Ejemplo n.º 1
def onemin(p, otherprimes, n = 1, primefact = None, num = None, den = None):
	"""Finds the minimum exponent with which a prime and the
rest of the primelist with infinite exponent is
abundant. The extra variables \'n\' and
\'primefact\' allow one to include a number
along with the prime and the prime list;
the other extra arguments are designed to
override the internal structure of this
function, thus allowing more efficient
calls in other functions, such as
	if num == None or den == None:	#if the programmer wants the computer to find out, or has omitted one variable
		num = reduce(lambda x, y: x*y, otherprimes, number_theory2.sigma(n, None, primefact))#see paper to see why
		den = reduce(lambda x, y: x*y, [x-1 for x in otherprimes], n)#see paper to see why
	q, r = (num*p)/(den*(p-1)), (num*p)%(den*(p-1))#The quotioent and the remainder are assigned
	if test(q, r, otherprimes == []): #if this has the potential of being abundant at all
		e = -1			#initiate exponent one below first necessary value
		q, r = 1, 0		#Give bogus initial values for quotient and remainder that will not pass "test"
		while not test(q, r, otherprimes == []):	#While we have not yet found the right exponent. . .
			e += 1					#Incrememnt the exponent by one from what it used to be
			x, y = number_theory2.sigma(1, None, [(p, e)]), p**e #These values are what are multiplied to num, den
			a, b = num*x, den*y 	#We must take above values into account in num and den now
			q, r = a/b, a%b 		#Reassign quotient and remainder correctly
		return [y, (p, e)]			#If we are done, this p**e (or y) has passed. We return it and prime fact.
	elif q == 2:		#if this is a perfect number in the infinite case (have yet to find one) . . .
		return ["infinity", (p, "infinity")]	#Our process will never end, but the infinite exponent checks out
	else:				#An exceptional case; no abundance whatsoever on the horizon
		print "error: always deficient"			#No reason to return anything; this is a bogus argument
Ejemplo n.º 2
def onemax(p, primelist, n = 1, primefactorization = None, num = None, den = None, hasinf = None):
	"""Finding the maximum exponent of that still generates
a deficient number (with n and with primelist)"""
	if num == None or den == None or hasinf == None:		#Works just like onemin, but with the extra detail of the infinite scenario.
		ndh = numdeninf(primelist, n = 1, primefactorization = None)
		ndh = [num, den, hasinf]
	a, b = ndh[0]*(p+1), ndh[1]*p
	q, r = a/b, a%b
	if test2(q, r, ndh[2]):
		a, b = ndh[0]*p, ndh[1]*(p-1)
		q, r = a/b, a%b
		if test2(q, r, True):			#The infinite case: we wish to avoid infinite loops
			return ["infinity", (p, "infinity")]
			e = 0 
			q, r = 1, 0
			while test2(q, r, ndh[2]):
				e += 1
				x, y = number_theory2.sigma(1, None, [(p, e)]), p**e 
				a, b = ndh[0]*x, ndh[1]*y 
				q, r = a/b, a%b 
			return [y/p, (p, e-1)]
		return None
Ejemplo n.º 3
def progmin(ordprimes, showfact = False):
	"""Progresive minimization, as in paper, starting with the first
prime of the list, returning a prim. ab. number.
Note: ORDER MATTERS. showfact, if True, will
show the prime factorization of the number
along with the number itself, the two in
a tuple."""
	c = ordprimes[:]			#This way, we will not modify "ordprimes" if we need it later
	z = len(c)					#It is easier here to use list.pop(0), rather than "for x in list"; thus, the index
	primefact = []				#Initiate one of the results
	n = 1						#initiate other of the results
	num = reduce(lambda x, y: x*y, ordprimes, 1)				#Initiate num with default value
	den = reduce(lambda x, y: x*y, [x-1 for x in ordprimes], 1)	#Initiate den with default value
	for i in range(z):			#The loop; we want to do what follows to all elements of c
		p = c.pop(0)			#Take out next prime; shorten remaining list to exclude said prime
		num /= p 				#No reason to include p in num anymore, as it is now an external prime
		den /= (p-1)			#Same as above
		r = onemin(p, c, n, primefact, num, den)			#Find the exponent of the prime
		primefact.append(r[1])	#This is one of the factors of n that we have found	
		n *= r[0]				#Ditto
		num *= number_theory2.sigma(r[0], None, [r[1]])		#Faster to build up num than recalculate sigma(n)
		den *= r[0]			#Seeing as we are building up, why not build den as well
	if showfact:		#If user wants the prime factorization, . . .
		return (n, primes2.remtriv(primefact))	#We return number AND prime factorization
	else:				#If not, . . .
		return n		#We assume they don't, and only return the number.
Ejemplo n.º 4
def numdeninf(primelist, n = 1, primefactorization = None):
	"""Returns the num, den, and hasinf for primelist, n, and
primefactorization. More convenient than retyping each time."""
	if n == "infinity":		#Not unlikely.
		hasinf = True		#Clearly
		nunum, nuden = 1, 1	#We need to start at the multiplicative identity and move on from there
		for x in primefactorization:
			if x[1] == "infinity":		#Not unlikely . . .
				nunum *= p 		#We use the limit behavior of the nu function (see paper)
				nuden *= (p-1)
				nunum *= number_theory2.sigma(1, None, [x])	#Otherwise, just treat this as a normal prime factorization
				nuden *= (x[0]**x[1])
		hasinf = False		#Clearly
		nunum, nuden = number_theory2.sigma(n), n	#No need to care about the limit scenario. 
	num = reduce(lambda x, y: x*y, [x+1 for x in primelist], nunum)		#Here, we are dealing with deficiency. For more detail, see paper
	den = reduce(lambda x, y: x*y, primelist, nuden)
	return [num, den, hasinf]	#What we are after
Ejemplo n.º 5
def hasabs(primelist, n = 1, primefactorization = None):
	"""As promised in the paper, here is a function to test whether or not
a set of primes is the (non-distinct) prime factorization for
any abundant or perfect numbers. The n here is the same as
in the paper; a number, none of whose factors are in primelist,
and with whose sigma it is needed to test the primitive abundance
of the set of primes."""
	numerator = reduce(lambda x, y: x*y,primelist,number_theory2.sigma(n, None, primefactorization))
	denominator = reduce(lambda x, y: x*y,[x -1 for x in primelist], n)
	q, r = numerator/denominator, numerator%denominator
	return test(q, r)
Ejemplo n.º 6
def progmax(ordprimes, showfact = False, shownumden = False):
	"""This function will find the deficient number
(possibly infinite) that comes about from
progressively maximizing the exponents of
ordprimes in the order given. It will
also return the nu value of the number
generated. On our way to finding the
maximum deficient number of a set of primes."""
	c = ordprimes[:]			#This way, we will not modify "ordprimes" if we need it later
	hasinf = False				#We assume no infinite exponents until we find them
	z = len(c)					#It is easier here to use list.pop(0), rather than "for x in list"; thus, the index
	primefact = []				#Initiate one of the results
	n = 1						#initiate other of the results
	num = reduce(lambda x, y: x*y, [x+1 for x in ordprimes], 1)	#Initiate num with default value
	den = reduce(lambda x, y: x*y, ordprimes, 1)				#Initiate den with default value
	for i in range(z):			#The loop; we want to do what follows to all elements of c
		p = c.pop(0)			#Take out next prime; shorten remaining list to exclude said prime
		num /= (p+1) 			#No reason to include p+1 in num anymore, as it is now an external prime
		den /= p				#Same as above
		r = onemax(p, c, n, primefact, num, den, hasinf)			#Find the exponent of the prime
		if r == None:			#If this was not deficient, ever . . .
			return None
		primefact.append(r[1])	#This is one of the factors of n that we have found	
		if r[0] == "infinity":	#Now, if we have found an infinite exponent, we need to be tricky
			hasinf = True		#First, we now know we are dealing with infinity
			n = "infinity"		#Likewise
			num *= p			#Look at the section on nu in paper
			den *= (p-1)		#Likewise
		else:				#Otherwise,
			if not hasinf:		#Unless we are already dealing with infinity,
				n *= r[0]		#We need to change the value of n
			num *= number_theory2.sigma(r[0], None, [r[1]])		#Faster to build up num than recalculate sigma(n)
			den *= r[0]			#Seeing as we are building up, why not build den as well
	result = (n, float(num)/den)
	if showfact:
		result += (primefact,)
	if shownumden:
		result += (num, den)
	return result