def Search(item): sub_data = read_sub(item) #### Do whats needed to get the list of subtitles from service site #### use item["some_property"] that was set earlier #### once done, set xbmcgui.ListItem() below and pass it to xbmcplugin.addDirectoryItem() if sub_data != None: log_my(sub_data) for it in sub_data: listitem = xbmcgui.ListItem(label=it['id'], # language name for the found subtitle label2=get_info(it), # file name for the found subtitle iconImage=str(int(round(float(it['rating'])))), # rating for the subtitle, string 0-5 thumbnailImage="bg" # language flag, ISO_639_1 language + gif extention, e.g - "en.gif" ) listitem.setProperty( "sync", '{0}'.format("false").lower() ) # set to "true" if subtitle is matched by hash, # indicates that sub is 100 Comaptible listitem.setProperty( "hearing_imp", '{0}'.format("false").lower() ) # set to "true" if subtitle is for hearing impared ## below arguments are optional, it can be used to pass any info needed in download function ## anything after "action=download&" will be sent to addon once user clicks listed subtitle to downlaod url = "plugin://%s/?action=download&link=%s&ID=%s&filename=%s" % (__scriptid__, it['url'], it['id'], "filename of the subtitle") ## add it to list, this can be done as many times as needed for all subtitles found xbmcplugin.addDirectoryItem(handle=int(sys.argv[1]),url=url,listitem=listitem,isFolder=False) Notify('Server', 'ok') else: Notify('Server', 'error')
def Search(item): it = [] _item = dict(item) it.append(item) _item['title'], _item['year'] = xbmc.getCleanMovieTitle(item['title']) it.append(_item) sub_data = read_sub(*it) #### Do whats needed to get the list of subtitles from service site #### use item["some_property"] that was set earlier #### once done, set xbmcgui.ListItem() below and pass it to xbmcplugin.addDirectoryItem() if sub_data != None: log_my(sub_data) for it in sub_data: listitem = xbmcgui.ListItem( label=it['id'], # language name for the found subtitle label2=get_info(it), # file name for the found subtitle iconImage=str(int(round(float( it['rating'])))), # rating for the subtitle, string 0-5 thumbnailImage= "bg" # language flag, ISO_639_1 language + gif extention, e.g - "en.gif" ) listitem.setProperty("sync", '{0}'.format("false").lower( )) # set to "true" if subtitle is matched by hash, # indicates that sub is 100 Comaptible listitem.setProperty("hearing_imp", '{0}'.format("false").lower( )) # set to "true" if subtitle is for hearing impared ## below arguments are optional, it can be used to pass any info needed in download function ## anything after "action=download&" will be sent to addon once user clicks listed subtitle to downlaod url = "plugin://%s/?action=download&link=%s&ID=%s&filename=%s" % ( __scriptid__, it['url'], it['id'], "filename of the subtitle") ## add it to list, this can be done as many times as needed for all subtitles found xbmcplugin.addDirectoryItem(handle=int(sys.argv[1]), url=url, listitem=listitem, isFolder=False) Notify('Server', 'ok') else: Notify('Server', 'error')