Ejemplo n.º 1
def unbox_unicodecharseq(typ, obj, c):
    lty = c.context.get_value_type(typ)

    ok, buffer, size, kind, is_ascii, hashv = \

    # If conversion is ok, copy the buffer to the output storage.
    with cgutils.if_likely(c.builder, ok):
        # Check if the returned string size fits in the charseq
        storage_size = ir.Constant(size.type, typ.count)
        size_fits = c.builder.icmp_unsigned("<=", size, storage_size)

        # Allow truncation of string
        size = c.builder.select(size_fits, size, storage_size)

        # Initialize output to zero bytes
        null_string = ir.Constant(lty, None)
        outspace = cgutils.alloca_once_value(c.builder, null_string)

        # We don't need to set the NULL-terminator because the storage
        # is already zero-filled.
        cgutils.memcpy(c.builder, c.builder.bitcast(outspace, buffer.type),
                       buffer, size)

    ret = c.builder.load(outspace)
    return NativeValue(ret, is_error=c.builder.not_(ok))
Ejemplo n.º 2
def unicode_to_bytes_cast(context, builder, fromty, toty, val):
    uni_str = cgutils.create_struct_proxy(fromty)(context, builder, value=val)
    src1 = builder.bitcast(uni_str.data, ir.IntType(8).as_pointer())
    notkind1 = builder.icmp_unsigned('!=', uni_str.kind,
                                     ir.Constant(uni_str.kind.type, 1))
    src_length = uni_str.length

    with builder.if_then(notkind1):
            builder, ValueError,
            ("cannot cast higher than 8-bit unicode_type to bytes", ))

    bstr = _make_constant_bytes(context, builder, src_length)
    cgutils.memcpy(builder, bstr.data, src1, bstr.nitems)
    return bstr
Ejemplo n.º 3
def charseq_to_bytes(context, builder, fromty, toty, val):
    bstr = _make_constant_bytes(context, builder, val.type.count)
    rawptr = cgutils.alloca_once_value(builder, value=val)
    ptr = builder.bitcast(rawptr, bstr.data.type)
    cgutils.memcpy(builder, bstr.data, ptr, bstr.nitems)
    return bstr