Ejemplo n.º 1
def test_mask_indices():
    # simple test without offset
    iu = mask_indices(3, np.triu)
    a = np.arange(9).reshape(3, 3)
    yield (assert_array_equal, a[iu], array([0, 1, 2, 4, 5, 8]))
    # Now with an offset
    iu1 = mask_indices(3, np.triu, 1)
    yield (assert_array_equal, a[iu1], array([1, 2, 5]))
Ejemplo n.º 2
def test_mask_indices():
    # simple test without offset
    iu = mask_indices(3, np.triu)
    a = np.arange(9).reshape(3, 3)
    yield (assert_array_equal, a[iu], array([0, 1, 2, 4, 5, 8]))
    # Now with an offset
    iu1 = mask_indices(3, np.triu, 1)
    yield (assert_array_equal, a[iu1], array([1, 2, 5]))
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def test_mask_indices(self):

        iu = np.mask_indices(3, np.triu)

        a = np.arange(9).reshape(3, 3)
        b = a[iu]

        iu1 = np.mask_indices(3, np.triu, 1)

        c = a[iu1]

Ejemplo n.º 4
def map2corr(y, gt):
    corr_matrix = np.corrcoef(y)
    subjects_effect = part2adj(gt)
    iu = np.mask_indices(corr_matrix.shape[0], np.triu, k=1)
    mask_sub = subjects_effect[iu]
    data = np.arctanh(corr_matrix[iu])
    return data, mask_sub > 0
Ejemplo n.º 5
def gfusedlasso(z, A, lam=None):
    # print(type(z),type(A),type(lam))
    A = np.triu(A) > 0
    edges = np.stack(np.mask_indices(A.shape[0], lambda n, k: A), axis=-1)
    # print(z.shape,z.dtype,edges.shape,edges.dtype,lam)
    z_fused = solve_gfl(z.astype(np.float64), edges, lam=lam)
    return z_fused.astype(z.dtype)
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def calc_cov(self, x, model):
        Creates the covariance matrix from the variogram model
        if x.ndim < 2:
            x = x.reshape(x.size, 1)

        ii, jj = np.mask_indices(self.s, np.triu, k=1)

        lags = pdist(x)
        covariances = self.sill - self.model(lags)

        if not self.sparse:
            h_cov = np.zeros((self.s, self.s), dtype=np.float64)
            h_cov[np.diag_indices(self.s)] = self.sill
            h_cov = ssp.lil_matrix((self.s, self.s), dtype=np.float64)
            nocorrs = np.isclose(covariances, 0)
            ii = ii[~nocorrs]
            jj = jj[~nocorrs]
            covariances = covariances[~nocorrs]

        h_cov[ii, jj] = covariances
        h_cov[jj, ii] = covariances

        if not self.sparse:
            self.cov = h_cov
            self.cov = h_cov.asformat("csc")
Ejemplo n.º 7
 def saveMatrix(self, outputpath, index=None):
     if not self.data_loaded:
         msg = "Warning: No data loaded, nothing to save"
     sparseMatrix = None
     windowsize = self.windowsize
     flankingsize = self.flankingsize
     if not isinstance(flankingsize, int):
         flankingsize = windowsize
     if isinstance(self.maxdist,
                   int) and self.maxdist < windowsize and self.maxdist > 0:
         maxdist = self.maxdist
         maxdist = windowsize
     if isinstance(index, int) and index < self.getNumberSamples():
         tmpMat = np.zeros(shape=(windowsize, windowsize))
         indices = np.mask_indices(windowsize, utils.maskFunc, k=maxdist)
         tmpMat[indices] = self.__getMatrixData(idx=index)
         sparseMatrix = csr_matrix(tmpMat)
         sparseMatrix = self.sparseHiCMatrix
     folderName = self.chromatinFolder.rstrip("/").replace("/", "-")
     filename = "matrix_{:s}_chr{:s}_{:s}".format(folderName,
     filename = os.path.join(outputpath, filename)
     save_npz(file=filename, matrix=sparseMatrix)
Ejemplo n.º 8
 def flatten_input(self, H):
     This is an internal method for reshaping input matrices to the GRU layer of the controller.
     H: a numpy array representing the target matrx input (target unitary) with shape (number of examples,number of time steps, number of waveguides, number of waveguides)
     # retreive the batch size from the training dataset
     num_examples = H.shape[0]
     num_points   = H.shape[1]
     # initialize the array for expanding the upper triangular part
     params_r = np.zeros( (num_examples,num_points,self.num_wg*(self.num_wg+1)//2) )
     params_i = np.zeros( (num_examples,num_points,self.num_wg*(self.num_wg+1)//2) )
     # define an anynomus function to extract upper triangular part of a matrix
     get_upper = (lambda x: x[np.mask_indices(self.num_wg, np.triu)])
     if self.mode==0 or self.mode==1:
         #extract upper triangular part of the Hamiltonian
         for idx_ex in range(num_examples):
             for idx_t in range(num_points):
                 params_r[idx_ex,idx_t,:] = np.real(get_upper(H[idx_ex,idx_t,:]))
                 params_i[idx_ex,idx_t,:] = np.imag(get_upper(H[idx_ex,idx_t,:]))
     if self.mode==0:
         return params_r
     elif self.mode==1:
         return np.concatenate((params_r, params_i),axis=-1)
         return np.concatenate((np.real(np.reshape(H,(num_examples, num_points, self.num_wg*self.num_wg))), np.imag(np.reshape(H,(num_examples, num_points, self.num_wg*self.num_wg))) ),axis=-1)
Ejemplo n.º 9
def rebuildMatrix(pArrayOfTriangles, pWindowSize, pFlankingSize=None, pMaxDist=None, pStepsize=1):
    #rebuilds the interaction matrix (a trapezoid along its diagonal)
    #by taking the mean of all overlapping triangles
    #returns an interaction matrix as a numpy ndarray
    if pFlankingSize == None:
        flankingSize = pWindowSize
        flankingSize = pFlankingSize
    nr_matrices = pArrayOfTriangles.shape[0]
    sum_matrix = np.zeros( (nr_matrices - 1 + (pWindowSize+2*flankingSize), nr_matrices - 1 + (pWindowSize+2*flankingSize)) )
    count_matrix = np.zeros_like(sum_matrix,dtype=int)    
    mean_matrix = np.zeros_like(sum_matrix,dtype="float32")
    if pMaxDist is None or pMaxDist == pWindowSize:
        stepsize = 1
        #trapezoid, compute the stepsize such that the overlap is minimized
        stepsize = max(pStepsize, 1)
        stepsize = min(stepsize, pWindowSize - pMaxDist + 1) #the largest possible value such that predictions are available for all bins
    #sum up all the triangular or trapezoidal matrices, shifting by one along the diag. for each matrix
    for i in tqdm(range(0, nr_matrices, stepsize), desc="rebuilding matrix"):
        j = i + flankingSize
        k = j + pWindowSize
        if pMaxDist is None or pMaxDist == pWindowSize: #triangles
            sum_matrix[j:k,j:k][np.triu_indices(pWindowSize)] += pArrayOfTriangles[i]
        else: #trapezoids
            sum_matrix[j:k,j:k][np.mask_indices(pWindowSize, maskFunc, pMaxDist)] += pArrayOfTriangles[i]
        count_matrix[j:k,j:k] += np.ones((pWindowSize,pWindowSize),dtype=int) #keep track of how many matrices have contributed to each position
    mean_matrix[count_matrix!=0] = sum_matrix[count_matrix!=0] / count_matrix[count_matrix!=0]
    return mean_matrix
Ejemplo n.º 10
def latlon_randomizer(settings):
    done_flag = False
    iter_n = 0
    while not done_flag:
        iter_n += 1
        # id_mat =
        aclat = np.random.rand(settings.n_ac) * (
            settings.max_lat_gen - settings.min_lat_gen) + settings.min_lat_gen
        aclon = np.random.rand(settings.n_ac) * (
            settings.max_lon_gen - settings.min_lon_gen) + settings.min_lon_gen
        _, dist = tools.geo.kwikqdrdist_matrix(np.asmatrix(aclat),
        mask = np.mask_indices(settings.n_ac, np.tril, -1)
        dist = np.asarray(dist)
        dist = dist[mask]
        # idx = np.where(dist <= settings.spawn_separation)
        # aclat[idx] = np.random.rand(idx.size()) * (settings.max_lat_gen - settings.min_lat_gen) + settings.min_lat_gen
        # aclon[idx] = np.random.rand(idx.size()) * (settings.max_lon_gen - settings.min_lon_gen) + settings.min_lon_gen
        if all(dist >= settings.spawn_separation) or iter_n >= 500:
            done_flag = True
            if iter_n >= 500:
                    "Maximum iterations on aircraft random generation reached, aircraft may spawn to close together"
                print("Minimum current distance is: ", min(dist))
    return aclat, aclon
Ejemplo n.º 11
 def __getMatrixData(self, idx):
     if self.matrixfilepath is None:
         return None  # this can't work
     if not self.data_loaded:
         msg = "Error: Load data first"
         raise RuntimeError(msg)
     #the 0-th matrix starts flankingsize away from the boundary
     windowsize = self.windowsize
     flankingsize = self.flankingsize
     if flankingsize is None:
         flankingsize = windowsize
     startInd = idx + flankingsize
     stopInd = startInd + windowsize
     trainmatrix = None
     if isinstance(
             self.maxdist, int
     ) and self.maxdist < windowsize and self.maxdist > 0:  #trapezoids, i.e. distance limited submatrices
         trainmatrix = self.sparseHiCMatrix[
             startInd:stopInd, startInd:stopInd].todense()[np.mask_indices(
                 windowsize, utils.maskFunc, self.maxdist)]
     else:  #triangles, i. e. full submatrices
         trainmatrix = self.sparseHiCMatrix[startInd:stopInd,
     trainmatrix = np.array(np.nan_to_num(trainmatrix))[0, :]
     return trainmatrix
Ejemplo n.º 12
 def calc_diffs(self):
     Upon initialization, calculates squared differences between all field
     values given. Performed before any reductions are applied.
     c_indx = np.mask_indices(self.s, np.triu, k=1)
     diffs = (self.f[c_indx[0]] - self.f[c_indx[1]])**2
     return diffs
Ejemplo n.º 13
 def _get_pairlist_wcutoff(self, diff_mx):
     #this method calculates the coordinates for a given
     #difference matrix
     upper_displaced_triangle = np.mask_indices(diff_mx.shape[0], np.triu,
     pair_list_wcutoff = diff_mx[upper_displaced_triangle]
     pair_list_wcutoff = pair_list_wcutoff[pair_list_wcutoff < self.rcut]
     return pair_list_wcutoff
Ejemplo n.º 14
def random_graph():
    graph_size_list = [np.random.randint(5, 10) for _ in range(10)]
    edge_list = [
            gs, lambda n, k: np.triu(
                (1 - np.eye(gs)) * np.random.rand(gs, gs)) >= 0.5),
                 axis=-1).astype('int') for gs in graph_size_list
    print(len(edge_list), [e.shape for e in edge_list])
    return graph_size_list, edge_list
Ejemplo n.º 15
    def getFeatures(self, **kwargs):
        ''' This is a Method that returns features (keypoints and descriptors)
            that are obtained by using the FeatureExtractor.Detector object.
                mask: boolean, optional, default False.
                    Whether to use
            output: keypoints, descriptors
        detector = self.detector
        dset = self.data
        lib = self.lib
        mask = kwargs.get('mask', False)
        origin = kwargs.get('origin', [0, 0])
        winSize = kwargs.get('window_size', 0)

        if mask:

            def mask_func(x, winSize):
                x[origin[0] - winSize / 2:origin[0] + winSize / 2,
                  origin[1] - winSize / 2:origin[1] + winSize / 2] = 2
                x = x - 1
                return x

            mask_ind = np.mask_indices(dset.shape[-1], mask_func, winSize)
            self.data = np.array(
                [imp[mask_ind].reshape(winSize, winSize) for imp in dset])

        # detect and compute keypoints
        def detect(image):
            if lib == 'opencv':
                image = (image - image.mean()) / image.std()
                image = image.astype('uint8')
                k_obj, d_obj = detector.detectAndCompute(image, None)
                keypts, descs = pickle_keypoints(k_obj), pickle_keypoints(

            elif lib == 'skimage':
                imp = (image - image.mean()) / np.std(image)
                imp[imp < 0] = 0
                keypts, descs = detector.keypoints, detector.descriptors

            return keypts, descs

        # start pool of workers
        results = [detect(imp) for imp in self.data]

        # get keypoints and descriptors
        keypts = [itm[0].astype('int') for itm in results]
        desc = [itm[1] for itm in results]

        return keypts, desc
Ejemplo n.º 16
    def calc_cov(self, x, model):
        Creates the covariance matrix for the points with the variogram model
        if x.ndim < 2:
            x = x.reshape(x.size, 1)

        h_cov = np.zeros((self.s, self.s))
        h_cov[np.diag_indices(self.s)] = self.sill
        mask_indices = np.mask_indices(self.s, np.triu, k=1)

        lags = pdist(x)

        h_cov[mask_indices] = self.sill - self.model(lags)

        self.cov = np.maximum(h_cov, h_cov.T)
Ejemplo n.º 17
 def test_indexing(self, args):
     shape, mult_ind, ravl_ind, nkm = args
     self.assertArraysMatch(nl.ravel_multi_index(mult_ind, shape,
                                                 mode='wrap'), ravl_ind)
     self.assertArraysMatch(nl.unravel_index(ravl_ind, shape),
                            np.unravel_index(ravl_ind, shape))
     self.assertArraysMatch(nl.indices(shape), np.indices(shape))
     self.assertArraysMatch(nl.diag_indices(shape[0], len(shape)),
                            np.diag_indices(shape[0], len(shape)))
     if shape:
         rows, diag, cols = nkm
         self.assertArraysMatch(nl.tril_indices(rows, diag, cols),
                                np.tril_indices(rows, diag, cols))
         self.assertArraysMatch(nl.triu_indices(rows, diag, cols),
                                np.triu_indices(rows, diag, cols))
         self.assertArraysMatch(nl.mask_indices(rows, np.triu, diag),
                                np.mask_indices(rows, np.triu, diag))
Ejemplo n.º 18
 def flatten_Hamiltonian(self, H):
     This is an internal method for extracting the upper triangular part from the Hamiltonian, which makes it more efficient in the training process, since the Hamilonian must be Hermitian.
     H: a numpy array representing a Hamiltonian with shape (number of examples,number of time steps, number of waveguides, number of waveguides)
     # retreive the batch size from the training dataset
     num_examples = H.shape[0]
     num_points   = H.shape[1]
     # initialize the array for expanding the upper triangular part
     params = np.zeros( (num_examples,num_points,self.num_wg*(self.num_wg+1)//2) )
     # define an anynomus function to extract upper triangular part of a matrix
     get_upper = (lambda x: x[np.mask_indices(self.num_wg, np.triu)])
     #extract upper triangular part of the Hamiltonian
     for idx_ex in range(num_examples):
         for idx_t in range(num_points):
             params[idx_ex,idx_t,:] = get_upper(H[idx_ex,idx_t,:])
     return params
Ejemplo n.º 19
def faster_centroid_triplet_eval(X, X_new, y):
    This is a function that is used to evaluate the lower dimension embedding.
    An triplet satisfaction score is calculated by evaluating how many triplets
    of cluster median centroids have been violated.
        X: A numpy array with the shape [N, p]. The higher dimension embedding
           of some dataset. Expected to have some clusters.
        X_new: A numpy array with the shape [N, k]. The lower dimension embedding
               of some dataset. Expected to have some clusters as well.
        y: A numpy array with the shape [N, 1]. The labels of the original
           dataset. Used to identify clusters
        acc: The score generated by the algorithm.
    cluster_mean_ori, cluster_mean_new = [], []
    categories = np.unique(y)
    num_cat = len(categories)
    mask = np.mask_indices(num_cat, np.tril, -1)
    for i in range(num_cat):
        label = categories[i]
        X_clus_ori = X[y == label]
        X_clus_new = X_new[y == label]
        cluster_mean_ori.append(np.median(X_clus_ori, axis=0))
        cluster_mean_new.append(np.median(X_clus_new, axis=0))
    cluster_mean_ori = np.array(cluster_mean_ori)
    cluster_mean_new = np.array(cluster_mean_new)
    ori_dist = euclidean_distances(cluster_mean_ori)[mask]
    new_dist = euclidean_distances(cluster_mean_new)[mask]
    dist_agree = 0.  # two distance agrees
    dist_all = 0.  # count
    for i in range(len(ori_dist)):
        for j in range(i + 1, len(ori_dist)):
            if ori_dist[i] > ori_dist[j] and new_dist[i] > new_dist[j]:
                dist_agree += 1
            elif ori_dist[i] <= ori_dist[j] and new_dist[i] <= new_dist[j]:
                dist_agree += 1
            dist_all += 1
    return dist_agree / dist_all
Ejemplo n.º 20

def func2(ar: npt.NDArray[Any], a: float) -> float:

AR_b: npt.NDArray[np.bool_]
AR_m: npt.NDArray[np.timedelta64]

AR_LIKE_b: List[bool]

np.eye(10, M=20.0)  # E: No overload variant
np.eye(10, k=2.5, dtype=int)  # E: No overload variant

np.diag(AR_b, k=0.5)  # E: No overload variant
np.diagflat(AR_b, k=0.5)  # E: No overload variant

np.tri(10, M=20.0)  # E: No overload variant
np.tri(10, k=2.5, dtype=int)  # E: No overload variant

np.tril(AR_b, k=0.5)  # E: No overload variant
np.triu(AR_b, k=0.5)  # E: No overload variant

np.vander(AR_m)  # E: incompatible type

np.histogram2d(AR_m)  # E: No overload variant

np.mask_indices(10, func1)  # E: incompatible type
np.mask_indices(10, func2, 10.5)  # E: incompatible type
Ejemplo n.º 21
    def getFeatures(self, **kwargs):
        ''' This is a Method that returns features (keypoints and descriptors)
            that are obtained by using the FeatureExtractor.Detector object.
                processors: int, optional
                            Number of processors to use, default = 1.
                mask: boolean, optional, default False.
                    Whether to use
            output: keypoints, descriptors
        detector = self.detector
        dset = self.data
        lib = self.lib
        processes = kwargs.get('processors', 1)
        mask = kwargs.get('mask', False)
        origin = kwargs.get('origin', [0, 0])
        winSize = kwargs.get('window_size', 0)

        if mask:

            def mask_func(x, winSize):
                x[origin[0] - winSize / 2:origin[0] + winSize / 2,
                  origin[1] - winSize / 2:origin[1] + winSize / 2] = 2
                x = x - 1
                return x

            mask_ind = np.mask_indices(dset.shape[-1], mask_func, winSize)
            self.data = np.array(
                [imp[mask_ind].reshape(winSize, winSize) for imp in dset])

        # detect and compute keypoints
        def detect(image):
            if lib == 'opencv':
                image = (image - image.mean()) / image.std()
                image = image.astype('uint8')
                k_obj, d_obj = detector.detectAndCompute(image, None)
                keypts, descs = pickle_keypoints(k_obj), pickle_keypoints(

            elif lib == 'skimage':
                imp = (image - image.mean()) / np.std(image)
                imp[imp < 0] = 0
                keypts, descs = detector.keypoints, detector.descriptors

            return keypts, descs

        # start pool of workers
        print('launching %i kernels...' % (processes))
        pool = multiProcess.Pool(processes)
        tasks = [(imp) for imp in self.data]
        chunk = int(self.data.shape[0] / processes)
        jobs = pool.imap(detect, tasks, chunksize=chunk)

        # get keypoints and descriptors
        results = []
        print('Extracting features...')
            for j in jobs:
        except ValueError:
                'ValueError something about 2d-image. Probably some of the detector input params are wrong.'

        keypts = [itm[0].astype('int') for itm in results]
        desc = [itm[1] for itm in results]

        # close the pool
        print('Closing down the kernels... \n')

        return keypts, desc
Ejemplo n.º 22
def random_sparse_spd_matrix(
    dim: IntArgType,
    density: float,
    chol_entry_min: float = 0.1,
    chol_entry_max: float = 1.0,
    random_state: Optional[RandomStateArgType] = None,
) -> np.ndarray:
    """Random sparse symmetric positive definite matrix.

    Constructs a random sparse symmetric positive definite matrix for a given degree
    of sparsity. The matrix is constructed from its Cholesky factor :math:`L`. Its
    diagonal is set to one and all other entries of the lower triangle are sampled
    from a uniform distribution with bounds :code:`[chol_entry_min, chol_entry_max]`.
    The resulting sparse matrix is then given by :math:`A=LL^\\top`.

        Matrix dimension.
        Degree of sparsity of the off-diagonal entries of the Cholesky factor.
        Between 0 and 1 where 1 represents a dense matrix.
        Lower bound on the entries of the Cholesky factor.
        Upper bound on the entries of the Cholesky factor.
        Random state of the random variable. If None (or np.random), the global
        :mod:`numpy.random` state is used. If integer, it is used to seed the local
        :class:`~numpy.random.RandomState` instance.

    See Also
    random_spd_matrix : Generate a random symmetric positive definite matrix.

    >>> from probnum.problems.zoo.linalg import random_sparse_spd_matrix
    >>> sparsemat = random_sparse_spd_matrix(dim=5, density=0.1, random_state=42)
    >>> sparsemat
    array([[1.        , 0.        , 0.        , 0.        , 0.        ],
           [0.        , 1.        , 0.        , 0.        , 0.        ],
           [0.        , 0.        , 1.        , 0.        , 0.24039507],
           [0.        , 0.        , 0.        , 1.        , 0.        ],
           [0.        , 0.        , 0.24039507, 0.        , 1.05778979]])

    # Initialization
    random_state = _utils.as_random_state(random_state)
    if not 0 <= density <= 1:
        raise ValueError(f"Density must be between 0 and 1, but is {density}.")
    chol = np.eye(dim)
    num_off_diag_cholesky = int(0.5 * dim * (dim - 1))
    num_nonzero_entries = int(num_off_diag_cholesky * density)

    if num_nonzero_entries > 0:
        # Draw entries of lower triangle (below diagonal) according to sparsity level
        entry_ids = np.mask_indices(n=dim, mask_func=np.tril, k=-1)
        idx_samples = random_state.choice(a=num_off_diag_cholesky,
        nonzero_entry_ids = (entry_ids[0][idx_samples],

        # Fill Cholesky factor
        chol[nonzero_entry_ids] = random_state.uniform(
            low=chol_entry_min, high=chol_entry_max, size=num_nonzero_entries)

    return chol @ chol.T
rsnlabels = []
for row in range(0, len(labelinfo), 2):

# exponential fit
def func(x, a, b, c):
    return a * np.exp(-b * x) + c

# tsn vs distance
# underlying structure
mask = np.mask_indices(400, np.triu, 1)
masked_tsn = tsn[mask]

# plot tsn distance scatter plot
distance = sklearn.metrics.pairwise_distances(coor)

x = distance[mask]
y = tsn[mask]

data, x_e, y_e = np.histogram2d(x, y, bins=30, density=True)
z = interpn((0.5 * (x_e[1:] + x_e[:-1]), 0.5 * (y_e[1:] + y_e[:-1])),
            np.vstack([x, y]).T,
Ejemplo n.º 24
def minimise_energy(deprot_charges,
    """Minimising function. Iterates through a proton sequence to find the
       combination that provides the miminal energy.

    deprot_charges : ndarray
        charge of residue when deprotonated (1xN array)
    affinities : ndarray
        proton affinities of each residue (1xN array)
    xyz : ndarray
        coordinates for point charges (Nx3)
    charge : int
        target charge state
    coulomb_only : bool
        whether to only calculate Coulomb energy
    verbose : bool
        whether to print results

    proton_seq : ndarray
        current best proton sequence after minimisation
    e_total : float
        total energy of `proton_seq` after minimisation (Only if `coulomb_only`=False)
    e_coulomb : float
            Coulomb energy of `proton_seq` after minimisation
    e_proton : float
            binding energy of `proton_seq` after minimisation
    # Initialise local variables
    proton_seq = moveable_protons(deprot_charges, charge)
    mask = np.mask_indices(len(proton_seq), np.triu, 1)
    distances = distance_matrix(xyz, xyz)[mask]

    if coulomb_only:
        get_energy = lambda: coulomb_energy(proton_seq + deprot_charges,
                                            distances, mask)
        get_energy = lambda: (coulomb_energy(proton_seq + deprot_charges,
                                             distances, mask) - binding_energy(
                                                 proton_seq, affinities))

    # Initial energies
    current_min = get_energy()
    shunt_min = current_min
    counters = [time.process_time(), 0, 0]

    while shunt_min <= current_min:
        counters[1] += 1
        if verbose:
        shunt_min = get_energy()
        best_shunt = [0, 0]
        deprot_sequence = np.where(proton_seq == 0)[0]

        for p in proton_seq.nonzero()[0]:
            proton_seq[p] = 0
            # For all protonatable sites
            for d in deprot_sequence:
                counters[2] += 1
                proton_seq[d] = 1
                e_tot = get_energy()
                if verbose:
                    print('Step {}, {:10.2f} kJ/mol'.format(
                        counters[2], e_tot))
                if e_tot <= shunt_min:
                    shunt_min = e_tot
                    best_shunt = [p, d]
                proton_seq[d] = 0
            proton_seq[p] = 1
        if verbose:
            print('Shunt {} minimum energy {:.2f} kJ/mol'.format(
                counters[1], shunt_min))
        # Update `proton_seq` to best values
        if shunt_min >= current_min:
            e_coulomb = coulomb_energy(proton_seq + deprot_charges, distances,
            e_proton = binding_energy(proton_seq, affinities)
            counters[0] = time.process_time() - counters[0]
            print("Best Sequence\n-------------\n{}".format(proton_seq))
            print("Coulomb energy = {:.2f} kJ/mol".format(e_coulomb))
            if not coulomb_only:
                print("Binding energy = {:.2f} kJ/mol".format(e_proton))
                print("Total energy = {:.2f} kJ/mol".format(current_min))
                "Optimisation completed in {:.2f} seconds after {} shunts in a total of {} steps."
        # Reset `proton_seq` to best sequence to reseed
        proton_seq[best_shunt[0]] = 0
        proton_seq[best_shunt[1]] = 1
        current_min = shunt_min

    return proton_seq, current_min, e_coulomb, e_proton
Ejemplo n.º 25
def mat2arr(mat):
    """Convert distance matrix to array format."""
    arr = mat[np.mask_indices(mat.shape[0], np.tril, -1)]  # use tril
    idx = np.transpose(np.tril_indices(mat.shape[0], -1))
    return arr, idx
def firing_correlation(firing_array,
    General function, not bound by object parameters
    Calculates correlations in 2 windows of a firin_array (defined below) 
        according to either accumulated distance or distance of mean points
    :firing_array: (nrn x trial x time) array of firing rates
    :baseline_window: Tuple of time in ms of what window to take for BASELINE firing
    :stimulus_window: Tuple of time in ms of what window to take for STIMULUS firing
    :data_step_size: Resolution at which the data was binned (if at all)
    :shuffle repeats: How many shuffle repeats to perform for analysis control
    :accumulated:   If True -> will calculate temporally integrated pair-wise distances between all points
                    If False -> will calculate distance between mean of all points  
    # Calculate indices for slicing data
    baseline_start_ind = int(baseline_window[0] / data_step_size)
    baseline_end_ind = int(baseline_window[1] / data_step_size)
    stim_start_ind = int(stimulus_window[0] / data_step_size)
    stim_end_ind = int(stimulus_window[1] / data_step_size)

    pre_dat = firing_array[:, :, baseline_start_ind:baseline_end_ind]
    stim_dat = firing_array[:, :, stim_start_ind:stim_end_ind]

    if accumulated:
        # Calculate accumulated pair-wise distances for baseline data
        pre_dists = np.zeros(
            (pre_dat.shape[1], pre_dat.shape[1], pre_dat.shape[2]))
        for time_bin in range(pre_dists.shape[2]):
            pre_dists[:, :, time_bin] = dist_mat(pre_dat[:, :, time_bin].T,
                                                 pre_dat[:, :, time_bin].T)
        sum_pre_dist = np.sum(pre_dists, axis=2)

        # Calculate accumulated pair-wise distances for post-stimulus data
        stim_dists = np.zeros(
            (stim_dat.shape[1], stim_dat.shape[1], stim_dat.shape[2]))
        for time_bin in range(stim_dists.shape[2]):
            stim_dists[:, :, time_bin] = dist_mat(stim_dat[:, :, time_bin].T,
                                                  stim_dat[:, :, time_bin].T)
        sum_stim_dist = np.sum(stim_dists, axis=2)

        # Remove lower triangle in correlation to not double count points
        indices = np.mask_indices(stim_dat.shape[1], np.triu, 1)
        rho, p = pearsonr(sum_pre_dist[indices], sum_stim_dist[indices])

        pre_mat, stim_mat = sum_pre_dist, sum_stim_dist

        # Calculate accumulate pair-wise distances for baseline data
        mean_pre = np.mean(pre_dat, axis=2)
        mean_pre_dist = dist_mat(mean_pre.T, mean_pre.T)

        # Calculate accumulate pair-wise distances for post-stimulus data
        mean_stim = np.mean(stim_dat, axis=2)
        mean_stim_dist = dist_mat(mean_stim.T, mean_stim.T)

        indices = np.mask_indices(stim_dat.shape[1], np.triu, 1)
        rho, p = pearsonr(mean_pre_dist[indices], mean_stim_dist[indices])

        pre_mat, stim_mat = mean_pre_dist, mean_stim_dist

    rho_sh_vec = np.empty(shuffle_repeats)
    p_sh_vec = np.empty(shuffle_repeats)
    for repeat in range(shuffle_repeats):
        rho_sh_vec[repeat], p_sh_vec[repeat] = pearsonr(
            np.random.permutation(pre_mat[indices]), stim_mat[indices])

    return rho, p, rho_sh_vec, p_sh_vec, pre_mat, stim_mat
import numpy as np

iu = np.mask_indices(3, np.triu)
a = np.arange(9).reshape(3, 3)
iu1 = np.mask_indices(3, np.triu, 1)
Ejemplo n.º 28
def task_fMRI_plots(SBJ, PURE, WL_sec, corr_range):
    # Define segment data
    # -------------------
    if WL_sec == 30:
        if PURE == 'pure':
            seg_df = WL30pure_taskseg_df
            seg_df = WL30_taskseg_df
        if PURE == 'pure':
            seg_df = WL45pure_taskseg_df
            seg_df = WL45_taskseg_df

    # Define PURE varaible based on widget
    # ------------------------------------
    if PURE == 'not pure':
        PURE = ''  # Load data with non pure windows

    # Load task fMRI data
    # -------------------
    file_name = SBJ + '_CTask001_WL0' + str(
        WL_sec) + '_WS01' + PURE + '_NROI0200_dF.mat'  # Data file name
    data_path = osp.join(
        SBJ, 'D02_CTask001', file_name)  # Path to data
    data_df = loadmat(data_path)['CB']['snapshots'][0][0]  # Read data
    num_samp = data_df.shape[0]  # Save number of samples as a varable

    # Create sleep segments plots
    # ---------------------------
    task_color_map = {
        'Rest': 'gray',
        'Memory': 'blue',
        'Video': 'yellow',
        'Math': 'green',
        'Inbetween': 'black'
    }  # Color key for task segments
    seg_x = hv.Segments(seg_df, [
        hv.Dimension('start', range=(-10, num_samp - 1.5)),
        hv.Dimension('start_event', range=(-5, num_samp - 1.5)), 'end',
    ], 'task').opts(color='task',
                    show_legend=True)  # x axis segments
    seg_y = hv.Segments(seg_df, [
        hv.Dimension('start_event', range=(-10, num_samp - 1.5)),
        hv.Dimension('start', range=(-5, num_samp - 1.5)), 'end_event', 'end'
    ], 'task').opts(color='task',
                    show_legend=False)  # y axis segments
    seg_plot = (seg_x * seg_y).opts(xlabel=' ', ylabel=' ',
                                    show_legend=False)  # All segments

    # Compute correlation and distance matrix
    # ---------------------------------------
    data_corr = np.corrcoef(data_df)  # Correlation matrix
    data_dist = pairwise_distances(data_df,
                                   metric='euclidean')  # Distance matrix

    # Compute distribution of correlation and distance matrix
    # -------------------------------------------------------
    triangle = np.mask_indices(num_samp, np.triu,
                               k=1)  # Top triangle mask for matricies
    corr_freq, corr_edges = np.histogram(
        np.array(data_corr)[triangle], 100
    )  # Compute histogram of top triangle of correlation matrix (100 bars)
    dist_freq, dist_edges = np.histogram(
        100)  # Compute histogram of top triangle of distance matrix (100 bars)

    # Create matrix and histogram plots
    # ---------------------------------
    corr_img = hv.Image(
        bounds=(-0.5, -0.5, num_samp - 1.5, num_samp - 1.5)).opts(
            title='Correlation Matrix').redim.range(z=corr_range)
    dist_img = hv.Image(np.rot90(data_dist),
                        bounds=(-0.5, -0.5, num_samp - 1.5,
                                num_samp - 1.5)).opts(cmap='viridis',
                                                      title='Distance Matrix')
    corr_his = hv.Histogram(
        (corr_edges, corr_freq)).opts(xlabel='Correlation',
                                      title='Correlation Histogram')
    dist_his = hv.Histogram(
        (dist_edges, dist_freq)).opts(xlabel='Distance',
                                      title='Distance Histogram')

    corr_img_wseg = (corr_img * seg_plot).opts(
        width=600, height=300, legend_position='right'
    )  # Overlay task segemnt plot with correlation matrix
    dist_img_wseg = (dist_img * seg_plot).opts(
        width=600, height=300, legend_position='right'
    )  # Overlay task segemnt plot with distance matrix

    dash = (corr_img_wseg + corr_his + dist_img_wseg + dist_his).opts(
        opts.Layout(shared_axes=False)).cols(2)  # Dashboard of all plots

    return dash
Ejemplo n.º 29
def rs_fMRI_plots(SBJ, RUN, WL_sec, corr_range):
    # Load rs fMRI data
    # -----------------
    file_name = SBJ + '_fanaticor_Craddock_T2Level_0200_wl' + str(
            3) + 's_ws002s_' + RUN + '_PCA_vk97.5.swcorr.pkl'  # Data file name
    data_path = osp.join('/data/SFIM_Vigilance/PRJ_Vigilance_Smk02/PrcsData',
                         SBJ, 'D02_Preproc_fMRI', file_name)  # Path to data
    data_df = pd.read_pickle(data_path).T  # Read data into pandas data frame
    num_samp = data_df.shape[0]  # Save number of samples as a varable

    # Load sleep segmenting data
    # --------------------------
    seg_path = osp.join(PRJDIR, 'Data', 'Samika_DSet02', 'Sleep_Segments',
                        SBJ + '_' + RUN + '_WL_' + str(WL_sec) +
                        'sec_Sleep_Segments.pkl')  # Path to segment data
    seg_df = pd.read_pickle(seg_path)  # Load segment data

    # Compute correlation and distance matrix
    # ---------------------------------------
    data_corr = np.corrcoef(data_df)  # Correlation matrix
    data_dist = pairwise_distances(data_df,
                                   metric='euclidean')  # Distance matrix

    # Compute distribution of correlation and distance matrix
    # -------------------------------------------------------
    triangle = np.mask_indices(num_samp, np.triu,
                               k=1)  # Top triangle mask for matricies
    corr_freq, corr_edges = np.histogram(
        np.array(data_corr)[triangle], 100
    )  # Compute histogram of top triangle of correlation matrix (100 bars)
    dist_freq, dist_edges = np.histogram(
        100)  # Compute histogram of top triangle of distance matrix (100 bars)

    # Create sleep segments plots
    # ---------------------------
    sleep_color_map = {
        'Wake': 'orange',
        'Stage 1': 'yellow',
        'Stage 2': 'green',
        'Stage 3': 'blue',
        'Undetermined': 'gray'
    }  # Color key for sleep staging
    seg_x = hv.Segments(seg_df, [
        hv.Dimension('start', range=(-10, num_samp - 1.5)),
        hv.Dimension('start_event', range=(-5, num_samp - 1.5)), 'end',
    ], 'stage').opts(color='stage',
                     show_legend=True)  # x axis segments
    seg_y = hv.Segments(seg_df, [
        hv.Dimension('start_event', range=(-10, num_samp - 1.5)),
        hv.Dimension('start', range=(-5, num_samp - 1.5)), 'end_event', 'end'
    ], 'stage').opts(color='stage',
                     show_legend=False)  # y axis segments
    seg_plot = (seg_x * seg_y).opts(xlabel=' ', ylabel=' ',
                                    show_legend=False)  # All segments

    # Create matrix and histogram plots
    # ---------------------------------
    # raterize() fucntion used for big data set
    corr_img = rasterize(
                 bounds=(-0.5, -0.5, num_samp - 1.5, num_samp - 1.5)).opts(
                     cmap='viridis', colorbar=True,
                     title='Correlation Matrix')).redim.range(z=corr_range)
    dist_img = rasterize(
                 bounds=(-0.5, -0.5, num_samp - 1.5,
                         num_samp - 1.5)).opts(cmap='viridis',
                                               title='Distance Matrix'))
    corr_his = rasterize(
            (corr_edges, corr_freq)).opts(xlabel='Correlation',
                                          title='Correlation Histogram'))
    dist_his = rasterize(
        hv.Histogram((dist_edges, dist_freq)).opts(xlabel='Distance',
                                                   title='Distance Histogram'))

    corr_img_wseg = (corr_img * seg_plot).opts(
        width=600, height=300, legend_position='right'
    )  # Overlay sleep segemnt plot with correlation matrix
    dist_img_wseg = (dist_img * seg_plot).opts(
        width=600, height=300, legend_position='right'
    )  # Overlay sleep segemnt plot with distance matrix

    dash = (corr_img_wseg + corr_his + dist_img_wseg + dist_his).opts(
        opts.Layout(shared_axes=False)).cols(2)  # Dashboard of all plots

    return dash
Ejemplo n.º 30
def computeMetrics(infile1, infile2, windowsize, outfile, predictioncelltype,
                   modelcelltype, modelchromosome):
    #try loading HiC matrices
        hicMatrix1 = hm.hiCMatrix(infile1)
        hicMatrix2 = hm.hiCMatrix(infile2)
    except Exception as e:
        msg = "Could not load matrices, probably no cooler format"
        raise SystemExit(msg)

    #check bin sizes, must be equal / same matrix resolution
    binSize1 = hicMatrix1.getBinSize()
    binSize2 = hicMatrix2.getBinSize()
    if binSize1 != binSize2:
        msg = "Aborting. Bin sizes not equal.\n"
        msg += "Bin size 1: {0:d}, bin size 2: {0:d}"
        msg = msg.format(binSize1, binSize2)
        raise SystemExit(msg)
    numberOfDiagonals = int(np.round(windowsize / binSize1))
    if numberOfDiagonals < 1:
        msg = "Window size must be larger than bin size of matrices.\n"
        msg += "Remember to specify window in basepairs, not bins."
        raise SystemExit(msg)

    #check chromosomes
    chromList1 = hicMatrix1.getChrNames()
    chromList2 = hicMatrix2.getChrNames()
    if chromList1 and chromList2:
        chrom1Str = str(chromList1[0])
        chrom2Str = str(chromList2[0])
        if chrom1Str != chrom2Str:
            msg = "Aborting, chromosomes are not the same: {:s} vs. {:s}"
            msg = msg.format(chrom1Str, chrom2Str)
            raise SystemExit(msg)
        if len(chromList1) != 1 or len(chromList2) != 1:
            msg = "Warning, more than one chromosome in the matrix\n"
            msg += "Consider using e.g. hicAdjustMatrix with --keep on the desired chromosome.\n"
            msg += "Only taking the first chrom, {:s}"
            msg = msg.format(chrom1Str)
        msg = "Aborting, no chromosomes found in matrix"
        raise SystemExit(msg)

    sparseMatrix1 = hicMatrix1.matrix
    sparseMatrix2 = hicMatrix2.matrix
    shape1 = sparseMatrix1.shape
    shape2 = sparseMatrix2.shape
    if shape1 != shape2:
        msg = "Aborting. Shapes of matrices are not equal.\n"
        msg += "Shape 1: ({:d},{:d}); Shape 2: ({:d},{:d})"
        msg = msg.format(shape1[0], shape1[1], shape2[0], shape2[1])
        raise SystemExit(msg)
    if numberOfDiagonals > shape1[0] - 1:
        msg = "Aborting. Window size {0:d} larger than matrix size {:d}"
        msg = msg.format(numberOfDiagonals, shape1[0] - 1)
        raise SystemExit(msg)

    trapezIndices = np.mask_indices(shape1[0], maskFunc, k=numberOfDiagonals)
    reads1 = np.array(sparseMatrix1[trapezIndices])[0]
    reads2 = np.array(sparseMatrix2[trapezIndices])[0]

    matrixDf = pd.DataFrame(
        columns=['first', 'second', 'distance', 'reads1', 'reads2'])
    matrixDf['first'] = np.uint32(trapezIndices[0])
    matrixDf['second'] = np.uint32(trapezIndices[1])
    matrixDf['distance'] = np.uint32(matrixDf['second'] - matrixDf['first'])
    matrixDf['reads1'] = np.float32(reads1)
    matrixDf['reads2'] = np.float32(reads2)
    matrixDf.fillna(0, inplace=True)

    pearsonAucIndices, pearsonAucValues = getCorrelation(
        matrixDf, 'distance', 'reads1', 'reads2', 'pearson')
    pearsonAucScore = metrics.auc(pearsonAucIndices, pearsonAucValues)
    spearmanAucIncides, spearmanAucValues = getCorrelation(
        matrixDf, 'distance', 'reads1', 'reads2', 'spearman')
    spearmanAucScore = metrics.auc(spearmanAucIncides, spearmanAucValues)
    corrScoreOPredicted_Pearson = matrixDf[['reads1','reads2']].corr(method= \
    corrScoreOPredicted_Spearman= matrixDf[['reads1', 'reads2']].corr(method= \
    print("PearsonAUC", pearsonAucScore)
    print("SpearmanAUC", spearmanAucScore)

    columns = getResultFileColumnNames(sorted(list(
    resultsDf = pd.DataFrame(columns=columns)
    resultsDf.set_index('Tag', inplace=True)
    tag = 'xxx'
    resultsDf.loc[tag, 'R2'] = metrics.r2_score(matrixDf['reads2'],
                  'MSE'] = metrics.mean_squared_error(matrixDf['reads2'],
                  'MAE'] = metrics.mean_absolute_error(matrixDf['reads2'],
    resultsDf.loc[tag, 'MSLE'] = metrics.mean_squared_log_error(
        matrixDf['reads2'], matrixDf['reads1'])
    resultsDf.loc[tag, 'AUC_OP_P'] = pearsonAucScore
    resultsDf.loc[tag, 'AUC_OP_S'] = spearmanAucScore
    resultsDf.loc[tag, 'S_OP'] = corrScoreOPredicted_Spearman
    resultsDf.loc[tag, 'P_OP'] = corrScoreOPredicted_Pearson
    resultsDf.loc[tag, 'resolution'] = binSize1
    resultsDf.loc[tag, 'modelChromosome'] = modelchromosome
    resultsDf.loc[tag, 'modelCellType'] = modelcelltype
    resultsDf.loc[tag, 'predictionChromosome'] = chrom1Str
    resultsDf.loc[tag, 'predictionCellType'] = predictioncelltype
    for i, pearsonIndex in enumerate(pearsonAucIndices):
        columnName = int(round(pearsonIndex * matrixDf.distance.max()))
        resultsDf.loc[tag, columnName] = pearsonAucValues[i]
    resultsDf = resultsDf.sort_values(by=['predictionCellType','predictionChromosome',
                            'modelCellType','modelChromosome', 'conversion',\
                            'Window','Merge', 'normalize'])
Ejemplo n.º 31
    def __init__(self,

        # Extract configuration parameters
        # Define method to be used in Q-learning. Either Value Iteration (VI) or Policy Iteration (PI)
        self.method = configuration.method

        # Learning parameters
        self.gamma = configuration.learning_rate

        # Sample factor
        self.sample_factor = configuration.sample_factor

        # State Space System dimensions
        self.n, self.m, self.p = SS_dimensions

        # Define action mask of agent (i.e. which inputs it controls)
        self.action_mask = np.ones(self.m).astype('bool')

        # Adapt agent characteristics if a supervisor is present
        if supervisor_action_mask is not None:
            # Correct value of m, if a supervisor is controlling some inputs
            self.m -= np.sum(supervisor_action_mask)

            # Create action mask
            self.action_mask = np.invert(supervisor_action_mask)

        # Number of samples collected for updating H
        min_num_samples = (self.n + self.m + self.p) * (self.n + self.m +
                                                        self.p + 1) / 2
        self.num_samples = int(self.sample_factor * min_num_samples)

        # Initialise Z vector
        self.Z_shape = (self.n + self.m + self.p, 1)
        self.Z_k = None
        self.Z_k_excite = None
        self.Z_k_1 = None
        self.Z_k_1_excite = None
        self.Z_kron_mask = np.mask_indices(self.n + self.m + self.p, np.triu)

        # Create saturation of action amplitude
        self.action_bounds = configuration.action_bounds
        self.min_input = self.action_bounds[:, 0].reshape(
            (self.action_mask.shape[0], 1))
        self.max_input = self.action_bounds[:, 1].reshape(
            (self.action_mask.shape[0], 1))

        # Kernel initialisation
        self.H_shape = ((self.n + self.m + self.p), (self.n + self.m + self.p))
        self.num_independent_vals_H = int(
            (self.n + self.m + self.p) * (self.n + self.m + self.p + 1) / 2)
        self.H_j = None
        self.H_j_vector = None

        # Stabilising control gain initialisation
        self.policy_parameters = None

        # Initialise agent cost
        self.cost_k = None
        self.cost_k_1 = None

        # Compute initial H and K1 matrices
        if H is not None:
            self.H_j = H
            self.policy_parameters = self.calculate_K1()
        self.H_j_vector = self.H_to_H_1D()

        # Create array to store all kernel values
        self.H_storage = np.copy(self.H_j_vector)
        self.Q_storage = np.zeros((1, 0))
        self.u_excite_storage = None

        # Define sample collectors
        # --> Policy Iteration
        self.regr_m_PI = None
        self.regr_v_PI = None

        # --> Value Iteration
        self.regr_m_VI = None
        self.regr_v_VI = None

        # Reset all sample collector arrays

Ejemplo n.º 32
    def getFeatures(self, mask=False, origin=[0, 0], win_size=0, processes=1):
        This is a Method that returns features (keypoints and descriptors)
        that are obtained by using the FeatureExtractor.Detector object.

        processors : int, optional
                    Number of processors to use, default = 1.
        mask : boolean, optional, default False.
            Whether to use

        keypts :
        descs :

        detector = self.detector
        dset = self.data
        lib = self.lib

        if mask:
            def mask_func(x, winSize):
                x[origin[0] - winSize / 2: origin[0] + winSize / 2,
                  origin[1] - winSize / 2: origin[1] + winSize / 2] = 2
                x = x - 1
                return x

            mask_ind = np.mask_indices(dset.shape[-1], mask_func, win_size)
            self.data = np.array([imp[mask_ind].reshape(win_size, win_size) for imp in dset])

        # detect and compute keypoints
        def detect(image):
            if lib == 'opencv':
                image = (image - image.mean()) / image.std()
                image = image.astype('uint8')
                k_obj, d_obj = detector.detectAndCompute(image, None)
                keypts, descs = pickle_keypoints(k_obj), pickle_keypoints(d_obj)

            elif lib == 'skimage':
                imp = (image - image.mean()) / np.std(image)
                imp[imp < 0] = 0
                keypts, descs = detector.keypoints, detector.descriptors

            return keypts, descs

        # start pool of workers
        if processes > 1:
            print('launching %i kernels...' % processes)
            pool = mp.Pool(processes)
            tasks = [imp for imp in self.data]
            chunk = int(self.data.shape[0] / processes)
            jobs = pool.imap(detect, tasks, chunksize=chunk)

            # get keypoints and descriptors
            results = []
            print('Extracting features...')
                for j in jobs:
            except ValueError:
                warnings.warn('ValueError something about 2d-image. Probably some of the detector '
                              'input params are wrong.')

            # close the pool
            print('Closing down the kernels... \n')

            results = [detect(imp) for imp in self.data]

        # get keypoints and descriptors
        keypts = [itm[0].astype('int') for itm in results]
        desc = [itm[1] for itm in results]

        return keypts, desc
Ejemplo n.º 33
# P2.1 产生索引数组
arr3: np.ndarray = arr1.reshape((3, 3))

# where函数,条件为True,则用x中的值;为False,则用y中的值。(Return elements chosen from x or y depending on condition.)
arr3_res = np.where(arr3 > 3, arr3, np.zeros_like(arr3))

# 使用diag_indices获取对角线的索引;ndim可设置维度diag_indices

# diag_indices_from函数,根据数组来取得对角线的索引位置

# 使用mask_indices函数,获取上三角的索引位
print(np.mask_indices(3, np.tril))

# 获取上或下三角索引位的专用函数

# P2.2 类似索引的操作(Indexing-like operations)
# take函数,先将数组arr3展平,然后根据index中的索引值取数,最后形成和index数组同样类型的数组
print(np.take(arr3, np.arange(0, 4)))

# compress函数,根据条件从中筛选出数据;可指定筛选的轴
arr4 = np.compress([0, 1], arr3)  # 如果不指定axis的值,则先将数组展平,再筛选