Ejemplo n.º 1
 def _getNormal(self,b):
     at1 = b.next1
     at2 = b.atom1
     at3 = b.atom2
     pt1 = at1.coords
     pt2 = at2.coords
     pt3 = at3.coords
     a = Numeric.subtract(pt2,pt1)
     b = Numeric.subtract(pt3,pt2)
     p = (a[1]*b[2]-a[2]*b[1],a[2]*b[0]-a[0]*b[2],a[0]*b[1]-a[1]*b[0])
     nrmsize = Numeric.sqrt(p[0]*p[0]+p[1]*p[1]+p[2]*p[2])
     return (nrmsize, p)
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def _getNormal(self, b):
     at1 = b.next1
     at2 = b.atom1
     at3 = b.atom2
     pt1 = at1.coords
     pt2 = at2.coords
     pt3 = at3.coords
     a = Numeric.subtract(pt2, pt1)
     b = Numeric.subtract(pt3, pt2)
     p = (a[1] * b[2] - a[2] * b[1], a[2] * b[0] - a[0] * b[2],
          a[0] * b[1] - a[1] * b[0])
     nrmsize = Numeric.sqrt(p[0] * p[0] + p[1] * p[1] + p[2] * p[2])
     return (nrmsize, p)
Ejemplo n.º 3
 def getVertsFromCornerPts(self, cornerPoints):
     # cornerPoints = (center-halfsides, center+halfsides)
     # cornerPoints = (pt0, pt1)
     self.xside = x1-x0
     self.yside = y1-y0
     self.zside = z1-z0
     center = (x1-(x1-x0)/2., y1-(y1-y0)/2., z1-(z1-z0)/2.)
     self.center = center
     # maxCube sets box to cube with side = largest of x,y,z-side
     # min sets box to cube with side = smallest of x,y,z-side
     # maxCube has precedence over minCube
     if self.maxCube or self.minCube:
         if self.maxCube:
             side = max((x1-x0,y1-y0,z1-z0))
         elif self.minCube:
             side = min((x1-x0,y1-y0,z1-z0))
         self.xside = side
         self.yside = side
         self.zside = side
         x1,y1,z1 = pt1
         x0,y0,z0 = pt0
     #built list of 8 pts
     return ptList
Ejemplo n.º 4
 def getVertsFromCornerPts(self, cornerPoints):
     # cornerPoints = (center-halfsides, center+halfsides)
     # cornerPoints = (pt0, pt1)
     x1, y1, z1 = cornerPoints[1]
     x0, y0, z0 = cornerPoints[0]
     self.xside = x1 - x0
     self.yside = y1 - y0
     self.zside = z1 - z0
     center = (x1 - (x1 - x0) / 2., y1 - (y1 - y0) / 2.,
               z1 - (z1 - z0) / 2.)
     self.center = center
     # maxCube sets box to cube with side = largest of x,y,z-side
     # min sets box to cube with side = smallest of x,y,z-side
     # maxCube has precedence over minCube
     if self.maxCube or self.minCube:
         if self.maxCube:
             side = max((x1 - x0, y1 - y0, z1 - z0))
         elif self.minCube:
             side = min((x1 - x0, y1 - y0, z1 - z0))
         self.xside = side
         self.yside = side
         self.zside = side
         pt1 = tuple(Numeric.add(center, (side / 2., side / 2, side / 2)))
         pt0 = tuple(
             Numeric.subtract(center, (side / 2, side / 2, side / 2)))
         x1, y1, z1 = pt1
         x0, y0, z0 = pt0
     #built list of 8 pts
     ptList = ((x1, y1, z0), (x0, y1, z0), (x0, y0, z0), (x1, y0, z0),
               (x1, y1, z1), (x0, y1, z1), (x0, y0, z1), (x1, y0, z1))
     return ptList
Ejemplo n.º 5
 def getVertsFromCenter(self, center):
     self.center = center
     halfSide = Numeric.multiply(
         Numeric.array((self.xside, self.yside, self.zside)), 0.5)
     pt1 = tuple(Numeric.add(center, halfSide))
     pt0 = tuple(Numeric.subtract(center, halfSide))
     return (pt0, pt1)
    def select(self, bnds, cutoff=7.5):
        cutoffValue = math.cos(cutoff*math.pi/180.)
        #print "cutoffValue=", cutoffValue
        aromaticCs = AtomSet([])
        atD = {}
        ctr = 1
        aromaticBnds = BondSet()

        #taken from autotorsCommands
        ats = self.getAtoms(bnds)
        rf = RingFinder()
        rf.findRings2(ats, bnds)
        cyclecount = rf.ringCount
        aromatic_cycles = []
        ct = 1
        for ring in rf.rings:
            blist = ring['bonds']
            for bnd in blist:
                at = bnd.atom1
                #next find the other bond in this cycle with at as one of the atoms:
                z2 = filter(lambda x:x!=bnd and x.atom1==at or x.atom2==at, blist)
                bnd.nextbond = z2[0]
                neighbor = z2[0].atom1
                if neighbor==at:
                    neighbor = z2[0].atom2
                bnd.next1 = neighbor
                #print "set ", bnd.atom1.name,'-', bnd.atom2.name,".next1 to ", neighbor.name
                #now each bond has 3 atoms specified for it: its own two and the next1 to atom1
                at1 = bnd.next1
                at2 = bnd.atom1
                at3 = bnd.atom2
                pt1 = at1.coords
                pt2 = at2.coords
                pt3 = at3.coords
                a1 = Numeric.subtract(pt2,pt1)
                b1 = Numeric.subtract(pt3,pt2)
                p = [a1[1]*b1[2]-a1[2]*b1[1],a1[2]*b1[0]-a1[0]*b1[2],a1[0]*b1[1]-a1[1]*b1[0]]
                result0 = Numeric.sqrt(p[0]*p[0]+p[1]*p[1]+p[2]*p[2])
                bnd.nrmsize = result0
                result1 = p
                bnd.nrms = result1
                #next find the other bond w/atom2:
                z2 = filter(lambda x,bnd=bnd, at2=bnd.atom2, blist=blist:x!=bnd and x.atom1==at2 or x.atom2==at2, blist)
                #finally, return the other atom in this bond
                bnd.nextbond2 = z2[0]
                if bnd.nextbond2==bnd:
                    bnd.nextbond2 = z2[1]
                #neighbor2 = self._getnxtAtom(b.atom2,b.nextbond2)
                neighbor2 = bnd.nextbond2.atom1
                if neighbor2==bnd.atom2:
                    neighbor2 = bnd.nextbond2.atom2
                bnd.next2 = neighbor2
                #next have to check whether the normals are parallel
                #check each pair in each bond, how to keep track??
                #have to get normal at b's atom2: so have to get next2 for this bond:
            #have to loop twice to make sure neighbor has nrms
            for bnd in blist:
                p = bnd.nrms
                psize = bnd.nrmsize
                q = bnd.nextbond2.nrms
                qsize = bnd.nextbond2.nrmsize
                #theta is the critical test for planarity:
                #if angle between 2 nrms is 0, atoms are planar
                #NB>test is comparing theta,cos(angle), w/zero
                bnd.theta = Numeric.dot(p,q)/(psize*qsize)
            #NB: REPEAT STUFF FROM HERE TO THE END IF aromaticCutOff changes
            ct = 0
            for bnd in blist:
                #these are values for the default 7.5degrees:
                #if theta>=0.997 or theta<=-0.997:
                #print bnd.atom1.name, '-', bnd.atom2.name, '->', bnd.theta 
                if bnd.theta>=cutoffValue or bnd.theta<=-cutoffValue:
                    bnd.posAromatic = 1
                    ct = ct + 1
                    bnd.posAromatic = 0
                #print ' posAromatic=', bnd.posAromatic
            #after checking all the bonds in current cycle, compare #posAromatic w/number
            if ct==len(blist):
                #print ctr," cycle is aromatic"
                #NB: only C=C bonds are considered aromatic 
                #    could change the name and autodock_element here....
                for bnd in blist:
                    # THIS IS WRONG!!!
                    #if bnd.atom1.element=='C' and bnd.atom2.element=='C':
                    #    aromaticBnds.append(bnd)
            ctr = ctr + 1
            #print "len(aromaticBnds)=", len(aromaticBnds)
        #for b in aromaticBnds:
        #    print b.atom1.name, '-', b.atom2.name
        return aromaticBnds
Ejemplo n.º 7
    def __init__(self, name=None, check=1, **kw):

        self.maxCube = None
        self.minCube = None

        if    not kw.get('origin') \
          and not kw.get('center') \
          and not kw.get('cornerPoints') \
          and not kw.get('minCube'):
            kw['origin'] = (0, 0, 0)

        #set up some defaults:
        materials = kw.get('materials')
        #print 'in BOX materials kw=', materials
        if not materials:
            kw['materials'] = ((0,0,1),(0,1,0),(0,0,1),(0,1,0),(1,0,0),(1,0,0),)
        #print 'in BOX after test for materials, kwmaterials=', kw['materials']

        vertices = kw.get('vertices')
        if vertices is not None:
            assert len(vertices)==8
            pt1 = Numeric.array(vertices[2])
            pt2 = Numeric.array(vertices[4])
            self.center = tuple(Numeric.multiply(Numeric.add(pt1,pt2), 0.5))
            self.xside, self.yside, self.zside = \
            #set up center 
            center = kw.get('center')
            #if not center: center = (0.,0.,0.)
            self.center = center

            #set up sides
            side = kw.get('side')
            if side:
                self.xside = side
                self.yside = side
                self.zside = side
                xside = kw.get('xside')
                if not xside: xside = 1.0
                self.xside = xside
                yside = kw.get('yside')
                if not yside: yside = 1.0
                self.yside = yside
                zside = kw.get('zside')
                if not zside: zside = 1.0
                self.zside = zside

        #NB faces shouldn't change
        self.funcs = {}
        fkeys = ['center', 'origin', 'centerOrigin', 'xside', \
                'yside', 'zside','maxCube', 'minCube']
        fs = [self.getVertsFromCenter, self.getVertsFromOrigin, \
                CallBackFunction(self.getVertsFromSide, 'xside'),
                CallBackFunction(self.getVertsFromSide, 'yside'),
                CallBackFunction(self.getVertsFromSide, 'zside'),
                self.setMaxCube, self.setMinCube]
        for i in range(len(fkeys)):
            self.funcs[fkeys[i]] = fs[i]

        self.pickableVertices = 1
        kw['frontPolyMode'] = 'line'
        apply( IndexedPolygons.__init__, (self, name, check), kw )
        self.inheritMaterial = 0
        #print 'calling self.Set with ', kw.get('materials')
        #apply(self.Set,(), kw)

        # register functions to compute normals
        self.vertexSet.normals.ComputeMode( viewerConst.AUTO )
        self.faceSet.normals.ComputeMode( viewerConst.AUTO )
        self.oldFPM = GL.GL_LINE
Ejemplo n.º 8
 def getVertsFromCenter(self, center):
     self.center = center
     halfSide = Numeric.multiply(Numeric.array((self.xside, self.yside, self.zside)), 0.5)
     return (pt0, pt1)
Ejemplo n.º 9
    def Set(self, check=1, redo=1, updateOwnGui=True, **kw):
        """set data for this object: Set polygon's vertices, faces, normals or materials
check=1 : verify that all the keywords present can be handle by this func 
redo=1 : append self to viewer.objectsNeedingRedo
updateOwnGui=True : allow to update owngui at the end this func
        redoFlags = 0

        #newKeyList is list of keys specified in call to Set
        newKeyList = kw.keys()

        # Setting both center AND origin is a special case
        # which sets all side lengths
        centerOrigin = 0
        if 'center' in newKeyList and 'origin' in newKeyList:
            centerOrigin = 1

        side= kw.get( 'side')
        if side:
            kw['xside'] = side
            kw['yside'] = side
            kw['zside'] = side
            newKeyList.extend(['xside','yside', 'zside'])
            newKeyList = uniq(newKeyList)

        apply(self.updateVal, (['xside','yside','zside'],),kw)

        #these are either 1 or None
        self.maxCube = kw.get('maxCube')
        self.minCube = kw.get('minCube')
        if self.minCube and self.maxCube:
            self.center = [ (self.minCube[0] + self.maxCube[0]) * .5 ,
                            (self.minCube[1] + self.maxCube[1]) * .5 ,
                            (self.minCube[2] + self.maxCube[2]) * .5 ]
        # kl used to implement this precedence: 
        # side < [x,y,z]side < center < origin < cornerPoints < vertices
        # vertices are dealt with last
        cornerPoints = None
        kl = ['xside', 'yside', 'zside','minCube', 'maxCube', 'center', 'origin'] 
        for key in kl:
            if key in newKeyList:
                newVal = kw.get(key)
                if not newVal: continue
                if key in ['center','origin'] and centerOrigin:
                    self.center = kw.get('center')
                    newVal = kw.get('origin')
                    f = self.funcs['centerOrigin']
                    del kw[key]
                    f = self.funcs[key]
                cornerPoints = apply(f, (newVal,),{})

        #if cornerPoints are specified, they override other info
        newcornerPoints = kw.get('cornerPoints')
        if newcornerPoints:
            cornerPoints = newcornerPoints

        if cornerPoints:
            ptList = self.getVertsFromCornerPts(cornerPoints)
            ptList = None

        #vertices overrides everything: set center+sides
        newVertices = kw.get('vertices')
        if newVertices is not None:
            assert len(newVertices)==8
            pt1 = Numeric.array(newVertices[2])
            pt2 = Numeric.array(newVertices[4])
            self.center = tuple(Numeric.multiply(Numeric.add(pt1,pt2), 0.5))
            self.xside, self.yside, self.zside = \
            redoFlags |= self._redoFlags['redoDisplayListFlag']
        elif ptList:
            assert len(ptList)==8
            kw['vertices'] = ptList
            redoFlags |= self._redoFlags['redoDisplayListFlag']

        if kw.get('faces') is None:
            kw['faces'] = self.faces

        redoFlags |= apply( IndexedPolygons.Set, (self, check, 0), kw )

        return self.redoNow(redo, updateOwnGui, redoFlags)
Ejemplo n.º 10
    def select(self, bnds, cutoff=7.5):
        cutoffValue = math.cos(cutoff * math.pi / 180.)
        #print "cutoffValue=", cutoffValue
        aromaticCs = AtomSet([])
        atD = {}
        ctr = 1
        aromaticBnds = BondSet()

        #taken from autotorsCommands
        ats = self.getAtoms(bnds)
        rf = RingFinder()
        rf.findRings2(ats, bnds)
        cyclecount = rf.ringCount
        aromatic_cycles = []
        ct = 1
        for ring in rf.rings:
            blist = ring['bonds']
            for bnd in blist:
                at = bnd.atom1
                #next find the other bond in this cycle with at as one of the atoms:
                z2 = filter(
                    lambda x: x != bnd and x.atom1 == at or x.atom2 == at,
                bnd.nextbond = z2[0]
                neighbor = z2[0].atom1
                if neighbor == at:
                    neighbor = z2[0].atom2
                bnd.next1 = neighbor
                #print "set ", bnd.atom1.name,'-', bnd.atom2.name,".next1 to ", neighbor.name
                #now each bond has 3 atoms specified for it: its own two and the next1 to atom1
                at1 = bnd.next1
                at2 = bnd.atom1
                at3 = bnd.atom2
                pt1 = at1.coords
                pt2 = at2.coords
                pt3 = at3.coords
                a1 = Numeric.subtract(pt2, pt1)
                b1 = Numeric.subtract(pt3, pt2)
                p = [
                    a1[1] * b1[2] - a1[2] * b1[1],
                    a1[2] * b1[0] - a1[0] * b1[2],
                    a1[0] * b1[1] - a1[1] * b1[0]
                result0 = Numeric.sqrt(p[0] * p[0] + p[1] * p[1] + p[2] * p[2])
                bnd.nrmsize = result0
                result1 = p
                bnd.nrms = result1
                #next find the other bond w/atom2:
                z2 = filter(lambda x, bnd=bnd, at2=bnd.atom2, blist=blist: x !=
                            bnd and x.atom1 == at2 or x.atom2 == at2,
                #finally, return the other atom in this bond
                bnd.nextbond2 = z2[0]
                if bnd.nextbond2 == bnd:
                    bnd.nextbond2 = z2[1]
                #neighbor2 = self._getnxtAtom(b.atom2,b.nextbond2)
                neighbor2 = bnd.nextbond2.atom1
                if neighbor2 == bnd.atom2:
                    neighbor2 = bnd.nextbond2.atom2
                bnd.next2 = neighbor2
                #next have to check whether the normals are parallel
                #check each pair in each bond, how to keep track??
                #have to get normal at b's atom2: so have to get next2 for this bond:
            #have to loop twice to make sure neighbor has nrms
            for bnd in blist:
                p = bnd.nrms
                psize = bnd.nrmsize
                q = bnd.nextbond2.nrms
                qsize = bnd.nextbond2.nrmsize
                #theta is the critical test for planarity:
                #if angle between 2 nrms is 0, atoms are planar
                #NB>test is comparing theta,cos(angle), w/zero
                bnd.theta = Numeric.dot(p, q) / (psize * qsize)
            #NB: REPEAT STUFF FROM HERE TO THE END IF aromaticCutOff changes
            ct = 0
            for bnd in blist:
                #these are values for the default 7.5degrees:
                #if theta>=0.997 or theta<=-0.997:
                #print bnd.atom1.name, '-', bnd.atom2.name, '->', bnd.theta
                if bnd.theta >= cutoffValue or bnd.theta <= -cutoffValue:
                    bnd.posAromatic = 1
                    ct = ct + 1
                    bnd.posAromatic = 0
                #print ' posAromatic=', bnd.posAromatic
            #after checking all the bonds in current cycle, compare #posAromatic w/number
            if ct == len(blist):
                #print ctr," cycle is aromatic"
                #NB: only C=C bonds are considered aromatic
                #    could change the name and autodock_element here....
                for bnd in blist:
                    # THIS IS WRONG!!!
                    #if bnd.atom1.element=='C' and bnd.atom2.element=='C':
                    #    aromaticBnds.append(bnd)
            ctr = ctr + 1
            #print "len(aromaticBnds)=", len(aromaticBnds)
        #for b in aromaticBnds:
        #    print b.atom1.name, '-', b.atom2.name
        return aromaticBnds
Ejemplo n.º 11
    def __init__(self, name=None, check=1, **kw):

        self.maxCube = None
        self.minCube = None

        if    not kw.get('origin') \
          and not kw.get('center') \
          and not kw.get('cornerPoints') \
          and not kw.get('minCube'):
            kw['origin'] = (0, 0, 0)

        #set up some defaults:
        materials = kw.get('materials')
        #print 'in BOX materials kw=', materials
        if not materials:
            kw['materials'] = (
                (0, 0, 1),
                (0, 1, 0),
                (0, 0, 1),
                (0, 1, 0),
                (1, 0, 0),
                (1, 0, 0),
        #print 'in BOX after test for materials, kwmaterials=', kw['materials']

        vertices = kw.get('vertices')
        if vertices is not None:
            assert len(vertices) == 8
            pt1 = Numeric.array(vertices[2])
            pt2 = Numeric.array(vertices[4])
            self.center = tuple(Numeric.multiply(Numeric.add(pt1, pt2), 0.5))
            self.xside, self.yside, self.zside = \
            #set up center
            center = kw.get('center')
            #if not center: center = (0.,0.,0.)
            self.center = center

            #set up sides
            side = kw.get('side')
            if side:
                self.xside = side
                self.yside = side
                self.zside = side
                xside = kw.get('xside')
                if not xside: xside = 1.0
                self.xside = xside
                yside = kw.get('yside')
                if not yside: yside = 1.0
                self.yside = yside
                zside = kw.get('zside')
                if not zside: zside = 1.0
                self.zside = zside

        #NB faces shouldn't change
        self.faces = ((0, 3, 2, 1), (3, 7, 6, 2), (7, 4, 5, 6), (0, 1, 5, 4),
                      (1, 2, 6, 5), (0, 4, 7, 3))
        self.funcs = {}
        fkeys = ['center', 'origin', 'centerOrigin', 'xside', \
                'yside', 'zside','maxCube', 'minCube']
        fs = [self.getVertsFromCenter, self.getVertsFromOrigin, \
                CallBackFunction(self.getVertsFromSide, 'xside'),
                CallBackFunction(self.getVertsFromSide, 'yside'),
                CallBackFunction(self.getVertsFromSide, 'zside'),
                self.setMaxCube, self.setMinCube]
        for i in range(len(fkeys)):
            self.funcs[fkeys[i]] = fs[i]

        self.pickableVertices = 1
        kw['frontPolyMode'] = 'line'
        apply(IndexedPolygons.__init__, (self, name, check), kw)
        self.inheritMaterial = 0

        #print 'calling self.Set with ', kw.get('materials')
        #apply(self.Set,(), kw)

        # register functions to compute normals
        self.oldFPM = GL.GL_LINE
Ejemplo n.º 12
    def Set(self, check=1, redo=1, updateOwnGui=True, **kw):
        """set data for this object: Set polygon's vertices, faces, normals or materials
check=1 : verify that all the keywords present can be handle by this func 
redo=1 : append self to viewer.objectsNeedingRedo
updateOwnGui=True : allow to update owngui at the end this func
        redoFlags = 0

        #newKeyList is list of keys specified in call to Set
        newKeyList = kw.keys()

        # Setting both center AND origin is a special case
        # which sets all side lengths
        centerOrigin = 0
        if 'center' in newKeyList and 'origin' in newKeyList:
            centerOrigin = 1

        side = kw.get('side')
        if side:
            kw['xside'] = side
            kw['yside'] = side
            kw['zside'] = side
            newKeyList.extend(['xside', 'yside', 'zside'])
            newKeyList = uniq(newKeyList)

        apply(self.updateVal, (['xside', 'yside', 'zside'], ), kw)

        #these are either 1 or None
        self.maxCube = kw.get('maxCube')
        self.minCube = kw.get('minCube')
        if self.minCube and self.maxCube:
            self.center = [(self.minCube[0] + self.maxCube[0]) * .5,
                           (self.minCube[1] + self.maxCube[1]) * .5,
                           (self.minCube[2] + self.maxCube[2]) * .5]

        # kl used to implement this precedence:
        # side < [x,y,z]side < center < origin < cornerPoints < vertices
        # vertices are dealt with last
        cornerPoints = None
        kl = [
            'xside', 'yside', 'zside', 'minCube', 'maxCube', 'center', 'origin'
        for key in kl:
            if key in newKeyList:
                newVal = kw.get(key)
                if not newVal: continue
                if key in ['center', 'origin'] and centerOrigin:
                    self.center = kw.get('center')
                    newVal = kw.get('origin')
                    f = self.funcs['centerOrigin']
                    del kw[key]
                    f = self.funcs[key]
                cornerPoints = apply(f, (newVal, ), {})

        #if cornerPoints are specified, they override other info
        newcornerPoints = kw.get('cornerPoints')
        if newcornerPoints:
            cornerPoints = newcornerPoints

        if cornerPoints:
            ptList = self.getVertsFromCornerPts(cornerPoints)
            ptList = None

        #vertices overrides everything: set center+sides
        newVertices = kw.get('vertices')
        if newVertices is not None:
            assert len(newVertices) == 8
            pt1 = Numeric.array(newVertices[2])
            pt2 = Numeric.array(newVertices[4])
            self.center = tuple(Numeric.multiply(Numeric.add(pt1, pt2), 0.5))
            self.xside, self.yside, self.zside = \
            redoFlags |= self._redoFlags['redoDisplayListFlag']
        elif ptList:
            assert len(ptList) == 8
            kw['vertices'] = ptList
            redoFlags |= self._redoFlags['redoDisplayListFlag']

        if kw.get('faces') is None:
            kw['faces'] = self.faces

        redoFlags |= apply(IndexedPolygons.Set, (self, check, 0), kw)

        return self.redoNow(redo, updateOwnGui, redoFlags)