Ejemplo n.º 1
 def blendo(self,
            error=0.05):  # default error is 5%
     # files is a dictionary.  Key = asset name, Value=[filename,fraction] fraction is decimal 0..1
     #   see trial in __main__ below
     # error is the error term as a %, derived from te
     self.frame.SetStatusText('Blending files - please wait.')
     filenms = [i[0] for i in files]
     pcts = [i[1] for i in files]
     returns = [loader(fn, indir, self.filetype) for fn in filenms]
     balret = [ret * pct for ret, pct in zip(returns, pcts)]
     sumbalret = sum(balret)
     sds = error * abs(sumbalret)
     e1 = np.random.normal(sumbalret, sds)
     e2 = pd.DataFrame(e1)
     errs = round(e2, 6)
     errs.columns = sumbalret.columns
     balgro = 1 + sumbalret
     errbalgro = 1 + errs
     balfundval = np.cumproduct(balgro, axis=1)
     errbalfundval = np.cumproduct(errbalgro, axis=1)
     cols_needed = [i for i in balfundval.columns if i % 12 == 0]
     outputbalfund = round(balfundval[cols_needed], 6)
     #outputbalfund.to_csv(outdir + '//' + fname +'raw.csv', header=False, index=False)
     outputerrbal = round(errbalfundval[cols_needed], 6)
     outputerrbal.to_csv(outdir + '//' + fname + '.csv',
Ejemplo n.º 2
def pnl_plotter(df, price, stock_code):
    plt_df = pd.DataFrame()
    underlying_df = price['close']
    underlying_df.index = price['date_time']
    underlying_df = underlying_df.pct_change().dropna()
    plt_df['underlying'] = np.cumproduct(underlying_df + 1)
    plt_df['strategy'] = np.cumproduct(df['pnl'] + 1)
    plt_df['strategy'] = plt_df['strategy'].fillna(1)
    return (plt_df)
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def generate_c_code(self, **kwargs):
        TEMPALTE_IDENTITY_FUNC = cleandoc('''
        void {op_func_name}(void *op_param, {t} Input{InputDims}, {t} Output{OutputDims}, void *inputs_params, void* outputs_params){{        
            memcpy(Output, Input, sizeof({t}) * {cumdim});

        res = ''
        res += self.get_c_param_type()  # call only once
        res += '\n\n\n'

        # constant function
        mapping = {}
        mapping.update({'op_func_name': self.get_func_name()})
        mapping.update({'t': data_type.np2c(self.input_tensor_dtypes[0])})
            {'cumdim': np.cumproduct(self.input_tensor_shapes[0])[-1]})
        mapping.update({'Input': self.input_tensor_names[0]})
        mapping.update({'Output': self.output_tensor_names[0]})

        res += TEMPALTE_IDENTITY_FUNC.format(**mapping)

        return res
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def calculate_ion_populations(self, phis):
        Calculate the ionization balance

        .. math::
            N(X) = N_1 + N_2 + N_3 + \\dots

            N(X) = (N_2/N_1) \\times N_1 + (N3/N2) \\times (N_2/N_1) \\times N_1 + \\dots

            N(X) = N_1(1 + N_2/N_1 + (N_3/N_2) \\times (N_2/N_1) + \\dots

            N(X) = N_1(1+ \\Phi_{i,j}/N_e + \\Phi_{i, j}/N_e \\times \\Phi_{i, j+1}/N_e + \\dots)

        #TODO see if self.ion_populations is None is needed (first class should be enough)
        if not hasattr(self, 'ion_populations') or self.ion_populations is None:
            self.ion_populations = pd.Series(index=self.partition_functions.index.copy())

        for atomic_number, groups in phis.groupby(level='atomic_number'):
            current_phis = groups.values / self.electron_density
            phis_product = np.cumproduct(current_phis)

            neutral_atom_density = self.number_density.ix[atomic_number] / (1 + np.sum(phis_product))
            ion_densities = [neutral_atom_density] + list(neutral_atom_density * phis_product)

            self.ion_populations.ix[atomic_number] = ion_densities
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def __init__(self, upsample_scales, pad):
        super(UpsampleNet, self).__init__()
        self.upsample_scales = upsample_scales
        self.pad = pad

        self.total_scale = np.cumproduct(self.upsample_scales)[-1]
        self.indent = self.pad * self.total_scale
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def calculate_ion_populations(self, phis, ion_zero_threshold=1e-20):
        Calculate the ionization balance

        .. math::
            N(X) = N_1 + N_2 + N_3 + \\dots

            N(X) = (N_2/N_1) \\times N_1 + (N3/N2) \\times (N_2/N_1) \\times N_1 + \\dots

            N(X) = N_1(1 + N_2/N_1 + (N_3/N_2) \\times (N_2/N_1) + \\dots

            N(X) = N_1(1+ \\Phi_{i,j}/N_e + \\Phi_{i, j}/N_e \\times \\Phi_{i, j+1}/N_e + \\dots)

        #TODO see if self.ion_populations is None is needed (first class should be enough)
        if not hasattr(self, 'ion_populations'):
            self.ion_populations = pd.DataFrame(index=self.partition_functions.index.copy(),
                                                columns=np.arange(len(self.t_rads)), dtype=np.float64)

        for atomic_number, groups in phis.groupby(level='atomic_number'):
            current_phis = (groups / self.electron_densities).replace(np.nan, 0.0).values
            phis_product = np.cumproduct(current_phis, axis=0)

            neutral_atom_density = self.number_densities.ix[atomic_number] / (1 + np.sum(phis_product, axis=0))

            self.ion_populations.ix[atomic_number].values[0] = neutral_atom_density.values
            self.ion_populations.ix[atomic_number].values[1:] = neutral_atom_density.values * phis_product
            self.ion_populations[self.ion_populations < ion_zero_threshold] = 0.0
Ejemplo n.º 7
def _combine(df, groupers, sort, row_limit=None):
    for grouper in groupers:
        if isinstance(grouper, Binner):
            raise NotImplementedError(
                'Cannot combined Binner with other groupers yet')

    groupers = groupers.copy()
    max_count_64bit = 2**63 - 1
    first = groupers.pop(0)
    combine_now = [first]
    combine_later = []
    counts = [first.N]

    # when does the cartesian product overflow 64 bits?
    next = groupers.pop(0)
    while (product(counts) * next.N < max_count_64bit):
        if groupers:
            next = groupers.pop(0)
            next = None

    # decreasing [40, 4, 1] for 2 groupers (N=10 and N=4)
    cumulative_counts = np.cumproduct(counts[::-1], dtype='i8').tolist()[::-1]
    assert len(combine_now) >= 2
    combine_later = ([next] if next else []) + groupers

    binby_expressions = [df[k.binby_expression] for k in combine_now]
    for i in range(0, len(binby_expressions)):
        binby_expression = binby_expressions[i]
        dtype = vaex.utils.required_dtype_for_max(cumulative_counts[i])
        binby_expression = binby_expression.astype(str(dtype))
        if isinstance(combine_now[i],
                      GrouperCategory) and combine_now[i].min_value != 0:
            binby_expression -= combine_now[i].min_value
        if cumulative_counts[i + 1] != 1:
            binby_expression = binby_expression * cumulative_counts[i + 1]
        binby_expressions[i] = binby_expression
    expression = reduce(operator.add, binby_expressions)
    grouper = GrouperCombined(expression,
    if combine_later:

        def combine(_ignore):
            # recursively add more of the groupers (because of 64 bit overflow)
            # return 1
            new_grouper = _combine(df, [grouper] + combine_later, sort=sort)
            return new_grouper

        return combine(grouper._promise)
    return grouper._promise.then(lambda x: grouper)
Ejemplo n.º 8
 def pis(self):
     #stick breaking procedure
     betas = np.random.beta(1, self.alpha, self.k)
     # compute prod(1- beta)_i^n-1
     cum_prods = np.append(1, np.cumproduct(1 - betas[:-1]))
     prods = betas * cum_prods
     return prods / prods.sum()
Ejemplo n.º 9
 def __init__(
     self.total_scale = np.cumproduct(upsample_scales)[-1]
     self.indent = pad * self.total_scale
     self.use_aux_net = use_aux_net
     if use_aux_net:
         self.resnet = MelResNet(num_res_blocks, feat_dims, compute_dims,
                                 res_out_dims, pad)
         self.resnet_stretch = Stretch2d(self.total_scale, 1)
     self.up_layers = nn.ModuleList()
     for scale in upsample_scales:
         k_size = (1, scale * 2 + 1)
         padding = (0, scale)
         stretch = Stretch2d(scale, 1)
         conv = nn.Conv2d(1,
         conv.weight.data.fill_(1.0 / k_size[1])
Ejemplo n.º 10
 def __init__(self,
              upsample_scales=[4, 4, 10],
     self.num_outputs = res_out_dims
     total_scale = np.cumproduct(upsample_scales)[-1]
     self.indent = pad * total_scale
     self.resnet = MelResNet(res_blocks, feat_dims, compute_dims,
                             res_out_dims, pad)
     self.resnet_stretch = Stretch2d(total_scale, 1)
     self.up_layers = nn.ModuleList()
     for scale in upsample_scales:
         k_size = (1, scale * 2 + 1)
         padding = (0, scale)
         stretch = Stretch2d(scale, 1)
         conv = nn.Conv2d(1,
         conv.weight.data.fill_(1. / k_size[1])
Ejemplo n.º 11
    def calculate_ion_populations(self, phis):
        Calculate the ionization balance

        .. math::
            N(X) = N_1 + N_2 + N_3 + \\dots

            N(X) = (N_2/N_1) \\times N_1 + (N3/N2) \\times (N_2/N_1) \\times N_1 + \\dots

            N(X) = N_1(1 + N_2/N_1 + (N_3/N_2) \\times (N_2/N_1) + \\dots

            N(X) = N_1(1+ \\Phi_{i,j}/N_e + \\Phi_{i, j}/N_e \\times \\Phi_{i, j+1}/N_e + \\dots)

        #TODO see if self.ion_populations is None is needed (first class should be enough)
        if not hasattr(self,
                       'ion_populations') or self.ion_populations is None:
            self.ion_populations = pd.Series(

        for atomic_number, groups in phis.groupby(level='atomic_number'):
            current_phis = groups.values / self.electron_density
            phis_product = np.cumproduct(current_phis)

            neutral_atom_density = self.number_density.ix[atomic_number] / (
                1 + np.sum(phis_product))
            ion_densities = [neutral_atom_density] + list(
                neutral_atom_density * phis_product)

            self.ion_populations.ix[atomic_number] = ion_densities
Ejemplo n.º 12
    def prepare_diffusion_vars(self):
        """Prepare for variables used in the diffusion process."""
        self.betas = self.get_betas()
        self.alphas = 1.0 - self.betas
        self.alphas_bar = np.cumproduct(self.alphas, axis=0)
        self.alphas_bar_prev = np.append(1.0, self.alphas_bar[:-1])
        self.alphas_bar_next = np.append(self.alphas_bar[1:], 0.0)

        # calculations for diffusion q(x_t | x_0) and others
        self.sqrt_alphas_bar = np.sqrt(self.alphas_bar)
        self.sqrt_one_minus_alphas_bar = np.sqrt(1.0 - self.alphas_bar)
        self.log_one_minus_alphas_bar = np.log(1.0 - self.alphas_bar)
        self.sqrt_recip_alplas_bar = np.sqrt(1.0 / self.alphas_bar)
        self.sqrt_recipm1_alphas_bar = np.sqrt(1.0 / self.alphas_bar - 1)

        # calculations for posterior q(x_{t-1} | x_t, x_0)
        self.tilde_betas_t = self.betas * (1 - self.alphas_bar_prev) / (
            1 - self.alphas_bar)
        # clip log var for tilde_betas_0 = 0
        self.log_tilde_betas_t_clipped = np.log(
            np.append(self.tilde_betas_t[1], self.tilde_betas_t[1:]))
        self.tilde_mu_t_coef1 = np.sqrt(
            self.alphas_bar_prev) / (1 - self.alphas_bar) * self.betas
        self.tilde_mu_t_coef2 = np.sqrt(
            self.alphas) * (1 - self.alphas_bar_prev) / (1 - self.alphas_bar)
Ejemplo n.º 13
def cartesian_product(X):
    Numpy version of itertools.product or pandas.compat.product.
    Sometimes faster (for large inputs)...

    >>> cartesian_product([list('ABC'), [1, 2]])
    [array(['A', 'A', 'B', 'B', 'C', 'C'], dtype='|S1'),
    array([1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2])]


    lenX = np.fromiter((len(x) for x in X), dtype=int)
    cumprodX = np.cumproduct(lenX)

    a = np.roll(cumprodX, 1)
    a[0] = 1

    b = cumprodX[-1] / cumprodX

    return [
        np.tile(np.repeat(np.asarray(com._values_from_object(x)), b[i]),
                np.product(a[i])) for i, x in enumerate(X)
Ejemplo n.º 14
    def calculate_ion_populations(self, phis, ion_zero_threshold=1e-20):
        Calculate the ionization balance

        .. math::
            N(X) = N_1 + N_2 + N_3 + \\dots

            N(X) = (N_2/N_1) \\times N_1 + (N3/N2) \\times (N_2/N_1) \\times N_1 + \\dots

            N(X) = N_1(1 + N_2/N_1 + (N_3/N_2) \\times (N_2/N_1) + \\dots

            N(X) = N_1(1+ \\Phi_{i,j}/N_e + \\Phi_{i, j}/N_e \\times \\Phi_{i, j+1}/N_e + \\dots)

        #TODO see if self.ion_populations is None is needed (first class should be enough)
        if not hasattr(self, 'ion_populations'):
            self.ion_populations = pd.DataFrame(index=self.partition_functions.index.copy(),
                                                columns=np.arange(len(self.t_rads)), dtype=np.float64)

        for atomic_number, groups in phis.groupby(level='atomic_number'):
            current_phis = (groups / self.electron_densities).replace(np.nan, 0.0).values
            phis_product = np.cumproduct(current_phis, axis=0)

            neutral_atom_density = self.number_densities.ix[atomic_number] / (1 + np.sum(phis_product, axis=0))

            self.ion_populations.ix[atomic_number].values[0] = neutral_atom_density.values
            self.ion_populations.ix[atomic_number].values[1:] = neutral_atom_density.values * phis_product
            self.ion_populations[self.ion_populations < ion_zero_threshold] = 0.0
Ejemplo n.º 15
def sample_episode(env, action_policy, gamma):
    lists_a, lists_s, lists_s_ne, lists_r = [], [], [], []
    done = False
    s = env.reset()
    step_counter = 0
    while not done:
        a = action_policy(torch.tensor(s.reshape(1, -1), dtype=torch.float))
        s_ne, r, done, _ = env.step(a)
        lists_a.append(a), lists_s.append(s), lists_s_ne.append(
            s_ne), lists_r.append(r)

        step_counter += 1
        s = s_ne

    assert step_counter == 5000  # not sure if the stepsize is fixed of 5000

    actions = np.array(lists_a)
    states = np.array(lists_s)
    rewards = np.array(lists_r)
    gamma_array = np.ones_like(rewards) * gamma
    gamma_array = np.cumproduct(gamma_array)
    R_fun = gamma_array * rewards

    print("mean_reward in this sampling ", np.sum(rewards) / step_counter)
    return states, actions.reshape(-1, 1), R_fun.reshape(
        -1, 1), np.sum(rewards) / step_counter
Ejemplo n.º 16
def gradient(x, t, p, log_p):
    Gradient of the objective with decision variables x and scenario t. p is the
    detection probabilities and log_p is log(1 - p) (elementwise). 
    Computations are performed via vectorized numpy operations for greater efficiency.
    import numpy as np
    order = np.argsort(t)
    x = x[order]
    p = p[order]
    log_p = log_p[order]
    t = t[order]
    p_fail = ((1 - p)**x)
    cum_prob_fail = np.cumproduct(p_fail)
    p_fail_offset = np.zeros((len(x) + 1))
    p_fail_offset[0] = 1
    p_fail_offset[1:] = cum_prob_fail
    cum_sum = np.zeros((len(x)))
    cum_sum[-1] = 0
    intermediate = (p_fail_offset[:-1] * (1 - p_fail) * t)[1:]
    intermediate = intermediate[::-1]
    intermediate = np.cumsum(intermediate)
    intermediate = intermediate[::-1]
    cum_sum[:-1] = intermediate
    ordered_grad = t * log_p * cum_prob_fail - log_p * cum_sum - log_p * cum_prob_fail[
        -1] * t.max()
    ordered_grad[np.abs(ordered_grad) < 0.00001] = 0
    new_perm = np.zeros((len(order)), dtype=np.int)
    for i, val in enumerate(order):
        new_perm[val] = i
    return ordered_grad[new_perm]
Ejemplo n.º 17
    def __init__(self, shape_, order='C', **keywords):
        shape_ = tointtuple(shape_)
        ndim = len(shape_)
        if ndim == 1:
            raise NotImplementedError('ndim == 1 is not implemented.')
        if order.upper() not in ('C', 'F'):
            raise ValueError("Invalid order '{0}'. Expected order is 'C' or 'F"
        order = order.upper()

        Operator.__init__(self, **keywords)
        self.shape_ = shape_
        self.order = order
        self.ndim = ndim
        if order == 'C':
            self.coefs = np.cumproduct((1,) + shape_[:0:-1])[::-1]
        elif order == 'F':
            self.coefs = np.cumproduct((1,) + shape_[:-1])
Ejemplo n.º 18
    def __init__(self, shape_, order='C', **keywords):
        shape_ = tointtuple(shape_)
        ndim = len(shape_)
        if ndim == 1:
            raise NotImplementedError('ndim == 1 is not implemented.')
        if order.upper() not in ('C', 'F'):
            raise ValueError("Invalid order '{0}'. Expected order is 'C' or 'F"
        order = order.upper()

        Operator.__init__(self, **keywords)
        self.shape_ = shape_
        self.order = order
        self.ndim = ndim
        if order == 'C':
            self.coefs = np.cumproduct((1, ) + shape_[:0:-1])[::-1]
        elif order == 'F':
            self.coefs = np.cumproduct((1, ) + shape_[:-1])
Ejemplo n.º 19
    def __init__(self, rnn_dims, fc_dims, mode, mulaw, pad, use_aux_net, use_upsample_net, upsample_factors,
                 feat_dims, compute_dims, res_out_dims, res_blocks,
                 hop_length, sample_rate):
        self.mode = mode
        self.mulaw = mulaw
        self.pad = pad
        self.use_upsample_net = use_upsample_net
        self.use_aux_net = use_aux_net
        if type(self.mode) is int:
            self.n_classes = 2 ** self.mode
        elif self.mode == 'mold':
            self.n_classes = 3 * 10
        elif self.mode == 'gauss':
            self.n_classes = 2
            raise RuntimeError(" > Unknown training mode")

        self.rnn_dims = rnn_dims
        self.aux_dims = res_out_dims // 4
        self.hop_length = hop_length
        self.sample_rate = sample_rate
        if self.use_upsample_net:
            print(np.cumproduct(upsample_factors)[-1], self.hop_length)
            assert np.cumproduct(upsample_factors)[-1] == self.hop_length, " [!] upsample scales needs to be equal to hop_length"
            self.upsample = UpsampleNetwork(feat_dims, upsample_factors, compute_dims, 
                                            res_blocks, res_out_dims, pad, use_aux_net)
            self.upsample = Upsample(hop_length, pad, res_blocks, feat_dims, compute_dims, res_out_dims, use_aux_net)
        if self.use_aux_net:
            self.I = nn.Linear(feat_dims + self.aux_dims + 1, rnn_dims)
            self.rnn1 = nn.GRU(rnn_dims, rnn_dims, batch_first=True)
            self.rnn2 = nn.GRU(rnn_dims + self.aux_dims, rnn_dims, batch_first=True)
            self.fc1 = nn.Linear(rnn_dims + self.aux_dims, fc_dims)
            self.fc2 = nn.Linear(fc_dims + self.aux_dims, fc_dims)
            self.fc3 = nn.Linear(fc_dims, self.n_classes)
            self.I = nn.Linear(feat_dims + 1, rnn_dims)
            self.rnn1 = nn.GRU(rnn_dims, rnn_dims, batch_first=True)
            self.rnn2 = nn.GRU(rnn_dims, rnn_dims, batch_first=True)
            self.fc1 = nn.Linear(rnn_dims, fc_dims)
            self.fc2 = nn.Linear(fc_dims, fc_dims)
            self.fc3 = nn.Linear(fc_dims, self.n_classes)
Ejemplo n.º 20
def shift(array, n, axis=0):
    Shift array elements inplace along a given axis.

    Elements that are shifted beyond the last position are not re-introduced
    at the first.

    array : float array
        Input array to be modified

    n : integer number or array
        The number of places by which elements are shifted. If it is an array,
        specific offsets are applied along the first dimensions.

    axis : int, optional
        The axis along which elements are shifted. By default, it is the first

    >>> a = ones(8)
    >>> shift(a, 3); a
    array([0., 0., 0., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1.])

    >>> a = array([[1.,1.,1.,1.],[2.,2.,2.,2.]])
    >>> shift(a, [1,-1], axis=1); a
    array([[0., 1., 1., 1.],
           [2., 2., 2., 0.]])
    if not isinstance(array, np.ndarray):
        raise TypeError('Input array is not an ndarray.')

    if array.dtype != var.FLOAT_DTYPE:
        raise TypeError('The data type of the input array is not ' + \
                        str(var.FLOAT_DTYPE.name) + '.')

    rank = array.ndim
    n = np.array(n, ndmin=1, dtype='int32').ravel()
    if axis < 0:
        axis = rank + axis

    if axis == 0 and n.size > 1 or n.size != 1 and n.size not in \
        raise ValueError('The offset size is incompatible with the first dime' \
                         'nsions of the array')
    if rank == 0:
        array.shape = (1,)
        array[:] = 0
        array.shape = ()
        tmf.shift(array.ravel(), rank-axis, np.asarray(array.T.shape), n)
Ejemplo n.º 21
    def __init__(self,
        """Initialization for GaugeLattice object.

            time_size (int): Temporal extent of lattice.
            space_size (int): Spatial extent of lattice.
            dim (int): Dimensionality
            beta (float): Inverse coupling constant.
            link_type (str): String representing the type of gauge group for
                the link variables. Must be either 'U1', 'SU2', or 'SU3'
            num_samples (int): Number of sample lattices to use.
            rand (bool): Flag specifying if lattice should be initialized
                randomly or uniformly.
        assert link_type.upper() in [
            'U1', 'SU2', 'SU3'
        ], ("Invalid link_type. Possible values: U1', 'SU2', 'SU3'")
        self.time_size = time_size
        self.space_size = space_size
        self.dim = dim
        self.beta = beta
        self.link_type = link_type
        self.link_shape = None

        self._init_lattice(link_type, rand)
        self.samples = None

        self.num_sites = np.cumproduct(self.site_idxs)[-1]
        self.num_links = int(self.dim * self.num_sites)
        self.num_plaquettes = self.time_size * self.space_size
        self.bases = np.eye(dim, dtype=np.int)

        if self.link_type == 'U1':
            self.plaquette_operator = self.plaquette_operator_u1
            self._action_op = self._action_op_u1

            self.plaquette_operator = self.plaquette_operator_suN
            self.action_op = self._action_op_suN

        if num_samples is not None:
            #  Create `num_samples` randomized instances of links array
            self.num_samples = num_samples
            self.samples = self.get_links_samples(num_samples,
            self.samples[0] = self.links
Ejemplo n.º 22
def shift(array, n, axis=0):
    Shift array elements inplace along a given axis.

    Elements that are shifted beyond the last position are not re-introduced
    at the first.

    array : float array
        Input array to be modified

    n : integer number or array
        The number of places by which elements are shifted. If it is an array,
        specific offsets are applied along the first dimensions.

    axis : int, optional
        The axis along which elements are shifted. By default, it is the first

    >>> a = ones(8)
    >>> shift(a, 3); a
    array([0., 0., 0., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1.])

    >>> a = array([[1.,1.,1.,1.],[2.,2.,2.,2.]])
    >>> shift(a, [1,-1], axis=1); a
    array([[0., 1., 1., 1.],
           [2., 2., 2., 0.]])
    if not isinstance(array, np.ndarray):
        raise TypeError('Input array is not an ndarray.')

    if array.dtype != var.FLOAT_DTYPE:
        raise TypeError('The data type of the input array is not ' + \
                        str(var.FLOAT_DTYPE.name) + '.')

    rank = array.ndim
    n = np.array(n, ndmin=1, dtype='int32').ravel()

    if axis < 0:
        axis = rank + axis

    if axis == 0 and n.size > 1 or n.size != 1 and n.size not in \
        raise ValueError('The offset size is incompatible with the first dime' \
                         'nsions of the array')
    if rank == 0:
        array.shape = (1, )
        array[:] = 0
        array.shape = ()
        tmf.shift(array.ravel(), rank - axis, np.asarray(array.T.shape), n)
Ejemplo n.º 23
    def __init__(self, res_blocks, upsample_scales, compute_dims, output_dims,
        super(UpsampleNet, self).__init__()
        self.res_blocks = res_blocks
        self.upsample_scales = upsample_scales
        self.compute_dims = compute_dims
        self.output_dims = output_dims
        self.pad = pad

        self.total_scale = np.cumproduct(self.upsample_scales)[-1]
        self.indent = self.pad * self.total_scale
Ejemplo n.º 24
def cartesian_product(X) -> list[np.ndarray]:
    Numpy version of itertools.product.
    Sometimes faster (for large inputs)...

    X : list-like of list-likes

    product : list of ndarrays

    >>> cartesian_product([list('ABC'), [1, 2]])
    [array(['A', 'A', 'B', 'B', 'C', 'C'], dtype='<U1'), array([1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2])]

    See Also
    itertools.product : Cartesian product of input iterables.  Equivalent to
        nested for-loops.
    msg = "Input must be a list-like of list-likes"
    if not is_list_like(X):
        raise TypeError(msg)
    for x in X:
        if not is_list_like(x):
            raise TypeError(msg)

    if len(X) == 0:
        return []

    lenX = np.fromiter((len(x) for x in X), dtype=np.intp)
    cumprodX = np.cumproduct(lenX)

    if np.any(cumprodX < 0):
        raise ValueError("Product space too large to allocate arrays!")

    a = np.roll(cumprodX, 1)
    a[0] = 1

    if cumprodX[-1] != 0:
        b = cumprodX[-1] / cumprodX
        # if any factor is empty, the cartesian product is empty
        b = np.zeros_like(cumprodX)

    return [
        tile_compat(np.repeat(x, b[i]), np.product(a[i]))
        for i, x in enumerate(X)
Ejemplo n.º 25
    def alpha(self, pH):
        '''Return the fraction of each species at a given pH.

        pH : int, float, or Numpy Array
            These are the pH value(s) over which the fraction should be

        Numpy NDArray
            These are the fractional concentrations at any given pH. They are
            sorted from most acidic species to least acidic species. If a
            NDArray of pH values is provided, then a 2D array will be
            returned. In this case, each row represents the speciation for
            each given pH.
        # If the given pH is not a list/array, be sure to convert it to one
        # for future calcs.
        if isinstance(pH, (int, float)):
            pH = [
        pH = np.array(pH, dtype=float)

        # Calculate the concentration of H3O+. If multiple pH values are
        # given, then it is best to construct a two dimensional array of
        # concentrations.
        h3o = 10.**(-pH)
        if len(h3o) > 1:
            h3o = np.repeat(h3o.reshape(-1, 1), len(self._Ka_temp), axis=1)

        # These are the powers that the H3O+ concentrations will be raised.
        power = np.arange(len(self._Ka_temp))
        # Calculate the H3O+ concentrations raised to the powers calculated
        # above (in reverse order).
        h3o_pow = h3o**(power[::-1])
        # Calculate a cumulative product of the Ka values. The first value
        # must be 1.0, which is why _Ka_temp is used instead of Ka.
        Ka_prod = np.cumproduct(self._Ka_temp)
        # Multiply the H3O**power values times the cumulative Ka product.
        h3o_Ka = h3o_pow * Ka_prod

        # Return the alpha values. The return signature will differ is the
        # shape of the H3O array was 2-dimensional.
        if len(h3o.shape) > 1:
            den = h3o_Ka.sum(axis=1)
            return h3o_Ka / den.reshape(-1, 1)
            den = h3o_Ka.sum()
            return h3o_Ka / den
def index_to_assignment(
        I, D):  # i is an integer and D is a python list eg [2, 2, 2]

    g = list(D[0:len(D) - 1])
    g.insert(0, 1)

    result = np.float32(
                np.divide(npm.repmat(I - 1, 1, len(D)),
                          npm.repmat(np.cumproduct(g), 1, 1))),
            npm.repmat(D, 1, 1)))
    return result.flatten()
Ejemplo n.º 27
 def reshape(self, shape):
         shape = tuple(shape)
     except TypeError:
         shape = (shape, )
     if np.product(shape) != len(self):
         raise InvalidArgument(
             "Reshape failed: New shape %s has different length to "
             "existing shape %s" % (str(shape), str(self.shape)))
     bools = self.as_boolarray().reshape(-1)
     buf = np.packbits(bools)
     strides = [1] + list(np.cumproduct(shape[-1:0:-1]))
     return BitArray(buf, 0, shape, strides)
Ejemplo n.º 28
def f(x, t, p):
    Objective value to decision x in scenario with reachability times t and detection probabilities p
    import numpy as np
    order = np.argsort(t)
    prob_fail = np.zeros((len(x) + 1))
    prob_fail[0] = 1
    prob_fail[1:] = ((1 - p)**x)[order]
    cum_prob_fail = np.cumproduct(prob_fail)
    prob_succeed = (1 - prob_fail)[1:]
    return t.max() - (cum_prob_fail[:-1] * prob_succeed *
                      t[order]).sum() - cum_prob_fail[-1] * t.max()
Ejemplo n.º 29
    def __init__(self, description, dimension=None, offset=None, strides=None):
        dimension = [1] if dimension is None else dimension[:] # copy
        strides = (np.cumproduct(np.hstack((1, dimension)))[:-1]
                   if strides is None else strides)
        self._nodes = copy.deepcopy(Detector._nodes)
        self._nodes['dimension']['shape'] = [len(dimension)]
        self._nodes['strides']['shape'] = [len(strides)]
        self._nodes['counts']['shape'] = dimension
        self._nodes['roiMask']['shape'] = dimension
        self._nodes['sliceCounts']['shape'] = dimension
        self.dimension = dimension
        self.strides = strides
        self.offset = 0 if offset is None else offset
        self.strides = (np.cumproduct(np.hstack((1, dimension)))[:-1].tolist()
                        if strides is None else strides)
        self.roiMask = np.ones(dimension) #.tolist()
        self.roiShape = ["name", "unknown"]
        self.liveROI = 0.
        self.counts = np.zeros(dimension, 'int32') #.tolist()
        self.sliceCounts = np.zeros(dimension, 'int32') #.tolist()

        self._description = description
Ejemplo n.º 30
def generate_encode_macro(name, shape):
    multipliers = [1] + list(np.cumproduct(shape[::-1]))[:-1]
    multipliers = [Constant(i) for i in reversed(multipliers)]
    params = [SymbolRef(name='x{}'.format(dim)) for dim in range(len(shape))]
    variables = []
    for var in params:
        cp = var.copy()
        cp._force_parentheses = True
        variables.append(Cast(ctypes.c_long(), cp))

    products = [Mul(mult, var) for mult, var in zip(multipliers, variables)]
    total = functools.reduce(Add, products)
    return CppDefine(name=name, params=params, body=total)
Ejemplo n.º 31
def cartesian_product(X):
    Numpy version of itertools.product or pandas.compat.product.
    Sometimes faster (for large inputs)...

    X : list-like of list-likes

    product : list of ndarrays

    >>> cartesian_product([list('ABC'), [1, 2]])
    [array(['A', 'A', 'B', 'B', 'C', 'C'], dtype='|S1'),
    array([1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2])]

    See also
    itertools.product : Cartesian product of input iterables.  Equivalent to
        nested for-loops.
    pandas.compat.product : An alias for itertools.product.
    msg = "Input must be a list-like of list-likes"
    if not is_list_like(X):
        raise TypeError(msg)
    for x in X:
        if not is_list_like(x):
            raise TypeError(msg)

    if len(X) == 0:
        return []

    lenX = np.fromiter((len(x) for x in X), dtype=int)
    cumprodX = np.cumproduct(lenX)

    a = np.roll(cumprodX, 1)
    a[0] = 1

    if cumprodX[-1] != 0:
        b = cumprodX[-1] / cumprodX
        # if any factor is empty, the cartesian product is empty
        b = np.zeros_like(cumprodX)

    return [
        np.tile(np.repeat(np.asarray(com._values_from_object(x)), b[i]),
                np.product(a[i])) for i, x in enumerate(X)
Ejemplo n.º 32
def save_portfolio_metrics(portfolios, portfolio_name, period_ends, prices, p_value, p_weights, p_holdings, path=None):

    rebalance_qtys = (p_weights.ix[period_ends] / prices.ix[period_ends]) * p_value.ix[period_ends]
    # p_holdings = rebalance_qtys.align(prices)[0].shift(1).ffill().fillna(0)
    transactions = p_holdings - p_holdings.shift(1).fillna(0)
    transactions = transactions[transactions.sum(1) != 0]

    p_returns = p_value.pct_change(periods=1)
    p_index = np.cumproduct(1 + p_returns)

    m_rets = (1 + p_returns).resample("M", how="prod", kind="period") - 1

    portfolios[portfolio_name]["equity"] = p_value
    portfolios[portfolio_name]["ret"] = p_returns
    portfolios[portfolio_name]["cagr"] = compute_cagr(p_value) * 100
    portfolios[portfolio_name]["sharpe"] = compute_sharpe(p_value)
    portfolios[portfolio_name]["weight"] = p_weights
    portfolios[portfolio_name]["transactions"] = transactions
    portfolios[portfolio_name]["period_return"] = 100 * (p_value.ix[-1] / p_value[0] - 1)
    portfolios[portfolio_name]["avg_monthly_return"] = p_index.resample("BM", how="last").pct_change().mean() * 100
    portfolios[portfolio_name]["monthly_return_table"] = Monthly_Return_Table(m_rets)
    portfolios[portfolio_name]["drawdowns"] = compute_drawdown(p_value).dropna()
    portfolios[portfolio_name]["max_drawdown"] = compute_max_drawdown(p_value) * 100
    portfolios[portfolio_name]["max_drawdown_date"] = (
        p_value.index[compute_drawdown(p_value) == compute_max_drawdown(p_value)][0].date().isoformat()
    portfolios[portfolio_name]["avg_drawdown"] = compute_avg_drawdown(p_value) * 100
    portfolios[portfolio_name]["calmar"] = compute_calmar(p_value)
    portfolios[portfolio_name]["R_squared"] = compute_calmar(p_value)
    portfolios[portfolio_name]["DVR"] = compute_DVR(p_value)
    portfolios[portfolio_name]["volatility"] = compute_volatility(p_returns)
    portfolios[portfolio_name]["VAR"] = compute_var(p_returns)
    portfolios[portfolio_name]["CVAR"] = compute_cvar(p_returns)
    portfolios[portfolio_name]["rolling_annual_returns"] = pd.rolling_apply(p_returns, 252, np.sum)
    portfolios[portfolio_name]["p_holdings"] = p_holdings
    portfolios[portfolio_name]["transactions"] = np.round(transactions[transactions.sum(1) != 0], 0)
    portfolios[portfolio_name]["share"] = p_holdings
    portfolios[portfolio_name]["orders"] = generate_orders(transactions, prices)
    portfolios[portfolio_name]["best"] = max(p_returns)
    portfolios[portfolio_name]["worst"] = min(p_returns)
    portfolios[portfolio_name]["trades"] = len(portfolios[portfolio_name]["orders"])

    if path != None:
        portfolios[portfolio_name].equity.to_csv(path + portfolio_name + "_equity.csv")
        portfolios[portfolio_name].weight.to_csv(path + portfolio_name + "_weight.csv")
        portfolios[portfolio_name].share.to_csv(path + portfolio_name + "_share.csv")
        portfolios[portfolio_name].transactions.to_csv(path + portfolio_name + "_transactions.csv")
        portfolios[portfolio_name].orders.to_csv(path + portfolio_name + "_orders.csv")

Ejemplo n.º 33
    def alpha(self, pH):
        '''Return the fraction of each species at a given pH.

        pH : int, float, or Numpy Array
            These are the pH value(s) over which the fraction should be

        Numpy NDArray
            These are the fractional concentrations at any given pH. They are
            sorted from most acidic species to least acidic species. If a
            NDArray of pH values is provided, then a 2D array will be
            returned. In this case, each row represents the speciation for
            each given pH.
        # If the given pH is not a list/array, be sure to convert it to one
        # for future calcs.
        if isinstance(pH, (int, float)):
            pH = [pH,]
        pH = np.array(pH, dtype=float)

        # Calculate the concentration of H3O+. If multiple pH values are
        # given, then it is best to construct a two dimensional array of
        # concentrations.
        h3o = 10.**(-pH)
        if len(h3o) > 1:
            h3o = np.repeat( h3o.reshape(-1, 1), len(self._Ka_temp), axis=1)

        # These are the powers that the H3O+ concentrations will be raised.
        power = np.arange(len(self._Ka_temp))
        # Calculate the H3O+ concentrations raised to the powers calculated
        # above (in reverse order).
        h3o_pow = h3o**( power[::-1] )
        # Calculate a cumulative product of the Ka values. The first value
        # must be 1.0, which is why _Ka_temp is used instead of Ka.
        Ka_prod = np.cumproduct(self._Ka_temp)
        # Multiply the H3O**power values times the cumulative Ka product.
        h3o_Ka = h3o_pow*Ka_prod

        # Return the alpha values. The return signature will differ is the
        # shape of the H3O array was 2-dimensional. 
        if len(h3o.shape) > 1:
            den = h3o_Ka.sum(axis=1)
            return h3o_Ka/den.reshape(-1,1)
            den = h3o_Ka.sum()
            return h3o_Ka/den
Ejemplo n.º 34
def cartesian_product(X):
    Numpy version of itertools.product or pandas.compat.product.
    Sometimes faster (for large inputs)...

    X : list-like of list-likes

    product : list of ndarrays

    >>> cartesian_product([list('ABC'), [1, 2]])
    [array(['A', 'A', 'B', 'B', 'C', 'C'], dtype='|S1'),
    array([1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2])]

    See also
    itertools.product : Cartesian product of input iterables.  Equivalent to
        nested for-loops.
    pandas.compat.product : An alias for itertools.product.
    msg = "Input must be a list-like of list-likes"
    if not is_list_like(X):
        raise TypeError(msg)
    for x in X:
        if not is_list_like(x):
            raise TypeError(msg)

    if len(X) == 0:
        return []

    lenX = np.fromiter((len(x) for x in X), dtype=np.intp)
    cumprodX = np.cumproduct(lenX)

    a = np.roll(cumprodX, 1)
    a[0] = 1

    if cumprodX[-1] != 0:
        b = cumprodX[-1] / cumprodX
        # if any factor is empty, the cartesian product is empty
        b = np.zeros_like(cumprodX)

    return [np.tile(np.repeat(np.asarray(com.values_from_object(x)), b[i]),
            for i, x in enumerate(X)]
Ejemplo n.º 35
    def price_monte_carlo(self, iterations, control = True):
        drift = math.exp( (self.rate - 0.5 * self.iv ** 2) * self.T / self.steps )
        listAP = np.zeros(iterations)
        listGP = np.zeros(iterations)

        for i in range(iterations):
            arrZ = np.random.normal(0, 1, self.steps)
            arrR = np.exp(self.iv * math.sqrt( self.T / self.steps ) * arrZ) * drift 
            arrP = self.spot * np.cumproduct( arrR )

            arithmeticMean      = np.mean( arrP )
            if self.option_type == 'call':
                arithmeticPayoff    = math.exp( -self.rate * self.T ) * max ( [ arithmeticMean - self.strike, 0 ] )
                arithmeticPayoff    = math.exp( -self.rate * self.T ) * max ( [ self.strike - arithmeticMean, 0 ] )
            listAP[i] = arithmeticPayoff

            geometricMean       = np.exp( 1 / self.steps * sum ( np.log( arrP ) ) )
            if self.option_type == 'call':
                geometricPayoff    = math.exp( -self.rate * self.T ) * max ( [ geometricMean - self.strike, 0 ] )
                geometricPayoff    = math.exp( -self.rate * self.T ) * max ( [ self.strike - geometricMean, 0 ] )
            listGP[i] = geometricPayoff

        meanGP  = np.mean(listGP)
        meanAP  = np.mean(listAP)
        sdAP    = np.std (listAP, ddof = 1)
        pxClose = self.price()

        if self.option_class == 'geometric':
            print("[Geometric Asian from Standard MC: {0:6f}, Closed-form price: {1:6f}]".format(meanGP, pxClose))
            return (meanGP, pxClose)
        if self.option_class == 'arithmetic':
            if control:
                covPP   = np.mean(listGP * listAP) - np.mean(listGP) * np.mean(listAP)
                theta   = covPP / np.var(listGP, ddof = 1)

                listCV  = listAP + theta * (pxClose - listGP)
                meanCV  = np.mean(listCV)
                sdCV    = np.std(listCV, ddof = 1)
                ciCV    = (meanCV - 1.96 * sdCV / math.sqrt(iterations), meanCV + 1.96 * sdCV / math.sqrt(iterations), meanCV, pxClose)
                print("Control Variate: [Confidence interval: ({0:6f}, {1:6f}), Mean Price: {2:6f}, Closed-form geometric price: {3:6f}]".format(*ciCV))
                return ciCV
                ciAP    = (meanAP - 1.96 * sdAP / math.sqrt(iterations), meanAP + 1.96 * sdAP / math.sqrt(iterations), meanAP, pxClose)
                print("No Control:      [Confidence interval: ({0:6f}, {1:6f}), Mean Price: {2:6f}, Closed-form geometric price: {3:6f}]".format(*ciAP))
                return ciAP
Ejemplo n.º 36
def save_portfolio_metrics (portfolios, portfolio_name, period_ends, prices, \
                            p_value, p_weights, p_holdings, path=None) :
    rebalance_qtys = (p_weights.ix[period_ends] / prices.ix[period_ends]) * p_value.ix[period_ends]
    #p_holdings = rebalance_qtys.align(prices)[0].shift(1).ffill().fillna(0)
    transactions = (p_holdings - p_holdings.shift(1).fillna(0))
    transactions = transactions[transactions.sum(1) != 0]
    p_returns = p_value.pct_change(periods=1)
    p_index = np.cumproduct(1 + p_returns)
    m_rets = (1 + p_returns).resample('M', how='prod', kind='period') - 1
    portfolios[portfolio_name]['equity'] = p_value
    portfolios[portfolio_name]['ret'] = p_returns
    portfolios[portfolio_name]['cagr'] = compute_cagr(p_value) * 100
    portfolios[portfolio_name]['sharpe'] = compute_sharpe(p_value)
    portfolios[portfolio_name]['weight'] = p_weights
    portfolios[portfolio_name]['transactions'] = transactions
    portfolios[portfolio_name]['period_return'] = 100 * (p_value.ix[-1] / p_value[0] - 1)
    portfolios[portfolio_name]['avg_monthly_return'] = p_index.resample('BM', how='last').pct_change().mean() * 100
    portfolios[portfolio_name]['monthly_return_table'] = Monthly_Return_Table(m_rets)
    portfolios[portfolio_name]['drawdowns'] = compute_drawdown(p_value).dropna()
    portfolios[portfolio_name]['max_drawdown'] = compute_max_drawdown(p_value) * 100
    portfolios[portfolio_name]['max_drawdown_date'] = p_value.index[compute_drawdown(p_value)==compute_max_drawdown(p_value)][0].date().isoformat()
    portfolios[portfolio_name]['avg_drawdown'] = compute_avg_drawdown(p_value) * 100
    portfolios[portfolio_name]['calmar'] = compute_calmar(p_value)
    portfolios[portfolio_name]['R_squared'] = compute_calmar(p_value)
    portfolios[portfolio_name]['DVR'] = compute_DVR(p_value)
    portfolios[portfolio_name]['volatility'] = compute_volatility(p_returns)
    portfolios[portfolio_name]['VAR'] = compute_var(p_returns)
    portfolios[portfolio_name]['CVAR'] = compute_cvar(p_returns)
    portfolios[portfolio_name]['rolling_annual_returns'] = pd.rolling_apply(p_returns, 252, np.sum) 
    portfolios[portfolio_name]['p_holdings'] = p_holdings
    portfolios[portfolio_name]['transactions'] = np.round(transactions[transactions.sum(1)!=0], 0)
    portfolios[portfolio_name]['share'] = p_holdings
    portfolios[portfolio_name]['orders'] = generate_orders(transactions, prices)
    portfolios[portfolio_name]['best'] = max(p_returns)
    portfolios[portfolio_name]['worst'] = min(p_returns)
    portfolios[portfolio_name]['trades'] = len(portfolios[portfolio_name]['orders'])

    if path != None :
        portfolios[portfolio_name].equity.to_csv(path + portfolio_name + '_equity.csv')
        portfolios[portfolio_name].weight.to_csv(path + portfolio_name + '_weight.csv')
        portfolios[portfolio_name].share.to_csv(path + portfolio_name + '_share.csv')
        portfolios[portfolio_name].transactions.to_csv(path + portfolio_name + '_transactions.csv')
        portfolios[portfolio_name].orders.to_csv(path + portfolio_name + '_orders.csv')
Ejemplo n.º 37
def Profit_Evaluation(act, ts, ts_pct_change, kind='s'):
    act_ts = pd.Series(act[:-1], index=ts.index)
    profit = []
    buy = 0
    sell = 0
    flag = 0
    buy_flag = 0

    for i in range(len(act_ts)):
        day = ts.index[i]
        if flag == 0 and act_ts[i] == -1:
            flag = 1
        elif act_ts[i] == 1 and ts_pct_change[day] < 9.99:
            buy = ts[i]
            flag = 1
            buy_flag = 1
        elif act_ts[i] == -1 and ts_pct_change[day] < 9.99:
            sell = ts[i]
            if kind == 's':
                profit.append(0.9985 * (sell - buy) / buy)
            elif kind == 'f':
                profit.append(0.9995 * (sell - buy) / buy)
                profit.append((sell - buy) / buy)
            buy_flag = 0

    cumprod_profit = np.cumproduct(np.array(profit) + 1)
    profit_ts = pd.Series(profit, ts.index)
    cumprod_profit_ts = pd.Series(cumprod_profit, ts.index)

    buy_flag = 0
    for i in range(len(cumprod_profit_ts)):
        if act[i] == 1:
            buy_flag = 1
        if act[i] == -1:
            buy_flag = 0
        if buy_flag == 1:
            cumprod_profit_ts[i] = cumprod_profit_ts[i - 1] * (ts[i] /
                                                               ts[i - 1])

    return profit_ts, cumprod_profit_ts
Ejemplo n.º 38
def Tuple_MI(Tuple, IdxLength):
    Function to return the absolution position of a multiindex when the index tuple
    and the index hierarchy and size are given.
    Example: Tuple_MI([2,7,3],[100,10,5]) = 138
    Tuple_MI is the inverse of MI_Tuple.
    # First, generate the index position offset values
    A = IdxLength[1:] + IdxLength[:1]  # Shift 1 to left
    A[-1] = 1  # Replace lowest index by 1
    IdxPosOffset = np.cumproduct(A).tolist()
    Position = np.sum([a * b for a, b in zip(Tuple, IdxPosOffset)])
    return Position
def get_monthly_saving(age, retirement_age, retirement_saving_goal, ann_int,
    Given a constant of target cash at retirement, calculate a fix saving per month
    months_before_retirement = (retirement_age - age) * 12

    # investment before retirement
    ann_int = ann_int[:, :months_before_retirement]
    interest_mlp_after_retirement_arr = np.cumproduct(1 + ann_int, axis=1)

    ## solve for constant saving per month
    retirement_saving_goal = sum(distcount_factors_array * saving_per_month_now)
    retirement_saving_goal = sum(distcount_factors_array) * saving_per_month_now
    saving_per_month = retirement_saving_goal / np.sum(
        interest_mlp_after_retirement_arr, axis=1)

    # growth factor
    num_sim = ann_int.shape[0]
    saving_growth_multipliers = np.repeat(np.cumproduct(
        np.ones(shape=(num_sim, np.int(months_before_retirement / 12))) *
        (1 + annual_saving_growth),

    saving_first_month = retirement_saving_goal / np.sum(
        interest_mlp_after_retirement_arr * saving_growth_multipliers, axis=1)
    growth_saving = np.repeat(saving_first_month.reshape(
        len(saving_first_month), 1),
                              axis=1) * saving_growth_multipliers

    return saving_per_month, growth_saving
Ejemplo n.º 40
    def calculate_with_n_electron(self, phi, partition_function,
                                  number_density, n_electron):
        ion_populations = pd.DataFrame(data=0.0,
            columns=partition_function.columns.copy(), dtype=np.float64)

        for atomic_number, groups in phi.groupby(level='atomic_number'):
            current_phis = (groups / n_electron).replace(np.nan, 0.0).values
            phis_product = np.cumproduct(current_phis, axis=0)
            neutral_atom_density = (number_density.ix[atomic_number] /
                                    (1 + np.sum(phis_product, axis=0)))
            ion_populations.ix[atomic_number, 0] = (
            ion_populations.ix[atomic_number].values[1:] = (
                neutral_atom_density.values * phis_product)
            ion_populations[ion_populations < self.ion_zero_threshold] = 0.0
        return ion_populations
Ejemplo n.º 41
def construct_zernike_lookuptable(zernike_indexes):
    """Return a lookup table of the sum-of-factorial part of the radial
    polynomial of the zernike indexes passed
    zernike_indexes - an Nx2 array of the Zernike polynomials to be
    factorial = np.ones((100,))
    factorial[1:] = np.cumproduct(np.arange(1, 100).astype(float))
    width = int(np.max(zernike_indexes[:,0]) / 2+1)
    lut = np.zeros((zernike_indexes.shape[0],width))
    for idx,(n,m) in zip(range(zernike_indexes.shape[0]),zernike_indexes):
        for k in range(0,(n-m)/2+1):
            lut[idx,k] = \
                (((-1)**k) * factorial[n-k] /
    return lut
Ejemplo n.º 42
def backtest_old(prices, weights, period_ends, capital, offset=0., commission=0.) : 
    p_holdings = (capital / prices * weights.align(prices)[0]).shift(offset).ffill().fillna(0)
    w = weights.align(prices)[0].shift(offset).fillna(0)
    trade_dates = w[w.sum(1) != 0].index
    p_cash = capital - (p_holdings * prices.shift(offset)).sum(1)
    totalcash = p_cash[trade_dates].align(prices[prices.columns[0]])[0].ffill().fillna(0)
    p_returns = (totalcash  + (p_holdings * prices).sum(1) - \
                    (abs(p_holdings - p_holdings.shift(1)) * commission).sum(1)) / \
                    (totalcash + (p_holdings * prices.shift(1)).sum(1)) - 1
    p_returns = p_returns.fillna(0)
#    p_weights = p_holdings * prices.shift(offset) / (totalcash + (p_holdings * prices.shift(offset)).sum(1))
    p_weights = pd.DataFrame([(p_holdings * prices.shift(offset))[symbol] / \
                              (totalcash + (p_holdings * prices.shift(offset)).sum(1)) \
                              for symbol in prices.columns], index=prices.columns).T
    p_weights = p_weights.fillna(0)

    return np.cumproduct(1. + p_returns) * capital, p_holdings.astype(int), p_returns, p_weights
Ejemplo n.º 43
    def calc_exposed_faces(self):
        #TODO: The 3D bitwise ops are slow
        t = time.time()
        air = BLOCK_SOLID[self.blocks] == 0

        light = numpy.cumproduct(air[:,::-1,:], axis=1)[:,::-1,:]

        exposed = numpy.zeros(air.shape,dtype=numpy.uint8)
        exposed[0,:,:] |= self.edge_blocks(dx=-1)<<5 #left edge
        exposed[-1,:,:] |= self.edge_blocks(dx=1)<<4 #right edge
        exposed[:,:,0] |= self.edge_blocks(dz=-1)<<2 #back edge
        exposed[:,:,-1] |= self.edge_blocks(dz=1)<<3 #front edge
        exposed[:,:-1,:] |= air[:,1:,:]<<7 #up
        exposed[:,1:,:] |= air[:,:-1,:]<<6 #down
        exposed[1:,:,:] |= air[:-1,:,:]<<5 #left
        exposed[:-1,:,:] |= air[1:,:,:]<<4 #right
        exposed[:,:,:-1] |= air[:,:,1:]<<3 #forward
        exposed[:,:,1:] |= air[:,:,:-1]<<2 #back
        self.exposed = exposed*(~air)
    def alpha(self, pH):
        '''Return the fraction of each species at a given pH.

        This returns a Numpy list of fractional speciation at a given
        solution. The returned list will be ordered as per the Ka/pKa values,
        with the most acidic component listed first.

        # If the given pH is not a list/array, be sure to convert it to one
        # for future calcs.
        if isinstance(pH, (int, float)):
            pH = [pH,]
        pH = np.array(pH, dtype=float)

        # Calculate the concentration of H3O+. If multiple pH values are
        # given, then it is best to construct a two dimensional array of
        # concentrations.
        h3o = 10.**(-pH)
        if len(h3o) > 1:
            h3o = np.repeat( h3o.reshape(-1, 1), len(self._Ka_temp), axis=1)

        # These are the powers that the H3O+ concentrations will be raised.
        power = np.arange(len(self._Ka_temp))
        # Calculate the H3O+ concentrations raised to the powers calculated
        # above (in reverse order).
        h3o_pow = h3o**( power[::-1] )
        # Calculate a cumulative product of the Ka values. The first value
        # must be 1.0, which is why _Ka_temp is used instead of Ka.
        Ka_prod = np.cumproduct(self._Ka_temp)
        # Multiply the H3O**power values times the cumulative Ka product.
        h3o_Ka = h3o_pow*Ka_prod

        # Return the alpha values. The return signature will differ is the
        # shape of the H3O array was 2-dimensional. 
        if len(h3o.shape) > 1:
            den = h3o_Ka.sum(axis=1)
            return h3o_Ka/den.reshape(-1,1)
            den = h3o_Ka.sum()
            return h3o_Ka/den
Ejemplo n.º 45
def cartesian_product(X):
    Numpy version of itertools.product or pandas.compat.product.
    Sometimes faster (for large inputs)...

    >>> cartesian_product([list('ABC'), [1, 2]])
    [array(['A', 'A', 'B', 'B', 'C', 'C'], dtype='|S1'),
    array([1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2])]


    lenX = np.fromiter((len(x) for x in X), dtype=int)
    cumprodX = np.cumproduct(lenX)

    a = np.roll(cumprodX, 1)
    a[0] = 1

    b = cumprodX[-1] / cumprodX

    return [np.tile(np.repeat(np.asarray(com._values_from_object(x)), b[i]), np.product(a[i])) for i, x in enumerate(X)]
Ejemplo n.º 46
	def combinations(self, lol):
		Take a list of lists of numbers. 
		Return an array of float64, with shape NxM where
		N = cumprod([len(x) for x in lol]) and  
		M = len(lol). 
		The return array contains all possible
		combinations of the inputs (eg, sets of items containing
		one item from each of the lists in lol)

		shapes=[len(x) for x in lol]
		n = stride[-1]
		oa=np.zeros((n, m), np.float64)
		oa[:,0]=np.resize(lol[0], n)
		for i in range(1, m):
			oa[:,i]=np.ravel(np.transpose(np.resize(lol[i], (dl, dr))))    
		return oa
Ejemplo n.º 47
    def index_data(self, coords, hyper_points, coord_map):
        Index the data that falls inside the grid cells

        :param coords: coordinates of grid
        :param hyper_points: list of HyperPoints to index
        :param coord_map: list of tuples relating index in HyperPoint to index in coords and in
                          coords to be iterated over

        # create bounds in correct order
        hp_coords = []
        coord_descreasing = [False] * len(coords)
        coord_lengths = [0] * len(coords)
        lower_bounds = [None] * len(coords)
        max_bounds = [None] * len(coords)
        for (hpi, ci, shi) in coord_map:
            coord = coords[ci]
            # Coordinates must be monotonic; determine whether increasing or decreasing.
            if len(coord.points) > 1:
                if coord.points[1] < coord.points[0]:
                    coord_descreasing[shi] = True
            coord_lengths[shi] = len(coord.points)
            if coord_descreasing[shi]:
                lower_bounds[shi] = coord.bounds[::-1, 1]
                max_bounds[shi] = coord.bounds[0, 1]
                lower_bounds[shi] = coord.bounds[::, 0]
                max_bounds[shi] = coord.bounds[-1, 1]

            hp_coord = hyper_points.coords[hpi]
            if isinstance(hp_coord[0], datetime.datetime):
                hp_coord = convert_datetime_to_std_time(hp_coord)


        bounds_coords_max = list(zip(lower_bounds, hp_coords, max_bounds))

        # stack for each coordinate
        #    where the coordinate is larger than the maximum set to -1
        #    otherwise search in the sorted coordinate to find all the index of the hyperpoints
        # The choice of 'left' or 'right' and '<' and '<=' determines which
        #  cell is chosen when the coordinate is equal to the boundary.
        # -1 or M_i indicates the point is outside the grid.
        # Output is a list of coordinates which lists the indexes where the hyper points
        #    should be located in the grid
        indices = np.vstack(
                ci < max_coordinate_value,
                np.searchsorted(bi, ci, side='right') - 1,
            for bi, ci, max_coordinate_value in bounds_coords_max)

        # D-tuple giving the shape of the output grid
        grid_shape = tuple(len(bi_ci[0]) for bi_ci in bounds_coords_max)

        # shape (N,) telling which points actually fall within the grid,
        # i.e. have indexes that are not -1 and are not masked data points
        grid_mask = np.all(
            (indices >= 0) &
            (ma.getmaskarray(hyper_points.data) == False),

        # if the coordinate was decreasing then correct the indices for this cell
        for indices_slice, decreasing, coord_length in zip(range(indices.shape[0]), coord_descreasing, coord_lengths):
            if decreasing:
                # indices[indices_slice] += (coord_length - 1) - indices[indices_slice]
                indices[indices_slice] *= -1
                indices[indices_slice] += (coord_length - 1)

        # shape (N,) containing negative scalar cell numbers for each
        # input point (sequence doesn't matter so long as they are unique), or
        # -1 for points outside the grid.
        # Possibly numpy.lexsort could be used to avoid the need for this,
        # although we'd have to be careful about points outside the grid.
        self.cell_numbers = np.where(
                np.cumproduct((1,) + grid_shape[:-1]),

        # Sort everything by cell number
        self.sort_order = np.argsort(self.cell_numbers)
        self.cell_numbers = self.cell_numbers[self.sort_order]
        self._indices = indices[:, self.sort_order]
        self.hp_coords = [hp_coord[self.sort_order] for hp_coord in hp_coords]
Ejemplo n.º 48
def cumproduct(x, axis=0):
    return np.cumproduct(x, axis)