Ejemplo n.º 1
def gyroscope(sat):

    v_w_BIB = sat.getW_BI_b()
    v_bias_var_k = sat.getGyroVarBias()
    v_bias_var_k1 = v_bias_var_k + sigma_u*(h**0.5)*mvg(GYRO_F_BIAS,np.eye(3))
    v_w_BIB_m = v_w_BIB + 0.5*(v_bias_var_k1+v_bias_var_k) + mvg(GYRO_F_BIAS,np.eye(3))*(sigma_v**2/h+(sigma_u**2)*h/12)**0.5#mvg(GYRO_F_BIAS,GYRO_F_COV) ##v_bias_var needs to be corrected 

    return v_w_BIB_m

Ejemplo n.º 2
def ADC(sun_vector):

    #works as ADC, quantizes the readings of sensor, for more you can refer to documentation of this code.
    #input: sun vector in body frame, normal vectors of each sunsensor, sunsensor gain, quantizer
    #sunsensor gain : multiplying factor that converts dot product of sunvector with normal to voltage
    #output : 6 voltages, 1 per sunsensor

    u = 1 / (SS_QUANTIZER - 1)

    m_normalVectors = np.zeros([6, 3])  #matrix of normal vectors of sensors
    #S1 and S2 are opposite, S3 and S4 are opposite, S5 and S6 are opposite

    m_normalVectors[0, :] = v_S1
    m_normalVectors[1, :] = v_S2
    m_normalVectors[2, :] = v_S3
    m_normalVectors[3, :] = v_S4
    m_normalVectors[4, :] = v_S5
    m_normalVectors[5, :] = v_S6

    v_output = np.zeros([6])  #vector of output of each sensor

    for iter in range(0, 6):
        v = np.dot(sun_vector, m_normalVectors[iter, :])
        if v < 0:
            v = 0  #if v < 0 that means the sunvector is making obtuse angle with the sensor which means the sensor is in dark
        v = (u) * (round(
            v / u)) * SS_GAIN  #conversion from dot product to voltage
        v_output[iter] = v
    v_output = v_output + mvg(ADC_BIAS, ADC_COV)  #add error to true quantity

    return v_output
Ejemplo n.º 3
def gyroscope(sat):

    v_w_BIB = sat.getW_BI_b()
    v_bias_var = sat.getGyroVarBias()
    v_w_BIB_m = v_w_BIB + v_bias_var + mvg(GYRO_F_BIAS, GYRO_F_COV)

    return v_w_BIB_m
Ejemplo n.º 4
def GPS(sat):
    #model the GPS
    #input : satellite class object
    #output : measured position, velocity, time
    #to add more outputs, add them to the hstack command and define any new constants in the constants file

    v_pos = sat.getPos()
    v_vel = sat.getVel()
    time = sat.getTime()

    #add errors to true quantities
    v_pos_m = v_pos + mvg(GPS_POS_BIAS, GPS_POS_COV)
    v_vel_m = v_vel + mvg(GPS_VEL_BIAS, GPS_VEL_COV)
    time_m = time + mvg(GPS_TIME_BIAS, GPS_TIME_COV)

    return np.hstack([v_pos_m, v_vel_m, time_m])
Ejemplo n.º 5
def magnetometer(sat):
    #model the magnetometer
    #input : satellite class object
    #output : measured magnetic field

    v_q_BO = sat.getQ_BO()
    v_B_o = sat.getMag_o()  #obtain magnetic field in orbit frame
    v_B_b = qnv.quatRotate(v_q_BO, v_B_o)  #obtain magnetic field in body frame
    v_B_m = v_B_b + mvg(MAG_BIAS, MAG_COV)  #add errors

    return v_B_m
Ejemplo n.º 6
 def sample(self, points, num=1):
     n = len(points)
     if self.num_points > 0:
         kyy = self.gen_covmat(points, points)
         kyx = self.gen_covmat(points, self.x)
         kxy = self.gen_covmat(self.x, points)
         kxx = np.linalg.inv(self.kxx)
         covmat = kyy - kyx * kxx * kxy
         y = np.transpose([self.y])
         mean = kyx * kxx * y
         mean = np.array(np.transpose(mean))[0]
         covmat = self.gen_covmat(points, points)
         mean = np.zeros(n)
     return mvg(mean, covmat, num)
Ejemplo n.º 7
 def sample(self, points, num=1):
     n = len(points)
     if self.num_points > 0:
         kyy = self.gen_covmat(points, points)
         kyx = self.gen_covmat(points, self.x)
         kxy = self.gen_covmat(self.x, points)
         kxx = np.linalg.inv(self.kxx)
         covmat = kyy - kyx*kxx*kxy
         y = np.transpose([self.y])
         mean = kyx*kxx*y
         mean = np.array(np.transpose(mean))[0]
         covmat = self.gen_covmat(points, points)
         mean = np.zeros(n)
     return mvg(mean, covmat, num)
Ejemplo n.º 8
 def sample(self, points, num=1):
     n = len(points)
     if self.num_points > 0:
         kyy = self.gen_covmat(points, points)
         kyx = self.gen_covmat(points, self.x)   # points is the point where we will evaulate its vaule y is row x is col
         kxy = self.gen_covmat(self.x, points)
         kxx = np.linalg.inv(self.kxx)
         covmat = kyy - kyx*kxx*kxy
         y = np.transpose([self.y])
         mean = kyx*kxx*y
         mean = np.array(np.transpose(mean))[0]
         covmat = self.gen_covmat(points, points)
         mean = np.zeros(n)
     return mvg(mean, covmat, num)
Ejemplo n.º 9
 def sample(self, points, num=1):
     n = len(points)
     if self.num_points > 0:
         kyy = self.gen_covmat(points, points)
         kyx = self.gen_covmat(
             points, self.x
         )  # points is the point where we will evaulate its vaule y is row x is col
         kxy = self.gen_covmat(self.x, points)
         kxx = np.linalg.inv(self.kxx)
         covmat = kyy - kyx * kxx * kxy
         y = np.transpose([self.y])
         mean = kyx * kxx * y
         mean = np.array(np.transpose(mean))[0]
         covmat = self.gen_covmat(points, points)
         mean = np.zeros(n)
     return mvg(mean, covmat, num)
Ejemplo n.º 10

import sensor
import satellite as sat
from constants import *
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from numpy.random import multivariate_normal as mvg

sat = satellite.Satellite(v_state0, v_glob_est_state0, v_loc_est_state0, t0)

N = 10000
h = 0.1
gyroVarBias0 = np.zeros(3)
sigma_u = 0.0001


var_bias = np.zeros((N, 3))
time = np.zeros(N)
t = 0

for i in range(N):
    v_bias_var_k = sat.getGyroVarBias()
    v_bias_var_k1 = v_bias_var_k + sigma_u * (h**0.5) * mvg(
        GYRO_F_BIAS, np.eye(3))
    var_bias[i, :] = v_bias_var_k1
    t = t + h
    time[i] = t

plt.plot(time, var_bias)