Ejemplo n.º 1
def box_dataframe(typ, val, c):
    context = c.context
    builder = c.builder

    col_names = typ.columns
    arr_typs = typ.data

    dataframe = cgutils.create_struct_proxy(typ)(context, builder, value=val)

    pyapi = c.pyapi
    # gil_state = pyapi.gil_ensure()  # acquire GIL

    mod_name = context.insert_const_string(c.builder.module, "pandas")
    class_obj = pyapi.import_module_noblock(mod_name)
    df_dict = pyapi.dict_new()

    arrays_list_objs = {}
    for cname, arr_typ in zip(col_names, arr_typs):
        # df['cname'] = boxed_arr
        # TODO: datetime.date, DatetimeIndex?
        name_str = context.insert_const_string(c.builder.module, cname)
        cname_obj = pyapi.string_from_string(name_str)

        col_loc = typ.column_loc[cname]
        type_id, col_id = col_loc.type_id, col_loc.col_id

        # dataframe.data looks like a tuple(list(array))
        # e.g. ([array(int64, 1d, C), array(int64, 1d, C)], [array(float64, 1d, C)])
        arrays_list_obj = arrays_list_objs.get(type_id)
        if arrays_list_obj is None:
            list_typ = types.List(arr_typ)
            # extracting list from the tuple
            list_val = builder.extract_value(dataframe.data, type_id)
            # getting array from the list to box it then
            arrays_list_obj = box_list(list_typ, list_val, c)
            arrays_list_objs[type_id] = arrays_list_obj

        # PyList_GetItem returns borrowed reference
        arr_obj = pyapi.list_getitem(arrays_list_obj, col_id)
        pyapi.dict_setitem(df_dict, cname_obj, arr_obj)


    df_obj = pyapi.call_method(class_obj, "DataFrame", (df_dict,))

    # set df.index if necessary
    if typ.index != types.none:
        index_obj = _box_index_data(typ.index, dataframe.index, c)
        pyapi.object_setattr_string(df_obj, 'index', index_obj)

    for arrays_list_obj in arrays_list_objs.values():

    # pyapi.gil_release(gil_state)    # release GIL
    return df_obj
Ejemplo n.º 2
def box_dataframe(typ, val, c):
    context = c.context
    builder = c.builder

    n_cols = len(typ.columns)
    col_names = typ.columns
    arr_typs = typ.data
    dtypes = [a.dtype for a in arr_typs]  # TODO: check Categorical

    dataframe = cgutils.create_struct_proxy(typ)(context, builder, value=val)
    col_arrs = [builder.extract_value(dataframe.data, i) for i in range(n_cols)]
    # df unboxed from Python
    has_parent = cgutils.is_not_null(builder, dataframe.parent)

    pyapi = c.pyapi
    # gil_state = pyapi.gil_ensure()  # acquire GIL

    mod_name = context.insert_const_string(c.builder.module, "pandas")
    class_obj = pyapi.import_module_noblock(mod_name)
    df_dict = pyapi.dict_new()

    for i, cname, arr, arr_typ, dtype in zip(range(n_cols), col_names, col_arrs, arr_typs, dtypes):
        # df['cname'] = boxed_arr
        # TODO: datetime.date, DatetimeIndex?
        name_str = context.insert_const_string(c.builder.module, cname)
        cname_obj = pyapi.string_from_string(name_str)

        if dtype == string_type:
            arr_obj = box_str_arr(arr_typ, arr, c)
        elif isinstance(arr_typ, Categorical):
            arr_obj = box_Categorical(arr_typ, arr, c)
            # context.nrt.incref(builder, arr_typ, arr)
        elif dtype == types.List(string_type):
            arr_obj = box_list(list_string_array_type, arr, c)
            # context.nrt.incref(builder, arr_typ, arr)  # TODO required?
            # pyapi.print_object(arr_obj)
            arr_obj = box_array(arr_typ, arr, c)
            # TODO: is incref required?
            # context.nrt.incref(builder, arr_typ, arr)
        pyapi.dict_setitem(df_dict, cname_obj, arr_obj)


    df_obj = pyapi.call_method(class_obj, "DataFrame", (df_dict,))

    # set df.index if necessary
    if typ.index != types.none:
        arr_obj = _box_series_data(typ.index.dtype, typ.index, dataframe.index, c)
        pyapi.object_setattr_string(df_obj, 'index', arr_obj)

    # pyapi.gil_release(gil_state)    # release GIL
    return df_obj
Ejemplo n.º 3
def _box_series_data(dtype, data_typ, val, c):

    if isinstance(dtype, types.BaseTuple):
        np_dtype = np.dtype(','.join(str(t) for t in dtype.types), align=True)
        dtype = numba.np.numpy_support.from_dtype(np_dtype)

    if dtype == string_type:
        arr = box_str_arr(string_array_type, val, c)
    elif isinstance(dtype, CategoricalDtypeType):
        arr = box_Categorical(data_typ, val, c)
    elif dtype == types.List(string_type):
        arr = box_list(list_string_array_type, val, c)
        arr = box_array(data_typ, val, c)

    if isinstance(dtype, types.Record):
        o_str = c.context.insert_const_string(c.builder.module, "O")
        o_str = c.pyapi.string_from_string(o_str)
        arr = c.pyapi.call_method(arr, "astype", (o_str, ))

    return arr