Ejemplo n.º 1
 def draw(self):
     population = self.run
     pop_obj = population[1]
     front_no, max_front = nd_sort(pop_obj, 1)
     non_dominated = pop_obj[front_no == 1, :]
     if Global.M == 2:
         plt.scatter(non_dominated[0, :], non_dominated[1, :])
     elif Global.M == 3:
         x, y, z = non_dominated[:, 0], non_dominated[:,
                                                      1], non_dominated[:,
         ax = plt.subplot(111, projection='3d')
         ax.scatter(x, y, z, c='b')
         for i in range(len(non_dominated)):
             plt.plot(range(1, Global.M + 1), non_dominated[i, :])
Ejemplo n.º 2
def environment_selection(population, N):
    environmental selection in NSGA-II
    :param population: current population
    :param N: number of selected individuals
    :return: next generation population
    front_no, max_front = nd_sort(population[1], N)
    next_label = [False for i in range(front_no.size)]
    for i in range(front_no.size):
        if front_no[i] < max_front:
            next_label[i] = True
    crowd_dis = crowding_distance(population[1], front_no)
    last = [i for i in range(len(front_no)) if front_no[i] == max_front]
    rank = np.argsort(-crowd_dis[last])
    delta_n = rank[:(N - int(np.sum(next_label)))]
    rest = [last[i] for i in delta_n]
    for i in rest:
        next_label[i] = True
    index = np.array([i for i in range(len(next_label)) if next_label[i]])
    next_pop = [population[0][index, :], population[1][index, :]]
    return next_pop, front_no[index], crowd_dis[index], index
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def run(self):
        start = time.clock()
        if self.decs is None:
            population = Global.initialize()
            population = Global.individual(self.decs)

        front_no, max_front = nd_sort(population[1], np.inf)
        crowd_dis = crowding_distance(population[1], front_no)
        evaluation = self.eva
        while self.eva >= 0:
            fit = np.vstack((front_no, crowd_dis)).T
            mating_pool = tournament(2, Global.N, fit)
            pop_dec, pop_obj = population[0], population[1]
            parent = [pop_dec[mating_pool, :], pop_obj[mating_pool, :]]
            offspring = Global.variation(parent[0],boundary=(Global.lower,Global.upper))
            population = [np.vstack((population[0], Global.individual(offspring)[0])), np.vstack((population[1], Global.individual(offspring)[1]))]
            population, front_no, crowd_dis,_ = environment_selection(population, Global.N)
            self.eva = self.eva - Global.N
            if self.eva%(10*evaluation/self.ite) == 0:
                end = time.clock()
                print('Running time %10.2f, percentage %s'%(end-start,100*(evaluation-self.eva)/evaluation))
        return population
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def run(self):
        run the wof_nsgaii to obtain the final population
        :return: the final population
        start = time.clock()
        if self.decs is None:
            population = Global.initialize()
            population = Global.individual(self.decs)

        g_size = math.ceil(Global.d / self.group_no)
        group = []
        for i in range(self.group_no):
        lower = np.tile(Global.lower, (Global.N, 1))
        upper = np.tile(Global.upper, (Global.N, 1))
        w_lower = np.zeros((1, self.group_no))
        w_upper = np.ones((1, self.group_no)) * 2
        evaluated = 0
        evaluated = evaluated + Global.N
        front_no, max_front = nd_sort(population[1], np.inf)
        crowd_dis = crowding_distance(population[1], front_no)
        while evaluated < int(self.eva * self.delta):
            en1 = evaluated
            while evaluated < (self.t1 + en1):
                fit = np.vstack((front_no, -crowd_dis)).T
                mating_pool = tournament(2, Global.N, fit)
                pop_dec, pop_obj = population[0], population[1]
                parent = [pop_dec[mating_pool, :], pop_obj[mating_pool, :]]
                off_dec = Global.variation(parent[0],
                offspring = Global.individual(off_dec)
                evaluated = evaluated + Global.N
                print('Number of evaluation: %d, time %.2f' %
                      (evaluated, -start + time.clock()))
                population = [
                    np.vstack((population[0], offspring[0])),
                    np.vstack((population[1], offspring[1]))
                population, front_no, crowd_dis, _ = environment_selection(
                    population, Global.N)
            crowd_index = np.argsort(-crowd_dis)
            pop_dec, pop_obj = population[0], population[1]
            x_q = [
                pop_dec[crowd_index[:self.choose_no], :],
                pop_obj[crowd_index[:self.choose_no], :]
            k = 1
            sq = [
                np.tile(pop_dec, (self.choose_no + 1, 1)),
                np.tile(pop_obj, (self.choose_no + 1, 1))
            while k <= self.choose_no:
                x_dec = np.zeros((self.weight_size, Global.d))
                temp = x_q[0][k - 1, :]
                g_sort = np.argsort(temp)
                w = 2 * np.random.random((self.weight_size, self.group_no))
                for i in range(self.group_no):
                    group[i] = g_sort[int(g_size * i):int(g_size * (i + 1))]
                    x_dec[:, group[i]] = np.tile(
                        temp[group[i]], (self.weight_size, 1)) + self.p * (
                            np.tile(w[:, i].reshape(self.weight_size, 1),
                                    (1, g_size)) - 1) * np.tile(
                                        Global.upper[:, group[i]] -
                                        Global.lower[:, group[i]],
                                        (self.weight_size, 1))
                x_dec = np.maximum(np.minimum(x_dec, Global.upper),
                en2 = evaluated
                X = Global.individual(x_dec)
                evaluated = evaluated + x_dec.shape[0]
                w_front, _ = nd_sort(X[1], np.inf)
                w_crowd = crowding_distance(X[1], w_front)
                while evaluated < (self.t2 + en2):
                    fit = np.vstack((w_front, -w_crowd)).T
                    w_mating_pool = tournament(2, self.weight_size, fit)
                    w_offspring = Global.variation(w[w_mating_pool, :],
                                                   boundary=(w_lower, w_upper))
                    for i in range(self.group_no):
                        x_dec[:, group[i]] = np.tile(temp[group[i]], (self.weight_size, 1)) \
                                             * np.tile(w_offspring[:, i].reshape((self.weight_size, 1)), (1, g_size))
                    x_offspring = Global.individual(x_dec)
                    evaluated += self.weight_size
                    # X can be update or not update? Reference given not update
                    X, front_no, crowd_dis, next_label = environment_selection(
                            np.vstack((X[0], x_offspring[0])),
                            np.vstack((X[1], x_offspring[1]))
                        ], self.weight_size)
                    combine = np.vstack((w, w_offspring))
                    w = combine[next_label, :]
                s_dec = population[0].copy()
                for i in range(self.group_no):
                    s_dec[:, group[i]] = s_dec[:, group[i]] + self.p * (
                        np.ones((Global.N, g_size)) *
                        w[math.ceil(self.weight_size / 2), i] -
                        1) * (upper[:, group[i]] - lower[:, group[i]])
                s_pop = Global.individual(s_dec)
                evaluated = evaluated + s_dec.shape[0]
                print('Number of evaluation: %d, time %.2f' %
                      (evaluated, -start + time.clock()))
                sq[0][Global.N * (k - 1):Global.N * k, :] = s_pop[0][:, :]
                sq[1][Global.N * (k - 1):Global.N * k, :] = s_pop[1][:, :]
                k += 1
            sq[0][Global.N * self.choose_no:, :] = population[0]
            sq[1][Global.N * self.choose_no:, :] = population[1]
            population, front_no, crowd_dis, _ = environment_selection(
                sq, Global.N)
        while evaluated < self.eva:
            fit = np.vstack((front_no, -crowd_dis)).T
            mating_pool = tournament(2, Global.N, fit)
            pop_dec, pop_obj = population[0], population[1]
            parent = [pop_dec[mating_pool, :], pop_obj[mating_pool, :]]
            offspring = Global.individual(
                                 boundary=(Global.lower, Global.upper)))
            evaluated = evaluated + Global.N
            print('Number of evaluation: %d, time %.2f' %
                  (evaluated, -start + time.clock()))
            population = [
                np.vstack((population[0], offspring[0])),
                np.vstack((population[1], offspring[1]))
            population, front_no, crowd_dis, _ = environment_selection(
                population, Global.N)
        return population