def index(self): "Show processors that have updated in the last hour" c.processors = ( Session.query(model.Processor) .filter(model.Processor.when_updated > datetime.datetime.utcnow() - datetime.timedelta(days=1)) .order_by(model.Processor.when_updated.desc()) .all() ) return render("/processors/index.mako")
def index(self, format="html"): "GET /: Show landing page if not logged in" # Initialize personID = h.getPersonID() # If not logged in, if not personID: return render("/landing/index.mako") # Take them to the scenarios, else: return redirect(url("scenario_index"))
def index(self, format='html'): 'GET /scenarios: Show all items in the collection' # Initialize personID = h.getPersonID() refresh = request.GET.get('refresh', 0) scope = request.GET.get('scope', str(model.scopePrivate)) # Load scenarioQuery = Session.query(model.Scenario) if not personID: scenarioQuery = scenarioQuery.filter_by(scope=model.scopePublic) elif scope == '-': scenarioQuery = scenarioQuery.filter_by(owner_id=personID) elif scope == '*': scenarioQuery = scenarioQuery.filter(model.getScopeFilter(personID)) else: scenarioQuery = scenarioQuery.filter_by(owner_id=personID).filter_by(scope=model.scopePrivate) c.scenarios = scenarioQuery.options(orm.eagerload(model.Scenario.owner)).order_by(model.Scenario.when_created.desc()).all() # If this is not a refresh request, if not refresh: return render('/scenarios/index.mako') # If this is a refresh request, else: return render('/scenarios/scenarios.mako')
def update(self): 'Show account update page' # Load personID = h.getPersonID() # If the person is not logged in, if not personID: # Return return redirect(url('person_login', targetURL=h.encodeURL('/'))) # Render c.isNew = False person = Session.query(model.Person).get(personID) # Return return formencode.htmlfill.render(render('/people/change.mako'), { 'username': person.username, 'nickname': person.nickname, 'email':, 'email_sms': person.email_sms, })
def clone(self, scenarioID): 'Show form to create a new item based on datasets and parameters from existing scenario' # Make sure the user is logged in personID = h.getPersonID() if not personID: return redirect(url('person_login', targetURL=h.encodeURL(request.path))) # Make sure the user has access to the scenario scenario = Session.query(model.Scenario).filter(model.getScopeFilter(personID)).filter( if not scenario: return redirect(url('new_scenario')) # Load scenarioInput = scenario.input # Prepare c.scenario = scenario c.metricModel = metric.getModel(request.GET.get('metricModel', scenarioInput['metric model name'])) c.metricConfiguration = scenarioInput['metric configuration'] c.networkModel = network.getModel(request.GET.get('networkModel', scenarioInput['network model name'])) c.networkConfiguration = scenarioInput['network configuration'] # Return return render('/scenarios/new.mako')
def update(self): "Show account update page" # Load personID = h.getPersonID() # If the person is not logged in, if not personID: # Return return redirect(url("person_login", targetURL=h.encodeURL("/"))) # Render c.isNew = False person = Session.query(model.Person).get(personID) # Return return formencode.htmlfill.render( render("/people/change.mako"), { "username": person.username, "nickname": person.nickname, "email":, "email_sms": person.email_sms, }, )
def new(self, format='html'): 'GET /scenarios/new: Show form to create a new item' # If the user is not logged in, if not h.isPerson(): # Redirect to login return redirect(url('person_login', targetURL=h.encodeURL(h.url('new_scenario')))) # Make sure that the requested metric model exists metricModelNames = metric.getModelNames() metricModelName = request.GET.get('metricModel') if metricModelName not in metricModelNames: metricModelName = metricModelNames[0] c.metricModel = metric.getModel(metricModelName) c.metricConfiguration = {} # Make sure that the requested network model exists networkModelNames = network.getModelNames() networkModelName = request.GET.get('networkModel') if networkModelName not in networkModelNames: networkModelName = networkModelNames[0] c.networkModel = network.getModel(networkModelName) c.networkConfiguration = {} # Render form c.scenario = None return render('/scenarios/new.mako')
def show(self, id, format='html'): 'GET /scenarios/id: Show a specific item' # If the output format is not supported, if format not in ['html', 'zip', 'geojson', 'json']: return 'Unsupported output format: ' + format try: id = int(id) except ValueError: return redirect(url('scenarios')) # Load personID = h.getPersonID() c.scenario = Session.query(model.Scenario).filter( # If user does not have access to the scenario, if not c.scenario: c.status = model.statusFailed if format == 'html': return render('/scenarios/show.mako') elif format == 'zip': return '' elif format == 'geojson': return geojson.dumps(geojson.FeatureCollection([])) elif format == 'json': return cjson.encode({}) # If the scenario has an error, if c.scenario.status == model.statusFailed: c.traceback = c.scenario.output['traceback'] c.status = model.statusFailed if format == 'html': return render('/scenarios/show.mako') elif format == 'zip': return forward(FileApp(c.scenario.getFolder() + '.zip')) elif format == 'geojson': return geojson.dumps(geojson.FeatureCollection([])) elif format == 'json': return c.scenario.exportJSON() # If the scenario has not been processed, if c.scenario.isQueued(): c.status = model.statusPending if format == 'html': return render('/scenarios/show.mako') elif format == 'zip': return forward(FileApp(c.scenario.getFolder() + '.zip')) elif format == 'geojson': return geojson.dumps(geojson.FeatureCollection([])) elif format == 'json': return c.scenario.exportJSON() # Prepare c.status = model.statusDone c.scenarioInput = c.scenario.input c.scenarioOutput = c.scenario.output transform_point = geometry_store.get_transform_point(geometry_store.proj4LL, geometry_store.proj4SM) # If the user wants HTML, if format == 'html': # Render scenario c.metricModel = metric.getModel(c.scenarioInput['metric model name']) scenarioStatistics = c.scenarioOutput['statistics'] nodeStatistics = scenarioStatistics['node'] # Prepare map centerX, centerY = transform_point(nodeStatistics['mean longitude'], nodeStatistics['mean latitude']) box1X, box1Y = transform_point(nodeStatistics['minimum longitude'], nodeStatistics['maximum latitude']) box2X, box2Y = transform_point(nodeStatistics['maximum longitude'], nodeStatistics['minimum latitude']) # Render map datasetStore = c.scenario.getDataset() c.mapFeatures = datasetStore.exportGeoJSON(transform_point) c.mapCenter = '%s, %s' % (centerX, centerY) c.mapBox = '%s, %s, %s, %s' % (box1X, box1Y, box2X, box2Y) # Render nodes c.nodes = list(datasetStore.cycleNodes()) c.populationQuartiles = scenarioStatistics['metric']['population quartiles'] # Render scenarios c.scenarios = Session.query(model.Scenario).filter(model.getScopeFilter(personID)).filter(model.Scenario.status==model.statusDone).filter(! # Return return render('/scenarios/show.mako') elif format == 'zip': return forward(FileApp(c.scenario.getFolder() + '.zip')) elif format == 'geojson': return c.scenario.getDataset().exportGeoJSON(transform_point) elif format == 'json': return c.scenario.exportJSON(request.params.get('nodeID'))
def login(self, targetURL=h.encodeURL("/")): "Show login form" c.messageCode = request.GET.get("messageCode") c.targetURL = h.decodeURL(targetURL) c.publicKey = config["safe"]["recaptcha"]["public"] return render("/people/login.mako")
def register(self): "Show account registration page" c.isNew = True return render("/people/change.mako")
def index(self): "Show information about people registered in the database" c.people = Session.query(model.Person).all() return render("/people/index.mako")
form["username"], model.hashString(form["password"]), form["nickname"], form["email"], form["email_sms"] ) candidate.person_id = if person else None candidate.ticket = store.makeRandomUniqueTicket(parameter.TICKET_LENGTH, Session.query(model.PersonCandidate)) candidate.when_expired = datetime.datetime.utcnow() + datetime.timedelta(days=parameter.TICKET_LIFESPAN_IN_DAYS) Session.add(candidate) Session.commit() # Prepare recipient toByValue = dict(nickname=form["nickname"], email=form["email"]) # Prepare subject subject = "[%s] Confirm %s" % (parameter.SITE_NAME, action) # Prepare body c.candidate = candidate c.username = form["username"] c.action = action body = render(templatePath) # Send try: smtp.sendMessage(config["safe"]["mail support"], toByValue, subject, body) except smtp.SMTPError: return dict(isOk=0, errorByID={"status": "Unable to send confirmation; please try again later."}) # Return return dict(isOk=1) def purgeExpiredPersonCandidates(): "Delete candidates that have expired" Session.execute( model.person_candidates_table.delete().where(model.PersonCandidate.when_expired < datetime.datetime.utcnow()) )
def login(self, targetURL=h.encodeURL('/')): 'Show login form' c.messageCode = request.GET.get('messageCode') c.targetURL = h.decodeURL(targetURL) c.publicKey = config['safe']['recaptcha']['public'] return render('/people/login.mako')
def register(self): 'Show account registration page' c.isNew = True return render('/people/change.mako')
def show(self, jobID, host): 'Show the job log' c.jobID = jobID = host return render('/jobs/show.mako')
def index(self): 'Show 10 most recent jobs' = Session.query(model.Job).order_by(model.Job.start_time.desc()).limit(10).all() return render('/jobs/index.mako')