Ejemplo n.º 1
class MultipleBalancedTreeStructuredTraitFactory(object):
    def __init__(self, simconfig):
        self.simconfig = simconfig
        self.prng = RandomState()

    def initialize_traits(self):
        self.r = int(self.simconfig.branching_factor)
        self.h = int(self.simconfig.depth_factor)
        self.n = self.simconfig.num_trees

         roots) = utils.generate_forest_balanced_trees(self.r, self.h, self.n)
        #log.debug("num traits: %s  roots: %s", len(trees.nodes()), pp.pformat(self.roots))
        self.trait_set = MultipleTreeStructuredTraitSet(
            trees, roots, self.prng, self.simconfig)
        return self.trait_set

    # def initialize_population(self, pop_graph):
    #     """
    #     Initializes a population with
    #     """
    #     mt = self.simconfig.maxtraits
    #     for nodename in pop_graph.nodes():
    #         # get a random number of initial trait chains
    #         agent_traits = set()
    #         init_trait_num = self.prng.random_integers(1, mt)
    #         #log.debug("init trait num: %s", init_trait_num)
    #         for i in range(0, init_trait_num):
    #             path = self.trait_set.get_random_trait_path()
    #             agent_traits.update(path)
    #         #log.debug("agent traits: %s", agent_traits)
    #         #log.debug("traits: %s", pp.pformat(agent_traits))
    #         pop_graph.node[nodename]['traits'] = agent_traits

    def initialize_population(self, pop_graph):
        Initializes a population with traits, biased toward the roots.

        mt = self.simconfig.maxtraits
        for nodename in pop_graph.nodes():
            # get a random number of initial trait chains
            agent_traits = set()
            init_trait_num = self.prng.random_integers(1, mt)
            #log.debug("init trait num: %s", init_trait_num)

            for i in range(0, init_trait_num):
                path = self.trait_set.get_random_trait_path_rootbiased()

            #log.debug("agent traits: %s", agent_traits)

            #log.debug("traits: %s", pp.pformat(agent_traits))
            pop_graph.node[nodename]['traits'] = agent_traits
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def load(self):
     rng = RandomState(np.uint64(hash("RandomDataset")))
     input_shape = [500,3,600,1]
     y = rng.random_integers(0,1,size=input_shape[0])
     y = OneHotFormatter(2).format(y)
     topo_view = rng.rand(*input_shape)
     super(RandomDataset, self).__init__(topo_view=topo_view, y=y, 
                                           axes=('b', 'c', 0, 1))
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def load(self):
        rng = RandomState(np.uint64(hash("RandomDataset")))
        input_shape = [500, 3, 600, 1]

        y = rng.random_integers(0, 1, size=input_shape[0])
        y = OneHotFormatter(2).format(y)
        topo_view = rng.rand(*input_shape)
        super(RandomDataset, self).__init__(topo_view=topo_view,
                                            axes=('b', 'c', 0, 1))
Ejemplo n.º 4
def get_sample_key(N, k, seed):
		Get a pseudorandom key for sampling from data.

		:param N: Number of items in population.
		:param k: Number of samples to draw.
		:param seed: The seed for shuffling (best leave unchanged to compare results).
		:return: Key for sampling.
    random = RandomState(seed)
    return random.random_integers(low=0, high=N, size=k)
Ejemplo n.º 5
def get_bootstrap(true, pred, n_bootstraps=2000, seed=None):
    :param true: true label stored as numpy array
    :param pred: predicted score stored as numpy array
    :param n_bootstraps: Number of bootsraps.
    :param seed: Random seed for result reproducibility.
    # Get accuracy and printing
    original_acc = accuracy_score(true, pred)
    original_roc = roc_auc_score(true, pred)

    # Generating random numbers from  seed for reproducibility
    rs = RandomState(seed)

    # Start bootstrapping, initialize bootstrap_accuracies
    btstrp_accs = []
    for i in range(n_bootstraps):

        # bootstrap by sampling with replacement on the prediction indices
        indices = rs.random_integers(0, len(pred) - 1, len(pred))

        # We need at least one positive and one negative sample for ROC AUC
        # to be defined: reject the sample
        if len(np.unique(true[indices])) >= 2:
            btstrp_accs.append(accuracy_score(true[indices], pred[indices]))

    # obtain the 95 % CI from the results
    sorted_accuracies = np.array(btstrp_accs)

    # Get upper and lower bounds
    conf_low = sorted_accuracies[int(0.025 * len(sorted_accuracies))]
    conf_up = sorted_accuracies[int(0.975 * len(sorted_accuracies))]

    return original_acc, original_roc, sorted_accuracies, conf_low, conf_up
Ejemplo n.º 6
def make_classification_data(num_examples=100,

    # use sklearn's make_classification to generate the data for us
    num_numeric_features = (num_features -
                            1 if one_string_feature else num_features)
    X, y = make_classification(n_samples=num_examples,

    if string_label_list:
        assert (len(string_label_list) == num_labels)
        label_to_string = np.vectorize(lambda n: string_label_list[n])
        y = label_to_string(y)

    # if we were told to only generate non-negative features, then
    # we can simply take the absolute values of the generated features
    if non_negative:
        X = abs(X)

    # since we want to use SKLL's FeatureSet class, we need to
    # create a list of IDs; we create IDs that either can also
    # be numbers or pure strings
    if id_type == 'string':
        ids = ['EXAMPLE_{}'.format(n) for n in range(1, num_examples + 1)]
    elif id_type == 'integer_string':
        ids = ['{}'.format(n) for n in range(1, num_examples + 1)]
    elif id_type == 'float':
        ids = [float(n) for n in range(1, num_examples + 1)]
    elif id_type == 'integer':
        ids = list(range(1, num_examples + 1))

    # create a string feature that has four possible values
    # 'a', 'b', 'c' and 'd' and add it to X at the end
    if one_string_feature:
        prng = RandomState(random_state)
        random_indices = prng.random_integers(0, num_string_values - 1,
        possible_values = [chr(x) for x in range(97, 97 + num_string_values)]
        string_feature_values = [possible_values[i] for i in random_indices]
        string_feature_column = np.array(string_feature_values,
                                         dtype=object).reshape(100, 1)
        X = np.append(X, string_feature_column, 1)

    # create a list of dictionaries as the features
    feature_names = [
        '{}{:02d}'.format(feature_prefix, n)
        for n in range(1, num_features + 1)
    features = [dict(zip(feature_names, row)) for row in X]

    # split everything into training and testing portions
    num_train_examples = int(round(train_test_ratio * num_examples))
    train_features, test_features = (features[:num_train_examples],
    train_y, test_y = y[:num_train_examples], y[num_train_examples:]
    train_ids, test_ids = ids[:num_train_examples], ids[num_train_examples:]

    # are we told to generate empty labels
    train_labels = None if empty_labels else train_y
    test_labels = None if empty_labels else test_y

    # create a FeatureHasher if we are asked to use feature hashing
    # with the specified number of feature bins
    vectorizer = (FeatureHasher(
        n_features=feature_bins) if use_feature_hashing else None)
    train_fs = FeatureSet('classification_train',
    if train_test_ratio < 1.0:
        test_fs = FeatureSet('classification_test',
        test_fs = None

    return (train_fs, test_fs)
Ejemplo n.º 7
    gamma = xpy / xpx
    nobs = lhs.shape[0]
    stat = nobs * (gamma - 1.0)
    return stat

if __name__ == '__main__':
    trends = ('nc', 'c', 'ct', 'ctt')
    T = array((20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100, 120, 140, 160,
               180, 200, 250, 300, 350, 400, 450, 500, 600, 700, 800, 900,
               1000, 1200, 1400, 2000))
    T = T[::-1]
    m = T.shape[0]
    percentiles = list(arange(0.5, 100.0, 0.5))
    rng = RandomState(0)
    seeds = rng.random_integers(0, 2**31 - 2, size=EX_NUM)

    parallel, p_func, n_jobs = parallel_func(wrapper,
    parallel.pre_dispatch = NUM_JOBS
    for tr in trends:
        results = zeros((len(percentiles), len(T), EX_NUM)) * nan
        filename = 'adf_z_' + tr + '.npz'

        for i in range(EX_NUM):
            print("Experiment Number {0} for Trend {1}".format(i + 1, tr))
            # Non parallel version
            # out = lmap(wrapper, T, [tr] * m, [EX_SIZE] * m, [seeds[i]] * m))
            now = datetime.datetime.now()
            out = parallel(p_func(t, tr, EX_SIZE, seed=seeds[i]) for t in T)
Ejemplo n.º 8
class MultipleBalancedTreeStructuredTraitFactory(object):
    def __init__(self, simconfig):
        self.simconfig = simconfig
        self.prng = RandomState()

    def initialize_traits(self):
        self.r = int(self.simconfig.branching_factor)
        self.h = int(self.simconfig.depth_factor)
        self.n = self.simconfig.num_trees

        (trees, roots) = utils.generate_forest_balanced_trees(self.r,self.h,self.n)
        #log.debug("num traits: %s  roots: %s", len(trees.nodes()), pp.pformat(self.roots))
        self.trait_set = MultipleTreeStructuredTraitSet(trees, roots, self.prng, self.simconfig)
        return self.trait_set

    # def initialize_population(self, pop_graph):
    #     """
    #     Initializes a population with
    #     """
    #     mt = self.simconfig.maxtraits
    #     for nodename in pop_graph.nodes():
    #         # get a random number of initial trait chains
    #         agent_traits = set()
    #         init_trait_num = self.prng.random_integers(1, mt)
    #         #log.debug("init trait num: %s", init_trait_num)
    #         for i in range(0, init_trait_num):
    #             path = self.trait_set.get_random_trait_path()
    #             agent_traits.update(path)
    #         #log.debug("agent traits: %s", agent_traits)
    #         #log.debug("traits: %s", pp.pformat(agent_traits))
    #         pop_graph.node[nodename]['traits'] = agent_traits

    def initialize_population(self, pop_graph):
        Initializes a population with traits, biased toward the roots.

        mt = self.simconfig.maxtraits
        for nodename in pop_graph.nodes():
            # get a random number of initial trait chains
            agent_traits = set()
            init_trait_num = self.prng.random_integers(1, mt)
            #log.debug("init trait num: %s", init_trait_num)

            for i in range(0, init_trait_num):
                path = self.trait_set.get_random_trait_path_rootbiased()

            #log.debug("agent traits: %s", agent_traits)

            #log.debug("traits: %s", pp.pformat(agent_traits))
            pop_graph.node[nodename]['traits'] = agent_traits
Ejemplo n.º 9
def load_and_filter_data(csv_file,
    Load the data from `csv_file` and filters it to remove
    rows that have zero/non-numeric values for `label_column`.
    If feature_names are specified, it checks whether any
    features that are specifically requested in `feature_names`
    are missing from the data. If no feature_names are specified,
    these are generated based on column names and subset information
    if available. The function then excludes non-numeric values for
    any feature. It also generates fake labels between 1 and 10 if
    `use_fake_parameters` is set to True. Finally, it renames the id
    and label column and splits the data into the data frame with
    feature values and score label and the data frame with other
    available metadata.

    logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

    # read the csv file into a data frame but we want to make
    # sure to read in the `id_column`, `candidate_column` and
    # subgroups (if any) as a string to ensure
    # that we do not lose information, e.g., initial zeros
    string_columns = [id_column, candidate_column] + subgroups
    converter_dict = dict([(column, str) for column in string_columns if column])

    # read in the CSV file
    df = pd.read_csv(csv_file, converters=converter_dict)

    # make sure that the columns specified in the config file actually exist
    columns_to_check = [id_column, label_column]

    if length_column:

    if second_human_score_column:

    missing_columns = set(columns_to_check).difference(df.columns)
    if missing_columns:
        raise KeyError("Columns {} from the config file "
                       "do not exist in the data.".format(missing_columns))

    # it is possible for the `id_column` and `candidate_column` to be
    # set to the same column name in the CSV file, e.g., if there is
    # only one response per candidate. If this happens, we neeed to
    # create a duplicate column for candidates or id for the downstream
    # processing to work as usual.
    if id_column == candidate_column:
        # if the name for both columns is `candidate`, we need to
        # create a separate id_column name
        if id_column == 'candidate':
            df['spkitemid'] = df['candidate'].copy()
            id_column = 'spkitemid'
        # else we create a separate `candidate` column
            df['candidate'] = df[id_column].copy()
            candidate_column = 'candidate'

    df = rename_default_columns(df,

    # check that the id_column contains unique values
    if df['spkitemid'].size != df['spkitemid'].unique().size:
        raise ValueError("The data contains duplicate response IDs in "
                         "'{}'. Please make sure all response IDs are "
                         "unique and re-run the tool.".format(id_column))

    # Generate feature names if no feature .json file was provided.
    if len(requested_feature_names) == 0:
        feature_names = generate_feature_names(df,
        feature_names = requested_feature_names

    # make sure that feature names do not contain reserved column names
    illegal_feature_names = set(feature_names).intersection(reserved_column_names)
    if illegal_feature_names:
                raise ValueError("The following reserved column names "
                                 "cannot be used as feature names: '{}'. "
                                 "Please rename these columns and "
                                 "re-run the experiment.".format(', '.join(illegal_feature_names)))

    # check to make sure that the subgroup columns are all present
    df = check_subgroups(df, subgroups)

    # filter out the responses based on flag columns
     df_responses_with_excluded_flags) = filter_on_flag_columns(df, flag_column_dict)

    # filter out the rows that have non-numeric or zero labels
    # unless we are going to generate fake labels in the first place
    if not use_fake_labels:
         df_excluded) = filter_on_column(df_responses_with_requested_flags,

        # make sure that the remaining data frame is not empty
        if len(df_filtered) == 0:
            raise ValueError("No responses remaining after filtering out "
                             "non-numeric human scores. No further analysis "
                             "can be run. ")

        trim_min = given_trim_min if given_trim_min else df_filtered['sc1'].min()
        trim_max = given_trim_max if given_trim_max else df_filtered['sc1'].max()
        df_filtered = df_responses_with_requested_flags.copy()
        trim_min = given_trim_min if given_trim_min else 1
        trim_max = given_trim_max if given_trim_max else 10
        logger.info("Generating labels randomly "
                    "from [{}, {}]".format(trim_min, trim_max))
        randgen = RandomState(seed=1234567890)
        df_filtered[label_column] = randgen.random_integers(trim_min,

    # make sure there are no missing features in the data
    missing_features = set(feature_names).difference(df_filtered.columns)
    if not missing_features:
        # make sure all features selected for model building are numeric
        # and also replace any non-numeric feature values in already
        # excluded data with NaNs for consistency
        for feat in feature_names:
            df_excluded[feat] = pd.to_numeric(df_excluded[feat], errors='coerce').astype(float)
            newdf, newdf_excluded = filter_on_column(df_filtered,
            del df_filtered
            df_filtered = newdf
            df_excluded = pd.merge(df_excluded, newdf_excluded, how='outer')

        # make sure that the remaining data frame is not empty
        if len(df_filtered) == 0:
            raise ValueError("No responses remaining after filtering "
                             "out non-numeric feature values. No further "
                             "analysis can be run.")

        # Raise warning if we excluded features that were
        # specified in the .json file because sd == 0.
        omitted_features = set(requested_feature_names).difference(df_filtered.columns)
        if omitted_features:
            logger.warning("The following requested features "
                           "were excluded because their standard "
                           "deviation on the training set was 0: {}.\n"
                           "Please edit the feature file to exclude "
                           "these features and re-run the "
                           "tool".format(', '.join(omitted_features)))
        # Update the feature names
        feature_names = [feature for feature in feature_names
                         if feature in df_filtered]
        raise KeyError("{} does not contain "
                       "columns for all features specified in "
                       "the feature file. Please check for "
                       "capitalization and other spelling "
                       "errors and make sure the feature "
                       "names do not contain hyphens. "
                       "The data does not have columns "
                       "for the following features: "
                                   ', '.join(missing_features)))

    # check the values for length column. We do this after filtering
    # to make sure we have removed responses that have not been
    # processed correctly. Else rename length column to
    # ##ORIGINAL_NAME##.
    if (length_column and
        (len(df_filtered[df_filtered['length'].isnull()]) != 0 or
             df_filtered['length'].std() <= 0)):
        logger.warning("The {} column either has missing values or a standard"
                       " deviation <= 0. No length-based analysis will be"
                       " provided. The column will be renamed as ##{}## and"
                       " saved in *train_other_columns.csv.".format(length_column,
        df_filtered.rename(columns={'length': '##{}##'.format(length_column)},

    # create separate data-frames for features and sc1, all other
    # information, and responses excluded during filtering
    not_other_columns = set()
    feature_columns = ['spkitemid', 'sc1'] + feature_names
    df_filtered_features = df_filtered[feature_columns]

    metadata_columns = ['spkitemid'] + subgroups
    if candidate_column:
    df_filtered_metadata = df_filtered[metadata_columns]

    df_filtered_length = pd.DataFrame()
    length_columns = ['spkitemid', 'length']
    if length_column and 'length' in df_filtered:
        df_filtered_length = df_filtered[length_columns]

    df_filtered_human_scores = pd.DataFrame()
    human_score_columns = ['spkitemid', 'sc1', 'sc2']
    if second_human_score_column and 'sc2' in df_filtered:
        df_filtered_human_scores = df_filtered[human_score_columns].copy()
        # filter out any non-numeric value rows
        # as well as zeros, if we were asked to
        df_filtered_human_scores['sc2'] = pd.to_numeric(df_filtered_human_scores['sc2'],
        if exclude_zero_scores:
            df_filtered_human_scores['sc2'] = df_filtered_human_scores['sc2'].replace(0, nan)

    # now extract all other columns and add 'spkitemid'
    other_columns = ['spkitemid'] + [column for column in df_filtered.columns
                     if column not in not_other_columns]
    df_filtered_other_columns = df_filtered[other_columns]

    return (df_filtered_features,
Ejemplo n.º 10
def trainer(
        dev,  # training and development tuples
        dim=1000,  # embedding dimensionality
        dim_im=4096,  # image dimensionality
        dim_s=4800,  # sentence dimensionality
        margin=0.2,  # margin for pairwise ranking
        ncon=50,  # number of contrastive terms
        lrate=0.01,  # not needed with Adam

    # Model options
    model_options = {}
    model_options['dim'] = dim
    model_options['dim_im'] = dim_im
    model_options['dim_s'] = dim_s
    model_options['margin'] = margin
    model_options['ncon'] = ncon
    model_options['max_epochs'] = max_epochs
    model_options['lrate'] = lrate
    model_options['dispFreq'] = dispFreq
    model_options['optimizer'] = optimizer
    model_options['batch_size'] = batch_size
    model_options['valid_batch_size'] = valid_batch_size
    model_options['saveto'] = saveto
    model_options['validFreq'] = validFreq
    model_options['saveFreq'] = saveFreq
    model_options['reload_'] = reload_

    model_options = validate_options(model_options)

    # reload options
    if reload_ and os.path.exists(saveto):
        print("Reloading options")
        with open('%s.pkl' % saveto, 'rb') as f:
            model_options = pkl.load(f)

    print('Building model')
    params = init_params(model_options)
    # reload parameters
    if reload_ and os.path.exists(saveto):
        print("Reloading model")
        params = load_params(saveto, params)

    tparams = init_tparams(params)

    inps, cost = build_model(tparams, model_options)

    print('Building encoder')
    inps_e, lim, ls = build_encoder(tparams, model_options)

    print('Building functions')
    f_cost = theano.function(inps, -cost, profile=False)
    f_emb = theano.function(inps_e, [lim, ls], profile=False)

    # gradient computation
    print('Computing gradients')
    grads = tensor.grad(cost, wrt=itemlist(tparams))
    lr = tensor.scalar(name='lr')
    f_grad_shared, f_update = eval(optimizer)(lr, tparams, grads, inps, cost)


    uidx = 0
    estop = False
    start = 1234
    seed = 1234
    inds = numpy.arange(len(train[0]))
    numbatches = len(inds) / batch_size
    curr = 0
    counter = 0
    target = None
    history_errs = []

    # Main loop
    for eidx in range(max_epochs):
        tic = time.time()
        prng = RandomState(seed - eidx - 1)

        for minibatch in range(numbatches):

            uidx += 1
            conprng_im = RandomState(seed + uidx + 1)
            conprng_s = RandomState(2 * seed + uidx + 1)

            im = train[1][inds[minibatch::numbatches]]
            s = train[2][inds[minibatch::numbatches]]

            cinds_im = conprng_im.random_integers(low=0,
                                                  high=len(train[0]) - 1,
                                                  size=ncon * len(im))
            cinds_s = conprng_s.random_integers(low=0,
                                                high=len(train[0]) - 1,
                                                size=ncon * len(s))
            cim = train[1][cinds_im]
            cs = train[2][cinds_s]

            ud_start = time.time()
            cost = f_grad_shared(im, s, cim, cs)
            ud_duration = time.time() - ud_start

            if numpy.mod(uidx, dispFreq) == 0:
                print('Epoch ', eidx, 'Update ', uidx, 'Cost ', cost, 'UD ',

            if numpy.mod(uidx, validFreq) == 0:

                print('Computing ranks...')
                lim, ls = f_emb(dev[1], dev[2])
                (r1, r5, r10, medr) = i2t(lim, ls)
                print("Image to text: %.1f, %.1f, %.1f, %.1f" %
                      (r1, r5, r10, medr))
                (r1i, r5i, r10i, medri) = t2i(lim, ls)
                print("Text to image: %.1f, %.1f, %.1f, %.1f" %
                      (r1i, r5i, r10i, medri))

                currscore = r1 + r5 + r10 + r1i + r5i + r10i
                if currscore > curr:
                    curr = currscore

                    # Save model
                    print('Saving...', end=' ')
                    params = unzip(tparams)
                    numpy.savez(saveto, history_errs=history_errs, **params)
                    pkl.dump(model_options, open('%s.pkl' % saveto, 'wb'))
Ejemplo n.º 11
    print("w1:", sess.run(w1))
    print("w2:", sess.run(w2))

    # 训练模型。
    STEPS = 50000
    for i in range(STEPS):
        start = (i * batch_size) % 128
        end = (i * batch_size) % 128 + batch_size
        xx = X[start:end]
        yy = Y[start:end]

        sess.run(train_step, feed_dict={x: X[start:end], y_: Y[start:end]})

        if i % 1000 == 0:
            start_index = rdm.random_integers(low=0, high=120)
            print('start_index ==', start_index)
            total_cross_entropy = sess.run(
                    x: X[start_index:start_index + batch_size],
                    y_: Y[start_index:start_index + batch_size]
                "After %d training step(s), cross entropy on all data is %g" %
                (i, total_cross_entropy))

            # 输出训练后的参数取值。
            print("w1:", sess.run(w1))
            print("w2:", sess.run(w2))
Ejemplo n.º 12
def make_classification_data(num_examples=100, train_test_ratio=0.5,
                             num_features=10, use_feature_hashing=False,
                             feature_bins=4, num_labels=2,
                             empty_labels=False, feature_prefix='f',
                             class_weights=None, non_negative=False,
                             one_string_feature=False, num_string_values=4,

    # use sklearn's make_classification to generate the data for us
    num_numeric_features = (num_features - 1 if one_string_feature else
    X, y = make_classification(n_samples=num_examples,
                               n_redundant=0, n_classes=num_labels,

    # if we were told to only generate non-negative features, then
    # we can simply take the absolute values of the generated features
    if non_negative:
        X = abs(X)

    # since we want to use SKLL's FeatureSet class, we need to
    # create a list of IDs
    ids = ['EXAMPLE_{}'.format(n) for n in range(1, num_examples + 1)]

    # create a string feature that has four possible values
    # 'a', 'b', 'c' and 'd' and add it to X at the end
    if one_string_feature:
        prng = RandomState(random_state)
        random_indices = prng.random_integers(0, num_string_values - 1,
        possible_values = [chr(x) for x in range(97, 97 + num_string_values)]
        string_feature_values = [possible_values[i] for i in random_indices]
        string_feature_column = np.array(string_feature_values,
                                         dtype=object).reshape(100, 1)
        X = np.append(X, string_feature_column, 1)

    # create a list of dictionaries as the features
    feature_names = ['{}{:02d}'.format(feature_prefix, n) for n in
                     range(1, num_features + 1)]
    features = [dict(zip(feature_names, row)) for row in X]

    # split everything into training and testing portions
    num_train_examples = int(round(train_test_ratio * num_examples))
    train_features, test_features = (features[:num_train_examples],
    train_y, test_y = y[:num_train_examples], y[num_train_examples:]
    train_ids, test_ids = ids[:num_train_examples], ids[num_train_examples:]

    # are we told to generate empty labels
    train_labels = None if empty_labels else train_y
    test_labels = None if empty_labels else test_y

    # create a FeatureHasher if we are asked to use feature hashing
    # with the specified number of feature bins
    vectorizer = (FeatureHasher(n_features=feature_bins)
                  if use_feature_hashing else None)
    train_fs = FeatureSet('classification_train', train_ids,
                          labels=train_labels, features=train_features,
    if train_test_ratio < 1.0:
        test_fs = FeatureSet('classification_test', test_ids,
                             labels=test_labels, features=test_features,
        test_fs = None

    return (train_fs, test_fs)
Ejemplo n.º 13
def trainer(train, dev, # training and development tuples
            dim=1000, # embedding dimensionality
            dim_im=4096, # image dimensionality
            dim_s=4800, # sentence dimensionality
            margin=0.2, # margin for pairwise ranking
            ncon=50, # number of contrastive terms
            lrate=0.01, # not needed with Adam
            batch_size = 100,
            valid_batch_size = 100,

    # Model options
    model_options = {}
    model_options['dim'] = dim
    model_options['dim_im'] = dim_im
    model_options['dim_s'] = dim_s
    model_options['margin'] = margin
    model_options['ncon'] = ncon
    model_options['max_epochs'] = max_epochs
    model_options['lrate'] = lrate
    model_options['dispFreq'] = dispFreq
    model_options['optimizer'] = optimizer
    model_options['batch_size'] = batch_size
    model_options['valid_batch_size'] = valid_batch_size
    model_options['saveto'] = saveto
    model_options['validFreq'] = validFreq
    model_options['saveFreq'] = saveFreq
    model_options['reload_'] = reload_

    model_options = validate_options(model_options)
    print model_options

    # reload options
    if reload_ and os.path.exists(saveto):
        print "Reloading options"
        with open('%s.pkl'%saveto, 'rb') as f:
            model_options = pkl.load(f)

    print 'Building model'
    params = init_params(model_options)
    # reload parameters
    if reload_ and os.path.exists(saveto):
        print "Reloading model"
        params = load_params(saveto, params)

    tparams = init_tparams(params)

    inps, cost = build_model(tparams, model_options)

    print 'Building encoder'
    inps_e, lim, ls = build_encoder(tparams, model_options)

    print 'Building functions'
    f_cost = theano.function(inps, -cost, profile=False)
    f_emb = theano.function(inps_e, [lim, ls], profile=False)

    # gradient computation
    print 'Computing gradients'
    grads = tensor.grad(cost, wrt=itemlist(tparams))
    lr = tensor.scalar(name='lr')
    f_grad_shared, f_update = eval(optimizer)(lr, tparams, grads, inps, cost)

    print 'Optimization'

    uidx = 0
    estop = False
    start = 1234
    seed = 1234
    inds = numpy.arange(len(train[0]))
    numbatches = len(inds) / batch_size
    curr = 0
    counter = 0
    history_errs = []

    # Main loop
    for eidx in range(max_epochs):
        tic = time.time()
        prng = RandomState(seed - eidx - 1)

        for minibatch in range(numbatches):

            uidx += 1
            conprng_im = RandomState(seed + uidx + 1)
            conprng_s = RandomState(2*seed + uidx + 1)

            im = train[1][inds[minibatch::numbatches]]
            s = train[2][inds[minibatch::numbatches]]

            cinds_im = conprng_im.random_integers(low=0, high=len(train[0])-1, size=ncon * len(im))
            cinds_s = conprng_s.random_integers(low=0, high=len(train[0])-1, size=ncon * len(s))
            cim = train[1][cinds_im]
            cs = train[2][cinds_s]

            ud_start = time.time()
            cost = f_grad_shared(im, s, cim, cs)
            ud_duration = time.time() - ud_start

            if numpy.mod(uidx, dispFreq) == 0:
                print 'Epoch ', eidx, 'Update ', uidx, 'Cost ', cost, 'UD ', ud_duration

            if numpy.mod(uidx, validFreq) == 0:

                print 'Computing ranks...'
                lim, ls = f_emb(dev[1], dev[2])
                (r1, r5, r10, medr) = i2t(lim, ls)
                print "Image to text: %.1f, %.1f, %.1f, %.1f" % (r1, r5, r10, medr)
                (r1i, r5i, r10i, medri) = t2i(lim, ls)
                print "Text to image: %.1f, %.1f, %.1f, %.1f" % (r1i, r5i, r10i, medri)

                currscore = r1 + r5 + r10 + r1i + r5i + r10i
                if currscore > curr:
                    curr = currscore

                    # Save model
                    print 'Saving...',
                    params = unzip(tparams)
                    numpy.savez(saveto, history_errs=history_errs, **params)
                    pkl.dump(model_options, open('%s.pkl'%saveto, 'wb'))
                    print 'Done'
Ejemplo n.º 14
class MobilityGenerator(object):
    """ Generates intermodal mobility for SUMO starting from a synthetic population. """

    _conf = None
    _profiling = None

    _random_generator = None

    _sumo_network = None
    _sumo_parkings = collections.defaultdict(list)
    _parking_cache = dict()
    _parking_position = dict()
    _taz_weights = dict()
    _buildings_by_taz = dict()
    _edges_by_taz = dict()

    _blacklisted_edges = set()

    _all_trips = collections.defaultdict(dict)

    def __init__(self, conf, profiling=False):
         Initialize the synthetic population.
            :param conf: distionary with the configurations
            :param profiling=False: enable cProfile

        self._conf = conf
        self._profiling = profiling

        self._random_generator = RandomState(seed=self._conf['seed'])

        logging.info('Starting TraCI with file %s.', conf['sumocfg'])
        sumocfg = '{}/{}'.format(BASE_DIR, conf['sumocfg'])
        traci.start(['sumo', '-c', sumocfg])

        logging.info('Loading SUMO net file %s%s', BASE_DIR, conf['SUMOnetFile'])
        self._sumo_network = sumolib.net.readNet(
            '{}/{}'.format(BASE_DIR, conf['SUMOnetFile']))

        logging.info('Loading SUMO parking lots from file %s%s',
                     BASE_DIR, conf['SUMOadditionals']['parkings'])
        self._load_parkings('{}/{}'.format(BASE_DIR, conf['SUMOadditionals']['parkings']))

        logging.info('Loading TAZ weights from %s%s',
                     BASE_DIR, conf['population']['tazWeights'])
            '{}/{}'.format(BASE_DIR, conf['population']['tazWeights']))

        logging.info('Loading buildings weights from %s%s',
                     BASE_DIR, conf['population']['buildingsWeight'])
            '{}/{}'.format(BASE_DIR, conf['population']['buildingsWeight']))

        logging.info('Loading edges in each TAZ from %s%s',
                     BASE_DIR, conf['population']['tazDefinition'])
            '{}/{}'.format(BASE_DIR, conf['population']['tazDefinition']))

        logging.info('Computing the number of entities for each mobility slice..')

    def mobility_generation(self):
        """ Generate the mobility for the synthetic population. """
        logging.info('Generating trips for each mobility slice..')

    def save_mobility(self):
        """ Save the generated trips to files. """
        logging.info('Saving trips files..')

    def close_traci():
        """ Artefact to close TraCI properly. """
        logging.info('Closing TraCI.')

    ## ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ##
    ##                                          Loaders                                         ##
    ## ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ##

    def _load_parkings(self, filename):
        """ Load parkings ids from XML file. """
        xml_tree = xml.etree.ElementTree.parse(filename).getroot()
        for child in xml_tree:
            if (child.tag == 'parkingArea' and
                    child.attrib['id'] in self._conf['intermodalOptions']['parkingAreaWhitelist']):
                edge = child.attrib['lane'].split('_')[0]
                position = float(child.attrib['startPos']) + 2.5
                self._parking_position[child.attrib['id']] = position

    def _load_weights_from_csv(self, filename):
        """ Load the TAZ weight from a CSV file. """
        with open(filename, 'r') as csvfile:
            weightreader = csv.reader(csvfile)
            header = None
            for row in weightreader:
                if not header:
                    header = row
                    self._taz_weights[int(row[0])] = {
                        header[0]: int(row[0]),
                        header[1]: row[1],
                        header[2]: int(row[2]),
                        header[3]: float(row[3]),
                        'weight': (int(row[2])/float(row[3])),

    def _load_buildings_weight_from_csv_dir(self, directory):
        """ Load the buildings weight from multiple CSV files. """

        allfiles = [os.path.join(directory, f)
                    for f in os.listdir(directory) if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(directory, f))]
        for filename in sorted(allfiles):
            logging.debug('Loding %s', filename)
            with open(filename, 'r') as csvfile:
                weightreader = csv.reader(csvfile)
                header = None
                taz = None
                buildings = []
                for row in weightreader:
                    if not header:
                        header = row
                        taz = row[0]
                        buildings.append((float(row[3]),    # weight
                                          row[4],           # generic edge
                                          row[5]))          # pedestrian edge

                if len(buildings) < 10:
                    logging.debug('Dropping %s, only %d buildings found.', filename, len(buildings))

                weighted_buildings = []
                cum_sum = 0.0
                for weight, g_edge, p_edge in sorted(buildings):
                    cum_sum += weight
                    weighted_buildings.append((cum_sum, g_edge, p_edge, weight))
                self._buildings_by_taz[taz] = weighted_buildings

    def _load_edges_from_taz(self, filename):
        """ Load edges from the TAZ file. """
        xml_tree = xml.etree.ElementTree.parse(filename).getroot()
        for child in xml_tree:
            if child.tag == 'taz':
                self._edges_by_taz[child.attrib['id']] = child.attrib['edges'].split(' ')

    ## ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ##
    ##                                Mobility Generation                                       ##
    ## ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ##

    def _compute_entities_per_slice(self):
        Compute the absolute number of entities that are going to be created
        for each moblitiy slice, given a population.
        logging.info('Population: %d', self._conf['population']['entities'])

        for m_slice in self._conf['distribution'].keys():
            self._conf['distribution'][m_slice]['tot'] = int(
                self._conf['population']['entities'] * self._conf['distribution'][m_slice]['perc'])
            logging.info('\t %s: %d', m_slice, self._conf['distribution'][m_slice]['tot'])

    def _compute_trips_per_slice(self):
        """ Compute the trips for the synthetic population for each mobility slice. """

        total = 0

        for name, m_slice in self._conf['distribution'].items():
            logging.info('[%s] Computing %d trips from %s to %s ... ',
                         name, m_slice['tot'], m_slice['loc_origin'], m_slice['loc_primary'])

            ## Activity chains preparation
            activity_chains = []
            activity_chains_weights = []
            for _weight, _chain, _modes in m_slice['activityChains']:
                activity_chains.append((_chain, _modes))
            activity_index = [i for i in range(len(activity_chains))]

            if self._profiling:
                _pr = cProfile.Profile()

            for entity_id in tqdm(range(m_slice['tot'])):
                ## Select the activity chain
                _index = self._random_generator.choice(
                    activity_index, p=activity_chains_weights)
                _chain, _modes = activity_chains[_index]
                logging.debug('Chain: %s', '{}'.format(_chain))
                logging.debug('Modes: %s', '{}'.format(_modes))

                _person_trip = None

                # (Intermodal) trip
                _final_chain = None
                _stages = None
                _error_counter = 0
                while not _person_trip:
                        _final_chain, _stages = self._generate_trip_traci(
                            _chain, _modes)

                        ## Generating departure time
                        _depart = numpy.round(_final_chain[1]['start'], decimals=2)
                        if _depart not in self._all_trips[name].keys():
                            self._all_trips[name][_depart] = []

                        ## fix the last stop with 1.0 duration
                        if _stages[-1].stageType == tc.STAGE_WAITING:
                            _stages[-1] = _stages[-1]._replace(travelTime=1.0)
                            _stages[-1] = _stages[-1]._replace(cost=1.0)

                        ## fix the last ride with cost = 1.0 on order to fix the last stop
                        _pos = len(_stages) - 1
                        while _pos >= 0:
                            if  _stages[_pos].stageType == tc.STAGE_DRIVING:
                                if not  _stages[_pos].destStop:
                                    _stages[_pos] = _stages[_pos]._replace(travelTime=1.0)
                                    _stages[_pos] = _stages[_pos]._replace(cost=1.0)
                            _pos -= 1

                        _person_trip = {
                            'id': '{}_{}'.format(name, entity_id),
                            'depart': _depart,
                            # 'from': _from,
                            # 'to': _to,
                            # 'type': v_type,
                            # 'mode': modes,
                            # 'withParking': with_parking,
                            # 'PLid': parking_id,
                            'stages': _stages,

                        complete_trip = self._generate_sumo_trip_from_activitygen(_person_trip)
                        _person_trip['string'] = complete_trip

                    except Error:
                        _person_trip = None
                        _error_counter += 1
                        if _error_counter % 10 == 0:
                                '_generate_trip_traci from %s to %s generated %d errors'
                                ' and counting..',

                # Trip creation
                total += 1

            if self._profiling:
                _s = io.StringIO()
                _ps = pstats.Stats(_pr, stream=_s).sort_stats('cumulative')
                input("Press any key to continue..")

        logging.info('Generated %d trips.', total)

    ## ---- PARKING AREAS: location and selection ---- ##

    def _check_parkings_cache(self, edge):
        """ Check among the previously computed results of _find_closest_parking """
        if edge in self._parking_cache.keys():
            return self._parking_cache[edge]
        return None

    def _find_closest_parking(self, edge):
        """ Given and edge, find the closest parking area. """
        distance = sys.float_info.max

        ret = self._check_parkings_cache(edge)
        if ret:
            return ret

        p_id = None

        for p_edge, parkings in self._sumo_parkings.items():
            for parking in parkings:
                if parking in self._conf['intermodalOptions']['parkingAreaWhitelist']:
                    p_id = parking
            if p_id:
                    route = traci.simulation.findIntermodalRoute(
                        p_edge, edge, pType="pedestrian")
                except traci.exceptions.TraCIException:
                    route = None
                if route:
                    cost = self._cost_from_route(route)
                    if distance > cost:
                        distance = cost
                        ret = p_id, p_edge, route

        if ret:
            self._parking_cache[edge] = ret
            return ret

        logging.fatal('Edge %s is not reachable from any parking lot.', edge)
        return None, None, None

    ## ---- Functions for _compute_trips_per_slice: _generate_trip_traci ---- ##

    def _generate_trip_traci(self, from_area, to_area, activity_chain, modes):
        """ Returns the trip for the given activity chain. """

        trip = None

        person_stages = self._generate_person_stages(from_area, to_area, activity_chain, modes[0])
        solutions = []

        for mode in modes:

            _person_steps = []
            _new_start_time = None

            _mode, _ptype, _vtype = self._get_mode_parameters(mode)

            for pos, stage in person_stages.items():
                # findIntermodalRoute(self, fromEdge, toEdge, modes='', depart=-1.0,
                #                     routingMode=0, speed=-1.0, walkFactor=-1.0,
                #                     departPos=0.0, arrivalPos=-1073741824, departPosLat=0.0,
                #                     pType='', vType='', destStop='')
                if not _new_start_time:
                    _new_start_time = stage['start']

                route = None

                ## If the vtype is among the one that require parking, and we are not going home,
                #  look for a parking and build the additional walk back and forth.
                if (stage['activity'] != 'Home' and
                        _vtype in self._conf['intermodalOptions']['vehicleAllowedParking']):
                    ## find parking
                    p_id, p_edge, _last_mile = self._find_closest_parking(stage['to'])
                    if _last_mile:
                        route = traci.simulation.findIntermodalRoute(
                            stage['from'], p_edge, depart=_new_start_time, walkFactor=.9,
                            modes=_mode, pType=_ptype, vType=_vtype)

                        if (self._is_valid_route(mode, route) and
                                route[-1].stageType == tc.STAGE_DRIVING):
                            route[-1] = route[-1]._replace(destStop=p_id)
                            route[-1] = route[-1]._replace(arrivalPos=self._parking_position[p_id])
                            route = None
                    if route:
                        ## build the waiting to destination (if required)
                        if stage['duration']:
                            wait = self._generate_waiting_stage(stage)

                        ## build the walk back to the parking
                        walk_back = traci.simulation.findIntermodalRoute(
                            stage['to'], p_edge, walkFactor=.9, pType="pedestrian")
                        walk_back = walk_back[0]._replace(arrivalPos=self._parking_position[p_id])

                        ## update the next stage to make it start from the parking
                        if pos + 1 in person_stages:
                            person_stages[pos+1]['from'] = p_edge
                    ## PUBLIC, ON-DEMAND, trip to HOME, and NO-PARKING required vehicles.
                    route = traci.simulation.findIntermodalRoute(
                        stage['from'], stage['to'], depart=_new_start_time, walkFactor=.9,
                        modes=_mode, pType=_ptype, vType=_vtype)
                    if not self._is_valid_route(mode, route):
                        route = None
                    ## Add stop
                    if route and stage['duration']:

                if not route:
                    raise TripGenerationError(
                        'Route not found between {} and {}.'.format(stage['from'], stage['to']))

                ## Add the stage to the full planned trip.
                for step in route:
                    _new_start_time += step.travelTime

            ## Cost computation.
            solutions.append((self._cost_from_route(_person_steps), _person_steps))

            for position, thingy in enumerate(_person_steps):
                if (thingy.stageType == tc.STAGE_DRIVING and
                        thingy.line == '' and ## Not PUBLIC TRANSPORT
                        thingy.edges[0] == thingy.edges[-1]):
                    print(position, thingy)

        ## Compose the final person trip.
        if solutions:
            ## TODO: pick and chose a winner among the different modes,
            #        for the moment there is only one.
            trip = (person_stages, solutions[0][1])
            # print("~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~    STEPS    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~")
            # for pos, step in enumerate(solutions[0][1]):
            #     print(pos, step)
            # print("~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~")
            raise TripGenerationError(
                'No solution foud for chain {} and modes {}.'.format(person_stages, modes))
        return trip

    def _generate_waiting_stage(stage):
        """ Builds a STAGE_WAITING type of stage compatible with findIntermodalRoute. """
        wait = Stage(
            stageType=tc.STAGE_WAITING, description=stage['activity'],
            edges='{}_0'.format(stage['to']), travelTime=stage['duration'],
        return wait

    def _generate_person_stages(self, from_area, to_area, activity_chain, mode):
        """ Returns the trip for the given activity chain. """

        ## Mode split:
        _mode, _ptype, _vtype = self._get_mode_parameters(mode)

        # Define a generic Home and Primary activity location.
        # The locations must be reachable in some ways.
        route = None
        from_edge = None
        to_edge = None
        while not route:
            ## Origin and Destination Selection
            from_edge, to_edge = self._select_pair(from_area, to_area)
            from_allowed = (self._sumo_network.getEdge(from_edge).allows('pedestrian') and
            to_allowed = (self._sumo_network.getEdge(to_edge).allows('pedestrian') and
            if self._valid_pair(from_edge, to_edge) and from_allowed and to_allowed:
                    route = traci.simulation.findIntermodalRoute(
                        from_edge, to_edge, modes=_mode, pType=_ptype, vType=_vtype)
                    if not self._is_valid_route(mode, route):
                        route = None
                except traci.exceptions.TraCIException:
                    logging.debug('_generate_person_stages: findRoute FAILED.')
                    route = None
                logging.debug('_generate_person_stages: unusable pair of edges.')

        ## Generate perliminary stages for a person
        person_stages = dict()
        for pos, activity in enumerate(activity_chain):
            if activity not in self._conf['activities']:
                raise Exception('Activity {} is not define in the config file.'.format(activity))
            _start, _duration = self._get_timing_from_activity(activity)
            if pos == 0:
                if activity != 'Home':
                    raise Exception("Every activity chain MUST start with 'Home',"
                                    " '{}' given.".format(activity))
                ## Beginning
                person_stages[pos] = {
                    'activity': activity,
                    'from': from_edge,
                    'to': None,
                    'start': _start,
                    'duration': _duration,
            elif 'P-' in activity:
                ## This is a primary activity
                person_stages[pos] = {
                    'activity': activity,
                    'from': None,
                    'to': to_edge,
                    'start': _start,
                    'duration': _duration,
            elif 'S-' in activity:
                ## This is a secondary activity
                person_stages[pos] = {
                    'activity': activity,
                    'from': None,
                    'to': None,
                    'start': _start,
                    'duration': _duration,
            elif activity == 'Home':
                ## End of the activity chain.
                person_stages[pos] = {
                    'activity': activity,
                    'from': None,
                    'to': from_edge,
                    'start': _start,
                    'duration': _duration,

        if len(person_stages) <= 2:
            raise Exception("Invalid activity chain. (Minimal: H -> P-? -> H", activity_chain)

        ## Define secondary activity location
        for pos, stage in person_stages.items():
            if  'S-' in stage['activity']:
                ## look for what is coming before
                _prec = None
                _pos = pos - 1
                while not _prec and _pos in person_stages:
                    if 'Home' in person_stages[_pos]['activity']:
                        _prec = 'H'
                    elif 'P-' in person_stages[_pos]['activity']:
                        _prec = 'P'
                    _pos -= 1

                ## look for what is coming next
                _succ = None
                _pos = pos + 1
                while not _succ and _pos in person_stages:
                    if 'Home' in person_stages[_pos]['activity']:
                        _succ = 'H'
                    elif 'P-' in person_stages[_pos]['activity']:
                        _succ = 'P'
                    _pos += 1

                destination = None
                if _prec == 'H' and _succ == 'H':
                    destination = self._random_location_circle(center=from_edge, other=to_edge)
                elif _prec == 'P' and _succ == 'P':
                    destination = self._random_location_circle(center=to_edge, other=from_edge)
                elif _prec != _succ:
                    destination = self._random_location_ellipse(from_edge, to_edge)
                    raise Exception("WTF", _prec, _succ)

                stage['to'] = destination

        ## Remove the initial 'Home' stage and update the from of the second stage.
        person_stages[1]['from'] = person_stages[0]['from']
        is_start_to_fix = True
        if person_stages[0]['start']:
            is_start_to_fix = False
            person_stages[1]['start'] = person_stages[0]['start']
        del person_stages[0]

        ## Fixing the 'from' field with a forward chain
        pos = 2
        while pos in person_stages:
            person_stages[pos]['from'] = person_stages[pos-1]['to']
            pos += 1

        ## IF NECESSARY, compute the real starting time for the activity chain.
        # Find the first 'start' defined.
        if is_start_to_fix:
            pos = 1
            while pos in person_stages:
                if person_stages[pos]['start']:
                pos += 1

            start = person_stages[pos]['start']
            while pos in person_stages:
                ett = 500.0
                    ett = traci.simulation.findRoute(
                        person_stages[pos]['from'], person_stages[pos]['to']).travelTime
                except traci.exceptions.TraCIException:
                if pos-1 in person_stages:
                    if person_stages[pos-1]['duration']:
                        ett += person_stages[pos-1]['duration']
                start -= ett
                pos -= 1
            person_stages[1]['start'] = start

        return person_stages

    def _random_location_circle(self, center, other):
        """ Return a random edge in within a radius (*) from the given center.

            (*) Uses the ellipses defined by the foci center and other,
                and the major axe of 1.30 * distance between the foci.
        length = None
            length = traci.simulation.findRoute(center, other).length
        except traci.exceptions.TraCIException:
            raise TripGenerationError('No route between {} and {}'.format(center, other))
        major_axe = length * 1.3
        minor_axe = numpy.sqrt(numpy.square(major_axe) - numpy.square(length))
        radius = minor_axe / 2.0

        edges = self._get_all_reachable_edges(center, radius)

        if not edges:
            raise TripGenerationError('No edges from {} with range {}.'.format(center, length))

        ret = self._random_generator.choice(edges)
        allowed = (self._sumo_network.getEdge(ret).allows('pedestrian') and
        while edges and (ret == center or ret == other) and not allowed:
            ret = self._random_generator.choice(edges)
            allowed = (self._sumo_network.getEdge(ret).allows('pedestrian') and

        if not edges:
            raise TripGenerationError(
                'No valid edges from {} with range {}.'.format(center, length))

        return ret

    def _random_location_ellipse(self, focus1, focus2):
        """ Return a random edge in within the ellipse defined by the foci,
            and the major axe of 1.30 * distance between the foci.
        length = None
            length = traci.simulation.findRoute(focus1, focus2).length
            logging.debug('%s --> %s : %.2f', focus1, focus2, length)
        except traci.exceptions.TraCIException:
            raise TripGenerationError('No route between {} and {}'.format(focus1, focus2))

        major_axe = length * 1.3

        edges = self._get_all_reachable_edges(focus1, length)
        while edges:
            edge = self._random_generator.choice(edges)
            if edge == focus1 or edge == focus2:
            allowed = (self._sumo_network.getEdge(edge).allows('pedestrian') and
            if not allowed:
                first = traci.simulation.findRoute(focus1, edge).length
                second = traci.simulation.findRoute(edge, focus2).length
                if first + second <= major_axe:
                    logging.debug('%s --> %s : %.2f', focus1, edge, first)
                    logging.debug('%s --> %s : %.2f', edge, focus2, second)
                    return edge
            except traci.exceptions.TraCIException:

        raise TripGenerationError(
            "No location available for _random_location_ellipse [{}, {}]".format(focus1, focus2))

    def _get_all_reachable_edges(self, origin, distance):
        """ Returns all the edges reachable from the origin within the given radius. """

        logging.debug('Computing all reachable edges from %s in a %.2f radius.', origin, distance)

        ### "BFS" with distance
        _edges_already_done = set()
        _nodes_already_done = set()
        _edges_to_evaluate = [(origin, 0.0)]
        _reachable_edges = set()

        while _edges_to_evaluate:
            _edge, _distance = _edges_to_evaluate.pop(0)

            # print(_edge, _distance, _edges_to_evaluate)

            #retrieve node from
            _from_node = self._sumo_network.getEdge(_edge).getFromNode()
            if _from_node.getID() not in _nodes_already_done:
                # if node from distance is smaller than the target,
                # add all the incoming edge to the queue
                if _distance < distance:
                    #add all the incoming edges
                    for _inc_edge in _from_node.getIncoming():
                        if (_inc_edge.allows('passenger') and
                                _inc_edge.getID() not in _edges_already_done and
                                _inc_edge.getID() not in _edges_to_evaluate):
                            # print(_inc_edge.getID())
                                                       _distance + _inc_edge.getLength()))

            #retrieve node to
            _to_node = self._sumo_network.getEdge(_edge).getToNode()
            if _to_node.getID() not in _nodes_already_done:
                # if node to distance is smaller than the target,
                # add all the incoming edge to the queue
                if _distance < distance:
                    #add all the outgoing edges
                    for _out_edge in _to_node.getOutgoing():
                        if (_out_edge.allows('passenger') and
                                _out_edge.getID() not in _edges_already_done and
                                _out_edge.getID() not in _edges_to_evaluate):
                            # print(_out_edge.getID())
                                                       _distance + _out_edge.getLength()))

        # with open('test.edges.txt', 'w') as out:
        #     for edge in _reachable_edges:
        #         out.write('edge:{}\n'.format(edge))

        # input("Check the edges!")

        return list(_reachable_edges)

    def _get_timing_from_activity(self, activity):
        """ Compute start and duration from the activity defined in the config file. """
        start = None
        if self._conf['activities'][activity]['start']:
            start = self._random_generator.normal(
            if start < 0:
                return self._get_timing_from_activity(activity)
        duration = None
        if self._conf['activities'][activity]['duration']:
            duration = self._random_generator.normal(
            if duration <= 0:
                return self._get_timing_from_activity(activity)
        return start, duration

    ## ---- PAIR SELECTION: origin - destination - mode ---- ##

    def _select_pair(self, from_area, to_area, pedestrian=False):
        """ Randomly select one pair, chosing between buildings and TAZ. """
        from_taz = str(self._select_taz_from_weighted_area(from_area))
        to_taz = str(self._select_taz_from_weighted_area(to_area))

        if from_taz in self._buildings_by_taz.keys() and to_taz in self._buildings_by_taz.keys():
            return self._select_pair_from_taz_wbuildings(
                self._buildings_by_taz[from_taz][:], self._buildings_by_taz[to_taz][:], pedestrian)
        return self._select_pair_from_taz(
            self._edges_by_taz[from_taz][:], self._edges_by_taz[to_taz][:])

    def _select_taz_from_weighted_area(self, area):
        """ Select a TAZ from an area using its weight. """
        selection = self._random_generator.uniform(0, 1)
        total_weight = sum([self._taz_weights[taz]['weight'] for taz in area])
        cumulative = 0.0
        for taz in area:
            cumulative += self._taz_weights[taz]['weight'] / total_weight
            if selection <= cumulative:
                return taz
        return None # this is matematically impossible,
                    # if this happens, there is a mistake in the weights.

    def _valid_pair(self, from_edge, to_edge):
        """ This is just to avoid a HUGE while condition.
        from_edge_sumo = self._sumo_network.getEdge(from_edge)
        to_edge_sumo = self._sumo_network.getEdge(to_edge)

        if from_edge_sumo.is_fringe(from_edge_sumo.getOutgoing()):
            return False
        if to_edge_sumo.is_fringe(to_edge_sumo.getIncoming()):
            return False
        if from_edge == to_edge:
            return False
        if to_edge in self._blacklisted_edges:
            return False
        if not to_edge_sumo.allows('pedestrian'):
            return False
        return True

    def _select_pair_from_taz(self, from_taz, to_taz):
        """ Randomly select one pair from a TAZ.
            Important: from_taz and to_taz MUST be passed by copy.
            Note: sumonet.getEdge(from_edge).allows(v_type) does not support distributions.

        from_edge = from_taz.pop(
            self._random_generator.random_integers(0, len(from_taz) - 1))
        to_edge = to_taz.pop(
            self._random_generator.random_integers(0, len(to_taz) - 1))

        _to = False
        while not self._valid_pair(from_edge, to_edge) and from_taz and to_taz:
            if not self._sumo_network.getEdge(to_edge).allows('pedestrian') or _to:
                to_edge = to_taz.pop(
                    self._random_generator.random_integers(0, len(to_taz) - 1))
                _to = False
                from_edge = from_taz.pop(
                    self._random_generator.random_integers(0, len(from_taz) - 1))
                _to = True

        return from_edge, to_edge

    def _select_pair_from_taz_wbuildings(self, from_buildings, to_buildings, pedestrian):
        """ Randomly select one pair from a TAZ.
            Important: from_buildings and to_buildings MUST be passed by copy.
            Note: sumonet.getEdge(from_edge).allows(v_type) does not support distributions.

        from_edge, _index = self._get_weighted_edge(
            from_buildings, self._random_generator.random_sample(), False)
        del from_buildings[_index]
        to_edge, _index = self._get_weighted_edge(
            to_buildings, self._random_generator.random_sample(), pedestrian)
        del to_buildings[_index]

        _to = True
        while not self._valid_pair(from_edge, to_edge) and from_buildings and to_buildings:
            if not self._sumo_network.getEdge(to_edge).allows('pedestrian') or _to:
                to_edge, _index = self._get_weighted_edge(
                    to_buildings, self._random_generator.random_sample(), pedestrian)
                del to_buildings[_index]
                _to = False
                from_edge, _index = self._get_weighted_edge(
                    from_buildings, self._random_generator.random_sample(), False)
                del from_buildings[_index]
                _to = True

        return from_edge, to_edge

    def _get_weighted_edge(edges, double, pedestrian):
        """ Return an edge and its position using the cumulative sum of the weigths in the area. """
        pos = -1
        ret = None
        for cum_sum, g_edge, p_edge, _ in edges:
            if ret and cum_sum > double:
                return ret, pos
            if pedestrian and p_edge:
                ret = p_edge
            elif not pedestrian and g_edge:
                ret = g_edge
            elif g_edge:
                ret = g_edge
                ret = p_edge
            pos += 1

        return edges[-1][1], len(edges) - 1

    ## ---- INTERMODAL: modes and route validity ---- ##

    def _get_mode_parameters(mode):
        """ Return the correst TraCI parameters for the requested mode.
            Parameters: _mode, _ptype, _vtype
        if mode == 'public':
            return 'public', '', ''
        elif mode == 'bicycle':
            return 'bicycle', '', 'bicycle'
        elif mode == 'walk':
            return '', 'pedestrian', ''
        return '', '', mode     # 'car', '', mode (but car is not really necessary,
                                #                  cause it creates unusable alternatives)

    def _is_valid_route(self, mode, route):
        """ Handle findIntermodalRoute results. """
        if route is None:
            # traci failed
            return False
        _mode, _ptype, _vtype = self._get_mode_parameters(mode)
        if _mode is None:
            # only for findRoute
            if len(route.edges) >= 2:
                return True
        elif _mode == 'public':
            for stage in route:
                if stage.line:
                    return True
        elif mode == 'car':
            for stage in route:
                if stage.stageType == tc.STAGE_DRIVING and len(stage.edges) >= 2:
                    return True
            for stage in route:
                if len(stage.edges) >= 2:
                    return True
        return False

    def _cost_from_route(route):
        """ Compute the route cost. """
        cost = 0.0
        for stage in route:
            cost += stage.cost
        return cost

    ## ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ##
    ##                                Saving trips to files                                     ##
    ## ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ##

    ROUTES_TPL = """<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

    SUMO Activity-Based Mobility Generator

    Copyright (c) 2019 Lara CODECA - EURECOM

    This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
    terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0 which is available at

<routes xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/routes_file.xsd"> {trips}

    VEHICLE = """
    <vehicle id="{id}" type="{v_type}" depart="{depart}" departLane="best" arrivalPos="{arrival}">{route}{stop}

    ROUTE = """
        <route edges="{edges}"/>"""

        <stop parkingArea="{id}" triggered="true" expected="{person}"/>"""

        <stop lane="{lane}" parking="true" triggered="true" expected="{person}"/>"""

        <stop lane="{lane}" parking="true" duration="1.0"/>"""

    FINAL_STOP = """
        <stop lane="{lane}" duration="1.0"/>"""

    PERSON = """
    <person id="{id}" type="pedestrian" depart="{depart}">{stages}

    WAIT = """
        <stop lane="{lane}" duration="{duration}" actType="{action}"/>"""

    WALK = """
        <walk edges="{edges}"/>"""

    WALK_W_ARRIVAL = """
        <walk edges="{edges}" arrivalPos="{arrival}"/>"""

    WALK_BUS = """
        <walk edges="{edges}" busStop="{busStop}"/>"""

    RIDE_BUS = """
        <ride busStop="{busStop}" lines="{lines}" intended="{intended}" depart="{depart}"/>"""

        <ride from="{from_edge}" to="{to_edge}" lines="{vehicle_id}"/>"""

    <vehicle id="{id}" type="{v_type}" depart="triggered" departLane="best" arrivalPos="{arrival}">{route}{stops}

    def _get_stopping_lane(self, edge):
        """ Returns the vehicle-friendly stopping lange closer to the sidewalk. """
        for lane in self._sumo_network.getEdge(edge).getLanes():
            if lane.allows('passenger'):
                return lane.getID()
        raise TripGenerationError("'passenger' cannot stop on edge {}".format(edge))

    def _generate_sumo_trip_from_activitygen(self, person):
        """ Generate the XML string for SUMO route file from a person-trip. """
        complete_trip = ''
        triggered = ''
        _triggered_counter = 0 ## to be used with on-demand vehicles
        _tr_id = '{}_tr'.format(person['id'])
        _triggered_vtype = ''
        _triggered_route = []
        _triggered_stops = ''
        stages = ''
        for stage in person['stages']:
            if stage.stageType == tc.STAGE_WAITING:
                stages += self.WAIT.format(lane=stage.edges,
            elif stage.stageType == tc.STAGE_WALKING:
                if stage.destStop:
                    stages += self.WALK_BUS.format(
                        edges=' '.join(stage.edges), busStop=stage.destStop)
                    if stage.arrivalPos:
                        stages += self.WALK_W_ARRIVAL.format(
                            edges=' '.join(stage.edges), arrival=stage.arrivalPos)
                        stages += self.WALK.format(edges=' '.join(stage.edges))
            elif stage.stageType == tc.STAGE_DRIVING:
                if stage.line != stage.intended:
                    # intended is the transport id, so it must be different
                    stages += self.RIDE_BUS.format(
                        busStop=stage.destStop, lines=stage.line,
                        intended=stage.intended, depart=stage.depart)
                    # triggered vehicle (line = intended)
                    _ride_id = None
                    if stage.intended == 'on-demand':
                        ## generate a new vehicle
                        _triggered_counter += 1 ## I don't want to start from 0
                        _ride_id = '{}_{}_od'.format(person['id'], _triggered_counter)
                        _route = self.ROUTE.format(edges=' '.join(stage.edges))
                        _vtype = stage.vType
                        _stop = ''
                        if stage.travelTime == 1.0:
                            _stop = self.FINAL_STOP.format(
                            _stop = self.ONDEMAND_TRIGGERED.format(
                        triggered += self.VEHICLE_TRIGGERED.format(
                            id=_ride_id, v_type=_vtype, route=_route,
                            stops=_stop, arrival='random')
                        ## add to the existing one
                        _ride_id = _tr_id
                        if _triggered_route:
                            ## check for contiguity
                            if _triggered_route[-1] != stage.edges[0]:
                                raise TripGenerationError('Triggered vehicle has a broken route.')
                                ## remove the duplicated edge
                            ## nothing to be "fixed"
                        _triggered_vtype = stage.vType
                        _stop = ''
                        # print(stage.travelTime, stage.destStop)
                        if stage.travelTime == 1.0:
                            # print('final stop')
                            _stop = self.FINAL_STOP.format(
                            if stage.destStop:
                                # print('parking')
                                _stop = self.STOP_PARKING_TRIGGERED.format(
                                    id=stage.destStop, person=person['id'])
                                # print('side edge')
                                _stop = self.STOP_EDGE_TRIGGERED.format(
                        _triggered_stops += _stop

                    stages += self.RIDE_TRIGGERED.format(
                        from_edge=stage.edges[0], to_edge=stage.edges[-1], vehicle_id=_ride_id)

        ## fixing the personal triggered vehicles
        if _triggered_route:
            _route = self.ROUTE.format(edges=' '.join(_triggered_route))
            triggered += self.VEHICLE_TRIGGERED.format(
                id=_tr_id, v_type=_triggered_vtype, route=_route,
                stops=_triggered_stops, arrival='random')

        ## result
        complete_trip += triggered
        complete_trip += self.PERSON.format(
            id=person['id'], depart=person['depart'], stages=stages)
        return complete_trip

    def _saving_trips_to_files(self):
        """ Saving all te trips to files divided by slice. """

        for name, dict_trips in self._all_trips.items():
            filename = '{}/{}{}.rou.xml'.format(BASE_DIR, self._conf['outputPrefix'], name)
            with open(filename, 'w') as tripfile:
                all_trips = ''
                for time in sorted(dict_trips.keys()):
                    for person in dict_trips[time]:
                        all_trips += person['string']

            logging.info('Saved %s', filename)
Ejemplo n.º 15

# Define environments
environments = dict()

rng = RandomState(123)
features = np.zeros((3, 21 * 10))
features[1, rng.randint(0, 21 * 10, 100)] = 1
features[0, 35:39] = 1
features[0, 45:49] = 1
features[0, 55:59] = 1

# Reward
features[2, rng.random_integers(0, 209, 15)] = 1

testMDP1 = HexGridMDP(features, (21, 10))
testAgent1 = Agent('Predator_1', [1, 0, 0, 0, 0], position=200, solver_kwargs={'discount': 0.9, 'tol': 1e-4})
testAgent2 = Agent('Prey_1', [0, 0, 1, 0, 0], position=198, solver_kwargs={'discount': 0.9, 'tol': 1e-4})

testEnvironment1 = HexEnvironment(testMDP1, [testAgent1, testAgent2])
environments['env_0'] = testEnvironment1

rng = RandomState(123)
features = np.zeros((3, 21 * 10))
features[1, rng.randint(0, 21 * 10, 100)] = 1
features[0, 10:20] = 1
features[0, 20:30] = 1
features[0, 30:40] = 1
dview.execute('import numpy as np')
dview['wrapper'] = wrapper
dview['adf_simulation'] = adf_simulation
lview = rc.load_balanced_view()

trends = ('nc', 'c', 'ct', 'ctt')
T = array(
    (20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100, 120, 140, 160,
     180, 200, 250, 300, 350, 400, 450, 500, 600, 700, 800, 900,
     1000, 1200, 1400, 2000))
T = T[::-1]
m = T.shape[0]
percentiles = list(arange(0.5, 100.0, 0.5))
rng = RandomState(0)
seeds = rng.random_integers(0, 2 ** 31 - 2, size=EX_NUM)

for tr in trends:
    results = zeros((len(percentiles), len(T), EX_NUM)) * nan
    filename = 'adf_z_' + tr + '.npz'

    for i in range(EX_NUM):
        print("Experiment Number {0} for Trend {1}".format(i + 1, tr))
        # Non parallel version
        # out = lmap(wrapper, T, [tr] * m, [EX_SIZE] * m, [seeds[i]] * m))
        now = datetime.datetime.now()
        out = lview.map_sync(wrapper,
                             [tr] * m, [EX_SIZE] * m,
                             [seeds[i]] * m)
        # Prevent unnecessary results from accumulating
Ejemplo n.º 17
def trainer(train,
            filter_hs=[2, 3, 4],
    """ train, valid, test : datasets
        n_chars : vocabulary size
        img_w : character embedding dimension.
        max_len : the maximum length of a sentence 
        feature_maps : the number of feature maps we used 
        filter_hs: the filter window sizes we used
        max_epochs : The maximum number of epoch to run
        gamma: hyper-parameter using in ranking
        ncon: the number of negative samples we used for each postive sample
        lrate : learning rate
        batch_size : batch size during training
        dispFreq : Display to stdout the training progress every N updates
        validFreq : Compute the validation rank score after this number of update.
        saveto: where to save the result.

    img_h = max_len + 2 * (filter_hs[-1] - 1)

    model_options = {}
    model_options['n_chars'] = n_chars
    model_options['img_w'] = img_w
    model_options['img_h'] = img_h
    model_options['feature_maps'] = feature_maps
    model_options['filter_hs'] = filter_hs
    model_options['max_epochs'] = max_epochs
    model_options['gamma'] = gamma
    model_options['ncon'] = ncon
    model_options['lrate'] = lrate
    model_options['batch_size'] = batch_size
    model_options['dispFreq'] = dispFreq
    model_options['validFreq'] = validFreq
    model_options['saveto'] = saveto

    logger.info('Model options {}'.format(model_options))

    logger.info('Building model...')

    filter_w = img_w
    filter_shapes = []
    pool_sizes = []
    for filter_h in filter_hs:
        filter_shapes.append((feature_maps, 1, filter_h, filter_w))
        pool_sizes.append((img_h - filter_h + 1, img_w - filter_w + 1))

    model_options['filter_shapes'] = filter_shapes
    model_options['pool_sizes'] = pool_sizes

    params = init_params(model_options)
    tparams = init_tparams(params)

    use_noise, inps, cost = build_model(tparams, model_options)

    logger.info('Building encoder...')
    inps_e, feat_x, feat_y = build_encoder(tparams, model_options)

    logger.info('Building functions...')
    f_emb = theano.function(inps_e, [feat_x, feat_y], name='f_emb')

    lr = tensor.scalar(name='lr')
    f_grad_shared, f_update = Adam(tparams, cost, inps, lr)

    logger.info('Training model...')

    uidx = 0
    seed = 1234
    curr = 0
    history_errs = []

    valid_x = prepare_data(valid[0], max_len, n_chars, filter_hs[-1])
    valid_y = prepare_data(valid[1], max_len, n_chars, filter_hs[-1])

    test_x = prepare_data(test[0], max_len, n_chars, filter_hs[-1])
    test_y = prepare_data(test[1], max_len, n_chars, filter_hs[-1])

    zero_vec_tensor = tensor.vector()
    zero_vec = np.zeros(img_w).astype(theano.config.floatX)
    set_zero = theano.function([zero_vec_tensor],
                                             tparams['Wemb'][n_chars - 1, :],

    # Main loop
    for eidx in range(max_epochs):
        prng = RandomState(seed - eidx - 1)

        trainA = train[0]
        trainB = train[1]

        num_samples = len(trainA)

        inds = np.arange(num_samples)
        numbatches = len(inds) / batch_size
        for minibatch in range(numbatches):
            uidx += 1
            conprng = RandomState(seed + uidx + 1)

            x = [trainA[seq] for seq in inds[minibatch::numbatches]]
            y = [trainB[seq] for seq in inds[minibatch::numbatches]]

            cinds = conprng.random_integers(low=0,
                                            high=num_samples - 1,
                                            size=ncon * len(x))
            cy = [trainB[seq] for seq in cinds]

            x = prepare_data(x, max_len, n_chars, filter_hs[-1])
            y = prepare_data(y, max_len, n_chars, filter_hs[-1])
            cy = prepare_data(cy, max_len, n_chars, filter_hs[-1])

            cost = f_grad_shared(x, y, cy)
            # the special token does not need to update.

            if np.mod(uidx, dispFreq) == 0:
                logger.info('Epoch {} Update {} Cost {}'.format(
                    eidx, uidx, cost))

            if np.mod(uidx, validFreq) == 0:
                logger.info('Computing ranks...')

                feats_x, feats_y = f_emb(valid_x, valid_y)
                (r1, r3, r10, medr, meanr, h_meanr) = rank(feats_x, feats_y)
                history_errs.append([r1, r3, r10, medr, meanr, h_meanr])

                logger.info('Valid Rank:{}, {}, {}, {},{},{}'.format(
                    r1, r3, r10, medr, meanr, h_meanr))

                currscore = r1 + r3 + r10
                if currscore > curr:
                    curr = currscore
                    params = unzip(tparams)
                    np.savez(saveto, history_errs=history_errs, **params)

    zipp(params, tparams)
    logger.info('Final results...')

    feats_x, feats_y = f_emb(valid_x, valid_y)
    (r1, r3, r10, medr, meanr, h_meanr) = rank(feats_x, feats_y)
    logger.info('Valid Rank:{}, {}, {}, {},{},{}'.format(
        r1, r3, r10, medr, meanr, h_meanr))

    feats_x, feats_y = f_emb(test_x, test_y)
    (r1, r3, r10, medr, meanr, h_meanr) = rank(feats_x, feats_y)
    logger.info('Test Rank:{}, {}, {}, {},{},{}'.format(
        r1, r3, r10, medr, meanr, h_meanr))

    # np.savez("./cnn_feats.npz", feats_x=feats_x, feats_y=feats_y)

    return (r1, r3, r10, medr, meanr, h_meanr)