Ejemplo n.º 1
def get_refcount(typingctx, obj):
    """Get the current refcount of an object.

    FIXME: only handles the first object
    def codegen(context, builder, signature, args):
        [obj] = args
        [ty] = signature.args
        # A sequence of (type, meminfo)
        meminfos = []
        if context.enable_nrt:
            tmp_mis = context.nrt.get_meminfos(builder, ty, obj)
        refcounts = []
        if meminfos:
            for ty, mi in meminfos:
                miptr = builder.bitcast(mi, _meminfo_struct_type.as_pointer())
                refctptr = cgutils.gep_inbounds(builder, miptr, 0, 0)
                refct = builder.load(refctptr)
                refct_32bit = builder.trunc(refct, ir.IntType(32))
        return refcounts[0]

    sig = types.int32(obj)
    return sig, codegen
Ejemplo n.º 2
        def non_void_func(typingctx, a):
            sig = types.int32(types.int32)

            def codegen(context, builder, signature, args):
                pass  # oops, should be returning a value here, raise exception

            return sig, codegen
Ejemplo n.º 3
def omnisci_udtfmanager_error_message_(typingctx, mgr, msg):
    sig = types.int32(mgr, msg)

    target_info = TargetInfo()
    if target_info.software[1][:3] < (5, 9, 0):
        raise UnsupportedError(error_msg % (".".join(map(str, target_info.software[1]))))

    if not isinstance(msg, types.StringLiteral):
        raise TypeError(f"expected StringLiteral but got {type(msg).__name__}")

    def codegen(context, builder, signature, args):
        mgr_ptr = args[0]

        mgr_i8ptr = builder.bitcast(mgr_ptr, i8p)

        msg_bytes = msg.literal_value.encode('utf-8')
        msg_const = make_bytearray(msg_bytes + b'\0')
        msg_global_var = global_constant(
        msg_ptr = builder.bitcast(msg_global_var, i8p)

        fnty = ir.FunctionType(i32, [i8p, i8p])
        fn = irutils.get_or_insert_function(
            builder.module, fnty, "TableFunctionManager_error_message")

        return builder.call(fn, [mgr_i8ptr, msg_ptr])

    return sig, codegen
Ejemplo n.º 4
def table_function_error(typingctx, message):
    Return an error from a UDTF.

    ``message`` must be a string literal.
    if not isinstance(message, nb_types.StringLiteral):
        raise NumbaTypeError(f"expected StringLiteral but got {type(message).__name__}")

    def codegen(context, builder, sig, args):
        int8ptr = ir.PointerType(ir.IntType(8))
        fntype = ir.FunctionType(ir.IntType(32), [int8ptr])
        fn = irutils.get_or_insert_function(builder.module, fntype,
        assert fn.is_declaration
        msg_bytes = message.literal_value.encode('utf-8')
        msg_const = make_bytearray(msg_bytes + b'\0')
        msg_global_var = global_constant(builder.module, "table_function_error_message",
        msg_ptr = builder.bitcast(msg_global_var, int8ptr)
        return builder.call(fn, [msg_ptr])

    sig = nb_types.int32(message)
    return sig, codegen
Ejemplo n.º 5
def sizeof(typingctx, arg_type):
    """Return sizeof type."""
    if isinstance(arg_type, nb_types.TypeRef):
        arg_val_type = arg_type.key
    elif isinstance(arg_type, nb_types.Type):
        arg_val_type = arg_type
    sig = nb_types.int32(arg_type)

    def codegen(context, builder, signature, args):
        value_type = context.get_value_type(arg_val_type)
        size = context.get_abi_sizeof(value_type)
        return ir.Constant(ir.IntType(32), size)

    return sig, codegen
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def test_isinstance_numba_types(self):
        # This makes use of type aliasing between python scalars and NumPy
        # scalars, see also test_numba_types()
        pyfunc = isinstance_usecase_numba_types
        cfunc = jit(nopython=True)(pyfunc)

        inputs = ((types.int32(1), 'int32'), (types.int64(2), 'int64'),
                  (types.float32(3.0), 'float32'), (types.float64(4.0),
                  (types.complex64(5j), 'no match'), (typed.List([1, 2]),
                                                      'typed list'),
                  (typed.Dict.empty(types.int64, types.int64), 'typed dict'))

        for inpt, expected in inputs:
            got = cfunc(inpt)
            self.assertEqual(expected, got)
Ejemplo n.º 7
import math
import warnings

from numba.core.imputils import Registry
from numba.core import types
from numba.core.itanium_mangler import mangle
from .hsaimpl import _declare_function

registry = Registry()
lower = registry.lower

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

_unary_b_f = types.int32(types.float32)
_unary_b_d = types.int32(types.float64)
_unary_f_f = types.float32(types.float32)
_unary_d_d = types.float64(types.float64)
_binary_f_ff = types.float32(types.float32, types.float32)
_binary_d_dd = types.float64(types.float64, types.float64)

function_descriptors = {
    'isnan': (_unary_b_f, _unary_b_d),
    'isinf': (_unary_b_f, _unary_b_d),
    'ceil': (_unary_f_f, _unary_d_d),
    'floor': (_unary_f_f, _unary_d_d),
    'fabs': (_unary_f_f, _unary_d_d),
    'sqrt': (_unary_f_f, _unary_d_d),
    'exp': (_unary_f_f, _unary_d_d),
    'expm1': (_unary_f_f, _unary_d_d),
    'log': (_unary_f_f, _unary_d_d),
    'log10': (_unary_f_f, _unary_d_d),
Ejemplo n.º 8
def float_to_int(x):
    return types.int32(x)
def _dopileup(start_coords, end_coords, rightmost_coord: int32, scale: float32,
              baseline: float32):
    # build pileup
    # positions -> start positions of the constant region
    # values -> constant region value
    real_len = 0
    # reserve maxlen aot to save time
    ends_of_intervals = np.empty(2 * start_coords.size + 1, dtype=np.int32)
    values = np.empty(2 * start_coords.size + 1, dtype=np.float32)

    start_idx, end_idx = 0, 0

    pileup = int32(0)
    prev_coord = min(start_coords[start_idx], end_coords[end_idx])

    if prev_coord != 0:
        ends_of_intervals[real_len] = prev_coord
        values[real_len] = baseline
        real_len += 1

    total_read = start_coords.size
    while start_idx < total_read and end_idx < total_read:
        if start_coords[start_idx] < end_coords[end_idx]:
            coord = start_coords[start_idx]
            if coord != prev_coord:
                ends_of_intervals[real_len] = coord
                values[real_len] = max(pileup * scale, baseline)
                real_len += 1
                prev_coord = coord
            pileup += 1
            start_idx += 1
        elif start_coords[start_idx] > end_coords[end_idx]:
            coord = end_coords[end_idx]
            if coord != prev_coord:
                ends_of_intervals[real_len] = coord
                values[real_len] = max(pileup * scale, baseline)
                real_len += 1
                prev_coord = coord
            pileup -= 1
            end_idx += 1
            start_idx += 1
            end_idx += 1

    if end_idx < total_read:
        for i in range(end_idx, total_read):
            coord = end_coords[i]
            if coord != prev_coord:
                ends_of_intervals[real_len] = coord
                values[real_len] = max(pileup * scale, baseline)
                prev_coord = coord
                real_len += 1
            pileup -= 1
    assert pileup == 0

    # force intervals to occupy all space
    if ends_of_intervals[real_len - 1] < rightmost_coord:
        ends_of_intervals[real_len] = rightmost_coord
        values[real_len] = 0
        real_len += 1

    assert ends_of_intervals[real_len - 1] == rightmost_coord
    return ends_of_intervals[:real_len], values[:real_len]
Ejemplo n.º 10
def per_interval_max(ends_of_intervals, values, scale: float32,
                     baseline: float32):
    for p, v in zip(ends_of_intervals, values):
        assert p.size == v.size

    # 1. Make buffers for current intervals and results
    tracks = len(ends_of_intervals)
    track_nextind = np.zeros(tracks, dtype=np.int32)
    track_curent = np.empty(tracks, dtype=np.int32)
    track_curval = np.empty(tracks, dtype=np.float32)

    for track in range(tracks):
        track_curent[track] = ends_of_intervals[track][0]
        track_curval[track] = values[track][0]

    maxlength = int32(0)
    # sum(x.size for x in positions)
    for p in ends_of_intervals:
        maxlength += p.size
    res_ends = np.empty(maxlength, dtype=np.int32)
    res_values = np.empty(maxlength, dtype=np.float32)

    curval = max(baseline, np.max(track_curval))
    nextval = curval

    curend = min(track_curent)
    real_length = 0

    # ahead declaration of buffer to avoid memory allocation on each iteration
    to_drop = np.empty(tracks, dtype=np.int32)
    while tracks > 0:
        # 1. Next value is a max among present intervals and baseline value
        nextval = max(baseline, np.max(track_curval))

        # 2. End of the interval is a min among active intervals ends
        nextend = min(track_curent)

        # 3. Save interval if new value is encountered
        if nextval != curval:
            res_values[real_length] = curval * scale
            res_ends[real_length] = curend
            real_length += 1
            curval = nextval
        curend = nextend

        # 4. Push intervals if needed and drop finished intervals
        to_drop_total = 0
        for track in range(tracks):
            if track_curent[track] == nextend:
                nextind = track_nextind[track] + 1
                # finished interval
                if nextind == ends_of_intervals[track].size:
                    to_drop[to_drop_total] = track
                    to_drop_total += 1
                track_curent[track] = ends_of_intervals[track][nextind]
                track_curval[track] = values[track][nextind]
                track_nextind[track] = nextind

                # update max value for the current interval
                # if values[track][nextind - 1] == nextval:
                #     nextval = max(baseline, np.max(track_curval))
                # else:
                #     nextval = max(nextval, track_curval[track])

        if to_drop_total != 0:
            tracks -= to_drop_total
            indices = to_drop[:to_drop_total]
            track_curent = np.delete(track_curent, indices)
            track_curval = np.delete(track_curval, indices)
            track_nextind = np.delete(track_nextind, indices)

            for track in to_drop[:to_drop_total][::-1]:
                assert track < len(ends_of_intervals) and track < len(values) and \
                       len(ends_of_intervals) == len(values) and \
                       len(ends_of_intervals) > 0

    res_values[real_length] = curval * scale
    res_ends[real_length] = curend
    real_length += 1

    assert res_ends.size >= real_length
    return res_ends[:real_length], res_values[:real_length]