Ejemplo n.º 1
from numpy.random import randint as randi

print("Enter size of desired list")
size_of_list = int(input())
orig_list = randi(0,high=999,size=size_of_list)

''' From CLRS Introduction to Algorithms:
        partition array into 2 subarrays such that A[p..q-1] and A[q+1..r]
        such that all elements in A[p..q-1] are smaller than A[q] and all
        elements of A[q+1..r] are larger than A[q]
        sort the two subarrays by recursively calling quicksort
        subarrays are sorted so A[p..r] should be sorted

def quick_sort(sorting_list:list) -> list:
    if len(sorting_list) <= 1: #base case
        return sorting_list
    else: #divide+conquer+combine all inline
        return(quick_sort([element for element in sorting_list[1:] if element <=sorting_list[0]])
            + [sorting_list[0]] + quick_sort([element for element in sorting_list[1:] if element > sorting_list[0]])

sorted_list = quick_sort(orig_list)
Ejemplo n.º 2
def add_known_complex(x, fs, easy=False, window_duration=3, group=None):
    if easy:
        M = np.round(fs * window_duration)
        g = gaussian(M, std=50)
        t = np.arange(0, g.shape[0], 1) / fs
        z = np.sin(2 * 3.14 * 10 * t) * 2
        w = g * z
        for i in range(0, x.shape[1]):
            x[0, i, 100:100 + M] = x[0, i, 100:100 + M] + w
        if group == None:
            for i in range(0, x.shape[1]):
                # Sine complex
                M = np.round(fs * window_duration)
                M = M + randi(-M, M) // 2
                g = gaussian(M, std=50)
                t = np.arange(0, g.shape[0], 1) / fs
                amplitude = randn(0, .5) + 8
                frequency = 10 + randn(0, 2)
                z = np.sin(2 * np.pi * frequency * t) * amplitude
                w = g * z
                chan = randi(0, 2)
                start_index = randi(0, x.shape[2] - M)
                x[chan, i, start_index:start_index +
                  M] = x[chan, i, start_index:start_index + M] + w

                # Saw-tooth complex
                M = np.round(fs * window_duration)
                M = M + randi(-M, M) // 2
                g = gaussian(M, std=100)
                t = np.arange(0, g.shape[0], 1) / fs
                amplitude = randn(0, .5) + 6
                frequency = 2 + randn(0, .1)
                z = sawtooth(2 * np.pi * frequency * t) * amplitude
                w = g * z
                chan = randi(0, 2)
                start_index = randi(0, x.shape[2] - M)
                x[chan, i, start_index:start_index +
                  M] = x[chan, i, start_index:start_index + M] + w
            for i in range(0, x.shape[1]):
                if group == 0:
                    # Sine complex
                    M = np.round(fs * window_duration)
                    M = int(M + randi(-M, M) // 2)
                    g = gaussian(M, std=50)
                    t = np.arange(0, g.shape[0], 1) / fs
                    amplitude = randn(0, .5) + 8
                    frequency = 10 + randn(0, 2)
                    z = np.sin(2 * np.pi * frequency * t) * amplitude
                    w = g * z
                    chan = randi(0, 2)
                    start_index = randi(0, x.shape[2] - M)
                    x[chan, i, start_index:start_index +
                      M] = x[chan, i, start_index:start_index + M] + w
                if group == 1:
                    # Saw-tooth complex
                    M = np.round(fs * window_duration)
                    M = int(M + randi(-M, M) // 2)
                    g = gaussian(M, std=100)
                    t = np.arange(0, g.shape[0], 1) / fs
                    amplitude = randn(0, .5) + 6
                    frequency = 2 + randn(0, .1)
                    z = sawtooth(2 * np.pi * frequency * t) * amplitude
                    w = g * z
                    chan = randi(0, 2)
                    start_index = randi(0, x.shape[2] - M)
                    x[chan, i, start_index:start_index +
                      M] = x[chan, i, start_index:start_index + M] + w
    return x
Ejemplo n.º 3
    annById = defaultdict(list)
    for ann in boxAnn['annotations']:

    i = 0
    impath = os.path.join(basepath, 'images/train2014',
    img = cv2.imread(impath, 1)
    imgBox = img
    for ann in annById[boxAnn['images'][i]['id']]:
        imgBox = cv2.rectangle(imgBox,
                               (int(ann['bbox'][0]), int(ann['bbox'][1])),
                               (int(ann['bbox'][0] + ann['bbox'][2]),
                                int(ann['bbox'][1] + ann['bbox'][3])),
                               (randi(0, 256), randi(0, 256), randi(0, 256)),

    cv2.imshow('imBox', imgBox)
    if cv2.waitKey(0) & 0xFF == ord('q'):

annKeys = set(annById.keys())
for i, img in enumerate(dataset['images']):
    #dataset['images'][i]['bboxAnn'] = []
    if img['split'] != 'train':
        sz = (imgByimgId[img['cocoid']]['width'],
        dataset['images'][i]['imgSize'] = sz
        if img['cocoid'] in annKeys:
            for ann in annById[img['cocoid']]:
Ejemplo n.º 4
def run_trials(k=3, nMC=10, num_processes=mp.cpu_count(), filename=None):
    tic = time.time()
    if (filename == None):
        date_str = datetime.datetime.now().strftime("%b-%d-%y-%I:%M%p")
        filename = "OUTPUT_n_%s_nMc_%s_%s" % (2**k, nMC, date_str)
    n = 2**k
    # to sweep over m and r and generate a whole bunch of trials of
    # each and call solver on those while logging output
    p = Pool(processes=num_processes)
    for ensemble in xrange(len(common.ENSEMBLE_NAMES)):
        for target in [2, 3]:  #range(len(common.TARGET_NAMES)):
            #40 iterations of this loop it seems.
            real_target = (target == common.TARGET_TYPES.RPSD
                           or target == common.TARGET_TYPES.RSYM)
            complex_measurement = (common.ENSEMBLE_NAMES[ensemble][0] == 'C')
            if not (real_target and complex_measurement):
                # Choose random ranks
                if n < 32:
                    l = 1
                    l = 6
                rs = range(1, 6, 1) + randi(l, n / 4, 5).tolist() + randi(
                    n / 4 + 1, n / 2, 5).tolist() + randi(n / 2 + 1, n,
                #print rs

                # # First, calculate upper bound on number of measurements
                # is_entry = (ensemble == common.ENSEMBLE_TYPES.ENTRY )
                # is_real_dirac = (common.ENSEMBLE_NAMES[ensemble][1:] == "DIRAC" and real_target)
                # if is_entry or is_real_dirac:
                # 	UB = n ** 2 / 2 + n/2
                # else:
                # 	UB = n ** 2
                UB = n**2 / 2 + n / 2
                ms_foreach_r = [[] for _ in rs]
                for (ms, r) in zip(ms_foreach_r, rs):
                    rho = float(r) / n
                    # Compute lower bound on number of measurements in a given test
                    LB = max(np.rint((rho - rho**2 / 2) * n**2), 1)
                    ms.extend(randi(LB, UB, 10).tolist())

                for (ms, r) in zip(ms_foreach_r, rs):
                    for m in ms:
                        for trial in xrange(nMC):
                            #Toggle when debugging.

    toc = time.time() - tic
    print "Queued all jobs \t %f" % (toc)
    tic = time.time()
    toc = time.time() - tic
    print " done."
    print "Spent %f seconds waiting for processes" % (toc)
Ejemplo n.º 5
# smin = 30
# smax = 40

simulatedPair_no = 10000  # set how many simulated pairs are negated
simulatedPair_no = 100
test_static = zeros(simulatedPair_no)
pvalue = zeros(simulatedPair_no)
alpha = 0.05

    ' Exp-#, X1-Size  X2-Size, Mean1  Mean2   Var1    Var2  t-statistic  p-value\n'

for i in range(0, simulatedPair_no):
    sample_size = randi(smin, smax, 2)  # set the sample sizes

    x1 = rand(sample_size[1 - 1])  # uniform distribution
    x2 = rand(sample_size[2 - 1])  # uniform distribution

    t, p = ttest_ev(x1, x2)
    # [h,p2,ci,stats] = ttest2(x1, x2)
    t, p = ttest_uev(x1, x2)
    #     [h,p2,ci,stats] = ttest2(x1, x2, 'Vartype','unequal')
    test_static[i] = t
    pvalue[i] = p

    # for output purpose
    o1 = len(x1)
    o2 = len(x2)
    mean1 = mean(x1)