def emfTitration(ax, massAcid, emf, massSample, concAcid, alk_emf0, alkGuess, rgb, sublabel): """EMF change as acid is added throughout a titration.""" ax.axvline(1e3 * alk_emf0['x'][0] * massSample / concAcid, color=_rgb_final, linestyle='--', zorder=1) ax.axvline(1e3 * alkGuess * massSample / concAcid, color=_rgb_guess, linestyle='--', zorder=1) ax.scatter(massAcid * 1e3, emf, c=rgb, edgecolors='k', clip_on=False, zorder=2) ax.set_xlim([0, np_max(massAcid) * 1e3]) yrange = np_max(emf) - np_min(emf) ax.set_ylim([np_min(emf) - yrange * 0.05, np_max(emf) + yrange * 0.05]) ax.set_xlabel('Acid mass / g') ax.set_ylabel('EMF / mV') ax.set_title('{} Final EMF$^\circ$ = {:.2f} mV'.format( sublabel, alk_emf0['x'][1]), fontsize=10) return ax
def update(self, abs_tol=1e-5, rel_tol=1e-3): ''' during the update step, you calculate the gradient of Q and update w and b. ''' # accumulate the decay rates, in order to correct the averages self.beta_m_ac *= self.beta_m_ac #The update should run after #FFANN.feedForward() and FFANN.backPropagation(). #these will be used to determine if the stopping conditions are satisfied _w2 = 0 _check = 0 self.Q.randomDataPoint() for l in range(self.Q.model.total_layers - 1): for j in range(self.Q.model.nodes[l + 1]): for i in range(self.Q.model.nodes[l]): #get the grad of the loss. The results should be stored in loss.dQdw and loss.dQdb #This way it should be easy to update the weights and biases of FFANN self.Q.grad(l, j, i)[l][j][i] = self.beta_m *[l][j][i] + ( 1 - self.beta_m) * self.Q.dQdw self.vw_max[l][j][i] = np_max([ self.beta_v * self.vw_max[l][j][i], np_abs(self.Q.dQdw) ]) dw = self.alpha / (self.vw_max[l][j][i] + self.epsilon) *[l][j][i] / ( 1 - self.beta_m_ac) #update the weight using loss.dQdw self.Q.model.addToWeight(l, j, i, -dw) _w2 = abs_tol + np_abs( self.Q.model.weights[l][j][i]) * rel_tol _check += (dw / _w2) * (dw / _w2) #update the bias using loss.dQdb (it is the same for all i, so don't run loss.grad again). self.mb[l][j] = self.beta_m * self.mb[l][j] + ( 1 - self.beta_m) * self.Q.dQdb self.vb_max[l][j] = np_max( [self.beta_v * self.vb_max[l][j], np_abs(self.Q.dQdb)]) dw = self.alpha / (self.vb_max[l][j] + self.epsilon ) * self.mb[l][j] / (1 - self.beta_m_ac) self.Q.model.addToBias(l, j, -dw) _w2 = abs_tol + np_abs(self.Q.model.biases[l][j]) * rel_tol _check += (dw / _w2) * (dw / _w2) _check = np_sqrt(1. / self.Q.N * _check) return _check
def plot_optimized_network(network, blocking=True, save_plot=True): _title = 'Optimized network vs. non-optimized' figure(_title) graph = network.network_plot plot_layout = spring_layout(graph) balls = network.get_ball_distribution() print(network.ref_distribution) print(balls) min_val = 0 max_val = max([np_max(network.ref_distribution), np_max(balls)]) cmap = cm.Greys color_vals = cm.ScalarMappable(cmap=cmap, norm=Normalize(vmin=min_val, vmax=max_val)) color_vals._A = [] subplot(2, 1, 1) title('Initial network') colorbar(color_vals) draw_networkx_edges(graph, plot_layout, alpha=.3) draw_networkx_nodes(graph, plot_layout, node_size=100, edgecolors='k', node_color=network.ref_distribution, cmap=cmap, vmin=min_val, vmax=max_val) axis('off') # Disable axis subplot(2, 1, 2) title('Optimized network') colorbar(color_vals) draw_networkx_edges(graph, plot_layout, alpha=.3) draw_networkx_nodes(graph, plot_layout, node_size=100, edgecolors='k', node_color=balls, cmap=cmap, vmin=min_val, vmax=max_val) axis('off') draw() if save_plot: savefig('../results/optimized_network.png') show(block=blocking) # Open matplotlib window
def count_seq(x): stop = np_nonzero(np_diff(np_hstack((x, 0))) == -1) start = np_nonzero(np_diff(np_hstack((0, x))) == 1) ld = {} if len(start[0]): d = stop[0] - start[0] + 1 for ll in xrange(np_max((np_min(d), 2)), np_max(d) + 1): ld[str(ll)] = np_sum((d == ll).astype(int)) return ld
def guessGran(massAcid, emf, tempK, massSample, concAcid): """Simple Gran plot first guesses for alkalinity and EMF0.""" f1Guess = f1(massAcid, emf, tempK, massSample) LGuess = logical_and( f1Guess > 0.1*np_max(f1Guess), f1Guess < 0.9*np_max(f1Guess), ) alkGuess = granAlkGuess(massAcid[LGuess], f1Guess[LGuess], massSample, concAcid) emf0Guess = mean(granEmf0Guess(massAcid[LGuess], emf[LGuess], tempK[LGuess], massSample, concAcid, alkGuess)) hGuess = emf2h(emf, emf0Guess, tempK) pHGuess = -log10(hGuess) return alkGuess, emf0Guess, hGuess, pHGuess
def quality(data): _z_ = logreg_predict(data)[0] sample = X[ y==_z_ ] sample_ = X[ y==(1-_z_) ] d = np_linalg_norm( [data] - sample ) d_ = np_linalg_norm( [data] - sample_ ) r = np_max( d_ )/np_max( d ) # r = np_mean( d )/np_mean( d_ ) # r = np_min( d )/np_min( d_ ) # r = 0.5 * ( r + recall ) if r > 1: r = abs( 1-r ) r = 0.5 * ( r + recall ) return str( r )
def get_arrows_plt(mesh_pv, field, meshsol, factor, is_point_arrow, phase=1): """Create a pyvista arrow plot Parameters ---------- mesh_pv : UnstructuredGrid a pyvista mesh object field : ndarray a vector field to plot as glyph meshsol : MeshSolution a MeshSolution object factor : float an amplitude factor for the glyph plot is_point_arrow : bool True to plot arrows on the nodes phase : complex a phase shift to apply on the plot Returns ------- arrows_plt : PolyData a pyvista object to plot glyph factor : float an amplitude factor for the plot glyph """ vect_field = real(field * phase) # Compute factor if factor is None: factor = 0.2 * np_max(np_abs(mesh_pv.bounds)) / np_max(np_abs(vect_field)) # Add third dimension if needed solution = meshsol.get_solution() if solution.dimension == 2: vect_field = hstack((vect_field, zeros((vect_field.shape[0], 1)))) # Add field to mesh if is_point_arrow: mesh_pv.vectors = vect_field * factor arrows_plt = mesh_pv.arrows else: mesh_pv["field"] = vect_field mesh_cell = mesh_pv.point_data_to_cell_data() surf = mesh_cell.extract_geometry() centers2 = surf.cell_centers() centers2.vectors = surf["field"] * factor arrows_plt = centers2.arrows return arrows_plt, factor
def prep(datFile, volSample, pSal, totalCarbonate, totalPhosphate, totalSilicate, concAcid, WhichKs=10, WhoseKSO4=1, WhoseKF=1, WhoseTB=2, totalAmmonia=0, totalH2Sulfide=0): """Preparatory calculations for plotting.""" massAcid, emf, tempK, massSample, concTotals, eqConstants = \ datfile.prep(datFile, volSample, pSal, totalCarbonate, totalPhosphate, totalSilicate, WhichKs=WhichKs, WhoseKSO4=WhoseKSO4, WhoseKF=WhoseKF, WhoseTB=WhoseTB, totalAmmonia=totalAmmonia, totalH2Sulfide=totalH2Sulfide) f1Guess = solve.f1(massAcid, emf, tempK, massSample) LGuess = logical_and( f1Guess > 0.1 * np_max(f1Guess), f1Guess < 0.9 * np_max(f1Guess), ) alkGuess, emf0Guess, _, pHGuess = solve.guessGran(massAcid, emf, tempK, massSample, concAcid) granEmf0 = solve.granEmf0Guess(massAcid[LGuess], emf[LGuess], tempK[LGuess], massSample, concAcid, alkGuess) L = logical_and(pHGuess > 3, pHGuess < 4) alk_emf0 = solve.complete(massAcid, emf, tempK, massSample, concAcid, concTotals, eqConstants) h = solve.emf2h(emf, alk_emf0['x'][1], tempK) mu =, massSample) alkSim = simulate.alk(h, mu, concTotals, eqConstants) alk0Sim = (alkSim[0] + massAcid * concAcid / (massAcid + massSample)) / mu RMS = sqrt(mean(alk_emf0['fun']**2)) Npts = len(alk_emf0['fun']) rgb = zeros((len(emf), 3)) for i in range(len(rgb)): if LGuess[i] and L[i]: rgb[i] = _rgb_both elif LGuess[i] and not L[i]: rgb[i] = _rgb_guess elif L[i] and not LGuess[i]: rgb[i] = _rgb_final else: rgb[i] = array([1, 1, 1]) return (massAcid, emf, massSample, f1Guess, LGuess, alkGuess, emf0Guess, granEmf0, alk_emf0, alkSim, alk0Sim, RMS, Npts, rgb)
def mmr_geometricmedian(X): (m,n)=X.shape u=mean(X,axis=0) niter=1000 xeps=sqrt(np_sum(u**2))/1000 xerr=2*xeps for i in range(niter): d2u=sqrt(np_sum((X-tile(u,(m,1)))**2,axis=1)) inul=where(d2u<xeps)[0] d2u[inul]=xeps unext=np_sum(X/tile(d2u.reshape((m,1)),(1,n)),axis=0)/np_sum(ones(m)/d2u) if np_max(unext-u)<xerr: break u=copy(unext) return(unext,i,np_max(unext-u))
def comp_point_ref(self, is_set=False): """Compute the point ref of the Surface Parameters ---------- self : SurfLine A SurfLine object is_set: bool True to update the point_ref property Returns ------- point_ref : complex the reference point of the surface """ middle_array = array([line.get_middle() for line in self.get_lines()]) point_ref = sum(middle_array) / middle_array.size # Use another method if the point is not is the surface if not self.is_inside(Z=point_ref, if_online=False): middle_array_abs = abs(middle_array) # Find "min abs" middle mid_id = argmin(middle_array_abs) Zmid = middle_array[mid_id] H = np_max(middle_array_abs) - np_min(middle_array_abs) point_ref = (abs(Zmid) + H / 100) * exp(1j * angle(Zmid)) if is_set: self.point_ref = point_ref return point_ref
def update(self, abs_tol=1e-5, rel_tol=1e-3): ''' update should return a number that when it is smaller than 1 the main loop stops. Here I choose this number to be: sqrt(1/dim*sum_{i=0}^{dim}(grad/(abs_tol+x*rel_tol))_i^2) ''' # accumulate the decay rates, in order to correct the averages self.beta_m_ac *= self.beta_m_ac _w2 = 0 _check = 0 self.Q.averageGrad() for i in range(self.dim): self.mE[i] = self.beta_m * self.mE[i] + ( 1 - self.beta_m) * self.Q.grad[i] self.v_max[i] = np_max( [self.beta_v * self.v_max[i], np_abs(self.Q.grad[i])]) dw = self.alpha / (self.v_max[i] + self.epsilon) * self.mE[i] / ( 1 - self.beta_m_ac) self.Q.model.w[i] = self.Q.model.w[i] - dw _w2 = abs_tol + np_abs(self.Q.model.w[i]) * rel_tol _check += (dw / _w2) * (dw / _w2) self.Q.grad[i] = 0 _check = np_sqrt(1. / self.dim * _check) return _check
def get_field(self, axes_list): """Returns the values of the field (with symmetries and sums). Parameters ---------- self: Data a Data object axes_list: list a list of RequestedAxis objects Returns ------- values: ndarray values of the field """ values = self.values for axis_requested in axes_list: # Rebuild symmetries when needed axis_symmetries = self.axes[axis_requested.index].symmetries if ( axis_requested.transform == "fft" and axis_requested.is_pattern or axis_requested.extension in ["sum", "rss", "mean", "rms", "integrate"] and axis_requested.is_pattern ): values = take(values, axis_requested.rebuild_indices, axis_requested.index) elif axis_requested.transform == "fft" and "antiperiod" in axis_symmetries: nper = axis_symmetries["antiperiod"] axis_symmetries["antiperiod"] = 2 values = rebuild_symmetries(values, axis_requested.index, axis_symmetries) axis_symmetries["antiperiod"] = nper elif axis_requested.indices is not None: if ( axis_requested.extension in ["sum", "rss", "mean", "rms", "integrate"] or max(axis_requested.indices) > values.shape[axis_requested.index] ): values = rebuild_symmetries( values, axis_requested.index, axis_symmetries ) self.axes[axis_requested.index].symmetries = dict() # sum over sum axes if axis_requested.extension == "sum": values = np_sum(values, axis=axis_requested.index, keepdims=True) # root sum square over rss axes elif axis_requested.extension == "rss": values = sqrt(np_sum(values ** 2, axis=axis_requested.index, keepdims=True)) # mean value over mean axes elif axis_requested.extension == "mean": values = np_mean(values, axis=axis_requested.index, keepdims=True) # RMS over rms axes elif axis_requested.extension == "rms": values = sqrt( np_mean(values ** 2, axis=axis_requested.index, keepdims=True) ) # integration over integration axes elif axis_requested.extension == "integrate": values = trapz( values, x=axis_requested.values, axis=axis_requested.index ) / (np_max(axis_requested.values) - np_min(axis_requested.values)) return values
def mmr_geometricmedian_ker(K): m = K.shape[0] Ka = mean(K, axis=1) niter = 1000 xeps = sqrt(np_sum(Ka**2)) / 1000 xerr = 2 * xeps Q = linalg.qr(K)[0] Ra = dot(Q.T, Ka) aKa = dot(Ra, Ra) for i in range(niter): d2u = sqrt((zeros(m) + aKa) + diag(K) - 2 * Ka) inul = where(d2u < xeps)[0] d2u[inul] = xeps Kanext=np_sum(K/tile(d2u.reshape((m,1)),(1,m)),axis=0) \ /np_sum(ones(m)/d2u) du = np_sum((K - tile(Ka, (m, 1))).T / tile(d2u, (m, 1)), axis=1) print(sqrt(np_sum(du**2))) if np_max(Kanext - Ka) < xerr: Ka = copy(Kanext) Ra = dot(Q.T, Ka) aKa = dot(Ra, Ra) break Ka = copy(Kanext) Ra = dot(Q.T, Ka) aKa = dot(Ra, Ra) return (Ka, aKa)
def get_fit(self, fit_type, data, order, smooth, degree, begin, end, weight=None): z1 = np_zeros(begin) z2 = np_zeros(len(data[0]) - end) if end == 0: end = None x = data[0][begin:end] y = data[1][begin:end] if weight is not None: weight = weight[begin:end] if fit_type == "spline": f = inter.UnivariateSpline(x, y, w=weight, k=order, s=smooth) else: f =, y, degree, w=weight) res = y - f(x) nfit = f(x) / np_max(f(x)) corr = concatenate((z1, nfit, z2)) fitc = [x, f(x), corr, res] return fitc
def maximum_spread(self, pareto_front=None, reference_front=None): ## MS function """ It addresses the range of objective function values and takes into account the proximity to the true Pareto front""" pareto_front, reference_front = self.get_pareto_front_reference_front( pareto_front, reference_front) n_objs = reference_front.shape[1] pf_max = np_max(pareto_front, axis=0) pf_min = np_min(pareto_front, axis=0) rf_max = np_max(reference_front, axis=0) rf_min = np_min(reference_front, axis=0) ms = 0 for i in range(0, n_objs): ms += ((min(pf_max[i], rf_max[i]) - max(pf_min[i], rf_min[i])) / (rf_max[i] - rf_min[i]))**2 return sqrt(ms / n_objs)
def plot_animated(self, i): """Return the pyvista mesh object. Parameters ---------- self : Mode a Mode object i : int index of the mode to plot Returns ------- mesh : pyvista.core.pointset.StructuredGrid a pyvista StructuredGrid object """ radial_shape = self.get_shape_pol()[:, 0] shape_xyz = self.get_shape_xyz() clim = [np_min(radial_shape), np_max(radial_shape)] self.parent.mesh.plot_deformation_animated( shape_xyz, radial_shape, factor=0.05, field_name="Radial displacement", clim=clim, )
def mmr_geometricmedian_ker(K): m=K.shape[0] Ka=mean(K,axis=1) aKa=np_sum(Ka)/m niter=1000 xeps=sqrt(np_sum(Ka**2))/100 xerr=2*xeps e1=ones(m) for iiter in range(niter): ## d2u=sqrt((zeros(m)+aKa)+diag(K)-2*Ka) d2u_2=aKa+diag(K)-2*Ka ineg=where(d2u_2<0)[0] d2u_2[ineg]=0.0 d2u=sqrt(d2u_2) inul=where(d2u<xeps)[0] d2u[inul]=xeps xdenom=np_sum(e1/d2u) Kanext=np_sum(K/outer(d2u,e1),axis=0)/xdenom aKanext=np_sum(Ka/d2u)/xdenom if np_max(Kanext-Ka)<xerr: Ka=copy(Kanext) aKa=aKanext break Ka=copy(Kanext) aKa=aKanext return(Ka,aKa)
def components(ax, massAcid, alk0Sim, alkSim, sublabel): """Every component of alkalinity throughout a titration.""" ax.plot(massAcid * 1e3, -log10(alk0Sim), label='Total alk.', marker='o', markersize=3, c='k', clip_on=False) for component in alkSim[1].keys(): if component.startswith('-'): # this is a bit sketchy yVar = -alkSim[1][component] else: yVar = alkSim[1][component] if np_any(yVar > 0): ax.plot(massAcid * 1e3, -log10(yVar), label=rgbs_names[component][1], marker='x', markersize=3, c=rgbs_names[component][0], clip_on=False) ax.set_xlim([0, np_max(massAcid) * 1e3]) ax.set_ylim(ax.get_ylim()[::-1]) ax.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(1.05, 1)) ax.set_xlabel('Acid mass / g') ax.set_ylabel('$-$log$_{10}$(concentration from pH / mol$\cdot$kg$^{-1}$)') ax.set_title(sublabel, fontsize=10) return ax
def train(self): pop = [self.create_solution() for _ in range(self.pop_size)] v_max = 0.5 * (self.ub - v_min = zeros(self.problem_size) v_list = uniform(v_min, v_max, (self.pop_size, self.problem_size)) pop_local = deepcopy(pop) g_best = self.get_global_best_solution(pop=pop, id_fit=self.ID_FIT, id_best=self.ID_MIN_PROB) N_CLS = int(self.pop_size / 5) # Number of chaotic local searches for epoch in range(self.epoch): r = rand() list_fits = [item[self.ID_FIT] for item in pop] fit_avg = mean(list_fits) fit_min = np_min(list_fits) for i in range(self.pop_size): w = self.__get_weights__(pop[i][self.ID_FIT], fit_avg, fit_min) v_new = w * v_list[i] + self.c1 * rand() * (pop_local[i][self.ID_POS] - pop[i][self.ID_POS]) + \ self.c2 * rand() * (g_best[self.ID_POS] - pop[i][self.ID_POS]) x_new = pop[i][self.ID_POS] + v_new x_new = self.amend_position_random_faster(x_new) fit_new = self.get_fitness_position(x_new) pop[i] = [x_new, fit_new] # Update current position, current velocity and compare with past position, past fitness (local best) if fit_new < pop_local[i][self.ID_FIT]: pop_local[i] = [x_new, fit_new] g_best = self.update_global_best_solution(pop, self.ID_MIN_PROB, g_best) ## Implement chaostic local search for the best solution cx_best_0 = (g_best[self.ID_POS] - / (self.ub - ) # Eq. 7 cx_best_1 = 4 * cx_best_0 * (1 - cx_best_0) # Eq. 6 x_best = + cx_best_1 * (self.ub - # Eq. 8 fit_best = self.get_fitness_position(x_best) if fit_best < g_best[self.ID_FIT]: g_best = [x_best, fit_best] bound_min = stack( [, g_best[self.ID_POS] - r * (self.ub -]) = np_max(bound_min, axis=0) bound_max = stack( [self.ub, g_best[self.ID_POS] + r * (self.ub -]) self.ub = np_min(bound_max, axis=0) pop_new_child = [ self.create_solution() for _ in range(self.pop_size - N_CLS) ] pop_new = sorted(pop, key=lambda item: item[self.ID_FIT]) pop = pop_new[:N_CLS] + pop_new_child self.loss_train.append(g_best[self.ID_FIT]) if self.verbose: print(">Epoch: {}, Best fit: {}".format( epoch + 1, g_best[self.ID_FIT])) self.solution = g_best return g_best[self.ID_POS], g_best[self.ID_FIT], self.loss_train
def alkComponents(titrationPotentiometric, ax=None): t = titrationPotentiometric assert 'alkSteps' in vars(t), \ 'You must first run `titrationPotentiometric.get_alkSteps().`' # Get the 'used' values solver = 'complete' # only valid option for now usedMin = np_min(t.volAcid[t.solvedWith[solver]]) usedMax = np_max(t.volAcid[t.solvedWith[solver]]) # Draw the plot ax = _checksetax(ax) ax.plot(t.volAcid, -log10(t.alkSteps), label='Total alk.', marker='o', markersize=_markersize, c='k', alpha=_alpha) for component, conc in t.alkComponents.items(): if np_any(conc != 0): ax.plot(t.volAcid, -log10(np_abs(conc)), **rgbs[component]) ax.add_patch( patches.Rectangle((usedMin, ax.get_ylim()[1]), usedMax - usedMin, ax.get_ylim()[0] - ax.get_ylim()[1], facecolor=0.9 * ones(3))) ax.invert_yaxis() ax.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(1.05, 1), edgecolor='k') ax.set_xlabel('Acid volume / ml') ax.set_ylabel('$-$log$_{10}$(concentration from pH / mol$\cdot$kg$^{-1}$)') return ax
def statistic(float_set): """ This function calculates standard statistical metrics over a list of floats. :param float_set: list of float :return: Dictionary of float and list of float Statistic of the set of instances {mean:, median:, min:, max:, sample_variance:, samples:} """ float_set_size = len(float_set) # Calculate the sample mean factor = 1 / float_set_size sample_mean = factor * np_sum(float_set) # Calculate the standard deviation factor = 1 / (float_set_size - 1) sample_variance = sqrt(factor * np_sum((float_set - sample_mean)**2)) minimum = np_min(float_set) maximum = np_max(float_set) median_dist = median(float_set) return { 'mean': sample_mean, 'median': median_dist, 'min': minimum, 'max': maximum, 'sv': sample_variance, 'samples': float_set }
def solve_FEMM(self, output, sym, FEMM_dict): # Loading parameters for readibility angle = output.mag.angle qs = output.simu.machine.stator.winding.qs # Winding phase number Npcpp = output.simu.machine.stator.winding.Npcpp L1 = output.simu.machine.stator.comp_length() Nt_tot = output.mag.Nt_tot # Number of time step Na_tot = output.mag.Na_tot # Number of angular step # Create the mesh femm.mi_createmesh() # Initialize results matrix Br = zeros((Nt_tot, Na_tot)) Bt = zeros((Nt_tot, Na_tot)) Tem = zeros((Nt_tot, 1)) Phi_wind_stator = zeros((Nt_tot, qs)) # Compute the data for each time step for ii in range(Nt_tot): # Update rotor position and currents update_FEMM_simulation( output, FEMM_dict["materials"], FEMM_dict["circuits"], self.is_mmfs, self.is_mmfr, j_t0=ii, ) # Run the computation femm.mi_analyze() femm.mi_loadsolution() # Get the flux result for jj in range(Na_tot): Br[ii, jj], Bt[ii, jj] = femm.mo_getgapb("bc_ag2", angle[jj] * 180 / pi) # Compute the torque Tem[ii] = comp_FEMM_torque(FEMM_dict, sym=sym) # Phi_wind computation Phi_wind_stator[ii, :] = comp_FEMM_Phi_wind(qs, Npcpp, is_stator=True, Lfemm=FEMM_dict["Lfemm"], L1=L1, sym=sym) # Store the results output.mag.Br = Br output.mag.Bt = Bt output.mag.Tem = Tem output.mag.Tem_av = mean(Tem) if output.mag.Tem_av != 0: output.mag.Tem_rip = abs( (np_max(Tem) - np_min(Tem)) / output.mag.Tem_av) output.mag.Phi_wind_stator = Phi_wind_stator # Electromotive forces computation (update output) self.comp_emf()
def halfGran(massAcid, emf, tempK, massSample, concAcid, concTotals, eqConstants, pHRange=[3., 4.], suppressWarnings=False): """Solve for alkalinity and EMF0 using the half-Gran method [H15].""" xmu = mu(massAcid, massSample) granReps = int(20) stepAlk = full(granReps, nan) stepEmf0 = full(granReps, nan) granHSO4 = zeros(size(emf)) granHF = zeros(size(emf)) granG = full((granReps, size(emf)), nan) granH = full((granReps, size(emf)), nan) granEmf0 = full((granReps, size(emf)), nan) granPH = full((granReps, size(emf)), nan) converged = False for i in range(granReps): if i == 0: granG[i] = f1(massAcid, emf, tempK, massSample) LG = granG[i] > 0.1*np_max(granG[i]) else: LG = logical_and(granPH[i-1] > pHRange[0], granPH[i-1] < pHRange[1]) stepAlk[i] = granAlkGuess(massAcid[LG], granG[i, LG], massSample, concAcid) PPC = 5e-3 # permitted % change in AT if i > 2: if np_abs(stepAlk[i] - stepAlk[i-1])/stepAlk[i] < PPC/100: converged = True break granEmf0[i, LG] = granEmf0Guess(massAcid[LG], emf[LG], tempK[LG], massSample, concAcid, stepAlk[i], granHSO4[LG], granHF[LG]) stepEmf0[i] = nanmean(granEmf0[i]) granH[i] = emf2h(emf, stepEmf0[i], tempK) granPH[i] = -log10(granH[i]) granBicarb = xmu*concTotals['C']/(granH[i]/eqConstants['C1'] + 1) granHSO4 = xmu*concTotals['S']/(1 + eqConstants['S']/granH[i]) granHF = xmu*concTotals['F']/(1 + eqConstants['F']/granH[i]) granBorate = xmu*concTotals['B']/(1 + granH[i]/eqConstants['B']) granOH = eqConstants['w']/granH[i] granPP2 = (xmu*concTotals['P']*(1 - eqConstants['P1']*eqConstants['P2']/(granH[i]**2)) / (1 + eqConstants['P1']/granH[i] + eqConstants['P2']*eqConstants['P3']/granH[i]**2 + eqConstants['P1']*eqConstants['P2']*eqConstants['P3']/granH[i]**3)) if i < granReps-1: granG[i+1] = (granH[i] + granHSO4 + granHF - granBicarb - granOH - granBorate + granPP2)*(massSample + massAcid) if converged: finalAlk = stepAlk[~isnan(stepAlk)][-1] finalEmf0 = stepEmf0[~isnan(stepEmf0)][-1] else: if not suppressWarnings: print('Calkulate: half-Gran plot iterations did not converge!') finalAlk = nan finalEmf0 = nan optResult = { 'x': [finalAlk, finalEmf0], 'L': LG, } return optResult
def plot_hsm(ax, result, wavelengths): """ Plotter of a HSM result ---------------------- :param ax: ax object to edit :param result: result to plot :param wavelengths: wavelengths used to get result. Will become x-axis :return: None. Edits ax object """ def lorentzian(params, x): """ Lorentzian formula. Taken from SPectrA ---------------- :param params: Parameters of lorentzian. Need to be four. :param x: x-axis. Wavelengths :return: array of values for current parameters and wavelengths """ return params[0] + params[1] / ((x - params[2])**2 + (0.5 * params[3])**2) # scatter plot of actual results ax.scatter(wavelengths, result['intensity']) try: # try to fit and plot fit over wavelengths_ev = 1240 / linspace( np_min(wavelengths), np_max(wavelengths), num=50) hsm_fit = lorentzian(result['fit_parameters'], wavelengths_ev) ax.plot(1240 / wavelengths_ev, hsm_fit, 'r--') except: pass # set axis to same range every time ax.set_xlim(np_min(wavelengths) - 30, np_max(wavelengths) + 30) try: # add fit info if possible text = '\n'.join((r'SPR (nm)=%.1f' % (result['result'][0], ), r'linewidth (meV)=%.1f' % (result['result'][1], ), r'r^2=%.1f' % (result['result'][2], ))) props = dict(boxstyle='round', facecolor='white', alpha=0.5) ax.text(0.05, 0.95, text, transform=ax.transAxes, verticalalignment='top', bbox=props) except: pass
def norm(array): from numpy import nanmin as np_min from numpy import nanmax as np_max norm_array = (array - np_min(array)) / (np_max(array) - np_min(array)) return norm_array
def log_datakeeper_step_result(simulation, datakeeper_list, index, simu_type): """Log the content of the datakeeper for the step index (if index=None, use reference)""" if simulation.layer == 2: msg = " " else: msg = "" if simu_type is not None: msg += simu_type + " " if simulation.index is None: msg += "Reference " msg += "Results: " for datakeeper in datakeeper_list: if index is None: value = datakeeper.result_ref else: value = datakeeper.result[index] # Format log if isinstance(value, ndarray): msg += (datakeeper.symbol + "=array(min=" + format(np_min(value), ".4g") + ",max=" + format(np_max(value), ".4g") + ")") elif isinstance(value, list): msg += (datakeeper.symbol + "=list(min=" + format(np_min(value), ".4g") + ",max=" + format(np_max(value), ".4g") + ")") elif isinstance(value, Data) or isinstance(value, VectorField): msg += datakeeper.symbol + "=" + type(value).__name__ elif value is None: pass # msg += datakeeper.symbol + "=None" else: msg += datakeeper.symbol + "=" + format(value, ".4g") if value is not None: if datakeeper.unit is not None: msg += " [" + datakeeper.unit + "], " else: msg += ", " msg = msg[:-2] # Get logger of the main simulation in parallel mode if simulation.logger_name[0:8] == "Parallel": log = getLogger(simulation.logger_name[9:]) else: log = simulation.get_logger()
def deduplicate_and_interpolate(x, y, **kwargs): """ As interp1d has issues with duplicates, fix x and y so that it works """ dedup_dict = defaultdict(list) for x_i, y_i in zip(x, y): dedup_dict[x_i].append(y_i) fixed_x, fixed_y = zip(*[(x_i, np_max(y_i)) for x_i, y_i in dedup_dict.items()]) return interp1d(fixed_x, fixed_y, **kwargs)
def add_curve(self, curve): """ Add a curve to the bounding box. :param curve: Curve to add to bounding box. :type curve: :class:`.BezierCurve` or :class:`.NurbsCurve` """ cp = curve.cp bmin = np_min(cp, axis=0) bmax = np_max(cp, axis=0) self.set_bounds(bmin, bmax)
def show_entropy(xyz, H): H_color = (H - np_min(H)) / (np_max(H) - np_min(H)) fig = figure() ax = Axes3D(fig) xyz_b = xyz[where(H_color <= 0.25)[0]] xyz_r = xyz[where(H_color > 0.75)[0]] print(np_min(H), np_max(H), H[1], H_color[1], H_color, xyz_b.shape, xyz_r.shape) # xyz_g = xyz[where((H_color>0.25) and (H_color<=0.75))[0]] # ax.scatter(xyz[:,0],xyz[:,1],xyz[:,2], c=H_color) ax.scatter(xyz_b[:, 0], xyz_b[:, 1], xyz_b[:, 2], color='b') # ax.scatter(xyz_g[:,0],xyz_g[:,1],xyz_g[:,2], color='g') ax.scatter(xyz_r[:, 0], xyz_r[:, 1], xyz_r[:, 2], color='r') ax.set_xticks(arange(-1, 1, 0.2)) ax.set_yticks(arange(-1, 1, 0.2)) ax.set_zticks(arange(-1, 1, 0.2)) grid()
def f1Gran(ax, massAcid, massSample, concAcid, f1Guess, alkGuess, rgb, sublabel): """F1 Gran plot function for the first alkalinity estimate.""" ax.axvline(1e3 * alkGuess * massSample / concAcid, color=_rgb_guess, linestyle='--', zorder=1) ax.scatter(massAcid * 1e3, f1Guess * 1e-7, c=rgb, edgecolors='k', clip_on=False, zorder=2) ax.set_xlim([0, np_max(massAcid) * 1e3]) ax.set_ylim([0, np_max(f1Guess * 1.05e-7)]) ax.set_xlabel('Acid mass / g') ax.set_ylabel('$F_1 \cdot 10^{-7}$') ax.set_title('{} First-guess alkalinity = {:.1f} μmol/kg'.format( sublabel, alkGuess * 1e6), fontsize=10) return ax
def draw_concentric_contours(steps, text, textposition, title, filename, plotly_data=[], steps_mode='lines, text, markers', debug_print=False): ply_data = [] if plotly_data is not None: ply_data.extend(plotly_data) ams = [] if steps is None and debug_print: print("No steps") elif debug_print: print("{}: steepest-descent: start at x0={}".format(title, x0)) print("number of steps for Steepest Descent={}".format(steps.shape[1])) sef = True for k, ec in zip(ks, ecs): d, am, _ = qfc.level_k_ellipsoid(A, b, c, alpha, beta, k=k, ellipsoid_color=ec, show_eigenvectors=sef, debug_print=debug_print) sef = False ply_data.extend(d) ams.append(am) if steps is not None: steps_ply_data = Scatter_R2(steps[0], steps[1], color='rgb(0,0,140)', width=1., mode=steps_mode, text=text, textposition=textposition, textfontsize=18, hoverinfo='x+y') ply_data.append(steps_ply_data) axes_max = np_max(np_abs(ams)) plot_it_R2(ply_data, axes_max, title=title, filename=filename, buffer_scale=1., buffer_fixed=.1) return
def plot_density(data, smooth = False): min = 0 max = np_max(data) data = np.ravel(data) count = np.bincount(data, minlength=max + 1) nums = np.arange(min, max+1, 1) if smooth: nums_new = np.linspace(min, max, 1000) count_new = spline(nums, count, nums_new) fig = plt.figure() if smooth: plt.plot(nums_new, count_new) else: plt.plot(nums, count)
def makeColourProfile(self): """Make a colour profile based on ksig information""" working_data = np_array(self.kmerSigs, copy=True) Center(working_data,verbose=0) p = PCA(working_data) components = p.pc() # now make the colour profile based on PC1 self.kmerVals = np_array([float(i) for i in components[:,0]]) # normalise to fit between 0 and 1 self.kmerVals -= np_min(self.kmerVals) self.kmerVals /= np_max(self.kmerVals) if(False): plt.figure(1) plt.subplot(111) plt.plot(components[:,0], components[:,1], 'r.')
label = Base[0 : Base.find(".txt")].replace("_", " ") n_Components = len(Components) Wmin_vector = zeros(n_Components) Wmax_vector = zeros(n_Components) for j in range(len(Components)): Wavelength = pv.get_ColumnData( [0], Components_Folder + Components[j], HeaderSize=0, StringIndexes=False, comments_icon="#", unpack_check=True, ) Wmin_vector[i], Wmax_vector[i] = np_min(Wavelength), np_max(Wavelength) Axis3D.bar3d(log10(Age), metallicity, Wmin_vector, ones(len(Age)), ones(len(metallicity)), Wmax_vector) # Axis3D.xaxis.set_scale('log') # Axis3D.xaxis.set_xlim(100000, 5e10) # pv.DataPloter_One(Age, metallicity, label, pv.Color_Vector[2][i+2], LineStyle=None) # Plot_Title = 'Stellar bases used in SSP synthesis' # Plot_ylabel = 'Metallicity' # Plot_xlabel = 'Age ' + r'$(yr)$' # # pv.Labels_Legends_One(Plot_Title, Plot_xlabel, Plot_ylabel, LegendLocation = 'best')
def mmr_normalization(ilocal,iscale,XTrain,XTest,ipar): ## function to normalize the input and the output data ## !!!! the localization happens before normalization if both given !!! ## input ## ilocal centralization ## =-1 no localization ## =0 mean ## =1 median ## =2 geometric median ## =3 shift by ipar ## =4 smallest enclosing ball ## =5 row mean row wise ## icenter ## =-1 no scaling ## =0 scale item wise by L2 norm ## =1 scale item wise by L1 norm ## =2 scale item wise by L_infty norm ## =3 scale items by stereographic projection relative to zero ## =4 scale variables by STD(standard deviation) ## =5 scale variables by MAD(median absolute deviation) ## =6 scale variables by absolute deviation ## =7 scale all variables by average STD ## =8 scale all variables by maximum STD ## =9 scale all variables by median MAD ## =10 scale item wise by Minkowski norm, power given by ipar ## =11 \sum_i||u-x_i||/m where u=0 ## =12 scale all variables by overall max ## =13 Mahalonobis scaling ## XTrain Data matrix which will be normalized. It assumed the ## rows are the sample vetors and the columns are variables ## XTest Data matrix which will be normalized. It assumed the ## rows are the sample vetors and the columns are ## variables. ## It herites the center and the scale in the variable wise ca## se from the XTrain, ## otherwise it is normalized independently ## ipar additional parameter ## output ## XTrain Data matrix which is the result of the normalization ## of input XTrain. It assumed the rows are the sample ## vetors and the columns are variables ## XTest Data matrix which is the result of the normalization ## of input XTest. It assumed the rows are the sample ## vetors and the columns are variables. ## opar the radius in case of ixnorm=2. ## if XTest is None: XTest=array([]) opar=0; (mtrain,n)=XTrain.shape if len(XTest.shape)>=2: mtest=XTest.shape[0] elif len(XTest.shape)==1: mtest=XTest.shape[0] XTest=XTest.reshape((mtest,1)) else: mtest=0 XTest=array([]) if ilocal==-1: pass elif ilocal==0: ## mean xcenter=mean(XTrain,axis=0) elif ilocal==1: ## median xcenter=median(XTrain,axis=0) elif ilocal==2: ## geometric median xcenter=mmr_geometricmedian(XTrain)[0] elif ilocal==3: ## shift by ipar xcenter=ipar elif ilocal==4: ## smallest comprising ball xalpha=mmr_outerball(0,XTrain) xcenter=dot(XTrain.T,xalpha) elif ilocal==5: ## row mean row wise xcenter=mean(XTrain,axis=1) if ilocal in (0,1,2,3,4): XTrain=XTrain-tile(xcenter,(mtrain,1)) if mtest>0: XTest=XTest-tile(xcenter,(mtest,1)) elif ilocal==5: XTrain=XTrain-outer(xcenter,ones(n)) if mtest>0: xcenter=mean(XTest,axis=1) XTest=XTest-outer(xcenter,ones(n)) ## itemwise normalizations if iscale==-1: pass elif iscale==0: ## scale items by L2 norm xscale_tra=sqrt(np_sum(XTrain**2,axis=1)) if mtest>0: xscale_tes=sqrt(np_sum(XTest**2,axis=1)) elif iscale==1: ## scale items by L1 norm xscale_tra=np_sum(abs(XTrain),axis=1) if mtest>0: xscale_tes=np_sum(abs(XTest),axis=1) elif iscale==2: ## scale items by L_infty norm xscale_tra=np_max(abs(XTrain),axis=1) if mtest>0: xscale_tes=np_max(abs(XTest),axis=1) elif iscale==10: ## scale items by Minowski with ipar xscale_tra=np_sum(abs(XTrain)**ipar,axis=1)**(1/ipar) if mtest>0: xscale_tes=np_sum(abs(XTest)**ipar,axis=1)**(1/ipar) if iscale in (0,1,2,10): xscale_tra=xscale_tra+(xscale_tra==0) XTrain=XTrain/tile(xscale_tra.reshape(mtrain,1),(1,n)) if mtest>0: xscale_tes=xscale_tes+(xscale_tes==0) XTest=XTest/tile(xscale_tes.reshape(mtest,1),(1,n)) if iscale==3: ## scale items by stereographic projection relative to zero xnorm2=np_sum(XTrain**2,axis=1) R=ipar xhom=ones(mtrain)/(xnorm2+R**2) xhom2=xnorm2-R**2 XTrain=concatenate((2*R**2*XTrain*outer(xhom,ones(n)),R*xhom2*xhom), \ axis=1) if mtest>0: xnorm2=np_sum(XTest**2,axis=1) xhom=ones(mtest)/(xnorm2+R**2) xhom2=xnorm2-R**2 XTest=concatenate((2*R**2*XTest*outer(xhom,ones(n)),R*xhom2*xhom), \ axis=1) ## variable wise normalization relative to zero ## test has to use of the training scale if iscale==-1: pass elif iscale==4: ## scale vars by std to zeros center xscale=std(XTrain,axis=0) ## xscale=sqrt(mean(XTrain**2,axis=0)) elif iscale==5: ## scale vars by mad xscale=median(abs(XTrain),axis=0) elif iscale==6: ## scale vars by absolut deviation xscale=mean(abs(XTrain),axis=0) if iscale in (4,5,6): xscale=xscale+(xscale==0) XTrain=XTrain/tile(xscale,(mtrain,1)) if mtest>0: XTest=XTest/tile(xscale,(mtest,1)) if iscale==-1: pass if iscale==7: ## scale vars by average std to zero center ## xscale=mean(std(XTrain,axis=0)) xscale=mean(sqrt(mean(XTrain**2,axis=0))) elif iscale==8: ## scale vars by max std to zero center ## xscale=np_max(std(XTrain,axis=0)) xscale=np_max(sqrt(mean(XTrain**2,axis=0))) elif iscale==9: ## scale vars by median mad xscale=median(median(abs(XTrain),axis=0)) elif iscale==11: ## \sum_i||u-x_i||/m where u=0 xscale=mean(sqrt(np_sum(XTrain**2,axis=1))) elif iscale==12: ## \sum_i||u-x_i||/m where u=0 xscale=XTrain.max() ## print(xscale) if iscale in (7,8,9,11,12): xscale=xscale+(xscale==0) XTrain=XTrain/xscale if mtest>0: XTest=XTest/xscale if iscale==13: ## scale by Mahalonobis xsigma=dot(XTrain.T,XTrain) ## covariance [w,v]=linalg.eigh(xsigma) iw=where(w<=10**(-10))[0] w[iw]=0.0 iw=where(w>0.0)[0] w_sqinv=zeros(XTrain.shape[1]) w_sqinv[iw]=1/sqrt(w[iw]) XTrain=dot(XTrain,v)*outer(ones(mtrain),w_sqinv) if mtest>0: XTest=dot(XTest,v)*outer(ones(mtest),w_sqinv) return(XTrain,XTest,opar)
def findNewClusterCenters(self, ss=0): """Find a putative cluster""" inRange = lambda x, l, u: x >= l and x < u # we work from the top view as this has the base clustering max_index = np_argmax(self.blurredMaps[0]) max_value = self.blurredMaps[0].ravel()[max_index] max_x = int(max_index / self.PM.scaleFactor) max_y = max_index - self.PM.scaleFactor * max_x max_z = -1 ret_values = [max_value, max_x, max_y] start_span = int(1.5 * self.span) span_len = 2 * start_span + 1 if self.debugPlots: self.plotRegion(max_x, max_y, max_z, fileName="Image_" + str(self.imageCounter), tag="column", column=True) self.imageCounter += 1 # make a 3d grid to hold the values working_block = np_zeros((span_len, span_len, self.PM.scaleFactor)) # go through the entire column (x_lower, x_upper) = self.makeCoordRanges(max_x, start_span) (y_lower, y_upper) = self.makeCoordRanges(max_y, start_span) super_putative_row_indices = [] for p in self.im2RowIndicies: if inRange(p[0], x_lower, x_upper) and inRange(p[1], y_lower, y_upper): for row_index in self.im2RowIndicies[p]: # check that the point is real and that it has not yet been binned if row_index not in self.PM.binnedRowIndicies and row_index not in self.PM.restrictedRowIndicies: # this is an unassigned point. multiplier = np_log10(self.PM.contigLengths[row_index]) self.incrementAboutPoint3D( working_block, p[0] - x_lower, p[1] - y_lower, p[2], multiplier=multiplier ) super_putative_row_indices.append(row_index) # blur and find the highest value bwb = ndi.gaussian_filter(working_block, 8) # self.blurRadius) densest_index = np_unravel_index(np_argmax(bwb), (np_shape(bwb))) max_x = densest_index[0] + x_lower max_y = densest_index[1] + y_lower max_z = densest_index[2] # now get the basic color of this dense point putative_center_row_indices = [] (x_lower, x_upper) = self.makeCoordRanges(max_x, self.span) (y_lower, y_upper) = self.makeCoordRanges(max_y, self.span) (z_lower, z_upper) = self.makeCoordRanges(max_z, 2 * self.span) for row_index in super_putative_row_indices: p = np_around(self.PM.transformedCP[row_index]) if inRange(p[0], x_lower, x_upper) and inRange(p[1], y_lower, y_upper) and inRange(p[2], z_lower, z_upper): # we are within the range! putative_center_row_indices.append(row_index) # make sure we have something to go on here if np_size(putative_center_row_indices) == 0: # it's all over! return None if np_size(putative_center_row_indices) == 1: # get out of here but keep trying # the calling function may restrict these indices return [[np_array(putative_center_row_indices)], ret_values] else: total_BP = sum([self.PM.contigLengths[i] for i in putative_center_row_indices]) if not self.isGoodBin(total_BP, len(putative_center_row_indices), ms=5): # Can we trust very small bins?. # get out of here but keep trying # the calling function should restrict these indices return [[np_array(putative_center_row_indices)], ret_values] else: # we've got a few good guys here, partition them up! # shift these guys around a bit center_k_vals = np_array([self.PM.kmerVals[i] for i in putative_center_row_indices]) k_partitions = self.partitionVals(center_k_vals) if len(k_partitions) == 0: return None else: center_c_vals = np_array([self.PM.transformedCP[i][-1] for i in putative_center_row_indices]) # center_c_vals = np_array([self.PM.averageCoverages[i] for i in putative_center_row_indices]) center_c_vals -= np_min(center_c_vals) c_max = np_max(center_c_vals) if c_max != 0: center_c_vals /= c_max c_partitions = self.partitionVals(center_c_vals) # take the intersection of the two partitions tmp_partition_hash_1 = {} id = 1 for p in k_partitions: for i in p: tmp_partition_hash_1[i] = id id += 1 tmp_partition_hash_2 = {} id = 1 for p in c_partitions: for i in p: try: tmp_partition_hash_2[(tmp_partition_hash_1[i], id)].append(i) except KeyError: tmp_partition_hash_2[(tmp_partition_hash_1[i], id)] = [i] id += 1 partitions = [ np_array([putative_center_row_indices[i] for i in tmp_partition_hash_2[key]]) for key in tmp_partition_hash_2.keys() ] # pcs = [[self.PM.averageCoverages[i] for i in p] for p in partitions] # print pcs return [partitions, ret_values]
def _calculate_stats(self, xs, ys): ag = self.analysis_group ag.attribute = self.options.index_attr ag.weighted_age_error_kind = self.options.error_calc_method ag.include_j_error_in_mean = self.options.include_j_error_in_mean ag.include_j_error_in_individual_analyses = self.options.include_j_error mswd, valid_mswd, n = self.analysis_group.get_mswd_tuple() if self.options.mean_calculation_kind == 'kernel': wm, we = 0, 0 delta = 1 maxs, _mins = find_peaks(ys, xs, delta=delta, lookahead=1) wm = np_max(maxs, axis=1)[0] else: wage = self.analysis_group.weighted_age wm, we = wage.nominal_value, wage.std_dev return wm, we, mswd, valid_mswd # def _calc_error(self, we, mswd): # ec = self.options.error_calc_method # n = self.options.nsigma # if ec == 'SEM': # a = 1 # elif ec == 'SEM, but if MSWD>1 use SEM * sqrt(MSWD)': # a = 1 # if mswd > 1: # a = mswd ** 0.5 # return we * a * n # ============= EOF ============================================= # def _add_mean_indicator2(self, g, scatter, bins, probs, pid): # offset = 0 # percentH = 1 - 0.954 # 2sigma # # maxp = max(probs) # wm, we, mswd, valid_mswd = self._calculate_stats(self.xs, self.xes, # bins, probs) # #ym = maxp * percentH + offset # #set ym in screen space # #convert to data space # ogid = self.group_id # gid = ogid + 1 # sgid = ogid * 3 # # ym = maxp * 0.1 * gid # # s, p = g.new_series( # [wm], [ym], # type='scatter', # marker='circle', # #selection_marker_size=3, # marker_size=3, # #selection_marker='circle', # #selection_color=scatter.color, # #selection_outline_color=scatter.color, # color=scatter.color, # plotid=0 # ) # # g.set_series_label('Mean-{}'.format(gid), series=sgid + 2, plotid=pid) # # self._add_error_bars(s, [we], 'x', self.options.nsigma) # # display_mean_indicator = self._get_plot_option(self.options, # 'display_mean_indicator', default=True) # if not self.options.display_mean_indicator: # s.visible = False # # label = None # # display_mean = self._get_plot_option(self.options, 'display_mean_text', default=True) # if self.options.display_mean: # text = self._build_label_text(wm, we, mswd, valid_mswd, len(self.xs)) # # font = self._get_plot_option(self.options, 'data_label_font', default='modern 12') # self._add_data_label(s, text, (wm, ym), # # font=font # ) # # add a tool to move the mean age point #, # label=label, # constrain='y'))
def loadData(self, timer, condition, # condition as set by another function bids=[], # if this is set then only load those contigs with these bin ids verbose=True, # many to some output messages silent=False, # some to no output messages loadCovProfiles=True, loadKmerPCs=True, loadKmerVarPC=True, loadRawKmers=False, makeColors=True, loadContigNames=True, loadContigLengths=True, loadContigGCs=True, loadBins=False, loadLinks=False): """Load pre-parsed data""" timer.getTimeStamp() if(silent): verbose=False if verbose: print "Loading data from:", self.dbFileName try: self.numStoits = self.getNumStoits() self.condition = condition self.indices = self.dataManager.getConditionalIndices(self.dbFileName, condition=condition, silent=silent) if(verbose): print " Loaded indices with condition:", condition self.numContigs = len(self.indices) if self.numContigs == 0: print " ERROR: No contigs loaded using condition:", condition return if(not silent): print " Working with: %d contigs" % self.numContigs if(loadCovProfiles): if(verbose): print " Loading coverage profiles" self.covProfiles = self.dataManager.getCoverageProfiles(self.dbFileName, indices=self.indices) self.normCoverages = self.dataManager.getNormalisedCoverageProfiles(self.dbFileName, indices=self.indices) # work out average coverages self.averageCoverages = np_array([sum(i)/self.numStoits for i in self.covProfiles]) if loadRawKmers: if(verbose): print " Loading RAW kmer sigs" self.kmerSigs = self.dataManager.getKmerSigs(self.dbFileName, indices=self.indices) if(loadKmerPCs): self.kmerPCs = self.dataManager.getKmerPCAs(self.dbFileName, indices=self.indices) if(verbose): print " Loading PCA kmer sigs (" + str(len(self.kmerPCs[0])) + " dimensional space)" self.kmerNormPC1 = np_copy(self.kmerPCs[:,0]) self.kmerNormPC1 -= np_min(self.kmerNormPC1) self.kmerNormPC1 /= np_max(self.kmerNormPC1) if(loadKmerVarPC): self.kmerVarPC = self.dataManager.getKmerVarPC(self.dbFileName, indices=self.indices) if(verbose): print " Loading PCA kmer variance (total variance: %.2f" % np_sum(self.kmerVarPC) + ")" if(loadContigNames): if(verbose): print " Loading contig names" self.contigNames = self.dataManager.getContigNames(self.dbFileName, indices=self.indices) if(loadContigLengths): self.contigLengths = self.dataManager.getContigLengths(self.dbFileName, indices=self.indices) if(verbose): print " Loading contig lengths (Total: %d BP)" % ( sum(self.contigLengths) ) if(loadContigGCs): self.contigGCs = self.dataManager.getContigGCs(self.dbFileName, indices=self.indices) if(verbose): print " Loading contig GC ratios (Average GC: %0.3f)" % ( np_mean(self.contigGCs) ) if(makeColors): if(verbose): print " Creating color map" # use HSV to RGB to generate colors S = 1 # SAT and VAL remain fixed at 1. Reduce to make V = 1 # Pastels if that's your preference... self.colorMapGC = self.createColorMapHSV() if(loadBins): if(verbose): print " Loading bin assignments" self.binIds = self.dataManager.getBins(self.dbFileName, indices=self.indices) if len(bids) != 0: # need to make sure we're not restricted in terms of bins bin_stats = self.getBinStats() for bid in bids: try: self.validBinIds[bid] = bin_stats[bid][0] self.isLikelyChimeric[bid]= bin_stats[bid][1] except KeyError: self.validBinIds[bid] = 0 self.isLikelyChimeric[bid]= False else: bin_stats = self.getBinStats() for bid in bin_stats: self.validBinIds[bid] = bin_stats[bid][0] self.isLikelyChimeric[bid] = bin_stats[bid][1] # fix the binned indices self.binnedRowIndices = {} for i in range(len(self.indices)): if(self.binIds[i] != 0): self.binnedRowIndices[i] = True else: # we need zeros as bin indicies then... self.binIds = np_zeros(len(self.indices)) if(loadLinks): self.loadLinks() self.stoitColNames = self.getStoitColNames() except: print "Error loading DB:", self.dbFileName, exc_info()[0] raise
color = Grid_Values['zGas'].index(parameter_divider) label = r'$Z = {logage}$'.format(logage = round(float(parameter_divider) * 0.02, 3)) x_values, y_values = Ar_S_model(Line_dict, threshold = 4) if (x_values != None) and (y_values != None): dz.data_plot(x_values, y_values, color=dz.ColorVector[2][color], label=label, markerstyle='o') x_linealFitting = hstack([x_linealFitting, x_values]) y_linealFitting = hstack([y_linealFitting, y_values]) #Lineal model lineal_mod = LinearModel(prefix='lineal_') Lineal_parameters = lineal_mod.guess(y_linealFitting, x=x_linealFitting) x_lineal = linspace(np_min(x_linealFitting), np_max(x_linealFitting), 100) y_lineal = Lineal_parameters['lineal_slope'].value * x_lineal + Lineal_parameters['lineal_intercept'].value dz.data_plot(x_lineal, y_lineal, label='Lineal fitting', color = 'black', linestyle='-') # #Plot fitting formula formula = r"$log\left(Ar^{{+2}}/Ar^{{+3}}\right) = {m} \cdot log\left(S^{{+2}}/S^{{+3}}\right) + {n}$".format(m=round(Lineal_parameters['lineal_slope'].value,3), n=round(Lineal_parameters['lineal_intercept'].value, 3)) # formula2 = r"$m = {m} \pm {merror}; n = {n} \pm {nerror}$".format(m=round(m[0],3), merror=round(m_err[0],3), n=round(n[0],3), nerror=round(n_err[0],3)) dz.Axis.text(0.50, 0.15, formula, transform=dz.Axis.transAxes, fontsize=20) # dz.Axis.text(0.50, 0.08, formula2, transform=dz.Axis.transAxes, fontsize=20) #Plot wording xtitle = r'$log([SIII]/[SIV])$' ytitle = r'$log([ArIII]/[ArIV])$' title = 'Argon - Sulfur ionic relation in Cloudy photoionization models' dz.FigWording(xtitle, ytitle, title, axis_Size = 20.0, title_Size = 20.0, legend_size=20.0, legend_loc='upper left') # dz.Axis.set_xlim(0,6)
#Calculate the grid point abundances #x_values, y_values = Ar_S_model(Line_dict, threshold = 4, z = float(Model_dict['zGas'])) x_values, y_values = Ar_S_abundances_model(Line_dict, diags, Ar3, Ar4, S3, S4, 3) if (x_values != None) and (y_values != None): dz.data_plot(x_values, y_values, color=dz.ColorVector[2][color], label=label, markerstyle='o') x_linealFitting = hstack([x_linealFitting, x_values]) y_linealFitting = hstack([y_linealFitting, y_values]) #Lineal model lineal_mod = LinearModel(prefix='lineal_') Lineal_parameters = lineal_mod.guess(y_linealFitting, x=x_linealFitting) x_lineal = linspace(0, np_max(x_linealFitting), 100) y_lineal = Lineal_parameters['lineal_slope'].value * x_lineal + Lineal_parameters['lineal_intercept'].value dz.data_plot(x_lineal, y_lineal, label='Lineal fitting', color = 'black', linestyle='-') # #Plot fitting formula formula = r"$log\left(Ar^{{+2}}/Ar^{{+3}}\right) = {m} \cdot log\left(S^{{+2}}/S^{{+3}}\right) + {n}$".format(m=round(Lineal_parameters['lineal_slope'].value,3), n=round(Lineal_parameters['lineal_intercept'].value, 3)) dz.Axis.text(0.50, 0.15, formula, transform=dz.Axis.transAxes, fontsize=20) #Plot wording xtitle = r'$log\left(S^{{+2}}/S^{{+3}}\right)$' ytitle = r'$log\left(Ar^{{+2}}/Ar^{{+3}}\right)$' title = 'Argon - Sulfur ionic abundances for several cluster ages and masses' dz.FigWording(xtitle, ytitle, title, axis_Size = 20.0, title_Size = 20.0, legend_size=20.0, legend_loc='upper left') #Display figure
def get_value_for_data_only(self, values): """ Return the maximum value """ return np_max(values)