Ejemplo n.º 1
def ptx_atomic_add_tuple(context, builder, sig, args):
    aryty, indty, valty = sig.args
    ary, inds, val = args
    dtype = aryty.dtype

    indices = cgutils.unpack_tuple(builder, inds, count=len(indty))
    indices = [context.cast(builder, i, t, types.intp)
               for t, i in zip(indty, indices)]

    if dtype != valty:
        raise TypeError("expect %s but got %s" % (dtype, valty))

    if aryty.ndim != len(indty):
        raise TypeError("indexing %d-D array with %d-D index" %
                        (aryty.ndim, len(indty)))

    lary = context.make_array(aryty)(context, builder, ary)
    ptr = cgutils.get_item_pointer(builder, aryty, lary, indices)

    if aryty.dtype == types.float32:
        lmod = cgutils.get_module(builder)
        return builder.call(nvvmutils.declare_atomic_add_float32(lmod), (ptr, val))
    elif aryty.dtype == types.float64:
        lmod = cgutils.get_module(builder)
        return builder.call(nvvmutils.declare_atomic_add_float64(lmod), (ptr, val))
        return builder.atomic_rmw('add', ptr, val, 'monotonic')
Ejemplo n.º 2
def ptx_atomic_add_tuple(context, builder, sig, args):
    aryty, indty, valty = sig.args
    ary, inds, val = args
    dtype = aryty.dtype

    indices = cgutils.unpack_tuple(builder, inds, count=len(indty))
    indices = [context.cast(builder, i, t, types.intp)
               for t, i in zip(indty, indices)]

    if dtype != valty:
        raise TypeError("expect %s but got %s" % (dtype, valty))

    if aryty.ndim != len(indty):
        raise TypeError("indexing %d-D array with %d-D index" %
                        (aryty.ndim, len(indty)))

    lary = context.make_array(aryty)(context, builder, ary)
    ptr = cgutils.get_item_pointer(builder, aryty, lary, indices)

    if aryty.dtype == types.float32:
        lmod = cgutils.get_module(builder)
        return builder.call(nvvmutils.declare_atomic_add_float32(lmod), (ptr, val))
    elif aryty.dtype == types.float64:
        lmod = cgutils.get_module(builder)
        return builder.call(nvvmutils.declare_atomic_add_float64(lmod), (ptr, val))
        return builder.atomic_rmw('add', ptr, val, 'monotonic')
Ejemplo n.º 3
def string_split_2(context, builder, sig, args):
    module = cgutils.get_module(builder)
    precomp_func = context._get_precompiled_function("StringSplitImpl")
    func = module.get_or_insert_function(
        precomp_func.type.pointee, precomp_func.name)
    fnctx_arg = context.get_arguments(cgutils.get_function(builder))[0]
    cfnctx_arg = builder.bitcast(fnctx_arg, func.args[0].type)
    [s, sep] = args
    maxsplit = context.get_constant_struct(builder, IntVal, -1)
    cs = _conv_numba_struct_to_clang(builder, s, func.args[1].type)
    csep = _conv_numba_struct_to_clang(builder, sep, func.args[2].type)
    cmaxsplit = _conv_numba_struct_to_clang(
        builder, maxsplit, func.args[3].type)
    # result is StringVal with an array of StringVals in the buffer
    array_as_lowered_struct = builder.call(
        func, [cfnctx_arg, cs, csep, cmaxsplit])
    array_as_struct = raise_return_type(
        context, builder, StringVal, array_as_lowered_struct)
    array_as_StringVal = StringValStruct(
        context, builder, value=array_as_struct)
    array_as_numba = context.make_array(sig.return_type)(context, builder)
    data_ptr = builder.bitcast(
        array_as_StringVal.ptr, array_as_numba.data.type)
    array_as_numba.data = data_ptr
    return array_as_numba._getvalue()
Ejemplo n.º 4
def _generic_array(context, builder, shape, dtype, symbol_name, addrspace,
    elemcount = reduce(operator.mul, shape)
    lldtype = context.get_data_type(dtype)
    laryty = Type.array(lldtype, elemcount)

    if addrspace == nvvm.ADDRSPACE_LOCAL:
        # Special case local addrespace allocation to use alloca
        # NVVM is smart enough to only use local memory if no register is
        # available
        dataptr = builder.alloca(laryty, name=symbol_name)
        lmod = cgutils.get_module(builder)

        # Create global variable in the requested address-space
        gvmem = lmod.add_global_variable(laryty, symbol_name, addrspace)

        if elemcount <= 0:
            if can_dynsized:    # dynamic shared memory
                gvmem.linkage = lc.LINKAGE_EXTERNAL
                raise ValueError("array length <= 0")
            gvmem.linkage = lc.LINKAGE_INTERNAL
            gvmem.initializer = lc.Constant.undef(laryty)

        if dtype not in types.number_domain:
            raise TypeError("unsupported type: %s" % dtype)

        # Convert to generic address-space
        conv = nvvmutils.insert_addrspace_conv(lmod, Type.int(8), addrspace)
        addrspaceptr = gvmem.bitcast(Type.pointer(Type.int(8), addrspace))
        dataptr = builder.call(conv, [addrspaceptr])

    return _make_array(context, builder, dataptr, dtype, shape)
Ejemplo n.º 5
 def imp(context, builder, sig, args):
     func = context.declare_function(cgutils.get_module(builder), fndesc)
     status, retval = context.call_function(builder, func, fndesc.restype,
                                            fndesc.argtypes, args)
     with cgutils.if_unlikely(builder, status.err):
         context.return_errcode_propagate(builder, status.code)
     return retval
Ejemplo n.º 6
 def imp(context, builder, sig, args):
     func = context.declare_function(cgutils.get_module(builder), fndesc)
     status, retval = context.call_function(builder, func, fndesc.restype,
                                            fndesc.argtypes, args)
     with cgutils.if_unlikely(builder, status.err):
         context.return_errcode_propagate(builder, status.code)
     return retval
Ejemplo n.º 7
def complex128_power_impl(context, builder, sig, args):
    [ca, cb] = args
    a = Complex128(context, builder, value=ca)
    b = Complex128(context, builder, value=cb)
    c = Complex128(context, builder)
    module = cgutils.get_module(builder)
    pa = a._getpointer()
    pb = b._getpointer()
    pc = c._getpointer()

    # Optimize for square because cpow looses a lot of precsiion
    TWO = context.get_constant(types.float64, 2)
    ZERO = context.get_constant(types.float64, 0)

    b_real_is_two = builder.fcmp(lc.FCMP_OEQ, b.real, TWO)
    b_imag_is_zero = builder.fcmp(lc.FCMP_OEQ, b.imag, ZERO)
    b_is_two = builder.and_(b_real_is_two, b_imag_is_zero)

    with cgutils.ifelse(builder, b_is_two) as (then, otherwise):
        with then:
            # Lower as multiplication
            res = complex_mul_impl(context, builder, sig, (ca, ca))
            cres = Complex128(context, builder, value=res)
            c.real = cres.real
            c.imag = cres.imag

        with otherwise:
            # Lower with call to external function
            fnty = Type.function(Type.void(), [pa.type] * 3)
            cpow = module.get_or_insert_function(fnty, name="numba.math.cpow")
            builder.call(cpow, (pa, pb, pc))

    return builder.load(pc)
Ejemplo n.º 8
    def get_constant_struct(self, builder, ty, val):
        assert self.is_struct_type(ty)
        module = cgutils.get_module(builder)

        if ty in types.complex_domain:
            if ty == types.complex64:
                innertype = types.float32
            elif ty == types.complex128:
                innertype = types.float64
                raise Exception("unreachable")

            real = self.get_constant(innertype, val.real)
            imag = self.get_constant(innertype, val.imag)
            const = Constant.struct([real, imag])
            return const

        elif isinstance(ty, types.Tuple):
            consts = [self.get_constant_generic(builder, ty.types[i], v) for i, v in enumerate(val)]
            return Constant.struct(consts)

        elif isinstance(ty, types.Record):
            consts = [self.get_constant(types.int8, b) for b in bytearray(val.tostring())]
            return Constant.array(consts[0].type, consts)

            raise NotImplementedError("%s as constant unsupported" % ty)
Ejemplo n.º 9
    def compile_internal(self, builder, impl, sig, args, locals={}):
        """Invoke compiler to implement a function for a nopython function
        cache_key = (impl.__code__, sig)
        fndesc = self.cached_internal_func.get(cache_key)

        if fndesc is None:
            # Compile
            from numba import compiler

            codegen = self.jit_codegen()
            library = codegen.create_library(impl.__name__)
            flags = compiler.Flags()
            cres = compiler.compile_internal(
                self.typing_context, self, library, impl, sig.args, sig.return_type, flags, locals=locals

            # Allow inlining the function inside callers.
            fndesc = cres.fndesc
            self.cached_internal_func[cache_key] = fndesc

        # Add call to the generated function
        llvm_mod = cgutils.get_module(builder)
        fn = self.declare_function(llvm_mod, fndesc)
        status, res = self.call_function(builder, fn, sig.return_type, sig.args, args)

        return res
Ejemplo n.º 10
def string_split_2(context, builder, sig, args):
    module = cgutils.get_module(builder)
    precomp_func = context._get_precompiled_function("StringSplitImpl")
    func = module.get_or_insert_function(precomp_func.type.pointee,
    fnctx_arg = context.get_arguments(cgutils.get_function(builder))[0]
    cfnctx_arg = builder.bitcast(fnctx_arg, func.args[0].type)
    [s, sep] = args
    maxsplit = context.get_constant_struct(builder, IntVal, -1)
    cs = _conv_numba_struct_to_clang(builder, s, func.args[1].type)
    csep = _conv_numba_struct_to_clang(builder, sep, func.args[2].type)
    cmaxsplit = _conv_numba_struct_to_clang(builder, maxsplit,
    # result is StringVal with an array of StringVals in the buffer
    array_as_lowered_struct = builder.call(func,
                                           [cfnctx_arg, cs, csep, cmaxsplit])
    array_as_struct = raise_return_type(context, builder, StringVal,
    array_as_StringVal = StringValStruct(context,
    array_as_numba = context.make_array(sig.return_type)(context, builder)
    data_ptr = builder.bitcast(array_as_StringVal.ptr,
    array_as_numba.data = data_ptr
    return array_as_numba._getvalue()
Ejemplo n.º 11
    def get_constant_struct(self, builder, ty, val):
        assert self.is_struct_type(ty)
        module = cgutils.get_module(builder)

        if ty in types.complex_domain:
            if ty == types.complex64:
                innertype = types.float32
            elif ty == types.complex128:
                innertype = types.float64
                raise Exception("unreachable")

            real = self.get_constant(innertype, val.real)
            imag = self.get_constant(innertype, val.imag)
            const = Constant.struct([real, imag])
            return const

        elif isinstance(ty, types.Tuple):
            consts = [
                self.get_constant_generic(builder, ty.types[i], v)
                for i, v in enumerate(val)
            return Constant.struct(consts)

        elif isinstance(ty, types.Record):
            consts = [
                self.get_constant(types.int8, b)
                for b in bytearray(val.tostring())
            return Constant.array(consts[0].type, consts)

            raise NotImplementedError("%s as constant unsupported" % ty)
Ejemplo n.º 12
    def compile_internal(self, builder, impl, sig, args, locals={}):
        """Invoke compiler to implement a function for a nopython function
        cache_key = (impl.__code__, sig)
        fndesc = self.cached_internal_func.get(cache_key)

        if fndesc is None:
            # Compile
            cres = numba.compiler.compile_internal(self.typing_context, self,
                                                   impl, sig.args,
            llvm_func = cres.llvm_func
            # Set to linkonce one-definition-rule so that the function
            # is removed once it is linked.
            llvm_func.linkage = lc.LINKAGE_LINKONCE_ODR
            fndesc = cres.fndesc

            self.cached_internal_func[cache_key] = fndesc

        # Add call to the generated function
        llvm_mod = cgutils.get_module(builder)
        fn = self.declare_function(llvm_mod, fndesc)
        status, res = self.call_function(builder, fn, sig.return_type,
                                         sig.args, args)

        return res
Ejemplo n.º 13
def _generic_array(context, builder, shape, dtype, symbol_name, addrspace,
    elemcount = reduce(operator.mul, shape)
    lldtype = context.get_data_type(dtype)
    laryty = Type.array(lldtype, elemcount)

    if addrspace == nvvm.ADDRSPACE_LOCAL:
        # Special case local addrespace allocation to use alloca
        # NVVM is smart enough to only use local memory if no register is
        # available
        dataptr = builder.alloca(laryty, name=symbol_name)
        lmod = cgutils.get_module(builder)

        # Create global variable in the requested address-space
        gvmem = lmod.add_global_variable(laryty, symbol_name, addrspace)

        if elemcount <= 0:
            if can_dynsized:    # dynamic shared memory
                gvmem.linkage = lc.LINKAGE_EXTERNAL
                raise ValueError("array length <= 0")
            gvmem.linkage = lc.LINKAGE_INTERNAL
            gvmem.initializer = lc.Constant.undef(laryty)

        if dtype not in types.number_domain:
            raise TypeError("unsupported type: %s" % dtype)

        # Convert to generic address-space
        conv = nvvmutils.insert_addrspace_conv(lmod, Type.int(8), addrspace)
        addrspaceptr = gvmem.bitcast(Type.pointer(Type.int(8), addrspace))
        dataptr = builder.call(conv, [addrspaceptr])

    return _make_array(context, builder, dataptr, dtype, shape)
Ejemplo n.º 14
 def core(context, builder, sig, args):
     assert sig.return_type == types.boolean, nvname
     fty = context.get_value_type(ty)
     lmod = cgutils.get_module(builder)
     fnty = Type.function(Type.int(), [fty])
     fn = lmod.get_or_insert_function(fnty, name=nvname)
     result = builder.call(fn, args)
     return context.cast(builder, result, types.int32, types.boolean)
Ejemplo n.º 15
def atan2_f64_impl(context, builder, sig, args):
    assert len(args) == 2
    mod = cgutils.get_module(builder)
    fnty = Type.function(Type.double(), [Type.double(), Type.double()])
    # Workaround atan2() issues under Windows
    fname = "atan2_fixed" if sys.platform == "win32" else "atan2"
    fn = mod.get_or_insert_function(fnty, name=fname)
    return builder.call(fn, args)
Ejemplo n.º 16
def ptx_syncthreads(context, builder, sig, args):
    assert not args
    fname = 'llvm.nvvm.barrier0'
    lmod = cgutils.get_module(builder)
    fnty = Type.function(Type.void(), ())
    sync = lmod.get_or_insert_function(fnty, name=fname)
    builder.call(sync, ())
    return context.get_dummy_value()
Ejemplo n.º 17
def getitem_stringval(context, builder, sig, args):
    module = cgutils.get_module(builder)
    precomp_func = context._get_precompiled_function("GetItemStringValImpl")
    func = module.get_or_insert_function(precomp_func.type.pointee, precomp_func.name)
    [s, i] = args
    cs = _conv_numba_struct_to_clang(builder, s, func.args[0].type)
    result = builder.call(func, [cs, i])
    return raise_return_type(context, builder, StringVal, result)
Ejemplo n.º 18
def ptx_syncthreads(context, builder, sig, args):
    assert not args
    fname = 'llvm.nvvm.barrier0'
    lmod = cgutils.get_module(builder)
    fnty = Type.function(Type.void(), ())
    sync = lmod.get_or_insert_function(fnty, name=fname)
    builder.call(sync, ())
    return context.get_dummy_value()
Ejemplo n.º 19
 def nrt_meminfo_data(self, builder, meminfo):
     if not self.enable_nrt:
         raise Exception("Require NRT")
     mod = cgutils.get_module(builder)
     voidptr = llvmir.IntType(8).as_pointer()
     fnty = llvmir.FunctionType(voidptr, [voidptr])
     fn = mod.get_or_insert_function(fnty, name="NRT_MemInfo_data")
     return builder.call(fn, [meminfo])
Ejemplo n.º 20
 def nrt_meminfo_alloc(self, builder, size):
     if not self.enable_nrt:
         raise Exception("Require NRT")
     mod = cgutils.get_module(builder)
     fnty = llvmir.FunctionType(llvmir.IntType(8).as_pointer(),
     fn = mod.get_or_insert_function(fnty, name="NRT_MemInfo_alloc_safe")
     return builder.call(fn, [size])
Ejemplo n.º 21
 def core(context, builder, sig, args):
     assert sig.return_type == types.boolean, nvname
     fty = context.get_value_type(ty)
     lmod = cgutils.get_module(builder)
     fnty = Type.function(Type.int(), [fty])
     fn = lmod.get_or_insert_function(fnty, name=nvname)
     result = builder.call(fn, args)
     return context.cast(builder, result, types.int32, types.boolean)
Ejemplo n.º 22
def atan2_f64_impl(context, builder, sig, args):
    assert len(args) == 2
    mod = cgutils.get_module(builder)
    fnty = Type.function(Type.double(), [Type.double(), Type.double()])
    # Workaround atan2() issues under Windows
    fname = "atan2_fixed" if sys.platform == "win32" else "atan2"
    fn = mod.get_or_insert_function(fnty, name=fname)
    return builder.call(fn, args)
Ejemplo n.º 23
def getitem_stringval(context, builder, sig, args):
    module = cgutils.get_module(builder)
    precomp_func = context.precompiled_fns["GetItemStringValImpl"]
    func = module.get_or_insert_function(precomp_func.type.pointee,
    [s, i] = args
    cs = _conv_numba_struct_to_clang(builder, s, func.args[0].type)
    result = builder.call(func, [cs, i])
    return _raise_return_type(context, builder, StringVal, result)
Ejemplo n.º 24
def real_power_impl(context, builder, sig, args):
    x, y = args
    module = cgutils.get_module(builder)
    if context.implement_powi_as_math_call:
        imp = context.get_function(math.pow, sig)
        return imp(builder, args)
        fn = lc.Function.intrinsic(module, lc.INTR_POW, [y.type])
        return builder.call(fn, (x, y))
Ejemplo n.º 25
 def get_constant_string(self, builder, ty, val):
     assert ty == ntypes.string
     literal = lc.Constant.stringz(val)
     gv = cgutils.get_module(builder).add_global_variable(literal.type, 'str_literal')
     gv.linkage = lc.LINKAGE_PRIVATE
     gv.initializer = literal
     gv.global_constant = True
     # gep gets pointer to first element of the constant byte array
     return gv.gep([lc.Constant.int(lc.Type.int(32), 0)] * 2)
Ejemplo n.º 26
def eq_stringval(context, builder, sig, args):
    module = cgutils.get_module(builder)
    precomp_func = context._get_precompiled_function("EqStringValImpl")
    func = module.get_or_insert_function(precomp_func.type.pointee, precomp_func.name)
    [s1, s2] = args
    cs1 = _conv_numba_struct_to_clang(builder, s1, func.args[0].type)
    cs2 = _conv_numba_struct_to_clang(builder, s2, func.args[1].type)
    result = builder.call(func, [cs1, cs2])
    return result # ret bool so no need to raise type
Ejemplo n.º 27
 def core(context, builder, sig, args):
     [base, pow] = args
     [basety, powty] = sig.args
     lmod = cgutils.get_module(builder)
     fty = context.get_value_type(basety)
     ity = context.get_value_type(types.int32)
     fnty = Type.function(fty, [fty, ity])
     fn = lmod.get_or_insert_function(fnty, name=nvname)
     return builder.call(fn, [base, pow])
Ejemplo n.º 28
def int_upower_impl(context, builder, sig, args):
    module = cgutils.get_module(builder)
    x, y = args
    if y.type.width > 32:
        y = builder.trunc(y, Type.int(32))
    elif y.type.width < 32:
        y = builder.zext(y, Type.int(32))
    powerfn = lc.Function.intrinsic(module, lc.INTR_POWI, [x.type])
    return builder.call(powerfn, (x, y))
Ejemplo n.º 29
def round_impl_f64(context, builder, sig, args):
    module = cgutils.get_module(builder)
    fnty = Type.function(Type.double(), [Type.double()])
    if utils.IS_PY3:
        fn = module.get_or_insert_function(fnty, name="numba.round")
        fn = module.get_or_insert_function(fnty, name="round")
    assert fn.is_declaration
    return builder.call(fn, args)
Ejemplo n.º 30
 def core(context, builder, sig, args):
     [base, pow] = args
     [basety, powty] = sig.args
     lmod = cgutils.get_module(builder)
     fty = context.get_value_type(basety)
     ity = context.get_value_type(types.int32)
     fnty = Type.function(fty, [fty, ity])
     fn = lmod.get_or_insert_function(fnty, name=nvname)
     return builder.call(fn, [base, pow])
Ejemplo n.º 31
def eq_stringval(context, builder, sig, args):
    module = cgutils.get_module(builder)
    precomp_func = context.precompiled_fns["EqStringValImpl"]
    func = module.get_or_insert_function(precomp_func.type.pointee,
    [s1, s2] = args
    cs1 = _conv_numba_struct_to_clang(builder, s1, func.args[0].type)
    cs2 = _conv_numba_struct_to_clang(builder, s2, func.args[1].type)
    result = builder.call(func, [cs1, cs2])
    return result  # ret bool so no need to raise type
Ejemplo n.º 32
def ldexp_impl(context, builder, sig, args):
    val, exp = args
    fltty, intty = map(context.get_data_type, sig.args)
    fnty = Type.function(fltty, (fltty, intty))
    fname = {
        "float": "numba_ldexpf",
        "double": "numba_ldexp",
    fn = cgutils.get_module(builder).get_or_insert_function(fnty, name=fname)
    return builder.call(fn, (val, exp))
Ejemplo n.º 33
def ldexp_impl(context, builder, sig, args):
    val, exp = args
    fltty, intty = map(context.get_data_type, sig.args)
    fnty = Type.function(fltty, (fltty, intty))
    fname = {
        "float": "numba_ldexpf",
        "double": "numba_ldexp",
    fn = cgutils.get_module(builder).get_or_insert_function(fnty, name=fname)
    return builder.call(fn, (val, exp))
Ejemplo n.º 34
def string_capitalize(context, builder, sig, args):
    module = cgutils.get_module(builder)
    precomp_func = context._get_precompiled_function("StringCapitalizeImpl")
    func = module.get_or_insert_function(precomp_func.type.pointee, precomp_func.name)
    fnctx_arg = context.get_arguments(cgutils.get_function(builder))[0]
    cfnctx_arg = builder.bitcast(fnctx_arg, func.args[0].type)
    [s] = args
    cs = _conv_numba_struct_to_clang(builder, s, func.args[1].type)
    result = builder.call(func, [cfnctx_arg, cs])
    return raise_return_type(context, builder, StringVal, result)
Ejemplo n.º 35
 def get_constant_string(self, builder, ty, val):
     assert ty == types.string
     literal = lc.Constant.stringz(val)
     gv = cgutils.get_module(builder).add_global_variable(
         literal.type, 'str_literal')
     gv.linkage = lc.LINKAGE_PRIVATE
     gv.initializer = literal
     gv.global_constant = True
     # gep gets pointer to first element of the constant byte array
     return gv.gep([lc.Constant.int(lc.Type.int(32), 0)] * 2)
Ejemplo n.º 36
 def implementer(context, builder, sig, args):
     [val] = args
     mod = cgutils.get_module(builder)
     lty = context.get_value_type(input_type)
     fnty = Type.function(lty, [lty])
     fn = mod.get_or_insert_function(fnty, name=extern_func)
     res = builder.call(fn, (val, ))
     if restype is None:
         return res
         return context.cast(builder, res, input_type, restype)
Ejemplo n.º 37
def add_stringval(context, builder, sig, args):
    module = cgutils.get_module(builder)
    precomp_func = context._get_precompiled_function("AddStringValImpl")
    func = module.get_or_insert_function(precomp_func.type.pointee, precomp_func.name)
    fnctx_arg = context.get_arguments(cgutils.get_function(builder))[0]
    cfnctx_arg = builder.bitcast(fnctx_arg, func.args[0].type)
    [s1, s2] = args
    cs1 = _conv_numba_struct_to_clang(builder, s1, func.args[1].type)
    cs2 = _conv_numba_struct_to_clang(builder, s2, func.args[2].type)
    result = builder.call(func, [cfnctx_arg, cs1, cs2])
    return raise_return_type(context, builder, StringVal, result)
Ejemplo n.º 38
def string_capitalize(context, builder, sig, args):
    module = cgutils.get_module(builder)
    precomp_func = context._get_precompiled_function("StringCapitalizeImpl")
    func = module.get_or_insert_function(precomp_func.type.pointee,
    fnctx_arg = context.get_arguments(cgutils.get_function(builder))[0]
    cfnctx_arg = builder.bitcast(fnctx_arg, func.args[0].type)
    [s] = args
    cs = _conv_numba_struct_to_clang(builder, s, func.args[1].type)
    result = builder.call(func, [cfnctx_arg, cs])
    return raise_return_type(context, builder, StringVal, result)
Ejemplo n.º 39
def ptx_atomic_add_intp(context, builder, sig, args):
    aryty, indty, valty = sig.args
    ary, ind, val = args
    dtype = aryty.dtype

    if dtype != valty:
        raise TypeError("expect %s but got %s" % (dtype, valty))
    if aryty.ndim != 1:
        raise TypeError("indexing %d-D array with 1-D index" % (aryty.ndim,))

    lary = context.make_array(aryty)(context, builder, ary)
    ptr = cgutils.get_item_pointer(builder, aryty, lary, [ind])

    if aryty.dtype == types.float32:
        lmod = cgutils.get_module(builder)
        return builder.call(nvvmutils.declare_atomic_add_float32(lmod), (ptr, val))
    elif aryty.dtype == types.float64:
        lmod = cgutils.get_module(builder)
        return builder.call(nvvmutils.declare_atomic_add_float64(lmod), (ptr, val))
        return builder.atomic_rmw('add', ptr, val, 'monotonic')
Ejemplo n.º 40
def add_stringval(context, builder, sig, args):
    module = cgutils.get_module(builder)
    precomp_func = context.precompiled_fns["AddStringValImpl"]
    func = module.get_or_insert_function(precomp_func.type.pointee,
    fnctx_arg = context.get_arguments(cgutils.get_function(builder))[0]
    cfnctx_arg = builder.bitcast(fnctx_arg, func.args[0].type)
    [s1, s2] = args
    cs1 = _conv_numba_struct_to_clang(builder, s1, func.args[1].type)
    cs2 = _conv_numba_struct_to_clang(builder, s2, func.args[2].type)
    result = builder.call(func, [cfnctx_arg, cs1, cs2])
    return _raise_return_type(context, builder, StringVal, result)
Ejemplo n.º 41
 def implementer(context, builder, sig, args):
     [val] = args
     mod = cgutils.get_module(builder)
     lty = context.get_value_type(input_type)
     fnty = Type.function(lty, [lty])
     fn = mod.get_or_insert_function(fnty, name=extern_func)
     res = builder.call(fn, (val,))
     if restype is None:
         return res
         return context.cast(builder, res, input_type,
Ejemplo n.º 42
def ptx_atomic_add_intp(context, builder, sig, args):
    aryty, indty, valty = sig.args
    ary, ind, val = args
    dtype = aryty.dtype

    if dtype != valty:
        raise TypeError("expect %s but got %s" % (dtype, valty))
    if aryty.ndim != 1:
        raise TypeError("indexing %d-D array with 1-D index" % (aryty.ndim,))

    lary = context.make_array(aryty)(context, builder, ary)
    ptr = cgutils.get_item_pointer(builder, aryty, lary, [ind])

    if aryty.dtype == types.float32:
        lmod = cgutils.get_module(builder)
        return builder.call(nvvmutils.declare_atomic_add_float32(lmod), (ptr, val))
    elif aryty.dtype == types.float64:
        lmod = cgutils.get_module(builder)
        return builder.call(nvvmutils.declare_atomic_add_float64(lmod), (ptr, val))
        return builder.atomic_rmw('add', ptr, val, 'monotonic')
Ejemplo n.º 43
def ptx_cmem_arylike(context, builder, sig, args):
    lmod = cgutils.get_module(builder)
    [arr] = args
    flat = arr.flatten(order='A')
    aryty = sig.return_type
    dtype = aryty.dtype

    if isinstance(dtype, types.Complex):
        elemtype = (types.float32
                    if dtype == types.complex64
                    else types.float64)
        constvals = []
        for i in range(flat.size):
            elem = flat[i]
            real = context.get_constant(elemtype, elem.real)
            imag = context.get_constant(elemtype, elem.imag)
            constvals.extend([real, imag])

    elif dtype in types.number_domain:
        constvals = [context.get_constant(dtype, flat[i])
                     for i in range(flat.size)]

        raise TypeError("unsupport type: %s" % dtype)

    constary = lc.Constant.array(constvals[0].type, constvals)

    addrspace = nvvm.ADDRSPACE_CONSTANT
    gv = lmod.add_global_variable(constary.type, name="_cudapy_cmem",
    gv.linkage = lc.LINKAGE_INTERNAL
    gv.global_constant = True
    gv.initializer = constary

    # Convert to generic address-space
    conv = nvvmutils.insert_addrspace_conv(lmod, Type.int(8), addrspace)
    addrspaceptr = gv.bitcast(Type.pointer(Type.int(8), addrspace))
    genptr = builder.call(conv, [addrspaceptr])

    # Create array object
    ary = context.make_array(aryty)(context, builder)
    kshape = [context.get_constant(types.intp, s) for s in arr.shape]
    kstrides = [context.get_constant(types.intp, s) for s in arr.strides]
                           data=builder.bitcast(genptr, ary.data.type),
                           shape=cgutils.pack_array(builder, kshape),
                           strides=cgutils.pack_array(builder, kstrides),

    return ary._getvalue()
Ejemplo n.º 44
def ptx_cmem_arylike(context, builder, sig, args):
    lmod = cgutils.get_module(builder)
    [arr] = args
    flat = arr.flatten(order='A')
    aryty = sig.return_type
    dtype = aryty.dtype

    if isinstance(dtype, types.Complex):
        elemtype = (types.float32
                    if dtype == types.complex64
                    else types.float64)
        constvals = []
        for i in range(flat.size):
            elem = flat[i]
            real = context.get_constant(elemtype, elem.real)
            imag = context.get_constant(elemtype, elem.imag)
            constvals.extend([real, imag])

    elif dtype in types.number_domain:
        constvals = [context.get_constant(dtype, flat[i])
                     for i in range(flat.size)]

        raise TypeError("unsupport type: %s" % dtype)

    constary = lc.Constant.array(constvals[0].type, constvals)

    addrspace = nvvm.ADDRSPACE_CONSTANT
    gv = lmod.add_global_variable(constary.type, name="_cudapy_cmem",
    gv.linkage = lc.LINKAGE_INTERNAL
    gv.global_constant = True
    gv.initializer = constary

    # Convert to generic address-space
    conv = nvvmutils.insert_addrspace_conv(lmod, Type.int(8), addrspace)
    addrspaceptr = gv.bitcast(Type.pointer(Type.int(8), addrspace))
    genptr = builder.call(conv, [addrspaceptr])

    # Create array object
    ary = context.make_array(aryty)(context, builder)
    kshape = [context.get_constant(types.intp, s) for s in arr.shape]
    kstrides = [context.get_constant(types.intp, s) for s in arr.strides]
                           data=builder.bitcast(genptr, ary.data.type),
                           shape=cgutils.pack_array(builder, kshape),
                           strides=cgutils.pack_array(builder, kstrides),

    return ary._getvalue()
Ejemplo n.º 45
def StringVal_ctor(context, builder, sig, args):
    [x] = args
    iv = StringValStruct(context, builder)
    _set_is_null(builder, iv, cgutils.false_bit)
    fndesc = lowering.ExternalFunctionDescriptor('strlen', ntypes.uintp,
    func = context.declare_external_function(cgutils.get_module(builder), fndesc)
    strlen_x = context.call_external_function(builder, func, fndesc.argtypes, [x])
    len_x = builder.trunc(strlen_x, lc.Type.int(32))
    iv.len = len_x
    iv.ptr = x
    return iv._getvalue()
Ejemplo n.º 46
def frexp_impl(context, builder, sig, args):
    val, = args
    fltty = context.get_data_type(sig.args[0])
    intty = context.get_data_type(sig.return_type[1])
    expptr = cgutils.alloca_once(builder, intty, name='exp')
    fnty = Type.function(fltty, (fltty, Type.pointer(intty)))
    fname = {
        "float": "numba_frexpf",
        "double": "numba_frexp",
    fn = cgutils.get_module(builder).get_or_insert_function(fnty, name=fname)
    res = builder.call(fn, (val, expptr))
    return cgutils.make_anonymous_struct(builder, (res, builder.load(expptr)))
Ejemplo n.º 47
def frexp_impl(context, builder, sig, args):
    val, = args
    fltty = context.get_data_type(sig.args[0])
    intty = context.get_data_type(sig.return_type[1])
    expptr = cgutils.alloca_once(builder, intty, name='exp')
    fnty = Type.function(fltty, (fltty, Type.pointer(intty)))
    fname = {
        "float": "numba_frexpf",
        "double": "numba_frexp",
    fn = cgutils.get_module(builder).get_or_insert_function(fnty, name=fname)
    res = builder.call(fn, (val, expptr))
    return cgutils.make_anonymous_struct(builder, (res, builder.load(expptr)))
Ejemplo n.º 48
    def call_internal(self, builder, fndesc, sig, args):
        """Given the function descriptor of an internally compiled function,
        emit a call to that function with the given arguments.
        # Add call to the generated function
        llvm_mod = cgutils.get_module(builder)
        fn = self.declare_function(llvm_mod, fndesc)
        status, res = self.call_conv.call_function(builder, fn, sig.return_type,
                                                   sig.args, args)

        with cgutils.if_unlikely(builder, status.is_error):
            self.call_conv.return_status_propagate(builder, status)
        return res
Ejemplo n.º 49
def StringVal_ctor(context, builder, sig, args):
    [x] = args
    iv = StringValStruct(context, builder)
    _set_is_null(builder, iv, cgutils.false_bit)
    fndesc = lowering.ExternalFunctionDescriptor('strlen', types.uintp,
    func = context.declare_external_function(cgutils.get_module(builder),
    strlen_x = context.call_external_function(builder, func, fndesc.argtypes,
    len_x = builder.trunc(strlen_x, lc.Type.int(32))
    iv.len = len_x
    iv.ptr = x
    return iv._getvalue()
Ejemplo n.º 50
    def nrt_decref(self, builder, typ, value):
        if not self.enable_nrt:
            raise Exception("Require NRT")

        members = self.data_model_manager[typ].traverse(builder, value)
        for mt, mv in members:
            self.nrt_decref(builder, mt, mv)

        meminfo = self.get_nrt_meminfo(builder, typ, value)
        if meminfo:
            mod = cgutils.get_module(builder)
            fnty = llvmir.FunctionType(llvmir.VoidType(),
            fn = mod.get_or_insert_function(fnty, name="NRT_decref")
            builder.call(fn, [meminfo])
Ejemplo n.º 51
    def compile_internal(self, builder, impl, sig, args, locals={}):
        """Invoke compiler to implement a function for a nopython function
        cache_key = (impl.__code__, sig)
        if impl.__closure__:
            # XXX This obviously won't work if a cell's value is
            # unhashable.
            cache_key += tuple(c.cell_contents for c in impl.__closure__)
        fndesc = self.cached_internal_func.get(cache_key)

        if fndesc is None:
            # Compile
            from numba import compiler

            codegen = self.jit_codegen()
            library = codegen.create_library(impl.__name__)
            flags = compiler.Flags()
            cres = compiler.compile_internal(self.typing_context,

            # Allow inlining the function inside callers.
            fndesc = cres.fndesc
            self.cached_internal_func[cache_key] = fndesc

        # Add call to the generated function
        llvm_mod = cgutils.get_module(builder)
        fn = self.declare_function(llvm_mod, fndesc)
        status, res = self.call_conv.call_function(builder, fn,
                                                   sig.return_type, sig.args,

        with cgutils.if_unlikely(builder, status.is_error):
            self.call_conv.return_status_propagate(builder, status)
        return res
Ejemplo n.º 52
    def make_constant_array(self, builder, typ, ary):
        assert typ.layout == 'C'  # assumed in typeinfer.py
        ary = numpy.ascontiguousarray(ary)
        flat = ary.flatten()

        # Handle data
        if self.is_struct_type(typ.dtype):
            # FIXME
            raise TypeError("Do not support structure dtype as constant "
                            "array, yet.")

        values = [
            self.get_constant(typ.dtype, flat[i]) for i in range(flat.size)

        lldtype = values[0].type
        consts = Constant.array(lldtype, values)

        module = cgutils.get_module(builder)

        data = module.add_global_variable(consts.type,
        data.linkage = lc.LINKAGE_INTERNAL
        data.global_constant = True
        data.initializer = consts

        # Handle shape
        llintp = self.get_value_type(types.intp)
        shapevals = [self.get_constant(types.intp, s) for s in ary.shape]
        cshape = Constant.array(llintp, shapevals)

        # Handle strides
        stridevals = [self.get_constant(types.intp, s) for s in ary.strides]
        cstrides = Constant.array(llintp, stridevals)

        # Create array structure
        cary = self.make_array(typ)(self, builder)
        cary.data = builder.bitcast(data, cary.data.type)
        cary.shape = cshape
        cary.strides = cstrides
        return cary._getvalue()
Ejemplo n.º 53
    def compile_internal(self, builder, impl, sig, args, locals={},
        """Invoke compiler to implement a function for a nopython function

        cache_key : hashable
            A hashable object to use as the key for caching.
            If it is `None`, no caching is performed.
        if cache_key is not None:
            # Caching is enabled
            fndesc = self.cached_internal_func.get(cache_key)
            # Caching is disabled
            fndesc = None

        if fndesc is None:
            # Compile
            cres = numba.compiler.compile_internal(self.typing_context, self,
                                                   impl, sig.args,
            llvm_func = cres.llvm_func
            # Set to linkonce one-definition-rule so that the function
            # is removed once it is linked.
            llvm_func.linkage = lc.LINKAGE_LINKONCE_ODR
            fndesc = cres.fndesc

            # Do cache if caching is enabled
            if cache_key is not None:
                self.cached_internal_func[cache_key] = fndesc

        # Add call to the generated function
        llvm_mod = cgutils.get_module(builder)
        fn = self.declare_function(llvm_mod, fndesc)
        status, res = self.call_function(builder, fn, sig.return_type,
                                         sig.args, args)

        return res
Ejemplo n.º 54
    def compile_internal(self, builder, impl, sig, args, locals={}):
        """Invoke compiler to implement a function for a nopython function
        cache_key = (impl.__code__, sig)
        fndesc = self.cached_internal_func.get(cache_key)

        if fndesc is None:
            # Compile
            from numba import compiler

            codegen = self.jit_codegen()
            library = codegen.create_library(impl.__name__)
            flags = compiler.Flags()
            cres = compiler.compile_internal(self.typing_context,

            # Allow inlining the function inside callers.
            fndesc = cres.fndesc
            self.cached_internal_func[cache_key] = fndesc

        # Add call to the generated function
        llvm_mod = cgutils.get_module(builder)
        fn = self.declare_function(llvm_mod, fndesc)
        status, res = self.call_function(builder, fn, sig.return_type,
                                         sig.args, args)

        return res
Ejemplo n.º 55
    def get_constant_struct(self, builder, ty, val):
        assert self.is_struct_type(ty)
        module = cgutils.get_module(builder)

        if ty in types.complex_domain:
            if ty == types.complex64:
                innertype = types.float32
            elif ty == types.complex128:
                innertype = types.float64
                raise Exception("unreachable")

            real = self.get_constant(innertype, val.real)
            imag = self.get_constant(innertype, val.imag)
            const = Constant.struct([real, imag])

            gv = module.add_global_variable(const.type, name=".const")
            gv.linkage = lc.LINKAGE_INTERNAL
            gv.initializer = const
            gv.global_constant = True
            return builder.load(gv)

            raise NotImplementedError(ty)
Ejemplo n.º 56
 def debug_print(self, builder, text):
     mod = cgutils.get_module(builder)
     cstr = self.insert_const_string(mod, str(text))
     self.print_string(builder, cstr)
Ejemplo n.º 57
def _prepare_call_to_object_mode(context, builder, func, signature, args, env):
    mod = cgutils.get_module(builder)

    thisfunc = cgutils.get_function(builder)
    bb_core_return = thisfunc.append_basic_block('ufunc.core.return')

    pyapi = context.get_python_api(builder)

    # Call to
    # PyObject* ndarray_new(int nd,
    #       npy_intp *dims,   /* shape */
    #       npy_intp *strides,
    #       void* data,
    #       int type_num,
    #       int itemsize)

    ll_int = context.get_value_type(types.int32)
    ll_intp = context.get_value_type(types.intp)
    ll_intp_ptr = Type.pointer(ll_intp)
    ll_voidptr = context.get_value_type(types.voidptr)
    ll_pyobj = context.get_value_type(types.pyobject)
    fnty = Type.function(
        [ll_int, ll_intp_ptr, ll_intp_ptr, ll_voidptr, ll_int, ll_int])

    fn_array_new = mod.get_or_insert_function(fnty, name="numba_ndarray_new")

    # Convert each llarray into pyobject
    error_pointer = cgutils.alloca_once(builder, Type.int(1), name='error')
    builder.store(cgutils.true_bit, error_pointer)
    ndarray_pointers = []
    ndarray_objects = []
    for i, (arr, arrtype) in enumerate(zip(args, signature.args)):
        ptr = cgutils.alloca_once(builder, ll_pyobj)

        builder.store(Constant.null(ll_pyobj), ptr)  # initialize to NULL

        arycls = context.make_array(arrtype)
        array = arycls(context, builder, ref=arr)

        zero = Constant.int(ll_int, 0)

        # Extract members of the llarray
        nd = Constant.int(ll_int, arrtype.ndim)
        dims = builder.gep(array._get_ptr_by_name('shape'), [zero, zero])
        strides = builder.gep(array._get_ptr_by_name('strides'), [zero, zero])
        data = builder.bitcast(array.data, ll_voidptr)
        dtype = np.dtype(str(arrtype.dtype))

        # Prepare other info for reconstruction of the PyArray
        type_num = Constant.int(ll_int, dtype.num)
        itemsize = Constant.int(ll_int, dtype.itemsize)

        # Call helper to reconstruct PyArray objects
        obj = builder.call(fn_array_new,
                           [nd, dims, strides, data, type_num, itemsize])
        builder.store(obj, ptr)

        obj_is_null = cgutils.is_null(builder, obj)
        builder.store(obj_is_null, error_pointer)
        cgutils.cbranch_or_continue(builder, obj_is_null, bb_core_return)

    # Call ufunc core function
    object_sig = [types.pyobject] * len(ndarray_objects)

    status, retval = context.call_conv.call_function(builder,
    builder.store(status.is_error, error_pointer)

    # Release returned object

    # At return block

    # Release argument object
    for ndary_ptr in ndarray_pointers:

    innercall = status.code
    return innercall, builder.load(error_pointer)