Ejemplo n.º 1
def initial_state():
    rhod = arr_t([1.])
    th = arr_t([300.])
    rv = arr_t([0.02])

    T = common.T(th[0], rhod[0])
    p = arr_t([common.p(rhod[0], rv[0], T)])

    return rhod, th, rv, p
Ejemplo n.º 2
def supersat_state():
    rhod = arr_t([1.  ])
    th   = arr_t([300.])
    rv   = arr_t([0.0091])

    T = common.T(th[0], rhod[0])
    p = arr_t([common.p(rhod[0], rv[0], T)])

    return rhod, th, rv, p
Ejemplo n.º 3
def initial_state():
    rhod = arr_t([1.  ])
    th   = arr_t([300.])
    rv   = arr_t([0.02])

    T = common.T(th[0], rhod[0])
    p = arr_t([common.p(rhod[0], rv[0], T)])

    return rhod, th, rv, p
Ejemplo n.º 4
def supersat_state():
    rhod = arr_t([1.])
    th = arr_t([300.])
    rv = arr_t([0.0091])

    T = common.T(th[0], rhod[0])
    p = arr_t([common.p(rhod[0], rv[0], T)])

    return rhod, th, rv, p
Ejemplo n.º 5
def initial_state():
    # a little below saturation
    rhod = arr_t([1.1])
    th = arr_t([305.])
    rv = arr_t([0.0085])

    T = common.T(th[0], rhod[0])
    p = arr_t([common.p(rhod[0], rv[0], T)])

    return rhod, th, rv, p
Ejemplo n.º 6
def initial_state():
    # a little below saturation
    rhod = arr_t([1.1  ])
    th   = arr_t([305.])
    rv   = arr_t([0.0085])

    T = common.T(th[0], rhod[0])
    p = arr_t([common.p(rhod[0], rv[0], T)])

    return rhod, th, rv, p
Ejemplo n.º 7
  def __init__(self, outdir, dt):
    self.dt = dt
    self.outdir = outdir
    self.opts = blk_2m.opts_t()

#    self.opts.dry_distros = [ 
#      {"mean_rd":.04e-6 / 2, "sdev_rd":1.4, "N_stp":60e6, "chem_b":.55},
#      {"mean_rd":.15e-6 / 2, "sdev_rd":1.6, "N_stp":40e6, "chem_b":.55}
#    ]

    self.rc = arr_t([0.])
    self.nc = arr_t([0.])
    self.rr = arr_t([0.])
    self.nr = arr_t([0.])
Ejemplo n.º 8
 def step(self, rhod, th_d, r_v, dot_th, dot_rv):
   dot_rc = arr_t([0.])
   dot_nc = arr_t([0.])
   dot_rr = arr_t([0.])
   dot_nr = arr_t([0.])
     dot_th, dot_rv, dot_rc, dot_nc, dot_rr, dot_nr,
     th_d, r_v, 
     self.rc, self.nc, self.rr, self.nr,
   self.rc += dot_rc * self.dt
   self.nc += dot_nc * self.dt
   self.rr += dot_rr * self.dt
   self.nr += dot_nr * self.dt
Ejemplo n.º 9
def test_adj_cellwise_nwtrph(init_sup_sat, nwtrph_iters = nwtrph_iters_def):
    opts.nwtrph_iters = nwtrph_iters
    print "[nwtrph adj_cellwise]"
    rhod, th, rv, rc, rr, dt = initial_state(init_sup_sat)

    # define pressure consistent with adj_cellwise to compare results
    p   = arr_t([common.p(rhod[0], rv[0], common.T(th[0], rhod[0]))])

    #nwtrph requires th_std input
    th_std = arr_t([common.th_dry2std(th[0], rv[0])])
    blk_1m.adj_cellwise_nwtrph(opts, p, th_std, rv, rc, dt)
    T = common.exner(p[0]) * th_std[0]
    ss = supersaturation(T, p[0], rv[0])
    print "final supersaturation", ss, th_std[0], rv[0]
    return ss
Ejemplo n.º 10
def test_adj_cellwise_nwtrph(init_sup_sat, nwtrph_iters=nwtrph_iters_def):
    opts.nwtrph_iters = nwtrph_iters
    print("[nwtrph adj_cellwise]")
    rhod, th, rv, rc, rr, dt = initial_state(init_sup_sat)

    # define pressure consistent with adj_cellwise to compare results
    p = arr_t([common.p(rhod[0], rv[0], common.T(th[0], rhod[0]))])

    #nwtrph requires th_std input
    th_std = arr_t([common.th_dry2std(th[0], rv[0])])
    blk_1m.adj_cellwise_nwtrph(opts, p, th_std, rv, rc, dt)

    T = common.exner(p[0]) * th_std[0]
    ss = supersaturation(T, p[0], rv[0])
    print("final supersaturation", ss, th_std[0], rv[0])
    return ss
Ejemplo n.º 11
def test_adj_cellwise_constp(init_sup_sat, r_eps = r_eps_def):
    opts.r_eps = r_eps
    print "[constp adj_cellwise]"
    rhod, th, rv, rc, rr, dt = initial_state(init_sup_sat)

    # define pressure consistent with adj_cellwise to compare results
    p   = arr_t([common.p(rhod[0], rv[0], common.T(th[0], rhod[0]))])

    #constp requires th_std input
    th_std = arr_t([common.th_dry2std(th[0], rv[0])])
    blk_1m.adj_cellwise_constp(opts, rhod, p, th_std, rv, rc, rr, dt)
    T = common.exner(p[0]) * th_std[0]
    ss = supersaturation(T, p[0], rv[0])
    print "final supersaturation", ss, th_std[0], rv[0]
    return ss
Ejemplo n.º 12
def parcel(p_d, th_d, r_v, w, nt, outfreq, rhs):

  # perfect gas for for dry air
  def rhod_fun(p_d, th_d):
    def T(p_d, th_d):
      return th_d * pow(p_d / p_1000, R_d / c_pd)
    return p_d / R_d / T(p_d, th_d)

  # t=0 stuff
  rhod = rhod_fun(p_d, th_d)
  rhs.init(rhod, th_d, r_v)
  rhs.diag(rhod, th_d, r_v, 0)

  # placing a quick-look gnuplot file in the output directory
  import os, shutil
  shutil.copyfile(os.path.dirname(__file__) + '/quicklook.gpi', rhs.outdir + '/quicklook.gpi')

  # Euler-like integration
  for t in range(nt):
    #TODO: update process name :)

    # first, adjusting thr pressure using hydrostatic law
    p_d += rhs.dt * (-g * rhod * w)

    # computing rhs for th and rv
    dot_th = arr_t([0.])
    dot_rv = arr_t([0.])
    rhod = rhod_fun(p_d, th_d)
    rhs.step(rhod, th_d, r_v, dot_th, dot_rv)

    # applying the rhs
    th_d += rhs.dt * dot_th
    r_v  += rhs.dt * dot_rv
    rhod = rhod_fun(p_d, th_d)

    # doing diagnostics / output
    if (t % outfreq == 0):
      rhs.diag(rhod, th_d, r_v, t * rhs.dt)
Ejemplo n.º 13
def initial_state(init_sup_sat):
    rhod = arr_t([1.  ])
    th   = arr_t([300.])
    if init_sup_sat:
        rv   = arr_t([0.02])
        rv   = arr_t([0.002])
    rc   = arr_t([0.015])
    rr   = arr_t([0.  ])
    dt   = 1

    T = common.T(th[0], rhod[0])
    p = common.p(rhod[0], rv[0], T)
    ss = supersaturation(T, p, rv[0])
    print "initial supersaturation", ss

    return rhod, th, rv, rc, rr, dt
Ejemplo n.º 14
def initial_state(init_sup_sat):
    rhod = arr_t([1.])
    th = arr_t([300.])
    if init_sup_sat:
        rv = arr_t([0.02])
        rv = arr_t([0.002])
    rc = arr_t([0.015])
    rr = arr_t([0.])
    dt = 1

    T = common.T(th[0], rhod[0])
    p = common.p(rhod[0], rv[0], T)
    ss = supersaturation(T, p, rv[0])
    print("initial supersaturation", ss)

    return rhod, th, rv, rc, rr, dt
Ejemplo n.º 15
def test(opts_init):
    opts_init.supstp_src = 50
    opts_init.rng_seed = int(time())
    opts_init.dt = 1
    opts_init.nx = 2
    opts_init.nz = 2
    opts_init.dx = 1.
    opts_init.dz = 1.
    opts_init.x0 = 0.
    opts_init.z0 = 0.
    opts_init.x1 = opts_init.nx * opts_init.dx
    opts_init.z1 = opts_init.nz * opts_init.dz
    opts_init.src_z0 = 0
    opts_init.src_z1 = opts_init.dz
    #create aerosol only in the lower cells
    opts_init.src_x0 = 0
    opts_init.src_x1 = opts_init.dx * opts_init.nx

    opts_init.chem_switch = 0
    opts_init.coal_switch = 0
    opts_init.adve_switch = 0
    opts_init.cond_switch = 0
    opts_init.sedi_switch = 0

    opts = lgrngn.opts_t()

    opts.adve = 0
    opts.chem = 0
    opts.sedi = 0
    opts.coal = 0
    opts.cond = 0

    rhod = arr_t([[1., 1.], [1., 1.]])
    th = arr_t([[300., 300.], [300., 300.]])
    rv = arr_t([[.01, .01], [.01, .01]])

        prtcls = lgrngn.factory(lgrngn.backend_t.OpenMP, opts_init)
        prtcls = lgrngn.factory(lgrngn.backend_t.serial, opts_init)

    prtcls.init(th, rv, rhod)

    # 100 steps during which number of droplets should be doubled in two calls to src
    opts.src = 1
    for i in range(100):
        prtcls.step_sync(opts, th, rv, rhod)

    sd_conc = frombuffer(prtcls.outbuf()).copy()

    wet_mom0 = frombuffer(prtcls.outbuf()).copy()

    wet_mom1 = frombuffer(prtcls.outbuf()).copy()

    return sd_conc, wet_mom0, wet_mom1
Ejemplo n.º 16
opts.chem_gas = {
  lgrngn.chem_species_t.SO2  : 44,
  lgrngn.chem_species_t.O3   : 44,
  lgrngn.chem_species_t.H2O2 : 44
print("chem_gas[SO2] = ", opts.chem_gas[lgrngn.chem_species_t.SO2])
print("chem_gas = ", opts.chem_gas)

# --------- test runs -----------

# ----------
# 0D (parcel)
opts_init.sedi_switch = False
rhod = arr_t([  1.])
th   = arr_t([300.])
rv   = arr_t([  0.01])

prtcls = lgrngn.factory(backend, opts_init)
prtcls.init(th, rv, rhod)
  prtcls.init(th, rv, rhod)
  raise Exception("multiple init call not reported!")
prtcls.step_sync(opts, th, rv, rhod)
  prtcls.step_sync(opts, th, rv, rhod)
  raise Exception("sync/async order mismatch not reported!")
Ejemplo n.º 17
from numpy import array as arr_t  # ndarray dtype default to float64, while array's is int64!

from libcloudphxx import blk_1m

opts = blk_1m.opts_t()
print "cond =", opts.cond
print "cevp =", opts.cevp
print "revp =", opts.revp
print "conv =", opts.conv
print "accr =", opts.accr
print "sedi =", opts.sedi
print "r_c0 =", opts.r_c0
print "r_eps =", opts.r_eps

rhod = arr_t([1.])
p = arr_t([1.e5])
th = arr_t([300.])
rv = arr_t([0.])
rc = arr_t([0.01])
rr = arr_t([0.])
dt = 1
dz = 1

# sat adjustment with variable pressure
th_old = th.copy()
rv_old = rv.copy()
rc_old = rc.copy()
rr_old = rr.copy()
blk_1m.adj_cellwise(opts, rhod, th, rv, rc, rr, dt)
assert th != th_old  # some water should have evaporated
Ejemplo n.º 18
from parcel import parcel
from rhs_blk_2m import rhs_blk_2m
from rhs_lgrngn import rhs_lgrngn
from libcloudphxx.common import th_std2dry, th_dry2std
from libcloudphxx.common import p_vs
from libcloudphxx.common import eps, p_1000, R_d, c_pd

from libcloudphxx.lgrngn import chem_species_t

from numpy import array as arr_t
from math import exp, log, sqrt, pi

# initial parameters
T = arr_t([282.2])
p = arr_t([95000.])
p_v = arr_t([0.95 * p_vs(T[0])])
p_d = p - p_v
r_v = eps * p_v / p_d
#th_d = arr_t([th_std2dry(300., r_v[0])])
th_d = T * pow(p_1000 / p_d[0], R_d / c_pd)
w = 0.5
dt = .1
nt = int(600 / w / dt)  # 600 metres

# blk_2m-specific parameter
# TODO: spectrum

# lgrngn-specific parameters
sd_conc = 44

Ejemplo n.º 19
def test(opts_init):
  opts_init.supstp_rlx = 2
  opts_init.rng_seed = int(time())
  opts_init.dt = 1
  opts_init.nx = 2;
  opts_init.nz = 2;
  opts_init.x1=opts_init.nx * opts_init.dx;
  opts_init.z1=opts_init.nz * opts_init.dz;

  opts_init.chem_switch = 0;
  opts_init.coal_switch = 0;
  opts_init.adve_switch = 0;
  opts_init.cond_switch = 0;
  opts_init.sedi_switch = 0;
  opts_init.rlx_switch = 1;
  opts = lgrngn.opts_t()
  opts.adve = 0;
  opts.chem = 0;
  opts.sedi = 0;
  opts.coal = 0;
  opts.cond = 0;
  rhod = arr_t([[  1.,    1.  ],[   1.,     1.  ]])
  th   = arr_t([[300.,  300.  ],[ 300.,   300.  ]])
  rv   = arr_t([[   .01,   .01],[    .01,    .01]])
    prtcls = lgrngn.factory(lgrngn.backend_t.OpenMP, opts_init)
    prtcls = lgrngn.factory(lgrngn.backend_t.serial, opts_init)
  prtcls.init(th, rv, rhod)
  # 2 steps during which relaxation should be done once
  opts.rlx = 1
  for i in range(2):
  sd_conc = frombuffer(prtcls.outbuf()).copy()
  wet_mom0 = frombuffer(prtcls.outbuf()).copy()
  wet_mom1 = frombuffer(prtcls.outbuf()).copy()

  return sd_conc, wet_mom0, wet_mom1
Ejemplo n.º 20
print "sedi =", opts.sedi
print "RH_max =", opts.RH_max

opts.dry_distros = [{
    "mean_rd": .04e-6 / 2,
    "sdev_rd": 1.4,
    "N_stp": 60e6,
    "chem_b": .55
}, {
    "mean_rd": .15e-6 / 2,
    "sdev_rd": 1.6,
    "N_stp": 40e6,
    "chem_b": .55

rhod = arr_t([1.])
th = arr_t([300.])
rv = arr_t([0.])
rc = arr_t([0.01])
nc = arr_t([1e-3])
rr = arr_t([0.])
nr = arr_t([0.])
dt = 1

dot_th = arr_t([0.])
dot_rv = arr_t([0.])
dot_rc = arr_t([0.])
dot_nc = arr_t([0.])
dot_rr = arr_t([0.])
dot_nr = arr_t([0.])
Ejemplo n.º 21
print "sedi =", opts.sedi
print "cond =", opts.cond
print "coal =", opts.coal
print "chem =", opts.chem
print "RH_max =", opts.RH_max

opts.chem_gas = {
  lgrngn.chem_species_t.SO2  : 44,
  lgrngn.chem_species_t.O3   : 44,
  lgrngn.chem_species_t.H2O2 : 44
print "chem_gas[SO2] = ", opts.chem_gas[lgrngn.chem_species_t.SO2]
print "chem_gas = ", opts.chem_gas

# 0D (parcel)
rhod = arr_t([  1.])
th   = arr_t([300.])
rv   = arr_t([  0.01])

prtcls = lgrngn.factory(backend, opts_init)
prtcls.init(th, rv, rhod)
prtcls.step_sync(opts, th, rv, rhod)
rain = prtcls.step_async(opts)
assert frombuffer(prtcls.outbuf()) == opts_init.sd_conc_mean # parcel set-up
Ejemplo n.º 22
opts_init.dry_distros = {kappa1:lognormal, kappa2:lognormal}
opts_init.kernel = lgrngn.kernel_t.geometric
opts_init.terminal_velocity = lgrngn.vt_t.beard76
opts_init.dt = 1
opts_init.sd_conc = 64
opts_init.n_sd_max = 512
opts_init.rng_seed = 396
opts_init.src_sd_conc = 64
opts_init.src_z1 = opts_init.dz

backend = lgrngn.backend_t.serial

opts = lgrngn.opts_t()

# 0D
rhod = arr_t([  1.])
th   = arr_t([300.])
rv   = arr_t([  0.01])

prtcls = lgrngn.factory(backend, opts_init)
prtcls.init(th, rv, rhod)

check_kappa_conc(prtcls, 2e-2)

# 3D
opts_init.ny = 2
opts_init.dy = 10
opts_init.y1 = opts_init.ny * opts_init.dy

opts_init.nx = 2
opts_init.dx = 10
Ejemplo n.º 23
print "RH_max =", opts.RH_max

opts.chem_gas = {
    lgrngn.chem_species_t.SO2: 44,
    lgrngn.chem_species_t.O3: 44,
    lgrngn.chem_species_t.H2O2: 44
print "chem_gas[SO2] = ", opts.chem_gas[lgrngn.chem_species_t.SO2]
print "chem_gas = ", opts.chem_gas

# --------- test runs -----------

# ----------
# 0D (parcel)
print "0D"
rhod = arr_t([1.])
th = arr_t([300.])
rv = arr_t([0.01])

prtcls = lgrngn.factory(backend, opts_init)
prtcls.init(th, rv, rhod)
    prtcls.init(th, rv, rhod)
    raise Exception("multiple init call not reported!")
prtcls.step_sync(opts, th, rv, rhod)
    prtcls.step_sync(opts, th, rv, rhod)
    raise Exception("sync/async order mismatch not reported!")
Ejemplo n.º 24
opts_init.chem_switch = 0
opts_init.coal_switch = 0
opts_init.adve_switch = 0
opts_init.cond_switch = 0
opts_init.sedi_switch = 0
opts_init.src_switch = 1

opts = lgrngn.opts_t()

opts.adve = 0
opts.chem = 0
opts.sedi = 0
opts.coal = 0
opts.cond = 0

rhod = arr_t([[1., 1.], [1., 1.]])
th = arr_t([[300., 300.], [300., 300.]])
rv = arr_t([[.01, .01], [.01, .01]])

    prtcls = lgrngn.factory(lgrngn.backend_t.OpenMP, opts_init)
    prtcls = lgrngn.factory(lgrngn.backend_t.serial, opts_init)

prtcls.init(th, rv, rhod)

# 100 steps during which number of droplets should be doubled in two calls to src
opts.src = 1
for i in range(100):
    prtcls.step_sync(opts, th, rv, rhod)
Ejemplo n.º 25
from numpy import array as arr_t # ndarray dtype default to float64, while array's is int64!

from libcloudphxx import blk_1m

opts = blk_1m.opts_t()
print "cond =", opts.cond
print "cevp =", opts.cevp
print "revp =", opts.revp 
print "conv =", opts.conv 
print "accr =", opts.accr 
print "sedi =", opts.sedi 
print "r_c0 =", opts.r_c0
print "r_eps =", opts.r_eps

rhod = arr_t([1.  ])
p    = arr_t([1.e5])
th   = arr_t([300.])
rv   = arr_t([0.  ])
rc   = arr_t([0.01])
rr   = arr_t([0.  ])
dt   = 1
dz   = 1

# sat adjustment with variable pressure
th_old = th.copy()
rv_old = rv.copy()
rc_old = rc.copy()
rr_old = rr.copy()
blk_1m.adj_cellwise(opts, rhod, th, rv, rc, rr, dt)
assert th != th_old # some water should have evaporated
Ejemplo n.º 26
opts_init.dt = 1
opts_init.sd_conc = 64
opts_init.n_sd_max = 512
opts_init.rng_seed = 396
opts_init.exact_sstp_cond = True # test would fail with per-cell sstp logic
spinup = 20

backend = lgrngn.backend_t.serial

opts = lgrngn.opts_t()

# 1D (periodic horizontal domain)
rhod = arr_t([  1.,   1.])
C    = arr_t([   1.,   1.,  1.])

opts_init.nx = 2
opts_init.dx = 1
opts_init.x1 = opts_init.nx * opts_init.dx

for sstp_cond in [1,2,5]:
  print 'sstp_cond = ' + str(sstp_cond)
  opts_init.sstp_cond = sstp_cond
  prtcls = lgrngn.factory(backend, opts_init)
  th   = arr_t([300., 300.])
  rv   = arr_t([   .0025,  .0095]) # first cell subsaturated, second cell supersaturated
  prtcls.init(th, rv, rhod, Cx=C)
Ejemplo n.º 27
opts = blk_2m.opts_t()

print "acti =", opts.acti 
print "cond =", opts.cond 
print "acnv =", opts.acnv 
print "accr =", opts.accr
print "sedi =", opts.sedi
print "RH_max =", opts.RH_max

opts.dry_distros = [
  {"mean_rd":.04e-6 / 2, "sdev_rd":1.4, "N_stp":60e6, "chem_b":.55},
  {"mean_rd":.15e-6 / 2, "sdev_rd":1.6, "N_stp":40e6, "chem_b":.55}

rhod = arr_t([1.  ])
th   = arr_t([300.])
rv   = arr_t([0.  ])
rc   = arr_t([0.01])
nc   = arr_t([1e-3])
rr   = arr_t([0.  ])
nr   = arr_t([0.  ])
dt   = 1

dot_th = arr_t([0.])
dot_rv = arr_t([0.])
dot_rc = arr_t([0.])
dot_nc = arr_t([0.])
dot_rr = arr_t([0.])
dot_nr = arr_t([0.])
Ejemplo n.º 28
prsr_lgr.add_argument('--kappa',     type=float, required=True, help='aerosol hygroscopicity parameter [1]')
prsr_lgr.add_argument('--n_tot',     type=float, required=True, help='aerosol concentration @STP [m-3]')
prsr_lgr.add_argument('--meanr',     type=float, required=True, help='aerosol mean dry radius [m]')
prsr_lgr.add_argument('--gstdv',     type=float, required=True, help='aerosol geometric standard deviation [1]')
prsr_lgr.add_argument('--chem_SO2',  type=float, default=0,     help='SO2 volume concentration [1]')
prsr_lgr.add_argument('--chem_O3',   type=float, default=0,     help='O3 volume concentration [1]')
prsr_lgr.add_argument('--chem_H2O2', type=float, default=0,     help='H2O2 volume concentration [1]')

## blk_2m options
prsr_b2m = sprsr.add_parser('blk_2m')

args = prsr.parse_args()

# computing state variables
p_v = arr_t([args.RH * p_vs(args.T)])
p_d = args.p - p_v
r_v = eps * p_v / p_d
th_d = args.T * pow(p_1000 / p_d, R_d / c_pd)

class lognormal:
  def __init__(self, n_tot, meanr, gstdv):
    self.meanr = meanr
    self.stdev = gstdv
    self.n_tot = n_tot
  def __call__(self, lnr):
    return self.n_tot * exp(
      -pow((lnr - log(self.meanr)), 2) / 2 / pow(log(self.stdev),2)
    ) / log(self.stdev) / sqrt(2*pi);
Ejemplo n.º 29
opts_init.chem_switch = 0;
opts_init.coal_switch = 0;
opts_init.adve_switch = 0;
opts_init.cond_switch = 0;
opts_init.sedi_switch = 0;
opts_init.src_switch = 1;

opts = lgrngn.opts_t()

opts.adve = 0;
opts.chem = 0;
opts.sedi = 0;
opts.coal = 0;
opts.cond = 0;

rhod = arr_t([[  1.,    1.  ],[   1.,     1.  ]])
th   = arr_t([[300.,  300.  ],[ 300.,   300.  ]])
rv   = arr_t([[   .01,   .01],[    .01,    .01]])

  prtcls = lgrngn.factory(lgrngn.backend_t.OpenMP, opts_init)
  prtcls = lgrngn.factory(lgrngn.backend_t.serial, opts_init)

prtcls.init(th, rv, rhod)

# 100 steps during which number of droplets should be doubled in two calls to src
opts.src = 1
for i in range(100):
Ejemplo n.º 30
def initial_state():
    rhod = arr_t([1.])
    th = arr_t([300.])
    rv = arr_t([0.009 - 0.00005])
    return rhod, th, rv
Ejemplo n.º 31
opts_init.dt = 1
opts_init.sd_conc = 64
opts_init.n_sd_max = 512
opts_init.rng_seed = 396
opts_init.exact_sstp_cond = True  # test would fail with per-cell sstp logic
spinup = 20

backend = lgrngn.backend_t.serial

opts = lgrngn.opts_t()
opts.sedi = 0
opts.coal = 0
opts.cond = 1

# 1D (periodic horizontal domain)
rhod = arr_t([1., 1.])
C = arr_t([1., 1., 1.])

opts_init.nx = 2
opts_init.dx = 1
opts_init.x1 = opts_init.nx * opts_init.dx

for sstp_cond in [1, 2, 5]:
    print 'sstp_cond = ' + str(sstp_cond)
    opts.adve = 0
    opts_init.sstp_cond = sstp_cond
    prtcls = lgrngn.factory(backend, opts_init)
    th = arr_t([300., 300.])
    rv = arr_t([.0025,
                .0095])  # first cell subsaturated, second cell supersaturated
    prtcls.init(th, rv, rhod, C)
Ejemplo n.º 32
print "chem_dsl =", opts.chem_dsl
print "chem_dcs =", opts.chem_dsc
print "chem_rct =", opts.chem_rct
print "RH_max =", opts.RH_max

opts.chem_gas = {
  lgrngn.chem_species_t.SO2  : 44,
  lgrngn.chem_species_t.O3   : 44,
  lgrngn.chem_species_t.H2O2 : 44
print "chem_gas[SO2] = ", opts.chem_gas[lgrngn.chem_species_t.SO2]
print "chem_gas = ", opts.chem_gas

# 0D (parcel)
print "0D"
rhod = arr_t([  1.])
th   = arr_t([300.])
rv   = arr_t([  0.01])

prtcls = lgrngn.factory(backend, opts_init)
prtcls.init(th, rv, rhod)
  prtcls.init(th, rv, rhod)
  raise Exception("multiple init call not reported!")
prtcls.step_sync(opts, th, rv, rhod)
  prtcls.step_sync(opts, th, rv, rhod)
  raise Exception("sync/async order mismatch not reported!")
Ejemplo n.º 33
from parcel import parcel
from rhs_blk_2m import rhs_blk_2m
from rhs_lgrngn import rhs_lgrngn
from libcloudphxx.common import th_std2dry, th_dry2std
from libcloudphxx.common import p_vs
from libcloudphxx.common import eps, p_1000, R_d, c_pd

from libcloudphxx.lgrngn import chem_species_t

from numpy import array as arr_t
from math import exp, log, sqrt, pi

# initial parameters
T    = arr_t([282.2])
p    = arr_t([95000.]) 
p_v  = arr_t([0.95 * p_vs(T[0])])
p_d  = p - p_v 
r_v  = eps * p_v / p_d
#th_d = arr_t([th_std2dry(300., r_v[0])])
th_d = T * pow(p_1000 / p_d[0], R_d / c_pd) 
w    = 0.5
dt   = .1
nt   = int(600 / w / dt) # 600 metres

# blk_2m-specific parameter
# TODO: spectrum

# lgrngn-specific parameters
sd_conc = 44
def lognormal(lnr):