Ejemplo n.º 1
def get_cnn_centers(names, labels_names, balanced=True, neigh_width=15):
    rois = list(load_masks(names))
    rois_p = list(load_masks(labels_names))
    rois_p_neigh = [log_and(log_and(imdilate(roi_p, iterations=neigh_width), log_not(roi_p)), roi)
                    for roi, roi_p in izip(rois, rois_p)]
    rois_n_global = [log_and(roi, log_not(log_or(roi_pn, roi_p)))
                     for roi, roi_pn, roi_p in izip(rois, rois_p_neigh, rois_p)]
    rois = list()
    for roi_pn, roi_ng, roi_p in izip(rois_p_neigh, rois_n_global, rois_p):
        # The goal of this for is to randomly select the same number of nonlesion and lesion samples for each image.
        # We also want to make sure that we select the same number of boundary negatives and general negatives to
        # try to account for the variability in the brain.
        n_positive = np.count_nonzero(roi_p)
        if balanced:
            roi_pn[roi_pn] = np.random.permutation(xrange(np.count_nonzero(roi_pn))) < n_positive / 2
        roi_ng[roi_ng] = np.random.permutation(xrange(np.count_nonzero(roi_ng))) < n_positive / 2
        rois.append(log_or(log_or(roi_ng, roi_pn), roi_p))

    # In order to be able to permute the centers to randomly select them, or just shuffle them for training, we need
    # to keep the image reference with the center. That's why we are doing the next following lines of code.
    centers_list = [get_mask_voxels(roi) for roi in rois]
    idx_lesion_centers = np.concatenate([np.array([(i, c) for c in centers], dtype=object)
                                         for i, centers in enumerate(centers_list)])

    return idx_lesion_centers
Ejemplo n.º 2
def get_slices_boundary(masks, patch_size, rois=None, rate=0.1):
    patch_half = map(lambda p_length: p_length // 2, patch_size)
    boundaries = map(
        lambda m: map(lambda l: log_and(m == l, log_not(imerode(m == l))),
                            m.max() + 1)), masks)

    max_shape = masks[0].shape
    mesh = get_mesh(max_shape)
    legal_mask = reduce(
            lambda (m_j, p_ij, max_j): np.logical_and(m_j >= p_ij, m_j <= max_j
                                                      - p_ij),
            zip(mesh, patch_half, max_shape)))

    boundaries = map(
        lambda b: map(lambda b_i: np.logical_and(b_i, legal_mask), b),

    centers = map(
        lambda b: np.concatenate(filter(
            lambda arr: arr.size > 0,
                lambda b_i: np.random.permutation(zip(*np.where(b_i)))[:int(
                    np.sum(b_i) * rate)], b)),
                                 axis=0), boundaries)

    patch_slices = map(lambda c: centers_to_slice(c, patch_half), centers)

    return patch_slices
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def __init__(self, cases, labels, rois, patch_size=32, flip=False):
        # Init
        # Image and mask should be numpy arrays
        self.cases = cases
        self.labels = labels
        self.flip = flip

        data_shape = self.cases[0].shape

        if type(patch_size) is not tuple:
            patch_size = (patch_size, ) * len(data_shape)
        self.patch_size = patch_size

        self.patch_slices_pos = get_slices_mask_bb(self.labels, patch_size,
                                                   patch_size[0] - 8)

        brains = map(
            (l, r): log_and(log_not(l.astype(np.bool)), r.astype(np.bool)),
            zip(labels, rois))

        patch_slices_neg = get_slices_mask_bb(brains, patch_size,
                                              patch_size[0] - 8)
        self.patch_slices_neg = map(
            lambda (pos, neg): map(lambda idx: neg[idx],
            zip(self.patch_slices_pos, patch_slices_neg))

        self.max_slice = np.cumsum(map(len, self.patch_slices_pos))