def test_contained_square(self):
        poly1 = matrix([(0, 0), (10, 0), (10, 10), (0, 10), (0, 0), ])
        poly2 = matrix([(-10, -10), (20, -10), (20, 20), (-10, 20), (-10, -10), ])
        new_poly = find_overlapping_polygon(poly1, poly2)

        result = check_polygon_equality(new_poly, poly1)
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def ExponentialMask(self):
     w, h, d = self.vdim
     wx = WinFx.Exponential(w)
     wy = WinFx.Exponential(h)
     wz = WinFx.Exponential(d)
     xy = matrix(wy).T * matrix(wx)
     for z in range(d):[z,:,:] *= xy * wz[z]
     return self
Ejemplo n.º 3
 def GaussianMask(self):
     w, h, d = self.vdim
     wx = WinFx.Gaussian(CalcGaussianSigma(w), w)
     wy = WinFx.Gaussian(CalcGaussianSigma(h), h)
     wz = WinFx.Gaussian(CalcGaussianSigma(d), d)
     xy = matrix(wy).T * matrix(wx)
     for z in range(d):[z,:,:] *= xy * wz[z]
     return self
Ejemplo n.º 4
 def Hanning(clz, dim, dtype=float):
     v = np.ndarray(dim[::-1], dtype=float)
     w = hanning(dim[0])
     h = hanning(dim[1])
     d = hanning(dim[2])
     p = matrix(h).T * matrix(w)
     for z in range(dim[2]):
         v[z,:,:] = p * d[z]
     if dtype is not float:
         return clz(v).AsType(dtype)
     return clz(v)
Ejemplo n.º 5
 def Gaussian(clz, sigmas, dtype=float):
     dim = 2 * (ceil(array(sigmas) * 3).astype(int32) | 1) + 1
     v = np.ndarray(dim[::-1], dtype=float)
     w = WinFx.Gaussian(sigmas[0], dim[0])
     h = WinFx.Gaussian(sigmas[1], dim[1])
     d = WinFx.Gaussian(sigmas[2], dim[2])
     p = matrix(h).T * matrix(w)
     for z in range(dim[2]):
         v[z,:,:] = p * d[z]
     if dtype is not float:
         return clz(v).AsType(dtype)
     return clz(v)
    def test_two_overlapping_squares(self):
        poly1 = matrix([(0, 0), (10, 0), (10, 10), (0, 10), (0, 0), ])
        dx, dy = (5, 5)
        trans_mat = getTranslationMatrix2d(dx, dy)
        homogeneous_trans_mat = dot(trans_mat, vstack((transpose(poly1), ones((1, poly1.shape[0])))))
        poly2 = transpose(homogeneous_trans_mat[0:2, :])

        intersection = matrix([(5, 5), (5, 10), (10, 10), (10, 5), (5, 5), ])
        new_poly = find_overlapping_polygon(poly1, poly2)
        self.assertNotEqual(new_poly, None)
        self.assertTupleEqual(new_poly.shape, (5, 2))
        result = check_polygon_equality(new_poly, intersection)
Ejemplo n.º 7
def logicreg_mle_iteration_reduce_single_dim(Y, X, i):
    ill_arr = [i]
    #Only one index
    X_reduce = logicreg_matrix_column_shrink(X, ill_arr)
    w_init = transpose(matrix(zeros(X_reduce.shape[1])))
    w_reduced = logicreg_mle_iteration(Y, X_reduce, w_init)
    return X_reduce, w_reduced
Ejemplo n.º 8
def sat_in_enu(R_u, R_sat):
    Satellite coordinates in ENU at users position R_u
    :param R_u:   (X,Y,Z) -- user's coordinates in ECEF (numpy array)
    :param R_sat: (X,Y,Z) -- satellite's coordinates in ECEF (numpy array)
    :return: unit vector of the direction to the satellite in local `east, north, up` coords
    See [1] p. 522
    if isinstance(R_sat, list):  R_sat = np.array(R_sat)
    R = R_sat - R_u
    phi_theta_h = ecef_to_lat_lon_alt(R_u, deg=False)
    # coordinate transformation matrix from ECEF to ENU:
    sin_p, sin_t = map(sin, phi_theta_h[:2])
    cos_p, cos_t = map(cos, phi_theta_h[:2])
    C_ecef_to_enu = matrix([[-sin_t, cos_t, 0],
                            [-sin_p * cos_t, -sin_p * sin_t, cos_p],
                            [cos_p * cos_t, cos_p * sin_t, sin_p]])
    # coordinate origin shift vector from ECEF to local ENU:
    # S_enu = matrix([[R_u[0] * sin_t - R_u[1] * cos_t],
    #                 [R_u[0] * sin_p * cos_t - R_u[1] * sin_p * sin_t - R_u[2] * cos_p],
    #                 [-R_u[0] * cos_p * cos_t - R_u[1] * cos_p * sin_t - R_u[2] * sin_t]])

    X_enu = C_ecef_to_enu * R.reshape((3, 1))# + S_enu
    # return normalized vector:
    return (X_enu / norm(X_enu)).flatten().getA()[0]
Ejemplo n.º 9
def sat_in_enu(R_u, R_sat):
    Satellite coordinates in ENU at users position R_u
    :param R_u:   (X,Y,Z) -- user's coordinates in ECEF (numpy array)
    :param R_sat: (X,Y,Z) -- satellite's coordinates in ECEF (numpy array)
    :return: unit vector of the direction to the satellite in local `east, north, up` coords
    See [1] p. 522
    if isinstance(R_sat, list): R_sat = np.array(R_sat)
    R = R_sat - R_u
    phi_theta_h = ecef_to_lat_lon_alt(R_u, deg=False)
    # coordinate transformation matrix from ECEF to ENU:
    sin_p, sin_t = map(sin, phi_theta_h[:2])
    cos_p, cos_t = map(cos, phi_theta_h[:2])

    C_ecef_to_enu = matrix([[-sin_t, cos_t, 0],
                            [-sin_p * cos_t, -sin_p * sin_t, cos_p],
                            [cos_p * cos_t, cos_p * sin_t, sin_p]])
    # coordinate origin shift vector from ECEF to local ENU:
    # S_enu = matrix([[R_u[0] * sin_t - R_u[1] * cos_t],
    #                 [R_u[0] * sin_p * cos_t - R_u[1] * sin_p * sin_t - R_u[2] * cos_p],
    #                 [-R_u[0] * cos_p * cos_t - R_u[1] * cos_p * sin_t - R_u[2] * sin_t]])

    X_enu = C_ecef_to_enu * R.reshape((3, 1))  # + S_enu
    # return normalized vector:
    return (X_enu / norm(X_enu)).flatten().getA()[0]
    def test_rotated_squares(self):
        poly1 = matrix([(0, 0), (10, 0), (10, 10), (0, 10), (0, 0), ])

        rot_mat = getRotationMatrix2D((5, 5), 45, 1.0)
        homogeneous_poly1 = vstack((transpose(poly1), ones((1, poly1.shape[0]))))

        poly2 = transpose(dot(rot_mat, homogeneous_poly1))

        new_poly = find_overlapping_polygon(poly1, poly2)

        ## plot the result
        # import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
        # from matplotlib.path import Path
        # import matplotlib.patches as patches
        # path = Path(new_poly)
        # fig = plt.figure()
        # ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
        # patch = patches.PathPatch(path, facecolor='orange', lw=2)
        # ax.add_patch(patch)
        # ax.set_xlim(-5,15)
        # ax.set_ylim(-5,15)

        # should be an octagon
        self.assertEqual(new_poly.shape[0], 9)
Ejemplo n.º 11
def logicreg_Matrix_column_shrink_recovery(X, indexes):
    sorted_indexes = sorted(indexes)
    X_pad = X
    zero_pad = matrix(X[:, 0] * 0)
    for i in sorted_indexes:
        X_head = append(X_pad[:, 0:i], zero_pad, 1)
        X_tail = X_pad[:, i:]
        X_pad = append(X_head, X_tail, 1)
    return X_pad
Ejemplo n.º 12
def main():
    for i in range(3):
        for j in range(3):
Ejemplo n.º 13
 def get_adjugate_matrix(self):
     matrix = self.getA()
     adjugate_matrix_as_array = []
     for i, line in enumerate(matrix):
         for j, row in enumerate(line):
             tpm_sub_matrix = np.delete(matrix, i, 0)
             tpm_sub_matrix = np.delete(tpm_sub_matrix, j, 1)
             co_factor = pow(-1, i + j) * np.linalg.det(tpm_sub_matrix)
     adjugate_matrix = matrix_lib.matrix(adjugate_matrix_as_array)
     return adjugate_matrix
Ejemplo n.º 14
def logicreg_likelihood_ratio_chi_square_norm(Y, X, w):
    dim_size = w.shape[0]
    ratio_arr = array(zeros(dim_size))
    #Raw score computation
    P = logicreg_func(X, w)
    L_base = logicreg_log_likelihood_func(Y, P)
    for i in range(dim_size):
        X_reduced, w_reduced = logicreg_mle_iteration_reduce_single_dim(Y, X, i)
        P_reduced = logicreg_func(X_reduced, w_reduced)
        L_reduced = logicreg_log_likelihood_func(Y, P_reduced)
        ratio = -2 * (L_reduced - L_base)
        ratio_arr[i] = ratio
    return transpose(matrix(ratio_arr))
 def reduce(self):
     # En gros, calcul du barycentre, et définition du type en fonction du rapport (distmin/distmax)
     # distX = distX au barycentre
     self.pointList = nm.matrix([[self.pointList[k][0] for k in range(len(self.pointList))],
                                 [self.pointList[k][1] for k in range(len(self.pointList))]]) = self.pointList.mean(1)
     dp = (self.pointList -  # matrice des vecteurs (colonne) ecart au barycentre
     r = [np.array([dp[0][k], dp[1][k]]) for k in range(dp.shape[1])]  # liste des vecteurs ecart
     d = [np.linalg.norm(w) > 0.1 for w in r]  # array des distances au barycentre
     if True in d:
         self.type = Obstacle.TYPE_LINE
         self.type = Obstacle.TYPE_ROUND
Ejemplo n.º 16
def logicreg_mle_training(Y, X, Y_test, X_test):
    init_dim = X.shape[1]
    #Get training data set
    w_opt = transpose(matrix(zeros(X.shape[1])))
    accuracy_control = 0.75
    ill_history = []
    old_accuracy = 0.0
    training_round = 0
    while True:
        training_round += 1
        #Param training -- core process
        w_opt = logicreg_mle_iteration(Y, X, w_opt)
        #Quality control: Param accuracy computing.
        accuracy = logicreg_accuracy(Y_test, X_test, w_opt)
        print 'Accuracy is:', accuracy, ' Training round:', training_round
        #Quality control: Param validate and filter, X and w_opt will be shrunk
        Y, X, w_opt, ill_arr = logicreg_likelihood_ratio_filter(Y, X, w_opt)
        #Terminating policy
        if size(ill_arr) > 0 or accuracy < accuracy_control:
            if training_round < 20 or old_accuracy != accuracy:
                #Initialize the w_opt to new dim size with zero value
                w_opt = transpose(matrix(zeros(X.shape[1])))
                X_test = logicreg_matrix_column_shrink(X_test, ill_arr)
                ill_history += [ill_arr]
                old_accuracy = accuracy
                print 'Terminated, can not met accuracy requiredment, current Accuracy is:', accuracy
            print 'Finished, current Accuracy is:', accuracy
    if size(w_opt) > 0:
        #Recover the shrunk w to initial size (fill blanks with '0')
        return logicreg_w_dim_recovery(w_opt, ill_history)
        print 'There is no param left for this logic model, maybe you should divide the data set first...'
        return transpose(matrix(zeros(init_dim)))
    def test_two_non_overlapping_squares(self):
        poly1 = matrix([(0, 0), (10, 0), (10, 10), (0, 10), (0, 0), ])
        dxys = [(-8, 0), (0, 8), (8, 0), (0, -8)]

        for dx, dy in dxys:
            if (dx, dy) == (0, 0):

            trans_mat = getTranslationMatrix2d(dx, dy)
            homogeneous_trans_mat = dot(trans_mat, vstack((transpose(poly1), ones((1, poly1.shape[0])))))
            poly2 = transpose(homogeneous_trans_mat[0:2, :])

            new_poly = find_overlapping_polygon(poly1, poly2)
            area = find_polygon_area(new_poly)
            self.assertAlmostEqual(area, 2 * 10)
    def test_two_non_overlapping_squares(self):
        poly1 = matrix([(0, 0), (10, 0), (10, 10), (0, 10), (0, 0), ])
        dxs = [-10, 10, 0]
        dys = [-10, 10, 0]
        for dx in dxs:
            for dy in dys:
                if (dx, dy) == (0, 0):

                trans_mat = getTranslationMatrix2d(dx, dy)
                homogeneous_trans_mat = dot(trans_mat, vstack((transpose(poly1), ones((1, poly1.shape[0])))))
                poly2 = transpose(homogeneous_trans_mat[0:2, :])

                new_poly = find_overlapping_polygon(poly1, poly2)
                self.assertEqual(new_poly, None)
Ejemplo n.º 19
import numpy as np
import numpy.matrixlib as ml
l1 = [1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6], [7, 8, 9]
mat1 = ml.matrix(l1)
mat2 = (1 / mat1)
Ejemplo n.º 20
 def x_rotate(self, angle: int):
     a = radians(angle)
     tmp = matrix([[1, 0, 0], [0, cos(a), -sin(a)], [0, sin(a), cos(a)]])
     tmp = np.linalg.inv(tmp)
     self.m = tmp * self.m
Ejemplo n.º 21
 def test_add_multiple_keys(self):
     m = create_matrix_from_list_of_tuple((("x", "A", 1), ("y", "B", 100)))
     self.assertDictEqual(m.column_keys, {"A": 0, "B": 1})
     self.assertDictEqual(m.row_keys, {"x": 0, "y": 1})
     self.assertTrue((m.elements == matrix([[1, 0], [0, 100]])).all())
import numpy as np
import scipy.optimize as so
import numpy.matrixlib as nm

### Module-local tuple of matrices of Fourier fit coefficents
### - Index within tuple is order of matrix
### - Each principal axis' (PA's) coefficients are on one line in this file
### - Note .T (transpose) at end of each so PA's coefs will be a column

mtxlist = ( None, None

### 2-term Fourier fit:       a0        a1     b1      a2      b2
          , nm.matrix( [ [-15.94,   -7.522, 48.97, -5.918, -3.235 ]  ### B[0]
                       , [  2.484, -22.72,  -9.989, 2.358, -4.198 ]  ### B[1]
                       , [ 34.93,   -2.168, 10.02, -1.838, -0.6224]  ### B[2]
                       ] ).T

### 3-term Fourier fit:        a0      a1       b1       a2    b2       a3       b3
          , nm.matrix( [ [  19.04, -37.98,   -0.4392, -0.4125, -8.412,  1.689,  0.5891]  ### B[0]
                       , [  13.87,   4.463, -19.73,    4.672,   1.369, -0.7784, 0.889 ]  ### B[1]
                       , [  -4.907, -8.234,   0.601,  -0.0403, -1.91,   0.442,  0.1858]  ### B[2]
                       ] ).T

          , )

def buildvec(theta, order):
Build row vector of Fourier cos(n*Theta) and sin(n*Theta) terms to be