Ejemplo n.º 1
    def GetFlow(self):
        Calculating inlet flow (coefficients of the FFT  x(t)=A0+sum(2*Ck*exp(j*k*2*pi*f*t)))
        Timestep and period from SimulationContext are necessary.
            timestep = self.SimulationContext.Context['timestep']
        except KeyError:
            print "Error, Please set timestep in Simulation Context XML File"
            period = self.SimulationContext.Context['period']
        except KeyError:
            print "Error, Please set period in Simulation Context XML File"

        t = arange(0.0,period+timestep,timestep).reshape((1,ceil(period/timestep+1.0)))
        Cc = self.f_coeff*1.0/2.0*1e-6
        Flow = zeros((1, ceil(period/timestep+1.0)))
        for freq in arange(0,ceil(period/timestep+1.0)):
            Flow[0, freq] = self.A0_v
            for k in arange(0,self.f_coeff.shape[0]):
                Flow[0, freq] = Flow[0, freq]+real(2.0*complex(Cc[k,0],Cc[k,1])*exp(1j*(k+1)*2.0*pi*t[0,freq]/period))
        self.Flow = Flow
        return Flow
Ejemplo n.º 2
def find_distn(lgbinwidth, numlgbins, transient, N, M_t, M_i):
    totspkhist = zeros((numlgbins, 1))
    skiptime = transient * ms
    skipbin = int(ceil(skiptime / lgbinwidth))
    for i in xrange(numlgbins):
        step_start = (i) * lgbinwidth  #30*ms #
        step_end = (i + 1) * lgbinwidth  #30*ms #
        for j in xrange(N):
            #spks=where(logical_and(M[j]>step_start, M[j]<step_end))
            totspkhist[i] += len(M_i[logical_and(M_t > step_start,
                                                 M_t < step_end)])

    ###smooth plot first so thresholds work better
    totspkhist_smooth = reshape(
        totspkhist, len(totspkhist)
    )  #here we took out the actual smoothing and left it as raw distn.

    #create distn based on hist, but skip first skiptime to cut out transient excessive spiking
    if max(totspkhist_smooth[skipbin:]) > 0:
        totspkdist_smooth = totspkhist_smooth / max(
        totspkdist_smooth = totspkhist_smooth
    totspkhist_list = [val for subl in totspkhist for val in subl]
    return [totspkhist, totspkdist_smooth, totspkhist_list]
Ejemplo n.º 3
def plot_KLDiv_with_logscale(series):
    length = len(series)
    fig = plt.figure()
    ax = fig.gca()
    ax.set_xticks(np.arange(0, float(len(series))), 1)
    ymin = min(series)
    ymax = max(series)
    ymin = floor(ymin * 10) / 10
    ymax = ceil(ymax * 10) / 10
    ax.set_yticks(np.arange(ymin, ymax, 0.1))
    plt.axis([0, length - 1, ymin, ymax])
    fontProperties = {'family': 'sans-serif', 'sans-serif': ['Helvetica'],
                      'weight': 'normal', 'size': 20}
    rc('text', usetex=True)
    rc('font', **fontProperties)
    #     ax.set_xticklabels([r'$\frac{%d}{%d}$' % (i+1, length-i) for i in range(length)], fontProperties)
    a = plt.axes()  # plt.axis([0, length-1, ymin, ymax])

    c = CVALUE[COLORS[0]]
    m = MARKERS[0]
    plt.plot(list(range(len(series))), series, '-', marker=m, color=c, linewidth=2.5,
             markersize=12, fillstyle='full', label='Label')
    c = CVALUE[COLORS[1]]
    m = MARKERS[1]
    plt.plot(list(range(len(series))), series, '-', marker=m, color=c, linewidth=2.5,
             markersize=12, fillstyle='full', label='Label')

Ejemplo n.º 4
def plot_fscores(labels, series):
    length = max(list(map(len, series)))
    fig = plt.figure()
    ax = fig.gca()
    ax.set_xticks(np.arange(0, float(len(series))), 1)
    ymin = min(list(map(min, series)))
    ymax = max(list(map(max, series)))
    ymin = floor(ymin * 10) / 10
    ymax = ceil(ymax * 10) / 10
    ax.set_yticks(np.arange(ymin, ymax, 0.1))
    plt.axis([0, length - 1, ymin, ymax])
    fontProperties = {'family': 'sans-serif', 'sans-serif': ['Helvetica'],
                      'weight': 'normal', 'size': 20}
    rc('text', usetex=True)
    rc('font', **fontProperties)
        [r'$\frac{%d}{%d}$' % (i + 1, length - i) for i in range(length)],
    for i, [l, s] in enumerate(zip(labels, series)):
        c = CVALUE[COLORS[i]]
        plt.plot(list(range(len(s))), s, '-', marker=MARKERS[i], color=c,
                 linewidth=2.5, markersize=12, fillstyle='full', label=l)
Ejemplo n.º 5
        def calcPhonemeDurations(self):
            rule-based assignment of durations using Initial-Middle-final rules
            all consonant durations set to CONSONANT_DURATION 
            cofficinetTempo = 1
            if self.phonemes is None:
            if self.getNumPhonemes() == 0:
                sys.exit("syllable with no phonemes!")
            #copy to local var
            consonant_duration = ParametersAlgo.CONSONANT_DURATION
            # Workaraound: reduce consonant durationInMinUnit for syllables with very short note value. 
            while (self.getNumPhonemes() - 1) * consonant_duration >= self.durationInNumFrames:
                logger.warning("Syllable {} has very short durationInMinUnit: {} . reducing the fixed durationInMinUnit of consonants".format(self.text, self.durationInMinUnit) )
                consonant_duration /=2
            ## assign durations 
            initPhoneme = self.phonemes[0]
            finalPhoneme = self.phonemes[-1]
            if not initPhoneme.isVowel():  # initial is consonant
                initPhoneme.durationInNumFrames = consonant_duration

                if not finalPhoneme.isVowel():                 # final is consonant
                    finalPhoneme.durationInNumFrames = consonant_duration
                    # assign middle
                    for currPhoneme in self.phonemes[1:-1]:
                        currPhoneme.durationInNumFrames = (self.durationInNumFrames - 2 * consonant_duration) / len(self.phonemes[1:-1])
                else:   # final is vowel
                    dur = (self.durationInNumFrames - float(consonant_duration) ) / len(self.phonemes[1:])
                    ceilDur = int(ceil(dur))
                    # assign middle
                    for currPhoneme in self.phonemes[1:-1]:
                        currPhoneme.durationInNumFrames = ceilDur
                    finalPhoneme.durationInNumFrames = self.durationInNumFrames - (len(self.phonemes[1:-1]) * ceilDur)
            else: # initial is vowel
                if not finalPhoneme.isVowel(): 
                    finalPhoneme.durationInNumFrames = consonant_duration
                    # assign middle
                    for currPhoneme in self.phonemes[:-1]:
                        currPhoneme.durationInNumFrames = (self.durationInNumFrames -   consonant_duration) / len(self.phonemes[:-1])
                else:   # final is vowel
                    # assign middle
                    for currPhoneme in self.phonemes:
                        currPhoneme.durationInNumFrames = self.durationInNumFrames / len(self.phonemes) 
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def get_mean(self, frac=1):
        # frac between 0 and 1. 0 means take last element, 1 means take all, 5 means take half

        if frac <= 0:
            return list(self.samples)[-1]
        if frac >= 1:
            return np.mean(list(self.samples), 0)
        nr = int(max(1, ceil(len(self.samples) / frac)))
        return np.mean(list(self.samples)[-nr:], 0)
Ejemplo n.º 7
def get_selbins(grids, inds, c_pts, bbox):
  return np.minimum(  grids, 
    np.maximum(  1,
               (c_pts[inds,:] - 
               np.tile(np.matrix([bbox[0], bbox[1]]),(len(inds),1)))/ 
               np.tile(np.matrix([(bbox[2]-1)/grids, (bbox[3]-1)/grids]),(len(inds),1))
Ejemplo n.º 8
 def get_mean(self,frac=1):
     # frac between 0 and 1. 0 means take last element, 1 means take all, 5 means take half
     if frac<=0:
         return list(self.samples)[-1]
     if frac>=1:          
         return np.mean(list(self.samples),0)
     nr = int(max(1,ceil(len(self.samples)/frac)))
     return np.mean(list(self.samples)[-nr:],0)
Ejemplo n.º 9
        def calcPhonemeDurations(self):
            rule-based assignment of durations using Initial-Middle-final rules
            all consonant durations set to CONSONANT_DURATION 
            cofficinetTempo = 1
            if self.phonemes is None:
            if self.getNumPhonemes() == 0:
                sys.exit("syllable with no phonemes!")
            #copy to local var
            consonant_duration = ParametersAlgo.CONSONANT_DURATION
            # Workaraound: reduce consonant durationInMinUnit for syllables with very short note value. 
            while (self.getNumPhonemes() - 1) * consonant_duration >= self.durationInNumFrames:
                logger.warn("Syllable {} has very short durationInMinUnit: {} . reducing the fixed durationInMinUnit of consonants".format(self.text, self.durationInMinUnit) )
                consonant_duration /=2
            ## assign durations 
            initPhoneme = self.phonemes[0]
            finalPhoneme = self.phonemes[-1]
            if not initPhoneme.isVowel():  # initial is consonant
                initPhoneme.durationInNumFrames = consonant_duration

                if not finalPhoneme.isVowel():                 # final is consonant
                    finalPhoneme.durationInNumFrames = consonant_duration
                    for currPhoneme in self.phonemes[1:-1]:
                        currPhoneme.durationInNumFrames = (self.durationInNumFrames - 2 * consonant_duration) / len(self.phonemes[1:-1])
                else:   # final is vowel
                    dur = (self.durationInNumFrames - float(consonant_duration) ) / len(self.phonemes[1:])
                    ceilDur = int(ceil(dur))
                    for currPhoneme in self.phonemes[1:-1]:
                        currPhoneme.durationInNumFrames = ceilDur
                    finalPhoneme.durationInNumFrames = self.durationInNumFrames - (len(self.phonemes[1:-1]) * ceilDur)
            else: # initial is vowel
                if not finalPhoneme.isVowel(): 
                    finalPhoneme.durationInNumFrames = consonant_duration
                    for currPhoneme in self.phonemes[:-1]:
                        currPhoneme.durationInNumFrames = (self.durationInNumFrames -   consonant_duration) / len(self.phonemes[:-1])
                else:   # final is vowel
                    for currPhoneme in self.phonemes:
                        currPhoneme.durationInNumFrames = self.durationInNumFrames / len(self.phonemes) 
Ejemplo n.º 10
def generate_poisson_tex(params):
    seed = params.seed
    # TODO: select seed 
    length = params.length
    cell_size = params.cell_size
    sigma = params.smoothing_sigma
    intensity = params.intensity
    buffer_len = int(ceil(length / cell_size))
    cell_size = (1.0 * length) / buffer_len
    buffer = zeros(shape=(buffer_len,))
    def generate_inverted_colors_sequence(length):
        colors = zeros(shape=(length,)) 
        for i in range(length):
            colors[i] = i % 2
        return colors
    def generate_random_colors_sequence(length):
        return numpy.random.rand(length)
    events = generate_poisson_events(intensity, length)
    colors = generate_random_colors_sequence(len(events))
    current_event = 0
    for i in xrange(buffer_len):
        current_time = i * cell_size
        if current_event < len(events) - 1 and current_time > events[current_event]: # XXX
            current_event += 1
        buffer[i] = colors[current_event] 
    tail = 4 * sigma
    gaussian_filter_len = int(ceil(tail / cell_size)) 
    xcoord = linspace(-tail, tail, gaussian_filter_len)
    gaussian_filter = numpy.exp(-xcoord ** 2 / (2 * sigma ** 2))
    gaussian_filter = gaussian_filter / gaussian_filter.sum() 
    buffer = loop_convolve(buffer, gaussian_filter)
    return Texture(buffer=buffer, cell_size=cell_size)
Ejemplo n.º 11
def middleEdge(v,w,sigma = 5):
    n = len(v)
    m = len(w)
    m_mid = int(ceil(m/2))
    s = [-sigma*i for i in range(n)]
    for j in range(1,m_mid+1):
        s_back = s
        s = [0 for i in range(n) ]
        for i in range(1,n):
            sg = s_back[i-1] + blosum62[(v[i-1],w[j-1])]
            sd = s[i-1] - sigma
            sr = s_back[i] - sigma
            s[i] = max(sg,sd,sr)
    sm = -65535
    smi = 0
    for i in range(n):
        if s[i]>sm:
            sm = s[i]
            smi = i
    x = (smi,j)
    s_back = s
    for i in range(1,n):
        sg = s_back[i-1] + blosum62[(v[i-1],w[j-1])]
        sd = s[i-1] - sigma
        sr = s_back[i] - sigma
        s[i] = max(sg,sd,sr)
    sd = s_back[smi+1]
    sr = s[smi]
    sg = s[smi+1]
    s_max = max(sd,sg,sr)
    if s_max == sd:
        y = (smi+1,j)
    elif s_max == sr:
        y = (smi,j+1)
        y= (smi+1,j+1)

    return x,y
Ejemplo n.º 12
    def Solve(self):
        This method builds System Matrix and gets Solution
        if self.SimulationContext.Id != self.NetworkMesh.Id:
            raise self.SimulationContext.XMLIdError()
            self.TimeStep = self.SimulationContext.Context['timestep']
            self.SquareTimeStep = self.TimeStep*self.TimeStep
        except KeyError:
            print "Error, Please set timestep in Simulation Context XML File"
            self.Period = self.SimulationContext.Context['period']
            self.TimeStepFreq = int(self.Period/self.TimeStep)
        except KeyError:
            print "Error, Please set period in Simulation Context XML File"
            self.Cycles = self.SimulationContext.Context['cycles']
            self.NumberOfIncrements = (self.Cycles*self.TimeStepFreq)
        except KeyError:
            print "Error, Please set cycles number in Simulation Context XML File"

        history = []
        assembler = Assembler()
        info = {'dofmap':assembler.DofMap,'solution':None,'incrementNumber':self.IncrementNumber,'history':history}

        self.PrescribedPressures = assembler.AssembleBoundaryConditions(self.SimulationContext)

        self.LinearZeroOrderGlobalMatrix, self.LinearFirstOrderGlobalMatrix, self.LinearSecondOrderGlobalMatrix = \
        assembler.AssembleInit(self.SimulationContext, self.Evaluator)

        self.ZeroOrderGlobalMatrix = assembler.ZeroOrderGlobalMatrix
        self.FirstOrderGlobalMatrix = assembler.FirstOrderGlobalMatrix
        self.SecondOrderGlobalMatrix = assembler.SecondOrderGlobalMatrix

        NumberOfGlobalDofs = assembler.GetNumberOfGlobalDofs()          # number of dofs
        self.UnknownPressures = arange(0,NumberOfGlobalDofs).reshape(NumberOfGlobalDofs,1)          # unknown pressures
        self.UnknownPressures = delete(self.UnknownPressures, s_[self.PrescribedPressures[:,0]], axis=0)
        PressuresMatrix = zeros((NumberOfGlobalDofs, self.NumberOfIncrements))
        self.p = zeros((NumberOfGlobalDofs,1))
        self.pt = zeros((NumberOfGlobalDofs,1))
        self.ptt = zeros((NumberOfGlobalDofs,1))
        self.dp = zeros((NumberOfGlobalDofs,1))
        self.ddp = zeros((NumberOfGlobalDofs,1))
        self.dpt = zeros((NumberOfGlobalDofs,1))
        self.ddpt = zeros((NumberOfGlobalDofs,1))
        self.fe = zeros((NumberOfGlobalDofs,1))
        self.fet = zeros((NumberOfGlobalDofs,1))
        self.dfe = zeros((NumberOfGlobalDofs,1))
        self.dfet = zeros((NumberOfGlobalDofs,1))
        self.fi = zeros((NumberOfGlobalDofs,1))
        self.fit = zeros((NumberOfGlobalDofs,1))
        self.sumv = zeros((NumberOfGlobalDofs,1))
        sumvbk = zeros((NumberOfGlobalDofs,1))
        nonLinear = False
        for el in self.NetworkMesh.Elements:
            if el.IsNonLinear() == True:
                nonLinear = True

        while self.IncrementNumber<=self.NumberOfIncrements:
            icc = (self.IncrementNumber%self.TimeStepFreq)
            if icc == 0:
                icc = self.TimeStepFreq

            #for flow in self.BoundaryConditions.elementFlow:
            for el in self.BoundaryConditions.elementFlow:
              if self.steady == True:
                  self.Flow = assembler.BoundaryConditions.GetSteadyFlow(el, self.TimeStep,icc*self.TimeStep)
                  self.Flow = assembler.BoundaryConditions.GetTimeFlow(el, icc*self.TimeStep)
              self.fe[assembler.FlowDof[el.Id]]= self.Flow

            CoeffRelax = 0.9
            nltol = self.nltol
            self.pi = None
            pI = None
            sumvbk[:,:] = self.sumv[:,:]
            counter = 0
            while True:
                #Build the algebric equation system for the increment
                SystemMatrix = (2.0/self.TimeStep)*self.SecondOrderGlobalMatrix + self.FirstOrderGlobalMatrix + (self.TimeStep/2.0)*self.ZeroOrderGlobalMatrix    #system matrix
                RightVector = self.fe + (2.0/self.TimeStep)*dot(self.SecondOrderGlobalMatrix,(self.pt)) + dot(self.SecondOrderGlobalMatrix,(self.dpt)) - dot(self.ZeroOrderGlobalMatrix,(self.sumv))-(self.TimeStep/2.0)*dot(self.ZeroOrderGlobalMatrix,(self.pt)) # right hand side vector
                #The reduced (partioned) system of equations is generated.
                RightVector[:,:] = RightVector[:,:] - dot(SystemMatrix[:,self.PrescribedPressures[:,0]],self.PrescribedPressures[:,1:])
                SystemMatrix = SystemMatrix[:,s_[self.UnknownPressures[:,0]]]
                if SystemMatrix.shape[0]> 0.0:
                    SystemMatrix = SystemMatrix[s_[self.UnknownPressures[:,0]],:]
                RightVector = RightVector[s_[self.UnknownPressures[:,0]],:]
                #Unknown nodal point values are solved from this system.
                #  Prescribed nodal values are inserted in the solution vector.
                Solution = solve(SystemMatrix,RightVector) # solutions, unknown pressures
                self.p[self.UnknownPressures,0] = Solution[:,:]
                self.p[self.PrescribedPressures[:,0],0] = self.PrescribedPressures[:,1]
                #Calculating derivatives.
                #Calculating internal nodal flow values.
                self.dp = dot((2.0/self.TimeStep),(self.p-self.pt)) - self.dpt
                self.ddp = dot((4.0/self.SquareTimeStep),(self.p-self.pt)) - dot((4.0/self.TimeStep),self.dpt) -self.ddpt
                self.sumv = sumvbk + dot((self.TimeStep/2.0),(self.pt+self.p))
                self.fi = dot(self.SecondOrderGlobalMatrix,(self.dp)) + dot(self.FirstOrderGlobalMatrix,(self.p)) + dot(self.ZeroOrderGlobalMatrix,(self.sumv))
                if not nonLinear :

                if self.pi == None:
                    self.pi = zeros((NumberOfGlobalDofs,1))
                    self.pi[:,:] = self.pt[:,:]
                pI = CoeffRelax * self.p + self.pi * (1.0-CoeffRelax)
                self.p[:,:] = pI[:,:]
                den = norm(self.pi,Inf)
                if den < 1e-12:
                    den = 1.0
                nlerr = norm(self.p-self.pi,Inf) / den

                info = {'dofmap':assembler.DofMap,'solution':[self.p, self.pt, self.ptt],'incrementNumber':self.IncrementNumber,'history':history}

                assembler.Assemble(self.SimulationContext, self.Evaluator, self.LinearZeroOrderGlobalMatrix, self.LinearFirstOrderGlobalMatrix, self.LinearSecondOrderGlobalMatrix)
                self.ZeroOrderGlobalMatrix = assembler.ZeroOrderGlobalMatrix
                self.FirstOrderGlobalMatrix = assembler.FirstOrderGlobalMatrix
                self.SecondOrderGlobalMatrix = assembler.SecondOrderGlobalMatrix

                #Dynamic nonlinear relaxing coefficient
                if counter == 100:
                    print "relaxing..."
                    print nlerr, nltol, CoeffRelax
                    counter = 0
                    self.pi[:,:] = None
                    self.sumv[:,:] = sumvbk[:,:]
                    CoeffRelax *= 0.6
                    nltol *= 0.95
                if nlerr < nltol:
                    nltol = self.nltol
                    counter = 0
                self.pi[:,:] = self.p[:,:]

            self.ptt[:,:] = self.pt[:,:]
            self.pt[:,:] = self.p[:,:]
            self.dpt[:,:] = self.dp[:,:]
            self.ddpt[:,:] = self.ddp[:,:]
            self.fet[:,:] = self.fe[:,:]
            self.fit[:,:] = self.fi[:,:]
            PressuresMatrix[:,(self.IncrementNumber-1)] = self.p[:,0]
            history = history[:3]

            if self.steady == True:
                self.MinimumIncrementNumber = 0.01* self.NumberOfIncrements
                if norm(self.fi-self.fe,Inf)<self.convergence and self.IncrementNumber > self.MinimumIncrementNumber:
                    self.IncrementNumber = self.NumberOfIncrements

            if self.IncrementNumber==ceil(0.05*self.NumberOfIncrements):
                print "->5%"
            if self.IncrementNumber==ceil(0.25*self.NumberOfIncrements):
                print "->25%"
            if self.IncrementNumber==ceil(0.5*self.NumberOfIncrements):
                print "->50%"
            if self.IncrementNumber==ceil(0.70*self.NumberOfIncrements):
                print "->70%"
            if self.IncrementNumber==ceil(0.90*self.NumberOfIncrements):
                print "->90%"
            if self.IncrementNumber==ceil(0.99*self.NumberOfIncrements):
                print "->99%"

            self.IncrementNumber = self.IncrementNumber+1
            self.EndIncrementTime = self.EndIncrementTime + self.TimeStep    # increment
        info = {'dofmap':assembler.DofMap,'solution':[self.p, self.pt, self.ptt],'incrementNumber':self.IncrementNumber,'history':history,'allSolution':PressuresMatrix}
        self.Solutions = PressuresMatrix
        return PressuresMatrix
Ejemplo n.º 13
def createAdvDoubleTrapezoidWing(myWing, id, cTip, cRoot, span, Sref, dfus, phiLE, dihedral, twist, xMAC25, etakf, strUID, yfus, xRoot, etaEng, tcRoot, tcTip):
    This method creates a double trapezoid wing geometry in the 'myWing' parameter.
    ** Introduced a linear twist distribution from *0* at root to *twist* at tip 
    @author: Jonas Jepsen
    @param myWing: wings CPACS object
    @param id: the VAMPzero-id of the wing 
    @param cTip: length of chord at wing tip [m]
    @param cRoot: length of chord at wing root [m]
    @param span: span of the wing [m]
    @param Sref: reference area [m^2]
    @param dfus: fuselage diameter [m]
    @param phiLE: sweep angle at the leading edge [deg]
    @param dihedral: dihedralangle of the wing [deg]
    @param twist: twist of the outer wing section [deg]     
    @param etakf: dimensionless span coordinate [-]
    @param strUID: the CPACS-uID of the wing
    # sections and positionings will be created, all existing sections and positionings will be deleted
    mySections = wingSectionsType()
    myPositionings = positioningsType()
    # calc Lvl 1 parameters
    taperRatio = (cTip / cRoot)
    cRoot, cKink, cTip = calcWing(span, Sref, taperRatio, phiLE, etakf, dfus)

    # calc length from span, sweep and dihedral
    sweep_rad = phiLE / 180. * pi
    dihedral_rad = dihedral / 180. * pi
    # trying to correct the commented statement that uses dfus. will try to use yfus
    # length1 = dfus / 2.
    length1 = yfus
    length2 = (etakf * span / 2. - length1) / cos(sweep_rad) / cos(dihedral_rad)
    length3 = span / 2.*(1 - etakf) / cos(sweep_rad) / cos(dihedral_rad)
    # Increase (or reduce the twist by 4deg as that is the overall angle of incidence of the wing)
    twist = twist - 4.
    twistgrad = twist / (span / 2.)
    twist1 = twistgrad * length1 
    twist2 = twistgrad * etakf * (span / 2.)
    twist3 = twist
    createWingSection(mySections, tcRoot / 0.09, 0., 0., 0., cRoot, 1., cRoot, 0., 0., 0., 'NACA0009', 1, strUID + '_Sec1', strUID + '_Sec1', strUID + '_Sec1')
    createWingSection(mySections, tcRoot / 0.18, 0., 0., 0., cRoot, 1., cRoot, 0., 0., 0., 'NACA653218', 1, strUID + '_Sec2', strUID + '_Sec2', strUID + '_Sec2')
    createWingSection(mySections, tcTip / 0.18, 0., 0., 0., cKink, 1., cKink, 0., twist2, 0., 'NACA653218', 1, strUID + '_Sec3', strUID + '_Sec3', strUID + '_Sec3')
    createWingSection(mySections, tcTip / 0.18, 0., 0., 0., cTip, 1., cTip, 0., twist3, 0., 'NACA653218', 1, strUID + '_Sec4', strUID + '_Sec4', strUID + '_Sec4')

    createPositioning(myPositionings, str(id) + '_Pos1', None, str(id) + '_Sec1', 0., 0., 0., id)
    createPositioning(myPositionings, str(id) + '_Pos2', str(id) + '_Sec1', str(id) + '_Sec2', length1, 0., 0., id)
    createPositioning(myPositionings, str(id) + '_Pos3', str(id) + '_Sec2', str(id) + '_Sec3', length2, phiLE, dihedral, id)
    createPositioning(myPositionings, str(id) + '_Pos4', str(id) + '_Sec3', str(id) + '_Sec4', length3, phiLE, dihedral, id)

    createWingSegments(myWing, strUID, 3)
    createComponentSegment(myWing, strUID)
    etafus = yfus / (span / 2.)
    # Ribs outboard of the Fuselage section are placed at 0.8 m distance
    nouterRibs = int(ceil((0.95 - etafus - 0.05) * span / 2. / 0.8))
    createRibs(myWing.get_componentSegments().get_componentSegment()[0], strUID, 'advDoubletrapezoid', etaFus=etafus, nRibs=nouterRibs, etaEng=etaEng, span=span / 2.)
    createSpars(myWing.get_componentSegments().get_componentSegment()[0], strUID, 'advDoubletrapezoid', length1 / (span / 2.), etakf / cos(dihedral_rad), cTip=cTip, cRoot=cRoot)
    createShell(myWing.get_componentSegments().get_componentSegment()[0], strUID, 'advDoubletrapezoid')
    createWingFuselageAttachment(myWing.get_componentSegments().get_componentSegment()[0], strUID, 'advDoubletrapezoid')
    # Estimate ribNum of outer Rib
    iRib = int(span * (0.85 - etaEng) / (2 * 0.8)) - 1
    createTanks(myWing.get_componentSegments().get_componentSegment()[0], strUID, 'advDoubletrapezoid', nRib=iRib)
    # calc wing position
    tauK = cTip / cKink
    etar = dfus / span
    # XN25F = calcXN25F(cRoot, span, phiLE, etar, etakf, tauK, taperRatio)
    # xRoot.py = calcXRoot(xMAC25, XN25F)
    # set wing x - position and twist
Ejemplo n.º 14
def capacity_value(env, prediciton_value, cores_allocation_by_server):

        capacity    = int(maximum(int(ceil(round((prediciton_value / float(env.reference_value) / cores_allocation_by_server), 2))), int(env.min_instance_num)))
        return capacity 
Ejemplo n.º 15
def find_bursts(duration, dt, transient, N, M_t, M_i, max_freq):
    base = 2  #round lgbinwidth to nearest 2 so will always divide into durations
    expnum = 2.0264 * exp(-0.2656 * max_freq + 2.9288) + 5.7907
    lgbinwidth = (int(base * round(
        (-max_freq + 33) / base))) * ms  #23-good for higher freq stuff
    #lgbinwidth=(int(base*round((expnum)/base)))/1000   #use exptl based on some fit of choice binwidths

    numlgbins = int(ceil(duration / lgbinwidth))
    totspkhist = zeros(numlgbins)
    skiptime = transient * ms
    skipbin = int(ceil(skiptime / lgbinwidth))

    inc_past_thresh = []
    dec_past_thresh = []

    #Create histogram given the bins calculated
    for i in xrange(numlgbins):
        step_start = (i) * lgbinwidth
        step_end = (i + 1) * lgbinwidth
        totspkhist[i] = len(M_i[logical_and(M_t > step_start, M_t < step_end)])

    ###smooth plot first so thresholds work better
    #totspkhist_1D=reshape(totspkhist,len(totspkhist))  #first just reshape so single row not single colm

    #totspkhist_smooth=reshape(totspkhist,len(totspkhist))  #here we took out the actual smoothing and left it as raw distn. here just reshape so single row not single colm
    totspkdist_smooth = totspkhist / max(
    )  #create distn based on hist, but skip first skiptime to cut out transient excessive spiking

    #    ####### FOR MOVING THRESHOLD #################
    ## find points where increases and decreases over some threshold
    dist_thresh = []
    thresh_plot = []

    mul_fac = 0.35
    switch = 0  #keeps track of whether inc or dec last
    elim_noise = 1 / (max_freq * 2.5 * Hz)
    #For line 95, somehow not required in previous version?
    #elim_noise_units = 1/(max_freq*Hz*2.5)

    thresh_time = 5 / (max_freq)  #capture 5 cycles
    thresh_ind = int(floor(
        (thresh_time / lgbinwidth) /
        2))  #the number of indices on each side of the window

    #dist_thresh moves with window capturing approx 5 cycles (need special cases for borders) Find where increases and decreases past threshold (as long as a certain distance apart, based on "elim_noise" which is based on avg freq of bursts
        totspkdist_smooth[skipbin:skipbin + thresh_ind].mean(0) +
        mul_fac * totspkdist_smooth[skipbin:skipbin + thresh_ind].std(0))

    for i in xrange(1, numlgbins):
        step_start = (i) * lgbinwidth
        step_end = (i + 1) * lgbinwidth

        #moving threshold
        if i > (skipbin +
                thresh_ind) and (i + thresh_ind) < len(totspkdist_smooth):
                totspkdist_smooth[i - thresh_ind:i + thresh_ind].mean(0) +
                mul_fac *
                totspkdist_smooth[i - thresh_ind:i + thresh_ind].std(0))
        elif (i + thresh_ind) >= len(totspkdist_smooth):
            dist_thresh.append(totspkdist_smooth[-thresh_ind:].mean(0) +
                               mul_fac *
                totspkdist_smooth[skipbin:skipbin + thresh_ind].mean(0) +
                mul_fac *
                totspkdist_smooth[skipbin:skipbin + thresh_ind].std(0))

        if (totspkdist_smooth[i - 1] <
                dist_thresh[i]) and (totspkdist_smooth[i] >= dist_thresh[i]):
            if (inc_past_thresh):  #there has already been at least one inc,
                if (
                        abs(inc_past_thresh[-1] -
                            (step_start - 0.5 * lgbinwidth)) > elim_noise
                ) and switch == 0:  #must be at least x ms apart (yHz), and it was dec last..
                        step_start - 0.5 * lgbinwidth
                    )  #take lower point (therefore first) when increasing. Need to -0.5binwidth to adjust for shift between index of bin width and index of bin distn
                    #print (['incr=%f'%inc_past_thresh[-1]])
                    switch = 1
                    step_start - 0.5 * lgbinwidth
                )  #take lower point (therefore first) when increasing. Need to -0.5binwidth to adjust for shift between index of bin width and index of bin distn
                switch = 1  #keeps track of that it was inc. last
        elif (totspkdist_smooth[i - 1] >=
              dist_thresh[i]) and (totspkdist_smooth[i] < dist_thresh[i]):
            # dec_past_thresh.append(step_end-0.5*lgbinwidth)  #take lower point (therefore second) when decreasing
            if (dec_past_thresh):  #there has already been at least one dec
                if (
                        abs(dec_past_thresh[-1] -
                            (step_end - 0.5 * lgbinwidth)) > elim_noise
                ) and switch == 1:  #must be at least x ms apart (y Hz), and it was inc last
                        step_end - 0.5 * lgbinwidth
                    )  #take lower point (therefore second) when decreasing
                    #print (['decr=%f'%dec_past_thresh[-1]])
                    switch = 0
                    step_end - 0.5 * lgbinwidth
                )  #take lower point (therefore second) when decreasing
                switch = 0  #keeps track of that it was dec last

    if totspkdist_smooth[0] < dist_thresh[
            0]:  #if you are starting below thresh, then pop first inc.  otherwise, don't (since will decrease first)
        if inc_past_thresh:  #if list is not empty


#    dist_thresh=0.15 #static threshold
#    switch=0  #keeps track of whether inc or dec last
#    overall_freq=3.6 #0.9
#    elim_noise=1/(overall_freq*5)#2.5)
#    for i in xrange(1,numlgbins):
#        step_start=(i)*lgbinwidth
#        step_end=(i+1)*lgbinwidth
#        if (totspkdist_smooth[i-1]<dist_thresh) and (totspkdist_smooth[i]>=dist_thresh):   #if cross threshold (increasing)
#            if (inc_past_thresh):    #there has already been at least one inc,
#                if (abs(dec_past_thresh[-1]-(step_start-0.5*lgbinwidth))>elim_noise) and switch==0:   #must be at least x ms apart (yHz) from the previous dec, and it was dec last..
#                    inc_past_thresh.append(step_start-0.5*lgbinwidth)  #take lower point (therefore first) when increasing. Need to -0.5binwidth to adjust for shift between index of bin width and index of bin distn
#                    #print (['incr=%f'%inc_past_thresh[-1]])     #-0.5*lgbinwidth
#                    switch=1
#            else:
#                inc_past_thresh.append(step_start-0.5*lgbinwidth)  #take lower point (therefore first) when increasing. Need to -0.5binwidth to adjust for shift between index of bin width and index of bin distn
#                switch=1   #keeps track of that it was inc. last
#        elif (totspkdist_smooth[i-1]>=dist_thresh) and (totspkdist_smooth[i]<dist_thresh):
#            if (dec_past_thresh):    #there has already been at least one dec
#                if (abs(inc_past_thresh[-1]-(step_end-0.5*lgbinwidth))>elim_noise) and switch==1:    #must be at least x ms apart (y Hz) from the previous incr, and it was inc last
#                    dec_past_thresh.append(step_end-0.5*lgbinwidth)  #take lower point (therefore second) when decreasing
#                    #print (['decr=%f'%dec_past_thresh[-1]])
#                    switch=0
#            else:
#                dec_past_thresh.append(step_end-0.5*lgbinwidth)  #take lower point (therefore second) when decreasing
#                switch=0    #keeps track of that it was dec last
#    if totspkdist_smooth[0]<dist_thresh:   #if you are starting below thresh, then pop first inc.  otherwise, don't (since will decrease first)
#        if inc_past_thresh:  #if list is not empty
#            inc_past_thresh.pop(0)



#since always start with dec, intraburst=time points from 1st inc:2nd dec, from 2nd inc:3rd dec, etc.
#interburst=time points from 1st dec:1st inc, from 2nd dec:2nd inc, etc.

    intraburst_time_ms_compound_list = []
    interburst_time_ms_compound_list = []
    intraburst_bins = []  #in seconds
    interburst_bins = []

    if len(inc_past_thresh) < len(dec_past_thresh):  #if you end on a decrease
        for i in xrange(len(inc_past_thresh)):
                arange(inc_past_thresh[i] / ms, dec_past_thresh[i + 1] / ms,
                       1))  #10 is timestep
                arange((dec_past_thresh[i] + dt) / ms,
                       (inc_past_thresh[i] - dt) / ms, 1))  #10 is timestep
            intraburst_bins.append(dec_past_thresh[i + 1])
    else:  #if you end on an increase
        for i in xrange(len(inc_past_thresh) - 1):
                arange(inc_past_thresh[i] / ms, dec_past_thresh[i + 1] / ms,
                       1))  #10 is timestep
                arange((dec_past_thresh[i] + dt) / ms,
                       (inc_past_thresh[i] - dt) / ms, 1))  #10 is timestep
            intraburst_bins.append(dec_past_thresh[i + 1])
            interburst_bins.append(dec_past_thresh[i] + dt)
            interburst_bins.append(inc_past_thresh[i] - dt)
        if dec_past_thresh and inc_past_thresh:  #if neither dec_past_thresh nor inc_past_thresh is empty
            interburst_bins.append(dec_past_thresh[-1] +
                                   dt)  #will have one more inter than intra
            interburst_bins.append(inc_past_thresh[-1] + dt)

    interburst_bins = interburst_bins / second
    intraburst_bins = intraburst_bins / second

    intraburst_time_ms = [
        num for elem in intraburst_time_ms_compound_list for num in elem
    ]  #flatten list
    interburst_time_ms = [
        num for elem in interburst_time_ms_compound_list for num in elem
    ]  #flatten list

    num_intraburst_bins = len(
    ) / 2  #/2 since have both start and end points for each bin
    num_interburst_bins = len(interburst_bins) / 2

    intraburst_bins_ms = [x * 1000 for x in intraburst_bins]
    interburst_bins_ms = [x * 1000 for x in interburst_bins]

    #bin_s=[((inc_past_thresh-dec_past_thresh)/2+dec_past_thresh) for inc_past_thresh, dec_past_thresh in zip(inc_past_thresh,dec_past_thresh)]
    bin_s = [((x - y) / 2 + y)
             for x, y in zip(inc_past_thresh, dec_past_thresh)] / second

    binpt_ind = [int(floor(x / lgbinwidth)) for x in bin_s]

    ########## FIND PEAK TO TROUGH AND SAVE VALUES  ###################
    ########## DISCARD BINPTS IF PEAK TO TROUGH IS TOO SMALL ###################

    peaks = []
    trough = []
    peak_to_trough_diff = []
    min_burst_size = 0.2  #defines a burst as 0.2 or larger.

    for i in xrange(len(binpt_ind) - 1):
        peaks.append(max(totspkdist_smooth[binpt_ind[i]:binpt_ind[i + 1]]))
        trough.append(min(totspkdist_smooth[binpt_ind[i]:binpt_ind[i + 1]]))

    peak_to_trough_diff = [
        max_dist - min_dist for max_dist, min_dist in zip(peaks, trough)

    #to delete all bins following any <min_burst_size
    first_ind_not_burst = next(
        (x[0] for x in enumerate(peak_to_trough_diff) if x[1] < 0.2), None)
    #    if first_ind_not_burst:
    #        del bin_s[first_ind_not_burst+1:]   #needs +1 since bin_s has one additional value (since counts edges)

    #to keep track of any bins <0.2 so can ignore in stats later
    all_ind_not_burst = [
        x[0] for x in enumerate(peak_to_trough_diff) if x[1] < 0.2
    ]  #defines a burst as 0.2 or larger.

    bin_ms = [x * 1000 for x in bin_s]
    binpt_ind = [int(floor(x / lgbinwidth)) for x in bin_s]

    #for moving threshold only
    thresh_plot = []
    thresh_plot = [dist_thresh[x] for x in binpt_ind]

    #for static threshold
    #    bin_s=[((inc_past_thresh-dec_past_thresh)/2+dec_past_thresh) for inc_past_thresh, dec_past_thresh in zip(inc_past_thresh,dec_past_thresh)]
    #    bin_ms=[x*1000 for x in bin_s]
    #    thresh_plot=[]
    #    binpt_ind=[int(floor(x/lgbinwidth)) for x in bin_s]
    #    thresh_plot=[dist_thresh[x] for x in binpt_ind]
    binpts = xrange(int(lgbinwidth * 1000 / 2),
                    int(numlgbins * lgbinwidth * 1000), int(lgbinwidth * 1000))
    totspkhist_list = totspkhist.tolist(
    )  #[val for subl in totspkhist for val in subl]

    #find first index after transient to see if have enough bins to do stats
    bin_ind_no_trans = bisect.bisect(bin_ms, transient)
    intrabin_ind_no_trans = bisect.bisect(intraburst_bins, transient /
                                          1000)  #transient to seconds
    if intrabin_ind_no_trans % 2 != 0:  #index must be even since format is ind0=start_bin, ind1=end_bin, ind2=start_bin, .... .
        intrabin_ind_no_trans += 1
    interbin_ind_no_trans = bisect.bisect(interburst_bins, transient / 1000)
    if interbin_ind_no_trans % 2 != 0:
        interbin_ind_no_trans += 1

    return [
        bin_s, bin_ms, binpts, totspkhist, totspkdist_smooth, dist_thresh,
        totspkhist_list, thresh_plot, binpt_ind, lgbinwidth, numlgbins,
        intraburst_bins, interburst_bins, intraburst_bins_ms,
        interburst_bins_ms, intraburst_time_ms, interburst_time_ms,
        num_intraburst_bins, num_interburst_bins, bin_ind_no_trans,
        intrabin_ind_no_trans, interbin_ind_no_trans
Ejemplo n.º 16
    def Solve(self):
        This method builds System Matrix and gets Solution
        if self.SimulationContext.Id != self.NetworkMesh.Id:
            raise self.SimulationContext.XMLIdError()
            self.TimeStep = self.SimulationContext.Context['timestep']
            self.SquareTimeStep = self.TimeStep * self.TimeStep
        except KeyError:
            print "Error, Please set timestep in Simulation Context XML File"
            self.Period = self.SimulationContext.Context['period']
            self.TimeStepFreq = int(self.Period / self.TimeStep)
        except KeyError:
            print "Error, Please set period in Simulation Context XML File"
            self.Cycles = self.SimulationContext.Context['cycles']
            self.NumberOfIncrements = (self.Cycles * self.TimeStepFreq)
        except KeyError:
            print "Error, Please set cycles number in Simulation Context XML File"

        history = []
        assembler = Assembler()
        info = {
            'dofmap': assembler.DofMap,
            'solution': None,
            'incrementNumber': self.IncrementNumber,
            'history': history

        self.PrescribedPressures = assembler.AssembleBoundaryConditions(

        self.LinearZeroOrderGlobalMatrix, self.LinearFirstOrderGlobalMatrix, self.LinearSecondOrderGlobalMatrix = \
        assembler.AssembleInit(self.SimulationContext, self.Evaluator)

        self.ZeroOrderGlobalMatrix = assembler.ZeroOrderGlobalMatrix
        self.FirstOrderGlobalMatrix = assembler.FirstOrderGlobalMatrix
        self.SecondOrderGlobalMatrix = assembler.SecondOrderGlobalMatrix

        NumberOfGlobalDofs = assembler.GetNumberOfGlobalDofs(
        )  # number of dofs
        self.UnknownPressures = arange(0, NumberOfGlobalDofs).reshape(
            NumberOfGlobalDofs, 1)  # unknown pressures
        self.UnknownPressures = delete(self.UnknownPressures,
                                       s_[self.PrescribedPressures[:, 0]],
        PressuresMatrix = zeros((NumberOfGlobalDofs, self.NumberOfIncrements))
        self.p = zeros((NumberOfGlobalDofs, 1))
        self.pt = zeros((NumberOfGlobalDofs, 1))
        self.ptt = zeros((NumberOfGlobalDofs, 1))
        self.dp = zeros((NumberOfGlobalDofs, 1))
        self.ddp = zeros((NumberOfGlobalDofs, 1))
        self.dpt = zeros((NumberOfGlobalDofs, 1))
        self.ddpt = zeros((NumberOfGlobalDofs, 1))
        self.fe = zeros((NumberOfGlobalDofs, 1))
        self.fet = zeros((NumberOfGlobalDofs, 1))
        self.dfe = zeros((NumberOfGlobalDofs, 1))
        self.dfet = zeros((NumberOfGlobalDofs, 1))
        self.fi = zeros((NumberOfGlobalDofs, 1))
        self.fit = zeros((NumberOfGlobalDofs, 1))
        self.sumv = zeros((NumberOfGlobalDofs, 1))
        sumvbk = zeros((NumberOfGlobalDofs, 1))
        nonLinear = False
        for el in self.NetworkMesh.Elements:
            if el.IsNonLinear() == True:
                nonLinear = True

        while self.IncrementNumber <= self.NumberOfIncrements:
            icc = (self.IncrementNumber % self.TimeStepFreq)
            if icc == 0:
                icc = self.TimeStepFreq

            #for flow in self.BoundaryConditions.elementFlow:
            for el in self.BoundaryConditions.elementFlow:
                if self.steady == True:
                    self.Flow = assembler.BoundaryConditions.GetSteadyFlow(
                        el, self.TimeStep, icc * self.TimeStep)
                    self.Flow = assembler.BoundaryConditions.GetTimeFlow(
                        el, icc * self.TimeStep)
                self.fe[assembler.FlowDof[el.Id]] = self.Flow

            CoeffRelax = 0.9
            nltol = self.nltol
            self.pi = None
            pI = None
            sumvbk[:, :] = self.sumv[:, :]
            counter = 0
            while True:
                #Build the algebric equation system for the increment
                SystemMatrix = (
                    2.0 / self.TimeStep
                ) * self.SecondOrderGlobalMatrix + self.FirstOrderGlobalMatrix + (
                    self.TimeStep /
                    2.0) * self.ZeroOrderGlobalMatrix  #system matrix
                RightVector = self.fe + (2.0 / self.TimeStep) * dot(
                    self.SecondOrderGlobalMatrix, (self.pt)) + dot(
                        self.SecondOrderGlobalMatrix, (self.dpt)) - dot(
                            (self.sumv)) - (self.TimeStep / 2.0) * dot(
                                (self.pt))  # right hand side vector
                #The reduced (partioned) system of equations is generated.
                RightVector[:, :] = RightVector[:, :] - dot(
                    SystemMatrix[:, self.PrescribedPressures[:, 0]],
                    self.PrescribedPressures[:, 1:])
                SystemMatrix = SystemMatrix[:, s_[self.UnknownPressures[:, 0]]]
                if SystemMatrix.shape[0] > 0.0:
                    SystemMatrix = SystemMatrix[
                        s_[self.UnknownPressures[:, 0]], :]
                RightVector = RightVector[s_[self.UnknownPressures[:, 0]], :]
                #Unknown nodal point values are solved from this system.
                #  Prescribed nodal values are inserted in the solution vector.
                Solution = solve(SystemMatrix,
                                 RightVector)  # solutions, unknown pressures
                self.p[self.UnknownPressures, 0] = Solution[:, :]
                self.p[self.PrescribedPressures[:, 0],
                       0] = self.PrescribedPressures[:, 1]
                #Calculating derivatives.
                #Calculating internal nodal flow values.
                self.dp = dot((2.0 / self.TimeStep),
                              (self.p - self.pt)) - self.dpt
                self.ddp = dot((4.0 / self.SquareTimeStep),
                               (self.p - self.pt)) - dot(
                                   (4.0 / self.TimeStep), self.dpt) - self.ddpt
                self.sumv = sumvbk + dot((self.TimeStep / 2.0),
                                         (self.pt + self.p))
                self.fi = dot(self.SecondOrderGlobalMatrix, (self.dp)) + dot(
                    (self.p)) + dot(self.ZeroOrderGlobalMatrix, (self.sumv))
                if not nonLinear:

                if self.pi == None:
                    self.pi = zeros((NumberOfGlobalDofs, 1))
                    self.pi[:, :] = self.pt[:, :]
                pI = CoeffRelax * self.p + self.pi * (1.0 - CoeffRelax)
                self.p[:, :] = pI[:, :]
                den = norm(self.pi, Inf)
                if den < 1e-12:
                    den = 1.0
                nlerr = norm(self.p - self.pi, Inf) / den

                info = {
                    'dofmap': assembler.DofMap,
                    'solution': [self.p, self.pt, self.ptt],
                    'incrementNumber': self.IncrementNumber,
                    'history': history

                assembler.Assemble(self.SimulationContext, self.Evaluator,
                self.ZeroOrderGlobalMatrix = assembler.ZeroOrderGlobalMatrix
                self.FirstOrderGlobalMatrix = assembler.FirstOrderGlobalMatrix
                self.SecondOrderGlobalMatrix = assembler.SecondOrderGlobalMatrix

                #Dynamic nonlinear relaxing coefficient
                if counter == 100:
                    print "relaxing..."
                    print nlerr, nltol, CoeffRelax
                    counter = 0
                    self.pi[:, :] = None
                    self.sumv[:, :] = sumvbk[:, :]
                    CoeffRelax *= 0.6
                    nltol *= 0.95
                if nlerr < nltol:
                    nltol = self.nltol
                    counter = 0
                counter += 1
                self.pi[:, :] = self.p[:, :]

            self.ptt[:, :] = self.pt[:, :]
            self.pt[:, :] = self.p[:, :]
            self.dpt[:, :] = self.dp[:, :]
            self.ddpt[:, :] = self.ddp[:, :]
            self.fet[:, :] = self.fe[:, :]
            self.fit[:, :] = self.fi[:, :]
            PressuresMatrix[:, (self.IncrementNumber - 1)] = self.p[:, 0]
            history.insert(0, self.IncrementNumber)
            history = history[:3]

            if self.steady == True:
                self.MinimumIncrementNumber = 0.01 * self.NumberOfIncrements
                if norm(
                        self.fi - self.fe, Inf
                ) < self.convergence and self.IncrementNumber > self.MinimumIncrementNumber:
                    self.IncrementNumber = self.NumberOfIncrements

            if self.IncrementNumber == ceil(0.05 * self.NumberOfIncrements):
                print "->5%"
            if self.IncrementNumber == ceil(0.25 * self.NumberOfIncrements):
                print "->25%"
            if self.IncrementNumber == ceil(0.5 * self.NumberOfIncrements):
                print "->50%"
            if self.IncrementNumber == ceil(0.70 * self.NumberOfIncrements):
                print "->70%"
            if self.IncrementNumber == ceil(0.90 * self.NumberOfIncrements):
                print "->90%"
            if self.IncrementNumber == ceil(0.99 * self.NumberOfIncrements):
                print "->99%"

            self.IncrementNumber = self.IncrementNumber + 1
            self.EndIncrementTime = self.EndIncrementTime + self.TimeStep  # increment
        info = {
            'dofmap': assembler.DofMap,
            'solution': [self.p, self.pt, self.ptt],
            'incrementNumber': self.IncrementNumber,
            'history': history,
            'allSolution': PressuresMatrix
        self.Solutions = PressuresMatrix
        return PressuresMatrix
Ejemplo n.º 17
def createRibs(parent, parentUID, typeOfSeg, thickness=0.03, pitch=.8, nRibs=None, etaFus=0.2, etaEng=.3, span=17., fanDiameter=1.9, etaStrut=0.0, phi25 = 0.0):
    Used for generation of a ribs definition in the wing 

    @param parent: ComponentSegment object, ribsDefinition will be added here
    @param thickness:  thickness of the ribs
    @param pitch: pitch of the ribs
    @param typeOfSeg: either advDoubleTrapezoid or trapezoid
    myUID = parentUID + '_ribs'
    ribsList = []

    # Advanced Double Trapezoid 
    if typeOfSeg.lower() == 'advdoubletrapezoid':
        myName = stringBaseType(valueOf_='wing_ribs')

        # Rib Cross Section
        myMaterial = materialDefinitionType(materialUID=stringUIDBaseType(valueOf_='aluminium7075'), thickness=doubleBaseType(valueOf_=str(thickness)))
        myCrossSection = wingRibCrossSectionType(material=myMaterial)
        ribReference = stringBaseType(valueOf_=parentUID + '_Spar_FS')
        ribStart = stringBaseType(valueOf_=parentUID + '_Spar_FS')
        ribEnd = stringBaseType(valueOf_=parentUID + '_Spar_RS')
        ribRotation = ribRotationType(ribRotationReference=stringBaseType(valueOf_='globalY'), z=doubleBaseType(valueOf_=str('90.')))
        ribCrossing = ribCrossingBehaviourType(valueOf_='cross')

        # First set of 4 ribs inside the fuselage
        etaStart = doubleBaseType(valueOf_='0.0')
        etaEnd = doubleBaseType(valueOf_=str(etaFus))
        innerRibs = doubleBaseType(valueOf_= 4)
        ribsPositioning = wingRibsPositioningType(ribReference=ribReference, etaStart=etaStart, etaEnd=etaEnd, ribStart=ribStart, ribEnd=ribEnd, \
                                      numberOfRibs=innerRibs, ribCrossingBehaviour=ribCrossing, ribRotation=ribRotation)
        myUID = parentUID + '_ribs_inner'
        ribsList.append(wingRibsDefinitionType(uID=myUID, name=myName, ribsPositioning=ribsPositioning, ribCrossSection=myCrossSection))

        # Second set outside of the fuselage up to the engine
        etaPylon = 1. / 10. * fanDiameter / span
        etaStart = doubleBaseType(valueOf_=str(etaFus + pitch / span))
        etaEnd = doubleBaseType(valueOf_=str(etaEng - etaPylon))
        middleRibs = int(ceil((etaEng - etaPylon - etaFus) * span / pitch)) - 1
        if middleRibs < 1:
            middleRibs = 1
        middleRibs = doubleBaseType(valueOf_=middleRibs)
        ribsPositioning = wingRibsPositioningType(ribReference=ribReference, etaStart=etaStart, etaEnd=etaEnd, ribStart=ribStart, ribEnd=ribEnd, \
                                      numberOfRibs=middleRibs, ribCrossingBehaviour=ribCrossing, ribRotation=ribRotation)
        myUID = parentUID + '_ribs_engine1'
        ribsList.append(wingRibsDefinitionType(uID=myUID, name=myName, ribsPositioning=ribsPositioning, ribCrossSection=myCrossSection))

        # Third set one ribs outside of the pylon
        etaEnd = doubleBaseType(valueOf_= str(etaEng + etaPylon))
        pylonRibs = doubleBaseType(valueOf_= str(1))
        ribsPositioning = wingRibsPositioningType(ribReference=ribReference, etaStart=etaStart, etaEnd=etaEnd, ribStart=ribStart, ribEnd=ribEnd, \
                                      numberOfRibs=pylonRibs, ribCrossingBehaviour=ribCrossing, ribRotation=ribRotation)
        myUID = parentUID + '_ribs_engine2'
        ribsList.append(wingRibsDefinitionType(uID=myUID, name=myName, ribsPositioning=ribsPositioning, ribCrossSection=myCrossSection))

        # Fourth set outside of the engine
        etaStart = doubleBaseType(valueOf_= str(etaEng + etaPylon + pitch / span))
        etaEnd = doubleBaseType(valueOf_= '0.95')
        ribCrossing = ribCrossingBehaviourType(valueOf_='end')
        ribRotation = ribRotationType(ribRotationReference=stringBaseType(valueOf_='wing_Spar_FS'), \

        outerRibs = int(ceil((0.95 - etaEng + etaPylon) * span / pitch)) - 1
        outerRibs = doubleBaseType(valueOf_= outerRibs)

        ribsPositioning = wingRibsPositioningType(ribReference=ribReference, etaStart=etaStart, etaEnd=etaEnd, ribStart=ribStart, ribEnd=ribEnd, \
                                      numberOfRibs=outerRibs, ribCrossingBehaviour=ribCrossing, ribRotation=ribRotation)
        myUID = parentUID + '_ribs_outer'
        ribsList.append(wingRibsDefinitionType(uID=myUID, name=myName, ribsPositioning=ribsPositioning, ribCrossSection=myCrossSection))

    # Strut Braced Wing
    if typeOfSeg.lower() == 'strutbracedwing':
        myName = stringBaseType(valueOf_='wing_ribs')

        # Rib Cross Section
        myMaterial = materialDefinitionType(materialUID=stringUIDBaseType(valueOf_='aluminium7075'), thickness=doubleBaseType(valueOf_=str(thickness)))
        myCrossSection = wingRibCrossSectionType(material=myMaterial)
        ribReference = stringBaseType(valueOf_=parentUID + '_Spar_FS')
        ribStart = stringBaseType(valueOf_=parentUID + '_Spar_FS')
        ribEnd = stringBaseType(valueOf_=parentUID + '_Spar_RS')
        ribRotation = ribRotationType(ribRotationReference=stringBaseType(valueOf_='globalY'), z=doubleBaseType(valueOf_=str('90.')))
        ribCrossing = ribCrossingBehaviourType(valueOf_='cross')

        # First set of 4 ribs inside the fuselage
        etaStart = doubleBaseType(valueOf_='0.0')
        etaEnd = doubleBaseType(valueOf_=str(etaFus))
        innerRibs = doubleBaseType(valueOf_=4)
        ribsPositioning = wingRibsPositioningType(ribReference=ribReference, etaStart=etaStart, etaEnd=etaEnd, ribStart=ribStart, ribEnd=ribEnd, \
                                      numberOfRibs=innerRibs, ribCrossingBehaviour=ribCrossing, ribRotation=ribRotation)

        myUID = parentUID + '_ribs_inner'
        ribsList.append(wingRibsDefinitionType(uID=myUID, name=myName, ribsPositioning=ribsPositioning, ribCrossSection=myCrossSection))

        # Second set outside of the fuselage up to the strut
        etaStart = doubleBaseType(valueOf_=str(etaFus + pitch / span + phi25 * 0.0002))
        etaEnd = doubleBaseType(valueOf_=str(etaStrut))
        middleRibs = int(ceil((etaStrut - etaFus) * span / pitch)) - 1
        middleRibs = doubleBaseType(valueOf_=middleRibs)
        ribsPositioning = wingRibsPositioningType(ribReference=ribReference, etaStart=etaStart, etaEnd=etaEnd, ribStart=ribStart, ribEnd=ribEnd, \
                                      numberOfRibs=middleRibs, ribCrossingBehaviour=ribCrossing, ribRotation=ribRotation)

        myUID = parentUID + '_ribs_strut'
        ribsList.append(wingRibsDefinitionType(uID=myUID, name=myName, ribsPositioning=ribsPositioning, ribCrossSection=myCrossSection))

        # Third set outside of the spar
        etaStart = doubleBaseType(valueOf_=str(etaStrut + pitch / span))
        etaEnd = doubleBaseType(valueOf_='0.95')

        ribCrossing = ribCrossingBehaviourType(valueOf_='end')
        ribRotation = ribRotationType(ribRotationReference=stringBaseType(valueOf_='wing_Spar_FS'), z=doubleBaseType(valueOf_=str('90.')))

        outerRibs = int(ceil((0.95 - etaStrut) * span / pitch)) - 1
        outerRibs = doubleBaseType(valueOf_=outerRibs)

        ribsPositioning = wingRibsPositioningType(ribReference=ribReference, etaStart=etaStart, etaEnd=etaEnd, ribStart=ribStart, ribEnd=ribEnd, \
                                      numberOfRibs=outerRibs, ribCrossingBehaviour=ribCrossing, ribRotation=ribRotation)

        myUID = parentUID + '_ribs_outer'
        ribsList.append(wingRibsDefinitionType(uID=myUID, name=myName, ribsPositioning=ribsPositioning, ribCrossSection=myCrossSection))

    # Strut (And only the strut not the wing that goes along with it)
    if typeOfSeg.lower() == 'strut':
        myName = stringBaseType(valueOf_='strut_ribs')

        # Rib Cross Section
        #myMaterial = materialDefinitionType(compositeUID=stringUIDBaseType(isLink='True',valueOf_='Comp_Shear'), orthotropyDirection=doubleBaseType(valueOf_='0.'),\
        #                                  thicknessScaling=doubleBaseType(valueOf_='0.001'))
        myMaterial = materialDefinitionType(materialUID=stringUIDBaseType(valueOf_='aluminium7075'), thickness=doubleBaseType(valueOf_=str(thickness)))
        myCrossSection = wingRibCrossSectionType(material=myMaterial)
        ribReference = stringBaseType(valueOf_='leadingEdge')
        ribStart = stringBaseType(valueOf_='leadingEdge')
        ribEnd = stringBaseType(valueOf_='trailingEdge')
        ribRotation = ribRotationType(ribRotationReference=stringBaseType(valueOf_='globalY'), z=doubleBaseType(valueOf_=str('90.')))
        ribCrossing = ribCrossingBehaviourType(valueOf_='cross')

        etaStart = doubleBaseType(valueOf_=str(0.))
        etaEnd = doubleBaseType(valueOf_=str(1.))
        middleRibs = doubleBaseType(valueOf_=5.)
        ribsPositioning = wingRibsPositioningType(ribReference=ribReference, etaStart=etaStart, etaEnd=etaEnd, ribStart=ribStart, ribEnd=ribEnd, \
                                      numberOfRibs=middleRibs, ribCrossingBehaviour=ribCrossing, ribRotation=ribRotation)

        myUID = parentUID + '_ribs'
        ribsList.append(wingRibsDefinitionType(uID=myUID, name=myName, ribsPositioning=ribsPositioning, ribCrossSection=myCrossSection))

    # Aileron 
    if typeOfSeg.lower() == 'aileron':
        myName = stringBaseType(valueOf_='aileron_ribs')

        # Rib Cross Section
        myMaterial = materialDefinitionType(materialUID=stringUIDBaseType(valueOf_='aluminium7075'), thickness=doubleBaseType(valueOf_=str(thickness)))
        myCrossSection = wingRibCrossSectionType(material= myMaterial)
        # Rib Positioning
        etaStart = doubleBaseType(valueOf_='0.')
        etaEnd = doubleBaseType(valueOf_='1.')
        ribReference = stringBaseType(valueOf_=parentUID + '_Spar_FS')
        ribStart = stringBaseType(valueOf_='leadingEdge')
        ribEnd = stringBaseType(valueOf_='trailingEdge')
        ribRotation = ribRotationType(ribRotationReference=stringBaseType(valueOf_='globalY'), z=doubleBaseType(valueOf_=str('90.')))
        ribCrossing = ribCrossingBehaviourType(valueOf_='cross')

        if nRibs is None:
            ribSpacing = doubleBaseType(valueOf_=pitch)
            ribsPositioning = wingRibsPositioningType(ribReference=ribReference, etaStart=etaStart, etaEnd=etaEnd, ribStart=ribStart, ribEnd=ribEnd, \
                                          spacing=ribSpacing, ribCrossingBehaviour=ribCrossing, ribRotation=ribRotation)
            nRibs = doubleBaseType(valueOf_=nRibs)
            ribsPositioning = wingRibsPositioningType(ribReference=ribReference, etaStart=etaStart, etaEnd=etaEnd, ribStart=ribStart, ribEnd=ribEnd, \
                                          numberOfRibs=nRibs, ribCrossingBehaviour=ribCrossing, ribRotation=ribRotation)
        ribsList.append(wingRibsDefinitionType(uID=myUID, name=myName, ribsPositioning=ribsPositioning, ribCrossSection=myCrossSection))

    if typeOfSeg.lower() == 'trapezoid':
        myName = stringBaseType(valueOf_='trapezoid_ribs')

        # Rib Cross Section
        myMaterial = materialDefinitionType(materialUID=stringUIDBaseType(valueOf_='aluminium7075'), thickness=doubleBaseType(valueOf_=str(thickness)))
        myCrossSection = wingRibCrossSectionType(material= myMaterial)

        # Rib Positioning
        etaStart = doubleBaseType(valueOf_='0.')
        etaEnd = doubleBaseType(valueOf_='1.')
        ribReference = stringBaseType(valueOf_=parentUID + '_Spar_FS')
        ribStart = stringBaseType(valueOf_='leadingEdge')
        ribEnd = stringBaseType(valueOf_='trailingEdge')
        ribRotation = ribRotationType(ribRotationReference=stringBaseType(valueOf_='globalY'), z=doubleBaseType(valueOf_=str('90.')))
        ribCrossing = ribCrossingBehaviourType(valueOf_='cross')

        middleRibs = doubleBaseType(valueOf_=5.)
        ribsPositioning = wingRibsPositioningType(ribReference=ribReference, etaStart=etaStart, etaEnd=etaEnd, ribStart=ribStart, ribEnd=ribEnd, \
                                      numberOfRibs=middleRibs, ribCrossingBehaviour=ribCrossing, ribRotation=ribRotation)

        ribsList.append(wingRibsDefinitionType(uID=myUID, name=myName, ribsPositioning=ribsPositioning, ribCrossSection=myCrossSection))

    # Flap
    if typeOfSeg.lower() == 'flap' or typeOfSeg.lower() == 'innerflap':
        myName = stringBaseType(valueOf_='flap_ribs')

        # Rib Cross Section
        myMaterial = materialDefinitionType(materialUID=stringUIDBaseType(valueOf_='aluminium7075'), thickness=doubleBaseType(valueOf_=str(thickness)))
        myCrossSection = wingRibCrossSectionType(material= myMaterial)
        # Rib Positioning
        etaStart = doubleBaseType(valueOf_='0.')
        etaEnd = doubleBaseType(valueOf_='1.')
        ribReference = stringBaseType(valueOf_=parentUID + '_Spar_FS')
        ribStart = stringBaseType(valueOf_='leadingEdge')
        ribEnd = stringBaseType(valueOf_='trailingEdge')
        ribRotation = ribRotationType(ribRotationReference=stringBaseType(valueOf_='globalY'), z=doubleBaseType(valueOf_=str('90.')))
        ribCrossing = ribCrossingBehaviourType(valueOf_='cross')

        if nRibs is None:
            ribSpacing = doubleBaseType(valueOf_=pitch)
            ribsPositioning = wingRibsPositioningType(ribReference=ribReference, etaStart=etaStart, etaEnd=etaEnd, ribStart=ribStart, ribEnd=ribEnd, \
                                          spacing=ribSpacing, ribCrossingBehaviour=ribCrossing, ribRotation=ribRotation)
            nRibs = doubleBaseType(valueOf_=nRibs)
            ribsPositioning = wingRibsPositioningType(ribReference=ribReference, etaStart=etaStart, etaEnd=etaEnd, ribStart=ribStart, ribEnd=ribEnd, \
                                          numberOfRibs=nRibs, ribCrossingBehaviour=ribCrossing, ribRotation=ribRotation)

        ribsList.append(wingRibsDefinitionType(uID=myUID, name=myName, ribsPositioning=ribsPositioning, ribCrossSection=myCrossSection))
    # Spoiler
    if typeOfSeg.lower() == 'spoiler':
        myName = stringBaseType(valueOf_='spoiler_ribs')

        # Rib Cross Section
        myMaterial = materialDefinitionType(materialUID=stringUIDBaseType(valueOf_='aluminium7075'), thickness=doubleBaseType(valueOf_=str(thickness)))
        myCrossSection = wingRibCrossSectionType(material= myMaterial)
        # Rib Positioning
        etaStart = doubleBaseType(valueOf_='0.')
        etaEnd = doubleBaseType(valueOf_='1.')
        ribReference = stringBaseType(valueOf_='leadingEdge')
        ribStart = stringBaseType(valueOf_='leadingEdge')
        ribEnd = stringBaseType(valueOf_='trailingEdge')
        ribRotation = ribRotationType(ribRotationReference=stringBaseType(valueOf_='globalY'), z=doubleBaseType(valueOf_=str('90.')))
        ribCrossing = ribCrossingBehaviourType(valueOf_='cross')

        if nRibs is None:
            ribSpacing = doubleBaseType(valueOf_=pitch)
            ribsPositioning = wingRibsPositioningType(ribReference=ribReference, etaStart=etaStart, etaEnd=etaEnd, ribStart=ribStart, ribEnd=ribEnd, \
                                          spacing=ribSpacing, ribCrossingBehaviour=ribCrossing, ribRotation=ribRotation)
            nRibs = doubleBaseType(valueOf_=nRibs)
            ribsPositioning = wingRibsPositioningType(ribReference=ribReference, etaStart=etaStart, etaEnd=etaEnd, ribStart=ribStart, ribEnd=ribEnd, \
                                          numberOfRibs=nRibs, ribCrossingBehaviour=ribCrossing, ribRotation=ribRotation)

        ribsList.append(wingRibsDefinitionType(uID=myUID, name=myName, ribsPositioning=ribsPositioning, ribCrossSection=myCrossSection))
    # RibsDefinition
    myRibsDefinitions = wingRibsDefinitionsType(None, None, None, ribsList)
Ejemplo n.º 18
def createAdvDoubleTrapezoidWing(myWing, id, cTip, cRoot, span, Sref, dfus,
                                 phiLE, dihedral, twist, xMAC25, etakf, strUID,
                                 yfus, xRoot, etaEng, tcRoot, tcTip):
    This method creates a double trapezoid wing geometry in the 'myWing' parameter.
    ** Introduced a linear twist distribution from *0* at root to *twist* at tip 
    @author: Jonas Jepsen
    @param myWing: wings CPACS object
    @param id: the VAMPzero-id of the wing 
    @param cTip: length of chord at wing tip [m]
    @param cRoot: length of chord at wing root [m]
    @param span: span of the wing [m]
    @param Sref: reference area [m^2]
    @param dfus: fuselage diameter [m]
    @param phiLE: sweep angle at the leading edge [deg]
    @param dihedral: dihedralangle of the wing [deg]
    @param twist: twist of the outer wing section [deg]     
    @param etakf: dimensionless span coordinate [-]
    @param strUID: the CPACS-uID of the wing
    # sections and positionings will be created, all existing sections and positionings will be deleted
    mySections = wingSectionsType()
    myPositionings = positioningsType()
    # calc Lvl 1 parameters
    taperRatio = (cTip / cRoot)
    cRoot, cKink, cTip = calcWing(span, Sref, taperRatio, phiLE, etakf, dfus)

    # calc length from span, sweep and dihedral
    sweep_rad = phiLE / 180. * pi
    dihedral_rad = dihedral / 180. * pi
    # trying to correct the commented statement that uses dfus. will try to use yfus
    # length1 = dfus / 2.
    length1 = yfus
    length2 = (etakf * span / 2. -
               length1) / cos(sweep_rad) / cos(dihedral_rad)
    length3 = span / 2. * (1 - etakf) / cos(sweep_rad) / cos(dihedral_rad)

    # Increase (or reduce the twist by 4deg as that is the overall angle of incidence of the wing)
    twist = twist - 4.
    twistgrad = twist / (span / 2.)
    twist1 = twistgrad * length1
    twist2 = twistgrad * etakf * (span / 2.)
    twist3 = twist

    createWingSection(mySections, tcRoot / 0.09, 0., 0., 0., cRoot, 1., cRoot,
                      0., 0., 0., 'NACA0009', 1, strUID + '_Sec1',
                      strUID + '_Sec1', strUID + '_Sec1')
    createWingSection(mySections, tcRoot / 0.18, 0., 0., 0., cRoot, 1., cRoot,
                      0., 0., 0., 'NACA653218', 1, strUID + '_Sec2',
                      strUID + '_Sec2', strUID + '_Sec2')
    createWingSection(mySections, tcTip / 0.18, 0., 0., 0., cKink, 1., cKink,
                      0., twist2, 0., 'NACA653218', 1, strUID + '_Sec3',
                      strUID + '_Sec3', strUID + '_Sec3')
    createWingSection(mySections, tcTip / 0.18, 0., 0., 0., cTip, 1., cTip, 0.,
                      twist3, 0., 'NACA653218', 1, strUID + '_Sec4',
                      strUID + '_Sec4', strUID + '_Sec4')

                      str(id) + '_Pos1', None,
                      str(id) + '_Sec1', 0., 0., 0., id)
                      str(id) + '_Pos2',
                      str(id) + '_Sec1',
                      str(id) + '_Sec2', length1, 0., 0., id)
                      str(id) + '_Pos3',
                      str(id) + '_Sec2',
                      str(id) + '_Sec3', length2, phiLE, dihedral, id)
                      str(id) + '_Pos4',
                      str(id) + '_Sec3',
                      str(id) + '_Sec4', length3, phiLE, dihedral, id)


    createWingSegments(myWing, strUID, 3)

    createComponentSegment(myWing, strUID)
    etafus = yfus / (span / 2.)
    # Ribs outboard of the Fuselage section are placed at 0.8 m distance
    nouterRibs = int(ceil((0.95 - etafus - 0.05) * span / 2. / 0.8))
               span=span / 2.)
                length1 / (span / 2.),
                etakf / cos(dihedral_rad),
                strUID, 'advDoubletrapezoid')
        myWing.get_componentSegments().get_componentSegment()[0], strUID,

    # Estimate ribNum of outer Rib
    iRib = int(span * (0.85 - etaEng) / (2 * 0.8)) - 1

    # calc wing position
    tauK = cTip / cKink
    etar = dfus / span
    # XN25F = calcXN25F(cRoot, span, phiLE, etar, etakf, tauK, taperRatio)
    # xRoot.py = calcXRoot(xMAC25, XN25F)

    # set wing x - position and twist
        doubleBaseType(None, None, None, str(xRoot)))
        doubleBaseType(None, None, None, str(4.)))
Ejemplo n.º 19
def createRibs(parent,
    Used for generation of a ribs definition in the wing 

    @param parent: ComponentSegment object, ribsDefinition will be added here
    @param thickness:  thickness of the ribs
    @param pitch: pitch of the ribs
    @param typeOfSeg: either advDoubleTrapezoid or trapezoid
    myUID = parentUID + '_ribs'
    ribsList = []

    # Advanced Double Trapezoid
    if typeOfSeg.lower() == 'advdoubletrapezoid':
        myName = stringBaseType(None, None, None, 'wing_ribs')

        # Rib Cross Section
        myMaterial = materialDefinitionType(None, None, None, None, None, None, stringUIDBaseType(None, None, 'True', None, 'aluminium7075'), \
                                              doubleBaseType(None, None, None, str(thickness)))
        myCrossSection = wingRibCrossSectionType(None, None, None, myMaterial,
        ribReference = stringBaseType(None, None, None, parentUID + '_Spar_FS')
        ribStart = stringBaseType(None, None, None, parentUID + '_Spar_FS')
        ribEnd = stringBaseType(None, None, None, parentUID + '_Spar_RS')
        ribRotation = ribRotationType(None, None, None, stringBaseType(None, None, None, 'globalY'), \
                                           doubleBaseType(None, None, None, '90.'))
        ribCrossing = ribCrossingBehaviourType(None, None, None, 'cross')

        # First set of 4 ribs inside the fuselage
        etaStart = doubleBaseType(None, None, None, '0.0')
        etaEnd = doubleBaseType(None, None, None, str(etaFus))
        innerRibs = doubleBaseType(None, None, None, 4)
        ribsPositioning = wingRibsPositioningType(None, None, None, ribReference, etaStart, etaEnd, ribStart, ribEnd, \
                                      None, innerRibs, ribCrossing, ribRotation)

        myUID = parentUID + '_ribs_inner'
            wingRibsDefinitionType(None, None, None, myUID, myName, None,
                                   ribsPositioning, myCrossSection))

        # Second set outside of the fuselage up to the engine
        etaPylon = 1. / 10. * fanDiameter / span
        etaStart = doubleBaseType(None, None, None, str(etaFus + pitch / span))
        etaEnd = doubleBaseType(None, None, None, str(etaEng - etaPylon))
        middleRibs = int(ceil((etaEng - etaPylon - etaFus) * span / pitch)) - 1
        if middleRibs < 1:
            middleRibs = 1
        middleRibs = doubleBaseType(None, None, None, middleRibs)
        ribsPositioning = wingRibsPositioningType(None, None, None, ribReference, etaStart, etaEnd, ribStart, ribEnd, \
                                      None, middleRibs, ribCrossing, ribRotation)

        myUID = parentUID + '_ribs_engine1'
            wingRibsDefinitionType(None, None, None, myUID, myName, None,
                                   ribsPositioning, myCrossSection))

        # Third set one ribs outside of the pylon
        etaEnd = doubleBaseType(None, None, None, str(etaEng + etaPylon))
        pylonRibs = doubleBaseType(None, None, None, str(1))
        ribsPositioning = wingRibsPositioningType(None, None, None, ribReference, etaEnd, etaEnd, ribStart, ribEnd, \
                                      None, pylonRibs, ribCrossing, ribRotation)

        myUID = parentUID + '_ribs_engine2'
            wingRibsDefinitionType(None, None, None, myUID, myName, None,
                                   ribsPositioning, myCrossSection))

        # Fourth set outside of the engine
        etaStart = doubleBaseType(None, None, None,
                                  str(etaEng + etaPylon + pitch / span))
        etaEnd = doubleBaseType(None, None, None, '0.95')

        ribCrossing = ribCrossingBehaviourType(None, None, None, 'end')
        ribRotation = ribRotationType(None, None, None, stringBaseType(None, None, None, 'wing_Spar_FS'), \
                                           doubleBaseType(None, None, None, '90.'))

        outerRibs = int(ceil((0.95 - etaEng + etaPylon) * span / pitch)) - 1
        outerRibs = doubleBaseType(None, None, None, outerRibs)

        ribsPositioning = wingRibsPositioningType(None, None, None, ribReference, etaStart, etaEnd, ribStart, ribEnd, \
                                      None, outerRibs, ribCrossing, ribRotation)
        myUID = parentUID + '_ribs_outer'
            wingRibsDefinitionType(None, None, None, myUID, myName, None,
                                   ribsPositioning, myCrossSection))

    # Strut Braced Wing
    if typeOfSeg.lower() == 'strutbracedwing':
        myName = stringBaseType(None, None, None, 'wing_ribs')

        # Rib Cross Section
        myMaterial = materialDefinitionType(None, None, None, None, None, None, stringUIDBaseType(None, None, 'True', None, 'aluminium7075'), \
                                              doubleBaseType(None, None, None, str(thickness)))
        myCrossSection = wingRibCrossSectionType(None, None, None, myMaterial,
        ribReference = stringBaseType(None, None, None, parentUID + '_Spar_FS')
        ribStart = stringBaseType(None, None, None, parentUID + '_Spar_FS')
        ribEnd = stringBaseType(None, None, None, parentUID + '_Spar_RS')
        ribRotation = ribRotationType(None, None, None, stringBaseType(None, None, None, 'globalY'), \
                                           doubleBaseType(None, None, None, '90.'))
        ribCrossing = ribCrossingBehaviourType(None, None, None, 'cross')

        # First set of 4 ribs inside the fuselage
        etaStart = doubleBaseType(None, None, None, '0.0')
        etaEnd = doubleBaseType(None, None, None, str(etaFus))
        innerRibs = doubleBaseType(None, None, None, 4)
        ribsPositioning = wingRibsPositioningType(None, None, None, ribReference, etaStart, etaEnd, ribStart, ribEnd, \
                                      None, innerRibs, ribCrossing, ribRotation)

        myUID = parentUID + '_ribs_inner'
            wingRibsDefinitionType(None, None, None, myUID, myName, None,
                                   ribsPositioning, myCrossSection))

        # Second set outside of the fuselage up to the strut
        etaStart = doubleBaseType(None, None, None,
                                  str(etaFus + pitch / span + phi25 * 0.0002))
        etaEnd = doubleBaseType(None, None, None, str(etaStrut))
        middleRibs = int(ceil((etaStrut - etaFus) * span / pitch)) - 1
        middleRibs = doubleBaseType(None, None, None, middleRibs)
        ribsPositioning = wingRibsPositioningType(None, None, None, ribReference, etaStart, etaEnd, ribStart, ribEnd, \
                                      None, middleRibs, ribCrossing, ribRotation)

        myUID = parentUID + '_ribs_strut'
            wingRibsDefinitionType(None, None, None, myUID, myName, None,
                                   ribsPositioning, myCrossSection))

        # Third set outside of the spar
        etaStart = doubleBaseType(None, None, None,
                                  str(etaStrut + pitch / span))
        etaEnd = doubleBaseType(None, None, None, '0.95')

        ribCrossing = ribCrossingBehaviourType(None, None, None, 'end')
        ribRotation = ribRotationType(None, None, None, stringBaseType(None, None, None, 'wing_Spar_FS'), \
                                           doubleBaseType(None, None, None, '90.'))

        outerRibs = int(ceil((0.95 - etaStrut) * span / pitch)) - 1
        outerRibs = doubleBaseType(None, None, None, outerRibs)

        ribsPositioning = wingRibsPositioningType(None, None, None, ribReference, etaStart, etaEnd, ribStart, ribEnd, \
                                      None, outerRibs, ribCrossing, ribRotation)
        myUID = parentUID + '_ribs_outer'
            wingRibsDefinitionType(None, None, None, myUID, myName, None,
                                   ribsPositioning, myCrossSection))

    # Strut (And only the strut not the wing that goes along with it)
    if typeOfSeg.lower() == 'strut':
        myName = stringBaseType(None, None, None, 'strut_ribs')

        # Rib Cross Section
        myMaterial = materialDefinitionType(compositeUID=stringUIDBaseType(isLink='True',valueOf_='Comp_Shear'), orthotropyDirection=doubleBaseType(valueOf_='0.'),\
        myCrossSection = wingRibCrossSectionType(None, None, None, myMaterial,
        ribReference = stringBaseType(None, None, None, 'leadingEdge')
        ribStart = stringBaseType(None, None, None, 'leadingEdge')
        ribEnd = stringBaseType(None, None, None, 'trailingEdge')
        ribRotation = ribRotationType(None, None, None, stringBaseType(None, None, None, 'globalY'), \
                                           doubleBaseType(None, None, None, '90.'))
        ribCrossing = ribCrossingBehaviourType(None, None, None, 'cross')

        etaStart = doubleBaseType(None, None, None, str(0.001))
        etaEnd = doubleBaseType(None, None, None, str(0.999))
        #middleRibs = int(ceil(span / 0.70)) - 1
        middleRibs = doubleBaseType(None, None, None, 5.)
        ribsPositioning = wingRibsPositioningType(None, None, None, ribReference, etaStart, etaEnd, ribStart, ribEnd, \
                                      None, middleRibs, ribCrossing, ribRotation)

        myUID = parentUID + '_ribs'
            wingRibsDefinitionType(None, None, None, myUID, myName, None,
                                   ribsPositioning, myCrossSection))

    # Aileron
    if typeOfSeg.lower() == 'aileron':
        myName = stringBaseType(None, None, None, 'aileron_ribs')

        # Rib Cross Section
        myMaterial = materialDefinitionType(None, None, None, None, None, None, stringUIDBaseType(None, None, 'True', None, 'aluminium2024'), \
                                              doubleBaseType(None, None, None, str(thickness)))
        myCrossSection = wingRibCrossSectionType(None, None, None, myMaterial,

        # Rib Positioning
        etaStart = doubleBaseType(None, None, None, '0.')
        etaEnd = doubleBaseType(None, None, None, '1.')
        ribReference = stringBaseType(None, None, None, parentUID + '_Spar_FS')
        ribStart = stringBaseType(None, None, None, 'leadingEdge')
        ribEnd = stringBaseType(None, None, None, 'trailingEdge')
        ribRotation = ribRotationType(None, None, None, stringBaseType(None, None, None, 'globalY'), \
                                           doubleBaseType(None, None, None, '90.'))
        ribCrossing = ribCrossingBehaviourType(None, None, None, 'cross')
        if nRibs is None:
            ribSpacing = doubleBaseType(None, None, None, pitch)
            ribsPositioning = wingRibsPositioningType(None, None, None, ribReference, etaStart, etaEnd, ribStart, ribEnd, \
                                          ribSpacing, None, ribCrossing, ribRotation)
            nRibs = doubleBaseType(None, None, None, nRibs)
            ribsPositioning = wingRibsPositioningType(None, None, None, ribReference, etaStart, etaEnd, ribStart, ribEnd, \
                                          None, nRibs, ribCrossing, ribRotation)

            wingRibsDefinitionType(None, None, None, myUID, myName, None,
                                   ribsPositioning, myCrossSection))

    if typeOfSeg.lower() == 'trapezoid':
        myName = stringBaseType(None, None, None, 'trapezoid_ribs')

        # Rib Cross Section
        myMaterial = materialDefinitionType(None, None, None, None, None, None, stringUIDBaseType(None, None, 'True', None, 'aluminium2024'), \
                                              doubleBaseType(None, None, None, str(thickness)))
        myCrossSection = wingRibCrossSectionType(None, None, None, myMaterial,

        # Rib Positioning
        etaStart = doubleBaseType(None, None, None, '0.')
        etaEnd = doubleBaseType(None, None, None, '1.')
        ribReference = stringBaseType(None, None, None, parentUID + '_Spar_FS')
        ribStart = stringBaseType(None, None, None, 'leadingEdge')
        ribEnd = stringBaseType(None, None, None, 'trailingEdge')
        ribRotation = ribRotationType(None, None, None, stringBaseType(None, None, None, 'globalY'), \
                                           doubleBaseType(None, None, None, '90.'))
        ribCrossing = ribCrossingBehaviourType(None, None, None, 'cross')

        etaStart = doubleBaseType(None, None, None, str(0.0))
        etaEnd = doubleBaseType(None, None, None, str(0.95))
        middleRibs = doubleBaseType(None, None, None, 5.)
        ribsPositioning = wingRibsPositioningType(None, None, None, ribReference, etaStart, etaEnd, ribStart, ribEnd, \
                                      None, middleRibs, ribCrossing, ribRotation)

            wingRibsDefinitionType(None, None, None, myUID, myName, None,
                                   ribsPositioning, myCrossSection))

    # Flap
    if typeOfSeg.lower() == 'flap' or typeOfSeg.lower() == 'innerflap':
        myName = stringBaseType(None, None, None, 'flap_ribs')

        # Rib Cross Section
        myMaterial = materialDefinitionType(None, None, None, None, None, None, stringUIDBaseType(None, None, 'True', None, 'aluminium2024'), \
                                              doubleBaseType(None, None, None, str(thickness)))
        myCrossSection = wingRibCrossSectionType(None, None, None, myMaterial,

        # Rib Positioning
        etaStart = doubleBaseType(None, None, None, '0.')
        etaEnd = doubleBaseType(None, None, None, '1.')
        ribReference = stringBaseType(None, None, None, parentUID + '_Spar_FS')
        ribStart = stringBaseType(None, None, None, 'leadingEdge')
        ribEnd = stringBaseType(None, None, None, 'trailingEdge')
        ribRotation = ribRotationType(None, None, None, stringBaseType(None, None, None, 'globalY'), \
                                           doubleBaseType(None, None, None, '90.'))
        ribCrossing = ribCrossingBehaviourType(None, None, None, 'cross')
        if nRibs is None:
            ribSpacing = doubleBaseType(None, None, None, pitch)
            ribsPositioning = wingRibsPositioningType(None, None, None, ribReference, etaStart, etaEnd, ribStart, ribEnd, \
                                          ribSpacing, None, ribCrossing, ribRotation)
            nRibs = doubleBaseType(None, None, None, nRibs)
            ribsPositioning = wingRibsPositioningType(None, None, None, ribReference, etaStart, etaEnd, ribStart, ribEnd, \
                                          None, nRibs, ribCrossing, ribRotation)

            wingRibsDefinitionType(None, None, None, myUID, myName, None,
                                   ribsPositioning, myCrossSection))
    # Spoiler
    if typeOfSeg.lower() == 'spoiler':
        myName = stringBaseType(None, None, None, 'spoiler_ribs')

        # Rib Cross Section
        myMaterial = materialDefinitionType(None, None, None, None, None, None, stringUIDBaseType(None, None, 'True', None, 'aluminium2024'), \
                                              doubleBaseType(None, None, None, str(thickness)))
        myCrossSection = wingRibCrossSectionType(None, None, None, myMaterial,

        # Rib Positioning
        etaStart = doubleBaseType(None, None, None, '0.')
        etaEnd = doubleBaseType(None, None, None, '1.')
        ribReference = stringBaseType(None, None, None, 'leadingEdge')
        ribStart = stringBaseType(None, None, None, 'leadingEdge')
        ribEnd = stringBaseType(None, None, None, 'trailingEdge')
        ribRotation = ribRotationType(None, None, None, stringBaseType(None, None, None, 'leadingEdge'), \
                                           doubleBaseType(None, None, None, '90.'))
        ribCrossing = ribCrossingBehaviourType(None, None, None, 'cross')
        if nRibs is None:
            ribSpacing = doubleBaseType(None, None, None, pitch)
            ribsPositioning = wingRibsPositioningType(None, None, None, ribReference, etaStart, etaEnd, ribStart, ribEnd, \
                                          ribSpacing, None, ribCrossing, ribRotation)
            nRibs = doubleBaseType(None, None, None, nRibs)
            ribsPositioning = wingRibsPositioningType(None, None, None, ribReference, etaStart, etaEnd, ribStart, ribEnd, \
                                          None, nRibs, ribCrossing, ribRotation)

            wingRibsDefinitionType(None, None, None, myUID, myName, None,
                                   ribsPositioning, myCrossSection))

    # RibsDefinition

    myRibsDefinitions = wingRibsDefinitionsType(None, None, None, ribsList)
