Ejemplo n.º 1
def getStoryline(number, title, sites: list = None, 无码=None):
    start_time = time.time()
    conf = config.getInstance()
    if not conf.is_storyline():
        return ''
    debug = conf.debug() or conf.storyline_show() == 2
    storyine_sites = conf.storyline_site().split(
        ',') if sites is None else sites
    unc = 无码 if isinstance(无码, bool) else is_uncensored(number)
    if unc:
        storyine_sites += conf.storyline_uncensored_site().split(',')
        storyine_sites += conf.storyline_censored_site().split(',')
    r_dup = set()
    sort_sites = []
    for s in storyine_sites:
        ns = re.sub(r'.*?:', '', s, re.A)
        if ns in G_registered_storyline_site and ns not in r_dup:
    apply_sites = [re.sub(r'.*?:', '', s, re.A) for s in sort_sites]
    mp_args = ((site, number, title, debug) for site in apply_sites)
    cores = min(len(apply_sites), os.cpu_count())
    if cores == 0:
        return ''
    run_mode = 1 if conf.storyline_mode() > 0 else 0
    with ThreadPool(cores) if run_mode > 0 else noThread() as pool:
        results = pool.map(getStoryline_mp, mp_args)
    sel = ''
    if not debug and conf.storyline_show() == 0:
        for value in results:
            if isinstance(value, str) and len(value):
                if not is_japanese(value):
                    return value
                if not len(sel):
                    sel = value
        return sel
    # 以下debug结果输出会写入日志
    s = f'[!]Storyline{G_mode_txt[run_mode]}模式运行{len(apply_sites)}个任务共耗时(含启动开销){time.time() - start_time:.3f}秒,结束于{time.strftime("%H:%M:%S")}'
    sel_site = ''
    for site, desc in zip(apply_sites, results):
        if isinstance(desc, str) and len(desc):
            if not is_japanese(desc):
                sel_site, sel = site, desc
            if not len(sel_site):
                sel_site, sel = site, desc
    for site, desc in zip(apply_sites, results):
        sl = len(desc) if isinstance(desc, str) else 0
        s += f',[选中{site}字数:{sl}]' if site == sel_site else f',{site}字数:{sl}' if sl else f',{site}:空'
    return sel
Ejemplo n.º 2
def core_main_no_net_op(movie_path, number):
    conf = config.getInstance()
    part = ''
    leak_word = ''
    leak = 0
    c_word = ''
    cn_sub = ''
    hack = ''
    hack_word = ''
    ext = '.jpg'
    imagecut = 1
    path = str(Path(movie_path).parent)

    if re.search('[-_]CD\d+', movie_path, re.IGNORECASE):
        part = re.findall('[-_]CD\d+', movie_path, re.IGNORECASE)[0].upper()
    if re.search(r'[-_]C(\.\w+$|-\w+)|\d+ch(\.\w+$|-\w+)', movie_path,
            re.I) or '中文' in movie_path or '字幕' in movie_path:
        cn_sub = '1'
        c_word = '-C'  # 中文字幕影片后缀
    uncensored = 1 if is_uncensored(number) else 0
    if '流出' in movie_path or 'uncensored' in movie_path.lower():
        leak_word = '-流出' # 流出影片后缀
        leak = 1

    if 'hack'.upper() in str(movie_path).upper() or '破解' in movie_path:
        hack = 1
        hack_word = "-hack"

    prestr = f"{number}{leak_word}{c_word}{hack_word}"
    fanart_path =  f"{prestr}-fanart{ext}"
    poster_path = f"{prestr}-poster{ext}"
    thumb_path =  f"{prestr}-thumb{ext}"
    full_fanart_path = os.path.join(path, fanart_path)
    full_poster_path = os.path.join(path, poster_path)
    full_thumb_path = os.path.join(path, thumb_path)
    full_nfo = Path(path) / f"{prestr}{part}.nfo"

    if full_nfo.is_file():
        if full_nfo.read_text(encoding='utf-8').find(r'<tag>无码</tag>') >= 0:
            uncensored = 1

    if not all(os.path.isfile(f) for f in (full_fanart_path, full_thumb_path)):

    cutImage(imagecut, path, fanart_path, poster_path, bool(conf.face_uncensored_only() and not uncensored))
    if conf.is_watermark():
        add_mark(full_poster_path, full_thumb_path, cn_sub, leak, uncensored, hack)
Ejemplo n.º 3
def getStoryline(number, title, sites: list=None):
    start_time = time.time()
    conf = config.getInstance()
    debug = conf.debug() or conf.storyline_show() == 2
    storyine_sites = conf.storyline_site().split(',') if sites is None else sites
    if is_uncensored(number):
        storyine_sites += conf.storyline_uncensored_site().split(',')
        storyine_sites += conf.storyline_censored_site().split(',')
    r_dup = set()
    apply_sites = []
    for s in storyine_sites:
        if s in G_registered_storyline_site and s not in r_dup:
    mp_args = ((site, number, title, debug) for site in apply_sites)
    cores = min(len(apply_sites), os.cpu_count())
    if cores == 0:
        return ''
    run_mode = conf.storyline_mode()
    assert run_mode in (0,1,2)
    with ThreadPool(cores) if run_mode == 1 else Pool(cores) if run_mode == 2 else noThread() as pool:
        result = pool.map(getStoryline_mp, mp_args)
    result = list(result) if run_mode == 0 else result
    if not debug and conf.storyline_show() == 0:
        for value in result:
            if isinstance(value, str) and len(value):
                return value
        return ''
    # 以下debug结果输出会写入日志,进程池中的则不会,只在标准输出中显示
    cnt = len(apply_sites)
    s = f'[!]Storyline{G_mode_txt[run_mode]}模式运行{cnt}个进程总用时(含启动开销){time.time() - start_time:.3f}秒,结束于{time.strftime("%H:%M:%S")}'
    first = True
    sel = ''
    for i in range(cnt):
        sl = len(result[i])if isinstance(result[i], str) else 0
        if sl and first:
            s += f',[选中{apply_sites[i]}字数:{sl}]'
            first = False
            sel = result[i]
        elif sl:
            s += f',{apply_sites[i]}字数:{sl}'
            s += f',{apply_sites[i]}:空'
    return sel
Ejemplo n.º 4
def core_main(file_path, number_th):
    conf = config.getInstance()
    # =======================================================================初始化所需变量
    multi_part = 0
    part = ''
    leak_word = ''
    c_word = ''
    cn_sub = ''
    liuchu = ''

    filepath = file_path  # 影片的路径 绝对路径
    # 下面被注释的变量不需要
    #rootpath= os.getcwd
    number = number_th
    json_data = get_data_from_json(number)  # 定义番号

    # Return if blank dict returned (data not found)
    if not json_data:

    if json_data["number"] != number:
        # fix issue #119
        # the root cause is we normalize the search id
        # print_files() will use the normalized id from website,
        # but paste_file_to_folder() still use the input raw search id
        # so the solution is: use the normalized search id
        number = json_data["number"]
    imagecut = json_data.get('imagecut')
    tag = json_data.get('tag')
    # =======================================================================判断-C,-CD后缀
    if '-CD' in filepath or '-cd' in filepath:
        multi_part = 1
        part = get_part(filepath)
    if '-c.' in filepath or '-C.' in filepath or '中文' in filepath or '字幕' in filepath:
        cn_sub = '1'
        c_word = '-C'  # 中文字幕影片后缀

    # 判断是否无码
    uncensored = 1 if is_uncensored(number) else 0

    if '流出' in filepath or 'uncensored' in filepath:
        liuchu = '流出'
        leak = 1
        leak_word = '-uncensored'  # 流出影片后缀
        leak = 0

    # 调试模式检测
    if conf.debug():

    # 创建文件夹
    #path = create_folder(rootpath + '/' + conf.success_folder(),  json_data.get('location_rule'), json_data)

    # main_mode
    #  1: 刮削模式 / Scraping mode
    #  2: 整理模式 / Organizing mode
    #  3:不改变路径刮削
    if conf.main_mode() == 1:
        # 创建文件夹
        path = create_folder(json_data)
        if multi_part == 1:
            number += part  # 这时number会被附加上CD1后缀

        # 检查小封面, 如果image cut为3,则下载小封面
        if imagecut == 3:
            small_cover_check(path, number, json_data.get('cover_small'),
                              leak_word, c_word, filepath)

        # creatFolder会返回番号路径
        image_download(json_data.get('cover'), number, leak_word, c_word, path,

        if not multi_part or part.lower() == '-cd1':
                # 下载预告片
                if conf.is_trailer() and json_data.get('trailer'):
                    trailer_download(json_data.get('trailer'), leak_word,
                                     c_word, number, path, filepath)
                # 下载剧照 data, path, filepath
                if conf.is_extrafanart() and json_data.get('extrafanart'):
                    extrafanart_download(json_data.get('extrafanart'), path,

        # 裁剪图
        cutImage(imagecut, path, number, leak_word, c_word)

        # 添加水印
        poster_path = os.path.join(path,
        thumb_path = os.path.join(path,
        if conf.is_watermark():
            add_mark(poster_path, thumb_path, cn_sub, leak, uncensored)

        # 移动电影
        paste_file_to_folder(filepath, path, number, leak_word, c_word)

        # 最后输出.nfo元数据文件,以完成.nfo文件创建作为任务成功标志
        print_files(path, leak_word, c_word, json_data.get('naming_rule'),
                    part, cn_sub, json_data, filepath, tag,
                    json_data.get('actor_list'), liuchu, uncensored)

    elif conf.main_mode() == 2:
        # 创建文件夹
        path = create_folder(json_data)
        # 移动文件
        paste_file_to_folder_mode2(filepath, path, multi_part, number, part,
                                   leak_word, c_word)
        poster_path = os.path.join(path,
        thumb_path = os.path.join(path,
        if conf.is_watermark():
            add_mark(poster_path, thumb_path, cn_sub, leak, uncensored)

    elif conf.main_mode() == 3:
        path = str(Path(file_path).parent)
        if multi_part == 1:
            number += part  # 这时number会被附加上CD1后缀

        # 检查小封面, 如果image cut为3,则下载小封面
        if imagecut == 3:
            small_cover_check(path, number, json_data.get('cover_small'),
                              leak_word, c_word, filepath)

        # creatFolder会返回番号路径
        image_download(json_data.get('cover'), number, leak_word, c_word, path,

        if not multi_part or part.lower() == '-cd1':
            # 下载预告片
            if conf.is_trailer() and json_data.get('trailer'):
                trailer_download(json_data.get('trailer'), leak_word, c_word,
                                 number, path, filepath)

            # 下载剧照 data, path, filepath
            if conf.is_extrafanart() and json_data.get('extrafanart'):
                extrafanart_download(json_data.get('extrafanart'), path,

        # 裁剪图
        cutImage(imagecut, path, number, leak_word, c_word)

        # 添加水印
        poster_path = os.path.join(path,
        thumb_path = os.path.join(path,
        if conf.is_watermark():
            add_mark(poster_path, thumb_path, cn_sub, leak, uncensored)

        # 最后输出.nfo元数据文件,以完成.nfo文件创建作为任务成功标志
        print_files(path, leak_word, c_word, json_data.get('naming_rule'),
                    part, cn_sub, json_data, filepath, tag,
                    json_data.get('actor_list'), liuchu, uncensored)
Ejemplo n.º 5
def core_main_no_net_op(movie_path, number):
    conf = config.getInstance()
    part = ''
    leak_word = ''
    leak = 0
    c_word = ''
    cn_sub = ''
    hack = ''
    hack_word = ''
    imagecut = 1
    multi = False
    part = ''
    path = str(Path(movie_path).parent)

    if re.search('-CD\d+', movie_path, re.IGNORECASE):
        part = re.findall('-CD\d+', movie_path, re.IGNORECASE)[0].upper()
        multi = True
    if re.search(
            r'[-_]C(\.\w+$|-\w+)|\d+ch(\.\w+$|-\w+)', movie_path, re.I
    ) or '中文' in movie_path or '字幕' in movie_path or ".chs" in movie_path or '.cht' in movie_path:
        cn_sub = '1'
        c_word = '-C'  # 中文字幕影片后缀
    uncensored = 1 if is_uncensored(number) else 0
    if '流出' in movie_path or 'uncensored' in movie_path.lower():
        leak_word = '-流出'  # 流出影片后缀
        leak = 1

    if 'hack'.upper() in str(movie_path).upper() or '破解' in movie_path:
        hack = 1
        hack_word = "-hack"

    prestr = f"{number}{leak_word}{c_word}{hack_word}"
    full_nfo = Path(path) / f"{prestr}{part}.nfo"
    if full_nfo.is_file():
        if full_nfo.read_text(encoding='utf-8').find(r'<tag>无码</tag>') >= 0:
            uncensored = 1
            nfo_xml = etree.parse(full_nfo)
            nfo_fanart_path = nfo_xml.xpath('//fanart/text()')[0]
            ext = Path(nfo_fanart_path).suffix
            if conf.download_actor_photo_for_kodi():
                actors_fullpath = full_nfo.with_name('.actors')
                actors_name = nfo_xml.xpath('//actor/name/text()')
                local_cnt = 0
                for actor_name in actors_name:
                    pic_fullpath = actors_fullpath / f'{actor_name}.jpg'
                    if conf.download_only_missing_images(
                    ) and not file_not_exist_or_empty(pic_fullpath):
                    if copy_from_local_gfriends(actor_name, pic_fullpath):
                        local_cnt += 1
                if local_cnt:
                        f"[+]Successfully link or copy {local_cnt} actor photo from local gfriends git repository"
    fanart_path = f"{prestr}-fanart{ext}"
    poster_path = f"{prestr}-poster{ext}"
    thumb_path = f"{prestr}-thumb{ext}"
    full_fanart_path = os.path.join(path, fanart_path)
    full_poster_path = os.path.join(path, poster_path)
    full_thumb_path = os.path.join(path, thumb_path)

    if not all(os.path.isfile(f) for f in (full_fanart_path, full_thumb_path)):

    cutImage(imagecut, path, fanart_path, poster_path,
             bool(conf.face_uncensored_only() and not uncensored))
    if conf.is_watermark():
        add_mark(full_poster_path, full_thumb_path, cn_sub, leak, uncensored,

    if multi and conf.jellyfin_multi_part_fanart():
        linkImage(path, number, part, leak_word, c_word, hack_word, ext)

    if conf.is_extrafanart():
Ejemplo n.º 6
def core_main(movie_path, number_th, oCC):
    conf = config.getInstance()
    # =======================================================================初始化所需变量
    multi_part = 0
    part = ''
    leak_word = ''
    c_word = ''
    cn_sub = ''
    liuchu = ''
    hack = ''
    hack_word = ''

    # 下面被注释的变量不需要
    #rootpath= os.getcwd
    number = number_th
    json_data = get_data_from_json(number, oCC)  # 定义番号

    # Return if blank dict returned (data not found)
    if not json_data:

    if json_data["number"] != number:
        # fix issue #119
        # the root cause is we normalize the search id
        # print_files() will use the normalized id from website,
        # but paste_file_to_folder() still use the input raw search id
        # so the solution is: use the normalized search id
        number = json_data["number"]
    imagecut = json_data.get('imagecut')
    tag = json_data.get('tag')
    # =======================================================================判断-C,-CD后缀
    if re.search('-CD\d+', movie_path, re.IGNORECASE):
        multi_part = 1
        part = re.findall('-CD\d+', movie_path, re.IGNORECASE)[0].upper()
    if re.search(r'[-_]C(\.\w+$|-\w+)|\d+ch(\.\w+$|-\w+)', movie_path,
                 re.I) or '中文' in movie_path or '字幕' in movie_path:
        cn_sub = '1'
        c_word = '-C'  # 中文字幕影片后缀

    # 判断是否无码
    unce = json_data.get('无码')
    uncensored = int(unce) if isinstance(unce, bool) else int(

    if '流出' in movie_path or 'uncensored' in movie_path.lower():
        liuchu = '流出'
        leak = 1
        leak_word = '-流出'  # 流出影片后缀
        leak = 0

    if 'hack'.upper() in str(movie_path).upper() or '破解' in movie_path:
        hack = 1
        hack_word = "-hack"

    # 调试模式检测
    if conf.debug():

    # 创建文件夹
    #path = create_folder(rootpath + '/' + conf.success_folder(),  json_data.get('location_rule'), json_data)

    cover = json_data.get('cover')
    ext = Path(cover).suffix
    fanart_path = f"{number}{leak_word}{c_word}{hack_word}-fanart{ext}"
    poster_path = f"{number}{leak_word}{c_word}{hack_word}-poster{ext}"
    thumb_path = f"{number}{leak_word}{c_word}{hack_word}-thumb{ext}"
    # main_mode
    #  1: 刮削模式 / Scraping mode
    #  2: 整理模式 / Organizing mode
    #  3:不改变路径刮削
    if conf.main_mode() == 1:
        # 创建文件夹
        path = create_folder(json_data)
        if multi_part == 1:
            number += part  # 这时number会被附加上CD1后缀

        # 检查小封面, 如果image cut为3,则下载小封面
        if imagecut == 3:
            small_cover_check(path, poster_path, json_data.get('cover_small'),
                              movie_path, json_data)

        # creatFolder会返回番号路径
        image_download(cover, fanart_path, thumb_path, path, movie_path,

        if not multi_part or part.lower() == '-cd1':
                # 下载预告片
                if conf.is_trailer() and json_data.get('trailer'):
                    trailer_download(json_data.get('trailer'), leak_word,
                                     c_word, hack_word, number, path,

                # 下载剧照 data, path, filepath
                if conf.is_extrafanart() and json_data.get('extrafanart'):
                    extrafanart_download(json_data.get('extrafanart'), path,
                                         number, movie_path, json_data)

                # 下载演员头像 KODI .actors 目录位置
                if conf.download_actor_photo_for_kodi():
                    actor_photo_download(json_data.get('actor_photo'), path,

        # 裁剪图
        cutImage(imagecut, path, fanart_path, poster_path,
                 bool(conf.face_uncensored_only() and not uncensored))

        # 添加水印
        if conf.is_watermark():
            add_mark(os.path.join(path, poster_path),
                     os.path.join(path, thumb_path), cn_sub, leak, uncensored,

        # 兼容Jellyfin封面图文件名规则
        if multi_part and conf.jellyfin_multi_part_fanart():
            linkImage(path, number_th, part, leak_word, c_word, hack_word, ext)

        # 移动电影
        paste_file_to_folder(movie_path, path, multi_part, number, part,
                             leak_word, c_word, hack_word)

        # 解压剧照压缩包
        if conf.is_extrafanart() and (not multi_part
                                      or part.lower() == '-cd1'):
                path)  # 这里有个小问题,如果影片只存在CD2不存在CD1,则不会解压缩,上面的-cd1条件也一样

        # 最后输出.nfo元数据文件,以完成.nfo文件创建作为任务成功标志
        print_files(path, leak_word, c_word, json_data.get('naming_rule'),
                    part, cn_sub, json_data, movie_path, tag,
                    json_data.get('actor_list'), liuchu, uncensored, hack_word,
                    fanart_path, poster_path, thumb_path)

    elif conf.main_mode() == 2:
        # 创建文件夹
        path = create_folder(json_data)
        # 移动文件
        paste_file_to_folder_mode2(movie_path, path, multi_part, number, part,
                                   leak_word, c_word, hack_word)
        if conf.is_watermark():
            add_mark(os.path.join(path, poster_path),
                     os.path.join(path, thumb_path), cn_sub, leak, uncensored,

    elif conf.main_mode() == 3:
        path = str(Path(movie_path).parent)
        if multi_part == 1:
            number += part  # 这时number会被附加上CD1后缀

        # 检查小封面, 如果image cut为3,则下载小封面
        if imagecut == 3:
            small_cover_check(path, poster_path, json_data.get('cover_small'),
                              movie_path, json_data)

        # creatFolder会返回番号路径
        image_download(cover, fanart_path, thumb_path, path, movie_path)

        if not multi_part or part.lower() == '-cd1':
                # 下载预告片
                if conf.is_trailer() and json_data.get('trailer'):
                    trailer_download(json_data.get('trailer'), leak_word,
                                     c_word, hack_word, number, path,

                # 下载剧照 data, path, filepath
                if conf.is_extrafanart() and json_data.get('extrafanart'):
                    extrafanart_download(json_data.get('extrafanart'), path,
                                         number, movie_path, json_data)

                # 下载演员头像 KODI .actors 目录位置
                if conf.download_actor_photo_for_kodi():
                    actor_photo_download(json_data.get('actor_photo'), path,

        # 裁剪图
        cutImage(imagecut, path, fanart_path, poster_path,
                 bool(conf.face_uncensored_only() and not uncensored))

        # 添加水印
        if conf.is_watermark():
            add_mark(os.path.join(path, poster_path),
                     os.path.join(path, thumb_path), cn_sub, leak, uncensored,

        # 兼容Jellyfin封面图文件名规则
        if multi_part and conf.jellyfin_multi_part_fanart():
            linkImage(path, number_th, part, leak_word, c_word, hack_word, ext)

        # 解压剧照压缩包
        if conf.is_extrafanart() and (not multi_part
                                      or part.lower() == '-cd1'):

        # 最后输出.nfo元数据文件,以完成.nfo文件创建作为任务成功标志
        print_files(path, leak_word, c_word, json_data.get('naming_rule'),
                    part, cn_sub, json_data, movie_path, tag,
                    json_data.get('actor_list'), liuchu, uncensored, hack_word,
                    fanart_path, poster_path, thumb_path)