def MAD(a, c=0.6745, axis=None): """ Median Absolute Deviation along given axis of an array: median(abs(a - median(a))) / c c = 0.6745 is the constant to convert from MAD to std; it is used by default """ a = ma.masked_where(a!=a, a) if a.ndim == 1: d = ma.median(a) m = ma.median(ma.fabs(a - d) / c) else: d = ma.median(a, axis=axis) # I don't want the array to change so I have to copy it? if axis > 0: aswp = ma.swapaxes(a,0,axis) else: aswp = a m = ma.median(ma.fabs(aswp - d) / c, axis=0) return m
def MAD(a, c=0.6745, axis=None): """ Median Absolute Deviation along given axis of an array: median(abs(a - median(a))) / c c = 0.6745 is the constant to convert from MAD to std; it is used by default """ a = ma.masked_where(a != a, a) if a.ndim == 1: d = ma.median(a) m = ma.median(ma.fabs(a - d) / c) else: d = ma.median(a, axis=axis) # I don't want the array to change so I have to copy it? if axis > 0: aswp = ma.swapaxes(a, 0, axis) else: aswp = a m = ma.median(ma.fabs(aswp - d) / c, axis=0) return m
def MAD(a, c=0.6745, axis=None): a = ma.masked_where(a!=a, a) if a.ndim == 1: d = ma.median(a) m = ma.median(ma.fabs(a - d) / c) else: d = ma.median(a, axis=axis) # I don't want the array to change so I have to copy it? if axis > 0: aswp = ma.swapaxes(a,0,axis) else: aswp = a m = ma.median(ma.fabs(aswp - d) / c, axis=0) return m
def MAD(a, c=0.6745, axis=None): """ Median Absolute Deviation along given axis of an array: median(abs(a - median(a))) / c c = 0.6745 is the constant to convert from MAD to std """ a = ma.masked_where(a!=a, a) if a.ndim == 1: d = ma.median(a) m = ma.median(ma.fabs(a - d) / c) else: d = ma.median(a, axis=axis) if axis > 0: aswp = ma.swapaxes(a,0,axis) else: aswp = a m = ma.median(ma.fabs(aswp - d) / c, axis=0) return m
def carbchem_revelle(op_swtch,mdi,T_cube,S_cube,TCO2_cube,TALK_cube,Pr=0.0,TB=0.0,Ni=100.0,Tl=1.0e-5): # This function calculates the inorganic carbon chemistry balance # according to the method of Peng et al 1987 # The parameters are set in the first few lines #salinity needs to be converted into psu #TCO2 and TALK must be in mol/kg #the ones below here are not needed # This procedure calculates the inorganic carbon chemistry balance # according to the method of Peng et al 1987 # The parameters are set in the first few lines # # ops= 0 ; output is iteration count # 1 ; pCO2 # 2 ; pH # 3 ; [H2CO3] # 4 ; [HCO3] # 5 ; [CO3] # 6 ; satn [co3] : calcite # 7 ; saturation state: calcite # 8 ; satn [CO3] : aragonite # 9 ; saturation state: aragonite # 10; Ravelle factor (DIC) calculated from Egleston et al. 2010 # 11; Alkalinity buffer factor calculated from Egleston et al. 2010 #make sure grids are same size #make sure rthey years are the same #extarct the data from the cubes # from iris import * # from iris.analysis import * # import iris.analysis # from numpy import * # from matplotlib.pyplot import * # from scipy.stats.mstats import * # import iris.plot as iplt # import seawater # import numpy # import iris.quickplot as quickplot # import iris.analysis.stats as istats # temp = iris.load_cube('/home/ph290/tmp/').extract(Constraint(depth = 0)) # sal = iris.load_cube('/home/ph290/tmp/').extract(Constraint(depth = 0)) # carb = iris.load_cube('/home/ph290/tmp/').extract(Constraint(depth = 0)) # alk = iris.load_cube('/home/ph290/tmp/').extract(Constraint(depth = 0)) # import carbchem # co2 = carbchem.carbchem(1,,temp,sal,carb,alk) # T_cube = temp # S_cube = sal # TCO2_cube = carb # TALK_cube = alk # mdi = t_lat = np.size(T_cube.coord('latitude').points) s_lat = np.size(S_cube.coord('latitude').points) c_lat = np.size(TCO2_cube.coord('latitude').points) a_lat = np.size(TALK_cube.coord('latitude').points) lat_test = t_lat == s_lat == c_lat == a_lat t_lon = np.size(T_cube.coord('longitude').points) s_lon = np.size(S_cube.coord('longitude').points) c_lon = np.size(TCO2_cube.coord('longitude').points) a_lon = np.size(TALK_cube.coord('longitude').points) lon_test = t_lon == s_lon == c_lon == a_lon if lat_test and lon_test: output_cube = T_cube.copy() T_cube = T_cube-273.15 T = S = TCO2_cube = TCO2_cube/1026.0 TCO2 = np.roll(ma.swapaxes(,0,1),180) #NOTE - this is only required here 'cos glodap and WOA are differently ordered - not necessary for other stuff TALK_cube = TALK_cube/1026.0 TALK = np.roll(ma.swapaxes(,0,1),180) print np.mean(T) print np.mean(S) print np.mean(TCO2) print np.mean(TALK) msk1=ma.masked_greater_equal(T,mdi-1.0,copy=True) msk2=ma.masked_greater_equal(S,mdi-1.0,copy=True) msk3=ma.masked_greater_equal(TCO2,mdi-1.0,copy=True) msk4=ma.masked_greater_equal(TALK,mdi-1.0,copy=True) msk=msk1.mask | msk2.mask | msk3.mask | msk4.mask T[msk]=np.nan S[msk]=np.nan TALK[msk]=np.nan TCO2[msk]=np.nan # plt.contourf(T) # # plt.contourf(TCO2) # # T = np.array([13.74232016,25.0]) # S = np.array([33.74096661,35.0]) # TCO2 = np.array([0.0019863,2.0e-3]) # TALK = np.array([0.00226763,2.2e-3]) # msk = ma.masked_greater_equal(T,mdi-1.0,copy=True) #create land-sea mask used by sea_msk.mask salmin = 1.0 S2=np.copy(S) S2[np.abs(S) < salmin]=salmin tol = Tl mxiter = Ni op_fld = np.empty(T.shape) op_fld.fill(np.NAN) # TB = np.ones(T.shape) # TB = 4.106e-4*S2/35.0 TB = np.empty_like(T) TB = np.multiply(S2,4.106e-4/35.0, TB) # this boron is from Peng #convert to Kelvin TK=np.copy(T[:]) TK += +273.15 alpha_s = np.ones(T.shape) alpha_s = np.exp( ( -60.2409 + 9345.17/TK + 23.3585*np.log(TK/100.0) ) + ( 0.023517 - 0.023656*(TK/100.0) + 0.0047036*np.power((TK/100.0),2.0) )*S ) K1 = np.ones(T.shape) K1 = np.exp( ( -2307.1266/TK + 2.83655 - 1.5529413*np.log(TK) ) - ( 4.0484/TK + 0.20760841 )*np.sqrt(S) + 0.08468345*S - 0.00654208*np.power(S,1.5) + np.log( 1.0 - 0.001005*S ) ) a = np.array([-25.50,-15.82,-29.48,-25.60,-48.76,-46.0]) b = np.array([0.1271,0.0219,0.2324,0.5304,0.5304]) c = np.array([0.0,0.0,0.0026080,0.0036246,0.0,0.0]) d = np.array([-3.08,1.13,(-2.84e-3)/(1.0e-3),-5.13,-11.76,-11.76]) e = np.array([0.0877,0.1475,0.0,0.0794,0.3692,0.3692]) if keyword.iskeyword(Pr): instance = 0 pf = pressure_fun(a[instance],b[instance],c[instance],d[instance],e[instance],T) K1 = K1*pf K2 = np.ones(T.shape) K2 = np.exp( ( -3351.6106/TK - 9.226508 - 0.2005743*np.log(TK) ) - ( 23.9722/TK + 0.106901773 )*np.power(S,0.5) + 0.1130822*S - 0.00846934*np.power(S,1.5) + np.log( 1.0 - 0.001005*S ) ) if keyword.iskeyword(Pr): instance = 1 pf = pressure_fun(a[instance],b[instance],c[instance],d[instance],e[instance],T) K2 = K2*pf KB = np.ones(T.shape) KB = np.exp( ( -8966.90 - 2890.53*np.power(S,0.5) - 77.942*S + 1.728*np.power(S,1.5)- 0.0996*np.power(S,2.0) )/TK + ( 148.0248 + 137.1942*np.power(S,0.5) + 1.62142*S ) - ( 24.4344 + 25.085*np.power(S,0.5) + 0.2474*S )*np.log(TK) + 0.053105*(np.power(S,0.5))*TK ) if keyword.iskeyword(Pr): instance = 2 pf = pressure_fun(a[instance],b[instance],c[instance],d[instance],e[instance],T) KB = KB*pf KW = np.ones(T.shape) KW = np.exp( ( -13847.26/TK + 148.96502 - 23.6521*np.log(TK) ) + ( 118.67/TK - 5.977 + 1.0495*np.log(TK) )*np.power(S,0.5) - 0.01615*S ) if keyword.iskeyword(Pr): instance = 3 pf = pressure_fun(a[instance],b[instance],c[instance],d[instance],e[instance],T) KW = KW*pf if ( op_swtch >= 6 or op_swtch <= 9 ): ca_conc = np.ones(T.shape) ca_conc = 0.01028*S2/35.0 if ( op_swtch == 6 or op_swtch == 7 ): K_SP_C = np.ones(T.shape) K_SP_C = np.power(10.0,( ( -171.9065 - 0.077993*TK + 2839.319/TK + 71.595*np.log10(TK) ) + ( -0.77712 + 0.0028426*TK + 178.34/TK )*np.power(S,0.5) - 0.07711*S+ 0.0041249*np.power(S,1.5) )) if keyword.iskeyword(Pr): instance = 4 pf = pressure_fun(a[instance],b[instance],c[instance],d[instance],e[instance],T) K_SP_C = K_SP_C*pf if ( op_swtch == 8 or op_swtch == 9 ): K_SP_A = np.ones(T.shape) K_SP_A = np.power(10,( ( -171.945 - 0.077993*TK + 2903.293/TK + 71.595*np.log10(TK) ) + ( -0.068393 + 0.0017276*TK + 88.135/TK )*np.power(S,0.5) - 0.10018*S + 0.0059415*np.power(S,1.5) )) if keyword.iskeyword(Pr): instance = 5 pf = pressure_fun(a[instance],b[instance],c[instance],d[instance],e[instance],T) K_SP_A = K_SP_A*pf # Get first estimate for H+ concentration. AC, AW, AB, aH, count = carbiter(T, TCO2, TALK, TB, msk, tol, mxiter, K1, K2, KB, KW) # plt.contourf(aH) # # plt.contourf(AC) # # plt.contourf(AW) # # plt.contourf(aH) # # now we have aH we can calculate... denom = np.zeros(T.shape) H2CO3 = np.zeros(T.shape) HCO3 = np.zeros(T.shape) CO3 = np.zeros(T.shape) pH = np.zeros(T.shape) pCO2 = np.zeros(T.shape) if ( op_swtch == 6 or op_swtch == 7 ): sat_CO3_C = np.zeros(T.shape) if ( op_swtch == 7 ): sat_stat_C = np.zeros(T.shape) if ( op_swtch == 8 or op_swtch == 9 ): sat_CO3_A = np.zeros(T.shape) if ( op_swtch == 9 ): sat_stat_A = np.zeros(T.shape) denom = np.power(aH,2.0) + K1*aH + K1*K2 H2CO3 = TCO2*np.power(aH,2.0)/denom HCO3 = TCO2*K1*aH/denom CO3 = TCO2*K1*K2/denom # plt.contourf(K1) # # plt.contourf(aH) -no # # plt.contourf(denom) -no # pH = -np.log10(aH) pCO2 = H2CO3/alpha_s if ( op_swtch == 6 or op_swtch == 7 ): sat_CO3_C = K_SP_C/ca_conc if ( op_swtch == 7 ): sat_stat_C = CO3/sat_CO3_C if ( op_swtch == 8 or op_swtch == 9 ): sat_CO3_A = K_SP_A/ca_conc if ( op_swtch == 9 ): sat_stat_A = CO3/sat_CO3_A TALKc=+HCO3+2*(CO3) var1=HCO3 DIC_buffer=HCO3 ALK_buffer=HCO3 var1=HCO3+4*(CO3)+((aH*AB)/(KB+aH))-AW DIC_buffer=TCO2-((TALKc*TALKc)/var1) ALK_buffer=((TALKc*TALKc)-TCO2*var1)/TALKc output_cube = output_cube*0.0+np.nan if ( op_swtch == 0 ): op_fld = np.zeros(T.shape) op_fld = count elif ( op_swtch == 1 ): print np.mean(pCO2) = pCO2*1.0e6 output_cube.standard_name = 'surface_partial_pressure_of_carbon_dioxide_in_sea_water' output_cube.long_name = 'CO2 concentration' output_cube.units = 'uatm' elif ( op_swtch == 2 ): = pH output_cube.standard_name = 'sea_water_ph_reported_on_total_scale' output_cube.long_name = 'pH' output_cube.units = '1' elif ( op_swtch == 3 ): = H2CO3 elif ( op_swtch == 4 ): = HCO3 elif ( op_swtch == 5 ): = CO3 elif ( op_swtch == 6 ): = sat_CO3_C elif ( op_swtch == 7 ): = sat_stat_C elif ( op_swtch == 8 ): = sat_CO3_A elif ( op_swtch == 9 ): = sat_stat_A elif ( op_swtch == 10 ): = TCO2/DIC_buffer elif ( op_swtch == 11 ): = ALK_buffer*1000.0 return output_cube