Ejemplo n.º 1
def _posargs_finalizer(value: Sequence[Any],
                       args: argparse.Namespace) -> Sequence[Any] | list[Any]:
    """Removes the leading "--"s in the posargs array (if any) and asserts that
    remaining arguments came after a "--".
    posargs = value
    if not posargs:
        return []

    if "--" not in posargs:
        unexpected_posargs = posargs
        raise _option_set.ArgumentError(
            None, f"Unknown argument(s) '{' '.join(unexpected_posargs)}'.")

    dash_index = posargs.index("--")
    if dash_index != 0:
        unexpected_posargs = posargs[0:dash_index]
        raise _option_set.ArgumentError(
            None, f"Unknown argument(s) '{' '.join(unexpected_posargs)}'.")

    return posargs[dash_index + 1:]
Ejemplo n.º 2
def _posargs_finalizer(value, args):
    """Removes the leading "--"s in the posargs array (if any) and asserts that
    remaining arguments came after a "--".
    posargs = value
    if not posargs:
        return []

    if "--" not in posargs:
        unexpected_posargs = posargs
        raise _option_set.ArgumentError(
            "Unknown argument(s) '{}'.".format(" ".join(unexpected_posargs)))

    dash_index = posargs.index("--")
    if dash_index != 0:
        unexpected_posargs = posargs[0:dash_index]
        raise _option_set.ArgumentError(
            "Unknown argument(s) '{}'.".format(" ".join(unexpected_posargs)))

    return posargs[dash_index + 1:]
Ejemplo n.º 3
def _color_finalizer(value: bool, args: argparse.Namespace) -> bool:
    """Figures out the correct value for "color" based on the two color flags.

        value (bool): The current value of the "color" option.
        args (_option_set.Namespace): The values for all options.

        The new value for the "color" option.
    if args.forcecolor is True and args.nocolor is True:
        raise _option_set.ArgumentError(
            None, "Can not specify both --no-color and --force-color.")

    if args.forcecolor is True:
        return True

    if args.nocolor is True:
        return False

    return sys.stdout.isatty()