format([0],[1])) ans.f.write(' ! define local cylindrical coordinate system\n') ans.f.write('csys,0 ! restore to cartesian\n') ans.f.write('\n! per-TF PF coil forces (Fr,Fz) [N]\n') ans.f.write('! order as numbered in plots\n') F = self.ff.get_force()['F'] ans.load('F_coil', F / self.nTF) ans.write_array() ans.f.write('\n/nopr ! suppress large table output\n'), full=True) # construct TF interpolators TFloop =['cl'] ngrid = {'nr': 20, 'nt': 150} # coordinate interpolation grid ndata = { 'nl': nl, 'nr': nr, 'ny': ny } # coordinate interpolation grid l = np.linspace(0, 1, 250) # calculate grid extent xin, zin =['in']['r'](l),['in']['z'](l) rin = np.sqrt((xin -[0])**2 + (zin -[1])**2) rmin = np.min(rin) # minimum radius xout, zout =['out']['r'](l),['out']['z'](l) rout = np.sqrt((xout -[0])**2, (zout -[1])**2) rmax = np.max(rout) # maximum radius radius = np.linspace(rmin, rmax, ngrid['nr']) theta = np.linspace(-np.pi, np.pi, ngrid['nt']) l_map = np.zeros((ngrid['nr'], ngrid['nt'])) dr_map = np.zeros((ngrid['nr'], ngrid['nt'])) for i in range(ngrid['nr']): for j in range(ngrid['nt']): x =[0] + radius[i] * np.cos(theta[j]) z =[1] + radius[i] * np.sin(theta[j]) L = minimize_scalar(SALOME.OIS_placment, method='bounded', args=(TFloop, (x, z)), bounds=[0, 1]).x xl, zl = TFloop['r'](L), TFloop['z'](L) l_map[i, j] = L dr_map[i,j] = np.sqrt((x-xl)**2+(z-zl)**2)*\ np.sign([x-xl,z-zl],[[0],[1]])) width =['winding_pack']['width'] depth =['winding_pack']['depth'] cross_section = width * depth l_data = np.linspace(0, 1, ndata['nl']) if ndata['nr'] > 1: dr_data = np.linspace(-width / 2, width / 2, ndata['nr']) else: dr_data = np.array([0]) if ndata['ny'] > 1: dy_data = np.linspace(-depth / 2, depth / 2, ndata['ny']) else: dy_data = np.array([0]) Fbody = {} for var in ['x', 'y', 'z']: Fbody[var] = np.zeros((ndata['nl'], ndata['nr'], ndata['ny'])), full=True) # centreline Jturn = self.cage.Iturn / cross_section for i, l in enumerate(l_data): iter_str = '\rcalculating TF body force:' iter_str += 'segment {:d} of {:d}'.format(i, ndata['nl']) sys.stdout.write(iter_str) sys.stdout.flush() xo =['cl']['r'](l) zo =['cl']['z'](l) dxo =['cl']['dr'](l) dzo =['cl']['dz'](l) that = np.array([dxo, 0, dzo]) that /= np.linalg.norm(that) J = Jturn * that # current density vector nhat = np.array([that[2], 0, -that[0]]) for j, dr in enumerate(dr_data): for k, dy in enumerate(dy_data): point = np.array([xo, dy, zo]) + dr * nhat Fb = self.ff.topple(point, J, self.cage, self.eq.Bpoint, method='BS') # body force for m, var in enumerate(['x', 'y', 'z']): # store Fbody[var][i, j, k] = Fb[m] if plot: Fvec = Fb / np.linalg.norm(Fb) Fvec = that pl.arrow(point[0], point[2], Fvec[0], Fvec[2], head_width=0.15, head_length=0.3) print('\n', np.sum(Fbody['x'][:-1, :, :]) * 1e-9, np.sum(Fbody['y'][:-1, :, :]) * 1e-9, np.sum(Fbody['z'][:-1, :, :]) * 1e-9) ans.f.write('\n! parametric coil length, fn(theta)\n') ans.load('l_map', l_map, [radius, theta]) ans.write(['radus', 'theta']) ans.f.write('\n! parametric coil offset, fn(theta)\n') ans.load('dr_map', dr_map, [radius, theta]) ans.write(['radus', 'theta']) for var in ['x', 'y', 'z']: ans.f.write( '\n! winding-pack body force, Fbody_{} [N/m3]\n'.format(var)) ans.load('Fbody_{}'.format(var), Fbody[var], [l_data, dr_data, dy_data]) ans.write(['l_map', 'dr_map', 'offset']) ans.f.write('/gopr ! enable output\n') apdlstr = ''' pi = 4*atan(1) csys,11 ! switch to cylindrical coordinate system esel,s,elem,,wp ! select winding pack (requires named selection 'wp') *get,nel,elem,0,count *vget,el_sel,elem,,esel ! selection mask *vget,el_id,elem,,elist ! winding pack selection array *vget,el_vol,elem,,geom ! element volume *vget,el_radius,elem,,cent,x ! element radius *vget,el_theta,elem,,cent,y ! element theta *vget,el_offset,elem,,cent,z ! element axial offset *voper,el_theta,el_theta,mult,pi/180 ! convert to radians csys,0 ! return coordinate system ! compress selections *dim,el_v,array,nel *dim,el_r,array,nel *dim,el_t,array,nel *dim,el_o,array,nel *dim,el_l,array,nel *dim,el_dr,array,nel *vmask,el_sel *vfun,el_v,comp,el_vol ! volume *vmask,el_sel *vfun,el_r,comp,el_radius ! radius *vmask,el_sel *vfun,el_t,comp,el_theta ! theta *vmask,el_sel *vfun,el_o,comp,el_offset ! offset *vitrp,el_l,l_map,el_r,el_t ! interpolate l_map table *vitrp,el_dr,dr_map,el_r,el_t ! interpolate dr_map table xyz = 'x','y','z' ! axes fcum,add ! accumulate nodal forces *do,i,1,nel ! apply forces to loads esel,s,elem,,el_id(i) nsle ! select nodes attached to element nsel,r,node,,wp ! ensure all nodes from winding pack *get,nnd,node,0,count ! count nodes *do,j,1,3 ! Fx,Fy,Fz - all nodes attached to element F,all,F%xyz(j)%,Fbody_%xyz(j)%(el_l(i),el_dr(i),el_o(i))*el_v(i)*el_v(i)/nnd *enddo *enddo allsel ''' ans.f.write(apdlstr) ans.close()
sns.set(context='paper', style='white', font='sans-serif', palette='Set2', font_scale=7 / 8, rc=rc) Color = cycle(sns.color_palette('Set2')) nTF = 18 #,nPF,nCS = 18,6,5 config = {'TF': 'dtt', 'eq': 'SFp'} config, setup = select(config, nTF=nTF, update=False) # nPF=nPF,nCS=nCS sf = SF(setup.filename) rb = RB(setup, sf) pf = PF(sf.eqdsk) tf = TF( Profile(config['TF'], family='S', part='TF', nTF=nTF, obj='L', load=True)) rb.firstwall(symetric=True, DN=True, plot=True) #pf.plot(coils=pf.coil,label=False,plasma=False,current=True) tf.fill() #sf.cpasma *= 1.1 eq = EQ(sf, pf, dCoil=1.5, sigma=0, boundary=sf.get_sep(expand=1.1), n=3e3) eq.gen_bal() #eq.gen_opp() sf.contour() inv = INV(sf, eq, tf) L = inv.grid_coils(offset=0.3) #pf.plot(coils=pf.coil,label=False,plasma=False,current=True)
import numpy as np from DEMOxlsx import DEMO from nova.coils import TF from amigo import geom import pylab as pl import seaborn as sns tf = TF('DEMO_SN', coil_type='S', nTF=16, objective='L', npoints=5000) x = tf.coil.draw() r, z = x['r'], x['z'] l = geom.length(r, z) dl = np.mean(np.diff(l)) dr = np.gradient(r, dl) dz = np.gradient(z, dl) ddr = np.gradient(dr, dl) ddz = np.gradient(dz, dl) Rv, Zv = tf.coil.verticies()[:2] index = np.zeros(len(Rv), dtype=int) for i, (rv, zv) in enumerate(zip(Rv, Zv)): index[i] = np.argmin((r - rv)**2 + (z - zv)**2) tf.coil.plot() pl.figure(figsize=(10, 7)) k = (dr * ddz - dz * ddr) / (dr**2 + dz**2)**(3 / 2) pl.plot(l, k) pl.plot(l[index], k[index], 's') pl.xlabel('normalised length (anit-clockwise from inboard midplane)')
'lines.linewidth': 1.5 } sns.set(context='poster', style='white', font='sans-serif', palette='Set2', font_scale=7 / 8, rc=rc) color = sns.color_palette('Set2') demo = DEMO() demo.fill_loops() config = 'DEMO_SN' tf = TF(config, coil_type='S', npoints=80) #tf.coil.set_input(inputs={'upper':0.8,'top':0.5}) x = tf.coil.draw() tf.get_loops(x) tf.fill() cage = coil_cage(nTF=18, rc=tf.rc, plasma={'config': config}, coil={'cl': tf.x['cl']}) tic = time.time() print('ripple {:1.3f}%'.format(cage.get_ripple())) print('time {:1.3f}s'.format(time.time() - tic))
name = 'SX' nTF, ripple = 18, True base = {'TF': 'dtt', 'eq': 'DTT_SN', 'name': name} config, setup = select(base, nTF=nTF, update=False) sf = SF(setup.filename) pf = PF(sf.eqdsk) for coil in pf.index['CS']['name']: pf.coil[coil]['r'] = 2.7 pf.coil[coil]['dr'] = 0.8 profile = Profile(config['TF'], family='S', part='TF', nTF=nTF, obj='L') tf = TF(profile=profile, sf=sf) #tf.adjust_xo('dz',value=-2) #tf.fill() eq = EQ(sf, pf, dCoil=2.0, sigma=0, boundary=sf.get_sep(expand=1.0), zmin=-10, n=2e3) inv = INV(pf, tf, dCoil=0.25) inv.load_equlibrium(sf) inv.fix_boundary()
font_scale=7 / 8, rc=rc) Color = cycle(sns.color_palette('Set2')) base = {'TF': 'dtt', 'eq': 'DN'} config, setup = select(base=base, update=False, nTF=18, nPF=4, nCS=3) config['TF'] = config['TF'].replace('DN', 'SN') sf = SF(setup.filename) rb = RB(setup, sf) pf = PF(sf.eqdsk) tf = TF( Profile(config['TF'], family='S', part='TF', nTF=config['nTF'], obj='L', load=True)) #tf.fill() eq = EQ(sf, pf, dCoil=1.5, sigma=0, n=5e3, boundary=sf.get_sep(expand=1.1), zmin=-abs(sf.Xpoint[1]) - 2, zmax=abs(sf.Xpoint[1]) + 2) #eq.gen_opp(Zerr=5e-4) eq.gen_bal(Zerr=5e-4, tol=1e-4)
rc = {'figure.figsize':[8*10/16,8],'savefig.dpi':150, #*12/16 'savefig.jpeg_quality':100,'savefig.pad_inches':0.1, 'lines.linewidth':0.75} sns.set(context='paper',style='white',font='sans-serif',palette='Set2', font_scale=7/8,rc=rc) nTF = 16 config = {'TF':'SN','eq':'DEMO_SNb'} profile = Profile(config['TF'],family='S',load=True,part='TF', nTF=nTF,obj='L',npoints=250) setup = Setup(config['eq']) sf = SF(setup.filename) tf = TF(profile,sf=sf) pf = PF(sf.eqdsk) rb = RB(setup,sf) cage = coil_cage(nTF=nTF,rc=tf.rc,plasma={'config':config['eq']},coil=tf.x['cl']) demo = DEMO() demo.fill_part('Vessel') demo.fill_part('Blanket') demo.fill_part('TF_Coil') demo.plot_ports() demo.plot_limiter() sf.contour(Nlevel=51,plot_vac=False,lw=0.5) pl.plot(sf.rbdry,sf.zbdry,color=0.75*np.ones(3),lw=1)
rc=rc) Color = cycle(sns.color_palette('Set2')) nTF, nPF, nCS = 18, 6, 5 config = {'TF': 'demo', 'eq': 'SN'} # SN2017_SOF config, setup = select(config, nTF=nTF, nPF=nPF, nCS=nCS, update=False) sf = SF(setup.filename) print('b', sf.eqdsk['bcentr'], 'r', sf.eqdsk['rcentr'], 'br', sf.eqdsk['bcentr'] * sf.eqdsk['rcentr']) rb = RB(setup, sf) pf = PF(sf.eqdsk) profile = Profile(config['TF'], family='S', part='TF', nTF=nTF, obj='L') tf = TF(profile=profile) #pf.plot(coils=pf.coil,label=False,plasma=False,current=True) demo = DEMO() demo.fill_part('Vessel') demo.fill_part('Blanket') #demo.fill_part('TF_Coil') demo.plot_ports() demo.plot_limiter() pl.axis('off') tf.fill() eq = EQ(sf, pf, dCoil=1.5, sigma=0, boundary=sf.get_sep(expand=1.5), n=5e3) eq.gen_opp()
from nova.loops import Profile from nova.force import force_feild import seaborn as sns rc = {'figure.figsize':[8*12/16,8],'savefig.dpi':120, # 'savefig.jpeg_quality':100,'savefig.pad_inches':0.1, 'lines.linewidth':2} sns.set(context='talk',style='white',font='sans-serif',palette='Set2', font_scale=7/8,rc=rc) nTF,nPF,nCS = 18,4,3 config = {'TF':'dtt','eq':'SN'} config,setup = select(config,nTF=nTF,nPF=nPF,nCS=nCS,update=False) profile = Profile(config['TF'],family='S',part='TF', nTF=nTF,obj='L',load=True,npoints=50) sf = SF(setup.filename) tf = TF(profile,sf=sf) tf.fill() #rb = RB(setup,sf) pf = PF(sf.eqdsk) eq = EQ(sf,pf,boundary=tf.get_loop(expand=0.5),n=1e3,sigma=0) eq.get_plasma_coil() ff = force_feild(pf.index,pf.coil,eq.coil,eq.plasma_coil) #eq.plotj() #pf.coil['Coil6']['r'] -= 1.5 #eq.coils() #eq.gen_opp(sf.Mpoint[1]) #eq.resample() #eq.plotb(alpha=1)
from nova.coils import PF, TF from time import time from nova import loops import scipy.optimize as op from amigo.addtext import linelabel from nova.loops import Profile config = 'SN' setup = Setup(config) sf = SF(setup.filename) rb = RB(setup, sf) pf = PF(sf.eqdsk) profile = Profile(config, family='S', part='TF', nTF=18, objective='L') tf = TF(profile) eq = EQ(sf, pf, dCoil=2.5, sigma=0, boundary=sf.get_sep(expand=0.5), n=5e2) eq.get_plasma_coil() inv = INV(sf, eq, tf) inv.initialize_log() Lpf = inv.grid_PF(nPF=5) Lcs = inv.grid_CS(nCS=5) Lo = np.append(Lpf, Lcs) inv.update_coils() inv.fit_PF(offset=0.3)